THK KLAMATH NEWS WEDNESDAY, NOVEMRER 80, 1927. PAGE NIN1? XOTICK !' HAI.K OF IlKAL ' I'HOPKHTY Kill OKI. IS. ;l KT IMPIIOVKMKNT AH- HKHHMKNT, liy virtue of a wurranl InNix-u by llie Police J nil Hi- of lh (lly of Khininlh Falls. Oregon, dated in. inn liny ot auvuuiiiur, n. I" . lS7, and lo me directed, notice la hereby given I lull I hive levied iipon Hi. following deaerlbed real properly, lo-wlt: , l.ot 0, llliK'k 34. Hillside Addl- lion in ih City or K la inn ih Kalla, Oregon, Inken uud levied upon na the properly of Itobert Crawford, lu aallaluctlon of a1 lertnln acwer lien rreited and noraeieii uy me ny ut niniiiaiu rani,, uri'Rini, ior n propori lonuie ahare of the coat of improving Mil Hewer l ull which anld lien la doekeletl lu Volume a of the Cliy Men HtM-kct of anld Cliy ut nag,. HI there,, ,,,, ,,, ,, f t", ,t v """i'V r, . , .'" given thut the uiidcralgned will, on the 22 duy of December A. I. ; 1 1 r 7 . at the hour of lu o'clock , A M. of anld day, ol the front door of the city Hall lu auld City. M'll ut pnbllt' u in lion lo the t . , I ., u I .i .I, , Tt ! la real property, or an much thereof ua inuy be iioccaanry lo autlafy the nbove Hi-ll III Ihu aum of togeiher Willi lliti-reat ihereon nt the rule of n per cent ,.,.... MIMU, .vtuy A. 11. 1927. uud together Willi roata ami dlaburacllieula ol aale hereunder. KKITII K. AMIIIIOHK. Chief of I'ollce or Hie City of Klnmuth Kulla, Ore. 23.3U-D7. 11.21 NOTICK. H' HAI.K III' ItK.AI. riUil-llltTV Mill Dill. IV- Ol UNT I M 111(11 UMKXT . AH- HKKHMKXT. lly virtue of a warrant lamird .by the I'ollce Judge of the Clly ..f Ul,....fl. k1..),. O .1 , the 1 91 1, Jay of November.' A. D . 1327. on. I lu mo' notl public nuriioii lo ib UUht but- .... . ... ... . la hereby given (lint I hive levied upon the following described rwil Kroner If lo.wll- At II, liliH-k ,. Lnkeslde Addl- 11011 to city or Kliimnth Kalla. Oregon. Inken and levk-d. unon ua the properly of T. Ambrogcitl. in auiiaiaciiou ot a certain pnv- ln lie. er...,...l ...I .l.-.k bv Ihn CUv of Klnmalh Palla. Ore. .oil. fjr a proportionate ahare of the coal of Improving 4Mb llll- nrnveinenl I nil whleb aald II. n la dmkeied In Volume of the Clly Men Deckel ot aald city lit (age 39 lliereof on Ihn date of March 15. A. D. 1927. In Ihe aum f 11.12 01. Notice la alao here- by given that the iinderalgned will, on Ihe 12nd day of Dec ember. A.' D. 1927. at Ihe hour of to o'clock A. M. of aald day. at th front door of the City at tn iront noor oi tne i ny Hall In aald City, aell at public auction to the hlgheat bidder for ..b In hand, the aforementioned KKITII K. AMIIIIOHK. r-i.i 1...11..;. ..' ii... fite'of ' i-t. .... i. k-.ii. e.,i,iMii ...... w. N:3,30-D7.l 1.21 XOTICK OK HAI.K. OK IIK.ll. I'ltol'KIITV KOII IIKI.IX. OlKXT IMPltOVKMKXT AH HKHH.MKXT. Ity vlrtiie or a warrunt iHaned by Hie Pollci . . .. " , . , of Klamath Kalla, Oregon, daled Hie 19th day of November. A. I) . ,.'.). ate, l ,'"- ' ""', " la hereby given thut I hive ,..i r ...i ' upon Ibe following deicrlbcd real property, lo-w II : l.ol 4. block . Sernnd Hot Spring. Addltli.oHie City of iMi maiii r an, "J '".. " j v. ... .. .. ,, . .., , .i - Nellie 1 Soroail In ..Itislac or, of a ...rinln Paving lien creuled und hy the t Ity of Klamath ralla. Oregon lor H, pro- portlonale ahure of the coni oft Improving 83rd Improvement I'nll which mild Hen la docketed in Volume of the Clly Lien Doc ket of anld Clly at Page M there of on the dale of May 3rd. A. D. 1927 In Iho aum of I5S6.1 1. Notice I. nlso hereby given that tho undersigned will, on the 22nd day cf Decemln-r. A. I. 1927, at Ihe hour of 10 o'clock A. M. of nald duy. at the front door of lb t lly nan in snm liy. en at ,i,i,t: nil. 1 111 111 ....... i der for rush In hand. Ihe nfore- monlloned and described reul pro- l.criy. or o much thereof na may be: neceasnry lo autlafy ihe nbove public aiictlcn to tne Highest mil- Hen In Ihe sum nf 35S8.1I. to- grther Wllh Interest thereon nt j Ihe rale of 8 percent per nullum trom Hie 3rd dny of Muy. A. D. 1927. nnd together wllh Iho eola uotl deerrlbed real property, or ao tesi. and to mo (llr.-ted. notice . auction to in. nigneai oiu- --; " ' property, or so mi , .. ..... 1.. ......... la herebv alven thai I tuV levied der for raah In band. Hie afore- "Poll the following described real may be neeeaaary aary lo aallaty the ab.v Hen "P"" Ihe following, deaerlbed real . mentioned and deaerlbed real pn.iwrty lo-wli : above lien In the aum of 150.57. . !.t 4.' block In lb aum of 2.U .!.. together l-roperty. to-wlt:- property, or ao much thereof aa '-"t - 'l".' f0'''' A'V '' together with Intereat thereon nt I r)pw Addltlon w ith Interest Ibeit on al the rnle '"' morg 11. second Ad- ""Jr aan.iy me " - ........... -. ,e nue o, . i--r inn per nn- , Klamath Kalis. Oregon, take ... . .... .., r... IN in Ihn Cliy of Klamalll above Hen In the aum of 143 12. Oregon, taken and levied unon ,,, frm ,hp 24th d ly of May. ; 1' T'" ' fk. ' roD, the 151k day of March A D Oregon, taken and levied together with Inler.-.t ihereon as the pr.perty of ( . (.. p.-ebler. A. II.. 1927. nnd together w-ith ' . j0kn -ai in aatisfacticn of a; rale , Per ctrni inn lain lay 01 Jurin. a. ii. . antlafnct on of a certain aew- the roala and dih,,ren,.ni ..f 01 Jonn ,ale' in 01 om .he 1Aia daJr of :nd,lVbr":f,e" Mockliu.: inaallafac or .;;: from the 24,1, day of , er Hen cn.ted docketed by sale ,.er.;uder; , d".dRby!H,e',CUy nS I '"f -;: nnd disbursements ol sale here- Mouse, in aatistactlon or n rer- togetner wmi tne costs und nts ndftP . tnln aewer Hen created and doc- buraenienia or sale hereunder. ' ' KKITII K. AMBROSE, keled by the (ity of Klamath KKITII K. AMBROSE. ' chief of Police of the (ity of I Fnlls, Oregon, for a proportion-1 Chief of Police of the City of .' t-1 1. Vail. Iti-a. - N2J.30-D7.1 1.21 XOTICK OF HAI.K OF IIK.ll. I1IOPKIITV I'oll IIKI.IX-, (.il'KXT IMPHOVKMKXT AH-' HKHH.MKXT. lly virtue of a wurrntit laaued by the Police Judge of the City of Klamath Falls. Oregon, onieti Ihn Hull dav of November. A. D., 1927. nnd lo me directed, notice I. I.... ..I. el.,.n Ihnt I h ivo levied . ""-, "..... .. ..... ..- .I......I1....I .....I UPOn 1110 lOHO.III t,en,.i..,,. ..... nroiierlv. to-wll : laOl 22. Hluek .11, necoini ,o- dltlon lo the (itv of Klntiinth t-'hiu ot-ouon. taken nnd levied upon ua Ihe properly of A. J.1 lliii.klittr In antlafnclion ol B cor- laln aewer Hen created and doc- keled hy Ihe City of Klnmalh Kail. Oregon, ror n pioimruon- ule ahare or the rosl of Improv- l. ail. Sewer l nil wnicn aain Hen Is docketed in Volume R of the CHy Lien Docket of anld City nt Wigo 10!) tlierouf ou the dale of May (4 A. It. 127, liiNOTMK OP HAI.K OF IIK.ll, d Hi,, or 143.12. Nutlce I. alao hereby given Hint III. under- -Ik I will, mi I Ik. (2nd day ol HH.-rml wr A. I. in 27. at Ihe dour r lu o'clock A. M. ol said day, at tin, fi.nil dour of Hi- (ilv Hull lu auld (ilv. II at nubile of aucllnn In the highest bidder rlir ,.,,1, baud, the nfore- mentioned and dcacrlhod real properly, or an iimeh thereof aa limy be neeeaaary lo autlafy Ih abov lien lu Ihu an in of 143.12, together wlih lulereat Ihereon at n,. rnlH ( a .r ,.,.( (.r . , lriim n,r jm, ,(y ( nv a , ruv; and togeiher wllh n. ,. ni diaburaemenia of ,( hereunder KKITII K. AMIIIIOHK, f'lil..r f.r ImII,-m ,,r Hi. f'llv nf Klumulti Kalla, Ore. vvn ih.iit 1 1 t . '.!:. X1T,.K ,, HliK (, K I'ltol-KltTV Kill I.K.I. yl KT IMI'HOVK.MKXT . IIKAI, t IN. A SI.HMMKNT. It v virtue of a wnrranl leaned hy the 1'ollre Judge of I lie City of Kluinuth Kalla, Oregon, dated ., ... ....' . ,, ''' UH't " e .,,..-,,e... iimti.- hereby given Hint I Intve levied upon the following deaerlbed real property, to-wlt: I Lot 21, llloek 31, Hecond Ad-i il It Ion to Hie City of Kramntli rulla, Oregon, taken and levied , ., -, , . , , Hocking. In aullafni'tlou of a ,,, ,' ,,,' ,.:,,,... ... certain aewer lien created und ' docketed by the City of Klamalll rail". Oregon, fur a proportion- ate ahare of the coat of Improv- lug Mh Kewer I'nlt which nil il Hen la docketed 111 Volume 6 f , ,. H i,0,., of .d City nl page (i thereof on Ibe date of Mny 21 A II. 1927. In' Ihu aum of 143 12. Notice la alao herel.e given Hint the undor- algnril will, on the 2 : 11(1 day of December A. D. 1927. at Hie hour of lu o'clock A. M of aald .I.V . tit ,l.u.r ,i ,i. 'CHy Hall in aald City, aell at der for caah In hand, the afore- mentioned and dcacrlhed reul i,e,.,.rlt. ,.r .., n,n..h ,l..r...r . may be neeeaaary to autlafy Hie al.ive lieu In Hie aum of 14 3.1 2. together with Intereat ibertmn at the rate of 6 per cent per annum from Hie 2tth duy ot , . I It. l.7 . .. . ....... k... will, Ih. ctal. and di.loir... nienia of anl. hereunder. KKITII K. AM IIHOSK. Chief t I'oll,-.. of Ih. Cllv of Klamath Kalla. Ore.;""' ahare of Hie coat of Improv N23.30 - D7.1 4.21 . XOTICK OK HAI.K OK III: 11 ikii-hitv tint nil iv. (JIKXT INII'HOVK.HKNT KKHSMKXT. ny viriue oi a warrant taauea ; by the Police Judge of the -City I lly virtue of a warrant laaued ! or Klamath Kalla. Oregon, dated 'I- ltli day of November. A. I) . 1 eated and keted by lb. Clly of Klnmnth Kalla, Orrgon. for a iiroi,,irtlon- ate ahare of tile coat of Imnrov-I , . ' lien la dockeled in Volume 5 of the City Men Docket of aaid t'lly nl page 109 thereof on the i date of May 21 A. D. 1927. In ihe aum of 143.12. Notice la alao hcro'.y given that the un- .l...Ul....l l,l ..H (t... ,.... I .1 .. , ,m,H.r A ' ,3:!" , ,, I hour or 10 o'clock A. M. of aald day. at the front door t.f the City Hull in aaid Clly. sell at tilthll. nl,eti..n t.i fit. Itleht 1.1.1. der for cuah In hand, the afore- mentioned nnd deatrihed real ' property, or fo niin-li lliereof us " " - " ,g.-iher with Intereat thereon at the rale of per'cent mr nn- 1 ' A ni7 ,, ,,,,..,. ,n) TOU nn(. d,,,,lln,,.nll.n o( f, ,llri.undpr KKITII K. AMBROSE. Clllf of Police of the City of Klnmuth Full., ore. N23.30-D7.1 1.21 XOTICK OK SAI.K OK KK.ll. I'HOPKKTV KOIt IIKI.IX. VI'KXT IMPHOVKMKXT AH- HKHH.MKXT. Bv virtue of a warrant Issued ny the police Judge of the Clly or Klnmnth lulls. Oregon, dated .. ,-.. 11. 1. 1 ii ruin., v.. -.. o.i.-o the 1 91 h day of November. A. IV. 1927. nnd to me directed, notice I. hereby given thut I hive levied upon Hie following described reul property, to-wll: Lot 21. Block .12. Second dltlon to Ihe (ity of Klnmuth Falls, Oregon. Inken and levied upon na the properly of M. 'Ml.. aliurn .if tl.i. e.i.l atf It,,.! proving Sth Sewer I'nlt which said Hen la docketed in Volume I 6 cvf the Clly Lien Docket of said City nl page 110 thereof on the dnlo of Mny 24 A. !.. 1927, In Ihu' sum of $111.12. Notice Is.' nlao hereby given that tile un-; - deralgned will, on Ihe 22nd day 1 of Decemler A. D. 1927, nt the . nour or i" o t-ioca n. .ti. oi luln aewer lien erented .nd .In.-. .tlav A. II. IVZi. unit loccincr NIP l'l Ol,, r.,,.. tie- rtr.l I n 1 said day. at tho from door of the 19th tiny of November, A. D.. I tho City Hall In said City, aell' 1927. uud to me directed, notice al nubile auction to the h lull est Ms berebv riven Hint I hive levied I.I.I.Ii.h r.-a ,h h....a tl.n ... U....A ,...,., ... a..-,,. ,. . nforeinenlloned und "eot a. deaerllM'd lldl there- y to satin- he sum of rein properly, or so nine of na may be neeraanry fv the nbove Hen In Ihu $13.12 together wllh Intereat i inereon at llie rule oi .it eein , per annum from Ihe 2 Ith day of Mny A. D. 1927. mid together wun ,u. coai. uou oifi.iii se - menls of sule hereunder. itr.iin i. jv.ti itittt.-ir., Chief of Police ol (be (ity of Kluniuih Falls, Ore. ; N23, 30-1)7, 14, 21 piiopiiiitv ton kki.iv- yi KT IMPIIOVKMKVr AH- ,.la , I ... gin n Ilia, the uider HKHHMKXT. lined WIT, 1111 Ih.. 22 thy of December A. I. 1927, at Ihe liour lly virtue of a wurraul laaued l.v Hit, I',, II.. Jilu r Hi.. I'liv Klaniaih Falls. Orcauu. dm oil the mill day of November, A I)., 1 27. mid lo nm directed, nolle la hereby given that I hive levied upon the following deaerlbed roul properly, lo-wli: 21, llloek 31. Hen.nd Ad- dlilon to l he Cliy of l lit m : I h Kulla, lregou, luken and lev.ed upon na the properly of A. J lloeklng, In antlHfiiellon of a eertuln aewer Ib-n irenied and 1 i docketed by the City of Kluniuih Kulla. Oregou, fur a proportion- ate ahitr,. lf the nwl of linlirov. lug Mb Hewer l ull which auld Hen la docketed III ollllne 5 of! the City I, Ion Docket of anld Hy at li'K" .lull Ihereuf on Hie dale of Mny. 21 A. D. 1K27. Ill Hie aum of f43.!2. Notice la ulno hereby glreii thul Ihn un deraigned will, on the 22nd dny of December A. D. I!27, at Hie hour of lu o'clock A V M of auld dior of the i n. ...n . rinv, at ibe front ..,! ... ...,t .u'lo'l, ill- lllls'irni nui- der for cuah In hand, the afore- meiHlnued und deaerlbed real properly, or ao much thereof aa may be I anrv lo aull.fv Hie above Hen In the aum of 143 12. together wlili lulereat Ihereon at , 8 per ceni per an- iiuin from Ibe :ti)i ilnv of Muv . A. D. 1927. and together with the roala and diaburaemenia of aale hereunder. KKITII K. A M IIHOSK. " . V.' ,. ;.. ' mt.,,.,.i run., v., v. . N23.3u - NOTICI - : (IK HAI.K OK IIK.ll, riMH'KHTV Koll DKI.IX- J1 KXT IMI'HOVOIKVr AH- HKHHMM.XT. By virtue of a wurr.n, la.ued r Hie I'ollce Judge of the City "f KI'nnth Full.. Un itoii. flnt-a th. 1,1. .Ih.. V.. ...... I.... t t, !n J fin '' of November. A. I).. ' '" "'" direr ted. notice la hereby given that I hive levied "" """""a ue.itiiM-n reai I'h'ck 31. second Ad '" ' " Klamath 1.. - - - t llon lit III. properly of A. J. '"" king, in ealliracllnn of , a .certain aewer lien created and 'doekele,! by lne Clly of Klamulh ''alia. Oregon, for a prolHirtl .n- t 'r i nn wnu-n aaia Hen la docketed ill Volume 6 of Ihu City Men Docket of auld Clly at page 1 0 lliereof on the date or -way :i A. D. 1927. In the AH-I"um of 143 12. Notice ia alao hereby given that the under - I algned will, in Ihe 2'.'nd day of ' "em -er A. D. 19 . jit the ' . '. " h"" of 10 o clock A M. of aaid "' ' 'ne ironi noor of me City Hall In aald Clly. aell at '"k the roala and dlaburae-, menta of aale hereunder. KKITII K. AMBUOSK. n.l..r .., Unll... nf ,),. CIO- l Klntllalh Kulla. Ore. N23.3U-D,,14,2l .XOTICK OK HAI.K Ol ItK.AI. I'ltOPKISTV ItIK IIKI.IX- (JCKXT IMPHOVKMKXT AS HKSSMKXT. Itv virtue of a warrant la.ued by the police Judge of the citv of Klnmalh Kalla. Oregon, dated Ik. Kith it .. e t It nveml.T. A II . 1927. antl to me .11, ,i... la hereby given ihn l 1 h ive levied upon Hie following deaerlbed reul V.'o, i f. . 1U...-k 29. Second Ad- dltlon to the City of Klnmnth ralla. Oregon, taken and levied a a the properly of Nellie iKirgalrund. In satlsfucilon of n certain sewer l.-lli creuled and dockeled hy Ihe Cliy of Klnmalh Kulla. Oregon, for a proportionate allure of the coal of improving mii sewer I utt wiiicn autd lien la docketed 111 Volume 5 of Hie City Lien Docket of mild Clly nt liiiL-e lne on (he ilitle of May 21. A. D. 1927. in ihe sum of 143.12.. Notice Is nlao hereby given Hint the undersigned will, on the 22 duy of December 'A. D. 1927. ul Ibe hour of lu o'clock A. M. of said dav. at Ibe rroni door or the t Ity Ha:i In .aid ( lly. aell nt public aut- 11, n.i. t n.. . .en i ,uon.- i,t- Hon to the highest bidder for In hand, the iiroremeiitloned and described reul properly, or so much thereof ns may be neeeaaary to snllsfy Iho above Hen In Ihe Ad-jainn of $13.12. together with In- ierest thereon nt Ihe rule of 6 per cent per unnum from Ihe 24th day of May A. D. 1927. nnd Klamath Falls, Ore. , N23.3U-D7.1 4,21 j XOTICK OK HAI.K OK Hll.-ll, PHOPKIITV l'Olt DKI.IX'. (JIKXT IMPIIOVl-:K.XT AH HKHHMKXT. I liv viriue hy Ihe Poll, of a warrant Issued e Judge nf the City Fulls. Oregon, dated or Kiumnin , .. ...... .1... r,.lt......... .I......II....1 r..,.l ...... ., ' , i upon itie ioiio. tiiK ovia, loeo ,.-u, property, to-wll : Lot II. llloek 2S. Second Addl- Hon lo Ihe City of Klnmnth Falls. Oregon, taken and luvled upon us Ibe properly of Joseph 1 i-iiusar. in am oonei n n 1,-1- lulu aewer Hen created nnd dock - fled by Ibe Clly of Klumnili , r i,.i., .. jnle abiire of the cost of Improv- ins .in .-i , lien Is docketed In Volume I, of I Ibe City Men Docket of snW ("ii,- t Vru " I thereof ou Tht it,, ,,f Vny 24 A. II. 19.!". In mi ,um : 113.12. N'mi.e in of lu o'clock A. M. ol iiald dny. 1,1 I In. front door of the City Hull III auld City, aell at public u ml Inn to I he highest bidder tor ci.ah lu hand, the aforementioned and deaerlbed real properly, or so iiiueb thereof ua may be nor- eaaury lo aitlafy I he nbovo Hen lu the aum of 113.12. together with lulereat thereon ut the rule of per cent per annum from the 24lh day of May A. Ii. 127. and together wlih the roala and die- buraenienia of aale hereunder. KKITII K. A MHItlim-:. Chief of I'ollce of the City of Kluinuth Kalla, Ore. .i,ei - ni,ii.ii NOTICK. OK HAI.K OK ItK.W. CIIOI'KltTV Hill IIK.I.IX- OI'K.NT IMI'ltOVKMKXT .IH- Fr.rtrt.tir,.vr, By virtue of a 'warrant Waned "' ' once judge or the i lly "' K1""1""1 '"""a. Oregon, dated "'e llh day of November. A. I).. 1927. and to me directed, nolle la hereby given that I hive levied upon the following deaerlbed real property, to-wlt : l.oi 1, blink 34. Second Addl- ; Hon i-i the Clly of Klamath Kulla. Oregon, tuken und levied upon aa the property of C. C. I'eebler. , in aatlafueiion or a certain aewer Hen creuled and docketed by the Clly of Klumalh Kalla. on-gon. for m proporllonnte ahare of Ihe coal of Improving Mh Sewer I'nlt which anld Hen la docketed lu 1 Volume S of the Clly Men Hoc . . ..i,, ,i.u I I, thereof on the date of .May 24, A. D. 1927. Ill the aum of 143.13. Notice la alao hereby given that the underatgned will, on th. 22nd of December. A. D. 1927. nt "'e hour of lu o'clock A. M. of aald day. ut the front d-or of the ..1,11 ,,IT. HI liie III.IIL U.UI l.t lift, l,y Hull In ..Id city. .el. at public auction lo the hlgheat bid lr for cihIi In bund. th afore- n...n , Int. ...I t.n.1 Hi.H.-rt I....1 rent nrn. urn m tm ., , K-nlluT Willi liiii-r.-KMIIhfreu ni num frcm the 24tn day ot .May. " . . . . ih. roala and diaburaemenia of aule hereunder. KKITII K. AMBKOfK Chief of I'ollce of the Clly of IMauinin rniia. tjre. N23. 30-1)7.1 4.21 XOTICK OK HAI.K OK ItK.AI. I'HOI'KIITV KOIt DKI.I.X- 0.I KN;T.. ':'VIMKXr AH SKSHMKXT, Ity virtue of a warrant laaued by the Police Judge of the i ny ; . i. ., j . i of Klamalll Kalla. Oregon, dated f,."1" ', ""' 1927. and .. me directed, notice lain, for proportionate ahare of the coat of improving Mh Sewer I'nlt which aald Hen la docketed I.. Volute. Ti nt ih. (Mtv I. Ion Docket of said City at page 112 Ihcret.f on the dute ot Muy 24. A. D. 1927. In Ihe aum of 143.12. Notice la nlao hereby given tllul the undersigned will, on the 22nd duy cf Decemher. A. D. 1927, nt 1 lit nour 01 10 o i-lot-a vv. .0. t.i t auld dav. ut Ihe from ddor ot Ihe City Hull In auld City, sell ut pub- He auction In the highest bidder for cash In hand, the aforemcn-, lluned and described real pro- ,,,,h .. miv l.e nereaaary ct satisfy the nbove lien In the sum of $4:1.12. to- Hie rule of 8 per cent per annum gether with Interest thereon at f,, the 24th day of May. A. D. 1927. and together wilh the cotts B of sale here- " der ' KKITII K AMIlltOSK. chief of Police of the Citv of Klumalh Kulla, Ore. N23.30-D7. 11.21 XOTICK OK SAI.K OK IIKAI. PHOPKIITV KOIt IIK1.IX- yCKXT IMI'HOVK.MKXT ,1S .HKSS.MKXT. By virtue ol a warrant Issued bv Hie Police Jiidae of Ihe Clly ,,r win,-.iii t-'nii. Oreroo. tinted the 19th day ol November. A. I) 19 1 1, -, , una lo me oirectt'll, noin-e i hereby given lhat I hive levied ,,,,,,11 Ihe following described real proper! v, to-wlt: Lot "22. block 32. Second Ad- and to me directed, notice ,tion "to" the Clly' of Klamath pulls. Oregon, taken iiti'd levied unon ,). properlv of m: Mou- ,,, ln .nllsfnetion of a certain m.w,,r n,.n ereated and docketed evled upon as the property of M. Mou- by the Cllv of Klamuth Falls, Oregon, for a proportionate shnre of the rtial of improving Sth Sew- er I'nlt which said Hen Is docket ed In Volume 5 of the City Men Docket of said City nt page lie thereof on the dale of May 24. A. D. 1927. in the sum ot $43.12. Notice Is nlao hereby given that the undersigned will, on the 22ml tiny of December. A. II. 1927, at the hour ct 10 o clock A. M. of d dllv. t the front door of the niv ull In anld (itv. sell at pub- ,,..,, ... ,i, ko.k ,i,ia,., He auction to Iho highest bidder .OP ,.Hstl ln hllnd IhH nfnreinen- ,on(,d alld d,.acrlbed real pro- u ' ' I"'"., or a. oi.i.n toe , . niu. a iiecessitl'V tiksntlsfv the nliove lien In The a im of $11 2 to- " " ,n ! ," ... . "K, thereun nl ?,""; ,,', i ei- rent per an- " "",!'", h" i , h .lav of .Mi." num trom me Jim tiny ot A. D. 192.. and 'together with KnU or,.g(,n. rr n proporllon the costs and disbursements of , hr f ,, ..., 1r i,nmov. 1' k,.r. ... 'IT KEITH K. AMBROSE. Chief of Police of the (ity of Klnmnth Kulla. Ore. N23.3tl-D7.ll.21 4 tot result, use Kewg Class Ad. MiTII H OF HAI.K OF II K.l I, , PHOPKIITV Poll liM.IV- 1JI KT IMPIIOl K.dKt,T AH- of hKHHMKXT. ,at liy ylrtiin of a warrant laaued hr III. Police Judire of the City of Kluinuth fa I la. Ureaon. dated inn ism niiy of Koroiiihor, A. l . 1H27. mid lo me directed, nolle la hereby given thul I hive bivlvd upon l he following deaerlbed real properly, to-wll: , Lot 5. Work 2H, Heeoud Addl- Hon lo I he Cliy of Klamulh Kulla. Oregon, taken and levied upon aa the property of Martha illgby. In enilafaetlon of a e. r- lain aewer lien created and dock- eted by til. City of Klamath N Kulla, Oregon, for a proportionate mire of the coat of Improving I "nt newer LOU ,iiiii auio lien Ik docketed In Volume f, of the - v L'. i. , V ume 6 of Hie Cliy Men Docket the Cliy of Klamath Kalla, Ore i. it. , i.... ... ... ritorKHTi run ir.i,i- . ' .... .. , . ,,... ..n.111 ,7 ..I' ll It'll Htl VI Hllill , lly ut pug lot thereof on Ibe date of liny 24 A. D. 1S27. Ill the aum of 3 12. Notice la alao hereby iriv en thut the iinderalgned' will. ' on lb 22 djy of December A. D. I'j27. at the hour of lu o'clock A. M. or aald duy. ut the front d, - or of the City Hull in aald City, aell at public auction to the blelleat bidder for caah In bund. the aforementioned und deaerlbed reul property, or ao niuh thereof ' na may be neceaanry to autlafy the above Hen lii the aum of I3.12, together wllh Intereat thereon at the rite of 4 per rent per annum t from the 24ih clay of Mny A. Ii. , 1 '27. and togeiher with the "aia and diaburaemenia of aale hereunder. , KKITII K. AM IIHOSK. : ' hli'f of I'ollce of the city of i hlumath liilla, Ore. X23.3U-D7. 14.21 ,.1.. tint- na i.,f NOTICK 'Itol'l-lltTV 1 on QIKXT IMI'HOVK.MKXT AS- SKSHMKXT. lly virtue of a warrant laaued ...... . . . . ... 'Ji iJ:?'1," "Li of Klamuth Falln, Orcjinn, th" 1 lt h day of Xorember, r ' . HUU "'v uiieicu lrnHTly, t-wil: ()t !oi . iMuiH .11. nrniiii An- 4. lilfK-k SI. Mtlltn , v.nmil(h Vallm ifliia, wii-kum, 1 iiiRiii null iHTH-ii 11 lit in an iiir Iir()I.r. 1f Amy n sinl,)n, , aatlfactlon of a certain aewer : n.. . ... .u- ( ity of Klamath Kalla. Oregon. : for t.r.ttmrt ionl .hn.a nf lha ! of improving Sth Sewer I'nlt. whi..k ..i, !,,. i. dockeled in volume 5 of the Clly Men Docket of aald City at page 1"S thereof on the dute of Muv 24. A. I). 1927. in the aum or 158.57. No tice la alao hereby given that the n(,,.il:nod .,; 0B ,1,';,"'22,,d a, I of of : .1 day of December. A. D., 1927. at the hour of 10 o clock a. m. ,ald dBV. , .,, donr the City Hall In aald City, relief Klamatb Kalla. Oregon, dated " ' "' 'e" , ,,,,.,,. B,l(.,n to ,,, hl!n "inner for caah In hand, the i aforementioned and deaerlbed real to , th" . A .11 llllimr.. Chief of Police of the City of Klamath Kalla. Ore. N23.30-D..1 4.21 vri,-t.- uai-i.. t,i.- PI OPK11TV Pllll l.KMX M-u-v-e .?..... k,kv'lr' XOTK ylKXT lMI'ltOVKlKXT AS- HKSN.MK.XT. By virtue of a warrant Issued ... me t i.iit-e .tiitipr 01 tne v uv of Klnmnth Kalla. Oregon, dated the 19th day of November. A. 1).. 192,. and to me directed, notice la hereby given that I love levied upon me following aescrioeu real property, to-wlt: i-ot a. llloek .11. second Ad - dltlpn to Ihe City of K.amaih upon us the property of Curtis r Jim. vyn-KtJH, iiint'll uiiu i'riii - Kowler. in aatisfuction of a i-,, n, neitt.u .on rt.cted by Hie City of Klamath Kalla tlregon. for a proportion- 'e share of the roat of linprov - ! ,l,JS",w,"rJ 1"'t' '' '"' lien Is docketed in volume 5 of the City Men Docket of said clly at page lus thereof on Ihe dale . of .Muv 24. A. I).. 1927. ill tho mm of 1511.57. Notice is also hereby given lhat the undersign- ed will, on the 22nd day of De cember. A. !.. 1927. at the hour of 10 o'clock a. 111. of said day at the front int door of ihe City i By viriue of a Warrant Issued lu ,-phanl 8,rTOt ,-, ,le weat "--id (ity. sell nt public, by Hie Police Judge of the (Ity ,. o( Oregon avenue to the 4 the highest bidder for or Klamath Fulls. Oregon, dated W(Wt of ,uRevew street, all --3-. Hall in said auction to cash in hntul. the aforementioned """ " " "" " "" i""i"i'.. - ..... . ... so lm"h I hereof as may be necee- "l,rsr ,n "lsf' above lien In the sum of li.o.., ,. together with '"'erest thereon nt the rate of B I'er i-enl per annum from the 1 " 14 ' ' ' , , , , " h 1 " A'" V...,n e iiiiti, I -L, KhlTII K. AMIiROSh.. i ' ' " "... I .v. n. 1 v2 - n-, . ' "" - ' XOTICK OK SAI.K OK IIK.ll. PHOPKIITV KOK IIKI.IX- jWKXT IMPHOVKMKXT AS - ls'.-t-vlll',.- I. , lly virtue of a warrant issued ny ino police Judge ol Hie t iiy of Klnmnth Falls. Oregon, duted y'.,.191h !ln.y nt 'y,'"''''''- A. I.. ,l!'r " '"f, 'Vr;""'1' ?0,,,,',; ' hereby given that I hive levied , 71"'" "lM,n ,Ue following described real rr',l,erly. to-wlt: Lot . llloek 31. Serolld Ad- ,. , . .. . K1.,m.,h .... . . . . , . K,,:i"' 0r?"- """ ""'. "r"n, I1"" ,n ,' "' ' "r"" ' V",Kh'r' " "' ,a 'ol" ''en "eaU'd and dock - . . th ,. of Ki.,n,th Intr sth Sewer l'nll. which K.ld i do,.keteit In volume 5 of ,)l0 -1(,n i ka-t of snld City I.. t.ta .h..a...f Aaa ,,ad .Int., !f ., si' a. l 1927. In I be .hereby given' ll.'nl 'the tii.derslg.i- Nolle, la nlao ed will, on the 22nd day of Do-' 'emitter. A. I).. 1U27. at the hour IV o'clock a. ni. ol mild day.' the front door of the City Hall In .aid CHy, fell at public aur- Hon to the hlgheat bidder for raah III hand, the aforementioned and deaerlbed .real property, onof ao mum inrrroi aa mar of nccea- ary to aailafy the above lien In the auui of .'.o it, together with Interest l hereon at the rule of 6 per cent per annum from the 24lh duy of May. A. 1).. 1927. and together with the eoata and diaburaemenia of sale hereunder. KK1TII K. AMBUOSK. Chief of I'olle of the Cliy of Klamulh ralla. Ore. 23,30-D, .1 4.21 ua . . j.u iii-b'vr iiiif,it l.'il.'vr tu. . S'!iii.'M o nr.aB.iir.ii. l,v "Ir'ue of a Warrant leaned "y the Police Judge or the ( Ity of Klamath Kalla. Oregon, dated uay oi jtovemner. a i. 127, and tn me directed, notice la hereby given that I have levied Ulicn the following-deacrlbed real property, to-wlt: , Lot 1. block 4. Canal Addltlofi to the Cliy of Klamath Kalla, Oregon, tnRen and levied upon ua the property of K. A Quulf. In aatlafnctlon of a rertain paving lien created and dm-keted by the City of Klamath Kalla. Oregon. lor a proportionate ahare of Ibe - oat of improving 4lh Improve- ment I'nlt which aald Hen la docketed In Volume 5 of the City ,,.n Djcket of aald City at -page 150 thereof on th. date of Keb- ! ruary 18. A. D. 1927. In the aum 'of 129.53. Notlte la alao here- ''K,''i!lll. B the 22nd day of Decern- bcr, A. D. 1927, at the hour of: ! 1U o'clock A. M. of auld day. at ibe front door of the City Hall in aUlU t.llj. KVtl Ht UUOUU BUi- Hon to the hlgheat bidder for ca.h In aaid City, aell at public auc- " i n0nhin '"er'reZnned ..S ' -.'leaerlbed real property, or .0 much thereof aa may be necee- Intereat th-reon at the rate of 6 . imt o-nt per annum irom me . . . t Ihin 11MV OI rtjnruury. A. mm. - 1927. and togeiher with tne roata nn uiai.ur.-cmeui. e.- under. kfith K AMBROSE. Chief of Police of the city of Klamath Kalla. Ore. N..-i7.t4. XOTICK OK SAI.K OK KKA., PltOPKftTY KOR DKI.IXr oi KXT IMPltOVKMKXT AH- SKSHMKXT. ! Bv virtue of a Warrant issued hv ih. Police Judge of the City iul 'rt-.J;.d"Lln H,,! or Kiamain rails, uregon. oaieo , aay c( Xovember. A. D. ,9.;, and to m. directed, notice ,8 hereb. ElVen that I have levied I i"r"J.he l- r" i wond Pair- . m,5 L to tne uy -.01 .". . ( ,, - . ,, ... ;'e'N " 7" i ahare of the coat of improving, Sth Sewer I'nit which said Hen . is docketed in Volume 5 of the 'city Men Docket of said City at ,2S ,hPr"cr 0,1 ,he d-"e ot . I May 24. A. 1). 1927. -in the sum' iof IS6.24. Notice is also hereby TT: A. D. 1927. at the hour of 10 i . . o clock A. M or -" ' "je 'nI ,""cr , ...,..L .',! , ' " . 0 n-. X. "Z-nil'L sail . ... - --- . descrmen real properi... or 1 ' ,V," .kv. lien , sary ,0 ""J1' , - " i : wllh In.eres, .hereon at the rate , oi a per cent p. per cent per unnum from Ith day of May. A. 1). 1927. ...v ..... ; and together will disbnraernen a of , KKITII I tni,;f ' 1 ' ith the costs and sale hereunder. K. AMBROSE. oliee of the City of Kluinuth Kails, Ore. ! N23.30-D7.1 4.21 I NOTICK Or 1- s.n.r. "r itr..ti. I PlIol'KRTY KOR IIKI.IX. yCKXT IMI'HOVK.MKXT AS. SKSSMKNT. the 19th day ot November, A. D. i 192.. ami tu me uu.-..e... ........ , . .. in hereby given that I have let- i,.d umn the following-described tv properly, lo-wit: ; ,ot 3, block 19. Second Fair- vl,,w Addition to Hie City of : Klnmalh Falls. Oregon, inaen uno :" ."" "L.?" i Jl,nn title. Ill sltiiMiicnoi, ui . certain sewer lien created nnd , dm keted by ihe City of Kiamain i Falls. Oregon, for a proportion - .' ate share of ihe cost of Improv- int. ktn ewer , nil ttoitii p.ini lien u docketed In Volume 5 of ,h.. fiiv I.ien Docket of said City 1 1t ,,,;,'. 126 lliereof on tho dute 0f yHy 24. A. 11. 1927, 111 ine sum ot (M.-i. .a i.i.o hereby given lhat the undersign- 'ed will, en the 22nd day ot tier- ember. A. D. 1927. at Ihe hour of 10 o'clock A. M. of ,ne ,"t 1""r in M,d City, sell of Sllltl day. the Citv I.' ' ..?"" : ' au,.nn to the highest I ,., , hand, the afore ,, ,,..,.rihed real lirolt tush In hand, the nforementioned .'..... u.. : muen llicceoi us not., iiv .-..:.- sarv I., satisfy the ..hove Hen in ' Hie sum of IS6.24. together with iulerest thereon at the rate ot 6 ' nn,im from ,ho 2 llh day of .May. A. n. nnd togeiher wllh the costs and disbursements of sole hereunder. KKITII K. A.MBROSK. Chief of Police of the CHy of Klnmuth Fulls, Ore. , N23;3U-D 7 , 1 4.2 1 For mulls nso News Class Ads. XOTICB OF HAI.K UK IIKAI. PltoPKItTV I-Oil IIKI.IX. yi KtT IMPIIOVKMKNT AH ' HKMHMKNT. . I Br Tlrtue of a warrant laaued by the Collie Judge of the City Klamath Falls. Oregon. dated me uay oi .toveninrr, a. i . 1927. and lo ino directed, notice la hereby given lliut I hive levied upon the following deaerlbed real properly, to-wlt: ; U,t . block 34. rWond Addl-( tlon lo the city of Klamath Kalla. Oregon, taken and levied upon aa the properly of C. . I'eehler. In eutiafaetlon of a rertain aewer lien created and docketed by the A Cliy of Klamath Kalla, Oregon, for a proportionate ahare of the ciHtt of imiiroving Xlh Hewer I'nlt which aald ll-n la docketed In Vol- i .am t t ih mi turipui " ''' of r s"n- A- " 'stt, in the aum of $43.12. No- lice la alxo hereby given that the UII,,.rKn., the 22nd day of .,.m.ri A 1927, at the ,,, ,., , vi.., k x M ,.f .aid d.1T at ibe front door of the City a ,n ald clly n at pubC .,.,! lo the hlgheat bidder for ...... i. i 1.....1 in..n,.n,l,.n.d ; a1(1 deaerlbed real property, or ao mun thereof aa may be necee- ar , KatiHfy the above Hen In lne um ( 143.12, together with tereat therein at the rate of s ,.,, per annum from (h 24th day of May A II 1,J2- ,,nd together wltb'the roeu ,, '.n-i,,,, .,,.,- of -aale here- ,,, . .r ........... . Chief of PoHce of the ( Ity of v.a tu u- 14 il 1 N.s..iu-ii..n,zi 1 ' XOTICK OK HAI.K OK IIKAI, l'KOPKIITY KOIl IIKI.IX- (JIKXT IMI'ltoVKMK.X'T AH-,4U" SKSHMKXT. ny virtue of .warrant laaued by H,e ib-e Jdge" f7hrt i. of Klamath Kalla. Oregon, dated the 19th day of November. A. p.. upon ine 0..0- g r, .. . ..( Vr : t. 4J.n ijjt a. n nci Jt. spconti auui- ... ... i;..n tn tha -ftr r k himriin ' - ,',. a,ld Ievi(.d . .,.. p jhn- upon me properly 01 n . r. jouu "'. 'n aatiatacticn oi a certain " ";" vcr,e "f. hr he C ity of Klainath K"""; v&oirTi' er I'nlt which aaid lien la dock- e.ed In Voiuuie t i jtf the . City Men Docket of said ( Ity at page 113 thereof on the dale of Ma ". V'" ""'" 5 74. Notice Is alao hereby lre '.at 'h un7,isI,wW on the s2nd ay ' Dfn,bfr1- A- O- " br ? .,ot - . . . Ih ,, A M- ,' . IVii i Td citv ,;,. to the high- 1 &S?"" aforementioned and described real Property, or so mum inereoi aa mny neceasary to satisfy the . .. ... fh ...... . lui 74. 1 together With Interest thereon at per aoiinu. May. A. fi. .with the co'.ta nt anl. h . re- . t,itt u ir u an" .... .. . . under. i KEITH K. AMBROSE. Chief of Police of the City of Klamath Falls, ore. v-t 10-D7 14 21 ' PliOPFBTV OWN- lHOSSrHAS iik-k-v vni-vn l lAHI.t: KOIt THE COST OF 1MPUOV1NG I'PHAM STREET FROM THK 1VKST LINE OF OHBBON AVENIE TO THE WEST LINE OF I. A KB VIEW STREET. KNOWN AS THK &0TH IMPROVEMENT UNIT DEFICIT. THAT THEY HAVE TWENTY DAYS FROM THE FIRST DATE OF PI BI.ICA Wllicil TO KILE APPI.ICA-! Lot 8. The Adjustment Bo TION TO PY THEIR ASSESS-; reau of Portland Asaoc. Men., NS''1 AX';5 T, James P. Kacknor, fob. 34. vt'tlt.-l,l.-Aa ih. r-nmmnn Colin- ... of t'he '('.y o( Klnmuth Falls. Oreou, did by Ordinance No. 9jB. duly adopted on the 7ih day of November. 1927; declare the pro- - . .....s OllitlC ... '",' f. '"l-J:!":-.1: ?lndr Il-iri-l. I'l ' 81 eS - l'IWTI'. til IK" III'IH'IIIPII HM I" I " " ..... ..r ha ooui nf Imnrni'k .IH rtlii.- Ilnd in detail shown ,,, Pns nll(i apeclllcnuoiis 0,1 i tie pit.i. ...... .".'- llf ,.lt. Engineer n file with i.,,uie Judge of said City. , ti, properly so lonnd bene- fn,,d nd liable and assesaed as aforesaid, is all : the property lying adjacent to snlil parts oi si! " 'T"' ......... ... ... i ion tilt, ooeitet oi tn. ......... has been made up ua provided by section :h m ne t r. nner . ,.t said my. ami uen.w found a si of the names of the o.nt-i. . iiu.u vivviij ...... .. so assessed as aforesaid, and against which Hens have been docketed, us by said ordinance pititnieo. loiici nci n o n toe .a.-. .... -- each specific owner und holder. ii.-n-i.-un- .,,,., such lien docket for a detailed ucsi-ri.iiiou ' cm ti ioi. v- I'1 Piece or parcel ut acreage , v ant nat.ottweil ' Fur her n, ico I, hereby given "' "" 1 ' . i t i,i..f,... listed, thai such assessment Is now due nnd pnynble nnd will be delinquent from und after the explrutlou of Iwenty days from tho dnle of Ihe first publication ..r ,1... ...... ...1.I..I, ft.-.. tin Ion will be made Sunday, t)(, (ay-,)f November. 192 The owtiprx of properly no nM- svmhoiI nn nfon-rtiild niusl rlthrr Diiv In rush or mnk niul fll' whh ihe I'olloo .IihIka of Ihn snld I'liy nn or before th filh day of , IU,Hcullot.s to puy a... h nssess menta In leu equal annual In-, alallmenla. Following l the deacrlptloa of the property: Herontl KuJrvlew Addition Block Id Lot 4. Kdd Smith Rstate. $.1. I'l. &- Beginning oa the anutnweat rnrner or lot a, oiorg 10, Second Kalrvlew Addition to the City of Klamath Falls, Ora- gon: thene north along alley luo': theme enat on a line be- tween lota 4 and , S': thence aouth and parullel to iJikerlo avenue 1UV; thene weal on uorlh line of Vphaan atreet 65' to the place of beginning. H. E. Minnie Yun Iwla, S.1. 1't. i-t Beginning on I pham alreet t a point 65' eaat of the aouthweat corner of lot 4, block IS. Second Kalrvlew Addition to ..... ..- ,u B,ley ,ou': '"' " between lota 4 and S. 55'; thence aoutn along iiaeview avenuo luu'; thence weat on north lino of I'phani atreet 55' to the place of beginning. I,. W. ft Kliiabeto mruiu, .!. IHmt IT ' Earl K- 1,1,1 Pharp, IK. 49. I't. 6-S Beginning at the aouthweat corner lot . block 17, Hecond Kalrvlew Addition to the '"' "' Klamath Fall. Oregon; 'hence north along alley to'; 'hence eaat on aouth line of priv , aKv alley between Iota 4 and 5. ,u': thence gonth and parallel to I'leaaant avenue. 90'; thence eaat oa "rth "ne of I'pham atreet 4u to the place of beginning, it. tv . fiaruiii. iti.ts. , , . P'' lul 5-Beginnlng at point Ms, c( juinwOTtaeorner lot 5, block 17. Second Kalrvlew ' Addition to the City of Klamath Kali.. Oregon on ? ,!' tween lota 5 and 6, tbenre norm to private alloy: thence eaat along aald alley 70' to pleasant atreet; thence aoutrt along aata ... . . . ..... ,L.... a.Ht P..t e, 4 t hence wert -'".cof 'Z a 1 VrTrdira Si 5 U ginning.!.. ' V - ::BI, - yB.'tew AddlUon to the citv .r Klumatl. Kalla. Ore on -" -- . . " . .-., .n,ih on1 nnra lul in ni. . iu' iw" - Icy. 50': thence eaat on line be- I ween, lota a na a. 111; ,10 . Mnth - ,.., 5ft.. ThenJe weat along north line o! v a ,tnet to ,h. pUc, L- w'."d'' ,'"1' - .,. go.-innine at outhwt coror ,ot 7 bock 1? Second Kalrvlew Ad- dltlon to the City of Klamatb Fall. Qngon. tnence nortB ,pd parallel to alley 100 : thenco eaat on line between lota S and . 56'; ??ence aouth 100' along Mid .1- ' " --- , , . , ,ey: lhenc wes5.on ?or. "0? ?! pnI.,, ' . x - . A. . McCarthy. 7 and 8-Beginnl.g on lht ,ou,hweat corner lot 7, bkxk ,- Second Kalrview Addition to . . , -. , 1, ..n n. ... t hence north along Lake- vie ,nenUe luo ; thence east on ,lne between lota S and S. 55'; thence - aouth and parallel . to . i- i .. BvAn..a lAil'.- thene. uttciic. u ..... - - - . west on north line of UpBara treet 55' to the nlaee of begin- ainK, m. A Mary Alto, 141.85. i.ot 9, Edd Smith Estate, $16.49. Block 18 Lot 4. E. H. Balalger. tl.49.' I.ot 5. Anetta McCabe.' 128.98. I jit 8. Anetta McCabe. 158.20. Lots 7-8. EH, Linie.E. Hay- den. 1384 -S, IV V4. Earl Sharp, , Del'.a L. Laugbead, Block 10 .- ;.- 142.60. Lot I16-49. Lot 4, 116.49. Lot 5. City ot Klamath FalU. The Adjustment Bu- reait of Portland Aaaoc. Men.,, Lot 8. Krank Dickey. i:i.. Lot 9. Krauk Dickey. 116.49.. Hhlvrw Addition . , ItliM-k 1 Lot 1. Ralnh M. Scott. 150.32. Lot 2. Ntt, Minnie A. Ilyan, , ., so ' Lot" 2. SH. John A. Unman. 1 M , . ... aa Maurice O. Leslie, A. C. Mullennaiix, , "," ' Lot 5. Wm. Jennison. $50.32. I.ot . A. C. Olenger. a0.3 2. . . - 70 ti Geo C. Li- '' ..-'1' i si'v S!'4" M " Catnn- ' . " ' ul"' V..' , diliflon " Lot 7. Nly. 7014', Ceo. C. 11- First Addition Block 1 Lot 1. Sarah Warner, $9.98. Lot 2, L. W. Hardin, $15.13. Block 5 Lot 1, B. Frank Owens, $47.83. Lot 2, W. N Brotherton, Lot 3. Matthew Smith, $18 37. Mit 4. J. W. Siemens. $24. SO. Lot 5. D. M. Smith. $42.17. Lot 6. 1). M. Smith. $48.81.. Block J. F. UoMsworthT, $:jo.:t9. , J. F. Coldaworthy, $18.42. , l.ol 3, A. M. Melby. $14,58. This notice is published by au thority of the Common Council pursuant lo Section 269 ot th Charier of aald City. Dated al Klamath Falls. Ore gon, the 12th day of November, 1927. I.KM L. CAOHAflEV. Police Judge of Hie (ity of Klam ath Fulls. Oregon. -,. . NM-l-l.-2-JO M.l. V!UI MII.K .Arttficinl Ivory linoleum, ulif- nrp( hnlili-rrt. uprayn. artUiclnl Kllkn. bnno nmterial, nine, paint, mid f m nl a in jti'iiit are a fw nf tin' thlUK mndn from m.-liir A - , of skin, milk