THF. KT.'AYATI. NKWS 'AGE SIX WEDXESDAY. NOVEMBER SO. 1027. t : EUROPEAN TENDENCY p IS TO AUGMENT RISKS OF CONFLICT, IS BELIEF CITY BRIEFS '' liKNKVA. Nov. J. (AIM i of those clurites nldonurns 'Ktlropesn security as a smarnn-: transmitted to Sir Krtc Drum tee of peace has n-coded and mend, leacur secretary, a memo-' iot advanced since llic sit-naturc ; minium contululnn extracts from Cf II;; Licnrno ocroomcnts, In I l'ara neaper which In Ill opinion of dclcsuto and claimed hcd "' ! Intentions. Yr-prtsenlntlvea of ft vi ral ncu-j The Polish ntl toward trni countries lo lh-j conrcrence Lithuania wa defined In u nolo t lh prwiiai.iiKiy commission prvn ntc.i lv Polish ministers in On ' disarmament which o,vin all Kuropciin capitals. Includln liorn tomorrow. ' Voscow. The noli declared that ?ne llrliliFllUhr.t n-.ilo.nian '"laml's "" ' a "'"l cnl o Hi !,, lo exitew tho "''' wlM" ,,,,, Ojdnloii lo i ho ..r-ei-v.doi.cilt tll-.l fciiropo mIuiw i fpn5 of rcturnine. I It asserted Itiat Poland's de- to tho olil pr 'tnr p.ilicy of Hie ;f eilicncos. sires had been frulratiM hy Ll- acainst ' "'uania 's rcpuud refusal tj ter minate tne state ol war v. men crentlot tiothi-i' ll ttt i-ii men! ine in. tcfl, o dimlnlshfnc tin rUk of rIullJ occupied ) ; Tlion tt n'nn In tie Haltii. poialtJy Mr-liU'iirfl ImMwivd 1-ith-' uniiia un l Poland with t m ri lain-i ty (is t.- the eventual attitude of Uu5ma -Slid CiTniany, was riled an iu- kali.n of bitterness left , tvt-r t-j i f the treaty of Yer- f iailloH hy th rrralton of no , trtfttes and the allotment uf or-, lain territories to others. j f-This statesman especially al V Una In !:. Evergreens Will Dress Up Street Permission has tieen obtained from Keith Ambrose, chief of police, lo place everRreea tree alone Malu street and rrs streets of the business section Juded to the relation between (or ,he Christmas opeuinit which France and Italy as furnlshinf , wj lM .bra,,.,. Wednesday an nample imi-war ncrrouv ; , s.. i-',-iut U.M rraace..u-I?,,n,!- lc,lwr ' wercd !ii Italo-Albanian pact b.-liercd for a time that Of a fx -ar, apo l.y the r.-iusins ,hc ,r' "roul1 not ,n r-r-l of an accord with accordance with fire rulinc how J.;., Slavi, n; that Italy -ver thronsh the effort, of Wil- .w r.-,..r ,t .i.:. k.. hor Kennett of the Brownsville fti'luni I'rtMii Keiitii4k-Mrii. ( laud Hill of Cuiloqutn has re turned from Louisville. Kentucky, where she has been visiting with her parents tor the pat several ui on ihs. ' (ionlon Sniilli ller l.ordon Smith, son of Mr. and Mrs. Snm Smith of (irant I'ass, formerly of this city, accompanied Mr. and Mrs It. M. Smith home when they returned from .the ' valley Sunday He will visit hire for ; sometime. . ' ' , , Mi. Sly Itoluru Homo Mm. tllu-r Sly. mother of Mrs. W H i Miller, returned ro her home uvar mrrls. t'ahfornia. yesterday nfi.T spendiUK several days vlsll tr.i; her daughter. j Sacrifice Sali New brown ' Kussian pony coat: sixe 4u. tvth er ready-made fur collars and .uffs. 33t Main St. Phono Adv. ' ! yiolor To l-'ort Klnltiatll -Fred , Peterson, county school suncr iuieiKli nt. and Frank Sexton, county Imivs' and pirls club leader, visited all tho schools j north of Klamath Kails yesterday, which included I-amms Mill.! Chiloiiuin. Fort Klnmath. and Al-: foma. I Miller. Home Mr. ami Mrs. V !v Miller have returned home; from San Frmcisco where the' spent In days on business oud pleasure. it nttolu.r 9'li.ince with the l-..v.iriinii nr ft It is I . .k.. t Ka Iore. permission . . ,, , . from the chief. cuntrle, hold the view that Italy ! n ,he fnmt his wwlt.rIul cul. tks either Alcer.a or Tunis in . treTf.mM and brjnKins order to permit an cutlet for her ; them , A commlltce of bu,i. KrowinK population In eonson- J BeM m,n wiU tTnaRB for Int. ;. with Premier Mussolini s ;decora,iult ot ,ho trvv9 aai ciab bclief that ltaiy natural expan-;ora. jighting effects will be alan should be Mediterranean, used. Some statesmen here look for j Woolen Mills store and Mill Hous- liriuroiiis I'roiu Snn Krancls- lon of Houston 4t Jester's Shoe eis Ceo. Fife of Fife a; Amicke ws obtained mercantile company is expected to return this morning from San Francisco, where he has been transacting business. mn effort on the part of Italy to ' cjwn negotiations with France! for peaceful economic penetra- Ilea of Algeria' and Tunis with Increased rights for Italian enii- j crants. IjiTItb representatives of several C. of C. Opposed To License Cut (Cca tinned from PK9 Od) iL l . 7 . ,r ,''" thoroughly and finally in, opinion hat with security , cord d , apparently falling l.ckwrard. the tM0 ropo!MK, 13 llc,.5e tet aaller countries will naturally; The board approved the re Urn more and more to the lea-1 por1 of ,ne coniru,ee lo adopt tae of nations as the real safe-j ,he universal policy dealing with (nard of peace. financing various organizations With Knropean statesmen in-: holding conventions, on the rec tfnl cn preventing tho coutro-; ommeDilation of R. C. C.roes jersy between Poland and Li-1 beck, director in charge of tho thnanla reaching a point which legislative committee, vrr.ld disturb the peace of Eur- Convenllons held here will he bpe, delegates of 26 countries : given every possible service Will attend the session of the ' from the chamber but will be fi-. preparatory commission. nanced by as mall fee from all ! The Russian delegation is re-1 delegates registering. This plan ported to Intend to propose pacts ! does not financially obligate the cf non-aggression, not only with chamber to any conventions they nations bordering on Russia, but ' have endorsed. l ain trjlh Oreat Britain and tie i lt'nitc4 Stales. The soviet gov- STUDENTS SELLING Ncvv I'pualm Shop Just ar rived, now shipment of beautiful i winter coats. Also rain coats, at rock bottom prices. Room ". : Illdg.. opposite court house. adv. 2 T-tf ; . Krom Merrill Ccne Hammond was a business visitor in the city yesterday from his home at Merrill. eminent, which recently brought - hes Pwlisb-Lfthuanian dispute to the fore by dispatching a note of Warsaw and a note counseling caution to Kovno. will liarticipate in the conference as ART SHOW TICKETS The tickets for the Art Ex hibit which will be held at the Freemont school from IVcember 1 1 , Q urn ' . .1 anln anil n. w h. non-memUerof.the leapue. The;purchast.d from tne pupi of S!iptinx In C ity Mrs. Jack , Morton and Mrs. Earl Walker nf Hi Me brand were shopping In the illy ye.stcrday. Mrs. .Morton is spending several weeks visit in her sister. Mrs. Walker. ! Krom Spring Lake- Mr. and. Mr. Hubert C hey no, prominent ranchers of the Spring Lake dl-' trier, were risltors iu Klamnth Falls yesterday. j .tnnouiiceiticut Mrs. WlllarJ Johnson, accredited teacher of piano, opening a Studio at 1 -1 ' Main street. Kooto 1, Stud lo' phone 1456. Residence phone j 733-K. Adv. 23-2l i Krum lUmanu Mrs. John Drlscoll of Uonauia as shopping in Klamath Kails Tuesday. Al KpiMfpal f'liurcb Tod.TV is St. Andrew's liay and Holv Tommunion will be celebrated at 1 o'clork this morning In the Episcopal church. Army whm Iu KUtinnth Full yes t rdv. He wilt lesvt tolav for Torthiiid Colonel O'NVII U oil uu iiiitpeetlou tour. m nMVltl HiimI;i Kteitlllff Tile vouiir people of the chuivli il hold a pntreant "Per fect Love"' nt tho thitreh Sunday eVs-niHK at T:30. The funds ro coivod will be used for tho bene fit of the orphans and old peo ples' home. ' tin llM)tiev From Son it I o K. J. McKeiuin of Sea Hie. Is spend ing several Weeks In the e(ty truitsaettng buMiness. MeKenitle Is a former resident of Klamath Falls. Konl VeiicblHtn A spec la I meeting of tho .fiKhhor has been called for tonight. All members are requested to W piesent, IHtiarr I ilel .liu-t Ward filed a divorce iu the circuit court ycMerday against Frank Ward uu r rounds of cruelty. .liHN.nuir liHtlng Tlte Wo men's Missionary society of the First Christian church will meet at the home of Mrs. I). Frank Owe us at 1333 Lookout street. I Thursday afternoon at 2 3.. uiltiN Th Chrlslmns tree; which the fire and poltcv de partment arv having for the ; children of the city will be Frl- day eviuilng. Oecembvr r3. In- j stead of Christmas eve. ! A,rrirs Krom reiidletuii The Venerable Arehdencon Sidney I Creasy from the headquarters of ) the Kpiscopal In Tendletou. Ore.. 1 arrived Iu Klamath Falls last night to consult with the Hev. J Hinry Thomas of the St. Paul s Episcopal church. Iteturns From South Levi McDonald returned home Monday! after spending the paM week In San Francisco and Sacramenlrt where he visited with relatives ' and friends. McDonald la a prom inent rnnrher of the Langell tal-: ley district. Spt' Wrok-fcnd In nll Mr. and Mrs. H. M Smith and son Don Id spent the week-end at the Sam Smith ran-h near Grant Fnns. vlsitlug with Sir. Smith's parents. Milium To Cent ml PointKarl Templar of tho Templar Motor company motored to Central Point Monday where h trans acted business, returning yester day. For sale old papers. Call at Klamath News. POWER PLANT FOR SANTIAM RIVER ASKED Promoter of Project Seeks Use of Water From Marion Lake j WASHINGTON, Nor. 21. UY A protect to use the waters uf ! Murloii hike, nt I lie south fork of Hie San tin in river. Iu Oregon to operate a hydro electric power plant nith u capacity of 15.uo0 , horsi .tower, was submitted Iu u jnpplit atlon for a preliminary per .mil filed with the federal power 'commission today by J. G. Kelly, of Portland. A How of water at , the rale of sjuo cubic feet per second throuKli a In-ad of 4Sii feet a- jtaid to be nvailable ror the do j velopmeiit. The project Includes plans for et list ruction of a dtveroii da in. , iHiKer hon-te and pliH and ttnnH ; inisotiMi Hues lu the Saiitiam n.i j IUin..t forest and Marlon mid , Luii counties. Oregon. 1 he Sunt ia m river Is a !rlbu tury of the Willamette riv.r. Tower created by the plant mould ! l e sold for public utility uur ; ;ijse-. It was said. WOMAN PAYS FINE FOR BOOZE COUNT A fine of $1imi was p-ilit by Claily. North yesterday after notot in the police court for pos sewsinn of intoxicating lliior. She was arrested Sunday night at 6:'j llroad stre.t. and pleaded not guilty before the police Judgo Monday niurnlng. dematidltig a trial Rut yesterday afternoon she pleaded guilty to the chirge ot possession and paid her flue. The Methodist Ladles- Aid will hold their I'hristmas basanr Iec. 2 and 3 In the Loumis Uuildlng. lu addition to the aprons and fancy work there will be one counter of dollar gifts cf every dewcriptiou. also a sale of hjme and cooked food. N3u 1.K Mi ll I'Klt.MANKNT j W.WK t fui- rain days, $15 00 ! I'KAKI E ItKAlTY Kllol i he school. The procec-ds from the ticket sale will be used to different Vnllcd States is the only other non-member particiaating. "gainst buy pictures for the ana is specifically the alleged rooms. mistreatment of Lithuanian der- The pictures for the eihihi' gy and the closing of Lithuanian l-me already arrived and the schools In the Vilna district. To hanging of them will begin in this complaint Premier Walde- a few days. They will be plic-d Diaras iT Lithuania has added an- in the auditorium where the light other that Poland seeks to U ncellent In all parts of the Vrlng about the overthrow of the , noin und every brush stroke and Kovno government. In support cdor will lie brought out. SM-n'l Holidays Here .Mr. and Mrs. Kirk White of l.os Angeles spent the Thanksgiving holidays in this city with Mrs. Ocar Shlve nnd Mrs. f'harles Roberts, sisters of Mr. White. They returned to their home in the south last Sunday. Inspector VMt ('My Tolone' J I'. ONeil from the I'ortland recruiting district of the l S AT TIIK LIBERTY -TIIKATRK- I.AST TIMK.S TOIMV Jack Luden In 'Shootin' Irons' ...with SAI.I.V HUNK mid HtKIl kollLKH A nllil whooin' Western! ( online Till IISKAV and HtlDAV I'KIM II.I.A lK. 'Birds of Prey' PINE TREE Last Tillltn Tolav Kl I'ltKMK VAl'ISKVILLK A ITS -feuturlnK 4ri KING (he great Pnlbe Dog Artor In a diversified a. t uf difll cult stunts shjwhig man's greatest frltou at his best. m I be arrerii AIMH.PHK MKNJOI In "Blonde or Brunette" Tburstlny nnd l'rld.iy "WHAT PRICE GLORY ff One Sh )w only each after unin und evening, stnrtlng at two und elRht o'clock. AN Insured Title is a secured title ONLY ONE SMALL COST IT PROVIDES PROTECTION INDEFINITELY Make it a Xmas gift for the entire family "The cost is less than the worry" Wilson Abstract Co. Across street from Court House. Make This a Jewelry Christmas While prices are the lowest and our stock the best. Gifts supreme for all mem bers of your family. The greatest money saving event on Dia monds, Jewelry, Watches and Silverware. Glover's Jewelry Store "THE HOME OF THE BIG STREET CLOCK" The Unvarnished Truth Why Millions Suffer and Die from Preventable Diseases. Presented in a series of three powerful lectures. Under the auspices of The National Health Science Bureau of America. I t Wt.N Tho Nutuiul Laws That (,'oulrol Your Health, How to Clve Your Child und Yourself 4 tiiiuuro Henl. How lit' Ho, Metier l'h)seully, Mentally stud t'lnnnclnlly. Mow to Heully 1.1) Instead of Merely K Ist. How tu Kul to. l ive. Instead uf Living lo Kut. Irf'arn ot the l)e h'twd Min eral Klemcnta of Your llody and How They Can lie He placed, and Your living lie vitalised by Methods. T-s s. . . W i 1 V, t mm t 1 ... ,.-' t There nru ' 1 11 1 11 fixed laws goveilllng I lie well being of our physical bud Irs. til" vloluiion uf which Minus an unfailing penally. How lo olilulli practical results and lu he ''ll, v 1 g o r u u s and vi;irniill) IllUe. Proving thul good healili six'lls gtod business. L. ANTON WAGNER le itirvr uiol Educator rtHHl Spoilt I ll tilol SeooHlr a Beginninjj; Thursday at 8 P. M. DECEMBER 123 American Legion Bldg. 3 AdmUaion 25c 2 : '-wrr -? - Standard Dyers and Cleaners I'or IUtler Apnntrnitco Oilorletw Ch-anliitf tlne-llny K4-rliss Lxix-rt lelnii . 1409 Esplanade St. Phone 825 STOP-!-!-! if Just n miiiuti', Si.slor! If your linllury' don't liat, f if Jour Motor tlon't Mote, if your 'Rn'ilintor don't T f Uad. if your CUni'i'ator don't Uln tht'rt lrtnjf thu J t Oltl tur over nil nt one time or on" ptecuMit a T t time to the Official Troubles llcudnutn tors. Wo Guarantee Our Work I - Shasta View Garage South 6th St. Klamath Fall X 1 ilHHHHIHI H -M-M-f-t- lHIH RE It von't be long now The latest prediction is that the prices on tires are soon to go up-7-You won't get an opportunity again this year, to buy tires at such low prices Remember we have a new Electric Vulcanizing machine and can do first class tire repair work. Our Seiberling Cord Prices: a0.3i l-ply ScibcrliiiB Corel .' $11 .75 'Mi2 G-ply Seiberling Cord, extra heavy 15.85 ,!2x-l'. 8-ily Seiberling Cord, heavy duty 3320 :;0x5 S-ply Seiberling Cord, heavy duty 40.00 yxo 8-pJy Seiberling Cord, heavy duty - 44.15 r.L'xG 10-ply Seiberling Cord, heavy duty , 61.30 i!2x(i 10-ply O. S. Heavy Duty 66.55 Oldfield 2'Jx-UO Dalloon Cord 8.40 2Ux4.40 Seiberling Dalioon Cord 12.35 29x4.40 Seiberling Dalioon Cord, heavy duty ... 15.75 Get Our Special Truck Users' Price iHHHHfHHHfH Balsiger Motor Co. Exclusive Seiberling Agency for Klamath County. VULCANIZING AND TIRE REPAIR