TAGE FOUR yThe Klamath Tut.ll.hed vry morning .scept fctonday by Th. Kls....ih Wbi l'ul- ;-'Vh '"" K '"""' Mil, (von .L-0Ulclal Paaer of Ctlr f Klsaiata fr'alla aa Hlaaiata 4'aaalv . . C'lfv Ktlltnr 4. Mar. l.raa hMMfmii ... aNirerea mr earner, mama . a .n.i Ilellverea ly earrler, trr ,MI . ft.no Iiit-r ar mall, year lafcarriattraa .lo. I. ailiaao Kntered aa second class im;ir at ha poalnlflc al Klamath Falls, Orwn, Nowniltrr li, 1S2J, undrr t or March i. i:. Teleaaaae NTT 'Wr Aaalt narraa rirrwlaflaa INTELLIGENCE TESTS A reaction is noted - - - among: eminent educators against the educational fad r .1 . .. . lor u amounus to mat Of grading pupils in public schools by "intelligent quo- ;.tient" tests. One promin-' ent educator pleads: "Don't separate children' into barricade pens. Keep the doors open. There is no known yard-stick one can : apply lO numan cnar.".ter V and intelligence, and piob- ahlv nftv.r will '' The intelligence of a child can change with im- . . ... . , proved health or change of environment. It is mislead-' ing and often mischievous . . . . . i to try to rate the mtelli-! . ... gence ot a pupil by his SU- pcrficial quickness or mo-; enviable record of achievement j low.d the prit of (t ,n !,, mentary memorv S U C h 1 bfhind hlm her' ' ln:"Ie 'rm campaigns. My personal expend!- i,-. i'-Mi ,- uti 3Txr numher r applicant forj,ures fr the are-Ileidleman- tests can tnrow lime llgntlthe Klatcith .hamlK-r position James-Woodward campaign went . Oil me retentiveness Ot a ' Child its continuity of Dur-' cniia, its continuity 01 pur-. PO86 or 'he half, or Often entirely, hidden traits that p; dsvelop into character. It , the ducator's job to dis- ' r'. cover these, draw them out 1 . . . ' - and develop them. . ; , Too many worthwhile s,tu-' ,! dents have been humiliated I and discouraged by the ex- S:ZrM Smith Stand frequently belittle true in- j jtc!!igence. If the intelligence quo-i I liiVnt testa eerva intr ..iofnl i M.nn.A.1. ot oil , i j; - ! !: cover in the subject thoe I i peculiar qualities W h i C h ' 1 eiv. nno hivh rof.'no- ,.n give one a high rating un- I er them. But the lack of those qualities does not I " .. , . . necessarily place tne SUD-:lh(1 ! ject among the mentally1 subnormal and deficient in ,.,., T r i cnaracier. in tact, mere are any number of people With high i.q. ratings who , . . are Wholly lacking in char- acter and in those qualities - that make for success. jjt i , u : An Illinois magistrate : , yesterday rescinded juvenile ' ' ' ( fines when fathers of fourllUOther SttlOtherS ,bad boys soundly spanked, gabe Jn misdemeanors. Our felici in.:nnH . t c . i. . . i tauuiia, juuBc. 11 me cuurus r of the land ordered more; e ...:u '. j.u.w.H.g. iur mm joutn; and ievied fewer fines for .fathers to pay and mothers a.. . . IU weep over, mere WOUld 1 be less need for state COr-' I roctive institutions. ! - "Big Blow" er "Big Bill Thompson of Chicago vis peeved because the New York tiresa tpll slneioa about crime waves in the '!J'windy city, and admits his soreness in a laQO-word . - I I T : . .. .1 . . . i. i e. Lcicuiniu. ii, la n un .y LUCK, j Bill. You oughta say some-'8 thing mean I ..4 XT i ' --.;, York 8 foreign born popilla- .. V ' i tion or graft or plays on night clubs or likker or v. v. u i ' What have they: 0 i A . , . , i Arthur bnsbane, that Vf g i f t e d purveyor of the . ... . i ., , ' Hearst Ideals, bewails the fact that society is about to ' make Ruth Brown Snyder nnv with her lfie for the pny viiin nir me ior int. brutal murder of Albert F n vder hpr hnxhnnrl I . ner nusoana. i "How," moans Arthur, "can -ho survive tho strain of hid-1 PRESIDENT IS j 1 "v " .- I fuct fhnt n emit hiwlu.n.l died as he slept without op- pol'tUllit.V Jof 1111V gOOllb.VC ' . . .. lit all. An eastern college presi- ,.,,. ,.,. .,., .,.,,,, ......j... . - . , ............... .i........... i. ...... ...... it , rll,r"13 u",llc 1 nir.v u teclie.t niLintoliilitt which ' , . . ' 111 tllDl IS the foundation 01 , every successful marriage. Ami he is right. Riiucation is a foimidablo 0.kpon for Virtually every SOiial evil, Fear and distrust ;vt of so rtaraiiUH.iiM, ,.iu . mucn irouoie in me woiui todav. is considered in iir- "orance. TV'uh folks to 11 4 n.. , reason' P1 e inem l!'e U OiS 1 or 'PP'nS out Jiiuwledte. niiil tho result will he liar- " - - - m"-V- PaCe 8nd " orUrl soc":'t.v- La Grande Man Elected Locally (Continued from Vk (his) manaeer of the Portland chamber at a meetins of directors of the Klamath chamber yesterday t Ueynold is at present secre of commorco. a position in w lii. h1 he has iinui5hed himsdf m the several years thai he has hcld thi of(,,. Hf .m rc.icn the La Grand post to take m. hl uew wcretaryship about the first of the year, he stated. , , ... Selection of Reynolds 10 s-.;.- ceed Sabiu. who also lcr. OS an :,na memner. 01 ine Doara 01 ,irec,or r" I,r""ed Mtl8" faction over haTins ,ble to, enlist for local service a young 1 man wno 13 lM coming 10 me merc(. work Mrs. Reynolds is a prominent member of l-a Grande's younger social set and as president of he muslC3l club of tha, city iB active in music work, she is alfo rcRel" of lbo Gra'ldc I chapter of the D. A. H. n ji ril - 1 r prrmus worn or tne preumi- BotherS ChUrCmn.ry dHrm.m.ul confernces. an- I nnnnco ennrrole nrono.sls for (Contlnned from Page One) Rev. Raymond V. Johnson, field . secreiary 01 ne ooara. wuo ae- dared thst Smith bedefeated and suggested a Methodist lecture ' campaign as a means of doing thl' .., tannot conceive Ur. Johnson, "of any better way lo : 1'feat Kownnr Smith and other iwet candidate and to advance , c,us. nrohihitlon." Policies to be followed hy the rIur'l during the 192S political cHiupaign and discussions of fur- ther drv ,aw enforcement Iegis- lation also were taken up by the board- . : A resolution calling the present penalities for dry law violations inadequate and ar esolution com- .mending assistant secretary of the treasurey Lowman and pro- hibitlon commissioner Doran were endorsed. (Continued from Page One) save ,he chuu the unliappiness of living in poverty, and had killed hlm ( fi und,.rJ past week. Italy and Albania hive ,Hni Mr9. ottew.ns alarm over'""""''1 a trvxty a cll,ll finances. H.r home In WollaK-: '," lh? '"mmri ""ranee and ton was well Vent n,i n. fi. Jugoslavia. Russia has warned , ... " ' : "... video for. ' Sour Stomach Y, ) "PhmiP of Magnesia" ? Better than Soda Instead of sla hereafter take li"lt'. 'i'h'Hip Milk f Mas- .. in .aivr any umn lor in nigest on nr sour acid, gassy ' l"n"u, nnd relief will come In. stantly. For fifty years genuine Phil-! y,iik ' MngniB" has iw j Prescribed l.y physician because It overcomes three times as much acid In the stomach us a saturat- ' ed solution of bicarbonate of soda, leaving the stomach sweet' f "l.'T" fr7 "! Kas',"' 'J ' 'rullzes acid lermentation in the; bowels and g. ntlv urges the ITJJ n '"i9 '?.tem without purging. Resides, It Is more pleasant to take than soda. I Jn"lst "Pnn "I'hf i lips." Twenty-; five (ellt ,, fiflVH,,,nl 1,,,,,.,, I any drugstore. "MMk of Mug-, nwl"" h" b'en the V. S. Regia- ,cred Xraae Mnrk of Tnc CharlC!I I Phinipi chemical Co., and : Mrrffa. M' AGREEABLE TO TAX CUT DATE ,,, . . , . - i i. . : i. d I . : nomi VUim ncu UkUUII But Heedi Bourbon Plea for Delay WASHINGTON. Nov ?S.-- , i .t i, :t jnt Xo ai((e iy .lu, iUsUlon ot contrv anil xhe troaury u to i-n tax riri-.ion nhouij h cf - f.v,iT.. . ilHiav nt iiu " white hnn-u ih:it the nu'in nuesiion it. t roniti"rt?d wan how the ro- vision wouiu auevi ine ireasurv which wuM always be in need of mou. y as Iouk as ihoro was national dobt. If reduction was, jf,.rrM, ,,lt. ,ould ruluahlo se of all of It, leferred tht irenatirv emild muke r,s. firHs. The president was descrihod as being desirous of reducing taxe Quiikly as possible, but he has taken notice of the argument against reducing the corporation tax until a year later because of the possibility that corporations included the taxes in their sales nrf.v . Vare Says He'll Get Senate Seat (Continued from rape One) the propriety of every expendi - Hire made by the campaign com- n.litee. We followed the letter 'are In Klamath Falls. I am glad will have a Merry Christina and San:j. Cln..ima would not Im of the general election law even I heard tell of you. We are a ' not be loo busy. If lis snowy very ui. With lots and lots of; in the primaries, where It does going 10 have a Snias tree. I am bring your reindeers but I think love f.oia nut lecallv aDDlv. and We fo!- entirely for letters direct to the "ters. ..The haj tfcj( rifbt ( for (raul 1, wU find . ' . Europe's Peace Hinges On Meet I Con tin nod from Taw One) ant foreign iommisar and bead nf Ihe Russia., .i.lrcalion has prepared a disarmament decHra- tion which will criticite sharplv . . - .... radcal dlsarmanuut nnd submit; a resolution summarizing the. .nviei'a iHn.H inward disirm-1 ament L-. ... ,,. .,,1.... ' have talked disarmament butiare wal,ln' tnr 1"r an(l ' 1 j have ginten nowhere - Kven now j w"nt to n,all '"" ,he 1' iPPles' j Indications are that nothing;"' a Because you always want ffiQre ,han ,he creat)on o( , se to make ... children happy. Myj :rjlv commission mav be ach-1 name Bll"e Jensen. 1 am 9! (eveil ' by the present conference. oltl ,n forth ra(,e I The nations of the western ' ne,r Santa rlal" " ,r,,u tr,., i,i..h ....rf.i u, ..,.ulto give me something it dote not i their relnlons lanrelv bv tho ,aruo pact, will be called uponl"hour be hal"5' fore nythln to face, at the disarmament con-!'ou have' forenre and the league council Illllle Jensen, meeting the unsettled and dan-1 61,5 -Martin St. serous problems on the eastern! ,1.,,,,,,,,su.vT1 front which continues to be En-1 ltKill-..lllLRs S.lTA rope's greatest danger jone. ' I),ar Santa 1 am 9 years old liiioltes tto Nations ial"' '" tne 'our,h grade. If you France holds the bey position nar" i'"0"!!" '" ' wrist in the disarmament meeting to'wal,'', anl a "e ure ' whlrh 2C. nations, inelndlnir the I'nited Stites and Russia, have i been invited. ' The meeting of the dlsarma- m.nt commission, which will bc followed on Decmher G by I lie meetlnc of tlm leoeno of nations council, comes when the nations of Eurone are eiurmlnl from a war scare. In the Halkan and the Ualtlc ; there has benn unnmt during the Poland tint It must keen hands I '-"hnania. Th Ktimanlan Kiluat on Is bv no means nar f id 1 i (in the Rhine there has been agi tation for French evacuation of' the Khineland. All moflorn facilities In the'80""' ""'P'0 ""V ,ll,!ro Isnt any llevlation of human iufferlng Santa Clause but I know better cave ooen lnstanea at tne Klara-, ath Valley bospita. I SALESMAN SAM iot WiXfe I"- N fDeUp-e. 1 v T"nwMBM" JPXESDAY, NOVEMBER ."A' 1927. SANTA CLAUS LETTERS WOl'l.ll 1.IKK IHII.I. Dear Santa clans -I have Iwrn sick bin am alright now. I haw a brother 13 ior old wul was sorry he oouldii t write. I would like ihe IIr doll II lold about In tlu paper. When Christmas ' romr) I wain ou iu nil my i ; stocking Please JtlVf lln IU big ' SANTA l..U S S.uita I'lflU Is a Rood old sroul And can't bo soon whon ho's HfHUlI ' Ho lirtn many Vamir.il toys Whuh cIuht tin little Ktrls hikI 1 iwy. hn-i reiiuiwrs that ull hU : : That run to him when they lire , .111111111! fArM thill's al. let!. - - - ; brtcht. auu aiwa wear ami wnue. lie sluten down the t-hlmne without pet tins hlaik. ' iii. an nrs tvys in ni pars With empty park he starts home Another year agalu to main. Huth M Itathlany i 1 2 lrosptct. iNii.i. vm:i iu mu.Ks Var Santa I am a little jttrl S -Vt"ir 1,111 1 a bhy doll nttlueil Ituhbles. And I have a j Utile baby brother 2 year old and he isn't w rite yet aa 1 am a going to tell you be wants a I Tord ear that he can ride In Will you please briiiK me a real t doll buKsy. I live on 1:16 Lewb. .street on top of a hill. I hope IXmas will soon come for I want: til rm whaf t r.t If I rot nnv. 1 thine The last time we were In ' Kelso. Washington, and now wo aolne to an In vii.tr nsrlvs Wei! , wt.M , wl, clo,e hoplI1K WM nmnv kl1, , Klamath. We have win one of your prlcs with lht;a uew baby sister. Please don't letter. And I hope you a Merry forget her. If you have plenty 1 Xinas and happy New Year. want big ball and a malum . I neulah t. Warner. j S years. U6 Lewis , ' I. IRKS 1MH.I.S Dear Santa I am a little girl 1 9 years of age. I like dolls to play with. I hope 1 am .lncky and win a prize you nre giving for writing letters. Will you please bring me a dressed baby 'doll and carriage and some new .clothes. My baby brother Is 2 years oiti. nam a wagon nun ""' .. nope.i s.u,o. al tho ,rtc 'iremen are giv - lK ' Xnns Kve. 1 hope It will; .inn frtlitA I salaui wkith Vnll ri. " M-'rjr Xmv and a Happy New I ' ",r- Heln R- Warner. rears. 1J Lewl HAPPY WITH AYTHI; Dear Santa ClaUS 1 know yoiliolllei little b..ya al.il girls. Merrv Lo-!ma,tcr 'h'lt '"" '!lvc me 1 wl" nwniu in. s ... i mo i.ijor chllclrern. Last year I was out in KfttNi11 ('H' when your reindeer ran away from Hwone Park, r saw "ho ,':am ,ha' ''rougl.t your n""ge from ihe North Pole I ""r relndei r were safe i 1 '"" '"r l"'lecr arc all right lnl vpar you can come out here ('hrlstmas Kve. I will have to (?1(,fie now und 1,0 m' rtth- Marjorie Sml.h. 2 -"JO llollblrd St. HKMKVEH IX HAVTA Dear Santa ('Hub I am 0I" "" Ma"h I "l be '" i....u a.aue. i want an air rifle. Last Christmas 1 Dair of "kalea but I never got to use them very much because I got hit by a truk UBl ..ring me someining every Christmas. I wish you OTMtMtr op its e-eew eh' I'll. eeT vrs foK Art' s-e HOUR W1P6S X VJftWTS 5IWCS. TM' &T0E FIRST W.R - THO s ; j would bring llli II now roil I . I ' ull ' , M'"1'"- Au It ton Hull' tor "' now. ' "'I'"' I 'M '' ,!' " mo Robert Smith. 2-'-'" Hollblid SI. V IMS F.W slsTI-:il ienr vMini;i i muse- - i nope you have a merry crWiiuHN nuil a tuipt'v nw your 1 wum a now t.jiliy sftir, kill V i"ir. nnd bloi-k and story book and sot of oblno , i. i.u Shirley Mrli.Min.il. Afttf 7. Mot Ujil. HN'T I-'OIU.KT IMMi Suutn - 1 m wnnuir t 1. 1 ou what I wuulil llk for timmmiiK riease uniiK me n.niiinn ami puitur innram m hip; u. ...... it it. I m lit.-v. I f..r mv M..I li.i.lUt l'i.l.-..itf.1 . Iiiir.-h aitlil l - Utile Imiiher ami please duni un:ei 1 1 ty rtos. lie wouiifnie maiMKer u ie uoarii. t likt a lug bone 1 am 7 er t'M and I wilt work hard at vhe prealdeiil Nhonld be present - hot 'I ami help mother at home id w ho U knnuii to be unvm een!ns. Ilpe to see yuti ioon. 'pnthetlc with enforcement of the Hurton IKiw. YoUirad act. hr WtNuu ttaid 611 Jefferson. ; Distliu tton between felonies and j mUdcnifituor vtoUtCons of the WOl tu li IMH I V 1 Si U Hiiietidmeut wai urited. ler Santa Chius How are Felonies. Or. Wltson said, vnii? Mother reads In the paper hoii!d Inelude such violations a that we should write a letter to votl. My nitne Is t'uthorluo olio Illy and I am years old j Intoiu-atiuii Illinois and Ilncrunl ! I live at 102:1 Maui street I eases should i nrry a fine of i w-otild just "love a dolly unrt a'$.1tiioo and a souiom-o uf flvu i little sew-lni: mai hin and you ' years In the peiili.'iitlury. I wouldn't forgot inauima and dad-1 I dy would you Santa ('laiis? find just keep mo In mind I'm' Catherine. (J llellly. noi peril, kular I should say not' Main Juat send aiotbina you hive not. I ItKTTKK IIKIMi Tit 11 1 Hear Sunia Clans 1 hope you'""" all for wnhoui ynu.l von hi.tlt.r hrii.v a Iriln Ihoro Is doll and a set of dishes, not tin. 1 wont broke them. Betty J. M.-rinugul. Age S. Ilox .LMi. WATS KI.KII Dear Santa I am 5 years old. I will be 6 pretty soon. I can priut but mamma has to toll , me titon- to pcll the words. I can spell my nnme and mv brothers name and sister name. wain a s:oo 11 h snows. 1 want a ..on ... .. iu nil mo .ne I love yon. Arlluo Smith. .1 1 1 ill M r.l l j I It Ll KM IIKIt I.THLHH Dear Santa Claiis-My grand- I pa and I'urle send lot. of things .Ainas cause my Daddy s dead, so you giro my share of things to Xmas to you. Kay Anderson. Age s. Too 3rd St. iltKI-:TIi;s To s.TA "h San,a '"nr I m a very '"'"V lrl H'l year. I am Just sending a note and I hope It i ln nur ''""' Vou must be busy tas a bee getting ready I lor i lie nig Jubilee, fixing up candy and toys for all of the j good little girls and boys. Wlieth-.' er you come in un airplane ori;l sled I'll ussure you everybody ' , will be tucked in bed. there Is anything left over yu CHICHESJERHILIS 9 en f .( -. II1SII l'll.l..f slt.:-i- I ,!:,l II.. S..I 10'JI If DsDGCUII IKaVWaUl Itching Torture Use Zcmo, Healing Liquid i Tlicre is one s.-ifed"x.nd.'ible treat- . mcnt (or the itrliipi; torture of licze- ma. Tlic fint .ipplicntion of 7a mo i Usually "tops ifchingar.d gives rclr.'f. ! It will.hclp r.d the Kin uf Pimples, Rahc. Iil., 'dies, blemishes and i irnilar aJii.- intr t,kln trrit.itiom. You will be rur.irtvd hojv ouicklv skin troubles will react to ihis clean, anliseplic, soothing liquid. Iiafy to apply at am- time. 33c. ('be and Si .00. FOR SKIN IRRITATION Sure tUCt - Perl5l - le, P.H - ? ?ef,R(.S! 11 V". flF lrmTr1.i. A.k fc. H nNi i'ii.i..f WILSON WANTS VOLSTEADIAN AS CANDIDATE Dry Leader Would Force Political Parties to A c J AVOW Stand -.iiviV "v v it .. .. .. . ."V ." .1 . ' I Pol tl.-.tl tiarttos should bo . . ... rotiulrod to In.-ori.onito iholr al- l..d prob.l.1,1..,. onfor,o. .. Into ,hotr ,.l,.(orn.s Mr iho .-omit. cnuialmi. 1'r. l larou.i! Trut. wiiM.it. (ten ml wreury 4f eh board of touiH.rutt.-. prohl i.. - t loiluy m the animal .mevtlnn f No raiidiilalu for lueMidcut or nianufucture, mule, liuportutmn. exportation und trJlllH.rtntton I Iioh to evori lio.ti y.m n.i.kr call and ulvo a Merry Christ-' Itorthy Marie Price T3 Delta Street. i im. 1 1. w 1 111 1 i.iitTV t:y.H l' ..r Sanl.i I wanta doll with llirty cifii. Uit plenty things for mother. Vlary Jo Anderson. Ase 5. 94 Calif. PORTLAND. Nov. . d pi Answering numerous re.iiests of . L'tooii shipping int.-ro-.iV the 'oast guard euttor Snohomish has In on ordered to Astorlu lo all ivit distress calls from ships off I. the Pacific northwest roast until oo AiKon.i.n ran no re.easrii from rum th.ising dutl.-s. Senntor Charl.s L. McNary said In a V' S gram received here f;dav. MORE THAN 1000 PAYING POSITIONS were filled lasc year by Behnke WalkerMudcnl. and graduate, and as usual more position were open than we could fill. Wrttsfor PnW. ucMtslo-l!n"ll mmw. Aia.rU.' t IJoal M..U1 1 h.wl- -aaaaX1 1.11 IVe WekoweVou foPortlnnd. 200t-nrrlrrfilSl-roofn, ach wi-S blh. Kcaeonahle rfet. Conftni(r,l rliifn-ii.wn locaflon. 4ow unttrr rrr,rn(d .: nurmriU of SAM I). AUKlViON Jlx HOTEL CONGRESS j PORTLAND, OREGON Sign JW, t V'OULOM'T BOY ) ttA - TV.0SS THIMiS ( (VRt SIGMS. Or J . ir . And If , irrT.U li 1 In At the Orpheus ; Tim mule lead of "l'iieHiy Pay ineiilu" In I he mill of till I UIMillH ii l.-i..u lutliitr .1i b l.nd nntlvB ,.t HondlnK I'h mid son of ibo n.nkor of lb- lumons l.ndon l oimh lro. No oni should bold this uiii bin.. ... hi. I. .,UI A.i.orl.au l.o.n.llll ! -mid a ronl nclor. ".n kIIoii fol titnk In Ills now ' . . . .. .. I iilniio, lh Miilllilorf. wk u I.Ik CASUALTIES HEAVY j ""'r" "" """" '"r hl"1 I in MEXICAN CLASH "' rr"' ,n"" l ".' "V mtAH.".ll Uw'l , toii.ia ini v blink afl In llm Insol- mhiai.KS. Aria , Nov S. ! nito Tho imaiiouy will ho j I AIM - - A Horn Id ropori froinl.nrd. ho suld, boforo Iho fllnhi !lillajra. Ji.lls.o. lodny s.iv j Is start, d ...... . i .. , w . . ... .. . flmf it) 'Mcxl.-uu robots and SN Aoosla. and Knill K. Iloralu , . , ... .... , . ., "-' woro U W , ,M iry ... bronk tl.o . .mllnno.t, " ' "i"'-' "IkI.i ron.r.l of 62 hour, and S3 ' ''""r" b"lo i Atonnll.o tuinilay J n.in.itos oatubllshod h.-l ..nninor ..W""n , ... i ....... m .... ... .. .......a ....... , ' a.... iu o. i.e. o.i.ii'is. KiimniiTiiTftrtTniiMinnTviirTini Lemon extract retains its flavor through baking and freezing only according to the amount of pure lemon oil it . contains and Schilling LcmoiK contains three limit the amount .demanded by Government : Pure Food Standards. Lemoa Coffee wuuuuua i9 SpicetSo-31 Extracts IUIU1AA J'ryr-Cv.aiaPliU'JLaJWVsi aiiiiiiinmiii......,,...,.,..,,,,!! Fur Coat Sale If you have put off buying your Winter Coat you are really money-in-pocket for the s.ving you can make on Coats and Dresses for the next 10 days Starting December 11th Note Reductions on Prices below: ItcKtlltir Sole '.luo Price Seallno Coals. Squirrel Collar. Cuffs 113.'. uu ? W7.no Seuline Couls. .Marmot! Collar. Cuffs... Ufi.t... 1 10.00 Persian I .a ml. Coal, Mink Collar ... 2,'ilf no uin.iMi Seallne Coats, Kox Collar 1.10 on I In. nil Seallno Coals. Kltch und Cuffs lJOnn tT.."M Seallne Coals, Mink Johnny Collar and Cuffs - 1 In on li.l.ntl Muskrat Jacnuotto SU.ViMi KKVTei Squirrel jnciiueftH . .ir.ii.ou jt,-j,7,'i Big Reduction on B. Palmer's Cloth Coats. Satin Dresses at $8.75 THE NORTHERN FUR SHOP 810 Main Street OON'T KNOV) , "7 f SHE CRltO C(W (M," Ml&UT TILL. necKCfrce.. OF 'ety TUB KLAMATH NRWI Acosta Too Big To Make Flight' - , t't'HTISH KIKI.il. N V.. Niiv. i (API licit Acusln I.imii.I . """ '"' I""""" '"""' I'" " "'"" 'n"i oonomonl of an iloiii. al a ' "t Id's ond.irani-i' fllBhl nHord. A.oslll ills.'l.vorod ll.at llm I.y .i.'IIHH.. H.IHIITH j - -. - rur roa.it. a list, riawa 1 laaa Ada. chilling Tea 1 Baking Powder By Small 4