The Klamath news. (Klamath Falls, Or.) 1923-1942, November 30, 1927, Page 2, Image 2

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Southern California Football ; Captain Ha !
Again Allowed Oratory to Create M
Embarrassing Situation
Hy GKOKCK II. ItKAt.K 'papers Kiy luii I'm not prttup to
LOS AXGKl.KS. No. i'S. V. do any talkinc at presout I
FI--A Southern California foot- don't tare to JWuss . whether I
hall captain, for the second time think were '"robbed or not
in aft mnny yean, hits arrived in I Mm ok. I'mptr
nn extremely embarrassina po- Prury's original remark wa
sit Ion through deserting his ens- obviously noutta) at a decision
toinary nioleskintt for the more handed don by I'm pi re John
Intricate art of oratory. &-hMiimer. In which the hall was
Ca plain Morley Prury. consid- given to Noire Oh me on its own
eied the best back field man ever Jo-yard line. when Southern
developed on the Pacific coast. California f'M thvy should have
and practically a unanimous i been given a safely. The safety
choice for' all-American football ; would have returned the Trojans
honors, today told a mass meet-;an S-T victory,
Iur of 3,000 Southern California The play centered on whether
students that the Trojan eleven ; Kiley. Irisa quarterback. Inier
fell It had been robbed of a vic-icepted or merely knocked down
tory over Notre Dame. ;an attempted Southern California
At a corresponding time last forward pass. He was tackled by
season the then captain. Jeff a Southern California player
Cravat h. prominently mentioned ' while standing ou or near his
for all-American center, arrived! own goal line. A Trojan player
in a similarly awkward situation ' recovered the ball in the mix-up
by relating at a banquet for a that followed.
high school team that "some j Howard J ones. Southern Cali
coachea gave players drugs to fornia coach, refering to the play,
keep up their morale and statu-i said: "From where 1 sat it
ina.' ! looked like the umpire made an
Drury's reaction to the sensa- i error tn calling the play as he
J Here is King 'P.. wonder dog
i of the movies who will feature
the line Tree vaudeville procram
tonight. King P.. a remarkable
nolue dog. can do just about
everything but talk. His stunts
are remarkable, diversified, and
reveal a phenomenal inte' It ponce
on the pa rt of a d i in li a nt m 1 .
Not only will his act indicate
the n mount of prey matter in
tSKie his skull, but he will also
,accompl:b diffi nlt stunts.
tlon caused by his speech fol
lowed closely that of Cravath's
last year.
Robbed of Victory
Prury's statement came when
RiM-km V Team ;hI
"My personal opinion Is that
Itiley intercepted the ball aud
Southern California should have
Maiden Forced
To Wed Father,
She Testifies
he was called to the platform been given a safety." Jones de
during a spirited Trojan recep-! clared. "However, others saw
tion to the team that lost to
Notre Dame last Saturday by a
7-6 score.
"After all is said and done."
the elusive halfback declared,
"we feel we traveled a long dis-
tae play in a different way. so
perhaps ' I was wrong. Notre
Dame has a mighty good team."
Shortly after the close tf the
football season last ear. Crav
ath was called upon ."or a talk
tance to be robbed of a victory." jto the athletes at San Pedro high
"Fellow students." he started, j school.
"we left here last week for Chi
cago after explaining we expect
ed to trim Notre Dame. We
stand here sow. defeated
Charged Drugging
He surprised the assemblage
by averting "It a ' common
practice for some coaches to feed
"All of us feel extremely bad Utrychnine and other tiroes to
about U. but we know by thisiplayers so they wiU freah for
meeting that you are with us andjllle ?econd half of the game."
that will help against Washing-) When it was pointed out that
ton Saturday." 'Southern California lost two big
He eoncluded with the refer- , ganies en opponents rallied in
ence to the reason for the loss j the second half. Cravat h hasten
of the game. -jed to explain he had no definite
The elusiveness that charac-!coachtfJ or leams in min(i.
terixes bis off-tackle thrusts was! he decided he was more
present , when newspapermen at-at nonje on the football field
tempted to get Drury to enlarge j tnan behind the speaker's table,
'tis statement. an(j insisted the statement was
UMindertoor j made solely to Impress the high
"Druary" as he is known, of- school bovs with thenecessitv of
fered the explanation that he was i fair play.
misunderstood, but he refused to!
repeat or retract anything of his
I.OS ANt; Kl.KS. Nov. :n. U'lM
I Ora ObeU. then 13, married
' her 46-year-oM step-father under
the threat of being sent to a
'corrective school, sh-i testified to-!
day as she sought an annulment'
.of her union with Louis Ooets. j
The wedding took place in Co-
ilumbus. Kansas. In 1 i -I n . she
'said, shortly after the death of
her mother. Her husband llvn '
her step-father threatened to .
.place her either in a convent or i
ia reformatory in event she dc- J
dined to mirry lilui. she do-'
! She deserted him vih her .
baby after living with huu a':out :
i a year, the testified..
1 The case v.--, continueil until .
Tuesday. i
Eight Teams CUiming
Title, Advised to
Get Together
CliKSHAM, Ore. Nov. 29. if.
I i CmIcss eivhl claimants of
the tnt! hth school football
i liampionsliip of Oregon can set
tle their differences on the grid
iron befure Dec. !. ihe till.
will remain undecided. Itoy Can
non, president of the state boiird
itf interne ic at hie tics, lotit
the 1' ulted I'reis here toutght.
"The situatittn has bcom ver
com plicated b, the rolusal of
some of the contenders to plu
pvwt-season games, and the dif
fidence of others." Cannon said.
"We are not asking anv of the
claimants to participate tn post -season
games, but any requeits
iif those- teams for contest with
other first rate elevens are belli
welcomed." he continued.
The eight teams that have ad
vanced claims. Cannon said, are
Mcdford. The Dalle-. Mclaughlin,
(i rant i Portland' Tillamook.
SiiK in. We t I. inn and Harris
burg, tlraut has withdrawn aud
Cannon understands McLaughlin
does not desire to play The
Speaking personally and not
officially. Cannon said in view oE
the attitude of Grant and Mr
Loughliu. he would like to see
Med lord and Tillamook phiy next
Saturday and the winner to meet
The Dalles on Dec. 10.
Answering reports that Wash
ington hich of Portland wishes
to take Oram's place and play :
Mcdford. Cannon raid such a
game would not be sanctioned.
Deadline On U. S.
' Insurance Near
Continued from I'ae One)
Knute Unmoved
By Trojan Kick
' StU TH It K NIK Did . Nov. 2$
i V l ---Coach Knute K Hoekhe
"i r. . (r.!e:Wed In the usncv
uon of Cnpt. Mor'ey Dury ot
the I nlvcrstiv of Southern Call
uiciia football team that the
liojans were "roblnpd" yf victory
tti their gume with Notre Dame
S. it in day.
"1 hae ulwavs titkeu the Rame
.tit icials at their wurd and have
toil I'.iik to ay about the mat'
tr.'- . wa- Uot k tic's only com
ment. Bud Tavhic Cut'
Off Bout Lists
N K W YOUK. Nov, -l - M' M
tiud Taylor ot Terra Haute, lud . !
v .n siiNtendil indefinitely today
by the New York state athletic
commission tor withdrawing from
.i scheduled bout with Tony Cun
iOiurl oi HrookUn ut Madison
s.uure t;arileii 'rinirsd.iy u Is lit
They are fa'uthet weights.
T;ilor reported nu Injured
hand, but the suspeniou ti re- ,
ittiirrd rci-'artiles of ihe cireum-
Doheny Plea for
Cash Resented
(Continued from Tiige One)
Iplnecd their bids with the com-, the nutlouiil rommlilfomeii. Tint
Imlttre and It was said at the tueeliiig will he liHd Mondny.
'white House l It til any select Ion ! - - "
I would be eiiiticly sal i'f.ictnry to' Th pariloiinblo prMo of Klora-
Itho president. attt Yallcv hospital It m ru-
Willlam M. UuUrr, clmlinuri of clunt aervlco rendrrea numnuuy
the coiniiilltce. Iwih airlvud In tlnough a wU ijulPP0d InaUtu
VYnwhiygion. ii havo a inuntwr of Dh.
Chance for New Liht
On President
Stand Slight
WAHlrtNGTON. fcoV'jV. mV-l'rc-ldbl
C(Mlidne . w ill receive
Out memoers of ttu Yopuhltrtiu
national eommltteo during tlietr
meeting here to xvlcct the con
vention city nrxt week and will
make a lutormnl address to them
in the east rom of the Whtle
The aiiiioiinceiueut of the presi
dent' intention to sny a few
wurdi wus not euupled with any
Indicatlun hm lo whether they
would have a political signifl-.
innct or throw nny new llicht on
V . Coidldge's ow political fu
ll 'V
It was said the president hod
alwoluiely o Yl(e m ihe hint
trr ot selecting a nm vent iuu -city
He' uitderxtinds that n ninn
rwr nf i-rtiea n oil t-ijitlpped to
c o n d ii e t the convvutinn have
p FOR.
. branded Ihe deal whereby I'uhciy
aco uired those reserves as fraud
iihut. He obt lined the lease by
improper methods and. thenforo.
has no lei; to nUnd on In asklug
reimbursement for the work he
did In carryiug out the contract."
Possibility that tlit seuatr oil
lease Investigation, which atarled
the nation four years ago with
! it sensational disclosures of cor-
ruptlon. may be rtMpeud in the
; present congress appeared tod ly.
I.HH1T V.t(.ll
"Uneasy . .
To brrnk a coM lurn'.lcs&lv and in c lilirn: try a liny-.' ' " "
tablet. Aiu! for lir.i,.'.il-.e. 1'lie action of A .pirin i vci .
(ik, in cases ot ia iir;:!-;ia. neuritis, even ihcuir.n'.iMii ami ! i.
Ami there's no after eiTect: ttnrturs Rive Aiirin to ":.''
often inf:i:iH. Wlmiev-er tlirrv'.s pin, tliink of At- : ,i
Ri-nnrnc HaVer A'pirin I'as Hiiver on llio Imx ami i n
Alt Jnigi;i5t:!, with fown ilircctioni. .
Physicians prescribe Bayer Aspirin;
it does NOT affect ihe heart
i tipltla I) II. lr.4a fk ( lUlr. l.,rl .f. ni1.aMlrl wir
New Ford Will
Be Gear Shift
; Type, 40 H. P.
I .
: DKTIEOIT. Jiov.'i. l&t The
t new Fcrd car w ill be pw?red
with a 4o horsepower motor, will
j be cf the standard, selective gear
shift type and will be equipped
' with hydtaultc shock absorbers.
'a supplemental announcement by (
the Ford .Motor company, dis-1
closed today. . '
' The annount ement rtvealtd j
.several additional details of me-1
.rha'nlcal construction. Among I
j these are: j
A multiple dry disc clutch; a ;
; thcrmo-siphon cooling system ; a
new battery, cjil and distributor t
. ipnitio j : on-pi.'ce welded steel
sp4ke wheels: thre-iuarters j
i floating r.." axle in a forged-1
'steel housing and a "theft proof j
oincidenal lot k." Four wheel j
brakes were annotinc- j
..... i
! Six body type are mentioned, j
The priic of the new car was
withheld. i
"I'm not a public speaker." he
said, "and I don't want to say
any more about it. It I tell yon
what I said and what I meant it
would get me Into trouble may
be, and it looks like I'm in
plenty now.
"I may have a statement to
morrow after I see what the
At The Pine Tree
When to Suspect
Acid Scalp
mm !
jr ?j
1 vajmsKicmmnw,iMSt
With Syd Barnes acting as
Master of Ceremonies the five
act bill to be seen at the Pine
Tree Theatre this Tuesday and
Wednesday shonld go off with a
The Genial Syd besides intro
ducing the several presentations
has a ready vein of humor and a
song or two in his own offering
The Ione Opera Trio with a
series of bits from the best
operas and a cycle of popular
numbers Interspersed are the pos
sessors of excellent voices aid
their harmony is u delight to th
A va-ation on the farm with
Jim and Bee Mrlntrye is a com
edy rural skit replete with many
laughs. Jim is u clever roni'dt;in
On the -screen "Monde or
fcrunette' starring Adolphe Men
jou. jilondes and Brunettes of
both sexes will want to see this
film because it depicts a barrio
between two clever women for
the love of Ihe rfttne man. Three
marriages and two divorres are
necessary before the issue is
finally settled.
The recruiting officer p inte.
out thut during the past week
three widows of ex-soldiers ware
left without insurance because
th-ir husband failed to take ad
vantage of the offer.
Sergeant Low man t not (nter
otcd in the application other
than that he will be glad to aid
any ex-soldler who desires to
fll for the government Insur
ance. ' '
M'KXOjS A IKKS. Nov. :.'!. il"
! f Alexander Alekhlue beramo
the world's chess champion when1
Jose Capablanca. for years the ,
title-holder gave up In the 34th
same of their title match which
beettn three months ago.
Ca pa Ida nca's withdrawal gave 1
the Franco-KiiHsiau challenger hi
sixth victory of the titular ser
ies atid the championship Th"
former rhainplon had won three
games, while 20 were drawn.
NKW YOUK, Nov. 2D. IAI')
The K v c n i n p 1 os t says today'
that the engagc-un-nt of Mrs. Ka
chel V.intleriiilt. ilvrced ife of
Cornelius Vand'-rbllt. Jr., to Jas-'
p-r Morgan, of Wheatley 'Hills, !
I. I., will be annouced shortly.
STItKATOK. Ills.. Nov. 2V M'.
IV -Harry Hill, act us d of mur
dering his mother and btrrylng
Iter body in I he biement of
their home, will go on trial De
cember 27, It was decided today.;
Hill was apprehended last Au-1
g'lstt after the body, of Mrs. F.Hxa
Hill was discovered, buried in i
a shallow cellar grave. Young
Hill fled lo the Paeifle coast
when Ihe discovery was made,
and was am'sled there. ;
At The' Liberty
It isn't nue that dulls the hair.
Nor frequent washing or curling.
If your hair lucks all life end
lustre. It may be due to a condi
tion you can correct in tweuty-
lour hours. Acid salp.
Neutrilre the ncid secretions
of the scalp, and your hair will
have the lovely sliei n that make;
nny hair ho attractive, a fen
drops of Dandcrfne will do iht-;
and as its name Implies, fjan.
derine is a wdeniiftc riundnxf
dissolvent. Five ntinutep after
D.tndprine is applied, every inr
Hcle of dandruff has been dis
solved. Acid scalp should be suspected
If your hair Is ar nil stiff of
Mringy. or won't hold a wave.
Another sign not no easily de
tected in one's self is an acrid
odor to the hair when it is warm,
or after exercise. And for thirty
five aents at uny drugstore, you
can get a bottle of Danrtorine
that will keep your hair soft and
sweet end "on Its good behav
4or" for weeks! Adv.
"Khootln' Irons' from the pen
of J. Walter Kit ben and Sam
j -Mintz. inrroduces a new West
jeru Mar. Jack Luden. i six-foot
j Viking of the Lindbergh type,
; who rides like a whirlwind.
fight like a tiger and acts like
'"ti, ut- nun ui me
Screen" has the villain role.
The cast lixludes Ctiy Oliver.
Kfehurd Carlyle, J,(,yal Cnder
wood. SeuTt utifie and Arthur
j Mill.-tt.
The Discovery That Brought
Peace of Mind!
W wis to ,iirfa our (liauke
'to Die many fricnils for tin' linau
tlflll Moral offering and khid
.nns and pymuathv givi-n daiinK
.our rmx-iit l)crpav"nnnt.
' Mr. otto lli-iilrlch.
Mr. and Mrs. Hrti M'-ldrUh
! and family. ,
Mr. and Mr. H. A. Funk and
Mr. and Mrs. Marion Hanks
and family. - N30
"IT WAS YEARS before I knew tl.
mie best way to conquer Bluori?hnes.
Now, 1 can do ao with the comfortable
( feeling that I'm removing all laint to
rrripiration, too. That'a llie big virtu
ee in the candy laxative
1 1 -
Corrects the Chemistry that
Make One's Pores Offend
Do you know w hy thousand of people
w ho never have lo take a laxative, do.
eat a candy C44caret now and then?
They have found that cascara
sweeten the whole system hrings an
immaculacy of person that means
everything. It prevents bodily chemistry
from ever making one unconsciously
offensive to others. And what a perfect
regulator of the bowels!
Salts affect the lining of the bowels.
Mineral oils leave a coating that the
Mood must carry off through the xre.
How much better to cancarize the
system, and cause the bowels to expel
everything by normal muscular con
traction 1 To say nothing oi the cleaner,
sweeter condition that lasts for days
a wholesome condition that makes the
use of deodorants quite unnecessary in
January or July! Men and women whosa
years have brought on alu'i .hncsi
often find thut a casrarct only once a
week is all the tonic they needed.
Cascara is splendid for children, too
and they love the t.iie of ihit candy
laxative which every drugityrc hut for
10c and 23c
Klamath Falls Folks
By Star Drug Store
l WILL 6ET BA.9Y AI ICE fr-"
----- , rp , , T Tm .
Wtnhr. IS n Y Ux7
Only the highest quality drugs and chemicals sold in America are dis
pensed by The Star Drug Store.
To insure better quality drugs we often pay double the price usually paid
by the average druggist for "ordinary" quality drugs and chemicals.
tn the purchase of drugs we give quality first consideration always.
iT'iZZ -' LiTJ
What 25c Will Buy
1 07.. Iodine
I ounces Glycerine nnd Rohc Water
2 ounces Camphorated Oil
2 ounces F E Cascara ar
1 ounces Witch Hazel
1 pound Kpsotn Salts
1 ounces Boric Acid
4 ounces Flax Seed Meal
What 15c Will Buy
' a ounce Iodine , i !
i'i pound Epsom Salts
1 ounce Camphorated Oil
4 ounces Powdered Pumica
1 ounces Flax Seed Meal
1 ounces Flax Seed, whole
I ounces Itoric Acid Solution
j ounce Spirits Camphor ,
3 'ounces Powdered Alum
Week-End Specials
SAVE -wth
Raspberry, Strawberry,
2 for 49c j
2 Lb., for..
2 for 41c
Ginger, Allspice,
2 for 26c
Blue 'and Qf
while 0?C
Maxixe pherries, Chocolate Covered 49c
5TH ami. MAIN