. .. . . . . PAGE TEN WEDXRSOAY. N'OVEMftF.K "A 1027. THE KLAMATH NEWS NOTICE Til HIMIPKIITV 76 ft. of southwesterly of lot! I'.KH WHOSE PKOPKKTV HAS . Margaret C. Hal. I III. $233. 8. ilKKN hUVII I.IAIII.K Mill' Southeasterly 60 fl. of lot 6 THE COST K IMPROVING and southeasterly Si) ft of ths MIXTH STREET KIIOM THK , southwesterly I, of lot T, H. N. HOI TIIKAKTKRI.Y LINK 4lKi.Moe. $412. 07. I MAIN STREET TO THK Northeasterly h at lot ..John WESTERLY LINK. EXTEND- A. HouMon. (HI .24. Kll. 4IK "IM l K It 4 I A H Southwesterly 4 cflol S. John. : HTKKET, THK NAVK IIKIM' A. Houston. $99 39. KMlUN AS IJIPHOVKMKNT- lllmk M ! I'MT Slh 6M THAT IHKVl Lol 1 . Oscar A. Smith. $ 7 1 6 2S. ' HAVK TWENTY DAYS KUO.M , Lot 2. Oscar A. Smith, $3.19 S.v ! THK KIUST DATE OK PI IU Northeasterly 4 of lot 3. Joel UCATION OK THIS MVTIt'K T. War.!. Mil7.Ul. IX W HICH TO KILE APPLI-I Northeasterly 4 of lot S. A. J. 'ATION TO PAV THEIR AS- : Powell, $99 39. KKsiSMKNTsl l TKN K.Ol'AL, Northwesterly 4 of lo:s 9 and ANN! AL INSTALLMENTS. ' 1. Fred O. Murphy. liU.TU. . AVHEIIEAS. the Common Conn- ell of tka City of Klamath Kails. Oregon, did by Ordinance No. (HI duly adopted on the 21st day of November, 1927, declare the proportionate assessment on each lot, part of lot, block, piece o parcel of acreage property found to be benefited for a proportion ate share of the cost of Impror- lng Sixth street from the south easterly line of Main street to tho westerly line, extended, of Commercial atreet. all a more fully and In detail shown on the plan and -specification 'of the 4'lty Engineer on file with the Police. Jnrtze ot aaid city The properly so found bene fited and liable and assessed as aforMaJd. la all th broiwrtv lv- inr adiacent to said nnrts of said Streets, and is aa follows-. That the docket of city liens has been made up as provided by Section 26$ of the charter of said city, and below will be found a Hat of the names of the owners whose property has been so as- aeaaed as aforesaid, and acalnst which llena have been docketed. as by aaid ordinance provided, to nether with the total amount soiJoseph A. McDonald, f 11 4.23 aaaeaaed against each specific owner and holder. Reference la hereby made to nrh lln lfw-bnt for a detailed dMerlntlnB of each Int. oart of , lot, piece or parcel of acreage property so assessed. lot. niece or parcel of acreage -Further notice Is hereby civen to the respective owners of pro- . perty so assessed and hereinafter Hated, lhat aueh assessment Is roweu. 111 :i. now due, and payable, and will lllock !, be delinquent from and after the ' tf' J- Jf-'''h. ,A, an,J -lomas expiration of twenty days from : E- McDonald. t.-2.l. the date of the first publication 1 Jeph A 0 -d Thomas ot this notice which said first E- McDonald J3, :.... publication will be made Satnr- Northeasterly , of lot 3. Ang day the 2th day of November, clo Doyeri. tlU.y. Northeasterly 4 of lot S. Leila . The owners of property so as- L: nd wm " Humphrey, sesaed as aforesaid must either ''J1 1' .- ., . . ,.., ,, (- . j fn .-i,h Lot . Leila L. and ill H. ih Poll Judt nf ih. said rlIV on or before the 17th day of Dec ember. 1927, their respective ap plications to nay such assess ments in ten eq.ua! annual install- ments. Following is the description of the property: ORIGINAL TOWS Block .17 . Northeasterly 26 1-3 ft. of northwesterly 100 ft. of lot 8. American National bank. $010.70. Southwesterly 25 2-J ft. of northeasterly 52 ft. of north westerly 100 ft of lot S. , Harry IS. i'elti, $171.24. 1 Northeasterly 10-12 ff of north-1 westerly. 100 ft. of lot 7 and southwesterly 13-12 ft. of north westerly 100 ft. of lot S. allarry E. Pelts, $98.91. Northeasterly 27 ft. of south westerly 55 ft. of northwesterly 100 ft. of lot 7. Chas E. Riley. $S5.4. Southwesterly 2S feet of north- westerly loo ft. of lot ., Ella, B. Stilts, $a3... Northwesterly 20 ft. of lot 1 and northwesterly 20 ft. of north- easterly 15 ft. of lot 2: also southeasterly S ft. of lot 8 and southeasterly S ft of northeast- erly 15 ft. ot lot 7, Mary K. ' Motschenbacher and Geo. A. Wirtx. $251.02. Northwesterly So ft. of south- easterly 10S ft. of lot 1, E. C. Alurphy. $432.31. Southeasterly 50 ft. of lot 1. A1. Melhase, $306.23. Lot 2 except northwesterly 20 ft. of northeasterly 15 ft; also southwesterly 50.12 ft. of south easterly 5 ft. of lei 7. W. N and Minnie Rrotherton, $226.10 lllnrk tlH Ixt 3, B. E. and ( $232.77. Lot i, B. E. and f $824.24. Kerns, Lot 5. Louis Jacobs. 1 .021 .f. doui iweso ny iii.ii n. oi 101 o, iouis jacous, iii.oi.'. - Northeasterly 25 ft. of lot 6, T. B. Wattcrs. $35.67. KLAMATH A 111)13 IO Illork TH Lot 1, Schallock and DagK.tt. $661.75. Lot 2, Schallock and D.mgelt. S281.69. Northeasterly 4 of lot 3. J. 1'. Satterlee, $78.07. Northeaslerly 4 of lot s, Mary Haley Garlurueaii. $107.55. Lot 9. Alfred Reed. 1 3 in 66 Lot 10, Alfred It-ed, $719. ss. lllock 77 Southwesterly 4 of lot 3 and northeasterly ( Inches of lut 4, J O. Beardsley. $80.3 7. Southwesterly 60 ft. of north easterly 50 4 of lot 4, K. Cofer. $270.04. Lcit 6 and southwesterly 1 ft. of lot 4. Union Oil Co. II. 4 of Calif., $678.95. Southeasterly 7 ft. of lots 6 and 7. E. Pearl lllsiiee, 17 1" II Northwesterly 30 ft. of lots 6 and 7, B. P. Lewis Kstale. Hutlie V. Lewis. Adnt., $3 17.40. Southwesterly 4 of lot 8, Sal vation Army. $107.55. Block Mil Southwesterly la of lot 3, A. P. Hutehins Estate. 1 "7 fl . Lot 4, Ina Walker. $::9.5S. Northwesterly 75 ft. of lot 5. J. O. Beardsley, $537.21. Southeasterly 25 ft. of lot 5. II. E. Calkins. $179.06. Northwesterly 24 ft. of lot 6 Jackson, $212 20 terms for the sale of three Pa- Northwesterly 26 ft. of south- QiUe "nc" nrt a special meeting easterly 76 ft. of lot 6 and north-1 ''ill be held tomorrow to enn westerly 20 ft. of southeasterly sider the Investment. houtnessieny oi iois s anu 1". S. E. Darling. $542.37. Block H:l Lot $701.7 1. Acme Motor Co., Lot Arm Motor Co. $.1:13.02. Northeasterly 4 of lot 3. Acme Voior Co.. $99 Northeasterly 4 of let S. L. I.. and l.ida Trnai. $11J.S2 Lot 9. L. L. and l.ltla Trua. J333.S1 Lot 10. L. L and Lnla Triiax. S7.t.:.ll. llliM-k ll SoHtha-ejilerly 4 of lot 3. I.es- l'e Koeers. Trustee. :! 73 Northwesterly 4 of lots 4 and 3. E. A. Dunham. IMS ii: Southeasterly 4 of lots 4 and 5. K. Mailsen Estate, tleo. A Wlrtl. Adm $.M9.!S .Northwesterly 4 of lets and 7. W. V. and lona J. Kcrdney. fi20.37. Southeasterly 4 of lots 6 and 7. D. A. and Huby Kenyoii. 0 24. Southwesterly 4 of lot s. W. " nd lona J. Fordney. J113.S2. tiim-k 110 Lot 3 t southwesterly 4 onlyi ,ot 4, Joseph A. McDonald. IJSS.JS. L:t a. Joseph A. McDonald. $923. S6. Northwesterly 4 of lots and J- H- Satterl.-e. $344 51. Southeasterly 4 of lots 6 and C. R. and Virgil O. DeLap. 33,,55. Southwestern 4 of lots S. 7. Humphrey. 1147. S. Lot 10. Leila L. and Will II. Iiuniphrev. $727.20. lllock 101 Lot 1. Orval D. Burke. ' $S6S 4 j Lot 2. Orval D. Burke. $346. St. Northeasterly 4 of lot 3. Chas. B. and Kathenne House. $110.66. Let S. 1 the northeasterly 4 onlyi Emma G. Uond, $lu9.67. Lot 9. B. S. Grigsby. $344.89. Lot 10. B. S. Grigsby. $SSS.65. lllock IO.I Southwesterly 4 of lot 3. J. E. Swansen. $1 10 66. Northwesterly ,4 of lots 4 and 1 5. Slater Investment Co.. $535.23. "southeasterly 4 of iota 4 and 5. O. D. and Ada Matthews. $005.79. Lot 6. J. J. Jorgensen. $721.59. Lot 7. J. J. Jorgensen. $344. Southwesterly 4 of lot S, O. C. and E. Hv. Co.. $109.67. Ill.sk llMI Northwesterly 4 of lots 1 and 4 orriii ivn vr,-w si southeasterly 4 of lots 1 and 2 0 D. Matthews and Geo. Ji. Hoffman. $053. t3. Northeasterly 4 of lot 3. With- r0w-Melhase Companv. $109.06 Lot s , northeasterly 4 onlvi Beulah Ray and J. W. Kerns, $52 77 1, 9. Beulah Ray and J. W. is31.,. "i,,,, lw fx,.,.nt a triangular ,,ie(.e of 21).nx24.8 ft. taken off from the etsterlv corner of said it. Beulah Rav and J. W. Kerns. $621.20. rii." '-.h,,.- triL.n,.i.i-,r tr-,.u , 20.x24 S llaken off from ihe easterly corner of lot lo, Oregon. California and Eastern Railway Company, $79 77. t'lipuitlefl Beginning at a point formed by the intersection of the nnrth G. Kerns, easterly line of 6th siren with the westerly line of Commercial street; thence north 51 04 ft. .,,, alonK , northeaster- ly side of ;th street. 2H'-5 ft.: thence north 3V 36 ft east, l.'.o feet: thence south 51 ol It. east, Jlli.lK. feet to Ihe wt-gl line of Commercial street: tro-we south ,-il'nc the said west line of Com- mercial str.-'-t to the point of be .ginning: excepting a rectangular tract of land at. the westerly cor : ner. measuring 50 feet on Sixth i street, by loo feet along the soul heastt-rly side of Kim avenue, Os.ar A. and Krank 1.. Smith. J1.IS9.75. A rectangular lia.-t of land fronting 5n U et on the northeast- erly side of 6th street and ex- tending back It.") leet along the southeasterly line of Kim avenue. ' the westerly corner ot said tract I nig also 210.5 fi et from Ihe .west line of f onilliorelal street. measuring northwesterly along the northeasterly lice of 6th street, O. I. Ma'thews, :,20 12. This noli'-e is piiMbhcd by authority of the Common Conn- cil pursuant to Se.-ti' n 269 of the .Charier of sai.i city Duled at Klnmatli Kjlls. Ore gon, the 25th day of November, .1927. i LKM !.. CACHAGEN. ' Police Judge of iho f lly of Klama'h Kails. Ore. N26.3II 1)3.7.1 4 COI LDVT AGREE WASHINGTON, Nov. 28. (API Members of the shipping hoard NOTICE TO PROPERTY OWN- FKS V II O S K PROPERTY has been Korxn i.iahi.k KOU THK COST OK IMI'ltllV-l IXli MARTIN STREET KROM THK XOHTII I.IXK OK HOME AVKNTK TO TIIK XOHTII-j WESTERLY LINKS OK LOT 57 IN BLOCK 17 ANU LOT it! IX It LUCK 22 OK INIU'S TlilAL ADDITION KNOWN AS IMPROVEMENT 1NIT NO 74. THAT THKY HAVK TWKNTY DAYS KltOM THK KIUST l.TK OK Ptltt.UA TION OK THIS NOTICE IN WHICH TO KU.K APPLICA TION TO PAY THEIR AS SESSMKNTS IN TKN KOl'AL ANNl'AL INSTAI.I.MKNTS. WHKHKAS. the Common Coun cil of the City of Klamath KalU. i Orepon, did by Odlinance No. 1 JITiS duly adopted on the 7th day of November, 1;27. declare th' proportionate Assessment on each lot, part of lot. block, piece or parcel of acroaite properly tound to be benefited for a proportion-; ale share of the cost of tlliprov ine Martin Street from the north line of Home Aveuue to ihe northwesterly lines of Let 37 In I'hock 17 and Lot iii iu lllock 22 i of Industrial Addition, all as; more fully and in derail shown on the plans and specifications j ol the City Knaineer on file with the Police Judge of said city. The property so found benefit-. ed and liable and aessed as aforesaid is all the property lyinj; adjacent to said parts of said streets, and is aa follows: That Ihe docket of city liens has been made up as provided by Section 2tiS. of the Charter of j saut 1 ity. ami ueiow wju no iuuuu a list vi me luiuies ui iuc owners whose property has been;.. so assessed us aforesaid, and against which liens have been d.K-keted. as by suit! ordinance provided, together with tho total amount so assessed against each sp-cific owner and holder. Itefereuce is hereby made to such Hen docket fur a dctuiled desi-t:iti'n of each lot. part of lot. piece or parcel of acreage prop-rty so assessed. I'urther notice is hereby given to the respective owners of prop ' erty so assessed and hereinafter listed, that such, assessment Is now due and payable and will be .delinquent from aud after the! expiration of twenty days from. the date of the first publication' of this notice which said first, publication will be made Sunday.) the 13th day of November. 1927.! The owners of property so as-j sessed as aforesaid ninst either' pay in cash or make and file with I the Police Judce of the said City on or before the 5th day of Dec ember. 1927. their respective ap plications to pay such assess ments in tea equal annual In stallments. Kollowinc is the description of the property: Industrial Addition lllock IT Lot 37. Klamath Development Co., $00.94. Lot 38. Klamath Development Co.. $60.94. Lot 39. Klamath Development Co . $00.9 1. Lot 40. Klamath Development Co.. $60.94. Lot 41. Klamath Development Co.. $60.94. Lot 4 2. Klamath Co.. $60.91. , .1 Development 1 Lot 43. Klamath Development Co.. $60 94. Lot 4 4. Klamath Development Co.. $60.94 Lot Id. Klamath Development C fc'u; . n , lxt Klamath Development Ci "V, , r. , Lot 4.. Klamath Development Co - 7i9-, ,k n , . Lot 4S. Klamath Development Co.. $67 33. Lot 49. R. $07.33. Lot 50, R. S67.33. Lot 31, It. & Ellen Hannon, ,, & Kilen Hannon. E. E. a: r-tien iiannon $67 33. Lot 52. Klamath Co . S07. :::',. Lot r,3. Klamath Co . J-07.33. Lot 51. Klamath Co . S67 .33. In-velopment . Development Development l.t 55. Klamath Development Co . J-67 33. Lot 56. Klamath Development Co . $67.3.1. Lot 57. Klamath Development Co . 7.33. Lot 5s. Klamath Development to.. i.,.3.:. Lot 59, Klamath Development Co. 867.33 Nely 4 of Lots 60. 61. Klamath Development $132.5';. Swly 4 of Lots 60, 01. Ida llloe.'r!'-. .Si'.9.3i. lllock IH S2- ' - c-- Swlv 36 4 fl. of Lois 30 31. .1. M. Krazier. S23.62. and , Nely ::0 4 It. of Sely 72. S ft. of Lots 3'i and 31, Leslie Peyton. $15 in. Nely 10 ft. of Lois 30 and 31. J. M. Krazlor, $73.70. Lot 32. Klamath Development Co . S67.33. Lot 33. Klamath Development Co. 867.33. 1,01 ;n. Klamatn Development "- . mnmain runs, uu Co , sr,7 33. gon, the 12th day of November, Lot 35, Klamath Development ,!'!'' Co.. 867.33. I LKM I. GAGHAGKN, bit Klamath Development ' ''""'e -fudge of the City of Kliiin Co.. .r,7.::3. J 'h Kalln, fre. Lot :7 Kl.imi.lh I If-veto r. men t Klamath Development K lo mat h Development CO, $67 Lot Co., S'i7.;::i. Lot 39. Klamath Co., $07.3:1. Lot lo. Klamalh Co.. 867.33. Let 41. Klixnalh Co.. 807 3 3. Lot 42. Klamalh Co.. .67 33. Lot 43. Klamalh Co.. $67 33. Development Development Development Development Development Lot 41, Klamath Development Co.. $69.29. Lot 4 5, Klamath Development Co., $70.48. Lot 46. Klamath Development Co.. $70.48. Lot 47. Klamath Development Co.. 7n 48. , Lot 18, Robert Chevne, $70.48. lioncft Choyne, $7u.4t',. Lot 50. . I. ' eii.ws. $70.4 I.' 41. C. I. iiuntty t o. I Itunily & O. I. i Bellows. $70.48. Lot. 52. C. A. llundy, f TO -tS. Lot 53. Klamath Development A , $"70 4S. i Lot 54. Kluitiath Pevclupmcul Co . R' Lot Lot. Lot Lot ; 4S. sr., c. .". c. .'.7. C. A. Ruiidnv. A. Itunily. A. Untidy, $70. 4s. $70.48. $70 48. $70.48. s, c A. Ituudy, lll.Kk IU All except a trlaiKular piece. measurXiiK S2'xllii S'. off from I the moat ly." corner. City of' Klamath Kalis. ti!l!l.7ii. ! lll.Kk sit! j Lot 3. Klamath Development ( Co . 9.4l!. Lot 4. Klaniaih Co . S2 Lot f. Klliuutli Development Develoutueiu Co.. S2 Lot ti. KlaitiiitU Development Co . I & S2 ot . Klamath 'Co . $5.S2. t Lot S. Klamath j Lot !. Klntuatll .Co. ri.!!2. lWeloumenl Lot 10. Klamath Co. Development Lot 11. Klamath Development 1,-., .:-. t '(J -Ianlllh Development Co. IiiS.12. 1 .13. Klamath IVrcloptuent Co. J63.12. Lot 14. Klamath Co. Jlia.12 Development Lot la. Klamath Dt'velopmeitt Co. :.,12. Lot lt. Klanuiii Co., ii.. 12. Development Development Development Lot 17. Klamath Co.. JS.V1 2. (tj ' Jt--' ', Klamath lllock '-M Lot 1. It. JO... 1 2. Lot 2. It $65.12. Lot 3. R, M. a: Theresa Teare, M. A Teresa Teare, M. Teresa Teare, $05 12. Lot 4. Chus. W. Kaler. $65.12. 1-ot 5. Klamath Development Co. $63.12. Lot 6. Klamith Development Co. $63.12. Lot 7. Klamath Development Co.. $63.12. Lot 8. Klamath Development Cp.. $65.12. Lot . Klamath Development Co., $63.12. Lot 10. Klamath Development Co.. $65 I Lot 11. H. L. Newliv.' $63.12. Lot 12. II. L. New by. $63 12. Lot 13, T. A. Treloar. $65.12. Lot 14., Klamath Development Co.. $65.12. Lot 13. George L. Moll. $64 07. Lot 16. George L. Metz. $02.37. Lot 17. George L. Men. $02 37. Lot is. George L. Men. $02.37, Lot 19. George L. Moll. $62.37. Lot 2o. George L. Men. $62.37. Lot 21. George L. Men. $02.37. Lot 22. George L. Mots. $62.37 Lot 23. George L. Men. $62 37. Lot 24. Robert Kryrear. $62 37. Lot 23, Robert Kryrear. $62.37. Lot 26, Robert Kryrear. $12.37. Lot 27. Robert Kryrear. $02.37. Lot 2H. Klamath Development Co.. $62 37. Lot 29. Klamath Development Co., $77.32. lllock Lot $62 3; 1. W. .11 Moulellus, Montellus, Lot 2, W. .11. 37 Development Lot 3. Klamath Co., $02 37. Lot 4. Klamath Co.. $62.37. In, C L't,nt,ll, Development Development Development Development Development Development Development Development t-Q $6- Lot S.-'klamath (0 37 '" '- Klamath ;c0 $02 37 ! Lot 8." Klamath t icq it I ,ot 9. Klamath ,Co, $62 37 t !-ot 10. Klamath 'rn $62 37 i t.t ti tn.-,mrti, f'o. 2 Lot 12. t o . $62 :i: Lot I.:. Co.. $62 S Kljmatli Development Klamalh Dev. lopment I Lot II. tro.. $62.3' Klamutli Development Lot Klamutli Development rn lf,2 .17 I l, ls. Klamath Co.. $62.37. ) M, i7. Klamath :ro . 162 37 Dcvelopnienl Development i ,0t 18. Klamath Development Co., $62 37. i i,ot id. Klamath 1 Co . $61.93. Development Lot 20. Klamath Development Co.. $56 82. , Lot 21, Klamath Development. f'o , $56.82. I Lot. 22, Klamalh Development I 'Co.. $36 82. I i Lot 23. Klamath Development I lo, $.,6.82. Lot 21. Klamath Development i ! Lot 49 ,.. i . , 1 Lot J, Delia Laiighead, Lot. 2.j. Klamath Development' j ot h-imi., a tco. $36.82. ' l$iVls"' Lot 26. Klamath Development - I ins notice is published by on - thority of the Common Council Pursuant to Section 269 of the Charter of said City. the the ! 1 " 1 6 -1 .1-2 0 NOTICE !' KINAL SETTLEMENT Notice Is hereby given Unit the uti'lei-.uigned has filed In County Court of the Slate of1 .Oregon, for Klamath County, the; final aciniint of his adminislra- j Hon of the estate of Sin villa M. Broadsword, deceased, and said I Court has fixed January 6. 1928.' at 3:00 o'clock P. M. as the time and the court room of said Court, in the City of Klamalh Kalis. Oregon, as the place for Hie hear- I ing of said final account und the settlement thereof KRANCIS W. BROADSWORD, Executor of the Estate of Sur - villa M. Urond"Word, Dnce-ised. ' N23-30 D7-1 4-21. Tt PltUPKHTV OWN- KKS WIIOSK PIIOPKHTY HAS IlKKN KtUND I.IAIII.K KlU THK COST tlK 1MPIIOV-' ISO I.IIO K OCT AVKNI KltOM TIIK NOUTII LINK OF I'I'IIAM STKKKT TO TIIK SOPTII LINK OK ST. KUAN CIS STIIKKT, INCH'lilNll INTKItSKCTIONS. KNOWN AS IVtPKOVKMKNT I'NIT NO. 7.1, THAT THKY HAVK TWKNTY DAYS KliOM THK KIUST DA TK OK Pl lll.ltATlt)N OK THIS NOTICE IN WHICH TO KII.K APPLICATION W PAY T H K I ll ASSESSMENT!) IN TKN KtJI'Al. ANNl'AL IN STALLMENTS. WHKKKAS. Council ot tho the C o nt in o n City of Klutuath 1 ''"" Ore..n. did by Ordinance 1 ,u. u.ioyivti ou inp tin div ot S".mlH'r. '-' declare I the proportionate assesiiuent oil each lot. part of lot, block, piece or harci'l of ainmet' i.rit.ti.rlv ,NOTH'K lK'Velopment ' ',u""' ,H benelliel for a pro porttotiatc sharo of the cost of IVvclonment . Iiapiovlnit Lookout Atentie from Hie north Hue of I'l.iuim Street I to tile Soilltl line of St. Krancla Street, lllclildlUK Intersection, all as more fully and tit detail shown ' ""' Pl""s and specifications I of tha City Engineer ou file w ith 1 f'"' Police JuiIbo of said City The property found bene- ' filed and liable and assessed aa nioresaiu. is all tne property iv ; Ins adja.-etu lu said parts of said streets. That the docket of city Hens has been made up as provided l-v 1 1 Section 26S of ihe charter of said City, nud helnw will be ' found a list of the names of the lowuers whose iroierty has been ! so assessed as aforesaid, and aitainst which Ileus have hewn I docketed, ujr .uiu iiminuiiroii, ,., ln Klnmnth POiintv lir... piolded together Willi the total I amount so assessed against each I specific owner and holder. I Reference Is hereby made lo such lien docket fur a detailed description of each lot. part of lot. piece or parcel of acreage Toprty ho uAMcttnod. KurihT notUe is hereby pi von to tho n-pvHvt uwDrri of irup crty so atuwttHr and hen. natter listed, that siu-h ae4!mrnt Is now due and pavaMc and will bo delinquent frtm and after tho I'Xpirution of twenty la4 from t!i rliln nt thn flFMt till til U'ut Inn or ,nl, aotlKV wllUh ,ala flr 1 nubluntinn will l.n n,a,l .Sun.Uv I the 13th day of November. 1927. The owners of property so us- sessed aa aforeeatd must either pav in cash or make and file with the Police Judge ot the said City on or before the 5th day of December. 1927. their respective application iu leu eiual unnu.il Installments. Kollowlng Is the description of the property: l ain lew Addition No, S HI.Kk '2 Lot lAlt 4. L. V. Tutor. $338 37. L. V. Tutor. $309 61. Lot 6. Jessie Kmiuling, $230.- 67. lllock 3 G. Enders Lot 1. $2sO.!i7. Lot 2. Westniun Lot 3. 37. II trustee John flerglund and $309.01. A. .Mary 1. Sutton. $32 lllock Mildred n Elder Lot 1, Estate, 2S1.9.s. j , Mildred l$2M.9S. Elder Estate, Lot t Paul and Mildred 1111- Ion. $2S1 98. Lot 4. il. II Van Valkenbu'rg, $2s0.73. Lot 5, W. W. Winfrey. $280.- 73. Lot . Henry Gloystein, $230. 73. lllock II Westerly 36 2-3 ft. of lots 7 and 8. Ethel and Jesse Bulley, $268.72. Westerly 36 2-3 ft., of easterly i ;S7 1-3 ft. of lots 7 and S. Nell i ! Berkley. $172.76. I ; Easterly 36 2-3 ft. of lots 7 iand H, Ibn c. and Susan A. .Mlt- '";" ",19 ''. . I Lot 9, John II Llnfesty. I $210.73. Lnt lo, C. O. and $2M 9S. Westerlv one-half und 12., Everett A. Lena Wells, i of lots 111 Mcf ollum, I $36 1.21. Easterly one-half of lots 1 1 and 12. Ernest McCollum, $203.76. Block 12 Lot 7. Chas. C. Whltmorc. "(176.22. ! Lot S. Paul J. Illllon $170 52. I . L-it 9, Luke E. Walker, ! S 176.22 Lot 10, $119 18. Lot II, $419 18. Lot 12, Luke K. Walker. Luke K. Walker. L'lhe K. Walker, $419.18. Block t:l $119 18. ThniHor, ( ot 3 Clris D Gareelon, ; (x,t 4. .0ix and iiqHChnr $176.23. Augusta j,ot Si Thomas Laughead ! $476 23 Lot 0, Paul Hilton, $ 176.23. lllock !H Lot 1 I Johnson ! Lot. 2, Albert K. and Anna M. $ 176.22 A. W Win, tx. $1' K. 6.22. 1 Hester, I Lot ! $176.21. I Lot . $389.53. ; Lot j $389.55, Lot i $389.55 4, E. II. lliilhlg'-r, Mrt'abe, MrCnbn,' 5, Annetta Lot 0, Alitiiltn Block HI Uit 7, James P. Ilncknor, $389 65. I Lot 8, Krank Dickey, $389.55.1 Lot 9. Krank Dickey. $389.55. j Lot 10, K. J. Lawrence.! $170.21. Lot 11, II. Krank Owens, $476.21. Lot 12, Chas. C. Whltmorc, $476.21. I This notlco Is published by nu- I thority of tho Common Council 1 pursuant to Section 269 ot Ihe IChwrler of said cllv. ' Dated at Klamalh Kalis, Ore- I In' ) Jt ti day of November, l!2 1 1 .... I L. t.At.HAt.KN. 1 .'I"-' M.iuaf, u. inu lit K" of Kllimulh Kalla, Ore. ' M 3.1.lll.,3 SIMMONS No. UtlTU Ktiuliy In Ihe Circuit Court of the State of Oregon, for Iho Cuuuly of Klatualh, II. K. Kerna, Plaintiff: vs, Harry D. Waters and Sumo A. Crow ley, Defendant--, To Harry D, Waters, the above mimed defendant: I In the uniuo of the. Slate of, llrtM.lt Vol. Mr,. I,t...l.u ,l..l I Ul lui'r and answer the .0111.; uli.li, 1 fil,..l .iitwi 1.. ahove entitled mill . 011 or lir,.r,i Ihe 3 0l)i day of November, A. D. I 1M27, that buiim ihe duy of Iho , last pllhllcatlon of Summons ami Ihe lust duy wlthlu which you are required to answer, um fixrd by tho order of publlcaliou of jthis Siimiuous. If you full lo oppoar and 'answer, the plaintiff will apply to the Court for the relief de manded iu plaintiff's First ; A 111 e n d e d and Supplemental Complaint. uiuuani 10 lore- closw nionaaae, eiiH-uted and delivered by you lo the plaintiff tti,OVe named on the 2:lrd day of May. I'iii. and conditioned for the pavmeut of the sum of 2500.00. upon the lolluwtug do. scribed lauds and real estate. Jto-wit: I lieglnnlux nt the quarter see. , lion curlier betweeu section 31 ;iiihI 32. In township .1:1 south, 'range S. east of Wiliamettr mer- olne'S,a,nl',K state highway: thence northeust- .1 . , kV.r . . i hi. b is .s,..ri, 11,111 1..- 1 .sauth 206 f.,t from tin. point of beginning; lli-n.e north 206: feet to a mound ot stone: thence J weal 1 10.1 f,,,; 1,1 a point of bo. I ginning, being a portion of the norths, -u o.itartor of the south west ucarter f ..i, Si. town- 39 Willamette) meriiiiun. in iviamain county. state of Oregon. That unless you appear and . nns-ur nlalnlirf , f I I...I... met and lecV... .f ,1.7 1 o. I (...i.i i ,. h7 ,.": " .', aolt .... . - , n owners or property so ns- ,: . Th" ,'',nc"",1 """ 'oriacsed aa aforesaid must either ,$1.0 00, together with Interest , pay In cash or make and file with thereon nt eight per cent per ; the Police Judge of the said city I annum, from the 0th day of on or before the 5th day of Dec--.March. 1927. and the further i ember. 1927. their respective bd- sum of $300 00 attorney foes uuu me costs ami aisuurscmcnis of this suit, and that the said mortgage will be foreclosed, and I the said lands 'w-tll be sold In I the iiurner provided by law for .the satisfaction of said Judg- uient and decree, and the pro ceeds of said sale shall be ap plied to the satisfaction of said judgment and decree In the man ner provided by law. This Summons is published In Klamath News, a daily newspaper of general circulation, printed, published and circulated dally nt Klamath Falls. In Klamath county, state of Oregon, by or Ider of the Honorable A. L. I.eav lilt. Judge of the above entitled I court, and dated the 25th day of October. A. D.. 1927, the first putiHcatiop to be innde on the 26th day of October. 1927, and Addition to Klamath Kails: thence the last publication thereof on ; southeasterly along the northenst the 3oih day of November- 1 927. ; ly line of 9th street 1 16 33 ft. to .MANNING. McCOLLOCI! & the northwesterly line of the al DKISCOLL. ley through said block 49; thence Attorneys for the plaintiff. I northeasterly along the north- iPoe? "if tt,x ik. a Si - . , W :1 ' L 1 . i-rji - I o .'-. '-.---v. .4.. c f6 FltlP VOu? 1 j TRut uye- I entfRftCitiCr Tbwt Out tuCiL I if fafHii? Crf?f,F?iS,ihr Jj M . u.J - p k Ufa whose burliness and noiloftl. e ml- ;dre-ls 023 Muln airovl. Klani- laih.KnlU, Klamalh cmitity, Ore- it. in q 2a;N2-l)-10-23-34 NOTICE TO PIIOPKHTY OWN Kits WHOSE PIIOPKHTY HAS IlKKN KOl'NIl I.IAIII.K KOIl THK COST OK IVIPHOVINll THK ALLEY IN HI.OCK . NICHOLS ADIHTIoN, UK TWKK.V NINTH AND KI.KV KNTH STUKKTS KNOWN AS I.MPUOVKMKNT VNIT No If.. THAT T1IKT) MAVK TWENTY DAYS KUO.M TIIK KIUST DATE OK PI'ltLlC VTION OK this notice in which to KU.K. APPLICATION TO PAY TIIKIR ASSESSMENTS IN TEN Ei'lAL. ANNl'AL IN STALLMENTS. I IVHKItEAS. lln Cutmiioii Cnnti. 'ell of the City of Klamutli Kails. Orexon. did by 11 uinance No , "'''!' duly udoptcd oil the Till day ; "f November, 1927. declare Ihe 1 Proinirtlonale usaeHNincnt on each lot. part of lot. block, piece or I .arcel of uciciiko property found t to be benefited for a proportion . nto share of the res' of Improv- In tho nlley Hi block 4!i. N h 1 ols Addition, belwcell Ninth and r.ioveiun streets, all as more nil- j hiiu. iii o.'i an , suiiwii un iiie ! plans and api-rltli allous of the City Eniiltieer file with Hie l'",''" Judite of s.it.l city. 1-,.- .V. . ... ... ... I . .1 1. V "'"""! 'I and liable and assessed us. ur,.p..-ui.i 1. n . . . . 1 the pronei'lv liijt ndju'enl to said ports if said jstreeis, and Is as, follows: Thai the ducket of ell v H.-ns has been made up as provld.sl hy j Section 2I'.S of the Charter of suld Icily, and below will bo found it j list of ill 11 names of the owners! i whoso proierty has Im-,-ii so a,-' essed lis aforesaid, and aitalnst : "mi in., t mhi umt'imi ! owner ami holder. tiereroticn is h -r. l.y nia.lo on.-h I...M .I....L... .... .. ,i.,,i,.,i , ..''.'.' 101, pitsre or parcel or are rage 1 property ao assessed:. , KOrthoP l.,llt l h..r..t.u ,1,.., i li. ,h ,J. ,i., .... - 1 , , , ', V""M . """ '" M now duo, and pnvuhle. and will , i, ,i-n, , ...,.. ... ... .. -,nin.ii..n r a,.. it,. ,i., n, ., . ........ - ... ... li'linimn . ,"T.h. .;'''.. .,n, ""l"Tmmrm'H't- " plications to pay such assessments In ten ooual annual Installments. Kollowlng 4s tho description of the property: Muds Addition HliM k 411 Easterly 52 ft. of westerly 13 ft. of lot Spiro. $192 0$. Easterly 20 ft. of westerly 45 ft .f lot Hotel. Inc. $121.90 lot 1 and 1. Samiiul lot 2 and 2, Arcade , Westerly 13 It of lot and Kred easterly 15 ft. of lot 3, i Itueslng. $221.63. I westerly 50 ft. or lot 3, Anna Miiehl. $1S4 70. Lot 4, Mary C. Fnrrell, $21011 . Lot 6. Mary t!. Karrell, , $294.95. rtt-giunliig nt Ihe most west- i erly corner of block 49. Nichols lout-,f OhC CSM vfs.'f rT;-i pittp no? n.i.f. tci Mi TLiPPirCr tof M "tlpWlCH V'iH .,CL, GuuetKC '' it.M k.LlfVL' 11 ,,. ), ' i TUt CiPvk" mi) ss : 2& J . ' j 1 1 j V , .-s-y-T Ml. westerlv lino of snld alley .13 feet: thence noli liweslm ly to " liiilut 011 tho (.iiulbeasleiiy 1 1 110 of Main iiinel. 40 feel noiilii'asinrly from Hie moit westerly coiner of suld block III: theticii aouihwest eilv 11 In 11 it Ihe soulhi'iislerly lltiu of Main ! 1 l i t 411 eel I 1 the polnl or I., alumna. Hoy I. Dui l'lii uud Kred I.. Houston. 11.17 no. llcKliiulnit nt 11 poltil vit the anulheiu lerly II1111 of Muln street, 4 0 feel from the most westerly corner of block 4, Nichols Add!- I Hon lo Kliililiilll Kalis: lli.'ine I soulheaslei IV til a pollit ou Ibn ' tioribwe'leiiv lino of the alley 'iIuoiikIi I'I'.s 4ii. 33 f.s.t from hlui noriheusterly line of vtli .street: tli.ii.o noi'lheasierly 11I.111K '.'said northwesterly lluu of said at- 1 ley I0H5 (1.: thence at nulil latiftlcs lo said lluu of said alley, 1113 ft. I I Ihe soulheaslelly IIII11 , of Main streot; tlience southwesl-' ' erly alouit tliu southeasterly lluu' I el Main slrui'l 2i s ft. to the I point if bi'KiuuliiK. I. I). und An I '.a M. Itumer, li. IiM I Easterly 00 ft. of lot 7. An 1 drew Jut ksou Conuolly, trustee, I S4 Vo. j Westerly 3 5 ft of 1..I , J. A. . tioidou and Chas. K. Kllay, M29.2II. I Kasterly .10 ft. of lot S. It. 11. I Karl), trustee. 1 1 In. S3. I WOterlv r.u fi. of lot 9, Ceorne 1 Christy. 1 s I .To. i Easterly 13 ft of lot 9 and slerly 43 ft. of I. I 10. Kred llllislt.K. ;:i :i. Easterly 2 11 ft. of lot - .. .. ; .. 10 uuil Arcatiu esii'riv ja 11 ih 101 11 Kasterly 53 fl. of lot II. Ceo. II. and .Minnie l.rlial,-, $l2.oa. I'bis tiotic. is published by au thority i f the Common Council pursuant to Section 209 of the Charter of said city. Dated at Klamath Kails. Ore roil, the I. 'til day of November, 19 2 7. LKM I.. (lAI'IIAKEN. Police Judge of the City of Klutuath Kails, Oru. Nl J It tp,KJ.3u to , .' It Tickled 'Im '. ' i Imkm Pnwah. sacred while elephant ot Hnrtna. Just couldn't keep from laughlu' yhen they hoisted hliu aboard the Mlnnckatlda at New York Those ropes did tickle so! And Pawuh was In hlrh feather, anyway, because his year of circus work In America wast oyer i'i ' was headed for Ills distant home. WLIJtl(r o7Mj(wlt?f) 'Down THL ccllM? Ts.kV wim Si CAspiXj etip e Mi7.o? iO r, coop oP-f ft'jinoriep iw Of PiNpihC-. rtiw iv r.i Tr-rj, A YOU ItlVAPlMTLv flftP Hle OOltIO TO Alt Kirtft? Of IWSuffl.-U to earf iM Am.iL.- wrteti nc- won'T evf-rt TOscti one- w