The Klamath news. (Klamath Falls, Or.) 1923-1942, November 30, 1927, Page 1, Image 1

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    The Klamath News
. Shop Early !
Only 21 Days
. Until Christmas '
Two Sections
Ten Pages
Vol. G, No. 13. Price Five Cent
(Every Morning Except Monday)
T n v a T oTKlSON RIOT
t aiM i si
He'll Get
His Seat
Senator-Elect Would
r I r
Election; Feels He
Fs Within Law. I
' i ' i i i.
(U.I'.) ConfiiU'iu-e t h h t
thp Hl'lllltO will
deckle to
Hfii't him wan vxpremtvd in
. , ,
it Matemeiit toniKlit by il-
Hum S. Vure, Bi'lmtor-elett ,
from IVnnnylvniilii. 1 ,
- T
ai ihi numt iimn furmi-r fcv.
irnor I'lnrhot of I'l'iiimylvanlit.
who ran men In it Vara for the
Aiu ll Imn funntnrln iiomlnatloii.
Itclit an npni letter to ih re
publican nntlonal mmmlttee, urn
liiK Hint (In meetliiK her next
wk. I In Inrtilrme Ih ned
attnlnHi peat In n Vote.
"I romn to WnahlnKtoii wllh
t lie atoHilule rxptM-tatlon of lak
lim llir m-t In the lennte to
whdh tfir pmiple. of thu atate uf
rritnylvanla tlnrted me," Vnre
U rlruiiM lrtilM
"I wehnnm the mlnutoM m ru
liny of the primary and tlir rlrc
tloii In I'rntiMylvanta, heraime
aiii'b HtTutlny will dntcrmlnr be
yond quPHtlon tlm leRntMy and
H'lMilltturtl nil I'uro Kour)
Compulsory Auto
Insurance Board
To BeJIere Dec.7
The rumpulanry auionioblle
Hahlllty Inaitranct rommlttop apy
tolntrd hy the nint li'Klitlnliire
llf be In Iho Vlty W-Miridny.
iH'tvmhor 7. and pinna for mtel
Inx with the mrntuer of It weri
made at the meet Inn of tin
board of director of the chamber ;
of commerce yeterduy. I
It wax proponed hy the Icgln
Inturu rommlltee of the chamber
to Invite hnxliiew men and In
terested onto owner In attend
a nie'-tiiK which will probably
be held Wediiutilay"at 4 o'clock.
. Tle committee la coinlni to
determine the attitude, of local
people rcfttirdlnK the prnponeri
rompnUory auto llablllly lnur-nine.
The committee ha a nchedule KnTety of more than Ttim nallorM
of clllcnto visit llirniuchout the on 177 veweU which are ce
atale and Ih-cemlMT 7 la the only ' locked In the Hlorm-nwept Can-
tlme II ran be here. Thla ! de- plan nea. Mm pi-rnonn perlnhed
clnrcd nn Important mailer and In the wreck of n umall prtvnte
It I hoped by the chamber that boat which was pounded lo blla
a litrce nutnler of bUKlnenn men by the Ice.
will be present.
IK of C. Steer
Is Prize Winner
rino.u.'o. Nov. ja. tfpj -
A 1 a-monltlM-old cross-bred alecr.
"California Klatnp." owned hy Ihe
t'nlverslty of California, was de
elated xriind chumplon at Ihe fn -lernallounl
llvestoik show today.
Jack Homer, an Abenleen
Anxus sleer shown by the t'nl
verslly of Illinois school of aarl-
cuiiuie, wns uiimeii reserve chain- the itiltliil attempt of l.leut. W. !
Pon' . ' lluritesa to conditi't an airplane i
The fcmnit champion Is a cross j search for 13 members nf the
breed of Shorthorn and Aberdeen j llrayPiithn expedition, unheard)
Annus stock, welching l.n5"i r from aluce they left tiieen Itlver, j
pounds. He will he auctioned i Dlnh, November It, lo travel the j
off to pnrkera luler In Ihe week. Colorado river. !
i t
Mother Smothers Baby To!
SJiield It From Povertyl
' " r
(JI'INCY. Mass., Nov. 80. (CP) The nnwiteil policeman sum- i
A ik niolher who killed her ntoned nnolher officer who look!
flvo'W'eoks-old bnby hecniisp Its
crying "annoyed" lier was In
1 led hum Jail IoiiIkIiI, awnltliiR
axnmlnntlnn by alienists who will
(Intel mine w hether she must
atnnd trial for ivturder.
Knrllur In Hie day. Mrs. Mad
line Oltcrsoit, ill. only . recently
recovered front a nervous break-
tlown and broodltiR over domestic
fltiaiicos. hud amothered her In-
futil ami, Htniiley, wllh a pillow
lip. wrapped the body
blanket and carried II a mile and
a half to lim district court house,
'Is II dead? Is my Imby dead?'
she asked policeman Kdward
Voiing, calmly turning hack Ihe
blanket Hull the officer might
hef strunae burden,
leaders FACE!,""v"Jr
r r:i i A : .
Six Ringleaders of
Folsom Revolt
KOI.KOM PltlriOX, Calif., Nov.
It. I IP I Charges n( murder
were filed against I hi' l rlim-
; leaders of Hie Thanksgiving lay i
riots which resulted In Hie kill-
In. i.r I :t t.i.-i, uml II... wi.lnwlliilr !:
" or other, in justice
court here thin afternoon.
TIH ..nm,,..!,,,- w-r. tiled I.V-
DUtrln Attorney Nell Mi-AIUulcr
of HiuicrumeiHo county. Justice
of I In peine John Leonard hi'
I'" " Th,r,,,,l,' UH tl"".
' for preliminary hearings, j
' All nix tnrr charged Hh the;
, ,.r ,, tUlt, ui. h hold
ill iiaiiiiiiii" unlawful
"""'iB- " murder is
iiiimlited by any nf them.
Th ,,.., m.,, v.m I...
M hen. Wednesday. The i
'"" "'" i"-""'"
iirtMiil mill nil lottllttiitit V mill
. , tMimii. Tin ruUm
ill Im iiik.-n in iiii nniri mum
lit tiriliort'd lUIH UIhIiT Ili'UVy ,
Seven new nuunu r. piu. p
Mione kllli-d and Injured In the '
rloU were appointed: by Coventor
l Yotinit tuilny.
Earl C. Reynold Will
Succeed Sabin As
KnlhiinluHilr over the future
wlltrh he. ee for the Klamath
iNinln and fired with the leal nf
one abont lo play an Important
part In the development of all
ludiintrlal and aKrlenltural do
main of potential fcrentuiwu.
Karl (. IlitynalilM, niiri'viNnr-oleel
o lnn IV Hnhtn. vkeriltlTK aer
retary ol the Ktumath ronnly
epnmlier of roniinerra. hnit ntahl
epreMed lllipittleure lo hecln
n'' w"rk-
HeyuohU wan uuiiliinioonly :
electrd aucccnaor to Suit In. who
leavtHi HvcemtHT IS, to become
unNlMant of W. I). l. Hodnon.
iCoittltiiieil on PnRe Four)
" "
Itnoff ITiit Qof V .
a vui a. vi w'UKVtT
Of 500 Sailors
MOSCOW. Nov. !!.- 7V.IM--
Kear van felt totilKht for the
I Among the houtn caught nmld
the huge blockti of Ice tire 1 00
vckhcIh belonging tof Ihe Mute
flxhlng triiHt and cnrrylng 40
men, 1 I fMicrmen' bonta with
4 2 men, nnd seven motor bouts.
Bad Windstorm
Halts Searcher
I'AIXTKI) HKSKIIT. Aril.. Xov. '
Si. fl'PI A Terrific windstorm '
which lashed the Painted Desert
caused postponement tod:iy nf ,
Hie body to the city hospital.
Mrs. Ottnraoit was' tukett Into an ;
auto room to await iiueallonlng.
After physicians pronounced
the hnhy deuil. the mother was!
nrrosted. Mrs. Otlerson nppenred i
Indifferent In court, ns she list-
lessly pleaded "not guilty" to a '
charce of niauslniiKhtcr
mliMites later
Mrs. Otterson was ordnretl held,
In lo.nno bond for hearing Krl-!
Mrs. Otlerson, seeinlitKly tin-!
moved by the -tragedy she had i
brought Into her new home, tnld
police she had long been melan
choly over money mutters. Shu
hnd brooded for several weeks
before she filially decided to
(t'oiitliiiii il on I'ukc 1'oiir)
Oil Cash
Senate's Startling Oil
Lease Probe May Be
Reopened ; Madden
to Fight Petition.
(U.P.) Any attempt by K.
I. Uohrny, oil miiKiiatc, to
huvt. l(Krt.K1, reimburse
.. . . .
rim for mom- he spent in
cunxtriutioii of oil ritoniKe
tanks nt the I'ear harbor
nuvnl hnne in Hawaii, will
bo opjxweil byiti'p. Martin
p M...!.!..., HKntiu ri.tuilJi
chuirman of tho power-
fu house t'ummittee Oil ap-
lloheliy Inwer. Krunlt II. -Ban
haii announ.wl that iouitnii will
be a-ked.ti iroprlate M. i.-
ill- for thla purpunv. Thin a ii in
reprrai-iit the amoiini which ho-
hi iiy wan lon ed to return to the
icoverniui ill when Ihe nil.r. m..
in. Il.d the Ktfc MIIIm
navnl reserve oil ltaf. Iioheny
in ir .e. .
iiiiM-uut for hulldlnit the Pearl
Hit; or KtoraBc tankit.
No l.ej(rtl t la I in
. tdi u rild hi rommlitei.
He told the Tinted
"Doheny Iihm no leo rial in
w ho lever t4t ihe pearl Harbor
lank. When the aupreme cojirt
ramclled the- Klk IIIUm lenr-e It
(Coiitlmieil .n l'ae Two!
Sportsmen Asked
To Leave Extra
1 . rii 1
flirrm Al l.llin
The Klumaih Sport mm-n'ti ns-
tjMclatltin ban Kouuded Hi annual
call for dinks and Rtwc for the
blR bant'iuet to be held Pcecmbcr
I nt Mome. hull.
ArrnnKcmcnta for receiving th-
"rla were completed yenterdity
when I'rmy Knden of the Club
Cafe wan enjiniled to take can
uf all fowl preHented by (pnrt
meii. .
Sportsmen britiKlna In more
came thtu they need for private
dlnnerf, are urset
to leave Ihe
MurpluM du'iki and geen- with
Kadett at the cufe. who will dre
the bird and freeze them In
anticipation nf the no'littlon'n
nnnuul bamiuet.
pnp rnMPl
A new anale In probable com-lath
pleflon of t he Klamath Falls
Weed highway wait brought lo
tin attention of tlit Kliimath
I'oniily ihniiilwr of 'oiuntcr-e itluit In. The 1h lla-('llforiila and
vi'Hti-rd.iy In a h-n.-r from J. J fh- I'mlMr hlKhwayn, niah'-n
Murphy. CallfnrulH aan- in lily man tanlllH I he plan for ofltalnln
ami hooMtiT for th rjl, who ii-rl fund -with which to
troputuii lh;it filri aid Im oh- H,'d omplftfon 'of (hi proJ4't,
tiiln.-d on th hlKhway link. ilurphr nuyn.
In h Im ruminunlnilloii Murphy. lit urtU-r fur rallfornla to a-
who hint workt'd liirMNHiiily for run f'-dittul 'aid, Klamath mut
a ( allfoihlu atlropriaton for I h iM-tiii(u for It on th Klim-
(-oiupl' tliin of tin ('ulnr-We-! ih KmIIm Cnlor nrt4r and It
lor ff tin rofiil, ttlatfH (tint there l h U ad In for which Murphy
It vTy pofttlhllliy of nwurWK ; )UftitH. Thi maiter Ih under ad
ffderul did and iirnt-M that Kl uu-'i vlMiiMiit Uvrt.
R.n. Nw VrL- 1Mw.
ap New. York Newi-
paper in isuu-wora
Telegram '
CIIH AfiO. Nov. 2'l H'.P I
M,r William lla Thompanu
rrM. ,,. .p,.rlon at oiwn
..,. , chlinao hy the
n,.w,,m,.r ,',f ,a. New - York.
nmi )lUH (lirtll nU view In a
,., wnril !,!,.,,, t i. ,,l,.
., . ... v.... Vorj, newmmneni
f li'd rohurkn la
i.!lH nft inrt
nHt ciitraRo Ik not a t lty or vio-
,Hm. n(t BU(,l.l.ii,nh. um It haa
h?n pleturrd In fchn !ienpper
flf ni, (,awti (ind xii' Hlum fast
iM(n 1uvi,f Thompsoira antl-.
iiriiiftii i-ainnuien m.-iao iikiii 411
,a aerloua matter.
"frlnie In Chicago hin been
reduced ru per cent allit-e Wll-
Hani Hale Thompson waa elected
mayor." the t e I c it r a m aald.
"KalmhoodK to the contrury not-
wltliMtandliiR. the only crime
wave we have Ik with dlnhonot
newspaper, " . .. ..
Th run i.hi.ii Inainieri the relitn of
terror In Chlcaao waa alarted by
" "i"""rl"-
nil"-" fled lurk to New York for
fear of t'hlcaao police
Thrill Burirlar '
Placed In Jail
HKXVKU. Colo.. Nov. 2!l. If
I l - lletivers "thrill buralar" Is
in lull lifter a police earch of
two venrs for the man who ent-
red only homes where vicious
dops were kept or where' ihe
newest bnritlur alarms were
The primmer, according to of-
flccrw. Raid that he enjoyed wit-
tine hln brninn again"! the work
of the hem locksmith and that
. he robbed for "thrltU"
lla" rather
than profltn.
Eliza Eludes the Hounds
cooperate .wllh Northern
jOlifnrtilal n the plun.
Tli fuel that the ro(J Would
kniiKiMt l wo federal aid highway.
nr;n:n.;nn F ; J...
Incriminating tvidence
' fl JL
l round in Handbag )
t r r , .
( n.(.n.t
' MAYS I.AXUIXC. X. 1.. Xov
Vt , j., s t a I n from human
M. ... ,.
paper in
""" mir"" "' Mr- Margaret I-ll-
llemluhl. on piper money and on
i.r ,re ,) nt,,, Vinga. aerord-
lnc to eioerl testimony adduced
Ian In todays Kwxniou of her
trial, with Willi Ilearh. for the
murder of the wunmn s uhimI Him-
! The dlHroloratlonK were noted
Immediately after the xlaylnx of
iJllbMidahl September 15. 1927
nnn nr. i-en is .iieverfi ni Atinii
tic f'lty. after qirtltfyius a an
Mpert. wan emphatic In hlopin-
Ion that they all were made by
hamuli blood,
k Altnoat a acorn of wltneje.
Ihne tjullt-te. two road maps and
one check biuik. were produced
by the atate lailay. The almoat
i unimfaut and cheerful auille with
which the moitf nliift-clad woman
. defendant , astoiilnhed apeclalorr
" - - -
; to a more sober countenance a
' the tuMHlon wore on.
Pony Puts Prince
Of Wales In Mud
JIKI.TDX. Mowbray. Kim.. Nov.
s iri'i Tim Prince of Wales
, .... u.
l,"rse '"',n' h,l ''.'llowlK
tjuorn hounds tot the litli full
In his rldltiK iareei. After the
hunt he dashed l,. the railroad
Mtuilonvhut.eR and covered with
nuid from head lo foot, and Just
caiiKhl the express train for l.on-
don. where he had planned to at-
tend a fight at the national port-
ing club.
dt and IS
Methodist Board Un
able to Settle on
roper Attitude for
pi;; ' j
! WAS1IIXGTOX, Nov. 29.
j (U.I.) The board of tern-
perance, prohibition and
. public morals of the Meth-
Arlia ..k..M..u
ouisi r.piscopal cnurcn is
i '
undecided whether to come
i out openly against the presi-'
dential candidacy of Gov-,
. . . . ...
" ,
Kffurm were m imlay. It
h..w.h ... .i. .h
wa uiidcrntood.
oreanU'ithiti Into an open rain-
""'Kn '"t Smith and for pro-
A resolution to thin effe.t
,,,,.,, ,.,w.ll ,TOi ,,!
roemlerii of the Ixiard adjourned
tonight without artlon. It was
learned that a warm dlnensalun
th reolution em-ued with
irvn aiirocntiuie an open iicni
"nd fearinr the taint of reliRlnua
, iimui- .t,iuy uitmi-u.
. Another attempt to obtain ac-
tion bn the resoluiloii will l
mode Wednesday.
lik Smith anil I'n.hibli Ion
me ne a i nninn inn ne
advancement of prohibition
Ih Inn considered hy Ihe board
t a a iiincle problem
Thla much waa learned from
(Coutlnued on l'nr Four)
Patterson May
Review Klamath
National fwliarH
idllUIMl llUdrtl
: A iKiiwIhlllly that Governor
Pattenuui of Oretton might Jour
ney to Klamath Kalis to Inspect '
-the newly organized llatlery of 1
Coast tlunrd Artillery, w-as made,
known last nltxht by Captain.
Abliey, coniinntider of the local
" Kei'embur 1J. Ihe Coin-
mander-in-Chlef tif alJ troops In
Oreaon. Ceneral (leorge A. White.;
tonethcr with his aides. Col. Kl-
: l.n. Major Mllner and Major;
c. v. Waller, regular army In-
strnctor. will arrive In Klntnnth 1ra,inf. nV wlfr and was lodsed
KalN for Inspection of the unit.,, th i n
It in believed that tiovernor
Pattenon may find tlm to ac -
cept the Invitation offered him
and accompany (ienerul VhUe
nnd his aides for the Ins po
tion of the Klamath Kalis unit
Captain Abbey mad, known his
plans of holdliiK a resulur mil-
tiary . ,. in i..e er ...n r.
n limit tli.artittitr 1 'i
" have many exhibiito'i
' diills. ulso prefentlim a crnck
1 rtfle !pnul, who will manipulate
j the silent mutiunl of -arms.
! The weekly drill nights of
Pnttory ! 24!th foast Artillery
! will he held December 5 ond
inlKo the 12 and 13 in order to
give me gunrusmen more n-"
of their own during the holidays.
Grant High Won't '
! Meet Medford 11
! PORTLAND, Ore., Nov..2S. t A.
i P.) The football team of (irant '
high school here will not meet .
life Medford high school eleven
,or any other team In a post ieu-
son game fur the mythti-.-il state
championship, offlvhils of the
school announced rtoil.iy .after
members of the Oram eleven
had decided against such a con
j "Our lMya are tired." W. T-
Fletcher, principal of the school.
, Hiiitt. 1 itey had a very hard
(season In the city league
nnd they feel (hey have had
enough fool ha 1 1 for this season.
I agree with them but- the de
cision on a post-season game was
left to the team."
Sale Of Ocean
Lines Ordered
WAS'HlNtiToN, Nov. 2!t. (AIM
The xlilp.!ng hoard today ord
ered the hhIo of Ihree Pacific
ocean lines under two methods
or bidding. The Hues nre lite
American Australia n-Or lent line;
the Oregon-Oriental line and the
Arperlrnn-Orlentut Mull line.
mssj-ASTORspeace is
Clergymen Caused Arrest
of 39 Chorus Folk; Rap
At Vulgarity
LOH ANdKI.KS. Not. JO. ( V.
IM Mmlrii "f "llt Maminan,
a main trt hunky tonk lmw,
hlaaed two promiuent paitort out
aid a 4'ourtroom here today and
added the only zet to the irlal
of 27 women and i nnn of the
rhoruR, churned will, prexeutini:
Bn "'' pniution."
. Ht:lrtlon of a Jury (ok up th
entire ourt nnUm. and II wan
not mill! Iter. "Fighting Hob"
Shulrr and Dr. Gimtav lifitfleh
he trial mum - that court
,an" "T" "T, .
,h, minimis hIoik ii irvH.
makin farm. anil bo.ini.
The ai-lion wan halteil hy ptilir.
L . .
mho nunhl the rsnw for nlimrno
tn f i,ieaik iraifii-.
The two panr aiii-ii mairr-
'""'1 ,n ,'r""tln,, a,,"",i ,h' "'"
the urniip. and will appear a
iiiiee amiln.t them. -
.. Klin. alH(1 .
- .
" "' "m'it lewd. Tiilear and
putrid I have ever .
Recruiting Officer Will
Help LxOOldiers to
Get Insurance
! ith the date of expiration on
xorornmeiit In
i,iirance fam annrtiarhinc eriz.
enn( j Uwran recrultinx of-
fleer here for the I. S. army. 310
, xvlllten, bnllrtinit. yesterday an
I nilllll.i ,ht he will aid a.
nounred that he will aid auy ' ' np l""V"" P'"n ' reoucin
loca.1 ejolilier who has . m.r-ap-' ' O'eRon auto license fee to
piled for the iiisurince and wliv,hri dollars waa dismissed af tH
wishes to do so.. .. .... . lia4 '-dlveft.ivmee'Hjir at thq
Tiuie for' filiHK of appllcatlo-ia
for Ihe.e" ..ollrl. .III
ne.'mi,.r ni.'Sera. l.owma said.
.. ..h,. .,.,..,.
and those who desire advuntnceM
of the offer should act immediate-j
jv . omer properry wouia nave to uv
' "ruder tlm Xational Bonn. Act I ""' 1f"T l"d. and the pro-ex-service
men can obtain Innir-, ""el reduction mlfrht result -In
anee policies rued on their lime
of armv service free of cost. wn,,rBn",,B " lw lu
(Continue! on Tape Two) wlopment of" Klamarh county M
wan pointed out. There are ev-
. Indian Held On
Cruelty Charge
Kugene Weeks. Indian, wnn
nrrmtail Vnaturdnr ehiirail wllh
. An uf fiier frm lne f.l),'rlff'f
ntti..a a wL-a nn u-1 h
' ., . a . . .
because site would not cive him
ninn.1' 111m n-if.. I..I.I n..llAA .ha
VoH,.i ', Klvp , hjm e
h waIlte, , hlly .hlkr
Wwka lltosi.n,M , tht,
time of arrest, polieu said.
Mercury Hits 60
Below In North
KAIIIHANKS. Alaka. Nov. 2.
il'Pl Wllh even i-oldnr weHther
predicted for tonwrrow Alaska
was held within the stinging grip ion of whone ptill had caused
of an arctic winter tonight. hit arrest.
The temperature whbh has -"We were jut talking abont
been dropping since Friday, stood the explosion," a member of
between 40 and So degrees below the Jury fntf . 'when aomeotne
Hero here today and outlying lighted a match and the wholo
point 4 reported tern pern tit res of building seemed lo explode.'
more than tin degrees below The bootlegger, Adolph Caral
xero. ' lo, was convicted hy the jury.
Midwest Boy
Hailed Healthiest In U. S.
('llK AtJO. Nov.
yroi ihristeuen of
. (TPl
. In . an d .Marie Antrim, IvInkniHii, celtent by tho examiners.
Khiis., were selected tonight as She weight 121 pounds and if
the most hctillhy hoy and girl 5 feet n 1-4 tin hes tul. She Is
In the fnlted - States. n member of a family of seven
The award Is nvwle annually children, four of whom are older
: In competition of state health uml two younger thnn she.
; champions nt the convention of Yoitna Cbrlstensen Is 1 S years
I tho "4-H" club .Induing Is old nnd al tributes phvulcal per
supervlsed by the I'nlted States fection to hard work on father
lepartment of Agriculture. , farm and playing foothill nnd
Miss Antrim is 1 .1 years old basketball in hlub school. He Is
nnd au nttrncilve high school a high school graduate and ha
: sophinore. Her rules for henlth been a member of the H uluh
I are regular meals nnd a pl.ttn or six year,
diet; nine hours sleep regularly; Hoth the boy and girl adhered
ndc'iuute exercise nnd sensible
clothe, she does not dance
Marie has dark brown hnir
and blue ryes. Her clear com -
plexion does not require eome-
tics, licr features are regular,
On Parley
Important Meeting ot
League of. Nations
Disarmament Board
Starts Today.
GKNKVA, Nov. 29. (U.,
V.) The great nations of
the world arc ready for the
important conference of the
league of nations preDara-
""" "" 11 p" ,
tor? i disarmament commis-
.sjon'vhich opens tomorrow
inaugurating the most vjtal
"'h"' """h " 'i'
iwo weeKS in me nisiory ui
me itTag lit;. i lie I'covt v.
r . , , ,.
I""1"!'5 -I'""
. this meetinsr. -
The co v lei detexatlon In armed,
-with a d ran tie disarmament pro-?
cram, hut Knjrland. Krance amh
Italy, and. uoxlbiy the Vnlied
; State, will do their ntmowt I
prevent the noclet delegation from
. deviating from the agenda of the
1 conference and making It th
1 nr cart Ion for a general debate. ;
Hovtn .nltle
Maxim Uivlnoff, no v lei aslt
t (ixMtlunrl on l'atc Vovr)
t . .
'C of C. Opposed
i To Plan for Cut ;
In License Fees
"i"-'' 'nmniffree yesteraay
HOd ItWIW gre4 .toM alace the
"Present plan
hiahways It s
eh on Id not he altered.
If the licence fee U" redneed
PI,lnK "
present highway
era Important faifchwayx belo-J
constructed In the state and any
thing to hinder ihh would be a
Brent di'Rwbac.k. directors felt.
(Continued on Pmk ix)
Oddities in the
Day's News
(railed Pro)
SAX FltAXCISCO. NaT. 2!l. t lr
P,.A lrr 'deliberaUt,? on a
qllor fa,e behind closed doom.
was lh.. a' panic WTe TO
Iny-whVn Vrf accumulntlon of
leaking gas exploded In the room.
No ' one was Injured but III
JuVors made n runh for the dor
nnd loudly shouted for their
freedom. They . were ushered
into the judge's chambers until
te room had aired.
The jury was considering; 4
case of a bootlegger, the explo-
And Girl Are
teeth porfoct and Ihe proportions
of her figure -were adjudged -fx-
) rigidly to the diet nnd sleeping
, schedules perfevted by the de-
, partment nf agriculture nnd used
; by the clubs. The boy's health
srore wis f.M5 per cent and. the
f girl's !f per cent. ,