PAGE SIT SUNDAY, NOVEMBER 27, 1027 THE KT.AMATII NEW? Minors Arrested For Waieh Theft Two boy a nf minor nj(o were balled Into pdiv court last hip lit, one for nt valine watch from hi uikIk and the other for lecelvln Htolen properly. The mulch wna stnlin on Thanksgiving lay from Fred Itrllhronncr by his nephew, aim yenterdiiy I wo buy took the atch lo a local Jeweler to have a new tryiMul put in. The Jeweler opened the bark of the watch and found number whhh he had placed there when it was. 111 the chop once before. He found the name ef the owner, called 111 in nn and Heil hronner discovered, that th watch uh gone. An InveMipa Hon wrm Mailed and it was found thai hi nephew bad irnded the watch to anmher hoy for a Jack kuffe. The father nt l he boy who traded for the watch came into court and promhed to nee that the watch was returned. Crew Abandons Doomed Vessel . AHKHDKKN. Wash., Nov. 2 tl'Pl Convinced there was no hope of toting the Tenpufeau Mam. Japanese freighter. Captain Miyamoto and his crew of 43 men abandoned the vessel today With esu comparatively smooth, holh life boat and a breeches buoy which had been rtKRed up by the i-oasl guard were used. The Ten pa tea n Maru. bound fnim Shanghai for aortli Pacific ports, grounded north of llrayn Harbor Thursday morning while pale lashed the Ore.cim and Washington roast. I Sugar Rate Jump Held In Abeyance 1 WAIltW.TON. Nov. 26. -A rate 1m reuse on MiKur fron, Vnllforufa point to Portland.1 On-con. whtih railroads proposed j ti mak- effective Monday, wan oi dercd held In nheyuiice today by i tie hiteiiaie commerce coin in Is." ion. and present rates main laitied until June Meanwhile an invest million into the rontvm il ra;e change will Ik made. The present Mijtar rate from Am KraiiiMO to Fort bind is 1S ceut-t per Jon pound while ( tho m-w sihcdule proposed a rate .of ;s'-" cent, while from Tracy. California to Portland an increase ! from 1 ; l-g to "o cents was con templated, these ihaucex lllus- 1 trtins the etfetl of tha new schedule in lis ttttircty. Tribal Payment Made To Indians F.tery a. lull o( the Klamath In dian rihe was issued a check for :!ii yesteulny from different centers on the reservation. Ap proximately $.H'.i.MiO was dis tributed. The money Is derived prin I pally from sale of timber units which belor.c to the Indians to timber companies. The money which is paul as the timber i. cut is deposited in the Flitted States treasury io await the word of Indian service officials f;r di-!r;tml:us it. This is the seiond payment w hiv h has In-en made iu 13-7. i he firs? being S-OU per capita. The pay men! to minor Indians are not made direct but are put out at intercut CITY BRIEFS State Banking Records Crash DEATHS (Contlnurtl trutn Vagr (hir) :iuT.i;:.4.i. Klamath Falls from r3.StH.70M8 to S3.41S.:i3S.;rt Oregon City from t.t.l!ti.3!i9 us lo S4.7S9.5.S3 4 0 anil Cnrrallis from .936.5!5.S3 lo ?3.6T9. 139.55. Atilorla ha decreased from SS.ZlC.m.Ul lo Jt7.41J.065.63. 1'rndleion from JS.560.34 21 lo $6,759,767.31 and Baker from ?4. 141. 798. 50 lo J3.966.4S1.76. For rebulu dm News Class Ads. TOOTH SENSE The most important points for any one to consider when hav ing auy kind of dental work duae. are: lfc-Kestoration to Kiok as na tural as pos sible. Pleas ing to the eye 2 To be fin ished as rap idly a pos sible, consis tent with pood work. 3 To be per- i ' formed with as little dis- comfort to the patient as practical (during and alter operation. ) 4 Price of the work and the length of time it may be ex peeled to give pond service. OPKN KVKNINCS DR. PEAT "IhiiliMry Willi a lit tin (tUfiraiite;' Suanium Ithltf., Otli nnd Main X -K A V K X A I IX ATI N S (HKI.1S V. SI.I'KSKK Charlts V. Slu.-ser. husband of Mary Ann Slusser. parsed awav at his late renidnce 165 Mag zautta street. Saturday evenins at 7:30. following an illness o i-i x weeks' duration. In addition to his wife he leaves a son jTracey Slusser of this city, two (brothers and three sisters alj ; residents of Illinois. Mr. Slusser !was a native of Caey. Illinois, .and aged 6.1 years at the time of his pasing. He was a mem ber of Myrtle Creek. Oregon. lodQe of Masons and K. of P. lodge of Casey. Illinois. Friends are respectfully In vited to attend the funeral serv ices to le held Monday afternoon at 'J.llO at the Karl Whit lock funeral home. Interment will be made In Linkvflle cemetery. !.! IS WII.M.tM 4 PKI.AM. Funeral yervires for the late I.onis William Copelar.d of Fort Klamai h were l:el from tho Karl Whftlock Funeral Horn-. Pine avenue at Cth Saturday aft ernoon with Hev. J. H. Thoma. pastor of St. Paul's Kpiscopal church, nffiriating. Mrs. Kuth Akers- Holloway rendered two ce leciions. Committment services wore h"Id and Interment made in the family plot in Ltnkville e niftery. The pa II hearers w jre members of the K'.k. S. KAVC1SCI) TO UK .SKI.W TKD, PKKIIH TIOX MuthtK To ChlbMiiln lla 1 Jacobyon of Fort Klamath mo lug to Chlloquiii w here "ae will make his future home. Mivi lUliell l ea A Miss l.ofs Hynon w ho has been visit ing with Mends In the city for the pjsl several days will re turn tn her home lit Mavshfleld this morning wheiv she Is con-, i:ec;ed with the MaVh field New-. 1 She was formerly vonnecti with j the Klamath New of this etly i ltonl NelBblMirs-i AM officers of tho Koyal Neighbors meet at I.O.O.K. hall Suuduy. 2 p. m--, adv. n r;-u Mill lao ThU - Jean Joy. 1 eaux. son of Mr. nndMr . Henry Joyeaux. will leave ttday for San Francisco. California, to con tinue his studies at St. Mary's. He has been spending the holi days with his parents. ItetliinhlK To ScbtMd Miss! iH hlie Haw kin w ill leave this morning to resume her studies at O. A. C after mltne tht i holidays with her parents. Sher iff and Mrs. Hert Hawkins. i New t'p"lin Mtop Jtit ar rived, new shipment of beautiful . winter coats.- A two rain coats, at rock bottom prices. Hoom 7, ; Melhaso Hide., opposite vourl house.- adv. -T-lf Kcliiriilug To Ashland Among the students who will return to the Southern Oregon Normal svhocl at Ashland today will be Miss Mary Hunt who ha been spending the Thanksgiving holi days at the home Vf her uncle and aunt. lr. and Mrs. I.. 1.. Truax. Itcturo From Ibnd Mr. and Mrs. lon Fisher have returned from Itend. Oregon, where they spent the Thanksgiving holidays. For Stile $7.1 uo cash en terms will buy 1923 Ford tour ing ear. - Condition good: has new spark plugs, new coil point. t new timer, new "quirk change" bands, two new tires, demount able rims, started and Hastier shoik absorbers. Jt ek Westfall. at New System Auto Laundry. Ksplanade Si. adr. -7-1 1 Sliopplns Knun Pine llide Mrs. O. Hufort was sh'tppiuc iu the city vesterday from her home at Pine Kide. .Monday Luncheon The IUid ness and Professional Women will hold a luncheon Monday noon at Liiikhaven. There will be a cover charge of cents. Mrs. T. S. Abbott will be the' speaker of the day a 3d will give :( Interesting talk en her trip to l'nv The haiaar which thl rlnb Is sponsoring lias been et tm- December I" in the chamber of eemnicrce rooms. i From K cno A K Ha tile w as ttatisnct ;iik business In the city Saturday fiom his home at Keno. I U Mon llcniiiy SbtpH Marcel Hug at your ou home at yonr cituveuteiue. Phone 3 1 1 adv. 2-2t On Itiisliie- Cuy Wooden of MalUi was a business visitor In the city yesterday. C. T. (iruhnin was also a visitor from Mullu. From f bibHii In H M . A nd erson of Cbtloo.uln wan a visitor in Klamath Falls yesterday, t ransact lug business. s New I pstnln. Slio Just ar ; i ivod new shipment of beautiful .winter (Mats and raincoats at rock bottom prices. Koom New Methane Hldg. Opposite Court . House. Adv. : lif I From Pine Itiduo Art Strud 1 wick of Pine liidge was trnus ' acting business la the city yes-, texday. i OlH-iicbain Visits t i j Silas i Obenchnin was a visitor iu Klam ath Falls Saturday from his lanch at Merrill. III I lie Party w ho w;n Mtclt to take the black and white Uom lon bull toy pup from Pine street between Third and Fourth street Wednesday return same to 323 Main St. No questions will be asked. U. K Stinson. adv. 26-21 Attend Funeral Mr. and Mrs. Kay Taylor of Fort Klamath were I u the c 1 1 y y est erd i y to attend the funeral services of Louis Copelaud. SliopphtK From Fort M rs. L C. Stsemnre of Fort Klamath was shopping in the city yesterday. i Murpliey's, Itetiirn Mr. and Mrs. Fred Murphey returned yes terday to their home in this rltv after spending the past two we, ks In Metlford w hre Mr. Murphey has bet n recelvtoe medit ul attention. Fundi In Uudiie-t I tdleae Charles A. Katon. ton of Mrs. ii K. Purditi. has enrolled as a student In the Klamath HusIuusa college. Leave For oim Mr. am! Mrs. Krnest Clodapp (if Portland lft Wednesday after visiting at the home of Mr, and Mrs. Guy Satterlee. They stopped In this city tnroute to their homo from Los A n getes. M r. 11 loda pp will liu lemembeivd by many as tho rotifiacior on the Pine Tree tln.iter. t..lvlii Iu Koutli Harry 0. ItiiHin. attorney of thl city, left Wednesday for Santa Clsrs. i'alb lornla, to spend lm holiday with his parents, lie is expected to return tho first part of tlm ,eck. x I I income To t ttlironiUi T. A. M Pherson of Livingston, Mon l:na, was In tho city yesterday niioule to Santa Harbara, Call foima. where he will spend the winter months. . . . MIn Slono Visits City Ml sh Fl-de Stone of Calgary, Canada, spent Friday tn Klamath Fall. visiting with friends. Mis Stone U a talented musician and Is e ti ro ule to Sa n Fra nc Isco w he re she will atudy vocal. Meeting IS"lHiiiel The Com muuity Chest meeting which was . ailed for Monday evening has htnu postponed to a Inter date which will be announced later through the press. Wright In Hoplml Friends of It K. Wright of this city will be "sorry to learn that he Is In the Cottage hospital In Santa Haeliara, California, when he re- Highway Bridge Is Washed Out A bridge has been wuidted out' on the Dayton. Washington, hUih ' way, loading Into Spokiue. ac cording to a telegram received front the Automobile Association to the ehamber of commerce yes terday. Motorists going Into Spo kane are advUed to line the I ma ilt) a nil Pasco highway. 1 There has been a tight snow 'on the McKeuile Pass, but the t road ts still good. Although ac cording to Information received , by the public service commission 'at Salem, uperullo of vlage Oil the Pass w 111 bo . discontinued' after today. centty submitted to a serious operation. . Moxe Here A. V. ClavW ot Ml , llobron, California, has arrived in this city with his family lo make their future home. I .cave -W Niin Francisco Mr mid Mrs. Paul Kvnns left yester day for Sail Francisco, California where Mr. Kvaua will undergo a major operation on his lep shoulder. Woman' llvnerit nnsoi lailon, bus arrived In Iho clly lo transn t , buNlm. Bho Is registered at Iho Wlllaid hotel. Mr. Adelaide Paekatd, district dvpuiy, will ar i fve today, and a meet lay w III ho held Tuesday. JACK FROST n M i: ni:i.niiMJ H'llll.K mr W.OTI ) ulllrll. Iialf .l( N luw Hi MI.MU Hr mlr. I.AIHI'M' III. I I. HI'l:i'l.I.IH'l I tl Hoillll Nlxllt HI. 999 IS the Lucky Number f If you wnnt tin1 ciiiifit time, or Mint to know how the ruml iiro. or wnnt U know nliout triiin fni't'H ami Hvtii'iliiU-K, or want lo kuow what timu the stiiKi'S lfiiv', what timo they arrivi1. or whi'ii thry pucs your vomer, or want to rido in wull-lu-nti'd. fonifortiitilo earn icmimbiT Hint we are anxious to serve you in every way. TERMINAL STAGE DEPOT , Telephone 999 615 Main St. uiu iii i n) .Mr juua iv V. Vald state director of the i WASHINGTON. Nov. 26. (AIM Ralph William, republican na tional committeeman for Oregon, predicted today after a call at the White Mouse that Sin Fran risco would be selected for holil i ii c t lie n-jitiblh an national to li ve nt inn next s u m mcr. William.-, who came h"re to attend the meeting of tlin repub lican convention December 0. s id that 4 state committees had already expressed themselves in f;.vnr if San Francisco. CLOSING OUT Stock and Fixtures Buy Groceries at cost, or will sell complete stock and furnished apaptment. Mrs. Louis Pappas 1130 Main LOOK AT THE $25 PORTABLES ELSEWHERE THEN SEE THESE New Style Portables $17.50 Cash Just the thing for a Christmas gift and for everyone sold in the next ten days we give four selections (two double) orlhophonic type records. Earl Shepherd Co. Pianos, Radio, Records, Victrolas 507 Main St. ' Phone 232 New ORTHOPHONIC VICTROLAS New BRUNSWICKS Buy it for Christmas and ' Buy it NOW! We have all the latest styles actually in .stock .so look them over while the slock i.s so complete, make a tmall deposit and be assured of Christmas delivery. Earl Shepherd Co. Pianos, Radio, Records, Victrolas 507 Main St. Phone 282 3- m m Ik ' Veu (Ait nmlly wttle tlie tf If I tiieftluii b decldinu on moiie Item of furnltun. Nutbln cuiild Im more up peitpriale or iiMful. lien eu tt III find ' tin tbubct Itlfl pleciM ul iiiiumiatt) In prices. Occasional Chair Covered In a lively de tlicn of Tapestry or Immask. Frme (inithed Walnut or MnhoRuny. Special. Lacquered End Table Finished In red or ftrccn 'lacquer. a brlKht Mpot for the I I v I u t room. Detornted by hand. Cox wel I Chair In a variety of fine rov eriiiKH. Loose cuNhlon. MnhoRtltiy f I n I h h e d frame, utronply tmide. . l?L" J It's Telephone Set Complete with lo but k r h i I r. MnhoKtiny or Wwlnnl f I ii I Ii (Joo.l bMjkliiR. ntronit nnd miiii-fortahb. Spinnet Set ll.-iii ull ncce'.fiary Inter ior foiitenh'nce, Htrnnt It mad e. flnUhed M i hominy, convenient tne Novelty Booh Rack For nnv run m In tho home. Iterl or green liic-im-r flnlHli. nicely dm ortited. I nlodvi. ARRIVING EVERY DAY " The Newest in Floor Lamps, Table Lamps, Bric-a-Brac, Wrought Iron Ferneries and Hundreds of Other Articles that Make Beautiful and Appropriate Christmas Gifts. r , Your Credit Is Good Use It Claud H. Davis, Furniture "THE HOUSE OF QUALITY" , The McCarthy Building. T7T.