The Klamath news. (Klamath Falls, Or.) 1923-1942, November 15, 1927, Page 4, Image 4

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    TlltfiTT naaai'Ti .''-,,
mi in xrnrmwTTir
The Klamath Ne!"1'" ,t0 ,m"k ,he br Th- KUnatti N. tra
Uhia finr at t8-l2S -nth
I .lih airl Klamath 'U. ?-
AMfftel ray nr a KUik
a OllaeWfw .
I Vimwmwrmnn
... Mgr.
KI RH Hirri4M( KtTfl
lMfr al Mfrlrt. , la . Jtt
tM4l4 tor MirrVr, -r a.1
tftr4 9 mmtU mr w . .. lJm
tar ! atara im a4ar
V.ntrrv4 a iwontf ratter at
tK potmfr at XlmotTh Fall
urft. Not t is, i;:. m4t
Tlraaa aTT
A lot of the women foU
in Klamath Falls are cum
plaining, and justifiably so.
because of the manner in
. which the ever-actixe lius;
lie interests of the men
are aubmeryinfr social life.
There U. they rightfully de
clare, a strong tendency to
lorjfet the fun in life and
iievote all f human ner
vous enerjry to money mak
ing. " ' ' .
True. Klamath Falls
holds much social activity
for those who are establish
ed here: who have become
acquainted and joined one
or more of the various wo
men's clubs or organizations
of which the city boasts.
We have our library
clubs, music clubs, study
group, lodge auxiliaries,
all of them fine institutions
composed of the fine folks
of .whom Klamath boasts,
but what of the "Johnny
come latelies?"
An odd term that, and
one which many have for
gotten. It belongs to an
age when we called on our
tie w neighbors almost be
fore '.they had unpacked
the. last picture, and got ac
quainted. When we invited
them over to supper and ar
ranged a little neighbor
hood social in their honor.
It means "the newcomers."
In this city which has en
joyed such rapid and per
manent growth, there are a
t,-ood many "Johnny come
latelies.r The apartment
nouses' are filled with them
and they are to be found in
every residential block.(Fine
folks, all of them. Many
are from our -own native
states- a few from the old
home town itself but sad
ly enough, how few of us
know about each other.
All of which leads up to
a suggestion that someone
any body start the ball
rolling, for a rousing
"Johnny come lately" party.
It can be a dance, dinner or
both, and need not be re
stricted to the newcomer.
Plenty of established resi
dents would be on hand be
cause ; it would be some
party. Might even make a
club out of it.
And now that we've given
the .ball a kick, it will be
interesting to see how far
those of our readers who
nhare our views on this, can
make the proverbial pellet
roll. The News editorial
columns are open to your
letters. Send us a note on
where you're from, Johnny
Come lately, and let's see
how many of us who live
in your neighborhood re
member that old town hall
-which burned down just be
fore you came to Klamath
Falls. ,
How do YOU feel about
a Johnny Come Lately
Another summer has
varied, fall in merging into
winter, and ftill mimc
li'Ks, ritKlected xign posts on
some corners of our residen
tial dUtrict, stand forlorn
f hosts" of a city administra-
a .weary soul.
seeking the house of a
friend or even the street on
hich that house was lo
cated, has toured the town,
only to give up in despair.
How many have seen one
of those white, empty sign
popits on Ninth street, say
standing bravely near the
curb, and hnve rushed up
to it, hope renewed, only to
find ail four sides barren of
They are even worse than
no sign po?t. at all. Hut
what a boon to all of us if
they only bore the names of
the streets upou which they
stand. And what a won
derful thing it would be if
nil streets in the residential
di.-trict were properly des
ignated. There was an attempt
some months ago to paint
or carve the name of city
streets where the weary address-seeker
might ?ee and
know them. . ! Apparently
the good intention went-to
that remote hot place in the
lower regions wliich. we are
told, is paved with them.
What a nice Christmas
present it would be lor us
all if the city could find
way to mark the streets and
have the job turned by the
first ' of the year, despite
prevailing bad weather'
which has followed those
many months when the
work might have been less
o '
SALEM. Ore . Not. H. 0r
A recommendation of the atate
board of den;al examiners that a
department of -eatlstrr b added
lo the nediral mlleice of th-
1'DiTeniit.r of Oregon, anbmlttej
la the rport a year ao. i re
eved la the annual report for
l2t-IT fast recetred br flor
eraor Patteroa.
Tae report hov a total
11S reebrfered d'ntinu In tho
state. Elu'atr vere examined
during the year and SI admitted.
Ucenes of 15 were revoked and
two ere prwwnted.
Sino the department beican
keepin rerordi the ennes of
HO hare hr-en rtToked and H
hare died.
PORTLAND. Ore.. Nor. 1.
tAP Kxaminatioo of John A.
JVnder. pardoned Mayer, -br a
ant:r rastmiMlon wa agreed to
thi afternoon br t.v.e dUtiirt at
torner'a oilK-e. The examination
wa wt for Wednesday. Hereto
fore the pTre(-utnr had op3ol
a aanltr hearinar. I'end'-r wan ar
retted recently in the a 1 of at
tacking a la-rear-old girl.
I How many
THE Itl l.KS
I The) Idea of leder (olf la
lo c-hanjre one; wonl to another
ami rlo it In ftar, a Rirrn nil miter
nf afrokea. Tlitin to rhanKe (Tiff
TO IIKN", In thre atrokea, COW,
Von ran rliance only one
letter at a time,
3 Vou mnt har complete
word, nf cvmtnon nnuaiee, for
earli jump. Hhmg nr,ril and av
hrrvtMflnna don't rnnnt.
4 Tim onlvr of letter rannot
be rhniijre,!. '
The avlulloa If printed on
page a.
Cannibal Ship Towed Into Port With Twelve Dead
' z . f . !
th? lo i or ot !! rr-w Af 1 1 JmiJD' junior r ( tunl sNadrd this
heo i is piikr-4 up on if: --an Ijv ..ium fr .i:jrH lHlir. n1 i-'Ufd in?o Tort Townnl.
With The .Th-r r only pj Kl b jri" ImA ja n-n-nant carmnt. Th fc'i ) k in Japan
told of rfram ir.c l t lu tvifrm:n who buu!d In r ihr lnt Th- t.'irvoi i:p to th livo In
ranmbal ty! (n-na th. f!t-h of th r. Tb-- irn.t at th how in'.nt to th- hcdi- of tht Iaai lo
Tin ctlw arww i-'ini i. Khaiv rmtn.1fr t hr o'h.n. tti vat lor from Marpar-! lKIUr tHard-
Philanthropist Seldom Pictured
I - - mm.
V -a
-Pbiograi.h of rederi- k ) h,uer o( le:rolt. philanthropist
and hif;h official in the eni-ral Mo:or rornorati:n. are rarely oh- :
tainrd. Thw one. ihoaricc Mr. Km. Kihr. wan tak--a upon!
ihe nenir.x of a ilia.vvv hvme for Biiran thai ni thir aift f 1
the Siti of harilr of S;. Vincent de Paul. '
our. KeftRTs om our sccevesl .VClS! colroMeR? X T 'VV- .
I 1 1 n il
'fo r :
ri t
com .TV.
scoots Avrfc
ii a
rnTsi.rstoH. Nor 14. ap
A urar riot ocrurrrd In Iron!
oi rh Ailfxianiy count; morcun.'
jtht a!trmroa rnh'-n a;wui $.uuo
j pTiori fttormd thf dor fn an
. rf fort to vtw the bodiM of tic-
tlms of todar a r t--ton
f U'hil- a majority r . drawn
! to lh ilath n-)ii4" bf mrr rur
1 kjttiity. many wrre Mfkin mlw
, ing I.i.rd on.
C'tuaty offtcrrt r fi-r t to
Io-k t. door and Curvopr W. i
. Mrlr-R r. rrlyptvl ar rrtrran.
d on ih mmn at aad .
appejie,! tn th- curious to lar ;
"Ixav and cir thtv ppl?
yr l.ived onH are Invld tbr
rtjsht.' rociroanded thf roronrr
stood ca-ird nt th door and
admit ld only tbo who rlaira-1
M atimt n-IutlT? or frirnd wain
Karmt-adn throurhout th
He Probably Did
- a
Where Ignorance
r,,cs -fotjiA -toviN tor ,
-v -rue rSA.cit cwief-.
Lt the Pine Tree
Th hr tdli t rartiitiUr t4r ut
U n at hilt of rundjrd
vaudftillf ofl.Tlin at lit' tIn
Tr. tha!Y Ttt"day and Wrd
day ar th Studio ll .. a
tiartit tof kroi)iliu' nfff r
ln a vrall tirwwnitttltm of
ong. dan- and niu!.-.
Th Krvttr fraturr a rlo
ripala th dainty and tol nied
M rri Mtrr. who MHtallai In
prpp Hi untnt and fat ntp
pine ,ntnpfrrf with wim mm-
li-al Intrrpolrttionf and a wraith
of rrtty wardrotK and a pffH'tal
taf fvttlua 10 lnd alai phfrf
to a t Irti r t ft'ort. Harmony
aud tap dami ji tl tn k
m tradt nf the ctrH ?tilt IKn
l.ow an'iih'T iar o( thv litrvm
j tm rwonnnH a onv f th
Miuth rutMC at-o.mptthM piatt
Wtr. Johnny llrowa who aiakr
up tli p4?r"narl of tit- a.i con
inbutra otiir nrat tarpl horvaa
autuhrra. mot if thr nrrtitrtr
Zlska Tigar Company In
a ryct of uk and romr4y ot
frr man of tttvir jr n rompot
t'on. Mi? Tiair rvatly won
thr lroiz M ("ttbaa ton writ
Ihr loatiHi la I.'a Aoicei.
t.ardnr and Auitrv in Synco
patrd Moment. Anna lvaaita.
I urnpfan prima donna and lMik
in your baking
25 noces Cor 25
Same Price
for over 35 years
Million otf pound !
by oar govcwiBkctit
iu" wW .v OVC
Is Health
y:uf. i VON1 -tt
Not Fif Tr
Mil lifii
y:uf.. i VON1 -tt Vol iff )
ew Not Fif Tr our.
. . -
llurklfv lh- romrdy niltarUI f
r.'niptfia tho iirnaran.. '
On fht .rra Ktibitd
tar In a Mtappv, ntrrtalinl
tom-i1, "larailtM for Two."
t;fHttK llatdrman. pilot iif thr
Atrrilun (trt plan In will, h ha
and Kvth Kld.r landl in ilia
Atlfluitr. a flrM llr.mant In
ihr air oir)'i rrar. ha ay
"1 wa- wind I. a rapialti if (hi
now ipaitrmn," ht rpUtnid
nid"-ily hr-t Imlay.
In rftttt" to an tugulry
nlwut what titlo hat Iwn ftiv
rn hrt. V;i Kldrr atd h d" ;
ltd h lriu "fltnc flppt ."
"I'm not 4l.ipirr at all." -h
hit k. M ti s l t
. (MtA.VCK, Calif . Nor II if
I i -111 ht.l(h i- thonitltt to
' hart cuud J IL M'ilkm. l. In
: commit ukid bv hanxiac him
Quick Quaker
"stands by 'l
you through
the morning
That1 why doctors ure it
to Mart every day
TO frr I rght iltro-ich t t mien
tn ou mull lar r:l-W-anci,
ctetnplrtr lod at brrakut At mt
uihrr mcaU Ittaf t, at uit. r.oo
and at dinnrr vou u jd!l r that
kind oi iood but rarely at UmktaaC
Tfaua Ouakrr.o-nUioaal 161
protein, food's ffrrat t.ur builder.
Carbohydrate. t Kat rmrg
: ektnrnt, ptu all iin;-tant iu
oninn aud th "bmk" rt-at nukn
!aatrv wtdtin iv- .!. m the d
trtic ure td te nrld tudy
It t foil that tatid h " you
thnirh the mfrnoif l"o-d that
hould :rt t-ry lreWfAf yow eat.
D-Mi't deny yourw'f tt:e nattirt
atiinulatioa tin rnh lod 'f!cr.
Ot CuAker Oat todir. CroceTf
have two kind: Uonk Uukrr,
wrinch ronk in J' j to 5 inmate, aud
Uuakrr Oatm.
Quick Quaker
No 570 rs;?dPI 75 I nr 1
ctu. .cw 4a4 th II Kl.; J
"VtAV aXtP -
M y i.t.f:iriic.
V0M iff
m if lodny a Ilia hom of hi
nrothrr in law, l.wla tloiifulla X
Y4r rraartatlnha I'li-na I0KI1
ralrr In prlvata artia
and banquwta
Olene Hot Springs
Chicken Dinners and
il Itnur
Her tira
Ten mile out
at old Dlrua
Try Our
Hotel Willard
Coffee Shoppe
Standard Dyer
and Cleaners v
lr IWUrr Apirnrniirei
tktoekrM I Icniilntf
i:prr( lt)lntf
1409 Esplanada SL
Phone 825
l-ata KUmalh Kalla Da 11
a. m. firit tiundajr) for
mciiiuli. ualim
Al.Tl K.tH
Mon. Wed FrL
M:ni!ii i. m
AM I llr.Nt)
Kr lleiluetsl llalra mnw la
Terminal Stage
61.1 Main HI.
lima BUB
By Small
By Martin
CUl- 60WrGHryOM VVKX 6AVt ,
'VIMV- UllMr, -
iwc arc
By Crane
li'Al', 'tNtlW.,
i i vex' vt.o
0 UONG, x