ii HE lilLAIATe 1 The Klamath News Official Paper -County of Klamath The Kbssth Nrv.3 Official Paper '"' County of Klamath' r 'THROW AWAY YOUR HAMMER-GET OUT YOUR HORN" Vol. 4, No. 311. Price Five Cents I KLAMATH FALLS, ORE., SATURDAY, NOV. 12, 1927. (Every Morning Except Monday) KNOW FATE S LQRENA WILL Tri b u t e sStoien Kis ,DJ 15 Sends Auto ''raid War; into Train Dead By N at ions Lnited State Leaders Advocate Steps to Avoid Predicted Conflict. - ', " v ; ii i . ', (fly United Press) Tho nations which nine , , . . years ago signed nn armls-' tlco in the gl'cntcst Wlir of nil limn nl..rvi.H It- nnl. ' vcrsary Friday with tributes . ... . , , . ,, icr-tnone wng low, ineir liven i n 'the conflict, the dedica- lion OI war memorials ana sober ronsideration of tho advantages of peace. ., , In the I'nlled State, J'reald.nt (.oolidge algnaliied the aplrlt of hi nation by laying a wroath on Ilia lomb of tho Unknown Hold- J ler in . Arnngion cemetery. in all the large cltlea traftle and; cooimorc halted' br'ctiy at 11 a. j Si. In memory of the war end hll In almoet every rommunlty! in me country tne nour waa roc-. ogollcd by the parading of vet- trana and speech making. ! from the south, the llcnd high j himself the vortex of the aurg- ' Mrs. WooUrow Wlleon. widow , school football team ahut out the'lng, shouting crowd f torchlight of thq President who guided Ihlsj Klamath grldalvrs yesterday with bearer, lie aided the police, who country through the war. was In a score of 31 to 0, according toiwera forced to beat many of the Pittsburgh where alie attended word huro.lnat night. relebrunta Into liwennllilllty be- enrenionlo In honor of her lavi While tho Klaviath team msd-n fore, Ihey snecended In ettrlcat huabaad at the New . l ily-County ! excellent yardago gains at Inter-, Ing the-heir to the British throne. building.. Warn Threatening A warning that now wars are threatening was Issued by Kd ward K. Spafford, national com- ttonllaul oa lae Klvel Explosion Sends Oil Tanker Home: unn cinaned at in local tnir-,may ue meieti out to w. . ami . Tno uncheon ts incidental to NKW YORK, Nov. 11. ( 1'IM ' grounda. The score at Ihe end Mark . Wallersoii, Inyo county . public. ceremony Monday night The American oil tanker lleta. of th gam stood 11 to , favor-'. capitalist, fonud guilty on S t hlch the prMdent will pre Iwo of IM crew of S missing ! Ing the tlstora. t. , counts of embeiilement and falsi- ,, LndberBh with the National and nearly a doten siifter'ng from severe burns, waa limping back to New York lonlxhl. . Tho tnnker waai accompanied by small power bunt 'from tho coast guard atatlou at flaraegat, N. J. which went to Its aaalat- . anco thla afternoon following an i ",f!sVbow i "N 8AN r-HANCISfX). Kov., ll!-- Tho expl'oalon. Which " caused J1'-1'"'0 f"',!"" .'I0".0 I","' f'aptaln Kehoo. master of iho res- 'urn, bMMo ,f,"klf ael. to flash flrat an BOS and fom Whlngton tomorrow In then n urgent request for mcdl- V" on, " "me wh'(,h ttort (a auppllo. wai heard by sov-T,he J1"",f ,c . C0B"1 ''?y,"", i ,. i ,1.. ....... .. atandlnga. , .. Th- .i.lr.M i, i,iti th..' -... I certain Iho Dot was out of flaneur and then went on their sy. . . , . i . YOUTH WILL GET $16,000 IF GIRL ii . wm . m A,.-Fr. CAN tSb. LUU A TbLl . " ' I.AHAMIK. nyo or. ii. Nor. 11 AVhnn lh unpin nt tlMin..n nnnerwater, nyoimng uunivor-; lty aopliomore. died In l.o Aug-, tlo last weak ha left a will be- qtieathliig ....1(.00 to young . vanuorwateo on condition tint ! thn atlldent'lnarrv hnfnre Niivem Wr 28. - , Vondnrwnter trying desper ately to got In touch with . a young woman whose name he will not reveal but who Is thought . tit iv un tun t itumc. const, vnn t ddrwator ha wlrotl to a number ' of addresse In I.os Angeloa and , San Francisco without auccos. I ' "If I can't find lior I won't marry anyone" Vanderwaler haa rnlil. according to fellow atmlunt. , flKTTlNU VOUK XKWNT If not, just trltiphmra S?T, The Klamath Xnw of flee, ho Torn M a. m nnd your copy of thn morning' Issue trill lie rtollvccctl nt once hy special carrier. .. Tho niauugement prlilea jl aoltf ajuon tho service arrortletl reader of sou thorn )ncon'a ' leading morning (lall.r and It tot with n view ttmniV keeping till service 100 )wr rent Hint apoclnl deliver) service hits been Innugitrntril. ' . - Woman's Story Places TV VIIISWI kVr jr MUI i Dl C HOLLYWOOD, Nov. 11. (UPM ' - A "!oln kl" caused the' datii hero t!ii morning or Tom ! ) Houston, it, uuariermaatur of ) the Urban military academy, Hi wat learnt. 1 tonjght, ' j r Their lips ti-ngriig In'an em-, ! brace. Houston and Mr, dene-1 vleve (JraVca rode into, a Pacific) Kloctrlc freight grain, Mr. Orate wife of a proutlnftu Hollywood inihTumy jail 'where ahe wa held on charge , .woMon of manslaughter. , Houston waa killed Instantly hla Jugular vein waa IZl h. w "a ! ini n" iiirown. i aire, uravoi. wno waa onuns "?" ;WM driving llmmton to hi home i when he aiiddcnly grabbed her. '''lT't T. ,d , h occurr(((1 , :"" f$ru JrOOtOdll Team Wins Tilt With Klamath . L'nleaNhlnc an acrL'il attack whch bafflisl their onoonentai ivals In the game, the local bora r unable to above tho pigskin i 'across tne itend line lor a count-j itr. Th Ilend boy outrlnaaed tho. I visitor. In virtually every de, payment of ,h. g,e,e. was, Tne second team of the Klam ath county high achool also look a drubbing at tho hands of the Henley high team when Uie two Tho Henley gla volley, ball , learn also carried house a victory j lover the local high achool glrs. Washington Is favored lo Win U I lliti 'nnar'a lust stand. After getting oft to a fine start In tho early seaann, something want wrong with Coach Nib Price's eleven and the Bear played their worst gamo of thu sen ho n last Saturday whun the weak Montana team was aotually wnuiiia u,iw tiuiu aim inn mini .coro waa 33 to IS. .Waahlneton la the betting fnv- t-mrlte hero with odd 1 to t. and . .. . downs. Tho powmflil Husky tonm, dofeated by fumbles and hni hoadwork last Saturday by Btaufurd. are out for blood and ,1,,ni,t win It thn Hear, however, can play tiie hends-up gamo lve put up In tho early aunson. nnd If tho Husky plays thn blnn-!lko game ho played last week. It still will , fairly even. FLYER WON'T TAKE : SUICIDAL HOP FOR FEW DAYS, REPORT 'SAN KUANCISCO, Nov. It. (tit I') -When tho -Unltoit States weather bureau Here tonight said ; that an attempt to fly from' Ran Francisco- to Hawaii Saturday or Sunday would be suicidal, Captain Frederick A. Gltea, Australian ! flyer, announced that he would abide hy the bureau's ndvlce and postpone hla flight until . condi tions jiro favorable, Karller In 'l!io dny he had an nounced that ho in Ik M hop off Saturday morning, The weather bureau reports a sharp disturbance. Accompanied hy fresh winds, ruin nnd cloud HflO inlloa off (he Oregon const nnd recommended against the flight for nt leant two days, I Wale s I s!MUSSOLINI launches It J NEW REVOLUTION BY Caught 1m limiting suffrage Stampede At F e t e ' . ' , . , "" , Armistice Celebration Mobs Endanger Life of England's Future; King. I LONDON. Nov. 77. (U.! p.)Stamridinif mobs in-' , , ... . . j "ocently imperilled ,.the . . i lOlllgni ae-l.vhnn num fhnn 100 000 wl Wly enthusiastic cele- urillli. 01 ji minute uuy ku out of control ut the end of , , .1. t I 1 I. II..U4 - tine iuniuua lurvu jui' ade of war veterans at the' "otaph. Scotland Yard police fought ; m politically motmci rep ' deapvrately with t-rowda of half-, reaontatlve ayatem which the i drunken men and women who council created la , unlike any ; had worked Ihemaolvn Into un- modern form of government. : ruly frentlur of excitement over: !" 'he magna chart nolltl- ! the nectacnlr ccremonle at the m . .... i mori.1. t L ' Tollce tlulw I'actl The I'rlnre of Walea remained calm when he auddenly found Kleht ncraona were aeriouslv (Cuallaued 1-aale rive I ; 1 f nntr Tdvmo Iiosa I-rOIlg 1 CrlHa T dtC JyQ .NIIKI'ENI)KXCK. falif.. Nov 11. (UP) Maximum sentences of. thur tiocbel la expected to al 13S year Imprisonment etch tend. flcat(pn of bank records, wncn llrey aapcnr for- aenlence hero Monday. Conviction on all counts fol lowed leas than six hours delib eration by a Jury considering evi dence which tended to show that Ihe wnltemons -embexiled fis-1-0U0 through manipulation of funds deposited In bank . Con trolled by them. - rv -- '. ' . ... ' (KlilTOR'S NOTB The de-, ere of (bo fascist grand coun cil, abolishing the Italian chamber of deputle and part le dppotted to fascism, and ur-f pressing universal auffrangef la a radii ally new departure In government. Basically rtlf ferenl from the magna charta. Ita Importance la considered al-: moat a great, f , , Italy ralla the new experi ment "anolhor revolution."; The following Interpretative' atory tell how the fascist gov- , ernmeut expectt to rule Italy, and what voire the people will have Inline government). . nu " w - ti r a '7 iugui . Mvmnii - u,,!,,,,! preM 8tllff t'orreapondent KOMK. Nor. U Italy exper- "" """"J?": .'the fascist grand council, headed by Premier MuHaollnl. at S p. m today aurpreiid nuiversai auf f rage and ordered abolition of the national chamber of doputlea and political parties oppoacd to the j government. , ' cal and geographic conalderatlona ti - has-atn I Ho I to aila nf nil Inn - : ' Lindy And Ruth j Will ieet Today; WAHMNCTOX. Nov. 11. C.f P. I The king ,-and queen of tram-Atlantic air lano t'oloneV lowed by' Jower temperatures, Ch.rle,A. I.lndlrgb .und H,ihwe.,damed. -am. farm crop..; Elder will meet here Monday. C. A. Henderson, connty agent.; '. over tb White honse lunelwon. table. lany loawea will be Incurred byj Both Lindbergh and Miss ETder ,armer" hecanse of the weather. w.ro Invited as the guest, of ,he -nchera. were j President and Mm. Coolldge, lo- ; PPred for a change of weath- golher with all aviator who have h "and Probably not ( attempted the ,,n.A,uBte more than S per cent of th. spud ; flight and aome of the Pacific ' ""P remained In the .ground. fllera. Of the latter group. A-''r,,,' '"" nia rancher were I f!co-raphic aoclety a Hubbard mdn for niflncerlna- achlevc- ment. 1X)HKS KKillT, Hl H'llK!t ' KANSAS CITY. Mo.. Nov. 11. (U.P.I Because her eyesight was rapidly falling. Alice lloltlho, IS, high school graduate, com- mlt.ted-auiclde here tonight. See America First W;M' i 1 rcpreaenlation. the' , fancWt de-'( rree replaced them aa far ai : : poanlble, hy economic conalder- i atlona - , j It waa the flrat Intention of; I the grand council to allot voted i 'only to producing griAipa organ-i lied Into guild called "corpor-! taxionl." C. , . 1 Thi principle will be main-! luined in modified form to Or' elude other clument Seaiguated t by the faaclat party. N - - j It la understood thla change, waa Induced by the atrong repre-j 'aentatlon which the forcea of! labor would have collected lfj the baala of renreaentatlon wera i made purely economic. j Klementa othy than economical to 7 victory of the Ore- .in hiii lea. inciuae numeroua. caiegor-. aneh aa "while collar" worker, Intellectuala and artlata. 1 The rovolotloir replat-ea ihua abollahlng opposition part - lea entirely. oniy memocra ot tne laacwi ; party will have the right to votci depending upon their member . ahip In the faaclat guild. The grand council will be con nlted on all choice for office j n-Mhe. gave O. A. C. two tooch and will exerclae the right otiinw,, ln tint quarter and veto, baaing lla Judgment on the tnwl t ,max the brilliant work candidates fltnew aa a faaclat ne raQ -nrd, through -the en and hi ability to represent th? ; ti fl-mi iram if the final trn llrt ran tint inn I AiiaMllnMa Farm Crops Not Damaged, Reports Contrary to prevalent report that the recent rain, closely yesterday declared that tew If . pniciicaiiy unisuca n taetr.ated will stage wnat promises ' do wo to e his vLltors, who re harvest." 1 ! ' to be Its biggest meeting so far. : que!ied to see another gjccup&nt Potatoes still In the ground this afternoon at the chamber of j ot na jnn while the jailer was will not be damaged, although ( commerce. Bob Co-ne stated last t g0ne to Rlt the man asked for digging will be more difficult, he . night. . . ' the bottle changed hands. ald. Standing grain waa not hurt ( Purpose of today's meeting will ; However, he sheriff's office by the rains as little wind ao.be to close np final details of had heard a rumor that uch a companled the .wetw earlier, to organisation, and attention will transaction was to take place, so blow down the uncot wheat. . jalso be slven to any opponents j before the visitors departed two Hl'ItT IX CKI-KllltATlON , scheme who accept Coyne's lnvl- 8eHrcheU Steele, found the whls MT. VEKOKN.'lnd., Nov. 11. tatlon to attend today's session ky, ad arrested John Coerse. (U.P.) Three national guard of-, and voice their views, , who had brought II. fleer were Injured today firing) Report from outlying com-; Coerse Is being held In the a defective shell In a field piece inunltlcs ot the county yesterday, j couutv jail, pending his hearing as part ot an armistice day ccle- brailon. Oregon Is Defeated ByO.A.C. Beavers Webf eet Lose Home coming Tilt 21-7; Maple Is Big Star of Game. -' - I EUGENE, Ore;, Nov. 11. (U.P.) Outstanding in the . . . : .. Kcuiiurin college over the University of Ore-: nl-;gon on the p-Jdiron here hi afternoon was Howard Maple, 'small Agjrie- quar- f -rr,,.k hn lmf hla tmrn to success in a sensational manner. i Maole'a pause : and line I period to ;rore the third touch- ' dowa. I Oregon's lone touchdown came f In the final period two minutes before the game ended when oodle. substitute back. threw , aass from mtdfleld which Bur-1 , Bell. Webfoot halfback, caught'. tol-,and Bur-ell crossed the line after . shaking off four O. A. C, tatk - i-,.. - - core In Farst r.ry in the game the Aggies (Coatlaaed ou Paso Hwl I' 'I'"" manner so be arracgea : to have a "bottle" brought ta t(jimsiU riti7Pn ' ! to .him. - IViailldU! VIlIeiI A ,rend. emplo.ve.1 by a larg T C0oG;nn TnrlaV lumber company of , th city, III OCSMIUH lUUd)!lw , , Steele yesterday . "afternoin. bringing' another man ( "Klamath Citizen, lncorpor-; wfth nlm Bt;)e wa brought of the Klamath land selling : according to Coyne, indicated a large attendance of those Inter-, ested In the movement. This I to be the last meeting of the or ganisation until Coyne returns from I.oa Angeles, where he will go soon In the interests of -the j . ( . - . new plan. , . " IHIU"QUK. la., Nov. 11. tl'P) 'The plea that "no one would ArmictipA Qhnfc j want lo kill his own graudmoth Xllllidlll,C OHU19 j cr". will be usod by Leonard Cota nrtlA Qlg-t-nora 18- ,,d ntA Kramer.' 18, to 1 OKI I lit OlCCpCl 3 . ,avo ,t,em from hanging tor the ' murder of Mrs. Kllxubeth Mc- Klamath Falls celebrated Ar- Kltrlck. 73. mistlce day. but at no time did ; cola and Kramer attacked 'tho exubernnce of Ihe holiday crowds B(.ed, half blind woman last week get out ot bounds. Chief of Po-J mhe,n ,he found them ransacking lice Keith-Ambrose, following a : nBr honso In search of $10,000 i relatively quiet evening, stated. By midnight, most celebrants hud left the streets, and the business district assumed lla nor- j mat week-night appearance. No; arrests were made, the police chief Btatcd. 1 ShorU'y after ' midnight resl- aoms aiong lower t ine sirejM and Payno alley were startled by pismi snois irom a, gun in met hands of some over-iea!ous p:it- riot In a speeding car. The fir-' lug was brlof, however, and Cas ualties nil. ... - I REBELS WOUNDED -IN CLASH 'VVITH MARINE' FORCES MANAC.UA. Nut. 11. ( UP) Fourteen rebels were wounded, several of thoin fatally. In a clash between United States marines and rebels at-Tolpnneca, aecord- J ing to reporla published in local newspapers tonight. The press also reported, nu engagement between marines and liberal force at Santa Hltn. near Iho Honduranian border. General Miller, a (iormnn. said to have been an aid In (leneriil Moneada.. Liberal leader. In. thn teWnt revolitllnn, ha been nr rested at Blueflclds a citutlonnry nieasuroc pro- Big Pageant Ran Fete over 4,000 Visit Town To Celebrate Opening Of New Line i ; ' ALTl'RAsJ, t'allf.. Sov. 11. j '(IT.H.) A pageant depleting the; tevolutlon of tranHportatlon mark' ed the formal opening of the: Nevada-t'allfornla-Orc goa'a new! ; broad gauge line between Wendel 'nnd Altura. t . ; t More than 4.'iu permina. many ' of whom came from San Fran-; cisco, Keno. S icranumto and Oak- j land attended the peasant and f the barbecue which waa bcld.fol- lowing the parade of odd vehicle . which terminated at the depot ; where giant locomotive which , "! vart trade wmtorr.the fate 0f Lorena.Trickey, were nianumg. ' in the parade there were in- j dim pole draga. ox-carla. itnge coachea.' prairie echooners. pais tralna. buckbearda. bicycles, mo- torcyclea and automobile: each a aymboi of one period of th evolution of trannportatlon. Itallroad uffictxl slated at a tmnqnitt tonight tht the new line opens np one of the richest virgin trade territories remain-j lug In the great, north west. The new llae connects with the main line ot the Southern , Pacitic at Wemjel. Prisoner Got Booze But Pal . Went To Jail! l , Kay Steel, on oicnpant ot the - nnty' jaldc-lded- to" celebrate J. . . .. . t . v armistice t-y tu u. e ifi.en, . ,,n the tcene. They (Continued oa Page Six) . Boys Think Plea Will Save Necks ! cash' and bonds she kept there. Thev . left her unconscious after ohtalnltts Ihe money. " She was ('ota'a maternal grandmother. didn't mean to kill her, alld they can't hang ns for It." ; Cota said when he was placed n a .cell here after the two were . returned from St. I.ouls, -Mo., where lhej were arrested. ' . , "When we tell our story we will be turned loose." . , .. U.S. MOST MORAL v NATION IN WORLD, SPANISH DECIDE MADRID. Nov. 11.. iUP)-The United Slates Is one nf the most morn) Tonntrles In the world, speakers said today at Ihe clos ing session nf the national as sembly against Immorality. Hut the ;lelegales decided Spain needed a good morality crusade and Ihe assembly de cided to launch one which would touch the most accessible hamlet In the nation. The minister of the Interior promised government support foe the mnruatty movement which hopes to abolish pornographic literature, censor films aud fash ions, curb the use of morphine and other drugs nnd stop public profanity. Lakeviev Case Mr.y Hit Jury Saturdr:? Must Decide Whel Cowgirl Stabbed in Self Defense; Story Talked. LAKEVlEW, Ore'., Nov. j, (JJ.p.) Scales of jus- - ' ' .. tice are fevenly balanced and tornorrow, it Is likely. equestrienne extraordinary, wno l8 accused of Slaying. : R haPDy-KO-lucky COWboT ; neT naPP .. ti . : partner, J. I . allm ar- ,rjS- will be in the hands of ' a jury. . "- Only one question cor-:' fronts the 12 men who arf sitting in judgment over tt. little rodeo queen. ' . "Was she justified in ki:i- i ing Harris?" is . the' single, mystery of this sensationl . trinf on the "last frontier" which- the jury must on Still echoing through the lltue Western -town tonight- w 111 ,t-jt--ie llll ' B . the cowgirl In her own defense. . mill LtnM Hla . "tied knows I loved blm drunkenness and all," Ml THckey cried ont from the wit ness stand' as she ' finished" th (C'ontlitued oa taje Five) , Cold Wave Hits Whole Southwest KANSAS CITY. Nov. U. (UPI Blustery cold winds 'swept down from the north today whu all section of the southwest shivered In the. nddn change ol temperatures. Even colder wea ther was predicted for Satnrday. At Kansas City the mercury, was expected to drop to J4 de grees during the night and gar ages reported heavy sale fit al cohol for automobile nd cloth ing stores were rushed In selling. heavier clothing. - - ,Vl Oklahoma City the mevcuty dropped to below 58 and ctJlCer 1 weather was predicted. W ft lt wore reported throughout Okla homa and Kanaka as blustery and cold. ' ' . ; ' . . 1 Oddities in the Day's News1 V (Called frees) BKRI.1N. Not. 11. CUM'-1 have 2. dependents," said Kco'dor ! Challnpln. the grand opera star, Protesting, against the proposal to Jlmtt the fee of opera fkgefii to 25 a. performance. ,- Regarding hisr eceat divorce In Moscow, he . soldi "My wife nd I stlii art? 'lin'rnB ; n-t friendly term, . ct Avoid the . Postoffice Ru-S Do Your 1 Christmas Early days to) - 9