,1 Tm Klamath News . "ThROW A WA Y YOUR HAMMER-GET OUT YOUR HORN" The Klamath News Official Paper . ' County of Klamath The Klamath News Official Paper r County, of. Klamath' -iVol. 4, No. MO Price Five CenU "KLAMATH FALLS, ORE., THURSDAY, NOV. 10, 1927. (Every Morning Except Monday) SURPRISE NOTE STIRS CROWDS X 1 r k 4 '-it &uctionr;Tw6 Slewi Tq Close Klamath jSpudFete MictK Praia Pvniii. ed for 1927 Potato Show; Attendance Is Great. With the second day's at tendance cstimutod at near- Jily 1,000. and prospects for j Itreaier crowus . today; ino Ij second Annual Klanufclh po- fMo show ends this after noon with that most inter- ci.tiuK feature of the whole il.. n 1 t-vuv -inn uuiriiuii vi ii j potatoes on exhibit. U" - rl'"ur- cU,m" The .union, wllh Uu)- Merrllli,ul" wurd U" XmMt "' ''" at the wheel, atari, promptly a- "'-P- " " that the show rooms will be packed with bidder, and those , foc, n ,HO . carried enough ! their lips and cheek, as' they who ouir come to watch the fun i-,,,,. 0 ,r, ,u , .woke this morning with mar Officials Of the. show are high-, .celled hair awry and remembered 1'IUMI.II .I1H I II VJ ).UI .ill". vefir and acennt as an lniHratlnn of Us succos the comment uf vtsilors. especially the ninny buy- : era who haye coir hert) to view I in? cftiiiune. " Itrat Vlcwtil All visiting buyers have de clared the potatoes at the show to be the best they hare ever seen. County Aguut C. A. Ilintt- i . rrson. . snow 01 iii'iai, , aiaieu yua- rieroay. , ' ((innilnunt on Tag Five) i Local Teavill ! 11 I I d J. i my ienu rnuay On O'Oounel field at llend at t:t Friday afternoon (he Klam- ath High eleven will meet the . fund high school loam for an Armistice Hay game, and v the Klamath team will leave this city csrlv Krldoy morning for Bend. Klamath his been playing with northern team only for the nasi two vears. I.at . vrmr Ihit' - - ' game was nlared here and was very close anu ine iviamain grid-'to men atood only one touchdown. behind I l.o Bend team at the 11.- The lineup win be the same a.. ' la previous game..- Guard Post Here Has Speedy Call!,n Ilesplt. the fact It has o.l l , fo.'!l organised a few weeks, the 17", TZ1 rZLrZr state competition, Commntuler ! Walter Abbey stated last night followUig a radio call from stato'off nn eastbound passenger train ! lieadqTiartura Tuesday evening for, henji tonight and gave himself j i.-rn iiiniiiiiintion. Tho call was received here, as ,11 - t. - A.I.-. ... I .. well as ...v. ."" in , Oregon, at 7:30, At 8 o'clock the local post waa It formation , 100 per centCO men and Ihreo of flcors. ' As this Is ronsldor-d exceed- Ingly fast post mobilization, Hie local organisation tins a good i cbuiiro to trophy ofl win Iho state sliver moron or I nn surprise 5 i cpinpeiitlun, Akooy slated. ' . j JMYSTERY BLASTS WRECK THEATRE; FIRE CHECKED t - - HAMMOND. Intl., Nov. S. M ! The bomhs apparently had been A ntlia nf nivalni-lmiM atnliwlniia .i,i..h .h .An.. . ..J,!.: Z :. :. black powder bomhs wrecked the - Hlate Theater hero at o'clock this morning, damaged -All Balnta church across tho street, blow, iown troiioy anu teiepnone poles, . trulluy and felephono polos fell I and broke pinto glass windows j nln ,ho ,iroot In front" of tho' for blocks around, causing ostl- Uck nnd windows and part of; mnled damoBe of 1500,000. itho roof of AHSalnts Catliolie ! Tho theater Is In the rour of church across tho street -crasivrt. i the I bice story brick Ktato-hlock! Fire which full, ,.,! n M.ii,.L.! which cost ll.SOO.OOO. - The blast, blow out the Hieatur nulls on Hinle street fur almost a blouk, deimillshed the roof, 'balcony and slnun which crump-1 ilnd Into a Iwlslod muss , nf ' hiirki, ' mnsntiry nntj sl'l. . With' two nwrairrmn " wltneirawi. Tel Itaiikln. Portland, lo bunt the old record of 11.000 SffirP flflSlirP "iV1 C VlU3Ut ' AnnOUHCCd I OF 4 . w Armistice Day Tomorrow. Armlsl Ice Day. has I - J 1 I - l , ,. wen uiii.ivti uuiiii-iT nun ki lollrtny and .all afflcm will b, rents In Soaer .-en planned. storos and public '. closed. Severn I rventi ' of the dny have bee ' A almple aervlce of rcmemhr i ance w hich w ill be abort and In 1 formal will bo conducted by th-r Itev. J. Henry Thomas at 11 a. : tu. at Bt. I'aul'a Episcopal church I to honor the boys who fell In the World War. Mrs. Ituih llolloway .111 .1.. ..-i-n..--. . 1 Th, mrn of the community i,.. .i- ..w.h i- ...! ,h. .-....,. meeting of the vi omen s Library 1 . ,K . .. 1 history of the club. "Civic Af- L . 1 ... . .V ' ' ,ivri.iii ...I n.M.i iru.iii..y m ............... . 1.... auin.uriiiiii. n-lfuiin CIS., inior - i ,1.. 1. .1 ... ...... j attend i,,r -rf a ..1Jury raa orK' " i.:.,h ,k. i.- n.-rf- .-,1 .vl tOT v.?" War.. A dance will be sponsored , h)( th American Legion at, the legion Mem6rial hall with music by Kddto Hnrkm-as Victor record- S orchestra ot San Franiisrn. SI A YIP rF WIFF'Q , " " ' " " " ' " " " I LOVER SURRENDERS TO DENVER POLICE ' DK.NVI.K, Colo., Nov. 9.'tUPl . fleorge Italston. 35. atepued nn to inn f ret no ceman he en. countered-. Italston said that ho . , ,.,.. . . ... nau aiiieu a niffu in jnggs, tTtur., montli ago. Itnlslon suld that the slaying occurred a monrii ago as tho re mil of a triangle affulr which Ills wife was involved. He dn- elnre.l that he had not Intended! to atop here but that he wanted i to "face the music." olid- stonnt'd ion a' the first siniinn sn.r reaching this decision. "i H.ley street cn-i inne io thoatcr where sloe! , l"or were blown' in. The flrst- blast was followed by two more, The theater walls enfmbfed ly- extlngiilHhed. Owners of- the theater could assign nn r.i"iii tor the hunihlng, slntluii . thai they hnd no tnluir Irmibles ami j no enemies tli'it they knew iiliimt ' nml the pollen were working with-! 'out fiuiglhlu clues. ' Woman In Zeal For Careers Boy Who Strangled - G r a n d m other , , p , p . . Vjei ixepeni in PritOn. ' . ' SI. l.ULla, MO., iN0. J. mother. Mr. ElizalJeth Mc- r L ...k ui..n,rlu,l : nviMt.A, . iiv nuniiiM death, and robbed at her Swinirle. Iowa home. Nov. 1. ' ",, of rouge whl h flr.t , .,. vesterdav. were still on i that Mrs. MrKi'trlif was dead. fTTicy did not know until a latr ' hour last night that shV had : died, and when di ter'tiri'a told ithem, Cot-i broke down and rrlcd. t.ol Mil Thinking .h.. i:,if Mulii I'n ' P w" . "n.M the two youths had visited lM.auty, II' 1 1 II t.1 nv.ii.itm w.i . ..... tioniinum on i-ge rirr. 7- ;- ! ChtnMfiV Af 1111. Ir j IIttIIUltr 1UUIUCI Delays Jury Work:d10"!,,w"y u.no1 lu bBd coa- Sudden Inurdor of Lore Clinud-' h r at Malln Tuesday night and 1 the subsequent arrest of Michael 'Murphy, his .alleged slaver, has delayed the report of the Klam- 1 coun,y rond Jury' " y" . terday. : iiecaiife tne jury deeraeit to in- . , vest gate the Aral In shooting be i fore Its. adjournment, the report ion findings of the current ses slon will not bo available until ; late Ihls afternoon. District At- 1 '') William Dunran alatcd ' , , , nimi. u-. , ... i... -1 .1... ; - i.!i. .- - n,-u ..- 4 Jury will end Its work." Duncan " tovi'1 UB 'hrough to- sald. "It should be through to- I mnrrnV hill If rntll Tl Urn Huna ariMi- morrow but if complications arise ! ' "e Mnlln murder case., many mnm hikun. nf inrmH,.fii,n m be required." IT 'if1.. W-,1- e S2 tW r -- S It- K 3, I-r -Jtv --;-".-f 1 "$. X I RELIEF PLAN; Proposes to Let Farmer and ; Stockmen Solve- Their Own Problems NKtt' VOltK, Nor. . L'.P! NBW YOKK. Nov. I. fTPJ Mile. Poiiulexter. ('ullptl Mutes Bhoo. of Charlie Chaplin dl auihaiMitlor lo 1'itu, lnduy an-1 proportion today led- cmlom nouncrd a farm rfllff proram i on which h ulaua t'o ha.e hla lldui-y tbe-st-nate in the tate of Washington next year. rmmintr an to ma pom vo- l!lly uu, vW rolurn In a few Siioniha to puh hln randldacy. ' The plan calla for the creation 'of a national farm crop market- lux corporation under the auper-itook ,, 0f the department of an- The heavy rain, of the pint! lr day. hare rendered a f qw . road, in southern Oregon virtual- ' Impa-wal-le. according to far- ' ,hl" '"'tnl'' but f..w .l.v. hr 'ramlmd a fow ricullure. and would allow the partmeut. containing diamonds : (U.P.) Although her hus-IJ l- ' f" It faruiar and livestock raisers to worth t.tlOW . 1 hand .tint hpr uh,.n hp Pi A.-fV . (IMn.rawl-x.rhO f .onltaut oa P.. Five) Dand Rhot Her Whin ne ;1 X f Q found her-in a room last .! k -'f I". Highways Open j W eed Windows Are : ht wth 5 ;h5 mahn' i i - Despite Storm' Smashed In Gale.iS7;POrtcd dyZ.'sm ZieV JzTI" unimpeded. i"KV,n . Ji" . b,' ' returned to his homeiby which divon-es are' ured ; Bennett' had . just pro Iteports yeMt-rduy that a bridge ; 1 according 10 boutnern . . . . . .. . bu wlfe'thronali the collusion forbidden i j . ' v k I........ k.j .1. - - - - trntrtc on inn racmc nignway. were last night declared false by fornla city last night. Property; Husbnml Finn Mrs. Vlrilula Srhuppel of the ; damage was largely confined to , ,n .r;amen, whk.h . fol Triple A booth at the chamber : broken window panes, it was -;)owed Marh rired ,everal hots. of commerce. f - ; t"- . . ,, ; Oneb ullet struck his wife In the In a long distance telephone; conversation witn noseourg, Hj was learned the brldsa carried ..way bv high water was merely ' . cliv structure, not on th j ,,.,,. , ... . ... .. .. Motorists driving to Medtord i "now wn in .ne viciniiy 01 ."today will need chain, over theB"rk Butte most of dr- bn'. " Oreen Sprli.ks luouiita'ln sector ot , "n.ed . no appreciable deph. the highway. It was stated, but I Three Inches of snow fell at Cas - fc Ainiorisis nrivinr o .Meoiorti. Campbell Wins In Irrigation Race . O&rur Campbell is the new dl rertor of the Horsefly 'Irrigation district as a result of an elec tion held at Bonanza Tuesday. Cainphclt-had a total of 42 voles Tears was. the other candidate. Charles Bergdorf was elected in ilia ixintnii vnv i-ri-.ti.,- - ---"- .. -. HiMirlct s-llh a fntnt nf 27 vniM - - - - - - Jao eck waa the other candl- ' "ur". """ date In this district. , aaie m mis oisinct. , i There-are three directors In i Thi.ra - t rt I h rA rlltswlnpa In ! each district, nnd one Is elected v,r A,.h ....in. it,. j years. Crowded Off the Road 'ffiSKfS J OF SMUGGLERS, Charlie Chaplin Lead Detective to Discovery m-tit to what they believe la a million dollar diamond ffmugEllnK I Klorcnce Lamotr aecond elec .(vl.ifin r,ili)Brri utnr Hnpr . Lapland, ahuffled aahore In foot-; near that cauaed custom aleutha ; to laugh and then wrinkle their i 1 brow.. They queotioced Lamot. ' j He aeemed frlfhiened. The axenta ! off hi. ihues. In the hcel.1 and toea they found falae com- rowibly the same mat nowien : ooui reaiaence. in una city 1 uea- a ooui reimence i dy mht. 6 through Weed eerd.r moril ss-miKi sire California, early . morillng cru.hing many causing some dam-. Pacific train crews wno came . , ""'""" - rm" ,u" - . ... --.. . nsis i.um u iw iu no roiiowing me wina storm, in.. """"v""' " ounly... . I E.nw f..ll In h vllnlttf nf - - rune summit portn 01 Kiamatn Fnlls. trainmen said. . Pender's Skull To Rp XRaVPfl XV JVU . u . , a .. . . 1. .(approval by the many Klamath ' clubs of other Pacific coast cities i0-??"?:!!.?!"!"- have.attended.hto aid the bureau in furthering murderer accused of criminal as sault on two girls, had his head tcnton ot h, .ttofney that he x-rayed today to prove the con- the brain The negative will be developed ' ,. , LQiuorrow or r nun) . 11 is imiti. ... ... ... . i n lev ueivaicu in ail micmiii to secure a sanity hearing. Pen - to secure a AeT-t attorney today received ,dcr-, ,ornc- : permission to remove Penderh aT now recipe, and In - ' narmlealnn In rrninra from the county Jail to have the ... . , . w-.- ff. .inri.i . , Pender's trial. i Wife Near? J) ealj J g! Defending' Assailant .Woman Shot By Hus band Would Save 1 Mate; Places Blame Attackers. - PHOENIX, Ariz., 1 1 . . . . . . . 1 vuuiuv nuuiiici wn pflid toniCht. V I., A. Marsh. 60. who Is In Jail ;a't,n((",ne outcomeo f his wife. . . L. , . ,.. ..., H.i, 1. ..in - . . . . in bu uunuiirn imiiuuiu mi t w.ra v.han 22 right lung; second passed thru j the bone in Mahan s arm, and ; a third struck Gertrude Marsh. . . lh. rrm . . ,v. i.. I Mrs. Marsh gave a story to : " ' ; ,he ghw,f n Dlch ,, i H " j - lyniJO "iOOIilllti i " O . rim -mm a uass ropuiar are elng held each afternoon j at the chamber of commerce! rooms arw meeting with popular 1 v : npviY Ariv Vr.tr oil II I !The classes, which have been Ita plan for a cinD in mis cny. j proposed flitM to Anstralla aa : arranged through the courtesy of' Attitude of the directors was:til Monday according to an an lsj,ne California Oregon Power ing as well aa instructive, and each dw"" ttendnre now j marked gain. ; t viu iretiA Kerr, home econ - . 7 'o' Instructor of Seattle, who ' conducting the demonstrations, , terestlng culinary Ideaa to give ! her hearers and presents an en- lirp ir n.v nrflrrnm pt.it nav. In connection with the classes, Copco is making a special prize offer which Is available to all who attend. The prizes arc given; in connection with purchases. I . BLIZZARD FAILS , TO HALT RELIEF. . WORK. IN VERMONT I MONTPEI.lEn. Vt Nov. !(L'.P.) Although Vermont '9. was swept by a .nowstorm ot almost blizzard proportions today, work ;of rehahintntlou went rapidly ""'"' V o ' r. . . . Vu , Iforwarl (Steed, editor of the London Re-Curtiss plane fell into . the La- j Communication hy wire wn8 1 view of Itevlews said at the In-; Fayette river near the Norfolk 'completely restored and roads to;naton' soodwlll congress today. , country cluh. He was alone In th, I most communities were clear to! i"Europe Is wondering whether plane. - trucks, carrying food, clothing i is will b? able to hold Its own; Three aviator, tn the bomber land ruedlcnt suppllos. I against the temptation to the lg. Jumped following the crash and i Suffering was caused In. many j norant of bolshevlsm nnd fascism, landed safclv tn an arm of the 1 sections by lack of fuel, much. Steed urged that Anfcrlca " . ?' J V, ,i ''. ' -i of the firewood being waterlog- the lender In democratic govern- . r v i a,1"tor, m"tU" !gcd. ' -,' ; f -tment" proclaim Its opposition ,o!A N,,"on- U"T "rook- Governor John K. wotka slated he would usk Proiddent ' that no major war could be imr Coolldge to help tho striken jrled on without American fi state.' '. . ) . i nancial support. . " POOLE TO START WORK ON '45,000 SHOW HOUSE J- With pluns tinder formation j for several months ' completed, j Harry W. Poolo Inst night an I nounced that work will stsrt In ! the hear futuro on remodeling the I.oomls building. Main and 4th. for a new theatre in this cttv. JuaryS. The new'show house, to be lu- . complete equipment of the stalled- by the Pelican Theatre ' most modern type has been or corporntipn, will cost npproxl- dered for the theatre, Poolo matcly $46,000, Poole stated, and staled Inst night. Including the will sent ntrtre than 500 person., new Kitven halftone screen which Howard R. Perrln, loval arch- i Is being Installed . In all the Iteet, has been retained to super- larger motion picture hounes on vise work In the new theatre, the coast. New Plan V I . ."VI l 21 V , aniwrtn. fnDri ft created more than a uiird aenxation when he than a mlfd set basia of : fl. Mn with nnttmi of r- newal. aa a means to cut down I,.. r....U .l.fMa ihl. will t , divorce. Burnell claims Ibis will j : nrnf r,,.i.,m, .. .- . , , uj law. . u unu-u. . uu. i shortcut, is involved In his plan. Burnell asserts. Credit Bureau Seeks To Give Llty Au LlUD Initial action toward forma I . of n A1vtw rlub , , - - kiJ( - Klamath rails was taken .1 a meeting of directors tt hej I Business Men's Credit bureau here last night. When it was do- j ' j .IHwl In InrMliratn' lh nnsslbil- ' titles for organizing such a club here- . i The secretary was instructed , to gather data iron. Advertising , expressed as favoring an Ad 'lu.; ; city has .reached a point where . such an organization would be of. material benefit to its mer- ,... ' cnan. iiuiuut-is. oiikcu uuui-i . , . I slogan of the .National orga iza- j tion Truth lu Advertising. : , w. r. laie. secremrj ui . . tall Merchants' SIUHJLIUIIUU u, - Oregon, will come here November the - a uuuci ' - ... bureau, to address local mer - j ant. on subjects of vital l "Tests. . I (WAR MEANS MORE nm l-UFincil IC . v ioivi, - EDITOR'S BELIEF ; ST. LONIS.' Nov. . (UP) Europe has shown a trend away from democracy and toward bol- shevisra and another great war ' leave "only a short step" i complete the overthrow of pros. prosent , aggreslve warfare and asserted:' ' First announcement of the show house was made In the News sev eral months ago when Pool se cured a lease on the l.oomis building. Since then the local theatre owner hits been planning ,Ior the ne show, to open Jan- Lakeview Curious To Hear Message State Says Missive of. i Lorena Will Shatter Her Pie of Self defense. LAKEVIEW, Ore., Nor. , 1 9. (UP) This little west ern town was in an uproar -tonight over the dramatic ! close ; of today's session or ' piei- ,the Lorena Trickey trial for Angeles; the murder' of "Smiling- : ci;m" Uor .it. n M - Bennett, state prohibition. r,f Knar onrl tha nt-nui-iL. . nm uitnp-u on thp stand. . uutcu . a iiuic muv.ii no ; Claimed MISS iriCKey, ro- 1 deo queen, had given him : several hours after the slayr jing of Harris when court ' ! was ' adjourned, and . the . contents of the missive. which the state contend? s will shatter the girl rider's claim she -.killed Harris in n.iiv".u ... self ' defeir -Wa-not re- ealea., ; , . . Miss Trickey save me this (Continued oa Fag Seven) - Giles Postpones Honolura Ilight , SAJ. fraxciscO. j'ot- tT ... , Frederick A. Ciles j ".a, he start of his Douncenicnt made tonight at the (Sllea had planned to begin the first leg of his flight to Hono-' lulu. Friday morning but decided on the postponement because of the storm which was lathing th coast Wednesday. He did not take bis plane up today because ot the soft coudi- tion of the field. , .T..-x-, tOlllSlOn Fatal To Pilot NORFOLK, Vs.. Nov. . (VP) i A comssioB h,,h , the alr be. tween an army bombing plane i from Langley field and a Curtis Hawk pursuit plane cost the life of one naval aviator todfty while three other, escaped by a daring ! parachute leap. , to ; Lieutenant Addison Nelson, nt- , tarhed-to the naval air station. Avoid the ' Postof fice Rush Do Your Christmas Shopping 'Early days to) - VH0P5lQ