WE KLAMATH NEWS I' TUESDAY. NOVEMBER 3, 1027. pace mm 'EDITORIAL WHAT IS A POTATO? WliHt Ih h potato? AhI every imtltm on Ihu facu of UiiT vurth und the answer wUI be: "It U thu iiiohI ittuplu of ull food pro iluctHi it U thu Htnff of life ; it lit thu food thut man hu enjoyed and thrived on from thu time when iim bnbe ho lenvon bin mother' breoMt until tho lnnt brunth Ih drown ii nd ho Ih taken to tho Grcut Beyond. " Tho potato tho lowly itpud tfioWn In nlmoMt every itection of the world, but how grown unci In what quality? t Ah. thnt is tho queKtion. They mny mint- potutoen, yen. Wo all ruined potutoca when wo were younKnter, tending tho garden In tho middle mid euatern (date. Kvcry yenr there were Homo potiitoe produced ton every pint of ground thut wiih plmited. Nature ha a very genorouH way with her potatoes. She given Homo pro duction, knowing that uny production will help Himtaln human life. Then, why ull thin talk about Klamath baHin po tatoe? HvcauNC Klamath binin producen tho bent potato the world hns ever known, bar nonii, Iledmond, up in Ues chuten county, onjoyed that honor and distinction for many yearn. At tho world's expoHltionn tho central Ore gun potato ruined around Redmond walked away with every honor until tho Klamath bunin begun to produce tho famous nutted gem. Then what happened. The entire country nought the Klamath potato becaune it Ih the bent. Immediately the price went up and the potatoes from hero Hold at a premium. Tho cry from ull Hide wan for Klumuth po latoc and that, cry in Ktill heard. The other duy the representative of. General Motors financing department was in thin city on business with the banks. He saw Klumuth Kails potatoes on exhibition. Immediately he bought two hundred pounds nnd shipped them to his home for winter use. Incidentally, we may mention that hu paid two dollars per hundred pounds for those potatoes right here in Klumuth, when profes sional buyers were offering, the grower 80 and 90 cents a hundred. Anyway, we will not discuss the inequality and injustice of the potato dealer just now; we will not discuss the unreasonable -und - unfair spread between w hat tho grower gets for his potatoes and what the con sumer pays; we will not say there is a nigger in the woodpilo In this editorial, for wo will reserve the mar keting question until later. What we do insist on impressing upon the News reuders In this special poti.to e iUlon l;i that Klamath 'g basin hns the load in thu potato market for only ne rea son she raises tho very bt.l poiuloH re;r::rdl :i's of the steek-hnired chap who insihts 911 grading the grower' potatoes and telling that grower that his netted gem Is one-sixteenth of an Inch under or oversize. The growers aro being subjected to a punishment this year that will vanish with proper co-operative mar koting and grading. The quality potatoes that are being shipped from this city iinures to Klamath Falls a per-' manent and' lusting demand for tho product. It is a staple us thu sugar in tho sugar bowl, as the flour in the flour bin,'1 All tlipltritucies und scheme of the produce hund-. ler wjll not throttle the potato Industry of tho Klamath basin because it is a necessary food product that the peo--ple-iiri, going to' demand and they will demand thnt Jt be Jeivered to thu consumer's table' with as littlo profit' to'the' middleman, 'who neither toils nor spins, as the traffic will benr, instead of permitting him to have all tho traffic will bear as he has started in to demand. ; Stick by the, potato t-grow a crop each year. Handle as much acreuge as you conveniently can and over a period of five years you will make a lot of money. Tho News takes pleasure in offering this special po tato edition to its readers commemorating the great po tato show which is to be nil annual event In Klamath county in thu future. . , We are proud to serve KLAMAHL POTATOES You will find the bctt served here at all time A) SUCCESS to. Klamath's NETTED GEMS Service afety aviugs., . Northwestern Mutual Fire Association' Carl Knutsen T. S. Richardson ft t. tA Wholesale . , 1 . , Retail Klamath's Most Modern Grocery Store Largest in Volume First in Quallty-First in Service i i i : K-v'-5v" ALL BECAUSE OF OUR LOYALTY TO KLAMATH COUNTY AND ITS PRODUCTS , V ( V First We have never handled other than Klamath Falls butter. We back the '. creamery that backs the Klamath farmer. .-- . Second We do not handle a butter substitute. There is no' butter substitute. We r,' " support Klamath dairying. '' ' v?5 ,; -; v"' ' -1 - - Third: We have never sold a pound of cheese except that made at Malin Strictly a ' . Klamath product. . " ' r- ? . : , V : ;, i -rt : ' .-..? ' . i. ' Fourth We have always retailed Klamath county eggs. Another industry getting our full support. q ,.f r Fifth Each of the past five years we have been one of Klamath's largest shippers of the now famous Klamath Netted Gem Potatoes.; , All Orders Amounting to $1.00 Or Over Are Delivered Without Extra Cost ' PUBLIC MARKET Phone 191 Phone 169 "PAY CASH IT PAYS" i ' Sixth Street At Walnut POTATO GROWERS DO YOUR PART II FIRE. AUTOMOBILE and PLATE CLASS III I !i III I INSURANCE X Wjhjij- I 907 Klamath Phone 1476 i II 1 silMi 1 W:- : , it'"!: - V - . . Mr. Farmer : EAT - WHERE THE EATS ARE EATS f -.it - - ! ; , I - Join the Potato Growers Association and help ad? vertise and boost1 the faiti- '' ous Klamath Netted Gems The Club Cafe prides itself on buying products for its table that are raised by Klamath County Farmers. Since we have been in the restau rant business we have served over 26 hundred tons of Klaraath county potatoes. You are cordially invited to make this cafe your headquar ters while attending the Potato Exhibition. You will like our Service. You'll like our food aiuixyou'llt also (Jike our prices. '. v Klamath County Potato Growers Association THE CLUB CAFE i J JACK HERSCHBERGER, Prop. 1