CM ' TUESf)A Y;iNbVEMBKR 8, 1927. PAGE' FIVS Two Cents :; Won l Each Insertion IVIi'lilinlin TT TwoCents a Word Each Insertion Telephone TT " ' ' ' " 'I' I ! 'I' . ' I ..III HI J JJUU .y . r . Jlj.U IJ...L... I M . . I ... M.L X - -i-Jt 1 .ill. j i IR WANT AD -. PAG E . . . . ' - . . .. . CLASSIFIED AO RATES Two cunt! per word taob time Id la printed. tarn ad run on wsak 10 par cent dlMuuol. ' Bauia ad run on iboDtb 10 par cent, discount. TELEPHONE 877 tub nia MAitKKT run FOR SALE. REAL ESTATE FOR HAI.B Three-room house; modern, fousldur cloud csr, '. lata model aa pari psymnut, 14 Id Kberleln street. Plume III4-W. .it FOIl HALE Three-room plaalur ad bouse. -Just off Oregon Ave. Term.' Apply S035 Urn gon. l-l(lt ir rou want To bur a Duma, sail a home; bur a lot; aall a lot; bur ion trraafe; aall earn acreage, or real a place: Bee UHa. NATE OTTEHIIEIN. REALTOR Phone 441 0 Lincoln NOTICE MIR I'VULICATION Depart nirnt of the Interior U. 0. UlSO orFICE at Lake Tlew, Oregon. Hopt. 6. KIT. NOTICE la boiby given that Cora E. Craaa, triune post-office addrr-aa I Klnoiath Falla, Ore gon, did. no the th day of Au 'gust. 1017, (lie o ibis office Sworn Statement and Applica tion. Nil. until, to purrhase the BWNWH, Nec. 14. KHHE and HK NE 4 , Sec. IS. Town ablp S7 8 . Range 14 E., Wil lamette Meridian, and the timber thereon, under the provisions of the art of June S. IMS. and arte amendatory, known aa the "Tim ber and Htone Law." at aurh value aa might be fixed by ap praisement, and that, piirauknt to aurh appllratlon. the land and timber thereon nave been ap praised at lasS.OO. the timber estimated 60 M board feel at 11.50 per M. and the laud $10: that an Id applicant will offer final proof in aupport of her ap plication and aworn atatement on the 16th day of November, 1927. before Hrrj C. Thoinaa. U. S. Commissioner, at Klamath Kails, Oregon. Any parson la at liberty to preteat thla purcbaae before en try, or Initiate a content at any time before patent laauea. by til ing a corroborated affidavit In tbia office, alleging facta which wolf Id detest the entry. r. P. LTOHT, . , i , Register. rs.ll-N.ll. . ACCOUNTING Accounting Auditing HOWARD H. METCALF llt South Fifth Bookkeeping Income Tat ' rvlee CAMPGROUNDS HAVI.INA HfSTINO CAMP on Tnle ltke. California, eaat aide, (a hi us furnished wltb atove. wood, water, hod. aprlngs and mattress. Meals and am munition. K.J. ilsvllna, prop. Malln, Ore. CLEANING A DYEING KLAMATH CI.EAVINO DTH WORKS Cleaning and Pressing "We Dye to Llva" 411 llaln St. Pbtma 408 CORSETS "NU-HONE CX)H8KT PARLORH Corsets and corselsttas mads to measure, guaranteed silk lingerie and (Ilk boss. MRS. GENET RANDALL 138 Walnut Bt. Phona BJ0-W DENTISTS dr. k. a. wdjk(;arvkr Dentistry X-Ray Laboratory (bona (41 ' Underwood Bldg. lltMghHMirl Off let Phone 1IM Melhaae Bldg. Dm. Phone 1 14 Klamath Kalla M. E. COOPER Dentist Suite 80S, Poolo Bldg. Phone HIT (Gf Save A FOR SALE, REAL ESTATE Pit ENOCH HPKCMUI POTATO I.ANII from ana acre lu l.oOo. 8omo,frc water; Mil u up. ' , FOUR 1.0T8 cloae In $000; some I mil a. TllltEH nCHtNEBB LOTS on Olh tit., 120.000. TWO 1I0TBI.8 110, $12,60 par room rent. IIOMKH tut sale and rout. JOHN C. KltKNCll CO. Uoallor Oil Klamath Ave 1'hone H30 KOIt HALE Eight aud one-third aires on Midland Itoad, two imd ona-hiilf mlteu from town. Hursaln for raah. Thuo llclmi, At ii I In Ore. 5-At FOR SALE OR TRADE KOK HA I. K UIV TltAOB 4U0 sires la nil war aiann. fan nnr potato lund. Knay Krinn. Would tako good rur ea flrnt payment. Ilox S34 Klamath Kalla. Oraitou. TO EXCHANGE KOK TIIAtiK Knrdann Ira.-tor and oh pliw for young team or horain and milk town. TIioj Halma, Mulln, Oro. -3ta LOST and FOUND l.OKT A Cublun lllo.'d lluund: lu montha old: black and tan male; anawar to name of Kl 'r. ltd in n to J. T. t'aden-' head, 1903 Wnntlaud Ave. Ile- mlve reward. . 3-.1t Kl)IM AnKiiru cat. llwmr ran I bare anmn hy phoning 114$ and paying for adv. S-H I LOOT Gold filled Rveraharp: keep aake. Return to N Ottlre. S-rtt i'dl'.NU -IxirKe trurk tiro and rim. . I' Wrnvar. One mile raal of ! LOST llunrh nf keya In bmlnena box 41. Atgoma. Tor reaulte uae Nowa Claaa Ada. Deal with a , REALTOR DRESSMAKING DRESSMAKING All Work Ounrantecd IWILL BEW AT TOUR HOME IM4 j . HOTELS VALLEY nOTEL Rrand New and Mod era All outside tooma Vary moderate rates, 4 18 Pine HL rhone 1234 LODGES BU1LDKRH' RXCnANOK meets every fourth Wed nesday of the month at 8:00 p. m. la Legion Hall. MINING ENGINEER RK.MlY tl. LANCASTER Mining Kuglnerr American (naervatnry of Hoe United States Mineral Surveyor (or the District of Oregon Offlco: 204 Wast F ft P. O. Box 704, Grants Pass, Or. OPTICIANS GLASSES' Err Itxtminrd, Fitted and the v' CIasmts Ground in our own factory to suit your ' hiividml rtnjmiremtnts, Broken Lenses Replaced DR. COBLE'S tO MAIN STRUT Repiin Qukk Sertict PHYSICIANS PAUL M. B. CARptTRNB, M. D. Phone Id 10 Special attention to women and children. US Boutb Fifth St., tornsr Fifth and Main, Klamath ' Falla, Oregon STOVE EXCHANGE . See the Stove Man W. E. FIXUM Sloven Kxrhaaged SI Main FOR SALE KOIt HALK lloraee. barunaa and wagon at Kllmpoon'a Itanch; a mllra outhenat on the lka vlcw ltiad. i H-2l KOIt HALE Luundryetlu wah ir and iderjrlr Thur Irnner; .good aa naw.i !136:Noftll Ath Ht. -. ,'' 8-lte 11 i 1 1 1 " 1 i 1 1 ' 1 KOK BA f11 Itiihy prund piano. $800. i'hoiio 707.. , -2t KOK HALE It. I. Kvd piillcta. mlltt paat Altanionl. ' i'h I'hATIfl ;.-'t tlJ. KOK BALE Kurd Trui k. Wnr ,. finld IranamlKalun, leuglhened frame, atartcr, good rubber, re uly to go. 7l. 00; lorao, trado. Addreaa box 62, Ma" dool. California. ' 6-St KOK HAL K, KOX Keglatnred Hlrvera aud liluea. Wonderful fur and prolific. Fred M. Tlnminnd". Koi ky I'olut. Ore gon. 5-01 KOK HALK Body wood a cord. Ilox 7 is Klamath Newa. -,- . BUSINESS CHANCES FOK BALK Hmall printing busi ness. Everything for a small nfflre. Write Mrs. K. Camp bell, box (34 Lakovluw, Ore gon. 11-61 MISCELLANEOUS VOCHAT.KIl IlKOS.. 2000 South nth atrret. Phone 11S-W. Well drilling, well-caning, pipe ' and plnmblng suppllca. new and urd. We drill wells any alta or anywhere. Estlmatea furnished on application. N5D& KOIt KIKEPKOOF 8TOKAOE ! Call City Transfer Htorage Co., ' phone 433, 714 Klamath Ave. I 3-t Kl MMONH rUiully No. 1(467 IN THE CIKCUIT COI KT OF T1IK BTATK OF OKKOON FOK KLAMATH COUNTY. MAE E. EVANS.Plalntlff , vs. . F. 1). Puller and Jane Doe But ler, whose true name la to plaintiff unknown, hie wife, J. II. Constantino and Mary lloe Constantino, whoso true name la to plaintiff unknown, his wlte, the unknown hotrawf K .D. llutltir and June Doe lluller.( bis wife, und the un kuown heirs of J, 11. Constan tino and Mary Hoe Constan tino, his wife; also all other porsons or psrtles unknown rlnlmlng any right, title or es tate, lien or .Interest In tbe roni eataio uescnoea in me . . . .. . . .. complaint herein, defendants. TO F. D. Butler and Jane Doe Duter. whose true name Is to plaintiff unknown, his wife, J. H. Constantino and Mary R Constantlne, whose true name Is lo plaintiff unknown, bia wife, the unknown heirs of y. I). Butler and Jane Doe Butler, his wife, and the un known heirs of J. H. Con stantlne and Mary Roe Con atuntlne, hta wife; also all oth er persons or psrtles unknown claiming any right, title or es tate. Hen or Interost In tho renl estste described herein, defendants: IN THK NAMK OK THK STATE OK.ORKOON: Von. and each of you. are hereby required to appear and anawer the e q m p I a I n t filed agaluat you in the above-entitled suit within four weeks from November 1, 19S7, and If you fall to answer, for want thereof, plaintiff will tako Judgment and nHcrco aguiusi you aa loiiowv, 10 wlt: i To cancel and set aside thnt certiUn agreement for the sale of real estate, made And entered Into on tho lltth dav of Decem ber, l!i2, 'by and -between TIIK KLAMATH DKVELOP.MENT COMPANY, and V. I). Butler and J. II.' Constantlne: Involving the sale of Lot a 7 A. Block 7, In Rail road Addition to the City of i Klamath Knlls, Oregon, as rec orded In Book 3, page 828. Mis cellaneous Records, In the office o-f tho, Rocordor of Klamatb County, Oregon, and to remove the cloud created thereby upon tho above-described premises. To dnnroe that ,yoit, the said dofendnnta, and each of you. ham no claim, right, title or In tercut In or to mi Id premises by reason of said agreement1, end that you, and each of you, the snld dufendauls, bo perpetually on Joined frnm assert Ing any claim, right, title or Interest In to snid premises under the same. For general relief; and for plaintiff's costs . und disburse ments. , ? , . , Undcn order of tho Circuit Cdurt of Klamath 'County,; Ore gon, made and entered heroin on Octolea 31, 1937, this sum mons In, served on you, and each of you, by pu'illcation thereof In The Klamath News, a news paper .published in Klamath Falls,. Oregon, and of general cir culation In snld Klamath County, once a week for 'four consecutive weeks, the date of the first pub lication hereof being' fixed in said order as of Norember 1, 1027. f . Dated this October SI, 1927. C. F. STOXE, JAMES B. BACON. Attorneys for the Plaintiff, Rasldenoe and Office ad dress, Klnmnth Fnlls, Oregon. N.I-8-15-JJ, FOR RENT KOK KENT Tea ma by day or month. Call at II. Htjmpn-on'a' . 8-t , KOK KENT Nice alceplng rooms, 112 . month, fumucu heul; . ronifoniblo. Hoard If dcnlred. : 510 North 7th. Ml KOK KENT Nnw 3-rooin houae, pnrtly moduru, furnlalivd, $18. 420 Kwauna, next lat atrret. It-It' KOK KENT Kourroom mxiderQjVJ' ft r-T ' houo. Hath: now; partly fur-. 2 &ia Aff MWlT3C nlalied. I'liono 400-J. S-lt FOK KENT Two-room cabin: J-'tt'I' . room hoiiHo; 4-ronm botiae.1 All furuWbod. C. Dick. -XVS I Main. St. Police wis. nee d ' i home; Juat right to do bualtieaa i with, r. .Dick o Mnlny FOK KENT. Furnliihod' apnrt ment. Inquire lut 4 1 North .. Ninth or 788 Main. -2t FOK KENT- lirre light house kueplng rooui.r lili lluln Ht. i -2t roit KENT Partly furnished 4-room apartment; garage, llghta..Terma to ateady renters. W. H. Had ley after 1:011 p. m.. oppoalte Frankford'a wood yard. v- t-lf FOR KENT furnished- 4-room house. Woodshed and garace. $46.00 month. Inquire. 1287 East Street. (-21 FOK KENT Two 3-room houses ' with cook stoves. Garago audi' woodshed. $8.00. Jnnuire JTu- i ' Itta Grocery Storo, .South th " Ht. -3t KOK KENT Partly furnVihed 4-room apartment; garage. lighta. Terms to ateady renters. W. H. Hadley after 6:00 p. m.. opposite Krankford's wood! yard. 6-6t KOK KENT Four rooms and bath; nicely furnished. 137 High Bt. 3-6t FOK RENT Four rooms and bath, nicely furnished. 137 High. 2-t FOR RENT Flrst-claai furnished apartment, steam beatd. Mc Carthy apartments. $20 Pine. Phone 00. - - oi4tf I - il.. . . .-j-t-jaasa NOTICE OK HALH - OF KKAL PHOPKItTY . - IN- THE COUNTY COURT OF THE STATE OF- OREGON ,KOK KLAMATH. COVSXH.. In the Matier of ike Kstate and Guardianship of James A. Cock, a Distracted Person. '. Notice Is here iy given that Llirauant to an order ma,)A and ' - entered In the above entitled. LDun inn in inia rausa on I h-i n- ber 28, 1927, the undersigned.1100 lbl- Kood. t9.O04rno.0O: guardian of the Estate of James A. Cook, a distracted person. will sell at prlrye sale the fol- !haup S.60(i9.60; ditto eom lowlng described real property, n,ou 1 $8.76 8.60; heifers, good ,0"w'-i. . . 8S.001fS.t0; ditto common to Oree VSRFSSft t ' ' . and NWH of Section 17: the , 04& '-75: dltto common, to NEH Of the SK14 and of , ntedlnm;. ditto low NE4. of ikrtlon 18, Township 40 South, Range 11. East of the Willamette Meridian. Said sale will be made from and after December 8. 1927, to the highest bidder,' for rash or, upon terms of net less than fifteen par. renl (13) of tho J purchase price, balance payable uu or iieiure two years ana Hear ing interest at eight ' per .cent (8) per "annum. Said sale will be made subject to confirma tion of the above entitled Court nnd shall Include all the rigbt, title, interest and eetate nf the -laid James A. Cook, a distracted person, in and to said premises. Bids for said premises shall, bo submitted to said guardian at the law-office of R. C. O roes heck, ovor The American Na tional Bauk In Klamath Falls. Oregon. ,y. Dated; November's, 192". MADKUNK COOK. .Guardian of the Estate of James . A. ' Cook. A Distracted Person. N.8-15-22-29-D.S.' , . NOTICE OF FINAL ACWCXT Notice Is hereby given "thai tho undersigned us administra trix of the estate of Oliver W. Howard, sometimes known, as Ollle W. Howard and O. V, Howard, deceased, has filed her final account In the county court of the stnte of Oregon for Klam ath county, and that Thureday, tho 10th day of Novemfcor. 1927, ut the hour of ton o'clock In the I forenoon of said day and 'the i coart room of said court has j Men appointed as the time and 1 placo tor tho bvarlng of ohjeo-,' Hons thereto and tho scttlcmont'i thereof. ' i: Dated and first - ptihlishM Tuesday, Oc'.ber 11," 1927. 'V1 , 4 IDA E. ; HOWARD, Administratrix. 0.111-1S-2B.N.1-S. Relieve Coughs, Colds, Headache, Rheumatism and All Aches and Pains AD arasiitr--W sad 0e Itrt sad fokak CUa-js'p Maarwto(1-al4w (am) Jk Btttrrthan a Mustard Hasttr iiiiDiimiiiiii HELP WANTED WANTED At McOanwell, Calif., barber for two umntlia. Bee iei). Wood. e-Jt YOUR CHAUCE? . , F&c W 5 It la a Tj 1 T ' n. "n. K(5' WuSlJ!t'3 T A atrong Wetern Company . Ins opeulng in the Klamath Kulls district for an energet ic man wltb life insurance selling experience. If you are the one we seek, write today, giving name, age and experiunue to Ilox 962 Klam ath Ztaws. ... s i. -3t , i a MXTTl cm TlTtnue i " "s DKHIKE POSITION in chamber work; also am experienced , rook. Address 200 Herald of fice. -2t POSITION WANTED Experum ? ced stenographer wants po- sltlon. Good references. 2061 U.tlt .n 1-1 1.. nhnna BAA r .' ' WANTED WANTED Horse for (fhlcken feed. Mall box MS. -6t WANTED Bewng and alteration work. Phone 65. Mrs. Fry. Oct. 23-2t WANTED We ' pay highest cash . prices for used furniture and atoves. Be sure to see us be fore you sell. We give you a 1 liberal allowance for yonr used rurniture In exchange tor new. - You will find our prleua very reasonable and credit service liberal. KLAMATH FURNITURE CO. -$011 Main St. Phone 894 Oct. 8 tf PORTLAND, Nov. 7. (PI Cat- tl. n . f I v-D - " In hlirhal. . n ' -a .,i, ,i, ' . ... . . ll. 177II ..Iv.. ' I. inliiln. Ill, .. Steers M900 to ditto (1100 to 1300 lbs. Good ' $9. 60f 10.00; ditto medium (800 (cutlers ro cutters ,z..ui b.ou. Hogs. 25c lower thsn early last!,, . .. ,nnPorim.,Bw -idn. Monday; receipts 3020. including j -.-en Commercial and Broad $11.65 through. Heavyweight streets. All movements by freights 1250 to 350 lbs. medium to J acro-s this track are to be made choice 9.00J9.75:: mediumibetwe-n 7 p. m. and 6 . m. weight (200 to 250 lbs.) medium. . can't Cat 1'nTciiWnt to cnorcc .ur; ngnt u-.,tt.. I sl-.A n 9I1A IK. ..,l,,m -v..., . ....... to .choice t nam t lltihts (130 to 180 lbs.) 'medium to choice 89.65 S 10.00:. packing hogs, rough and smooth JG.OOifi 8.00; slaughter plga (90 to lbs.) medium to choice 89.25 ft 9.7,5 feeder Und atocker pigs (70 to 120 lbs.) medium to choice I9.254J10.00. (Soft or -oily bogs ard roast ing pigs'" exsluded In above quo tations.) ' Shoop steady: receipts RAO in cludlngJ95 through." Lgmbs (84 lbs. down) good to choice J10, 5011.75; ditto , medium (92 lbs.) $9.6010.50; ditto culls to common (all weights) 87.00 0i9.6O: yearling wethers (110 lbs. down) medium to choice IT.OO(f9.00; ewes (120 lbs. down) medium to choice 85.00 Ji 6.50;. ditto medium to choice (120 to 150 lbs.) 84.O0P5.0O; .r"- -is the right price ' tolpay for a good tooth LISTERINE TqpTH PASTE - ' targe Tube 25 V Freezing Gales Hit East Coast (Continued From PKe S) winda somewhere at sea ware the 1 lyvhithan, Bsmarla, MiiinekRhda.' Berlin and Thurlngla. AU were overdue. The Ualtlc, Ic Cristobal mo were Tenn t'elhs and Ciiainti ' ,u.,.frf tnHuv hut . ha,i iui kt-I e"-- . . rived. 1 ' i f t 1". i The Cunard lilicr Carmaulsi docked It bottm late, ,-wlth..thf annua 1 lov liner Luet-' ermon -'ov. liner North C xow, s noura ooninu lime, i avj . an)lM McKnlt.y ,lreet. were the first out of the danger'. u.,.. , The - 8. New York arr.,cd on ! - , ,, . t me. renort Ins a freak sh es-lj enne from the hlnw. Khe enconnt-l pred antes, but thev were follow- in andblew her on her way - ! " '" ""J"' raore:ago on a short cruise. Jenka. be . ing ah ! equate sewage facile. fpr!Mld wanted ,0 ,earn the wayi pl' mi nea m k .Klamath Falla. ' . . ; ,k-... '.'T;K , All passengers of the Leulzowt oi., kiMi..." . : me sea. , , ! suffered from sea sickness during ; the voyage from Bremau nd Cherbourg and were greeted on - ' Inndln, with the lowest temnera- landlnr with the lowest temnera-' .nr. ,.7. n,. ha. thi. n. , , 1 Klilo. JjUr Other JXTtZ today. ln- ..i... ....i. .a eluding email coastal veaaela and UlJ rrat lner ITlathln. wlre. leased owners not to expect them on time. In its scope, the storm aUectud . not only trans-AtUmtlc rouses, but reached to shipping lanes between New York and southern and west Indian ports. The ' United Frnlt liner Ulua. hnnnH rAtti 111. U'u.t Inrfl-a. .ill not a oca until lueaaay, aiinouga due today. The weather-bureau predicted snow for New York but rising temperature within -24 hours. City Council To Ban All Bingoes (Continued tram Page One.) of these meant the closing of bis business. Wniit Siiuarc Play j The council explained thf.l thh was not wtiat wa? intended but tney want the pool nails to piay, square, and this new ordinance eliminates the bouse getting .any rake-off on tbe games. It t wis IP plain that they did not the card games abollHhed. - An ordinance tltcn.sius had re gulatlmc motor vehicles far hire In the city was passed to the sec ond reading. This new ordiance gives permission for more than L unu aland In a- hlnrk mid altm ,,.. th. ,v) h h.a - --- been reserving his parking spare from tbe property owner. It makes It -unlawful for citizens to park their cars in this space and on the other hand the taxi cannot take up other space. , A resolution was adopted granting the Oregon Trunk rail way the right and privilege of building and maintalng a freight track nvar and acrnaa Sixth street . u -,.s nioTed and seconded byt I .. .... .. I Ue council to nave an oraiaance ditto" culls to common (all 'weights) 83.004j 4.00. I (Quotations, except on lambs. on ahorn basis.) OUR BOARDING A-f dEPrO.E&IA.V pBrrr-w Lii:e a sut A CAUE - A,VtR GO-r ALL-frl WcrfES II. TrAVOR OF -TH' PUMMV, -TrlEri BLAM, VoU . , ii. f. I A-r JUi 1 IWI ; jth BMP Pocket vv Gas . tint ev sea stawes. wc. . sir. u 9 err (drawn up prohibiting the rutting' 'of the pavement during the win- ter months except la caeca of emergency. r I The California Oregon 'Power company petitioned the ally to, nam the alley through block 3D In flrnt addition since they own no propeny on an aiuea. unu me uTIrv does . not extend clean iu Z .i. . t ,' ,,! ,h'UU'tb, ocV lioyflmt"" 4 was set oy i m- council as vne, . . ......... .... naie lor nearing anv oujections vr hbti rtmiwoA Vb.Hi. . ... . -., i A nelltinn ... nr..ented to the ' ,, J bV four nron- . ca1",r" 'n4 by rour prop- eTly holders to grado and macad !'t? : xvi.iuaui sicKisiereu r.iigiDeera as- u,. . . . , . . . . . :r . .. u " ""' ,lual ,ue, m.or a uono issue oi . i , .. . I grad agatinr 57 010 ' Dk ' reoJsted MrnTiLTon iin , P."",f ff?0""-1'! iJn:' .. . " Birmu ii waa reierreo to ine lire . :.,:. Xy to Zln Till ..r ' "" a mn at 230 ?.'.!!. r? ' " 7ferred w the I bonding Inspecto , . , PfODe Of Lobby nargerc recast; WASHINGTON", Njr. 7. ()-lU Congressional Investigation of i charge that a lobby has been I set ap here for repeal cf the fed eral Inheritance tax was1 predict ed today during the bones ways and means hearings' on tax redac tion. , Tho prediction was made dur ing cross examination of.- Gov ernor Fred W. Green of Michi gan, who urged repeal of that levy as well as the sales tax on antos. After the governor bad testified be had paid his own ex- penses to Washington. Tepresenta- tlve Italney. democrat, Illinois, declared be was glad to hear that because there would be -an inves- ligation, into me .sunjeci auring . the winter. : : ; ' To read The Klamath News day after day la to keep thorough ly Informed on happenings of Im portance throughout the world as well aa In Klamatb Falls and rtetnltv FOOT BALL FANS!! STOP AT THE MANX HOTEL San Francisco's best popular priced hotel on Powell St., be tween -Geary and 0' Farrell in th heart of the theatrical- dis trict and close to all down town activities. Rnnning icewater in every room. Your auto checked at dcor like baggage. Our dining room in con nection serves break fast 35 rents, ' lunch 50 .cents and dinner (0 cents. 'Meet Me at the Manx" HOUSE '-TWO COLLARS I to A BET oki - Tr)EVVE COUrifEP v Moil VI ri - - mo eas, she VilAi. f VT VIMS!-- VA-A-A" rr h" CoiIita A?rlff OallUl 9 XVUIlil Almost Starved . BAN PEDUO, .Calif.. Nov. T. t'P A trip that waa to have- (umlnhrd the fonndullon for a ,,,. rnrA is.VMMld . . . . . : Johnny JonKs giraoat annea in tragedy for the pupil and hi. la- , , , , unl, ttructor. It was related here Moil- . . . . . . . t. aay nigm uy tipmn uvuim Jelklna, veteran soman. i . J Tt" caI"nm aa m' pup" b rou(!nt ,shor, into Monday after- - ! ,,. ,,. .,,,- -,,'"- The captain and his pupil werw than 10 days when tho motor of and left them drlft.ns ' ? ,,,,, tnnA ntt PMnt nnmn ii wiinoul rooa on i-oini uume. n According to the old sailor, he nrt ,.nk. , h , i A"er ,"h""r " reW d""' , IWaB' ,0''Br, tU miles off Point Dume the motor 'Of the Nadln. refused to function. jeixina ana jenxs nggea op f-'' ' wlnu K0D, .. trom reacalnit Jeikina and Jenks rigged up' aay land and they were alwaya of ... B,th . mMtwll. jsels. They kept alive only by"" : , eating .the fish that. JeikruT.' ' caught, be said - . What you no longer bare usa ' ' tor may be Just the thing another : i j. .eeklng. The Klamatb New. classified Ada bring buyers aad " sellers together. .. -. ' r '1 LITTLE , JOE . VOOP? CAP'Sa ' .' ffJCL. OF w - IM (JJf'A-k - . '.- : COME TO SAN FRANCISCO FOR THE BIG GAMES ; Every week.end the football talent ot tbe coast aro seen , In action in San Francisco and Palo 'Alto. College and 'semi-pro" games. The best profes sional talent in the country "choose Ao play" in this district. Tbe famous "Red" Grange and Er nie Nevers will be seen here with an all-star team id December, and Benny Frlddman will make bia Initial .west ern - appearance at the same time. George Wilson, former Husky star, and "Tut" Imtay. along with other nationally known stars, will be feature' ed in. Sunday fames at Ewing FieM. "Brick" Muller's services are also be ing sought. o spend your week-ends in San Francisco and see good toot ball games. Football Team Headquarter By Vhern ' AAV cSUESfS, POUlKi -TO PAVElS VJAVFUE 5AL0A! - MV cpepit" is goov OF ?ER5UASlOri. 1 ff-f -f'J tii . 16 - .v. :! ft. ..a .ai.