TV' ! s I It I ? PAGE FOUR TUESDAY.' NOVEMBER 8, 1027. The Klamath News ' peopl, "cared fhlen the rumbling earthqu and then look across Pacific and witness war. and. disease at- utllahd evtry mornlna xrfit atanday h Tha Ktanmih New Full- ll.almr f 'umiiU n w at w...,.!.' r'Kta, atrsat. Klamath Kail., Ornion, I po.'ti ll'HCC JSpud Fete Inspires Local Bard To the Interest Poetic Muse In Pots otatoes nmt OttrHii . .... ... nr ttitltar i . . Adv. Mar. The I'otnto Kcle' o Inspired , Inconvenience to yourself: Just tacking the old Chinese lia- . H. Cook he was ahle t trlw 1 leave your money ami tho ad .... , hi. first n.wm that could be bii b- j d rc of the friend t I'nder- linn t . . Are we thankful for this l nuCHIPTION HATHS tellwrao ay earner, Maala - ,IW lrll..r.4 hr earrter. rar . QJUI Uallrerail ar aaall, ar . jM aaaarlallaaa aaraal la avae Khtered aa second class matter at the poalofflra al Klamath Falls. Oifon. NovtrmlK-r li, 1923, aaaar act of March 1. !;. being permitted to live in the Pacific northwest? Are; we grateful for the many . Msned without abridgement. Cook woods. Tho i H'm: kloniath SiuiU Telrpkaae K7T Aaall llama rirratatlaa LAYING THE RAILS Is C. II. imdcrwood's publicity I most gracious, blessing of ami advertising manager aa well Klamath county's most en thusiastic liooster. So in pub lishing this. p.XMll the News fools II la giving deserved credit to a blessing, which Providence modest mitcn. h for once. . . ' , ., , Kill gel all that U coining to bestows upon us daily? hm How many people of . , thv, ,.,,.., ' wll, .. It. t- lh World's Sil a lto to , rlicod , Klamath Falls get up :n the possible to send a box of i.t- j morning and stop for an in Istant to give thanks to a good God for their choice blessings? Well, if the peo- Decorations For Potato Show Are toes to votir friend tn far, and ! farorM Innd. withnni any t Jurors Trickey pie don't they mean to, for Case LOCkefl LP Uid it ever occure to you Klamath Falls people are a that there is more actual irrateful people" even if at railroad building going on times they do become neg- vvrv xrn-d from sorvic by the' it' (ltnllnud from rto Onr) Htr' to tho Klamath Potato,'" King of all tho SiuW! " You ran hako 'om, boll 'rui. or fry 'cm, , And tlioy ur Jast too ogd for words. 'which iimlltuto Klaiuaih'a tut- So stnd a Ihx bout lo your tldloat Itiuuratlon In (ho uiurjtotlng frlrmla uhaao o( iho Htmo liuluairy. IJivo Va mnir of the fat of the ) Thono. filUil wiih hlali rdo po Kind: 1 latent, will bo on aalu ,nt thr They'll rnloy tlirm I mouthful Aud boont Yin to boat tho band. traillvo rarda lit-wrliiK hamol of jilin nlnnv la torrod dowu iH nivri'hanla oloaoly ldoiltlflod Willi niakoa an vaay laliillnii lilioil. thai tho aurct'aa of ilia potato allow, wator, Ihb liniki , wolild. irolilily ' whllo auoilivr will toulnln a ilia- kii It a(loal,..aJlora any. " v ! n l.t! nliiy of fin aood nolalooa. Homo (llloa will lako only ,,r" i fiSpeCaUliy rilie of ih tluo rw l-l lvon tln.iry Ufa hall ami will lakn " wlniilnt 1'ihililtora . will urcupv aullun aud a liiilf of water ami 'four tlrarltva now wltitlirwa thn fourlli aiuiro. i i-omviilraljMl fond aiiffli'lonl fr j will tako llu-tr wlaroa Moim with Tho ahow plarv luat oliilll waa.ibrou wooka. Tho wtlitr la o olhor froul dlanlaya on Main luuilni with mllvlty uiilll a lata ! coodlUKly iinfnToralilv for flylni ! ati-ool today, ul Iho lioiid.iuarter hoiiao na allow otrtilula worked , w It It wind, fog aud rala pruvnl- ot Ibo Klamath Potato Show io,,aid lo arrunao othllilla md dHiut uror almoat lit onllrti Irway bo ataaod In Ilia Lootuta building ; oriilo tho Iila rnoma. . bolwotfii ,l)uld':u llniuaud, ai rourin aim .iinui. - m itororuiiotia aw luin nii'iy j iionolulu , With aa affootlyo rotor arhruia) flu aud Iho vlltora al Iho ahow i j ot oranao and blai'k. tho four i today will ara a ahow room that windowa In tho l.ooml bulldlni I outvlilnoa from a atandiivlnt of, will dlvorl moal of Main atrool'a beauty, any almllar Ihlna In tho j liodoatriau Irafflo Into tho potato county. ' j how. ( i ; Ulu aparo will lH devoU'd to a , w T ri ' l2i I .. .k- ......... k..v.u vuu'. aji'.i n iitrnr . rNew Sea Flight ! Starts Friday- j (I'ontlniioil from Pajro wo j 0 the mm (aUow to ho uvd .y aftow patron.' Ian of Iho' akin !Wlll Hold 4at1 for K'ft boa. , lii'loaa nf fuol and aro tulppod4 1 tho band.! Anoihor window will varry ai-twlth aiitomatlo' dump Tatvoa. tf r- in the Klamath zone than any place else in the United States? North of this city crews are working hard under the ; direction of the Mauser Eros. Construction company to put the Gneathern rails into Klamath Falls befo.-o snow flies. lectful. Talkative Juror Blames Hearers boosters wo need In thla vulloy If we'ro Koinic lo mukc It pay. So dlft up a dollar, brother. And aeud KIuk Potato on bl way! court. Tho hotela and linUlnR houses of this little town In tha ramie land wore crowded to overflow ing toulKlit, and many cowboys wore plauniiiK to aleep In the hay In the livery atables. .Just pa down In your Jeans, old Ferllni: la runnini: hiKh. and (uirlrldce. as a precautionary measure, the Com in and do It rlthi now court this afternoon Issued nu Lot's bitost the Karmer a llltlo appeared to-r()er rvuiovinit from a jeweler's : And show Iho world wo know or loiumoia wi,i.1,iw an exhibit of sliver trop-i h,i. nioa won m rwina uy im WASIIIXOTON. Nov. 7. (. Edward J. Kidwell, famous i "Juror number 11' 'day In the District supremo court ta ask Justice Siddons for a hoarlnK to clear, ou ti,e rr0iinds that tho display him of charircs that ho talked micht urtindice Iha Jury. Indiscretely about tho Fall-Sin-. The cowcirl defendant will rri,-ir,.v 10 ine SOUineast 01 US the ic'air conspiracy case uriure a c;a,m acrordlnit to ner attorney, C.nlThoon p..ifi. j i mistrial was ordered last Tuos- sam a. Jetmoro, that she atab- - .. day. laying rails on the standard ! In a lonx petition prepared for roa d from Wendell 1 preaentation to the court. Kid- gtt struck her with Throughout the day, Wotds and Music by It. II. Cook common-law ' hasbaud in a fit of drunken t wrench, the slim little rodeo queen sat ncrvously anri listened to tho examination of the jurors. The bronxe color j gauge T -I.-..; i 'well aald that J. Kay Akers. ' , . i street car conductor, and Donald the CTews have completed T. Kin, newspaper reporter, the track laying to Alturas. ' should be adlndcod irullty of eon- f t all in (l,. iriootk tpii. Hempt of court because they per-1 Df nfr rears of plains life had , . . laisted in an effort to make htmtgiren way lo a prison palor. and territory. to the north ltjdUM.nM tne ciw while It was on ,t times she was barely able to IS distinctly Klamath Falls 'trial. Ikeep bark the tears. It was that the Great Northern is I The luror branded ."as abso- when those cowboy, prospective u . , . lately false In all essential-aver- jurors, rose to her defense la attempting to reach. To the I maaxt affidaviu filed by: their answers to the attorneys southeast the laying of a' Akers and King and In which; that she hid. the most trouble broad gauge road to Alturas !thcT ""Med Kidwell as having keeping down the tears. .... - said that Harry F. Sinclair was j The trial opened with the rvad- 13 the forerunner for a con-j, democrmtic n ,nd that Kld-jing of an indictment nralnst the Jiection With the Modoc Swell would be disappointed ir he'airl rider. It rhargeil that on iVorthern, Which Will be'di1 not B-'1 an antj "a Ions a the nlchl of Sept. S. Miss Trickey . . ... .. . . 'ay block." after the trial was commuted first deKree murder over. Kidwell declared ;llon that Akers and King pur-i Just a Utile more activity !"' i V-V. -: lOaOO 11 uTaoij . friend with an auto come to his assistance In avoiding them. Hej ! added that he had told them re-I : peaiedly that he could net talk ! , about the ease under : instruc-j 'tlons from the ccurt. i Justice Siddons committed the petition to the file aa part 01 .u.nrH in tho Fall-Sinclair 'trial in which the Akers and cerns have the timber and;""- T"Lu,r,!!B 7' ! n!aeod but too no action have owned it for some' ndlni, ormai aotificatkn of; beetle nd the ' government counsel that thq I ' paper had been filed. Justice Siddons ruled that this , was necessary before any hearing , year. Wisdom prompts the j could be held. , to begin market-, California j,u n c tion Al turas. than - any state has exper ienced since the war in building railroads. And : they are being built for a , purpose, a decided purpose. Th pine forests where the; tonnage exists are the mag nets. ; Large lumber con- iby stabbing Harris, ber cooiuiou- in hls'pctMlaw husband. Ttie Story 'Smiling Slim" and Miss had left tho Ijikeview rodeo (oicrther In an automobilu. At the outskirts of the town Harris' body was found a short time later with a knife wound iu his breast. Mis Trickey was arrested and charged with the crime the following day, although H was alleged she claimed her lover's assailant had appeared from the side ot the roid and thrust the knife Into the cowboy while he was driving. Just before the trial started. Sam A. Jetmore. the defendant's attorney, said she would admit the deed, but would claim It was in self-defense. Charles Combs, district attor ney, and Jetmore agreed during noon recess that Iho jury would probably be completed by to- j morrow utternoon. and said Ihoy i expected the trial would close the latter part of the week. . - M t-. in I TNa I . ' . .Wl ' . or , , i 'M ' i 3 TUB KLAMATH NEWS S ' . , Joday Lon Chaney V ill ' , Mockery , with R1CARDO CORTEZ Howard RPerrin Design and Plana INDUSTRIAL AND COMMERCIAL . BUILDINGS 04 fjopka BJok. Pta Vtw- - -mT 111. embles you to nule an endless variety of hoWjotr, hcil:hfL'l fooJ CAci, Ccok ies. Biscuiu, Dough nuts, etc all evenly raised and properly baked. Try it and learn why it MAKIS nfip fc f ewwiftH LESS HAN P6R 0AKINO This Man Can't Catch Cold.' I If a n e o v or sniffle wiy you're throatoiii'd with a cold,' you run head II off every lime . without ''ilopliin" yourself, or llir; ' least tneouvonleni . . i ' Kvoryona has stiggesllona when ; you have a cold, but here'a ono jthal work"! Tape's Cold Com pound lu simple. pleaHnnt-l-tatlng 1 laldita. Kvon when you'vo let a ridd got into throat anil liihg- or even turn lo "flu" I'ape's I I will knock li uul. : Whv daily, with a alight cold. I... ...It I ...... .L... ,1 'oua. when the smallest drugstore , haa Ihla real rlicf- for thirty-' live ronla! , j, --PAPE'S j COLD COMPOUND Standard Dyera , and Cle&nars -Vor Dettnr Appearaaet" , Odorloaa Jplaaiilag (ao4a atortlo ' . Export Pretag 1409 Esplanade St Phone 825 DOUBLE ACTING For sale old papers. Klamath News. Call at SALES 214 TIMES THOSE OF ANY OTHER BRAND Christmas Cards Klamath Printing Company . 522 Klamath Avenue STAGES Leave Ktaawalh Valla Dally S a., a, (except Hajadwy) tor UKIUUXL MAUN ALTVItAH t , Mon. Wod. FrL MKIUtfLI. . MAIXf Al.Tl.-MAH HRXO olo.VAVUXa. Neti Itedarwl Ilatea bow la effort. , Terminal Stage Depot IS Hla (M. rtUaM BOO SALESMAN SAM Obeying Orders By Small time, fire The are exacting heavy t JXHR DKATHS RK PORT ED. compnies ing their holdings, and to' nrnnerlv market the lumber. I BOISB. Ida.. Nov. 7. (AP) .. ., , . , . ... Four deaths from Infantile pa-; the railroads must be built ,nXrSa bNn reported to rr. I first. ' " 'W. F. Almond, consultant to the I cru. (. - x- ii, department of public welfare. 1 The Great orthern is i Two ,.nlUr,n haTe dil.d m , goading its Contractors each Moscow, one fatality was report-'; , . . . ... , , ' ed from near Mountain Home! day to. reach Klamath ,,lld Ej,r, EiiKor,h waiters. 10- j Falls before the snow flies" ; year-old son1 of Mr. and Mrs. V. , ,. , K. Walters of Boise was the first and as a result the workers ; rlctlm , Bo)He. The report to i are augmented and the the slate welfare department , , , . 'show five proved cases in Boiv. track laying goes merrily T..0 sn,ed rase in Boise and on. Behind that Great Nor-ne in i-ocateiio. . , j iu j Boise and Ada county schools them demand is the de- from tne fir to eighth grades . mand of the Weyerhaeuser i are closed. : Timber company to get that j railroad finished so the sup- plies and machinery for the ( .big mill can be hauled into ; this city. - j It is a picture of indus- j try and activity a picture that in this day and age ; looks good to everyone who enjoys seeing a new country grow, an empire being builded. . o A FAVORED LOCATION I ' s ti'rT'f SHl v) f whv 4M tveck DftW60r4wtr.GU7.7.;. DtDM'T TeLL no-but fM.6CRT 1 f von ;ain Mrrr . . V !T 'i rT ) FULLft COSTOMERS AM AIW'TCMA 1M TH" ' I'M OOIM' TlT i VATS Gfi ntlT feTCVM I ax r. m mx J0V SfMO NOT ) (I ) r-JL-Z"?0 VLL STORE, SMV? A J AS TOLD M WALK1AJ, TH' STORE AM' I Tv I.rurn 7 ' S ' iP"""7 llffeee (F I CAM FIND &l 6 RUSH IS V TO' "'DID!'? A FOLLOWED SIGHT!'. S Q If mi:&. rw - -f -L9J :i : " --rV ; - -r-Vg- lanw. a' I rf . . .. i f 2 . . s ... a-'jVr J BOOTS AND HER BUDDIES CMoM. MM -6tT IM THRt - VoJTu ? Avoid Poorly Balanced Breakfasts , Start the day with Quaker Oats . food that "stands byM you. j T I yrtu frr! lirrtl. tuinqry. "(rfgrty.'' L litirs b"tnrr liincn, Jon t jump. . tiip rrmel,o', of poor litralth. ; Tlii!jn'U luvp unenrrttctic mom ; inc becaus thty start the day with 1 wrtMiK brcitkiat. 'l o fr?1 rinthf, you must have a i rvion. At mo At th?r mr' lunch ' anl 1innr"- yoit rt it. f.nt hrtak- U fast in a hurried meal, often badly , cliorn. i Thu Quaker 0. 16 prot' in, fooH'n rcat tissue j builder, Go'Ij c:irU;l.ydrat-, it great rncrfv element, this ' vitainiitfH and tlip "bulk" that makn laxatives srMom necdcl. U the die- tctic urtjc of the world today. I iJon't deny yourself the natural i'tifinlitioii this rich foori offers you. uet yuakrr tjats touav. roccr $&- VEY.5M-6ET ) 7T ( m lp) Pm MmtpsK Snap Out of It, Jim ARtHt'DtrtW rWItW. Witrt ' VS-, . A YAUO NOR Mft?E A , By Martin ,:y'. ; i t'Wg.rv'r.T . ". ... . VOWtM VO Hft-)t TO TAKt tOO OUT CV A GWrAt - t ',..), "r ... I I - (-, VJ UKlVii ill:- The great Pacific north west is a favored location this year. Here we have fine . weather, normal con ditions, good crops and a bountiful hurvest. But, looking back into j the Mississippi valley we see the devastation caused j from the terrific flood a : few months ago, and then 1 we turn to the New Eng- land coast and see the floods raging at the pres ent time rendering neonle i j...:: u have two kinds: Uuick Uuaucr, WASHINGTON TUBBS II But If They Should Get Caught? By Crane 7? VS ---1 ' SUNDOV.M OtAOftVXJ4. JC5E BVAH05 lifetime earnings of men and women. We have but to look southwnrd nnd see Quaker Oats. Quaker Oats i lCAVlWlAj f"VU ' -. -(Mg tiriOiT Al V 'J a, I .KT - A C MftNC t To ) r t iT M J ' . 1L? lLSrr m wnvwr. ttn- t j L - . .': ;. .- - - v. ' . , 4 . cinch .sr.u v.:. ut CNoot& witil IvXeSti gNNWIS. Ml vlt 001 N ClV0l) J0NPCRJ CEMIJ5. " rtr 4 ..--,'1-