The Klamath news. (Klamath Falls, Or.) 1923-1942, November 01, 1927, Page 4, Image 4

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Tuesday, novemdkIj 1. 1027.
The Klamath Npw. crens0 lhat t0 nt least 25,
ine iviamam iews ani 80 the anonvmous flal.
P-blUbed ...ry morning " tr wi" hvc p,adc her con
Moday by To. Klamath New : tnbution to society.
PuUtkbinc company at 101121 j How different from the
South rifts trst, Klamath ; precedent established by
Kalla, Oregon. i4v ,. :,.i ,t, .:.
vi J vjmi- v ma 1
- " --.x--in Vinj" j-lh. j- - - - r-j-.--.-u , . !
Offkuj rap, of at, f Kum.jlennis V a scholarship on
lb Kails and KUmatti Oom.lwn KOea out to create a
. .-..... w. ,w , home. Happily -the latter
Kat. Ottrrbrta City KJItor.flre jn foe 'majority. Per-
hna Unimraua Arf. Mot i u ... i... " r .u-:
BfascitlPTIOX 1UTK8
Effective April IS, W87.
Delivered, by carrier, m. .
Iselltrred by rarrlcr, yrssr A. AO
Delivered by mail, year... 5.00
tmbarrlptlona payable la advance.
EntarM aa tecond claaa matter
at tba poatofflca at Klamath
' ralla Oreon, Korcmber IS,
1:J. ander act of March 3. 1ST.
Trlrpbooe 877
Member Audit Hnrraa CUx-latlo
- i
. . i
"Big Bill"
Thompson S !
Mir in Chicago to rid the .," Kails at" the Otterbeln horn ! i1' "J.
t ; let In tnaonine stall ana wear rtimr lw t'ooner nnd ih wo-;
libraries and public schools !,v0,UrnlnK l ht'r h'mp '"lout the rlf. throne. Utk ot.Z rtJed i nt lri
of histories ' which' givej v! and M-s. fer!e Kll.ore ! Prl"'era' 'is- 'hotel as man and wife, tha offi-
r- . r. ,,. o ?"Eorf! rw people rend advertlsinit? ' aimed. A child belonging!
r.roat Eritam.the- edge in 'motored to Merrill Saturday on Try out by any. , c(
some Cf the early Struggles;""""'"1 v.,..-. 1
of the democracy, is a
grandiose gesture.
u'h!K- fntilAi' . !
In his new zeal to deliver I '''ling for the Dalton cattle haaIIngsly called at the McDonald kept.
. .. . , . . .returned home tor the winter, i ranch tho first of the week on:
America from the hands of j ScheDle Bros. m!lae , b.isin business. ! MlririT I INDFRWAY
Great Britain bv destrovine !tHn m nnner Unnii rsliev the: P ! rtroh. r-i , ,iJUUmu ui.4 i n . t
the bonds of pro-British '
propaganda, C h i c a g o's
mayor seemingly f o r g.e t s
even if he can find an 'ac
ceptable group to censor ex
isting histories, there re
mains the problem of ob
taining history texts with 1
wntcll to restOCK the Shelves. , rnture it will probably be Im-i The Ladles dub met wiih Mrs. . The hoys' and girls' stock udg
ClnnA Vi i.lrtyino nron't -eif Venssihle for necessary trips to . Owen Pennle at Ihe tlillimm n puninvt m ns fentnrert hi; nn
ti n liko novels To lu a
good historian IS perhaps
the rarest of intellectual dis-'
. ,. , , ,
tinctions. Too few who at-
tempt It are able to proper-
lj balance those two great :
ingredients of any history
reason and imagination.
The great historian must
nneas QnfTfifinnr imtiirin.l. -
uon 10 maxe nts narraue ! Elaine arc visiting at the Turner
affecting and of interest, i hot springs f:r several days. '
..-.1 w ,,. , i Mr. and Mrs. Uobert Merlin- j
rcand it that he preserves
the facts. Otherwise a dis-
torted image of his event, '
. .. 1
or epoch, results. ,
Thus it may have been j
with early American his-1
lory, uepenuing upon t
nationality of authors whose I Mrs. Jamea Slalone made a trip -works
Jiave contributed to I to 1,ona,lla Thursday on business, '
- ,
the pages of contemporary !
histori-lliR. Butthe fact re-i daughter Zell have gone to Oak
mains that there must have i '"nd- Calif., tj visit nt the home
been times when the Brit-
inn merited commendation.
A book' novel or history '
which .? kept one element',
eternally good and the I
other utterly bad, would be i
dull reading.
If the youngsters are to
road history consistently, it ,
must be interesting. Hence 1
the vr, iter must have
c n o u(.h imagination to i
make his text picturesque 1
yet exercise sufficient rea
son toi keep the book true
to the .times.
Quita an order, that,
Mayor. Thompson, so until I
you find more competent 1
, . 1 ,
nistorian.s, ueuer reiram i
from burning texts now in
How', all London
q ufrntr I
" "soon
over a clergyman's assertion
that h$bas found a 17-year-old
English flapper who
boasts .ifihe can drink 40
cocktails between breakfast
and breakfast, is related in
this rooming's press dis
pattht. , -A remarkable feat,' no
doubt, even for a flapper,
but most remarkable is the
fact that London newspaper
columns "blazon her prow
ess." Where the daily
cocktail average for season
ed flappers hits been from
12 to 15. this new stimula
tion will undoubtedly in-
, , .- - - -
v o r I d's recognition,
their achievements
are j
' monumental in themselves,
.and lasting.
; The flapper who drinks
. ,
1U 1'Utaiaiia lUUav nill ur
tilighly lucky to be drinking
water 40 years hence.
I 0
(By Slits. l.ET MclrOXAI.D)
News Correspondent
Mrs. Inland K. Willlta and
daughter Sharon Lee cf Lai-vlew
are visttinit her parents, Mr. and:
Mrs. Levi McDonald at the Mc-1
''a .' '
i woirn
uiiam iary mage a onei inp
In l'nner tjtneell vallev the first
, " '
-UMof tha week. :
Shelly Kilpore, lv naa oeen
,lrs Par of ,h
Ia.veryooe in inis bwiiuh vi ow
valley is anxiously awaiting fori
Ithe beginning of the road work:
aa there are several places on the
west aide cf Upper Lanrell val-
ley roads which will be impossl -
hie to travel after the first hard
rorm. The school bus is sup-
posed to travel this route and nn-,er.
le-ss the work Is begun In the near
" aa ,ne "rBUO'
jwill he deprlvt a or tneir acncoir
mg part of the winter on account :
of no calvma and low muddy
nlacea .
,p , . ,, .
Jack Denehee was a visit-r at
,ne Malone ranch Thursday from;
his ahcp uwi !
!' H:jton t T, f
M" 8" days-with hut herd of,
j,hpep wllich h0 pur hased near
irhiioquin from the snllivaa.
hfi sUtpr :
I irk vera visitors at the McDonald :
- Thursday from their home
in Klamath Fails.
M- nd Mrs- cen, Wiikorann.
M. W llkerson.. and Miss Merle
E,lrihart wer(, aa riii0rs at the
VcOonald ranch Sunday,
Jiin Job"""" f'P
tt. vftllnv nfflee
ThH, , h...
maaing tnj jtrip Dy stage,
.M(.prnold, and
I of Mrs. McReynuld'a daughter.
A f Duncan, who has heen
m fCr some time is sun confined
to him home.
Cfor(te TartridRe and Mr. Bel-
"I Could Cry
n mm
J 1
No Need lo Say
that Nov,
If you have tried "everything" I
for your nlmDles. blackheads or i
j eczema and want to know what .
lt Is to get something that really
works then lit voir ultin Lunw '
mo magic touch of sulphur com-'
d .w"Jl..ni17"hoi- 'N'0,,h'n,
more amazing than how sulphur
lenrs the skin. and as sulphur
clearn, menthol heals. As combln-
ed In Mentho Sulphur, the two 1
make rd astoniKlung skin cor- j
rective and builder. Plmpies dry 1
up overnight. Itlarkhead and I
coarse pores vnn!h in a few ;
i days. And as for eczema even I
ouiiiiuk or iiening case -
yields. Delightful relief
from the burning or itching fol
lows lini-edintely upon applica
tion. !
If V o 11 would '
Tr I. Froo what i"t '
11 J ll I ICC littlq Mentho
Sulphur will do for your skin 1
write today for a free sample. ;
Full sin d jars may be hud at;
small cost at y o 11 r druggist. ,
Learn tho benefits from a free j
Wyeth fheuiiinl Co., Inc.
57 8 Miuilson Ave,,
New York, Dept. M-A 295
Free Trial
Mall me Free sample nt
Mcuf bo-Sulphur
D. You Ever
Stop to Think?
itf ki.son n. waitk
8hawnc-f, Oktahuitu.
I'l-lt-... StMC-i Sctl-tOP Frank t
vvim, of tml0 w,. j
T.IAT Ala-ka ha plenty of J
roai veins to feet thick iiiini-
u'"' OTr '"ous.mdj of square
miles, produce as good berries,
. aa lauiornta. n
good potatoes
Mlchlgsu, as flue wheat as
! Minnesota, ami as gorgeous flow-
I Bd,vrlt!,;.j ,ul. ' ,iif.-.-f.r..
nobixly knows ot Its wonderful
. - -.'ieq..rniiy. s- tar
as the vast proportion ot our '
njnnl. is mn,rrnn.l Mn..V
! wonderful. as well not ws-!
these aJvantascs. j
n id u ggnnni. ion may
. 'ii oeiier Krucuries. niaKe uoiirr
rahoea. or compound better aoap
thnn jronr competitor you know;
this, but the world does not.
They read your competitor " ad iaid I'. It. I'ooper. washlitR ma
and buy hl wares, and you von-1 rhino salesman ct Medford. v r j
der why ou don't pet the basl- arrtstetl here today on a stautory I
nesa. Why? Just because you , charge. Arenrdine to Sheriff 1'er
do n.M tell your story to tha cr Wehh. Mrs. Wrltiht has con
world throuKh advertislnK. 1'rlnt-i f,.,sed that she ensnsej In hoot-
ra' lo ih, ... :. ' ...... .
n" b wheels of businosa run'whrre h.r huslmr.d Is now ..-rlna!
boy a score of the eoaimond ads
tuat nave made Tortuncs for their !
'avmn rrarrnnA j
....... ui- am
will be Immediately rerocnlied.
' .
'Klamath Kails Wednesday on i
uusiuc?. i
Alex McHeynolds has returned j
to Laugell valley after attending i
, to bis potato crop In tho Mnlla
1 Mrs. A. L. Harp was takon to
j consult a physician in Klamath
j Falls, because of an infected fins-'
After havint; the finger lane-
ed it is Improving slowly.
nome rnursuay at:crnoon. a i
iarM crjwd attended. Delicious I
refreshments were served at the i
ctose cf the afternoon.
- '
rinnsifimi .overtislne Is a
-jor-in- paper proposition
wava. I s-., the Na va- .
: !
. --(-- wT n . w T
( . '
. , . -
w.i: ' V.Vj-...:;rf r
ie-l, IV5VK, -fn. W -'. vow .t.toiV 7. Cr
. t-C (: hKn Orl.ill Liriea fo.c.10 -filj-.c? 1 ,(-
V: r(ju- - J ,iMP , cnrtiv -rt 1 1
r ' c I vyrn mot -frv crrAi-., I 1
' T-itir J wnc kc ii . A
v'-rv-T ir:..r.
W m -48 - TJ-'-
Vi iVv V , W
. !m-?LVj W i . ir
,.rail r.,.V,.
former tierii
ave t!ie m-rlal Matrllana ! n)t aronnil Hie United Slsti-a with Kddle Slnson defii vet.
.ml trom lejt. V. L. A.hlry. then J;uk T. blinker aud ISaven V.j A. liarneko.
n '(Iter. '
, t- , 1 .
LOGY 1.00110!?, gQT
f, irU t.. T,.:rlec!al tll waa
IS III ill 111 OUllIJ,
KOSKlU'ltti. IKt 51. (?)
Mrs. Nola Wright of North Bend i
;c.trc of a woman at Medford
the sheriff say
he wsa Informed
I. . . L ... . ... . i . t .
dv inia niornuiK mat
!ih nromii. in nav for the snn-
nort of tho child tad not been
PORTLAND. Oct. .".1. uT j
J'.i.l.uc started tod.:y at the par-,
j llioa of the Pacific International
Livestock ExpOMtln. lir.ift horses
'and sheep an l-giat divisions
were among the first t be vlslt -
cd. Th? individual fat st-er
igintT. In the i-r-ttle department.
all - glr! b team from l uion county.
,f-,orcKood P.esoliite, twice .
srnad cbauiplon . bull of the
tiue.nsey breed at the; National !
n-.lrvsh w and five lines grand
, y ? i I. p
'chamilon at leading dairy cows
si-Und atatomirs. was gjiot of
' b-nor at a iba-ilier of TemTiieri-e
f SAr-VYA AM N'T 5M0Klei! ) .)
yi::l-:' r!M 1 CAM SMELL TH'
7 IHHi.y' -.1-r : ;. rLRCc igJ-.
-;T VEP'.6CCt.T I
Sh 'EM ,tlrA - ll
lumhonn tendered visiting
men at the show Hi la noju. A
him nt tho
speaker's table.
TltK Kt'l.i:s
j t 1n uf ,.,,rr ,f
: o Jm) nl o ,
' Bn) lUu n m lri.0 lluln-
l(f .(j,,);, ibiia' lu rlmace 'tV
, TO i. in three strokes t'W.
1 nuyv ii.-v iti v
2 Yon ran rhaniie only one
I letter at a time.
- "
' b J'p. Siana wor.U and at
brrvlnii..u don't count.
The onler of letter, cannot i 1
'i, ,i,.n.i .
1 be hanged. ,
j The aolullos Is printed on
irate It.
i " i 1 i i
I e- I mam i
. I
Yes, Indeed !
(-. X- SAt--.E- I f
r-i I ( W
7 - ' - . I t ll
ASNf TvtlVT -U.f
i ?. j v- r - wait v km'iflr,. Wr.Ji,i- .VM .
V'. yf J )... ll I H V "- r. trJ w , f 41 . .,(. 'I , Tl at: A J .V
No 111 Feelings x By Crane
t V.RiCW. ( AtAY.EE.H "i o.ik.kV' . c.n-f.r. '
ctvesiN' -ro? rC
y ir o I I r ' j
,.rJP?5 F.7a"---' -J-x..;!i W; -fv L
Iff f
.yd?;-- f In
iock!i.. -. ne
Kaiser Succumbs
; Ltt.NliON. art. SI. (7)tOuo of
, iho characters vlyi wa mrt of
1 1 tie Imperial atm.spheie of t:er
: many, a bitter critic n( the Kais
er, hna passed from the scene.
Maximilian) Harden, noted ()r-
man editor, who founded Die
Zeukunft In 1S93. died at Mon
tana-Vcrmaln, a Swiss resort In
I the valley of the.lthone. ngi d 69.
Death .waa attributed to bronchi
tis Ills rqln: ettrartitd geurral
'uttsctlon as hn was Inn, known
j nt only ns a puMiriflt. but na the
man who bearded the Kaiser, be
l twecn whom and llnrdeu then
jvas a atronj; mutual lintred.
That Baby You've .
Longed For
Mrs. r.nrfnu Ailvlsea Women on
Motherhood and l'oruuuilonshlp
"For sever.! years I vas denied
the blessing of motherhood,"
writes Mrs. Margaret llurtou of
Kaon t'lty. "I was terribly
nervous nod si:hect to period of
terrible suffering and melnn.hol -
i .-.ow -iu ni. .nir .iir note. The secret of going a whole
of a beautiful little daughter nnd.,ra.on ui,ura serlou. eold Is
a true companion an lu pirnlion j .oineihliig rveryliody ought to
to my huli..nd. I believe nun-1 ,.,. a iinu.ln -.,i,.n,.,n,.i. .1.,,..
dreds of other woi.rn would like!,, nn lt ohtalnaalo In tali.
t know Ihe secret of my happl-1 , Ju wlll , r,(
ness. anil I win ginniy ru-o:i
to any mnrried woman wno win
- vnte me sirs, llurtou otters
j ,,.r advice entirely wlttV'ut
charge, nhe has nothing to sell.
ui..r suoui.i o i
Mrs. Mairaret liurton. oil'J Mus-
..,.. .- .,.. m
: forrespon'-en. o w.ll Iw H'rktly
iconndontiul. ' ' ' i
v;hiff CP ITT I LL BCX '
va th office eoy s
iK CtLLAR.! ; '
1 t A.ttt 1 1 ; - -v 1 Mf 1 1. r . .:. . :
i m rvid v -lUm I 'm
1 m , iirV At?
K Cat '.1 1 1 WW s I - tl I l . I .n al'J fl 1
L-:Ps ' f:Z V. r?-t3V---V V.7i. V rr, M A N
' V GOTTA Ktep FRl-NOtt. . 1 '
I PVWUI -IHM l-l)in I 1
I I "Jj ' -v : II ' til vic-O C -fa x . I
.CilgUe bUd'CSS.
1.- XT A
is nuw is-ut cu',
(Ji:.EVA. Oct. 81. (I'I'I Tim
Itni'iio ut nations' il.t-sin of uni
versality luiiitlcnlly has become
a leallty.
Tho rnltml Rlulrs Is now par
llrlpatliiK In virtually all lenitun
aivlllra nave thoso which are
political and the soviet govern
ment decided Monday to lake
part In tho loniiue'a preparatory
dlrarmnmrut conference.
League observers contend eight
years experlenr had demiinstrnl-.
eel 11 is miliiiitiirlniit whitlher na '
lions arn ninmliera of Die Inter
uailoiml. hndy s.i long as I hey I
wlltluely ruoiierate In the leitgtie'sl
acllvltly. .
tloth the soviet government ;
and Turkey already ant collatior-'
atlng In the league's econoiniel
netlrltlrs, while Mexico sent nu
of(lelJ observer to the economic
Thus. Keundor Is virtually llio
only nation In the world not yet
colln Im. rat lug and, therefore, Iho
Caught Cold at Noon;
Sangjhat Night!
Trim a professional singer to
know what to do f'-r a cold
filve hlrn flvo hours, and ho can
kn'H-k out a cold that would
, tiavo prnT,0rd n iUKin n ,
wlh the first sniffle: Severn
wm f,rm ., n ,.,,1,1 that's ov
: ri.,,ed the stngo' of grippe!
, .a;,-, cn, r-omiound costs but
, ,So , Bny oril,H;oro.
H wss. -V.V.ljai
::y. ' v.
, ; : -v
Jai m.c! ) '
' 1ty ,T mAttmvtci. w, ca u ort ' -iJ
; league nuw reiianls lis 'actlvlllva
and inrkum., a. thluaily mil-
velsul III scope.
wini.i: vol' wAin
VV oim n's linlf "!' as low aa
MI.imi per IMilr.
i.ihi:m' ni l i. .!: l
lilt Hamtll KIMll NU
- ! I
Same Price
for ovcrSSycart
25 o-aeot for XSi
Guaranteed Pure
Ntasswi aaaajsasaasajea
Hccolitc PKites
Natural and Healthful
Comfortable and Strong
If you need piste why
not get tha beat?
Paint. Extraction
Bridgework '
X-Raya '
Portland P&inleu
K.vamlnnlion and IMImale
t or. Illli A Main Phone 04
By Small
By Martin