The Klamath news. (Klamath Falls, Or.) 1923-1942, October 21, 1927, Page 1, Image 1

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    .f"fT t UPS
The Klamath
The Klamath News
Official Paper
County of Klamath
The 'Klamtli -Nj,
'Officiaf Paper "1
; County Klamath' '
Vol. 4. No. 21)2. Price Five Cents
(Every Morning Except Monday)
W T v;- ''y :
Qfnf W;
uittiv liu
By Flood
Huge Loss
Disease and Unemploy
ment in Wdce of Pen
. nsylvania, Storms ,
20. Pennsylvania's flood
.damage pasted well over
'the million .dollar mark as
. ... ... . j!.
' i
I ; !.. i
ease and unemployment lol.
' lowed the state's worst fall ,
inundation inuraoay. .
. ...
Over a wide area in the : n,e siuio highway r jmrnlnnlon's
I larrlaburg, Wilkes Barre, , hooits. and nn ono Is colng to he
.... l l j cl. ' f'rmllted to turn over the tee
Pittsburgh and Shamokin , nn lh( auilt (i) ,,
districts, swollen watery -We are 'going in find out how
from the fall rains made I " of the popV-.
thousands homeless, 10,000 j " h" " "iH-nded. -
men idle and iook a ion oi
at least three lives.
Hundreds of, highways In the
Hood section were turned Ir.ln
rasing canals, creeks overflowed
their banks . and the waters
poured Into titles ami - lawns,
flooding cellars and lying UP
Conilnuoiia rain
tntura. Here the
ren for u i
reached a ns nf 13 feet'C
Inches and waa atlll rising. A' ,
Johnston trolley service was par-4
atysml by flood water, and Con-
nellsvllle. Phll.i. and other I
. (Continued on I'aon Tso I
llii?h Official v
Indian Service
May Be Visitor!
To Inspect I ho Immense pine
timber resources of the Klam-
nih Indian reservation nn asset
which uiakiHi Klamalh Indians
ono of the richest Indlnn trllies
on the fare n( tho enrlll J. II
Mutiny. Thief aupervlsnr of tbo ;
forest depariment of Iho Indlnn (
Pri-, 1R - ISJsS sis as i i i s u as
Klamath Fnlls within tho next
ninmam rni s wuom " ' ;
10 days. Alihnugh nn offlrla'
word of his visit has been re
reived, it Is expected that he
will Include tho Klamath reserva
tion In his weatern Itinerary.
Mr. Kinney Is Uced
r ih. iiui.l serious nrohlems 111
lh. .tn.llsn service, that of how &
the Indian capital wealth ahall
bo disposed of so oa to bring the
greatest good to the greatest
number of IndlansT
'A group uf thdlans on Ihe
Klamath reservation hav recom
mended the anlo of the major
portion of Klnmath timber In or
der that this gunorallon of In
diana could reap iho benefit. The
prosent policy la to sell gradually.
thus guaranteeing to Iho redskins
nn nnnuul Iticnmo.
S. P. Uses Fleet
Of Motor Trucks
NEW YOnK. Ocl. 3. tVPI
A fleet nf motor buses and
Iflirks has been plnred In oper
ntlon In western, Oregon by a
nowly formed subsidiary of tlrti
Kniiibern Pacific nillrond com
pany to replace local slr,et rail
way service and titanch-lliio alenni
train aervico whero It will bo
prnfllnbln to do- ao. Tho South
"em Pacific Wolor Transport Co.,
which la. cntlroly owned and fi
nanced by tho railroad company,
will maintain regulur 'schedules
from Port In nil In Hnlcm, Eugene.
Ashland. Itofcihnrg ,, unit other
points. Ilusos win ovenlunlly re
place nil stroil cart. In Snlein
nnd Eugene, Oregon.
Mixon h:t develops
RAN IIAFAEI. I'nllf., Oct. .found nn the markets of Jack-
30. (PP) A minor cut nn son nnd Josephine counties. bc.
hla hntlil, Inflicted while ho ! cording to A. 8. Hosenhniim, gen-j
was handling milk cans, wleral agent for tho traffic riepiirt-.i
mav ranrn i the -tlcnlh of i
James Phlnslr, 17, employe
of n dairy nt Cofle Madera.
The hi.l was near death In
Itoss General hospital lo- f
night siifforlna- from lock-
Juw. '
Hartley Savs.,
H G 1
Not Engineer
Urrjr'Exp e c t e d
lumen, .late highway engineer.
la being unlawfully aud unjustly.
deprived nf hla liberty. Governor
ii,.iai,rt iinni.. .aid Thursday '
I hat If anynno should lie In Jail
It la hlinaolf.
Humes waa taken Into custody!
' for cotiicmpt tit eoiirt for redis-,
Iiik to alV sUlo highway fee-
lords In the atatn highway com-
mission ai ordered by the Wash-
.dtiviun .iiiiMina Miitrt
--Kant Humes la In Jail for!
'mmethlnii he did. nut do." thej
atale eteenilvo wild. "'If any-irlio
..... Hi.A..t.i it I..H...I In. Mifiiaii.. I
" ' -
irn ovrr rw.orilllf in)
the mnn. Mr. Ilumea was 'actlns
under, my ordera ln-thls affair.
I have ordered nn. audit of'I'nw largo a payment will ie
E. Carroll
Broadway Theatrical Pro-
o,. D;
tentiary on Parole
ATLANTA. Oa.. On. 30. --iC
P. I
F.arl Carroll. New York '
flhealflcnl iirnduce'r who was sehl
to prison for o,no yeat and a day I
.as a iierjurer. wa.s relcnaed' on 1AJ AVH "VltlJ
parole from the fcderil penlten-;
,Th ,Z ' LZll OI'D Jrt-
unry tonignt. alter serving a....... L-svorahle weather reports
sentence of. more than four
nnlhs. -i
Pulling oaldo Ih prison dcnlm
In which he had worked In the
llhraVy and fields of 'tha prison
honor farm. Carroll donned a
Itlnrk blue suit and want bv taxi
, . h,.. . rrh.
,,, w),n Kr,,nrh Wfe bla
t lirnlher James, nn.l hi. slsler. !
" . a .i...n.V
rs.. Alice Schneider. -
llck to llrondnny
fnrroll will .return at once to.
the Broadway that nurtured Mm
to fame as a producer of spec
laculur reviews. Hut under the
terms ot his parole Carroll must
not resume bis role as a care
(Continued on Page Hit)
Gangster Will
Hang For Crime
MA It ION. III.. Ocl. 30. (TIM
Tho stnle of Illinois prepared to
night for Iho first execution In
compensato for scores of killings
attributed to southern Illinois
Unless Undo Mlllich Is un
expectedly reprieved through a
writ ot habeas corpus In federal
courts, Ihe Inst recourse open to
Ills attorneys, ha will be hanged
Friday for the murder of Ward
Jones, bartender for the famous '
Charlie lllrgcr at the latter s
Bhady Heat resort.
. Tho killing was a result bt a
dispute wllhin tho Illrger gnngs.
which, with their rivals, tho
Shellotis, terrnrlxed "Egypt" from
llm time the Kit Klux Khiu-anll-1
Klun warfare censed until early
this year when loaders of both
fact Inns were sent to prison.'
Klamath Using
Valley Fruits
AHIII.AND. Ore., bit. 20.
.Ilerrlos. nnnles. nenrs. ernnea and
other fruits from Jackson and '
Jnsephluo conn lies arn to lie
found nn the Klnmath markets,' I
while the choice vegetables from i
thai district, particularly tho!
fnmoiis Nott,od Oom polntoea of1
Ihe KlniiTnth districts nrn lo he.
ment . of the Southern Pacific
rnnd, wllh hradqiinrtera In Med
ford nnd Klnmath Kails. There
Is n constant Intcri-liins.? nf
prndtlets from Ihe two territories,
lie sinled. a henvy truffle being
mnlnlnlned dnlly to transport tho
products, .J
Pmrtvi onf
tij mviiii
To Tribe
... . . i . !
Word from Washington,
, D. C. ExDected in .
" ' turlat nf the name system, r-
Near Future ' : rived In Portland following a
' '.visit In the Klamath country.
Eight hundred rarluada of po
The government Indian scfVlo tame will lie shipped from the
which bolda in trnat Indian f unds
-and detortultiea when and now i
much of these funds ahall be din. i
irlbuted haa about eonrluried tha! i
time has come for another.
H i . hii n t
' , . .
Announcement Is expucted to (
be made In the near future from j
the .Indian aervico nepariment. 1
man, la not Known, nunnugn u
Is assumed It will bn In
(Couliuuea on Page Hit)
the :
Football Fans
To Attend Big
Portland Game
I.' I ....... 1 1, -.ill l.u : ... II ,.hmJ
:.. 7 v. : o.....,..ij; ; .. I
r.. .....,-,...... . j
.., ,w, i hm.. ...,H..U .......
Hirry A. Prnther. Thomns W.
rielwdl. Kriward. Kwceney. (ilen
O. Parkor. and Pete llrlseoll are
leaving at four eVInclt this af-
lernoon'to ae the hit game,
iTbey'are going via Ilend and
. reluming through Medford. s
Delsell. who is assistant man-
ager of the power rompany, It
nnderslnod. will n-tiirn Moht
,day morning.
. T7"
draVSOll I iQne
f TVkriov
today cave hope' I hot Mrs. '
rrnnccs . urayson anil ncr
" ion
their flight to Copenhagen
The D0 rai:ons of casolino
ordered from New York to re-
pluco that In the plane, which
lias uecome auuiieraiea ny rain,
waa expecied during the night,
Tha-isnka nf the nlanchnv been
... . . . . . . ,
nraineq aim no s.n no oe mane .
omii the new t. on hsml
Westerly winds were predicted
... ,BB -.. ... hours and re-'to
- .... -
porta, Indlcnte. clearing condl- Eugene, where be will address
Hons at sea." Itepalrs to the students, over the protest of aev-
landing gear have been comploted oral religious leaders In that
and the piano awalls only the'eny. on nis ideas oi marriage.
gasoline lo lie ready for Hie trins- divorce and parenthood.
Atlantic flight. .
psri .i iAs t . A. 1 I
. .. , ' ...i.r 1
G.N. Official
Of Farm Here
POHTLANl), Ore.. Oil. 20.
The Klamalh country la as (nod
agriculturally 'as It. I foe white
pine, , says K. Leedy of St.
! Pnul. .chief agriculturist of the
Paul, rhlnf agriculturist of the
0rea, NorIhero .lA),,(,y Bnd K(
w- Oraham. Northwest agrlcul-
district thla year a rom pared
with 400 carloadx luwt rear, aaln
The visit of the two tsperts la
an Initial
move toward . -mak-'
line flreimn famnn. affrle.ultur it- .
; " . .. , 7 par,a Ia- I'.uenoM Aire in
ly." In line with promle by,,arl .ueno Aires in
liulph, lludd. praaldent. and Judge tasy stages. Without once ,
1 v. tinman, vice-president- or;huvirti; touched their motor,
the Ureat Nnrlehrn. mat the ex -
tension inrnugn t enirai uregon
would be followed by . thorough
organlfailon to. assist t arming1 J
mninmis woo. 10 uroancn ins rsis . , u..
f. n,..'. r.,1 m.i.,.- n.,.,whcrf they
Ocularly the new district pens-
t ruled by the extension - from
Ilend lo Klumath Kails. , from Parla to Saint luls. gene-
In company with W. fl. Ide.j((a , . s7,.mUe OMfop ,,litbt,
inairnKT "i mo attiiu mm in'inrn.
committee of the Oregon develop-
. ..... 1 . . 1.
. """""
mam rnsmuur ui couimerce, inejr
lunpiM-iiMi nit? ,,inni iiiouRirr 01
(.. -.iu.m..lV ..n.. ' ;
"I will show you tknt walnut .
culture is the ideal occupation at
men who can he brought her '
from Kasl and Middle West and !
who want a change from the -
more atrennous forms . of .form-
Ins." promlfsed Me.. ' . i
. .
T .1
I U f (T P l" PTl
v . vs.. , w
"'Iv 1 - ' ' T T
i - i i xr w i ! .
I A. i . 0- W .
POKTLAND. Oct. iO. (l.P.I
The VnitrA 8tMe" ta " '"
of bontleggera." Judite nen D. .
l.indaey of Denver claimed here
insmiii miring an imerview.
" . ,"""""
" ....v-.
"I would legally supervise them
all., permiiung encn innivianai
the right to choose whether ne
win go 10 neaven or neu. re-
moving every coercion or pro-
hlbltlon." .
t i .- t.
...... ..m,. ,...
the term "romnan nnate mar-
rlagc." stopped here on his way
tho University of Oregon at
rnere are two amns oi re-
She's a Fickle Miss
C om nl eie
Lpng flOp
Over Sea
- , , . m R . p-; i
ostes and Le Bnx I-imah
7,360-Mile Flight to
Buenoe Aires
(U.P.) The French, avia-
.n- . ,
tors Dieudonne Costes and
oscph 1 UriX Compll'teU
jheir 7,360-mile flight from
t. ., . i h-
r They reaches-here Thurs-
sy reacneo-nere inurn-
from Pelotas, Brazil,!
niifht because of darkrieR.
t'oatca and Le Urii travelled
in icH-.ina . a uu u 1 . v .vw
'riai..l.lnr Ih.v mflfte IIia f lent -
. . 7"
raniniana m mainiana iiiKni.
over ine nouio-Aiianiic rouie, inuiciuu in mis county oa au ;
i..i.. v-..i sissh.!..,.-
mile oceanic flight in 1 hour.'as a result of. the fatrtl shooting.
- From Drasll they continued of Stanford Zlmmerlee. rancher-
wlih their ilregttet plane, named moonshiner. -September !. paid
NuDgesser-toll. to Rio de Janeiro, a fine of 2S upon a plea of:
In two hops totalling 1.350 miles, guilty to leaving a fire burning!
and Huenos Aires, two more hops
for 1.10S allies. .
' T ' 1 I
I 1 11 fl CP V
i J
k--0,.v""TJ""" f
. s .a ra l
A u A L O
'. !
stralnt. artificial, from without
our roflhHlon law. and;
natural, from within, crowing
from the Individual's convictions
orramaiea inrougn reiig.ous
w a oiuiase o iry io
make people gooci ny law, or "V ;
Keeping tnem in ignorance. ne,,hlg city rjravel is now- being I
conimuvu. r.crj-ouo suouiti bo
hit own way without artificial
.restraint, as long as hla conduct 1
......... MM . .. . .. . i,.m.ii - i
....,. ,
"Of course. I would not like
to see any' of the Brothers and; According to Commissioner 1
islstcrs go to hell. I'd say: T)ear'r.. .,,. m. .m !
brother, or sister, don t go that
way, the flrea are hot ind the
time la long, but If you arc de-1
; termrnca to go, ine Decision "s
.your own.'" i
(inounnrn oa t-aire smi i
Da"ghter and
Mother Slain;
Father Drunk
(UP) Prom a liquor crated
home brew enthusiast Brooklyn
detectives tonight anavalllngly ;
tried to draw a aolutlon of a
double clubbing murder discover-'
ed after It wa
li boura old. '
l The victims were Mm Anna f
! Hanaen, 40. and her 19-year-old
adopted daughter, Alice llackl.
) Roth bodlea were found, bat-'
Itered beyond recognition, on lb"
Pr,or ,,oor ' teir bome.
J Down In I he baaement wa a
; tl fBllo& ,tI the .
.corner iii a nelgblwrhood apeak:
y. where the elder woman's
knut... I Ai. - i. aia .
nll arlnklnK ,,, ,
Hansen waa questioned by a i
dozen police and detectives. His
(Cotulnued oa Iae His)
m 1 . j ( j
laleM IS Uned
For Failing To
Extinguish Fire
1 -
Qre., Oct. 10.
.According to.
report reaching
1 in is cut l 1 I'm uiKeriew. urunn. 1
. L . . . , ,
. ... . . . . . . , .
. 1' . 1 v"-
uon eniorcemenc omcer, recently
in a national forest. Talent and '
aaalstanu captured a still in a!
raid and set fire to It, and left;
without extinguishing the Mate. ,
I.Ths charge was filed by the for-.:
I est'service.
Kiri j""1 "'"s's '' "'- ' : "t
ia s.rsvA. i iiiittiw
ViaiCl V111IIH .
Tts Tr. DM.n
AO All A lUlllCBB
medkOKD, Ore. - Oct. !.
piimi..,. .rt . ,h. ni.
nr .k. u.,irnrri .ntranr. tt ihe.
Crater" Lake highway Is now '
nnoerway. ana ine actual wore ,
win aian eariy next apring.- ac-!to
eor.llnr to Slate llishwav Com-
mlssloner C. E. (Pop) Gates of
distributed, the machinery beins ;
at Union Creek this week. Xext.'wsa airaln clven a stav nf sen-
w,. n.v win
. . .... .
Knxel alonK ,Be highway between ;
j t.,.i r......
.uiii.., - a.4i- unius, vs an ih- :
. plet(,d Oerore tae tosirist travel !
, startIU '
rn oiline will be bv what ls!
OTllcd the "Gates proceas." It
.jeonslsta of mixing oil and sravel
and rock to the proper consist
ency and then rolling with a
..steam roller. It Is then left lo
harden. A mile of the "Gates
process" was used on the Crater
Lake hlghwaneartri1s-rity. and
haa proven highly satisfactory and
able to stand the heavy travel.
"When oiling Is completed."
said Commissioner Gates this
mornlpg. the Crater Lake high-j
way will be free of dust and a
pretty boulevard.
j Death Beckons i
At Movie Star
Ajaa nil
i P. Weighted down by her wet
j clothing when ahe ventured past
shallow water during the filming
of a scene here today. Daphne
j Pollard, screen comedienne, waa
pnlled from the water by two blued to keep tho loss down to stood two rnnniniiiea arc in ine
girls as ahe was going down for virtually nothing. field for the one vacancy of dl-;
tho second tlmo, It was reported. ; Klamath was almost alone In rector. One Is Judge H. H. Fol-' ,
Following the rescue by Lor- this rcspert, for other timbered som. Midland, prominent farmer -etta
Uush and Marjorle William-' sections of tho northwest . suf- , of that district and nt one 'timer' ;
; son. girls In the company, worked fered severe losses froui con-'a Judge in Alaska. " The second -'over
Miss Pollard for- several 1 n..rftinn.. . Is reported to be U. K. Bradbury. '
. . - .. t i
Was Said.
!0. (VIM The meanest
mnn In the world has been
found here In the personage
j of John Smith, who not
onfy robbed' Mrs. Diana
! Wilkes. 76-year-old bedrid-
den invalid of all her cloth-
, , .... i. . . . ... .
. . ma Hllll .1". Hill IIIT.O ..I-
rled aa-ny the woman'a false
! teeth.
Smith was apprehended
at his homo by detectives.
who recovered all of Mrs.
Wilkes personal effects.
Former U.
Crops Out At Trial
l Jot, rtpnlet r.rna.1
" : " "
tary of State to Admit Evidence; Sinks
Back Into. Chair, Weary from Strain of
Supreme Effort to Vindicate Self.
two-s;un fightinf 'rancher of
. j m k .. . n p
ieeoie ooaj or aidcit b. ran at ine teapot oonu inai
' . j
loav' wl,en .ne ro" "nd P'a" w"n the court to admit
ewioence wntcn ne inougni
grave conspiracy charge on
clair are being 'tried.' .; ,.
Fall's plea waa in vain.- The judge denied it' kindly,
but .firmly, mnd refused to admit the evidence.
' ' The old mas aanJf down In hi
Lady Will
sBe Hung
mm .mm-
nLr v M M mm h V
ll W
jw m jg, .fv MM JMn.
. ... -
", r- i
Attorneys Work Feverish-
! C. I ;t f u; J
'J ",,u. :.
'die-Aged Mother r j
' i '
7T .
CHICAGO Oct. t. (IT)-
Tk..i todav to
" . ; .
save ser me, jirs.
,."k.. t.,...,-ti,.n
i' uiw..t ..ur.
.,,- hnoiieeres. led her to
a death cell, calmly insisted she
wa5 nnt interested In any court
i proceeding which would ?end her
UVtao.. instead of to the gal-,
n . ...nH., nr ii.iiA
she said. "When people ask blm
here his mother a. I want nim :
be able to say 'Vlead lusteau
r -i. i.n r
Her son. Eddie Cassler. a hlg1!
school student, sat beside bis
mother in court todax when she
. .i.n.n.i
week so that the judge who
the case shall be taken to th'
. ui,
BlHlt B(llrrV-U (m I V iuuuv
expense: ' She Was' to have been
hanged Fridan. .
. Cn-i.i:i..iert Munler
Catherine Cassler la a tall
woman aud heavy. She was con -
(Continued on Page Six) r
. r ; . I' '
w. w-m I7t ',
Dasin rme r ire , i
Loss Negligible
"Fire loss?" .
Duncan McLean, head of tha
forest fire fighting . division of
tho Klamath Forest Protective
asstclatlon. smleld broadly.
"rtroadly spoaklng." he said.
"there wasn't any this fire sea-
- 1 ,.?
; hot nn hnnVa ,ln nnf whow
any concrete loss."
The vear 1037 was one of the
hest from the standpoint of few
j forest ftrea in the history of the election were placed today '
Klnmath. Careful control work;on the project by irrigation ots.
coupled with cooperation from
enmners. fishermen, and. In fact,
Bt Who wero in the woods, com-
i . .
1 1
Guy Cronemiller
tf i tri L.
visiis iiamain
Editor Ouy" Cronemiller of th-
jl.akevlew Examlnerourneyed to
Klamalh Falls yestelay on husl-
ness connected, with his news-
jpnpcrA Ho has lntujy added a
, Ludlow type raiting miichlnc to
his composing room and has
otherwise Improved hla news-
:paper plant. '
: Mr. Cronemiller says tho mil-
I A., t. MtAi,pa..H . , 1 , . . r .. ,
,.,,,'i o ...,,o.
! on Nevember 11 will be a bli!
wlevent for both Lafceview and the ;
; California city as the broad gunK
! trains will be running then. His,
newspaper Is publishing a spoc -
lal rnllrond cdllon for tho Al-
lura occasion.
VF V..N,y,
S. Official
. ' . ,
' , !!!
Rnn..t nt Pv.-.o--
, -
(U.P.) The spirit of th
the west surfed up in the
.. . i . . . . . .
wouia neip Clear nun or tne
which he and Harry' F. Sin
rlialr ecuin jumI Kt-til a Nruul
vial of spirits of ammonia to kls
we for a moment. After h
had calmeil down he drew out
black stocle and chewed' H.
. . , . L .
-. ' . ' -
assistant secretary of Inter--
or under Fall was nndcr croih'-'
. . .
examination by uie defense.
1 direct testimony Unney na$
P'aca resp-tuiuiiiiy lor t lie ;.
TeTT "O"0""10"1 teapot dony
"Kotlations directly n sn
nhoulders. . ., .-
ine aeinse mas aeeaing to
bare him state bU interpretation ;
aovemin, m in-
' I 7.T : !.,. .VB ":
wans, tans iwncj naa
neen ttacsea oy ine supreme-'
beliveed Finney, a government
-witness.-woasd teanry tnst HIS ' '
' terpretatioa was tho same
"lis. . -
' ContlnaeJ on Pago 8U)
w l r l II
juasre LaniDDen
Tells R. Steele
Wrong Way Usei x
Hay Steele, reputed bootlegger.
" ,h wrong legal expediency
to Raln- . Ireedom trom inn
eonntv la II where he Is serving .i
' nA j . . . v . I. . !
sen-.... """'
lice Jndee Lem. L. Gachagen.
At ,hal ls wu" Judge J.
P. Campbell. Oregon City, ere-
: siding Judge In the circuit court,
: told Steel's attorney yesterday
I when be denied a writ of habeas '
, corpus. .
! Judge Campoeti- said . that
.'Steele's case should have been
! brought botore him on a writ of
J review rather than a habeas cor
: Pu, proceeding.
Steel was sentenced on a tUato
cliarse' hy- a city ludxe, acting
as Justice of the peace. .lt
holds that hi commitment l II
' legal In that it atatos he was
sentenced and committed by ;i
Justice of the peace.' v
: ? -.-Aj Will '3 '
AilCVilUH Tf 111 V '
I Be Staired Soon i
f '. '
! With the Klamath Irrigation'
district election less than tnree
weeks away, formal notice ot
' items.
i Although no formal pronounce
ment has been made, it Is nnder-
ll.... 1. i- ln.nmlMnl ' .hn l . I.
. ... , .. .
. , .... ... it...
milltn.ivuil, .iil run lot .,e,.u,:.
; term. ;.,
The election will be Novem'
ber s.
, ,
. IM'HKN til. n.iihii
' :
: SAN ' FRANCISCO, -Oct..,
30. (I Pi The dead body of
C. V. Illrschsft. CO, was;
found In a back yard fish
pond containing elm Mu nes
A nf tfulu. Thnnrln, llelii- St -
... .
tires believe ' Hlrsehnfl .
stumbled nnd fell Into th
pool, striking his head upon
a pedestal In the pool nnd 0.
w drowning wnne no was un-
conscious. . ' .