THE kLAMATH NKWS , --THURSDAY, OCTOBER 20, 1&27. PAGE r Two Cents a Word Each Inurthn ' Telephone 77 . Won JCacA Insertion lgT ;IW AO-' PA E CLASSIFIED AD RATES Two cat par word web lima d it primed. Bam ad run out weak 10 pur bi discount. Hurst ad ruo . out month to pr cant discount. . , v . , V- TELEPHONE 877 ; Tin nia market run - . ' -au.i. .1 strrr: FOR SALE, REAL ESTATE IF YOU WANTj r , , i ' To buy bom; Mil bom; bur lot; toll lot; bay Mm aoreage; Mil Mm acrg. or rent place: . Bee ' ' UH8. NATS OTTERUEIN, ' REALTOR Phone 441 - - - I0K Lincoln NOTICK OF BOND HALE ' " : ' Rested proposal will b re ceived by th Common Council of the City of Klamath Fall, for , the purchaaa.of etreet and awar Improvement bonds ggre (Has 18. 448. 07. authorised by Ordinances 141 and 941 of. Iba Clly of XUmath Fella, Cor Uia ' coaatgarlloa aad Improvassrat of Unit altuata In Klamath Falle. . Oregon, aa follows: Isanrovement Unit No. II n,d . Eighth Sewer Unit, all aa mora rally aptwer on tb plana and. tp'iclflcatlon on flla with iba I'd lea Jndca Is tba mattar,of ' Iba maroamao( of tha alura- uld toll.. . lropoMJa to purchase - mM bund will b.rclvd by tba undersigned up to and Inoludlug lha X4rl day of October, 1I7, at lha hour of t o'clock p. m.. Ot aald day, aad opened at a tegular meeting of tba Common Council Immediately thereafter: Mid bonria aball ba dated Novm bar 1. 117, and aball ba limed In Iba amount of f SOO.OO each nd dua Ian year aftar data of laaao, payments of lha entire bond optional at any ooupoat psy- : ln data on aad aftar on yaar. Bald bond will baar Intureat at ' Iba rata tof not to exceed lx par rant par annum, payobla eml-annually on Novambar and May lt. ot carh yaar, principal, and Inlarcat payable at tba office of the Trmuurvr of Iba City of ; Klamath Falle. Oregon, or at lha 'Ilea of lha Fiscal Aaaocy ot lha Biat ot Oregon, In New York Clly, Naw York. All proposal roust bo unenndl ' llonal and accompanied by a cer tified chock for fire per cent of lha proposal. k Tba Common Council re arras lie right lo reject any and all bid. LEM L, 0 AC H AO EN. Police Judge ot tbo City of Klamath Kail. Or. By order of tba Common Coun cil, dated September It, 1(17. 8 I0-O.20.-Ine, i For Mia old papera. Call at Klamath New. - - . ACCOUNTING. HOTELS Aceoustmg Auditing VALLEY HOTKL I HOWARD B. MKTCALP Drmod New and Modern - Ill Booth Fifth All ontalde- rooms Very Bookkeeping Income Tsi moderate rates. I Berate ' : 4IS Ptmr Bt. - Pkowe ISS4 CLEANING e DYEING f. LODGES 'i -' KLAMATH CLKANINO a) flcaDKrW KXCHANHF 9YH WORKS . meet every fourth Wed Cleaning and Pressing "We Dye to Live" assdsy of the month st l:0 411 Main Bt Phone 40 0 m , H,a ' CORSETS . MINING ENGINEER .sssssssssssssssssssssssssssBBBsas KC-noNK CORBET PAR1XRH Corset and eornlottes made to measure, guaranteed llk llagari and silk hose. MRS. OENET RANDALL m Walnut Bt. Phone 130-W DENTISTS DR. B. a. WlkBCARVFR Dentistry X-Ray Laboratori Phona 141 Underwood Dldg. ll1d?hrii--tir I I If flee Phono 1 1MB Melhaan Rldg. ft. Phone II4A Wlawislh Fll DRESSMAKING DRESSMAKING All Work Oiinranteed WILL SEW AT YOUR HOME J '. ifMO. Crescent". 10 Smey -your W FOR SALE, REAL ESTATE Bo ' ICnll 'aatidy loam, near Malln, 14260, term; alao 120 acrua, 4U per acre, close lu., Hl'llNF.CS ana RESIDENCE lot. , rooming bouse, hualua Iocs' HuM. , JOHN C. FRENCH CO. ' Realtor t ' , ' ; ' eil" Klamath Av Pbob' 1410 FOR HA LB Tb res-room plaster ed 'house. Juat off Oregon Avs Terms., Apply 2086 Or ' gon. ' in-Ill FOR SALE OR TRADE FOR BALK OR TRADE 111 - acra la Langall Vanllay, under Irrigation. Inquire 118 Alame da, .Klamath . Fall,: Ore. S20-OI0 TO EXCHANGE I M l R O V ED AKKANBAS-r-120 acre exchanxo for Klamath Fa: la property. . Write News. ' box 7. l-t WILL TRADK Oood nwd tour log car tor. lota.. Uolck 0cr aga.. i , j i .. - t-lw MISCELLANEOUS J. LOT016 AND BO! Carpenter and painting. 1 take contraou. I'hon 1441-J. lit Klamath a. !-! ejaeaeaMajeseaaaeaaaaaaaaeaaaeaaaerf NOTK E TO (XTRACTORM Nolle la hereby given, iba (be County Cyurt , will receive bld I np to saturuay, ucr. iz, m:i, ror 'tile roaalrocllon of an dotation' Ihoanlial to be located on tb iCoonly Poor Farm. According ilo tbn plana and pclflratlona I now on file Is the office of the It'ounty Engineer. In the baaoment .of the Court llnuie. Hv ordi-r of the County Cur i or Klammh Coiinfy.' Oregon, thlr olthlh day cf October. 17. C. . R. DE LAP. Oil. 11. 18.10 County Clerk. ltl-:.W.KTI-:i ' Ufltl.lN lltlKII Kit KB STATE, Oct. Li. (P The future of the Irlah Vreo alulo la Tioweil with calm confldcnru by Ireland'a bun lint man, lruldunt Wni. T. Co gravo; fur tlvr year the eblet executive of Ihe Free Htnte and Jiiat ro-alectod Ha hand for an olhcr five-year term. ' - Deal with a REALTOR IIKNRV L LANCAMTKR Mining Knglneer Amerlces Oinaervatur) ot Ms United State Mineral 8tirvyoi for th District of Oregon r Office; 204 Weal F Bt. P. 0. Box 714, Oram Pas. Or v OPTICIANS GLASSES sEvs Examined, Fitted aod the CImws Ground hi our own . factory to tmit your faMvidxal rrqMrrmtiitt, Broken Lenses Replaced DR. GOBIE'S TO MAIN STSIIT RtpMn , 1 Quick Smkt PHYSICIANS i ' PAUL M. K. OARflTKNB, M. D. i Phone IfilO Special attention to women . .and children. : . . . Ill Bonth Fifth St.,' cornet Fifth end Main. Klamath Falls, Oregon ; STOVE EXCHANGE Bee the Stove Man j r. E. FIXUM ' Stoves Exchanged ,-M'g4B:':V,r FOR SALE 'FOR BALK Hogg .for ul; 66 t I'ulaiid China apwa for sglo, nous, over two year of ago. nnu i w r"iuu , ikmtii wi trade for saeep. '"'.. Kdgowond reuoL. ... .. . , . 20-31 FOR' BALK Ticket to ' Karma City, halt prrTo. Oood till Or lolmr. 111., phona 17,1-W at , noon hour, , , . . !0-lt FOU HALK finlig pIowTtwo i4 Inch I", o: Bee It at 1003 Delto-. !0-lt FOR HALtt Household Turnlture, including .. washing niaoblns. a mo., jiuubb inr . ran reaaon able. nil afuir G p. in. toi N. 101b HI. 20-Jl FOR SALS Ticket to Kanua .-City, half price, .flood till Oc tober Hat. I'hone 171-W. ,. ... .., .' ... .' . .. ll-lt FOR BALR Oood run 1 1 cook UVf Call 102-W, 111 No. 11 .81. ll-tt OKAI'EH FOR BALE Concord, lteleware and Nlagra , grape. 11.21 pep half buahej box, ' poetpald. S. B. Ollnon. Al bany, Or. KF. D. No. 4. ' ll-4t FOR BALK Vaed Furniture bar , gkliu). We havp the largeat 'toe k of lifted furniture, In Klamath Fall. It will pay you . well to nlt our ior before buying elaowhero. " KLAMATH FURNITURE. CO. I'hone kl4 1011 Main Bt. . U-lt FOR BALE Fine urkoy ' lorn. Mr. Levi McDonald, Langell Valley, Oregon. . 14-81 FOR BALE Beron acres Gem pqlatoee- In the field. Chance .to Jnake aome money. Bbady 1'lne Camp, 4 mile north of clly. 14-1 NOTICK OF BOND BALK Sealed blda will be received un til the hour of 2:00 o'clock p. or, the second day of November. 1927, and Immediately thereaf ter publicly opened by the Coun ty Court of Klamath Oonnty, Ore gon, at the County Court House In the City of Klamath Falls, Ore gon, for the purchase of bonds of aald County .burned for the building ot permanent road therein In Ihe aum of 1253.000, In denomination or 41,000 eacn, Mid bond to bear dat November 1, 1127, and .to maiaro as follow.:- .;! , , I ) Y 110,000 Five years from data of huiho, dne 1112.: 110,000 Six years from date of laaoe, due 1188. 110,000 Seven years from dale of laaoe. duo 1034. 110,000 Eight years from date of Issue, due 1931,. " 110,000 Nine years from dais of Issue, due 1934. 1 16.000 Ten year from dat of Issue, due 19S7. tlS.OO Eleven years from data ot latu. due 1938. 111.000 Twelve year from date ot laase. due 1919. 120.000 Thirteen years from date ot tasus. due 1940. 120.000 Fourteen year , from lj dste or tuue. due ifi. ft 20.000 Fifteen years from, data of lue, due 142. 120.000 Sixteen years from dat of laaua. dua 1S4S. 1 128,000 Seventeen years from dste ot Issue, duo 1944. 125.000 Blghteea. yesrs from dsto ot Issue, dup 1941. .. 128.000 Nineteen, year from . date ot.tseue, due 1944. i Said bonda bearing Interest at the rate of not to exceed five and one-half cer cent ( 8tt ) per annum, payable aomt-annnally .on May and November 1. princi pal and Interest payable in tinn ed State gold coin at the office ot tho County Treasurer, Klam ath Fall. Oregon. Bald bid mnat be accompan ied by a certified check In tb amount ot 112.660. must be on-, conditional. ' Tha aoorovlna lextl opinion of Meeara. Teal. Wlntree, McCullocb, tt Bhuler of Portland, Oregon, will be furnished the successful bidder, Tho Court reserve the right to reject any or all bid. : : C. R. DK LAP. Clerk. Oil, to Nl Inc. , FHl'IT SHIPMENTS AT PEAK CHICAGO. Oct. 19. (I) Fruit and, vegetable shipments are now at the peak for 1927, lho.govern ment bureau of agricultural econ omics reported today. According to cftlrint figures,' total . ship ments for Q.o last week would mako a solid train reaching from Chlcitgo to at. Louts, approxi mately 275" miles. Tho rlh would consist ot about 28,000 cars and would contain at least 18,000,000- buahel .of .produce, un average of tlv Quarts ot fruit nnd veKi"tMllei for every ponton In tho United States. I - J WHEAT IHtll'KS ' PORTLAND. Oct. 19. ' lP) Wheat: Soft white. Western shlto. Hsrd Winter 11.23; North- ;orn Bptiug." Westurn Rod 11.23; jtodny's cur reoolpt: Wheat 200; flour 17; 'corn 1; oats 6; I hay 1 2. I " ni TTKRFAT PRICE L. BAN FRANCISCO, Oct. 19. (4") . htiterfat . fob Ban . Francisco S3Vio. . . . 'classified advertising Is Kortrrcg i vhper peopuititoxi gd way. Co tit Nt(, '1 FOR . HIJNT Furnished mom) 23J N. Ird HI. upt, I '. 2'J-3t 1 " ' ' ' " ' - 1" """ FOR fo.",! Partly furnlabcd: wood.. hed . and .. .120. Two-room nniurniaiian noiiae. - 1 1 , un house. TunncU. Fhono ln12-W" 24-4I FOR RENT Three-room fur!h ed houne. Wood and wnter. ' SJ Waahlngton. - - 20-4t FOR RENT PI ne Bt. -Two-room apt. ''117 ll-2t FOR RHNT rwo-room house near Hueua Vlats store. Water, . electricity, . built-in. kitchen; 110.00 month. , . Chllcote A Smith...,. . , v,. . ,. l-2t HfX ItOOMB VPBTAIRB-Vpartly lurniauaa, no mouiuiy. n;ooia age to elderly tennant pre ferred. Also three-car garage'. Addrans 17, care News. ." Ik-tf FOR RENT Small hse on Oregon Are. Wood, alter aad '. light. Apply 10J& Oregon. ' St . , , ., ll-l FOR RENT Three room' to re lift ed apartment, bath.1 114 Wash. logtoa. l-lt FOR RUNT Bleeping -room to furnace,, heated bouse; . oloae In;. $600 per week. Phone S2S after I p. m.. 14-t SUNNY ROOMB With hath. 127 8oolh 7th Bt., phono 79. . 012-tf FOR RENT Light housekeeping room. 41 No. 10th St. - ' - - 821-021 FOB RENT Flrat-clasa famished apartment, aleam hMi-d - . - ranhy aperten. 40 pen Phna too , ' '- OI4'f NOTICE TO IONTRACTORH - Sedled bid will be received by the County Court pt Klamath County, Oregon,, up until 3 o'clock p. m. isov. z. I9Z7.' ana men publicly opened and read at Ihe County Court Room, Klamath Falls, Oregon, for aurfaclng Yon na V'alloy Markot .Road No. 10 from tho Interaectlon of the pro posed Dalry-Uly Mountain section of the Klamath Falla-Lakeview Highway, with said Market Road JXo. 1U. and exvendlns to the north ond of said Market Road' and being between ata. 133-30. to Ma. 247, approximately 2.15 aaUes-r long, ,., ... . , Plans snd siieclflcnt'on? v sod proposal forms, may be. atea at the offlep of the County Engineer. Extra sets w'll be furnished for i.i 35.00 per set. Bids securely aealcd and plainly mark ed "Hid For Surfacing ,n , .10, audi Valley Markot Road No. addressed to the County Clerk on ?r before Ihe hour of opening. FOR RENT Each bid must bo accompanl.d by ,uco application, th land and a certified check or bidder bond Ulnb thereoI1 been ap for 6 of the amount bid. 8uch DrmJwd at S5.00, the timber certified check or bidder a bond egum,, 860 M board feet at, must be conditioned, th in the gj t0 p,,, M tna tlle lmn(1 i4o: event the bid I accepted by the that aald applicant will otter County Court . and tho contract final proof In aupport ot her ap for the work awarded thereon, plication and aworn statement on tha bidder will., within ten 1U1 .the 16th day of November. 1927. days, enter Into a legal contract I before Bert C. Thomas. U. 8 to do the work - and furnish a Commissioner, at Klamath falls, bond a required by law, or for-, Oregon. felt to tho County, said certified.. Any person 1 at liberty Mo check or bidder s bond, as .liq- protest this purchsa before ea uidated damace. Tha County try, or Initiate a contest at any Court reserve tho right to reject tlm before patent issue, by fll- anr and all bids or any portion lhere.-f COUNTY COURT OF KLAM- . , ATH COUNTY. By F: B. HENRY. County Engineer. Dated Oct. 19, 1927 020,27 r. 0ITJ? BOADTlG f.( fiAD' WTsSR- AAA9. A WEX I TUt5J?AV, THIS WORLP WAS EURICI-teP BVfrlE ARRIVAL. ;OF .A I lustv soodasTto.; who . UATTSR OH . BECAME VAKEV ) UP APMIREP ALL OVER ( -THE GLOBE . AHEM. MCME. OTHER -THAW M'SELF ! RJRHV - ampas rrr.As a TIPPE-E i ui . m - Ekmfflc: X?! A a JVSy HELP WANTED-' BTKNOORAPHKR- WANTED I Mut be willing worker, ac- ti rla aifitl Via. Knar 04 Newi.' ' . ' ioii Hici.p-WANTBD-iAi once. Lady wuhler .In make axtra nn at home In inare time. A1 drea boa to, care New. 20-iit WASfTED Woman for general houne work on ranch, Add run box 9. rara New. 20-3t" POTATO I'ICKKIltf Wanted ot Mantling ranch, Rt. 1, city. I . ... .. .. ' 20-31 WANTED WANTED Young pup to train for watch dog. '. Prefer mala collie, shepherd or mixed with good breed. Will pay reason able price. ' Rox : 306, ' Fort . Klamath, Ore. - - , 19-4t WANTED U'e'pay highest cash prices for-need furniture end stoves; Be sure to see us be-, fore yon. sell, We give yon a ' libera) allowance for your used furniture in exchange for sew. You will, find our price rery reasonable aad , credit service liberal. ' : KLAMATH FURNITURE CO. 4 1011 Main St. Phone 894 . . .. . Oct. -tf LOST ui! FOUND LOST Roll of bedding between Klamath FaCa and Aspen lake. Finder notify Feed Corham, box 12. P. P., city. 20-lt LOST Fore end for double bar relled , shot gun, Oct. 9th. Please leave at New office. Reward. - - 19-2t LOST Lewsllsn setter. Black and whlt. brown . apots on , nose,. Reward. Pbone 2S4-M-1 IS-XIT LOST One C.T.C. 31x4 tire on rim on balles-OxHtorala hlgb way between Modoc Point and Morrill. Return to Ace Tire. Reward. . ' 19-2t NOTICE FOR PCI1LICATIOJI Department of Use Interior ' U. 8. LAND OFFICE st Lake .view. Oregon. Sept. I. 1927. . NOTICE la. .hereby given' that Cora E. Crane, whose post-office address is Klamath Fall, Ore gon, did. on the Cth day of As-: gnat, J927 file Jhi.thls off les I Sworn Statement and Anollca- i tlon. No. 013117. to purchase the i 8WHNW14 Sec, 14. EH SB 14 end E14NE. Sec 167 Town,; shin 27 9.. Range 14 E.. Wtl- 'Jametto Meridian, and the timber thereon, under the provisions of tb act of June 3, 1878, and acts amendatory, Jsnowp. as the-"Tim. K. , .w mnrt ber and Stone Law," at aucb vslue aa mlebt be rlzed by ap praisement, and thai, pursuant ins a corroborated ariidavit in this office, alleging facta which would defeat tho entry. , . '.,.. F. P. LIOHT; Register. 8.13-N.18. For results use News Class Ada. HOUSE i-rAjF MV aASMORV 0UR BlRTi-lPA" 15 SOMETIME lA MAV.' .TORTV-FIVE, VOd CAMT EVEM CLAlAATfiiAT FOR VOURUIAIST' MEASURE,', Fivte, ?1 evfefPY 9tP ,cav or : as r-"fte G?ltiP- net -Wan scwusi a - fiAC. koomn wilH .on iuV ,L ,f 4joif- ' I V . 'A ... 4 , , .a4y -'rjK I '! oovtSeea-T -Bio-C-, ' . VVV I' -TS-sfy XS. . I roanMY on -e- W wMen 3vS. y A ' I tb .p ... . ycj I lii o.esopv" ce.R - y S ? J , . I ; gs?.nuw-Wr' O.K. . ' " J ' 'J ' ".' V -----. r. . .. . . " . .... ' p : : : r- 1! M-lJ.1xt.4. IVLovie Folk Active J rr H o 1 lywood Ca l. By DAN THOMAS ' NEA Service- Writer , ... unl t vu-nnn I' a 1 r Cirt in -Wandering around the cinema town: Tom Geraghty and his daughter, Carmelita, jilst driving. ILK. lust onviDK. CarmeliuAlIke her father, has iImha a IaI- e vnnnrl fh& larivlu ...,hi. ..h.-. wnrktar tn comedies now". . . hut hrm- bltlon la to become a Cecil B. DeMllle alar Grauman-a Egyptian theater. h iom it "P0", tel"ngN month, ago one of ths motf er c't,nf r,cat" ,n ,N"r . , " , . . ! York . ... Colleen walked out on ; nnle ih. rt of Hollvwood'a products were ahown there i-. .j,"u,, John TlcCormlck, quit . . . now It ha become a second-run I " he ret"rn ,aIfry theatsi1.: Mary Astor and Ben;8'00 week higher than her Lyon going Into the Montmartre Pe,,i?u oue -ressM '.I .- . Mary's pictures certainly don't belle hor beauty . . . she Is a lovely creature, even thodgh sometimes a btt upstage, : . Morion Davits' driving toward ber studio . . . wonder If an-! By Ahern kF HE'5 FORTV-S " s. OUfiifT TO BE GOLP . I PlMCHEP FOR ) BRIDtSE- LcltTlAia ME WORK ALMOSf ISMOKE TrllS PATcS BACK CI3AREffE "to If RUSH OK A MIPPLE! - t! l , .S . m A SAP? F;,.VdriV. r(E JJr knavss uss ABOUT MOHO -7YAl0S,-rr(AM r LL M5 s-- .vv 1 (sJ", S3jf lip! W. I iTrrr. I. A SAP? AJ n 3xsx Bf? w V aawrTi. - . mAN -w . MrS o.ptai or ifMOtHM 9tt tvecrei o? ha IMrh oery to PcPtnp OH oh v.iiw ta -woaHwiO- -S4S wOSI.'P gouwpC or othcr star will ever have as pala- tial a dressing bongaiow aa the; has . . . Marion Nixon and Laurp : ?f P!nte'nf .'I10 J"? I!ontTV?! ""P1!"" ataunchest , friends, has the sec - . . . . . 1 . . .... xou : , , r7 ?M iMo'm care in tne nimiknied or oanded - an ' foaf . . . mvro su Cavalier . -. Sally Rand; t,kln f im rM1,che1' .new- PeT writer. Here come Colleen Moore., . . ! rint Ntlonal when her In Hollywood could get away with It, however .; . Sally Ellers tnem..,Th. patrol finally man "? KmJ com,nS .ut f aged to cut Its way out, but lost neighborhood theater they sure msk. a good looking couple almost another Janet Gay- nor-Charley FaVrell combination-' Dick Arlea and hi bride ot not long ago. Jobyna Ralston .'-T .t.'vl.; , 7 . "Wing." Just" three hours after: !they were married ... and tt . .u. ,mm...j all landed on the cutting room "le- Pne member of the floor, i . Corlnne Griffith going Gnardla National conUnuedr to into the United Artists -studio. ft6r hu rlflearrel had Clar Bow with her re hsir fly-, bTOn not way and Prtvata-Ken-,. Ing In all direction as usual. - ' w" credited with . . . lharlns; saved Lteutanant O'Shea't I V v 1 ' ' v' life when he picked f! i habdlt ' "William Fox1 Is Continuing to who had the drop on O'Shee at ; show other film producers how to'ciMe quartors. 'j. ! , make money. Right now he has two pictures In preparation that will be sequels to two of tho biggot money-makers in screen 'history. Laurence Stalling and ' Maxwell Anderson are now busy writing -The Cock-Eyed World" 1 ', J'f.,ueJ t0 ?h ,"W b"V a?' j reeled "What Price Glory." will ' again handle- the megaphone and his csst will Include Doloros Del Rio, -Victor McLaglen aad Ed mund Lowe. ' ' i Fox's second smart mors was to pair Charles Farrell and Janet Gaynor for the Second lime in "Lady Crlstlllnda." Frank Bor xnge,' who - directed them In "Seventh Heaven," will again dd the bossing. Bortage can ' get more out ot those--two "kids" than any other director In film land. ' Everyone In Hollywood ha hobby. Robert Edeson'. 1. col- lectins' hats.- H now ha more than 70 varied stvles'of headJ gea.r.-" And he hn Hsd all of them - at one' tmo or another In pictures. ' - ' ; ' .' ' For sale old papers. Klamath New. ' Oall hi - e V ".P rw a . ytkU TOO iswcawN en vteoy TO Jto 'Pa mV. , ' -rat op 'Stx Si.ueK) -Co 1 ' oaran -aurr rua . -v ea -rscoM 7. -rwrv. vt ms vtd 1 a, to cokbcaia .nato , ear aa,av nr sv a - SiK SST- 'fHty cATfcoMtSr' :': 'V ckoou Twino vcroec ; axkiHa tcacmos i tmimo W'C t?r tpiia7 of H asnijMU'I v TriinKvcou&nr taatt n , en? irP T X tuiO UtPORIT.'? 1 tnro Hit? sp4, . -- i.' t "i i ",.f"r ? J Av1atdr?Search MANAGUA. Nicaragua. Oct. II. yp After severe fighting with a force ot 300 outlaws who eud- Jenly closed In pa them, k patrol of 40 American murines and con atabulary has encaped from . irreg ulars . operating In . the , Nueva Sergovia department 1 sitivmrm ' '- irraaulaV1'. wnvw ' " , memrjera - or tne eonaraouisrr were killed in the battle. The fighting occurred When the patrol tried to penetrate", bandit stronghold In search of two mar ine ccrpa aviators. Second Lieu tenant E. A. Thomas and Ser geant Frank, E. Dowdell. who were last seen - running ' from wrecked plane near QuUall. One small patrol led by Private Jacon Treen piling through the, brnsh engaged tn a tierce tight ,,v ,h. K,rti.. iiii forir of horses, mules, rations, blankets ud ,'compasa In the encounter. The report of the fighting seat here by the commander ot the patrol. Lieutenant George J. J. Shea, commanding a detachment 'at Jicaro and Lieutenant J, B. "; ,ifeb!l tw, bjsUnce I - h patrol had made a forced march to the region near Qullall Jn ,n effort ts find "the "missing .,. who raahed 'near 8iirot- la. moBnUlni wolIa dipping bomb, 0ene, sandino and hl8 foIlo)?,erg etr,y tnta month. Th viatora w-re eep running from their burning plan. They signalled that they were not hurt. Since then scouting ' expedition have been unable, to locate Iba Heirs. IA contingent of 600 constab ulary is bow being formed' aa an ' expeditionary, force ' against ;c,nera, sandino. who waa the Ouiy eno of the liberal General Moncada's lieutenants , to reject the Nicaraguan settlement effect ed by Colonel Henry L. Stlnson. The activities of the Irregulars under bis eommanQ have Increas ed In . tbo mountuln .region to which' he fled. July 36 hi imi ambushed a dtachmnt ,of marines and consubularynear Ocotal. Ono marine Waa tilled " rnl of 'the . can.tabnlary wounueu. n . ,-wa iioioru w . Irregulars wero killed and 100 wounded in an encounter. Am nesty has been offered to thoie of ' Sandino' " followers7 ha Would lay down their aria.