TACR SIX SUNDAY, OCTOBER 10. 1027; THF, ! klXmatii WAV ' 5 Ki 1 1 e diliSGASSrtta T' ' whnt u b1,,)''', ,of bo lhi TliU rlntio sPhaf , j first tin elul sctuss of a mo- Illgn LIUSS VslCl Ail vji aoii Experimental Plane Falls ' Near Stinson Field, v, Sn Antonio, ,Cal. BAM ANTONIO. Oct. 15. (VP) riYq persons or titled her rl. tnnlKht when an cxpoH momal airplane owned by a San Antonio man craahed near Htln son field, the municipal airport. L, I.. Clark It. of Houston, who Vaa piloting the plane waa killed aa were Mm. Kd Cava hah (correct) of San Antonio, her 4-year-old daughter and Win. Wlnbnrn, a reporter for the San Antonio LlKbt. Kd CavanauKb. husband of Mr. Cavanaugh died shortly after the accident In a local hospital. ' Obaorrera said that the plane vaa flying at an altitude of about 100 fetH when the motor appar ently went dead and the plane craahed Into a field. first time actual acenea of a mo tion picture have erer been broadcast to the radio tana, oc curred during the filming of the 1 cenea for "Knockout Ueilly," RU'hard Dln'a latcat atarrlng ve hicle for Paramount coming At (he Hotels I Vll.LlAHl-J. M. Johnson, : Portland: C. t. Omlll, Corning; PORTLAND. Oct. li. tl"P l"- Williams, Mcdtord; E. II. Hail- t.lle sited portrait of the r- !""" - ..a.i ........... ! " . busst, roruanu; j. 11. Krton. .uv.i ........ 'rltr. i.oa Angeiea; i. k. u .u. oan ' H. Nelson Takes New Agency Here SHERIFF'S OFFICE SWAMPED BY CASES choatra leader In i to which hare adorned the lamp posts 01 a hi . in ph.-v. u 1 Uoe removed tonight becauw 11. w .' I Wood, rMlaurnut owner, wnnt.id j the I'lnc Tree theatre. Pour acenea from "Knockout Rellly." then being filmed were broadcaat by tlraham Mc.N'amee, nationally known radio an nouueer. The hour of rntertainmcnt took the radio and motion pic- council to allow him to adrvrtla ture fana Into Iho aludio for the, his chef Just aa the theatre ex first time, and there they heard plolted Us musician, he voices of the actor, the mega- j '! paid for that poet and I ipnone instruction oi iu airecior, un.p ..i.... iu . ,.. the shouts of the extras, the theatre. " no dwiarra. crackle of the Kleig lights and The council willed the mat the orchestra accompaniment to ter by revoking Ita permit to the rniiiv-i.-. r. im .r. 1- il.!. .. . vl.m.iK Portland: Mr. and Mrs. W. W. Harrington. Oaaelle. Calif; MUa A- greater volume of goitornl II R. Nelson and son have court bualnnaii la handled through made announcement of the fuel the KlaiuntU county sheriffs of that they have taken over (he flee than any other sheriffs of Oldrmublle agency fJr this ter-; flee In the stiito with the ev- In conjunction With thoi cupnou l .ihiiu ruuiiijr aim Palron-Kulglit agency wnten tney possibly Murlou county. At least that la I lie contention of atliuliea ot loo sheriff 'a office , who proudly point to the rneords and eontoniT that "limy vpntik (or lliciuaelvoa." The records show thnt the HherKfs nfdcu has been given J circuit court, Joules court and outside cases on which to; I'litnka service, -Of till" . nuiul'er ((ill Bern circuit . rmirt. JACK FKOST Shoe Repairing While You Wail! I.AIHKN' IIKKI HPKCl.tLIHT ttA Ho. HIMll Ml. dramatic scenes. The first scene vroadeast was that of a cabaret, with Dlx and i Miss Urlan participating. The jaxs music was sent over the air during the turning of the scene. The final scene was the prise tight between Dli and Jack lie nault, ring heavyweight. theajre Ing. for the street advertis- Lake counties for several months. j - Nelson fovla that buslnwta In Klamath'. .Pounty Justlflea thia t more, aa the Kulcon-Knlght, a M.ini .1 i medium pjrU-ed car. hna enjoyed . nwigart, v nicago; air,' anil Mrs. II. It. Weesuer, Mlunounolls; .' CHICAGO, Oct. 1 S Con- traasman R. II. Laguardla of New York and pilot L. M. El I but had a close escape from death or Injury today when' their airplane struck a rut while land Inn oa the municipal airport field and turnod up on lis nose. - Both were shaken up but not even bruised. The front of their plane and the propeller were wrecked. " ... 'Congressman Laguardla, noted wet leader la the house, was forced to cancel his dinner en gagement with Congressman Win. Car, Minnesota, at Uuluth to night. .". ,ii i ' . COJXE RETl'RXS ' Cob Coyne has returned from Baa Diego and Jam Angelas and with him la Eugene McCarthy, one of the heaviest grain specula ton In the Calked States, main taining connections in New York, Paris, Chicago and Loa Angeles. .McCarthy Just recently re turned from a trip to Europe where he went for pleasure and easiness combined. Darin; his ab aeace from his home In Holly wood he leased it to Mrs. Hor ace Dodge. I Private Bath Electric Ranco Hot. Water . Garacc . , With . Each Apart meat Cooking t'teniiUs Silverware ' Bed and Mattress Esplanade ' Court -: Apartments BY DAY, WEEK OR MONTH " Special Rates to ' . 't I'ermanfnt JUuesta , , - 101.1 Esplanade Street or V 1K Main Phone T94-W ,10 put a picture of kia new rock Mabel lloiyor. (linelle, Calif; J. dn one of the posts. )S. Pitman. Portlaud; Mr. and 1 ...... - -i.. ... ..... -t... I Mm (. A UWrt It has been established hero. The lonald Weesner. Mlnm-apolla. 1 leview nrnncn nas isr eaceeu. Mr. and Mrs.- K. C. Kleiner, .Mem-i " expectallona of the dealers. Phis. Tenti; K. Wallaea and wife. I The OldsmoblU agency in ISjrtland: A. K. Kugs. Lakovlow; i Klamsih rVlln haa Inxm under Max II. Cordea, Loa Angeles; A, 'the dlretlojn pt a number of dlf Jorgensen and wife. Seattle: W. jferent rompanlea In the past few, M. Selby. San Francisco; C. 8. 1 years, the last bclqg the llruin Webber, Alameda: Mr. and Mrs 'well company, , , Clout Chldera. Med ford. ... -.. . i I The well equipped X-hny lab- i "When you have freight' forioramry at Klamath Valley a- Qnrairiia l?nirl To k-'FV&" ILakcvlew call Klamnth Falls. ; pltal la Indispensable in Iveiilgu- t llmAaA Vnnn i Ijikevlew Stage Lines, care City 'Unit difficulties ot tin ohest and I'rsnsfer Co. Phone 4.13. 11 -fit abdomen. (CVtatlnoed from Iag One) mediately under force account or day labor. A representative of the county engineer's office will be on hand at all times to pro- I lect the county's Interesta." ; . The Campbell road which originates east ot IHy and ex- by the Hauser Urolhers Construe- tends north several miles, was ttoa company. . one ot the many county roida fndcr the direction of Fred R. provided for In the half million Crlchton, superintendent ot con-' dollar bond Issue ratified by the G. N. Contracts Let For Project (Coairaned from rage, Om) structlon. work Is progressing rapidly on the trestle. The Great Northern railroad company la anxioua to complete the bulld ot the span before bad weather ' sets In. Twenty men are em ployed on the trestle job. All ' labor la being hired in Klamath Falls. Mr. Crlchton la supervising the; construction work In connection with the G. N. Terminals. . ' Tennessee AT Forfeits Bond j "Tennessee Al." Fort Klamath resident, yesterday forfeited bond of ISO placed following bis arrest September 23 by Federal Prohi bition Officer L. O. Shirley. Authorities did Dot know Ten nessee's correct name. He waa 1 charged with sale of one pint ot whisky. j CONSTABLE LEAVES TO GET PRISONER ' To take Charles Spere, former ly a resident oi Klamath Falls. In custody. Constable Gary B. Coiad left yesterday (or Eugene where Bpere la being held In Jail. -Fpere is charged with having defrauded a board bill In Klam ath Falls. He will be brought here to face the charge. DIVORCE FU-ED TODAY Fay Brotherton filed auit (or divorce against Max Brotherton on the grounds ot cruel and In human treatment In circuit court thia morning. ' II. L. Wlmer riled suit against D. Winter on grounds of crnel and Inhuman treatment. electorate June Si. It had ben planned to have the work on the ..... 1 .... .1 w.. ...I.. '-II K... I ug ,( ...u.i.l u J I .1 1 I J ...... vu a li.csl Question Involving the! bond Issue held - up the work. Now that the legal shadow has been dispelled, the court Is bend ing every effort to hurr the work this fall. , Youth Indicted By Grand Jury i (Continued from Pajre Ope) I lly. who told the coroner's Jury j Harry had Instructed him to ciean op ine oasemem oui oon l fool around with those loose bricks." (It waa under loose bricks in the basement floor that Mrs. Hill's body waa found.) Harry was last seen In Streat or shortly after he purchased a second hsnd automobile and equipped It "for a long trip." I Search was extended for him from ocean to ocean and he fin ally was captured In Seatllo. Wash. He waa returned to Streaior and held under guard pending report of the grand Jury, j I We Have Moved to our new location Sixth and Willow' We are taking this means of thanking you for your past patronage and hope you will continue to call'on us for any thing you may need in our line. McCoiinick-Deering Complete line of farming machines. Thompson Potato graders, baskets and sack holders. " , : Otsego Pitchforks and steel goods. r" Jory Fresno scrapers and tractor hitches. , Repairs Are our specialty. J. S. Mills & Son "Good Equipment Makes a Good Farmer Better." r X "To" Serve Humanity Better" ' j j -TMIE Bum of wisdom is, that the time ia i! I never lost that is devoted to work. i, I , LAllVriSUi1!. I X S3 Yearsof fiatisfjlng HervU-a Lady Attendants'. X I frr$e3ia- ' . ISIgaasaw.. "ZzJtM i i V Tt 4A rlTs.it6ri V II KsaaWsSMmswMsa)saaMSMmasasasaaa()saaaas Y . i NATIONAL BANKS publish their statements of condi tion at stated periods when designated by the ' Comptroller of the Currency. Such calls are made with the purpose of examining the condition " . of banks. UNITED STATES GOVERNMENT bonds. STATE and MUNICIPAL bonds and the large CASl-t RESERVE are especially strong features of this bank's statement. It is with some pride we call your attention to these item3 which mark this institution as a Strong Bank, worthy of your confidence and patronage. REPORT TO THE COMPTROLLER OF THE CURRENCY (CONDENSED) ' ' ' The First National Bank OP KLAMATH FALLS, OREGON . AT THE CLOSE OF BUSINESS OCTOBER 10. 1927 RESOURCES Bills Receivable . '. . . . . ; U. S. Bond Other bonds, wan-ants and securities Federal Reserve Stock . . . . . Real Estate, Furniture and Fixtures Five per cent Redemption Fund . Cah on Hand and Due from Banks LIABILITIES Capital Stock . Surplus and Undivided Profits . Reserved for Taxes Circulation ........ Deposits ........... 741,500.00 "411,818.25) . . 0,900.00 ..05,172.10 i " 5,000.00 ' 921,070.06 .$3,664,478.41 $ 200,000.00 ' 73,099.95 9,748.14 100,000.00 3,281,030.32 $3,664,478.41 Apparel For Your Autumnal Wardrobe i Autumnal modcit: Frocks, Irosoa nntt Travel ContH and nccesoricu to fro with them. Fresh new ntyles Riid now num bers Hrrivinit daily mnko it . eAuy for you to Beleot your Foil wirdrobo. Most of the new RtyliM carry with them a foretaste of Winter fashion though suitable for wear right now. Every garment made distinctive by iu own individual trimmings. Truth in Advertising A roal mnilol slni llitr la I Ills Is shown. TUrre am, srwral models Hi most n ilupllrato of Iho pMnrn. A' Store of Specialization in All Sections ! . . - Every Nection of this Btoro caters to a type. Smart apparel for the yountfer women. The matron's net-turn U full to overflowing with dusirnblo apparel for the older woman. And then there in plenty of stylish apparel for the MisH-ln-hcr-teenR, and. in tho Baby sec tion there is such a fine selection of al most cverythinK baby will require from birth up to 6 year of aire. Truth in Advertising At the Women's Store You Can Spend Wisely That is our ambition. Wo star tod in business a good many years ago and built our store to meet your require ments, to meet your demands with n true spirit of cooperation. . We recofr nlze your efforts to achieve thrift as wo all wish to do. We wmit to help. Wc'can.help on your apparel needs. Such conditions on our past make it easy for you. to spend wisely. Truth in Advertising ChlMrrii's Costs Br, hero In. ninny slylrs. Aki 4 In II. Vssys,sJsssss)slslsssSssVsvsss(ss