k THE KLAMATH NEWS SATURDAY, OCTOBER IB, 1027. - PAGE NTNT5 Two Cents a Word Each Insertion Talcpboa UTT Two Cents a Word Each Insertion tfkfiHM m WANT AD PAGE CLASSIFIED AD RATES II - To rent pur word Mob thus d la nrltilrd. Ham a. I run on ak 10 r ! enl discount. ' Hiinin d run on month la pr ut discount. ; TELEPHONE 877 TIIK IIKI MARKET I'Ul'K rOR SALE, REAL ESTATE j IK YOU WANT I To bur a puma; fall a hotna; ! buy a lot: '! a loi; buy aotn 1 srtaauii; ai'll torn acrcuge, or rani a plain: s ' MILS. NATE OTTKKIIKIN, REALTOR I Pbona 441 0l Lincoln I .VOTII'i: ! IWII HAI.K ' , ! tWnl.-a propoala will ! r- rfltrd by tbn 4'onillion t'ttutu-ll ui 111a i ny 1,1 hiiitnmii Kuiiit fur Ilia puri'baaa of nlri'nt Ultd awr inipioviinii'nt btinda aKKio- -aailnn $ii.a.ul. authoilna by ', litdluuiiiva 4I and Hi of itm City of Klutuulli Kalla, for 1 lit ' ronairiii-tluti and Iniprovpnii'nt of I ulta altiiuio In Kluitiulb Kalla, 1 Onuoi, ua folliiwa: I in it irt-iiutii t lull No. at and ' Kllilitb hVwur I'nlt, all aa iiiori fully nppoura ou lb" plana and ! ap-uiriautliiii on filo wlili tin 1 ollro Judaa III Ilia lllatlrr of . V 4 i Inipruvi'nu ni ui tba alora- a.ild I nila. I'riipiiauta to puri'haaa aald aonda will rrlrid by ilit uadiralanml up to and I11.lu.ru lb 2111 day of O-'tobir, DII, at th hour of 1 o'clock p. tit., of anld dur. and op-ui-d at a fmtutar nirvtliiK of Hit, ('omiiioti Cuuni-ll Inuni-duli'ly ilirriitra.r. aald bonda aliali Im- d.itrd Nm mill-r lvl!2i. uil.l xlliill ! luiK-d III tin' niiioiiiit ol 'lit 110 ruth end duo tn yaia nltr data ol laauo. tatyuicnta of lha amir boud nptluunl at any coupon pny 1114 datr on nnd after una tur, Hjld bonda will brar lulrri-il at tlt rula of Dot to Mri-rd nit pr c-i per annum, payable aeml-annually on November and May 11. of rarb year, prluctpal and Internal payahl at ttie oftlc of th Treiurer of the City of Klamath Falla. tiregon, or at tb iifflo of th Klacal Agency o( tna Mate or Oregon, in M tork City. New Vara. nil TiHw!a inui nn iinr.inur nl?h,.l. eonipanled by a cer- for f.ve per cut ot- tlonal.and accotn tlflcd chiNk th ptopotal. Tho Common Council rearra .the rlatlit lo reject any and all "bid I.EM L. OAOIIAOKN, I'tillc Judge of th City of Klamath Falla. Ore. Rr order of th Common Coun cil, dated September 12, 192 7. H 20 O 20 -Inc. For sal old papers. Klamath Nawa. . Call at 1 ACCOUNTING , v HOTELS ArccuollDg AudHIng VALLEY HOTEL IIOWAItltll. METCALK Ilrnml New anil Mialr 1 119 Snsitb Flflb All outside rooma Very Bookkeeping Income Tat modernt rales. Sorvtc 41.1 I'ln Kt. Ilion ISJM CLEANING A DYEING LODGES KLAMATH I LK.AN'lNt) lil'II.IIEIIH' KXCHAXtJK IlYK WORKS ... meeia every fourth Wed- c,-w.'V."to W"' ,h M l 11:00 431 Main SL Pbon 401 pt m. In Legion Hall. CORSETS j MINING ENGINEER NIMIONK CORSET I'ARMHtS I HE.M1Y M. I.ANCASTKll Cnraels and coraclellca nwdn Mlnlns; EiiRlueer In measure. KUanmlecd silk American 'iiiiaervalory of Mo lingerie and allk hosn. United Stales Mineral Surveyor MRS GENET RANDALL for tho District of Oregon 3H W.mn. St. Phone 52-W ZZ V. Or. DENTISTS - 1 OPTICIANS mi. k. a. wisi:cARVi:n ij t Q Q F1 n lXnllslry X-Ilaf ljilxirnliir 11 I i " I 1 1. 1 Til L Phone 445 Underwood Bldg. 1 ryes Examibctl, Fitted and (tic t ! C,I.icn Ground in our own Lictory to ia your wIaw i.tivtili4.il rc,ar, mentt. 'OHA5V. Broken Lenses Replaced AQl DR. GOBLE'S 7 f .. R.fain Q"i Strrirr lM:-nn'j I PHYSICIANS VflrV "tOUl (A PAI L M. V,. CTARHTEXS, M. !.' w . J Phono JiIO' fjf Y , Hpoclal nitonilon to women NT I O. and children. -. r 115 South Fifth fit., corner ,. ' Fifth and Mnln, Klnuiath OfflcriionIIH! MHhaa llldit. VM Oregon Ilea Phon II4H Klamath e'all DRESSMAKING STOVE EXCHANGE DRESSMAKING ",0 H,,,T0 Mnn All Work llinirnnlei'd W. E. FIXUM WILL SEW AT YOI'R HOME Blovcs K.xrhnnRcd I.HIO Crescent SI Mnln ' ---a------" I OR SALE, REAL ESTATE "u A '' " K H "nnily near Mallu. 1 4 2. Ml. terms; ulna l!0 e'r''"' f'-r acre, cloa In. lll'HINKSS and RESIDENCE Iota. rimming house I Ion. business Inca- JOHN C. KRENCII CO. Realtor 1)11 Kliiniuth Ave., Phone 1130 FOR SALE OR TRADE ' ''' 011 THAUK 101 , acres In Lunxall Vanllcy, under Irrigation. Inquire ill Alain-- da. Klamuili rails. "r K20O20 1 TO EXCHANCE - n-1 , , . -Ll. -LL. Wll.l. 1'ICAIlK od UKi'd lour-1 Inx iiir fur luta. llulck Out- . n. S-2w I 11 MISCELLANEOUS IIKAIIACIIKS nrn hut aymploma 01 olliir dlaoidvra which mny I. nil 10 hit I huh rondlllona. Mr. '. M a I h r perm inrnlly ri-Mra t Imndnrhpa by hla tblroprartlc I hnallli arvlr ata71a Main HI..! ii,m.. ill., .ir.H imn, ihi. I TriM- Thi-alr rhono 4ul Atlr 15-11 I IIOOM AM 1IOAHI) - I'liia In , riinnn I7a-.M. 020 Washing-! tun. l!-et'! tt'K HI'K('IAI.I.K lu concrn work of til kiuda. llciii-rul building and contractor. Kur cilliuiilva pbolia T. II Wcatfull, gcioTiil cuiitrticior, 724-W. 10-2-2W lOWAV IV Till-: AMI IOWA CITY, lown, O.I. 11. (V -tnpinin rreuerica mica no,lhrly dliyi( , b) rr , Plana an airplane 'flight from Han ihy ,, ,. Th,.y r(, n,uvr pr(H j Kranclaco 10 New Keahind by way Uiiceni with rich butterfal leal. t( llnw.il. bopru-d off from the j nlrport at :47 Ihla morning nf-j K-atMl hy your veterinarian in ter being delayed for more thaniKlamaib Fulla. ao you are aure u week by adver. wentlu'r and 'in .b.l,,,ly JT.ow h ' a brokeu ell pump. Captain tlilea who la flying hi lleaa llluehlrd. exprcta to follow Ihe air mall . loul. . Kn Kran.laco. lie probably will apend tonlghl In! ' ...... I--"" t- . , IIK.NT HACK IN III.XIK tjiiarlei bnck Hpenra cr aniier- ( nut la generally cmisinercn in ( bet back In nixie. Deal with a REALTOR FOR SALE KOII SALE lacd Furniture Imr yiiiua. We hav IIih lurgcat Rlnu k of unci! fiirnltura In Kliimulh Kn ! I. II will puy you we-ll 111 Tint mir alum buforo KOR I1KNT Kirn room unfur huylng clacwhiira, j nlsttcd house, gurug. 729 N. ; KLAMATH FrilNITVIIK CO. JHhH. 15-21. I'lii.nn 894 Kill .Mnln HI. ' r IS-Ct KOR ItKNT Kirn ronma. break-1 1 KOII HALE - Two aiuull rnngtia. almiiai now. fill & 1 4 Owena em-el. NlKlila or Sunday. ' 14-3I i KOIt SALK-Klim turkey toma. . .Mm. Levi McDonnd. Lunxcll V.illoy. Oregon. 1 i -i t KOII SALE-lou II I a c k Fall Kwca. an percent under 6 years of age. Balance one, two and ! Ilire yenra. Dnvl Brothers.; Merrill, Oregon. 16-.1t IIAIIIIITS KOII HAI.B-Ono Itlan lliirk llrvd lion, Ioea, with h a b I a a. Iloby rahhtia. j (hi'lip fof iiulrk aalc. !SII W'lllln Avr. li-lf i KOII HAI.K Turki-y toma. lra. l.i-rl Mt Donald. I.anxi-11 Val- liv. Or. 11-tita KOIt HAI.K SVyfti acra Onn potato. In Iho flidd. Chanc I ' mak aom monay. Hhady 1 I'ln Camp. 6 lulloa north of! 1 - ' KOK KAI.K Tai'Uly head Jorwy ; row-a and hiIIra, Uht pun-; Iirril. luqulro at Newa. 12 no 11KAO iiAinv iowh (without rc-) ! AT Al'lTION- j TI KHKAV. (MTOIIKK IHth j At ). K. UAIIS I klniiuiilt l-'all, tie. ' I Knllr dairy herd conalatlng of r high grad aud rcglaturcd Uucru lacya, JcrHivya and llolatolna. I Theai cowa are all Ireah h , . .1 nn.l..v ,k. In Ika ni.ttf All T. ft. teated and will be r-, you get on of thtme. Theae cowa ,ar In good order. Young with ,IMMj uddera. Th following la a partial Be' acriuilon: On reglatered C.uernaey cow No. 192-lkll. Mnrnlng Olorya,, ot Tllljmook. Oregon. Fresh. PROU. rrvnn. i !..- ri. ' . No. S Reglatered (liiernsev. No. 1.1-T..: .Maaon ol Tllla- Athel'a Ilolly lllnoi nreedcr. llomi r mook. Or. frAh .hr; VAr.' old' No fiuerrtW Hull, s venra old, realstered. No. 1D3-X04. , Nam. Spnrkl of Mountuln Nell. A wqnderful aire. Large and per fectly marked. Two pure bred llolatelns, 4 yenr old. Two high grade Guernsey. 4 Jiiat frah. M!lkd 55 lbs. of mllk last year per day. Also 6 head of yearling heifers llhat are ram pure bred ancc- 'lorn. I Tho balance of these cow con- alsl of Jerseys aud Guernseys that are fresh and coming rnwh. About th aanie a one do- scribed shove. Then are not th common kind of rows yon are used to buying at auction Hales. i Come Into this sal If von want a cow Ihiu will nay l out in vnur dairy. Make urrnnucmenta iM-itire sine tint wun your tmiin- cr ao you will be able to buy these cows. Everybody Invited. B there on tlmo. Rnln or shin. 11 o'clock. J. K. GREER. Aucl. O.MI. WALKER. Owner. notice port rmi.icATioN IVruinmrnt of th Interior V. S. LAND OFFICE at Lake view, Oregon, Sept, , 1027. NOTICE Is herehy given thai Cora K. Crnn. whose postk-offle address Is Klamath Falls. Ore gon, did. on the-Olh day of An laust. 1927. fll In this office Sworn ' Statement and Applica tion, No. 013117, to nnrrhas h 8WNW4 Sec 14, EV.SEH land SEV!NE4. Sec. 15. Town ahln 17 S.. Range 14 K.. Wll InmellA Meridian, and th timber fhereon, under th provisions of i K. ... .. ..... e-0 .. .... ' amendatory, known as th "Tim ber and Stone Ijiw." nt mteb vain, as mlcht be fixed hv ar prntsmnt. nnd that, pnrnuant to such application, the land and timber thereon have been ap praised at 1885.00. th timber estimated 160 M hoard feet 11.50 per M. and the land 1180: Ihnt said applicant will offer final proof in support of her ap plication and sworn statement on Ih 15th dy of November, 1927. before llert C. Thomas. II. 8. Commissioner, at Klamath Falfs. Oregon. Any person Is at liberty to prolesit this purchase before en try, or In It Intn a contest at any tint before patent Issues, hv fil ing a corroborated affidavit In this office, alleging facts Watch would defeat th entry. F. P. LIGHT, Register. i What you no longer havo nao for may be Just th thing another 1 1 sacking. The Klamath Newa j Classified Ads bring buyer and tellers together. FOR RENT KOII RENT- Thrc room fnrnlali. d apartment, liulh. 024 Wash-: 1 11 (lln. 15-8I f.ial nook, balh, cement base-, mcnl, on lavement, lint Sprang Addu.. tta.uo prr niniiih. Im mediate poalon. r b o n a 179-J. 11-21 KOII RENT Sleeping rof.ma In (furnace hiati'd hounc; rloan In; Ia.OH pir wonk. 1'hona 32.1 aTti-r 6 p. in. 14-t KOII ItKNT- Thri'p room partly ! furnlnhi-d liona, wondahrd and j anraia. i:n.o. on Tunnrll , I'boa 1011-w. 13-21' 1 KOII IIKNT. -Storeroom In cpnlir of bualntaa llatrli't on Mulo alrcct. Inquire 73 Main. , 13-31 1 ui'wv iiiiiu.. Willi ba'h. 127 plionc T9. Ol2-lf Mouth 7tb HI . kjk IIKNT ApuTlment (24 lh Ht. 9-6 vr? KOIt IIKNT 4-rooin furnlnhi-d upartmi-nt. Clnm, In Inquire 71& WaahlnRtoo 9-61 .KOII ItKNT Light houalplnx , 'rooma. 419 No. 10th 8t. . ' j H2I(-0,'8I FOR RENT Flrat-elaaa farqlahnd apartment, ateara biutd. ' Mc Carthy apartmnnta, (20 Pin. ' : Pbona tut). OI4tf , OTICK FIXING TIIK TIMK AND I'l.ACR - ' KOU TIIK IIKAItl.NO OK OB- M" ' lutl. bkxk " atr-ae iK VVA THKi-lKFOUK. yot, and each of wnc ivi, t,-ii.t.-ii iiv tub COMMON COCNCIL 'IN TIIK, MATTKK OK TIIK IMI'ItOVK-l MKNT OF LOOKOUT AVK NTK FROM THE NORTH LINK OF U'HAM STRKETi'"'"""'"" Tf Tilt. DOI'TII 1 Ivt' rti.- ir 1 FRANCIS 8TIIKKT. TUB HAMF. ItKINf; KNOWN AS IM PROVEMENT I'NIT NO. 73. Nolle I. hereby given by. Ihe mlerslgned, Lem L. 0bKn, i ollce Judge of the City of Klani-1 , Mb Kalla. Oregon, pursuant ,0 a, " 77 r" W7l kumatS VU On xon. adopted on the 10th day of October. 1927. fixing the lime ,o"Vh ' propo-T asUs-' ...ii - .. ,ni i.r Ik Cominnn Cnuncil I iii Improvement Avenue from the north line of ors,ra Ss's, rJ':s;rd,va:b.Tvven, b l, kTow? mpfoVm'em,"' f of lJ'' S-i l Vrrorr,yPr;h0orwnP,,bye,sa?d T.r....-A ...nu.m....i " Pi! I"!!1."rf HN -h same apitears on file here- n shows the description of the properly nsaiwed. thu name of iin owner and the amount assess- (d and levied agalnat each lot, block, piece or pircel of acreage properly aa provided by the City Charier, and the Council haa fixed Monday, the 24th flay of Oc- tuber, nt l ho hour of 8 o'clock i ni.. of anld day at the Council chamber in the said H'y"" of klumiuh Falls. Orecon. said date h..in. - remhtr- mcertne - nf'ffie-M'li's r'nmnmn Cnuncil aa the lime and nine for henrlue ohics-tlona to sucn proposea nssessmeni roil auu lo the individual assessments OUR BOARDING SCAL , iS.7.'.'l - 1 1 i S I I ,7 I .-11 V I I iv : y.y.'i i .. . i"- i nu t sat. err. sS3Bt'iy-v'r"-y 9 '.' ShkalJ HELP WANTED 'WANTED - - Man lo t ike charge of mint 1 1 rui-h. Must be good with row. unit A. J. l.yle. Phone 15-21 W A N T K ft Housekeeper for mupl who. work day. See Dunn at mar Urug. 12-21 POSITION fur rliclit boy. Western l.'nlon. Apply - S-Ct WANTED WANTED Transportation In rar 1 lo Arizona. Will share ex pansea. See Cha. Jolwalon. 1 Holland House, 10:30 p. m. 14-2t V ANTKI-- lloardfra. I roomera. Hy day or wik. AIo honiax (or ri-nt; I'hone 451-W. lJ-Jt WAXTKI) fji-ntlarm-n room. 715 1"t'rM"- 13 tt U ANTKI--you can mako good utonay aclllitK building and louna. Kxpcrlcnce la unncea aury. Call 1121 lulu St. 12-4t WANTK.Il Wa pay blghoat cash pricna for pacd furniture and atovoa. II aure to aoo ua be fore you all. Wo giro you a liberal allowunc for your uaed furniture In cxchuuxe for new. Vou will find oor prlc very reuKonable and credit service liberal. KLAMATH FITINITI HE CO. lull Main Ht. I'hone K94 " Oct. 8 tf LOST nd FOUND LOST Ladlea brown kid flovea. Iteward. I'hone 10S4W 15-21 therein aet forth, and ill pro ceed to aaaeaa the proportionate jKhar and part of tho coal of auch 1 Improve me nt In accordance with V"" " " P"ona. firms or cor- porailona owning property, or who may b Interested lo any lot, part of lot, block or acreage prop erty lying and being within the described boundaries. lu'"'i Iot 1 to 3 Inclusive. In Block 1.01a 1 to ( Inclusive In each of lllocks 8. 13 and IX: I-ots 4 to S Inclusive, in Block 2; and Lots ,?''. ,,ttciu"veV , lt7b ? , "T i n. """- ! P"n,,lo . whose Pr . Z h ZV, Z ?h nia- ni''?t 'm"V, " " " '. ! prior to the hour of o clock n'Z'nr'rr S - - 'ofVVo' I if Tookom''9-'' ""O ' " f"r,n" J.k h HI' "cd that unless such objections 10ns : proposed roll on file herein. Dated at Klamath Falls. Ore gon, this lltn day 01 ucioner. 1927. LF.M L. GAGIIAGEN'. '." Police Judge. Oct. jl 1-1 5-1 6 Inc. j CAXXEI) KEINDEER TACOMA, U'uh . Oct. 14 A i company in Nome. Alaska, has iinrobsiwjd a refrigerator shop and 'icunnHig machinery and" Intends to ! 'place rolndeer meat upon the "of "II II 'America." The con- tern owns 50,000 reindeer, which will lie slanchtered and canned .a.i ny ine crew iruteuus uu iu. ship. HOUSE - tln MIOrtCI-Tiri'V MAJUW , ur-rJ" ,-w.v. rAtAPiDA-fe,- a pummv;--.3 Nod CA'A SE-E TOR V'StLF, P, A'AV'-'aS-T oV VtiLiR 60A"f.j -iHAfS W HACK Of-" "Ti'.IS r XCs6l': PIS 'li'.A.Vi Til' PAkiA.'A CAiAL ' Orphan Kitten ( '.r- - o v: t ' ' 1 I 4 W J M. kk A motherless kitten has found a good Samaritan In Toggy, a fox terrier, owned by Robert L'ecker of Milwaukee.- The kitten's mother was klllc-i a few days ago and Topsy, of the special known as the cat's Inherent enemy, has melted and adopted, little Tabby, who is shown in the forexround with Topay's family. MAURI AiJKH ARK IIAKK I the inside of her bead than the WITH O.VFOIIU WOMKS loutalde of her body. ( The Oxford L'nion year book OXFORD, dir.. Oct. 14. (API! prints the names ol women stu- No man loves a women who ; 'understands him too . ,Hi.. .r.i heiween du-l U - ted men and women than be-; .twecn those wno nave not re-, a-eivea tne ninner iramius, leves -.Mrs. k. v. rt. ..layior, icv turer In geography nt University! ;C1,rrT"odrs.ated her beiiefs following the disclosure by the Oxford Union Year Book that marriage . among its women Is rare, only one In 20 women grad - uated from Oxford In the lost seven years having been married since receiving diplomas. "Educated women do not mar - ry. says .tira. layior. oraure,,,,, rat5 are made into "baby they are too good for men. Men seoj." are afraid of women with unl- ' ' versity training. As soon as you j 1IOT "IX)THS .nmi.il.inii mor nut of life than! marriage, home and children, she .... is noi willing io umicnHHU mar . ... ring readily. "In my young days men looked on intellectual women with hor-, ror. I was a'.wuys Introduced at parties as being 'frightfully clev- It- and the results wa, that no ... ... young man would dance or i a i k lo me." Men students of the nnlver- 'rtu.t id Inn, nt Ih. nnivemitv dent Is known at the university.' imn.-n iii,.n..... n..,..n of makeup, and thinks more o'i , I By Ahem VSfV UF, FULL VJEUL "A I S T l.lm.l -frlE PAC'.TV . I i. e. - -THAT t IM BAcw OF -HlS CALUMUV, ASAlliVT ME ! 'I t&AD,- I vJ.IL-L.nAkt V -T-fo coaur? . .. A tl A I. w CX i fc-," - ,lSlelUAT:MCi LIBEL . N Ll" . ,r, . -Ma I V-t... li I f J . -Ye Finds a Friend .Ml- at. a. a "em buxe been 1 members of j well. and',ne ""'"""y aM P- wen. nf imp, anil IntunmnM , L ., ! who hare mrled. At Oxford the woman student Is known as n"c- '; "under xraduette.e CATS Kl'ItSiISH KClt CHICAGO. Oct7l 4. The In I ' 8'e8,l5r: ''j'd r,K demand for furs within f?"trB Oregon timothy al0.0(y rea,.h of ,he slender purse has!1, 00: cheaDhTarRdca . . brought a boom in the market for H-00; dluo valley 116.50 dog and rat skins, tne National ; 17.00: cheat 114.50: -alfalfa ( Association of the Fnr Industry 117.00; cat hay 114.004 14. 50; jrepcrts. Even goat skins are straw 17.50 per ton; sellln's ,u,frt. They are sheared and sten- prces 12.00 a ton more. ,t.ied into -Imitation leopard. And .v. .V ran wring hot cloths out ; .without burning your hands, von nut them Intn th nm ir them intn th. nntntn ,. 'ricpr Thov rnms nut mnch hnttnp nna- XOTICE OK ItOVD SALE l,.. J Lb r?"1?' ua til In. hour nf ?-nn a .In., n vn , - - , ... r' . the second day of November, 1927. and immediately tbereat- . . r i - ,h. of bonds IH County issued for the building of permanent roads;natlve lambs 113. 60 13.76; beat therein In Ih sum of 1 253 ftflll. '. natlvo. h.lH .l..np. ri.atrahl. fnt in denominations ot 11.000 each. said bonds to bear date November 1, 1927, and lo mature as fol lows: 110.000 Five years from date of issue, dud 1932. $10.000 Six years from date ot issue, due 19.33. $10.000 Seven years from date of issue, due 1934. 110.000 Eight years from date of Issue, due 1935. 110.000 Nine years from date of Issue, due 193$. 115.000 Ten years from date of jern style was revealed at an ex Issue, due 1937. hibltion of personal traveling 115.000 Eleven years from dato equipage at the centennial cele of issue, duo 1938 115.000 Twelve years from date of Issue, due 1939. 120.000 Thirteen years from date of Issue, duo 1940. $20,000 Fourtoen years trom date of Issue, due 1941. 120 000 Fifteen years from dateed papcrs nd coverd with leath- 120.000 Sixteen years from date of issue, duo 1943. $25.000 Seventeen yenr from date ot Issue, due 1944. $25.000 Eighteen years from date of Issue; due 1945. $28.000 Nineteen year' trom !date of Issue, due 1948. Said bonds bearing Interest at tho rato of not to exceed five jund one-half per cent (5H) iper annum, payable semi-annually ;nn May and November 1, princi pal and interest payable in Unit ed Slates gold coin at the office of thn County Treasurer, Klam ath Falls. Oregon. j S.i i il bids must he accompan ied by a certified check In thai amount of $12,650, must be un-l iconditionnl. j The approving legal opinion ot. I Messrs. Teal. Winfree,. McCullo.-h i ft Shuler of Portland, iirenon. will bo furnished the successful, bidder. Tho Court reserve the right to reject ,nny or all bids. C. R. OE LAP, (,'Iork. Oil to NX ino. . PORTLAND, Ore., Oct. 14. UP) Wheat: 111)11 Hard whits 1.27 14; Hard while Blueatem. Ilaart A federation. Hoft whit. Weatern white. Hard win ter 1.14 'it; Sort bar a sprlnr 1.23 : Weatern red 1.11. T.l day'a car receipts: Wheat 101; flour 15; corn 3: oata 4; bay 1. W. C. T. V. it , HAN FRANCISCO, Oct 11. fU P) Produce: Butter extras, 41; , firsts. 44 4. r , Kgga: Kxtraa. 46: extra pullat 31: underalied pulleta 21 M. 1 Cheeae; California fancy flats St.- -. . Potatoes: Rivers, 1.25ft 1.60; Netetd Oema, . 1.50 l.5. . i Poultry: Broilers '1 to 1 4 pounds, 3140; fryer. 11012; .. young roosters, 1 pounds and a p. 28t29; old rooster. 11615. Leghorn bens, 3 S pounds, 11 20; large colored hens, 1III14. Grain: Barley feed, !. 2.10; shipping. 2.25 1,70; Red feed oats. 2.00 2.15; '' wheat milling, 2.10472.20. Wool bs Itemanfl BOSTON, Oct. 14. OW-e-The Commercial Bulletin tomorrow jwlll say: "a fair demand tor ! wool has persisted In splto ol ' the holiday nad prlcea are. Ilrm Iy maintained on all descriptions; In (act values have been consolt I dated o n the baa Is of tba reseat aavance. 1 ne manufacturing sit uation Is healthy and the outlook ' for dreaa goods evidently tka best it baa been for soma Urn." Wholesale . prices: Butter steady. Extra cubes, city 4e;' standards 44c; prim firsts 43c; firsts 40c; creamery price; Prints ' 3c above cubes; butter fat 45c fob Portland. Bids to the farmer: Milk steady. Raw milk (4 per cent) 12.45 cwt fob Portland. Butter fat 45c fob Porltand. Eggs steady. L'ndersixed 24c; fresh mediums 37c: fresh stand ard firsts 43c; fresh standard ex tras 47c. i; Poultry steady. Heavy hens 21 6 22c light- 140 He; springs . 20 4? 24c; broilers 13 . . 24c; Pckin while ducks 22c; Col- ,ored' nominal; turkeys, alive fl unions steady, local ilBBW. rotatOAs ' Mlea'v ' XI 95 A 1 S irk - . - , CHICAOO. Oct. 14. () Hok receipts 12,000; nneren; early market strong; spots 10c Msbet. ! Later trading lower; mostly 1$ ' V uu iirui UK-is lUU i:- ! IDB sows; pigs scarce; arounil i j... . t n i - .k-t. steady: too 112. lj for choice Zzi to 290 lb. averages. C;attle receipts 2,000; '. fed steers In meager supply; best of ferings held at 116.50 for, med ium weight; calves steady with outsiders paying 110.00 'tor as sorted lots; few western - In cluded; mostly butcher stock.: Sheep receipts 20.000; tat mbs fairly active; fully steady; choice 78 to 80 pound range imos iit.isoii.vv: eariy saiea ewes 5.60fi.S5. , Ilutterfat Price SAN FRANCISCO. Oct. 14. CP) Buttertat f.o.b San Francisco 62 He TRAVEL IS EASIER WITH MODEKX DRESS LONDON, Oct. 14. (API Lord How much simpler traveling has ' become since the advent ot mod.- bration of tho Baltimore and Ohio railroad here. Cylinder-shaped leather' bag used tor transporting hoop skirts: "vanity cases" a large ns cjgar boxes, lined with color. er, and a "Crystal Palace" trunk lent variety to the display. The trunk, a relic ot Florador day was a veritable labyrinth of Inaccessible small drawers, corner and pocket none of which was large enough, how ever, to hold a pair of shoe. For reanlta ns Nw 01 Ad pet fcr& YoOTES Night and Mominf to keep , them Clean, v-iear ana ..ny Write far Fr "Eye W or "Ey Bcowiy" Boli M.U.D.ri.--okW5uCU-. 2Mt , T ..,)