I 1 ' ? ( TaGE FOUR The Klamath News Fakir.!, aery orilf .sew f-alllaklcc Compaay ( 1-Ji twain rift unctuuil rii, Orrsoa. ' - i rtrlrlaj raaer a Off of Klaaa- aib Fall aa4 KUaaath Com. j rmtWa Otw Editor .m riaa . Ad. Mai at iiMUirrfo katiu Lrfeellt April 13, 127. Iw-llrm-d by eawrler. ao M larll.ereat fcy rsrrter, tea tMltxd ''I amail. wear B 0 ilplloa Bayard la advaara. Kale re ea4 cUm mailer ( tw pu.uiffira at Klamais falli Orrfia. Kolr IS. 12. aolrr a'tofXarck J. 117. Trtrfaa aT Hkr Aadrt Dareaa tlrcwlatloa YOU.NC LIVES THROWN AWAY. , F.very year. ,7.000 child- rn i. the t'nited Statea are m.,lei'To-n to death.' in j 1; . . the r-tt. by molr car. ' i - II l.k -UmV u,..n en- irifTpopuiaiion oi S smaij ' ity. Ui'kle.s drivers are to be blamed. But there are other factors, tow. and not the b-a-st of. them is par- ntal neglect. Children miouiu oe irainea caret uu In Klop and look before dashing across a thorough- , , Jfey huld not be al- lowed to play in the street wlji. It have become as dan- Ri-rou these days as the : rfiii wad tracks. They rivxild be taught politeness, t'iii toward drivers. Often l : , e- na.e seen impuaenv yangsters crossing streets i:t :tne middle ot a block. al by their attitude or i.rds defying drivers to hit tpi. iThrre seems to be a trait iil fall of us to "beat the car .-.fross the street." If we ' sui; a chance to make the ifposite curb even though tkere be otily one automo. tlie moving along the street, vtro are tempted to hurry 4 ij e- Tt crotw ahead of it. Perhaps i'J Jh only human. - Drivers have a tremon- Near rtbooK or wherever child- rin are congregated, the ut- dt precaution taken to safeguard these fllt OB hi, fari. ,Dd rolI. lllle lives. inc npon him. 2 Uut it doesn't all rest ' I ... KVOWftAT Pr:MH.KTOX. I iu.n the dnvers. pe.ndletox. C.. Oct. 12. I 0 (AP -Bad weather In tb Bine A TALE OF PURE IVORY mountain ha. bronchi a bait to the road buildlnc program of tb ' Itoneheads are alike the.'!"' "7'" Dd - Bt0lw batilinc their way ott ot the world over. Kut the prize hl!la throoch .now drifia and tfory of ivory, ivory all the way through, comes from - I ' . ' , Die important French port W Ia: Havre. ; j The' French tennis play-; rsi, who beat our boys not long ao, in the big tour-jj-iment, landed on their be fiivcd French soil. With Ou-m they proudly bore the Davis cup, the famous ophy which thoy won and liiih is to be stored in aris in the keeping of the mm h iation I.awn Tennis asso- until next year s lay." "M. Cochct." said Mon Ictir Ivory. ."ThiK is a cup. is a filvtr tup. It is a utiablo cup. It cannot ins the customs until the uty has been paid upon M. Cochet and his fellow , iiiiis players protested and tplaincd. Two aliinet liiiisters explained. The ic presitlent of the cham- ir of deputies explained. 1 lo no purpose. Finally rji: cliief of the customs 'jivii'e at Paris had to be iniiniinit uted with, j Poor old Job had many rialif. Rut he escaped one. l never had to wrestle jith Monsieur Ivory at a TH Ec aratau , ,h(, kBfienl pme the . ' r Pop'- They were also gods. There i evidence that the ascisti of modern Rome are aping the ancient city. They have made t( Mussolini their (aear.- They. too. want him to .be aaeroaanct. InVide'Ttaiy. their job is tay. He uho poke tan at Renito the great, he who criticize him, or speaks lightly of him. can be beat en up by fascist! bullies or M-nt to fascist! jail, or ex riled to' bare rock. in the Adriatic. But the Benito idolatry does not xtop at the frontier. It goes into other land. It take umbrage at tditonal. It shies at joke. , . . . It i shocked br down. The other day a little tie-ring. circus came to Sarajevo, the tragic town now included in Jugoslavia. ahere fanatics assassinated n Austria, archduke and thus started the World war. ... - . . In the course of his job. the cJown jn circuj , t tni ,ti j i. KmiI Vurklini h.ver)-boJy laughed ex cept the Italian consul. He at once went to the perfect , of Sarajevo and lodged vigorous protest. The poor cM c,own XqA hu j)b was fascist idolatry satis fied. ' If you envy a man's rightotwn'w the n , y chance t0 bffome , cynie hnd Kon him Some persons seem un able to have a skeleton in w;e ciomri Hitnvui raniMiK fc At this season you can't ;tell whether that feeling is appendicitis or mince pie. o How in the world does a weak tire know there Isn't a windbreak within a mile? r lll hHKI BY OWX AI TO stokaxe. Wa.k.. Oct. li. - i b" OWB aatomoblle Vhlck he crank- td whUe , ., Arnold wa. reported io a aertoaa eoDrtltlon Pltal here today. When the marhiu? atarted trim ita car- bankment. Arnold ran ahead of It and dired down the bank in fallen timber. . The aeaaoa of j ""'1"!'"" ,b "norteM ' th Toll (ljte-rayton road will mna completed for another 1 year. R EINIT se.llt THE RII.KS I Tiro lil-n of teller golf la lo ihnnKCi one nonl to Another "ond do II In mr, a Klven niiDiher of .froko.. Tim. lo clinnce (Hlf TO MKV. In three alrokea, '(W, HOW, III.W, IIKV. S-Vou tan c-hnnfre only one . letter nt a llfne, ! ! Von ntuii hare a romplole wont, of common u.unge, for each Jump. Hlitnp; norila and an-lu-evliill'itia don't ronnl. 4 Tim nt-fler of letter rannof lie I'liniiRcil. Thr aolutlon I printed on (pgo , , . Did You Evcf Stop to Think? fly KDSO R. WAIT : J rat ih to ax bwata-ea a rlly W lo in-' ly to lo i-' of the local i lt ery .... aao creaae Ike ctrralatwa HMwn 0 they go bi la aeark Iowa, and tkroach ike rwaatry and draw. tbaa lk'lr a Mtjr Tbal ofra ih. kaiaa mtm do aoi aadontaad asd spnvtai. th Talae of Ih frTir that tkf awBT r.od.r Tilt II lkr 3t tb.tr ctt? lo b lt proper piiro la lb morM Ifa aboal time tk.T vokt p a&4 aed basdj vltb ih a.anpap.rv Tkat lb object Ik B.papra kar la mt t maklas a kttrr blcxer. tricftt.r and kavi.r rltr. Nrokpoperv ar. alvaya oa tk. nv , Th, t .fiwll.e iimiMrt for a I. V kv . city l oraaaird tapprt. r f ' 1 j Till Ik iHJTM ((- ; I . I J j a-m aatf taliar ta kiakla I oL, ' ' . J irfraT k(oa orurniira I "' 'V V ; ' I ea on kind ana tk la' k ot II I - "W 1 '-"I oa th. otk-r . 1 -.t,' '! !iar la d.r.inpiar . jok. "There Voti Ar."" totnd Xa- If Bpapn kid ibe asppon rel't moot k Jarioa laranioa is to tky akoold baee from tkelr ea; tke realm' ot comedy. Voatineea tiro rltiieaehip. iber ooald b to it trart parked boom al ike a aoeatica akoal a ntj grow- Orpfceoa tkvii. wb-re h par otic Tk wm'.J aetoo would anea it. Illtioc iv. The aew be bow faat wooJd It crow. Pair Defiant As lnal INears Voanlaaed rroaa lasr Chae) the tate baa olfered allow the yoaac widow and her " 4U w-fc.r "HJ " prorided tbey rentes, and thai . the two bad refaaed. - I Th new MetToToldwrn-Marer Edtaoa Hedce. Beach I taw- fextBre 1. e.eBtially a hira.i,al yer. aald a la elleat woald arand comedy bat li l atacd in a aei trial oa the flnrt derree mnrder of brl 1. aa-k a w lid . . - produce vitneaaes to prore that ae waa in nia ronta vineiana bom at Ike time.Ur. Lllli.ndafei waa abot lo dealk nearly : ml lea away. Mr. Lilll.adahl continard to ln-tt her haitnad wa. .hnf br two men. re.am- a'ly necroea. Clarified adrertialcc Is moraine paper propoiition way. Cm lb New. SALESMAN SAM .U GtR( GTTWO'1 U? f Rolled ktims club, PR'ie TO -THE CU5 t&f,e,50 t THOOGrtT BQOTS AND HER 7ST W -v I . - f -X: ?' , . Yo SEEM TE 1 , SatlW J-i--"'-'.!- I rJSW 6t.V0 7 l.tVJ 6'.tX.- Slit. AM aVettlk. v - - .' I 1 ' H 1 .ii 'iv'. .C) . Viir ' ; WASHINGTON. TUBBS II Surprising! FOR Tut Nuceu 1 BUDO1E witee MT f T,v.e -OO MMd 'nt. I EWCR COW W, BOr,M TO CMCH T W)Ur tuc feov oeROUIsDtO I 1 - WPY? V FEW EAkvOirs fJ v rtOTEf. ,., n lM nft V UlMlt: t?ile- iT -. r THURSDAY. OCTOBER li. 1927. Financial Qiief r s 6 Nt ' !"".'"- . . mjr - t l I""., I !k -"! ' awa"c .. X f i.? " 4- ' ZD ft S Jcj I. Attim i, ik a. prld.Dt .1 lt Saa rtiwlvo ,lotk ,nj hmt rx-fca&c Mvoad OBT 1B xhr I ailed Siat to the x, York .trkasx . At the Orpheus tr. la whl-k Steel ine. hw roai'dy k.t la to. ilaloe -oo. better. H a aide-.9iHtiac nlm lutloa or y. Jluo llerwert'a relate ;. i ,nt,-,. tbal beel a patrol fVit- r. I p!ay- ed btr N-. and K.IMO ll'Kjenl. to tbeir attompt to aa aT1 lath.r asd battery Iral- iic pouremeo. la trie :a.-e oi no. a oiMtacles mi-til m., td.atily. .a l.l bahy v.ld!.l tiiKia litem aad a collie doc th.it Xemeaia. prove a ra, e ni the elf.pcra atth a rmall army of tnrvuBh , molor.rr-le policemen y Irallar. a deiv-rate leap Irom aa aDartm.at wlnIow lo a -rareenin tan la a tuck ici ahoaa hia (kill a aa ath- lete. and other .wjrt-moirinc in- cldentaU. The cat of the new plrtcre I. notable. Including, .u&aujaai .xb two principal., each p!Aij4 i.eorce III raaiett. ,r i.e. flii! nl'.ey. Eddie CrlhSVn' her- Up. Srort trod" llenn.tl. F.lra iMilr. Hilly Raitie anil others o( note. . BUDDIES J cr,i7P-f f-. 1 1 re ;xTliJf- mtc ; e ct ; . c, go . , J am' iv '-th' " Jl 1f - ll 1 y 1 .... ' 7 7 . ' " VI CU MF B.N Mf fcLL THE Z. HK.M' MJOONOfl V . ' Jim Reed Flays Cal Coolidge Regime in Fiery Talk Before Democrats; Given Big Ovation . St.!.!.!.,. V . vi ;- it r. . Th 1 tv'his ftlBmuir.i vo I ttin-- ma 4 t 13 m r-r-la k fw-njft.f Jav A UrJ a ; 1 j, I4rr3i r.t ( Ihnr ftattmT 'liTpr! Karf-a-cnk- tncia tl i i ; eh aa vp- rra!ir On'ral tx. tr it yirr- OTl'K '4JrtUI 0KlBlt ;fiJ k prrbiri lo lb -ob- " 1b th ll.lH SUIN C4 th I Ivcwal rand (! ! triirot.'" Kr4 paMktM oif firohlJittna i-rhttr and :hAtrrl th aatl , as .-.Ir ba. It a. laoasht fci tain? ibat Iti aa ta reaD" t th irHiioc cf dry la-mo- ' mt vba waI4 lik la sappor4 . :rrd bat obtM to bi rl rri iratit Thrrr rr ao rirt a: ion. In thr audirnr which Ihrc ht . to the air and t-brtrril b. ih.t alttrsooa. It vat a. grvat drm . -.ntratitia for the ma a mbj risM ' Tfjn aco iHrnn oat of Ihr . lvawTair NatMtnal rwavpttloa he WiKaMUM bt i.!ikri bt Ucht on til U-m : of eatrn. , rnil1 at tb great ibpooa ami arttUttut -llludiu lu tbe la-' c-tta rearalir.K tl prnul?Bt , h- i.afcd into aa ttak oa ib i iHtlhtra aJmlnut raivoa. i ml l lutast I 'T;m ar ni, ot:rn r.jw. fr a tn a.Hinctoo " l'.af1 Ilf rail. 1 M,1l,ft- tb. arvb .nTr(r.r tit tbi m.nyrtj la r- - t- " ; AtJrt I! Tall t- ralld a bT(l-il ' 16 of .V r tt ratltl ' dl "ti t ' "M-Mlon -ian.l atri! the cur. rao:ri iihil-t the Ir-M'nt u. ii a' l riiowtone trtnt with a.irm or TnJt the tT'boIt- ' a-ftt-rt or ari i hmtinc run."' KeM ivaid. H- r"ral!ed wmf of th pr-n-rinal evnt f th Cot H dee ait- ministration "IlfW t:.uitl the ra-w-" h a-jK-d. "Truta roiiliiplr. and the Pr.-i-" ideal ot hfMne to inter f-F.. "Moaoroly rrow, fat, and the I'revi?nt doen not rhne to at. Information Wanted Not Interested, But t'snb&jiHi&' ar ft. ru-rd ml ( arrucaatlr mj-ae tb-tr aarth kI ; aaJer the rot-tKia tf the eraai4?at. n ib- rrulc-nt ' hoiar to anrr.e ('oaaaiiavhiii are aad hf j ia.rettl t-aiti and their at-! torn . that ta:rad of beiait IuMiJ.a of tU pahltr. thr? btr b-rxiae ttittiimet.ia of i.ppar ea and of ror.i. and th lr- tOrat fh.nr a do Ibe partial " Mavor bf Citv (.etsJail Jolt- 44wBtlt.akM from rc ()r ) led them to enter a rep; ton a ad apreal t thr ?i htrh rcrrt The apt! aaii'tnaiir ilir te ult ia a t.tv f t -titfon of th k-oieoce It aa believed r'fiatn. hoar ever, that at T-a4 one of nevrrul p.a.tbU mir mill ! made til ottft Ihitall before the wprrOie coart d-ttcn U mad 1'rcw rator William If Rem ind rf tal pnt-rjttra mh hand.rd th rdifa .'ainrl that fMvall v aw'omi'irjlir n-movrd from of fice h t .e prtw-o-d!Ks bU at-If-r.itxia U'beo both "i.r- of Ibe. roiv imveratj had b-rn pr-eat-d to Judce Shtrlejr, he dlmc1 to in terfr.. ay tuc "Jademat h:i btea rendered " Itarti r J Mtdtr orfirv Derail a t- If irallj- barf ed arlth Kjrtrmt puh'.tv- of f te tpffure ht 'l'iioa b iritr tn rr.urn fr rh .rotitribui.oD to hK ra8)(ui:n fund and politl'-, q plM.rt lie d''Hiel t he ' t-hariee. and hll ba? adQiitied he ar-e-t- ; rd $1 . frm an Indtanjindi pil.f(i iia twfore liitf .autttaiKU. h j a-rt-d he riariM n t-t aaM . he nm!d not ar-ejt toe olh.B- : lion it ent uled ith-r altuetkor ti xUh d t!;at Dural promlrd Hi tr rent f ' hi aprrotntraeni. lo the Ka Kl rtlao In-fure he wa vlvrted, and !h.it h - ioll1ted nmnejr for mak - ' Inv the appolntmenis. Many of the atate wtttn-pws were wen a tut atd they had te-n promised Jb ! and did not tcrt ihom For Mle -old papers. Tall at ' Ktamath .ea. , ' V-JACC. Co KfTC frAOT (r)MILe VOO'RC 7i w . k ..sf.'-r .T V K ' '.rj '. -a- J " t' W.U'U. YCU J t'.CJtU K V T Myi. ir. tw; ( -J - iT OOM'T V.w ENMOllS.BRlOC SltvER.ME SCYM, Mi EMPt-OWTt vur mm. V mS a. li' ' . ' Expert On Light -aWtl lir AHmt; A Mi N..fi ao ld f anted m Irri'M of the I til Vw-t i r of t tll(atEi. i i I'rt'tt dent, f 1 1 f . lo nd imKitlr.. t omplt i;iif t' i 1 in n ' to iiM'.i-f ur.nt the v- h it) o( lii-M tnJ tmttrje iiie nhrr di.n' t,'"' of ilu- Kui-i'tti iloorv H- tll thrti a Hrm v - 1 lM ' " n t Nan Jj.int and M! Vi!..hi to obtain an a . mt4Ip h- tv 101 ht irew-t lUht r-timiti-of I r mtl a "tid Same Trice forover35ijea)s 25T"S25 t'SE I.KsS THAN OK m:urn rnK.i i) krandi Why Pay ) War Prices? THf. C.t.'JI VT r;i Mil m ? i; Httr.M s WOO G'-RLS r . - VTil . l Vet die-. tWT 11, iV In mtn i. iru 5lV(S. Too OINNG'COUiA Til To MlOW TO WUN M( iel WW , t, T- N I 17 Ikat - J - M V r B. ft a " . "N. V- at p.f. av yvi afcSaVi.l THF KLAMATH NEWS Standard Dyer and Cleaners for IWler Appear a aco" lldarlea Oeaalaf dae-Day Mrrtltw Kiperl lljreUg MOD Ip!anade St Tliono 825 Klamath Printing Company f.r all mill iJ rami. form, j...... I.af ir.'ema, talllluaj . t. an.) nfftio tatl'mery. 522 Klamath Av. Phone 1282 ess: a Howard IL Pcrrin Designs and Plans INDUSTRIAL AND COMMERCIAL BUII.DING3 lloik ItlAk. It ano-J STAGES lento rttamalh I'alla Ilally H a. in. (.v".t HuaL fur Ml llllll.l, M ll.IV Al TI It I Mon. Wed. FrL Ml lll:ll I. l tl.lt Al.TI II III Ml hi htWII.I K rw IN-liie.l Itrtlr ka la ele.l. Terminal Stage Depot m.l Mala HI. J-hua BOO CU.-iit.il ailv.rtlalnc la a ftiomdla i'Jt-.r inn.ltloa al- ... , . ,., Hy Small "J ?V af 1 1 - vi7r By Martin 4 W y' 0 Bv Crnnft V ;im' i iR"ii Tte i 111 AP 1uAt rciia. !t UC. KIND VCrVT.' J r 64m.4 port. u u a "t --r '.O-"' IP