The Klamath news. (Klamath Falls, Or.) 1923-1942, October 11, 1927, Page 8, Image 8

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Hi School Debate
'goo, Oct. 10. Web school d
bait tram ar beginning to or-
tb. districts orr the
IUU. Th district debate will
tuk place attor the wlnttr holl- 'Spanish American and a tour of
a... ni. ..... rf.k... i..'. i.'; be aouthern l otted State aboard
to bo held oa the L'olveraltr cf
... . , ,. '
. i. c,,, ,bout mMl
(,, heen amnred to leave ban
Tha question for the different Francisco on December IT.
debating dlatiicta ha been an- ( The combined tea and rail toa
nounred. Tho Columbia rlvor dls-.wlll rover a period of titty dare
trl.-t will take up the question.' nd lll t personally escorted.
Reeitmd. That tha nollcv of fed-JThe t-ur will Include alalia to
ral anbaldlea to the itat, ac-
eompanled by federal .up rvl.l;n.
abould be abandoned. Northern,
Willamette district naa in que-
iiob, nesoiveo., mat me initca
Stat ahould cancel all the allied
war debt Incurred before the
alpine of ih. .Tmi.iir. Middle I
Willamette ha Ih qnaatlon, Re-
olvtd. That th. cabinet Wtem ,
of state government ehculd be
adopted In Oreg.n. Resolved,
That th principle of the Haugen
farm relelf bill ahould be adopted
by congress (constitutionally
ranted) la th question of the
outhern Willamette district,
Coc Bay district has th qBC-jh
tloB, Resolved, That Oregon I
h:u!d adopt a srstem of old age ;
penaions; southern Oregon dia- wl.rre they will be taken on a! "Th eastern Indian are not
trkt the question. Resolved. That , en-tnl'e tour of the moat beintl- ueh a pur raeial atratn. and aro
ihu child Ubor amendment toi'u' r,Ut ,B ahlonabl resorts harder to icgregat aa to tribe,
tb federal cinstltntloa .hould jW' fu'' 'f?!?' lo"r . oa accou ,qf, the way they were
b, .doptcd. South central Or," ,U""dI ,rouE,,
Son district will debate on Re-ibrano,;,. brilliant MardI Gra ln ,te ,,rly da5r"- For ,n,;
ralrcd, That a. plan cf divided j when "King Joy" reigns. niany of th Oklahoma
vttMlon of the legislature ahould; A i special train will transport , Indian of today, originated In '
In adopted In Oregon. Resolvedsthe tour p?.rtr through Louist in ! Tennessee and Georgia."
Tl at Oregon should provide by t'lcn.-o on to Aiiinna where1 Coming back to the local gr iup
law fcr development and owaer
alilp of hydroelectric planta will
furnish controversy for th north
central Oregon district.
' UanaUIla district will debate
tho. question. Resolved. That the
Jury system .hould bo so changed
' 1
aa to permit a, verdict by
than anantmon ballot; northeast
era Oifgcn district tha question.
Resolved. That aa Income tax
la a desirable feature of a state
ay-stem of taxatl:n- ' '
Th officers ot the sigh school
debate league are: President, B.
H. Cookie, principal of Medford
high vEc(iqoU secretary . Dan E.
ClarVvYeJtr'ot hietJiJf ( if .W "yi . pi -s: . The ' ex
Ant Icq rliHimitt3 U iisifKi ot
Arnold Jlennetl.JfjirtijfYejraent of
' the Valverslii; C. II. " Howard.
state superintendent of .public In-
si ruction. . md.
Cornelia. MaTfln,
Mate i librarian,:
Chiloquin Trial -
:C; Rearing Verdict
it' INiur VM' '
lotn agoata.- The aUempt,. they ,
Mid. wa unsuccessful'.
Other government witness" 1
lectaded Federal Proh'.Mtlon Of-
flctr L. O. Shirley. Depity Sher-'
ff- U-C Mu:l!er and fulled
iae Commiacloner Bert C
Gill, who tock the stand In
bis own behalf, vehemently de-j
filed having sold liquor to the un-1
dercover men. He also took oc- j
casion to point out that the Chll-;
ocuin chief wa not h'.s brother-:
In-law. i
. . Befense Witnesses ,
Other witnesses for the de-
fens Included E. L. Pitcher, W. ;
Burns, rfllDII fruiii., ' r. if . i
Sviope, Johnny Crovo.
n , j. .
Mcboll, E. Colendar and F. C
Van Dyke. :
. These men attempted to cast
tb federal .tool pigeon. They ,
,...if!.rt .h.. th. Tdentltv of the!
two undercover men wa known
and that the pair had been seen
bo the streets of the reservation
community drunk and with liquor
ln their possession.
At the Pine Tree
Th flv act bill to grace the
rostrum of th Pine Tree Theatre
Tuesday and Wednesday com-
prlses several good comedy ofler-
Ings and omo noveltle that aro
well worthwhile.
Tb show Harts with Chas.
Rubtnl, a e'ever balancer who
eperlalltea In tome neat chair and
taMe stunts Ibat border on the
- In a blackface comedy offering
fitone and Clark, two boys with
a splendid routine of chatter of
th topical variety and some
specially written numbers arj
euro to be a hit with vaudeville
Tex Martin th roping comed
ian does some rlnrcr stunts with
the hempen circle and has a fund
of read hnmor lo uncork.
In "Meeting Sister" Chas. and
Tna Maeavoy. an elongated comed
ian and dlmiuutiv Ml Garn
er Irrngh vlth the many funny
Mutations. Their burltuquo song
teler.tlous, too, are (urv lo win
favor. "
The Muslnal Coopers with a
variety of liiKtruim ols offer the
latest in pneopailttn in a1 novel
way." Tho Cooper present their
act In somewhat different and
pleasing manner.
'Northwest to,
See Countries
on Long lour
iclall A crul.e by water aboard
tho paMtlal Panama Mala liner
; . .ii.l . .,1 In .k-
Pe-,lal train of on hundred
prominent men and women, real-1
dent of Waihtngton and Ore.n.
eeven countrlea and will be the
i ino-t extensive tour ever tearing
the coMt
s,n ,,, , 0( u
passed scenic grandeur, la the
srhednie of the tntir. Ttila la
the first all "Pacific Northwest"
""ir that the Panama Mail Line
ver arranred. and It was
! decided upon following th auc
f 1 1 I irlM ih.i .
vrr he ,,, roumrte, ,Mt ye,r !
The trip Include visits to en-:
cheated Mexlro, beautiful GiMte- j
mala. mvii.or. Nicaragua. Pan-
ma g"r tiavana. ine trip
j - awasrI.!in.H.
j "ra " and Havana U th
. h, . -,.-..,
After leaving Havana, the party !
will r-r.x-eed to Miami. Florida, j
viauji u dv mHae to ine wunu jwauiog trial, tne attorney mn
famed historic and scenic center .j a$ h, recounted th wav they !
f the state. Arrangement have rnUe,vorlng to put In the!
been made for onerous atop- , M f h Klamath In
over prlvleee In all the conn- ... , "
i- vlfrMit anrl lha trtn htm
been r.rranged for aa all expense
tour, with world-famed travel ex-
tul an.JnMln. Ike wu.M met.!
acieocing 10 an toe arrange-
Klamath Indian
Girls Acquitted
; , ' V Owing- to tk akiw5o a. Judge. J
by Juijge C. F. Ptoas nnd Edward argumcuta on a demorrer to an
B. Aanurst or Klamath Falls. , Indictment flld'ib) fcttorneys for'i
Arwa rhargnl :A'" '"'j. K. Wheeler, "former publisher
Formal eharga against ttie girl ofTri"'',ortrait Ttracmd ;
wa arson. . iit government-con-
tenile'd thai the maidens. dudIIs !
at, lb Klamath' Agency achnoi; j
rer, llred qt hooks; thst they
I wanted fo return to their parents
and flayt win. ; ;''' "
pa Mircb'SO. ' the dnnnlntoi'y
uTldlHg was rated to a myterr
ous.flre. Att' lnrestigatioa by the
.government .led to the atTeat of
the .12 girl and t tielr asbsequent
' Indlrtmeat by the Portland fed
eral grand Jury:
J. :y .ilelgerson, , deputy Coitad
i States yistritt'attnrney'coaduf'ferl
: the ere for the government.
The girls were discharged
fom the rustodv of the envern
mrnt and were retarnlag today
to thslr various homes on the
Klamath Indian reservation.
The care has attracted wide
spread attention throughout the
Pacifl; northwest states, not only
becauw of peculiar circumstance
connected with It but because the
defendants were Indians.
!rol,LEOK, Corvallls. Ocu 10.
Two students from Klamath Fall
" T" " 'vr"""" "a
the. Beaver staff for 192S. John
ninmii?. aupuomore in loreeiry
and Robert Montgomery, Junior
vocational education, have
been chosen as aasistants on the
circulation stait. ine Hearer is
la year book of approximately 440
' pages, requiring the efforts of a
staff of 118 student. It I a
full-dre-s review . of tb year'
life, representing tho dignity, the
beauty, the versatility, the gaiety,
the tradition, th sentiment, and
the solidarity of Org.a State col-
.. .
Shoe Repairing
While You Wait!
lauikh' iikki. wpkitamst
im So. sixth st.
Leave KUiinalh Fiilla Hall)
8 a. m. (except Sonlii)) for
Mon Wed. Fri.
New Rcdnred Rale now In
Terminal Stage
flirt Mllln Ml. Plione IHMt
Attorney Tells
Of Indian Races
MKDFORn. Oct. "All In.
dtana da not belong to tho Kmc
.race, nnjr wore tnau they belong
to the Mm tribe." Mid Attorney
Kdvrard Aabuct. chief counael tor I
. ... ,. vi.,.,.,h i,lun. !
: . ... i
. . . . . .
chimes, that are being heird IB
I federal court here. " Tor Inatanc. I
there are Klamathlana. Alen-
rlana. and Inxjiwlana. v. ho are no
more alike than an Iriabman and
' Norwegian.
"I'nder the Klamathltn dlvle
Ion are the Indian of Oregon.
Waahlngton. California. Arisooa
and aom parta of old Mexico.
Included In thia earn race are
he Eskimos. You get the aim
llarlty between these various
tribe In their language, their
mode of living, and their nttlve
The quickest way
lo learn their language I tint toi
tudy, or absorb thetr phlloaophy.
It you put yourself In an In
dian' place, and learn lb way
h think, you'll find yourself j
eiperleaclng your thought lo hi
language too.
"In the Jtlrenrt.nn divtalnn are
(he tribe known aa the Crowe,
pia.kfvet. Wlnmbogo. and alii
! ,h" tht w ruD cro" " ,n i
n1 ' " - The!
Iroauol" ' "
.found In New York. Canada and j
,h northwest portions of the
United Statea.
,r,n ,h P week ,h T lrlou .
famllle. have taken trips out In- ,
tf the. r mil till 1 W Cm lit tW f A
" ' i
se ine sigau.
Others have enjoyed the local 1
movie, and aom ar content to
I lake walk and
"think over their
i ! rouTLANrr'Oct'. rp
Emw -Olmnead-lorau-x ..nxeal-
.iee kr tha VnrthwMt.rM v.nnH.i
lunk." will not be heard antil
October 17. Tha lndlctmanta
charg ' misapplication ' of haak '
fund. '' o .'.I'liiTT.
,; 1926
Ford Roadster
': v. $265.00
Chevrolet Rdstr.
Overland Coach
. $275.00
Ford Coupe
Buick Touring
Chevrolet Trng.
Chevrolet Trng.
See Our Used Cars
at Our Used Car Lot
Used Cars with an
O. K. that Counts
8th and Main
College Debaters
Thre l'n!vorsty cf Oregon delsttcr will sail from San Fran
cisco Oct. 11 on tha first colliiKlate arund-t!ie-world delude ever
undertaken. These young men. Ilenolt MrCrrikey I upper left I
Avery Thompson trainer) and Jaek llemiuteid I lower, right I lit
erally will "ulk their way around the world." earning their on
way by defattng and lecturing. At Shanghai and Manila they will
take negative sides aKUinat picked lalki'ra for national liberties from
foreign control. Other point ot which they will debate are ahoa
oa the map.
At the Hotels
WiLLIARP HermonU J outer
J. C. Prlcemom. LotiN KnttfttR.
gan Francisco; C. F. llensd.
Portland: Hoy Tabor, Ontelle;
J. Harold Robinson, flerkeley:
R. II. Cornell and wlfo. fortlaud;
11. Merrill, A. II. Ellett. C. A.
Buck. San Francisco: A.- I'. Mont
gomery, Portland; T. W. Taylur,
Medford: Mr. and Mrs. T-ylor.
Medford: Mr. and Mrs. S. II.
Calvert. Seattle: Mr. and Mrs.
Henderson. Seattle: II. P. Ras
mussen. Medford: A. i. Mherrtll.
Portland: C. Slyter, Portland;
time tq think of v , e'
cited aauBstassriDgllaai
buildiojai sod .urrouedieg propertTt'TWis is BO thought
give toilio( esfiiawra ad Mseka of paper. Ooly with
GF All.lrlS.Ir-th aalw Ibat b saved lu cooKofs
throutb aeorea of raiug trctwr your records really tela.
Tb L'oderwritcrs' label is your assurance el protection.
A amy?
, For Sale By
Phone 93
aa-au.mjaia ... xui alr
By Wearing Kayser IIo3e
Exclusively at
Ladies' Ready-to-Wear
McCarthy Cldg.
Will Tour World
n. F. Kauffman. Weed: II.
R. ,
iPrlntlee, Medford: Mr, r.
'Powell, Rolse: Frank Lacey. Seat
tle. Jess Gilchrist, Isom Sllulon.
J lti- .t'linin, Coqullle. , .
i . T-J -r .'
TKMl'Klt.VNt'K 1IKS.
I . I . ; . r.
1 SAI.F.M. Ore.. Oct. 10. (API
Mrs. Emily Vindervort. It. Wil
lamette valley pioneer, and a
le.'.der In the temperance move
mi'nt In the atate lor nearly
three quarter of a century, died
at her horn hurt tonight after
a week's Illness.
"IA1ST: At th Front" the
different" war comedy. It can
he found next Thursday.
Firemen fry to save lives.
mZ Safe
gives you 24-hour
protection every day
Turin Fire Prevention week glv
thought to th safety of your reoordt.
A CF Bar msr placed at the
poiot of uve, vow are oot hampertd
by the location of a vault, and th
protcetloa afforded is poiitiva.
132 So. Fifth St.
118 No. 7th St.
George, Mary
Receive Legion
Continued froeu Paao (hie)
can on llielr own ground nmi
lun.le them feci quite at home.
tieorge" trounera wer rronned
at th sides. Instead of down
Ihtt middle. .
Awkward Courteay
Most of Ih women attempted
tc curtsey lha queen, 'anine
hlevlng a real aucceaa but othaM
perfnrmliig awkwardly, (heir
head (waylng from aide In liV.'
(nd their baud trembling.
The first woman to meet the
king wa punted. She it Id a t
know whellier to .ahuke hnmls
liouldor high or lu I lie. Anieil
can fashion. King (leorge. realtx.
Ing her plight, held his hand low
and gave Hi regular t'lilind
State liaudshake, and that win
the order of Ih day.
"I hope the fog has no:
anolted your plans." th king re
marked to Savage. '
"A fin looking lot," Km
George auid. looking over
Klny tirtMS legionnaire
When Frank Kehnbel, a blind
l.ajclonnalre. entered the nutll
ence room, th king went straight
lo him. greeted him first and
asked bow he hvl Inst hla aighl.
The quern, overhearing the
story, left her plac at the head
of th line, atrpped forward ami
without aaylug a word pressed
Schnbel' hand.
Uueea Mary was dresned In a
hlgh-ne-ked fawn-colored . gown
which reached the heel. A mint-
Mechanically perfect;
good rubber--
' $350.00
MovejfKfin 3000
Sati sSied In vector c
?: Find Security
In ThriEt .
Steadily accumulating dollar on dollar by regular saving
nd investment, the practitioner of thrift feels secure in the
knowledge of a comfortable balance in the bank, and a
wsdy income from permanent investments.
More than 3,000 preferred sluircholders of The Califor
nia Oregon Power Company know this feeling cf security.
Mort of them are numbered among our 25,000 customers,
and are satisfied TArith their investment ns they are with the
dependable utility service they receive. Their money goc
directly into permanent, useful public utility properties.
It is easy to become a preferred shareholder in this
progressive public utility. As small a sum as $10 a month, .
CAtniHtA etcom
THE California Oregon Power Company
, her of women remarked aticr
, ward:
"The qitoen l lr more t
Iraellvr Ihnii her pictures indl
ente." 1 lit K l:.TIM.( IMIIK'll
' The fir department s called
out for Hie flrat lime thla month
when It answered a call at 1
o'cloik yeslerdty from the Mills
I Addition Halt. Th small tiro
wa caused by a defective fluo
and was extinguished before the
engine arrived. There was no
damage. I
thc more baking powder
Contains more crcain-of-tartar
than any other brand.
and gives yon more for '
your money, too for it comet
in full pound and half-pound
tins (not just 12-o.
" nntf 6otz.)
S c h ill ing
Tea i extract JH&'i flpicet Coffee
fell it hi in. i. laaii... us., t.i
systematically put by under our monthly
investment plan, will enroll you as a
satisfied investor.
A copy of this 1 6-page book, describ
ing and illustrating the properties of
The California Orep.on Power Company,
will be cent to you on request, together
with complete information about invest
ment in the Company's preferred shares.
Grants Pus . IWburg . klamath rl! -Oregon
yxk, Durumuir-CalifomU
For rervnlliin I'lionu 10FI1
We rider lo private parlies
nmi luiuiiieia
Olenc Hot Springs
Chicken Dinners and
14 Hour
Ten mile on I
at bid Olnno
For result New Claa Ada.
Tiimntintum iu
1 pound
for results as New class Ad