TUESDAY, OCTOBER 11, 1927. l'AGK SKVKN I Two Cents a Word Each Irutrtion Tolrpboae HI Two Cents. I a vvora tOR SALE, REAL ESTATE FOR SALE FOR RENT HELP WANTED C3 THE KLAMATH NKW Z&g WANT AO PAG EM avJ . . t N : Koch ln.xertion rrl j relephoe BTV j CLASSIFIED AD RATES Two rami par word nib Km id It primed Smlia ad run on week 10 par cant itJarouiil. Hanm d run nna month in par cool discount TELEPHONE 877 TIIK III" M til HPT fl,A( TOR SALE'. REAL ESTATE I'Oll HAl.K Kurntrlind now six room houan; eavy terms pwu nr. S ICIdiiradu. comer F.a plnnadn. i-tl' KOTU'K Of lltlMl HA I.IC 8oa!, proponale will he r ! culveu by Ilia Common Council I of thn City of Klamath Kjlla lor the punhaae of atroot and sewer improvement bonda aggro aalltiK 1611,0411.07. aulliorl.rd by I Ordinances 1)41 and 042 of tlm J City of Klamath Falls, for the construction uurt linprovniaunt of j ! i nns allium ln Klarnuttt Full. i Oregou, aa follows: 5 Improvement Hull No. 1 audi Klichlh Hewer Unit, all ia morel t. fully appears on tho pinna and (iiniiriiailon on filu slut ln ft I olic 1 t llf . l'T: p "in p juiiko in inn uitiiior or Improvement' of :Ui afon-i Cuila. 'ruposala lo nuriliaun an Id jlioudi will ha rocnlvml by tin, ( tind ralgutxl up to and Including ' the :4th day of October, 1927. jr. l thn hour of II o'clyn p. t.'i I tit aul.l day, and upri.M nr V j regular lucntlm of ins Common I ft.ounril immediately thereafter:'1 , W bonds ahull ha dated Not cm- , ler I. 137. and ahull bo Issued , -Hn lhe nnionnt of -gftoo.o -eaeh ' I 'Bud dita Inn years after dais of ' luuu, payments of thoi entire .bond optional at any ooupnn pay ; Ing data on and alter ouo year. Kald bnnda will hear Interest at j I ha rain of not lo exceed alx ; .' par rant par annum, payable mml-annually on November and ' May lat. of nach y.ir. principal 1 j end Interest puyabla at llin arilcr . i of thn Trnnauror of tlio City of . Klamath Falls. Oregon, nr at the jjofflco of tha Fla,-al Axnncy of f the Ktat of Ornrjon, In New ' York City Y.irlc Alt oMMihi mtiat b unoondl-' llonal and accompanied by n eerJ I llllol chm k for tiro pV cent of j tun uittiiiinni. , Deal.. with a ri,.,a; 'I I I . I! V . ACCOUNTING Accounting Auditing UOWARD H. MKTCALF 111 South. Fifth Bookkeeping Income Tax Service BATHING' TUB SANITARY HTKAM AND . S1IAWER BATTU ; "For Your Health" Opno nrcrt day II I. It. to 1 midnight, except Monday 1719 Main Ibh- lajhr (to mjecl any nud illi ' ' , , , I Ir"M 1 bAantepV 'i"'M MORE ilAKKH; ' 1 ill l,M ,K c.. RCllWAKHKItllK II H It (1 E N- - "of Kfatnirh'",?.' oil A"i,r'- 0n,?l4J.vr- ell ,ln.I?i ii.irhln ii n')wi' l'r'ly night In Bsno -n 'fi? ! Vienna nn.l oih.r part, of the. " ,V.llu, , l.,i,..ii i Balknirt. iHlinok Ihlai town-t;rty CLEANING & DYEJNG MINING ENGINEER ' I HK.VKV 31. l.AM'ASTKH KLAMATH rLRANIXO . Mining; Engineer i DVB WOltKM Amerlcnn Conservatory of Una . : no "". united Statea Mineral Surveyor ! Cleaning and Pressing ,or jne ,,trct of Oregon "Wo Dye to LWo" Offloo: 204 Weat F St. 411 Main St. Phono 409 p. 0. Hot 794. Ornnta Pass. Or , CORSETS OPTICIANS i I ' . . I Nf.ROXK COIIHKT PARLORS A Q O TJ 0 Corsets and corselettns rondo I aa I tl I' tn -measure, gusrnntoed silk U XjjL U U JU lk llngorio nnd silk honoj ... ... MRS.' 0ENET RAND.VLI fyes ExamincJ. Fitted and the" 83S Walnut St., Phono 820-M Glaajrt Gioimd In oua oh wmmmbmmhmmmmM,mm factory to in; your ' DENTISTS ' intlnidujl rrtmtttitmt, . Broken Lenses Replaced DR.' E. 0. WIHRCARVER DR. COBLE'S . . ...111... i 70S MAIN STREET Dontlstrr X-IUy Laboratnrj R,p.,i,i Quid Sttvirt Phone 646 Opderwood Dldg. - pjtySICIANS ' . , 00 PAUL M. R. CARSTKNS, M. D. . ynHllOv Phone 16IO , JT jy f fj.VN. Spoclnl Bttonllon lo' women "'-"SfirjX na children. .A XT C U8 South Fifth St... corner (OX tSClVf XsV'X Fifth nnd Main, Klamath y Jr- Oregon l3klnlj!r I STOVE EXCHANGE S"I0tlT J(0yj f4eo Iho Htovo Man NO-l W.E.FlkUM ( 'ag. m ' P Stove Exchanged , Orflcn Phono 1 18 Mclhmwt Rldg. " Ml1' ' ii . imw.ka 1 14S Klanialb Falla FRENCH'S BARGAINS tlimiMKHS LOTH on Main W. and Hlilh HI. 1135 In 1200 , friipl fl. Close In residence Iota at from 1 10 up , HOMER from 111.00 00 up, olao noiein, nioillilIK nouses, rea. Inuraiila, grocery alora. JI'HN C KIIKNHI CO. ! ItKAl.T'ilt till Klnm.illi A. a. I'lumn H 'li FOR SALE OR TRADE . KOIl KA1.K Oil TKADK For Itora: onr-luu truck. Mnrhan Irnlly mind: now tlrna. J. W Whlthiii'h. Mi.rrlll. Ore. 0-31 FOR HAl.K Oil TKADK Ul nrrna In I.anxell Vunll. y under Irrlmitlim Inquire 813 Alamo da, K Initial U lalln. Ore. 820-O20" TO EXCHANGE Wll.l, Til A UK lii u car for lln, -tiood UMnd.lonr lui'i. Uiilck tlliT-D-3w MISCELLANEOUS WE Pi:cAI.I.K. In concrete work of nil kinda. Onueral . ImlldliiK And contractor, For eatlmalea phonu T. il. Wnntfull, . KwimtnI contractor, 721-W. . . 10-2-2W XOTH F OF .. Acrm XT .01lro Ih hurihy tlvcn . that the undiTHlKned na admlnlatrn trla of the eatatx of Oliver W. Howard, KtiiMttlmna known aa Ollln W. Howard null O. W. Ill wurd. dncoaaiMl, baa filed her final account In thn ronnty court of the alnlK ol Oreaon for Khun ui h ronnty. and that Thiirvluy, the imit duy of Niivnmler, 127, nt the hour of leu o'clock In the r. rniii.on of eaKI day und Iho court ruoiit of r.rtld court Iibn ,mii appointed an thn time and nlat-u for thu pwurlnz of objoc tl me tlmrelo and th wlllement llinrMf, .'. '(.. . 1 liutcd iimi fir Im p" 'H"hed Tu .,du'' lx--.hr' " d, j.- TV. 127 I llllW.Mtl). Aduiluliil lUiU.muculuc cAuniiuc lun coluipm Lof mauy cottuKea nnd Iho dam ugluK of tlliua... Thcnoimlallon.. puulu-ilrlikeu, dld.Jtol tint, re enter their hnmwi today - lSiii iPr Inatlla J(e NBwa Clsaa' Ada. '- . - - " t HOTELS VAI.I.EV HOTEL Ilraml Nenr and Modern All outside rboma Very niodorate rates. 413 riuo St. Ptione 1234 LODGES OVII.DKIW K.XIHAXOK Cents' every ' Jotirth Wed- J neadsy of the month at (:00 p. m. In Legion Rail. i.lrtx.. fl W1 I mm y t Full HAl.K Diamond, one-half carrot. Need tlio money. An awor II. A. -X. raio Nwa. 11-31 II A B V. POUCH I'L'I'H Dnl a bona. C. UICK, 220 Main HI. lo-s-21 IIAIIUITH FOR SAI.B - rodlKmod Flumlah (Iranla and Chinchilla, lao utility doea. I'rlcnd to aull. Hlaklyou ltahbluy, Hi. No. 1. lii'X lit, Anhnud. Ore. 7-4t A HNAP Funilturo lor aaio at liaraaln. Hhnwcaaat. coah r latrr and aafo. ntr.. practically new. Will anil all or part. In- qnlm ut Tlia TugKery. 81 M iln SI. 7-0t UOAHDINO fnrnltura for nl. bine 1619-W. 7-ct- fftltTLAMi, Om.. Oct. io. Cntile and rulveu atrong "to jtnad. CbIv 170. 1 Steera uno to 1100 nannda1 a.,,.,. 8:r.0Wu.0; ditto II 00 t. ; iiiin .........I. u.....i -I. Riiuq no- ditto medium htii lli. up 7.76 ifiJl.Dn; Ofiltimnll U.RIHf 7.7b; iiii i.d rulvna and ywirllnn. 74l .am m u 11114, 0 r.o: lo t IRi noi.d P.ooj.&0; Ihulfera' i;o6d' 7.2ii!8.20; ditto rominon to mi'dliim II. "0 41 7,2b; iowa (tuod' .75i 7.8B: ditto rotn mon to mndHiin no O.TIi; ditto low eutlnrn to rotter 2. fio fT6.no: Imlle, ynorlln exifpted, : boat pnoil .7iiii.3(: iilltto cutler and medium 4. 0i 5.76; rulvee lion Dm. down medium to i-holci-7.604 in. On: ditto culle io tom mou 6.60r7.6u; venlera milk fed Rood to choice 1U.60V 12.6U: ditto medium a.OOd; 10.60; ditto cull to common 6.110 fr. 00. Hog ateady to alronx; re ceipta 2040 Includlnx 3H0 tliroimh. Ileavyweixht 250 and " - Lii 10.00 41 10 76: medium weight j 200 to 260 Ilia, medium to choice . lo.B6i 11.15; llKht weight in' lo 200 Ilia, medium to choice t 10.75(1 11.25:' light llghta 130 to 160 Iba. medium lo choice 10.60 i 11.16: iiacklna hoca rouch and i nmootta 7.00 ii J)0; alaushtcr put t 90 fa 130' Iba. medium :to rholnn lo:60( 11.1)0; feeder and , elocknr plga 70 lo 130 lha. mod-j ium to -choice 11. 00011. 65. I ix,.ft'nr oilv hnra and roaat- Uig pig excluded Ih above n,uo- tntlnna. " ' Sheep and lambs steady; 're- aue ntr. en.. aoairmrt-a.ad 12.0-' dlrad. Rauitaa .vnmt on imi. on nhuro. haaia: Lnmba H4 Iba. down- goeil,M -choice, , .10. G0ll,i0: ' .Utto? medium ,92 lha. down 9.50 Hi lo.to ditto cull, to common. to choice" R.ooir i.60: ditto med- ium to choice 1120 to 150 lbs.) 40ti'5UO' ditto-cnlls to' com- ... i.ii i..h,i .innmioo'. I mon (all weights) 3.00 Markets itGiw lU'TTKH M1RKET I" x 1?,",fn d States gold coin at the office S TI A'l tL Oct 1 ryPI ' ttWnrV ,".n,',e,,Ln U Mv'hjlof ,he Coanty Treasurer. Klam- i POll II. AM), twev. ot. i, m ,, d.r m ! jurni,h a aurety bond la,h Falls Oreaon rWh,0esaln prkea- Butter ex ,n of M of fc, ..ifcjja IU. Oregon. , rt.U nr.',? i-.:t4 - firs?. V ' """" "" ' tn,er lnt led I by a certified check in the prime firsts 4-. firsta . cntrilct for ,!, performance , of amount of 312.660. must bo un- Creamery price.: 1 rl,. I. ,3c above,, he worK bld upon wlthln JO,",;,1 ' ' B cube;, bulterfat 45c f.o.b. Port-dayil Mag notlfled ,nt he f Tha approving legnl opinion of ui . ' ,.,,.. Milk'11" he,'n warnpn lhe COIltr,f.t ! Messrs. Teal. Wlnfie. McCuIlosh lllils to thn farmer: Milk steady. Kaw milk (4 percent) 2 45 rwt. f.o.b. Portland. Ilultrr flit 46c f.o.b. Portland. Ktks steady: fresh mediums 35c; fresh atandard firsts 43; fronh stundard extras 46. Poultry ateady. Heavy hens 2102-': IlKhl 14: springs 20(r 24: broilers 20i 24: Peklux white ducks 22: colored nominal; turko's. alive nominal. t Onions steady, local 764TSO. Potatocs-i steady. '1.26 H 1.S5 suck. KAN FlWNl'.lSCO, Oct. 10. (II, P) Prot'uee:' Duller extras,' 48; prime flrst4,; 45. Kkks: Extras 46; extra pullets 34; undersized pullets 21Vi- . CheesntCaliO Fancy flats 23. Putiiloes: Ttirers 1. 26ffl.lt: Netted (iems. Hdfrl.60. " Poultiy: llrollera 1 to 114 ". 4 0 i I -: fryers. 35; young roost era, 3 lbs. and up. 2Si29: old roosters, 17fi 19:- Loghorn hens. 2Vs lha.. IS ft 20; large colored hons. 2fil. . urnlu: Unrlny foed. 1.85ft 2 05: Red feed o.lts. 1.90fr2.00; whciit milling 3. 104(2.20. CHICAfMI LIVESTOCK MARKET V'llicAflO, Oct. 10, (ff") Hoks receipts 27,000; slow; generally strong to 10c higher on holler grndo hoga; packing sows 10 lo 15c on: plus io to zac nigner; top 11.00: bulk good to choice ISO to 300 pounds averages 11.00ft 11.70. Catllo receipts 23.000: grain fed steers scarce; bettor grades fully steady; pthers steady to wonk; fnt she stork weak with rocout shorn decline; bnfk fed steers It). go; few loads 15.50 l 10.35: vealurs 13. 004i 13.60. Sheen rurcint 30.000: fat lambs very slow; few early sales and bids weak to 25c lower: natives modnrulnly sorted 1341' 13.25: Baking nroitnd 13.60: host relnctlona 13.05: hulk good rung nra rllg'hlb 13.25 Hi 13.50; choice kinds held nhovo 13.76: culls 9.60ji lo.bO: sheep steady: fat owes 6.51)16.25. WHMAT HALKM I'PWARD CHU'AOO.'Ort. 10, (Pi Open ing unchanged to Viff J-8c high er, wheat lalnr acorod general upturns. Corn startiid unchang ed to He oft Ond subsequently weakened all around. . Oata held firm. Provisions wore IncMnod lo sag. it FOK KENT Four room Am. wl'h prlvuto bath. 826 Lin coin, Phono 3')7. ... U-3t i. KOIt IIENT Lr front bed room. ' 4th and Klamath Avu. ' I'hona 1477-W. ll-lt Foil KENT !i room Apl. In uni'lei huae cn pavement. Near Falrvlew achool, 72 N. 11th HI. ll-lt FOR KENT Outalda furnlabad room; on pavement, phono 733-W. - FOR KENT Two 4-room mod ern hiiuaen; 26 00 a-li. 2327 South 6th St. Phono 019. -3t FOR RENT Apartment B 2 4 lllub 81. 9-C FOR RENT New tompletely fnrnlanud apartmenta. Steam Arma. neat; naroitea. Kex Phono 1110. L'iM tl fVT i.eAAm ai f n(aikl1 ' ,narimunt. Cloae In. Inquire , 7m WaahlUKlon. -te a.n npvT v. f,lrnllhed F0" r lmET .Ti x i. "2X2.. ' Phone 43U-W. 8-3t 1TWMB.K?,?i.htS";noo "Vta I thing furniahed, 311. 00. ,. 420 Kwauna atroet. next to Flrat. 10-S-14 i FOR LEAb'K 100 acre irrlnat-' ty Court of Klamath County. Ore ed ranch, glioma View dlntrjct, I Hon, at tho County Court House to roaponalhle party. E. . 0. j In the City of Klamath Fll, Ore-. Argravoa, iZ& Oak avenue. ' Ron. for Ibe purchase of bondl . . gt-t'of aald County . loaned for the FOR RENT Threo room lurnleb-. ed apartment, bath, aieapugjin porch. 02 Washington. . 10--l FOR KENT Light housekeeping room. 41 No. lOtb St. s:s-02t ipartmnnt. imi he"d M- ,.,t ,piir,ni.B,. P,. p.,, .nV, on - ""'n " 1114 NOTICE TO CilXTKACTOUS Nctlce Ij hereby given that ealed l.lda will -bu received .Iry the County Court of KlaAiutn 1 County, up until a ocloek p. m.. October 25, 1927, nnd then puh- Hcly opened and read, t (,he County Court Room at Klamath r falls. Orogon, for luirtacing ! proximately ftur xnllea of the Chlloquin Bray Mill Huuii. using annroximatelv auu ru. vol. ui rtlni naWrlal. .i : . it. I Pinnae sucolflcatior.a Mid ir-: " " ""- 'c8 of ho County hi.vr.-. - ,.r w;'a',!ly "J1'","'", J"'!' '2'J -.5 'Hod with, the Ci unty Clork be- ,ore he Umo ot epeniBm, : " " nm mBBl ue Bccowpauico 'y cortlflod rheek pr "bidder ,.vi uu ior i -jc oi um .i. . : I'he County Court reserves the rlghl to reject any and all bids. COUNTY coi'KJ or KLAMATH COl'NTY, Uy E. B. HENRY. County Engineer. 0.11-13. . r 1 The well equipped X-K. lab oratory at Klamath Volley IIji- I Hal la tndlapcnsaote in ives.igu ling difficulties ot lb chest and abdomen. ,. . OUR BOARDING f-jVG EEA"f CAE iAR, t - "j COME, CCAB.-"ytJu lP AkSV "DOlM(3 J "THE RE HAS EEEM-TOO LAXlTV IKl-frllS JEPARlnXEjrr BARREL OF .USlsAE fMV worp, voaus IS ' j PlUCH las-t MARCH i.-Th'E RESPOMSiBILI-TV ' LAvd EORCEMErJ-T, MiME "TO ME"Te liSTlCE. c,0RRV"1O f SAV, VOU HAVE BEEH LIKE Noli 60 O'i S, . . -y. l1plV ) SAV, VOU HAVE BE - Vomewha-t u-(incErrr;J S A Hoax ikj -th- iioSJl K aS rsMoke-HoiiSE "this ) 1 m-ff "-7' --- .'L.S?" IKil5M- J SOMEWHAT Uj.liUCEri'T;, WANTED Woman for dish wisher In out of town hotel., fall 728-J after 2 p. m. 11-lt I'OHITION for rldbt boy. V. .tern I'nlon. Appir -r,t WANTED WASTED We pay hllbeil cai-b pric e for. need furniture and atovea. Be .aura to tee ui be fore you aell. We Kirs you a ' lllinm) aMowanne for your uaed urnlttin- In iinh.'iBcn for iii r. ! Vou will find our prkva i reaaonahle and credit eurvlr j lllK-ral. KLAMATH FltRNITfRE CO. ! 1U11 Main Bt. Phone S94 Oct. It tf LOST and FOUND J l.'JT - lu.Me brludle hull u.ip I heavy brjai atudded collar , wl.cn laet aeen. Ana went to name of "Scoop."' Has while choat with white line down nose. Otherwlae evenly brind led. Finder kindly return pup to Joy Evana at tbo Klamath Newa and receive reward. tf XOT1CK OF HON!) HALE riealrd blda will be received on- the hcur of 2:00 o'clock p. m.. . . . - , v',. the aecond day" of November,' l'27, ,nJ Immodlately thereat- trr lli"ll.'7 VfJIwiW IMS vwum- I building of permanent roaaa therein In the 'sum of 1253.000, ejenominatlona of 31,000 each. raid bcniU to bear dale November 1, -1927, and to mature aa fol lowa: llv.000 Five yeara from date of iaaue, due 1932. tlO.000 Six jreara from data of tiuiue. due 1933. 310.000 Seven year' from data of hutue, due 1934. 1 10.0110 Eight yeait from data of Issue, due 1935. ilu.HOO Nine years from date of Ixeue. due 1936. S 15. ouo .Tm 5 cars from date of Issue, due 1937. jij.iiuO Eleven yei.rs from date cf ig,ue. duo 1938. I J15.000 Twelvo years from date of tau',.:IU8 1939. ,120,000 Tlilriccu year from date of issue, duo 1940. j$lo..uko - - Fourtocn i years from . date, of, Iwae. due 1041. '. Jlsu.ouo i'ifioen yeara from date nt iuai,a rinA luf . 11 JJo.lWlh fetOen years from tlgto of 4ut.'dn 194l.- ' - P t2ijivvreiuiaieea yeara i irom .Ja( of !, nt 1Mb' '. rs yOOrrNineteen .vears from .(4sJaA;rta946. - . oaia oonus uearms iim-'ri'Hi crest al ted flvil (5H)' ,B0 ra,e nst tp exceed nnA one-half per cent !(wr Mnum, payable semi-annually .., MbV Kal November 1, prinet-' aal and interest payaoie in unit- Shuler of Portland. Orecon. will be furnished the successful math. State of Oregon, dated the bidder. , 12th day of September, 1927, in Tho Court reserves the right a certain anit in the Circuit to' reject any or all blda. Court for said Cpunty and State, C R DELAP Clerk I wherein Tho First National Bank Oil to Nl Inc " ' lof Klamath Falls. Oregon, a oor- . , ' I poratlon, as "plaintiff, recovered LCST'-' at' the front" the ' Judgment against George W. Fox hCtiT. at tne front tne y defendants, of two tonnlcst comedians on the tha sum of nr, Hundred TDol screen you can find them at ia 1 1300.00). with intereet lhe Pino ' Tree Thursday. HOUSE td,. 1-TmdS-T b MUS-T Yrj TAinilKl' oii-TSlPEi MUCriS:S NOLi SlkiCC "THAT ri 1 . .. - - OF . - AxiT OlSX -x.. TEMPERS OF It WOMbMi ILUP Has beem m ask'i.u' TCR VOLi, LOO LIKE NOLI 60 O.'i A MOOK 1KJ "Trl" Eni SMOKe- HoiiSE "TrilS e I "Mr? THE. TM( WftV C'tT- frr tr try - Prohi's Son Is Behind Bars For V I ilTTVlYiff IjXnilfil - j "-rr l RICHMOND, Va., Oct. IU . CarroH-V Hephtrrn, 23, son of ur. uavia nepourn, auu-eu- joon league superintendent In Virirmla; wu sentenced today to i0 yt iu ,,, ,nd , ,50 ,ine for . A. .... . transporting liquor In an auto "' "aT "" ?,B ,Ti, mobile belonging to the league: Me win not appeal, oui Mart his sentence at once. driving a car while muter to-' ' , ,lquor - nnence oi liquor. NOTICE OF MIERWH SALE By virtu, of an e-cecation and order of sale In foreclosure, duly leaned by the Clerk of the Clr- a Jury acquitted me youtn ot cult Court of the County of Kla- thereon from December 8. 1926, By Ahern riO AlEBP c".r vols Gertmv ' BOSV AfJ' fai-' lUfO A FULL ORCHES-TRA Tri' LAS"f fewXjeeks, atter PLASLX A Hlilc ALL near ; vpa at liS ! ' "TA36EP I ro tamer ml uc(?rfV JCntrtS"" ihviTMicM rO? M ui-rvr SUTO-tW i . . ! at the rate of e.ght per cent . ' (8) per annum., and coMs and d"abur"ements taxed a' Th!riy- four and 30-100 Dollar:, (334- S0). arid Attorney's fees In the am of .' Sevenly-Jlve Do'.I-rs i isau4,.an tna-tur rtlwmm l Three anj 11-100 Dollr.ra (53 '. II together wlth-m'ere-i vigre-iB fron; July 27. 1"27. at u : .-. ti-: tf BlfM p-.-r rent i 'r 1 n . it ." a?a'lB-1 sild mor: -aged ri '-pt f.y. tie 7th uay of .eVUembur. !92Ti. ' ' Notice Is here' v eiven t i I' in on i V 1 4t dav !)ct.il'er-;rTropt;ratiOB 1 frrrt i.oV-oK-tr.c' ' - ' ' V 97. the frM lH-orMiiP Klamath County Cnnrr Hmice. ih . .'Klamath Fslia. In said -Oohuiv, k it ten o ciock in t.-.e icrenoon oi aid' daf. "seir'al pulillc' auctlon; to--the hWhest bidder: for lash. he following d, .-rlbod property. ad nl! in- rlsht. title and in- mre.n of Oeorge W. Fox land Viola D. Fox. defendants In said -mlt. In and to said property, to- a . , Lot One (1), Block Nine ('. North Klamath-Falls Additloji to Klamath ; Falls. Klamath County. Orexon. or as much thereof as may Le necessar to . satisfy the afore said sums, with Interest thereon, together with all coats and dis bursements that have accrued, or may accrue ln this eaose. BURT P. HAWKINS. - Sheriff. " By.-GEORGE. REED. . Deputy. Dated at . Klamath Falls, Ore gon, this September 13, .1927. S.1S-20-27-O.4-11. - ' NOTICE TO CONTRACTORS Sealed bids will be received byiSWNWVi Sec. 14. E8S v. .w - tri.v.otv. nnd SE L NE U . Sec. 1. Tawht- County. Oregon, up.nntil 1 o'clock P. M. October 15. 1927. and tnen pubUcly opened and read at the Couuty Court Room. Klamath , Fall.. Oregon, for surfacing ap- proximately eight (8) miles of Market Road No.-9. known as Klu.th Falls-NorthweBt High way: extending from Sta .00 to Sta. 421 plus 83.6 at the west end ot the Fremont Bridge. Plana and specifications and proposal forms may be seen at the office ot the County Engineer. Extra sets will- be furnished for 85.00 per set. Bids must be se curely sealed and plainly mark . -.,--: ed "Bid ed "Uia -ior- surracing marsei Roa.1 No. 9. Klamath Falls-! Northwest Highway." and d - dressed to the County Clerk on or before the hour of opening. d,.TchTr bidder". "eVore patent Issues, by fll by a fortified check or Wdders corroborated affidavit In S?!i '"I. fLlhl"rU.,.!lhfs .Ale alleging fact, wlilch Such certified check or bidder's bond must be conditioned that In the event the bid Is accepted by the County Court and the con tract for the work awarded thereon, tho bidder will, within ! ten days enter into a legal con-. : tract to do the work aad fttrnlvh I a bond as required by law, or for ifolt to the County snld certified I check or b'ddnr's bnd. as II nn dated damages, t The County Court reserves tho .right to limit the amount of the amount of the contract to four; I miles or accept the total mileage. I t In esse onlv tour miles Is let. It I ia understood to begin at the Fro-' mont Bridge and run thonce i-r'hwest. COUNTY COl'RT OF KLAMATH COUNTY. I By E. B. Henry. County Engineer. 08,11, up iOJ . . ,' ... -I MtP TsM. 1 0 ceainrt - Vo4 'PKi foR woi. OIK OWSM.inte-1 nP UltV BV GWHCcx?v4 lit veal roe -nt -pinMR -p'ppr cer r - to rau. 6H rf e. cM0C4kaTH. OH-r MMTtOH IT VVB. NC1tWk 4LlfiHKO . TO if' KMC TO WtD THErt J YOd"W THEM i rot? 1t J-OVtUT" 1 r WILL. HEIJ? CTHRY ' COUXTy : ' PORTLAND, Oct. 10. (IP) The rtate gsme commission today vo- ted J12" 4o al.l In exterminating ,edatory animals in Curry coun- rf -Tke mnmrssion also decid- ' od th"t hereafter when fanners -. fti-rntaWU local Ttamsand (.jrrt. r.-fngc the matter of ac- : --yt -, xrilj be left In tho ,. ;ylihrirh;od. sportsmen's dubs. The fi h commission Is meeting with the game commission this afternoon to dlxcuss matters of ' "-- ; - 'xoTirK TO COXTRACTQRS i "T' I 1 Kitlca la hereby given, that the ronrt will receive blda i0po Satuiday, Oct. 22, 1M7, for ,m COnstrnc'tion of an Isolation b.w llnl. to be located .on the coty Poor Farm. Accordrtg , tBe pang ana soeclflcatlotia now on ttle ta the ofiic, of tie County Engineer ln the baaetE4t' ;of ,he Court House. ' m Bv order ot ,nn county QCBt of Klamath Conntv, pr-gofi MBa. eiaotll uKJi U. MWrn C. R. DE LAP, 011.13,18.20 County Clerk, j 1" NOTICF. FCiR.PCBLICATIOS J DepartBiefit Of the Interior ' . V.' S. LAND "OFFICE at Laksi view, Oregon.. .Sept. . 1927, j NOTICE Is hereby given thai Cora E. Crane. whos? post-office address is -Klamath Falla.' Or gn. did. os, the (th day of. Ant gust. 1927,J tile In 'th ts office Sworn Statement and Applica tion. No 013117. to Durchase the 'P 8.. Range 14 K. . Wit ; "" "1. hereoa. under f '.a ' tho act of June . 1878. and actj nien,iaior?:; .'V', Ti?b value as mlzbt be fixed by- ap praisement, and that, pursuant to snch application, tho land and timber thereon nave- oeen apt ' praised at I6S6.00, the timber estimated '950 M board feet at 11.60 pec M, and the land lisui that said . applicant will otter final proof in support ot her apt plication and sworn statement t (ho 15th day of November;. 1927 ' before Bert U. l nomas, u. ot - Khimath Falls Commissioner, at .Khtmatb Falls, ,w'' .. ., llbrtT .1 I protest this purchase before eni try. or . Initiate a contest at Bny: would defeat the entry. - F. P. LIGHT. iienUBjirj P 1 J-N 1 3 Relieve Coughs, Colds, Headache, Rheumatism and All Aches and Pains with a Alt draraUfa-SPe fled flSa ! and Sanaa. Caildraa'a MiuaralaUUl4arforsi)aaat. Better than a Mustard Plait ..5.1. . '.'' i