The Klamath news. (Klamath Falls, Or.) 1923-1942, October 11, 1927, Page 5, Image 5

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American Youth
In lollege Tays
Kills; Is Honest
Tin' American rullcgn youth,
i mli. dud spirit of ihn !.
llnuilli li" limy be. I a pretiy
Hi".' ii i sort of a chap after nil,
ll ntH.fitA. At least liu "pays hi
lulls wild mora liinuiptneaa and
wlili Im lima tlinn h Hi" out.
utile public," nicurdlitg In P. W.
Mi Kutl.U'li !mf campus ilniK
slum At Austin. Tex , rulitH 3.011(1
i livrli diiintlily i lor imii mil
oraity students anil sifmla err-
,111 I.. l.iilitli'Aflii tt llinm
....... . . I
, Mr.'n. win ha. boon I
.'.mini. atom
.'.!, limit enough lo lti the
mli'. "loun of llio fa mum." fioml
tlm student body, and lu ho elect
til mayor hy tlm cliUcna of Aus
tin. i"ll Hi I liu October American
DrurgUt what he Ihiuka if th"
iiillcgu hoy ruatnlilrr.
"Wo especially offer rredlt In
wnrlhy aludeiit. hut tjwavu
glvu the in lo iindtirstnnd Hint this
la it business servlco anil that wo
ep"'l to hn paid promptly nl th
end of llio month " ho says.
"The young customers iisuully
nppriH I. to rur poalllon .ml agrc'i
lliut we ti tint bnao our credit tin
llio report cf tlm hunt retail mer
chants' association whlrh takes
up Iho matter with iclallers In .iMKIUC.tX MIS' Ml KIDNAITK.U
Ihn atudcnls' liomo lowna .ml UKXIf'O riTV. Oct. lu. ll'-
oon gives rarh a rating. 'We sue-, p . 'nrlm Tlmmna, an Amorl
ceed In collecting uur atuili'iit ac- ,. mining engineer, la reported
counts w ith tnor. promplnc.ia ami , !,, It ll na lip d at Itoaa
with Iras l".a Ihnn those) of tho Morail.. In the state of Nayarlto.
oiml.ln pulillc." . ... !urir Ibo KniH'rania mini).
oeners victims
Of Fraud Scheme
., - i ..
NFW' VOHK. Oi l. in. -Amrr-
hnn drug and mllK aitli-to man-
ufuelurra aro Imltig vicllmlrrd
hy on of lhi quoiiiat frnudiil'Mil
lmmin fVtT iltwlnai'd hy Ihn iln-
lorim-'Ml of c innirt. u, arrordlng 'Imnda of Mi'ih-o fi ili nil anthnrl
la an arth'lti n pix arlli c In tho tlnn in Nurva ltrvilo ur llio Mi il
Amrrlian liriigglnt. r.m conaulatti here clihrr ron
Tho fraud ring, nprrallng from firming or denying the ropnrt,
tlm lurgiT rll l- of South Anmr- that tlrnrral Arlinllo Uiimi'i haa
ha, uM'ir tlm mall aa lla nmdlum. Inknn Vera frut rauad local ob
I rlti ra wrllti'n on PXH-naHru ata- ai'm-ra hrre tonight to give crcd
tlonriy from mem than 2S duin- iu lo tho r'orl.
my" flnna ha Iwo rmi'lvid hy r ; ;
Anmrli au ni.nuf.i luri'ra. Tniio
t.k lht c"e ot sample goona
he liM i-4'. Ki'rlhe 'arlieni
relirea. I! (In-maelves a. h;lel-l
era Inn reaied 'In fnrrndtirlnr lhe
ninniiliUturvrs' gnoua.
i lea, wlj.-n riclvt:il. duty
sold uijl'iiw 'ptlrea I" K'
The aril-
fy tree, at.'
ion Hi Am-
irlean Yethllet. "
' floiKj Off Ort 1st
Le Of Sea Trii
FIKI.D.x N K W :
Vt'llK. Oil. 10.
tAI'l Mrs-
Francis Wllaon
Sikorsky pLina
Cravsun, In heri
"Dawn" hP"d ,
uff nt s l'l B- m. toiuy tor imu
tlrchntd. on tho first leg
of her proposed trans-Atlantic ,
flight front Ynrk lo fopenhageit. '
leiimrk. " .
The plane made a perfect take
off. ln addition In Wlliner Hluu.
.ll., I. and Hrieo tiolilaborough.
navlgutnr and radio operator who j
will iTieompany Mrs. (irayson ,
across" the Atlentle. rtnrla I.e
helnakv, Slkonikv engineer and ,
T. Iliirold Kim Jhl. motor expert,
and K. Frnggo. a reporter, were
nboiird. Alter load tests and
trial flights at Old Orchard. Mrs. ,
flrayjuin espects lo Inke off for
Htmiiiurk as soon na weather con
illltoiia permll. ,
"MIST: At tho Front" Iho
Adlllerent" war romeilv.- II can
T found nou Thnmdny.
, vta
"Stand By"
Quaker Oats Urged Wide
ly by Authorities
FOREMOST ciluralora. fililora
as well as leading limitless imti
tiiliona I'Ur ( ' Lltttrir Colll-
Smy, now arc -vidcly urging break-
l.iMs that "Maud by" as an important
hid lo siiccms.
Thai's became it Is now known
that over IWk of the rhy's imi"r-
taut work, in nlhcri, storra, cir.,
itilo the four morning: hours the
hours from 8:.10 .to 12. Ml
ln most Ainetirau schools, inrlil.l
I'lg I'riiiccum, Yale, must Stale
verilirs and soma 2.IHW gra.lo
chonls througliotit the country, Wl;.e
nf the important classes are held
before luncheon.
Thus, lurgrlv on expert advice,
tnilliunt now start ihvs with Quaker
Oats food that "stands by' one
throitiili the morning.
Excellently balanced in protein,
carbohydrates, minerals ami the Im
portant Vitaniinc H, thi d.lici'ius
food is ideal for banUlui.g listless
(Today get Quick Quaker that
cooks iu IV, to 5 miuulri or regular
Uoakrr Oats at grocer's.
Quick Quaker
Assasins Are
Trapped; Slain
(C.imlwunl rriim Pegu One)
I.ONHON, tkt. 10. (l'l' I'l
patrhct from tho llalkana tndlcale
lhal llin riulpcorla n -J ii vikId v rrlala
arising from the .asnsslnntliin or '
tieimrsl Kovachavlicli by llulgnr '
CotnltadJIs hue passed. '
The Kxcliangii trivKrapti'a Atli
ons correspondent says a bund (
of ISO CumltailJIs In enrnulu to'
Jtignalavlu friim Albania through I
llreok tcrrllory. Two lliilgiirlun I
peasants, the dispatch adds, liv
ing In Jugoslavia hecauio of Ilia
('oinllndlla' reign of torror, aup
,,, ,,,, ull,rillllB , ,.
ihorltln. who nr. Brenhlng
(le ,snd.
Federals Trap
Rebel Army!
roiillnur from I'ugo Onr)
niivi'r. howuvrr. ll uiipiorod from
Ihn ofllrlal alalntnvnta.
i Tho Mi'Xlrau navy haa boon or
, iliTnd to kfop a apei lal lookout
lung Ihn vnat ronat lo provonl
.(tiimi'i and Alm:ida from earnp-
Inn hy linitt. Tllo govt'rnnmiil
. plt'tta lo purauo th. rcbfl rtilvf-
t a I lit until tlmy ara raplurrd.
Tlm Aatrrk'.n vmli.sHy tin nV
I rc the conanl at Mnxatlnn to lu
vomlcaip. hut ha. rwolvtd no ro-
VV.7J, i. ...nhoiumi ...
'uaiial ri'prum to tho M-
,n Knvirnmnnt pcuillng a n-port
frum Mntatllin.
I.AHKIIO. Ti'.. Ort, 10.
J. l.jcfc of Inforninllon In
W.y SpVPrPlV
iu . tJ v- .a -mJ
Hurt In Crash
rnlluurl Iroiu l"Kf t.
Ing down Font Main and the
other) car. wlmeo driver Is not
t'n'.'iMn. was going sniilh, when
Ihe eolliwifirn " becurred."" Tlbth
i or ran head-on nlo each other.
t wo ompiy WHlK.y noniea
found by officers on tuo sicne
of , the accident. .'one In the Ulan - T
clil enr ;nd the other "lying; on
the ground.1-: ' ' -
Nelihrr car wa badly damaged
recelrli '. only broken wind -
ahlnlda. IrrekeTt headlights' ond
minor daMaUt. ' '-
Automobile Tax
Problem Great
Cnlted 1'reas Slaff Corrohpondenl
PtlHTI.AN'I), Ore., Oct. 10.-
Lack ot uniformity In marriage
and divorce laws are not the only
hlta of legislation which cause
cnnfuilou nnd grluf. complain
official, of tho. Oregon Motor whore pulilli iy-own&il and pri
Vehlele department. ' vatcly-owned street railways run-
Varylng . methods of tnxing ,,n hy rule- on Iho samo slreei.!
owners ol automobiles at preacnl t mrr th0 Mm ennilltinns and '
rnnailltite a greater problem in
thla state than any bother over
a few marriage or divorces, they
Oregon baa lla own method ol
taxing ear owners and so hai
California, lis southern neighbor.
Thev vary In principle and ap
plication and leave a loophole
through- which unscrupulous car
owners nrav crawl.
In Oregon. Ihe only automobile :
lax Is the license fen. This Is
bused on Iho else of the machine. ,
rnnpiing from tl7 for open Fords;
lo 170 for Iho heavier and cost-1
Her cars. All tills money Is used I.
hy Ihe highway department. No
portion nf II la diverted for gen-1
ernl atnto expennos, and thla rule
In part la Iho roason why Oro-1
gun. with Us scanty population,
has such a flno system of state '
highways. ,
I In California a motorist pays
IS for a license, regardless ot
the site or vnluo nf his personal
'automobile. Hut Iho Culltornlntl
also la required lo pity municipal
and county poraonnl property
taxes on his machine, it Is ex-
nlulned. This makes the aver
o( Vititomohtln taxation about i
XI,,, loophole la that many
oregnnlnns. It la churRcd. have a
(-niifrnlu residence for aitlo-
mohile-reglslerlng purpoeoa only
It la estimated that hundreds nf ,
tho cars seen In Oregon with ;
California license belong to men ;
i whoso address Is Oregon In overy-;
: thing except atttnmobllo ownor-1
ship. Theso enr ownors pay Ihe
, nominal feo of S3 to California ;
, and do not pnf anything lo Ore-;
Ron. . , i
i It Is likely that Cnllforrfla au-
Ithorllles will be askml lo co
operate with Oregon In ellmlnat
Ing thla ovll. It le pointod out
Hint Oregon Is not the only loser.
In most cases Iho Oregonlan who
; reglsiored hla car In California
dnea so lo save tho dlfferonco In
tho license fen. Therefore, In
order to profit, he must evndn
i ihe personal properly Inx which
i counties and mnnlclpnliilca of
t'alirornla may ovy o an auto-
I mobile.
Boy of Six Claims
Fred Harper', ycnr-f '.d arn ef I.lent. Frod Knrpor or the air-
craft iiiailiiin. lle l. North Inlands Kn i)uii, tlaims the
aviation re"-,ml iol I he wirlii for bl. aue. llo has traveled , 2400
mllea hy air. In vi r;il hr. The pictures show the wrec k of the
lienilK'lu. jaraie ill ;iv!illl('n C''UliiH I:ui7 i.r 'J iiikiii, uiiii tint mv .
In a bathing suit, ."nil hoy." He muju his I:rt flight when unly-f
16 month nf rko.
Government Ownership Big Ileip
Tn Tn!itifians
. ,
As Kewards
Ilnlph W. Trtiel.lood. maniglng
editor of the I.oi Anflva Times
Maya: . i
That government ownerililp f ,
utllltlea dlri'elly nerve tlm ,euile
ol the pnltllral spnllaman hy pit'-,
ting Into lils'liatnle a host of UU
.nd'llltle ioba (uc -hi filling
not on the Iwls of apUtuile or,
htiiiv. Imi .nl. lv ji. rewards inr .
aervlcca rcudend ,nr bribes, fur
.....i . ....... .....i
...Uy ll.. Kra!ullouliiiJoct.W .lnD!'H ndvantnge; .At ayKravatrt olij
Jertlon or pollllea Into the publk
service, government ownerrl!i
premliim on inefflrleney
t( vaslo,
Its eoiiduet la dlcliit.
- .i i,v ia. noittieniiv oxned.i.oommunlty'in vvkU-ttac operates!
1 lnu rnIhor than hy,Uat U eyon- It ;o's down bualrtes.'hr'tnrffll
omlcallv desirable t'.overanieiit handling' of esscntlal-iltllr-i
ownership not only rloea not hVe fl,'s: " ls- a brake -upon 'pros-i
1, o, ,how. a profit as the execiiWI'fcrt'y bar " PfOgredeVi:.
,1VJ1 o private corpnr itlons must : ? -1
'do or liwe'thelr lobs but It has:. MAV KOHFi:iT BONO
r back , of It the public treiwury:
of tax money with which lo men
the deficits cnuTil by liicam-
pclcnce, cxtravngunio and care-
Thai la why gnvornmoiil owncr
ahlp of the rullroaila ilurlug Ihe
wnr cost tho tiupnycrs millions
In operating deflclis, notwith
standing Mint the same mail
paid profit, tinder private owner
ship hefoto nnd since.
That Is why In Sun Francisco,
with tho siimif" patronage, the
pnlilltly-owned rond shows a d-,
ficlt and tho n.rlv.Hcly-owne.1 one
a profit. . " "
.Thot"'li .why' government own
ership of our, merchnnt mnrine
has com the lavimyers $3,000.- J
OOii.OOO lo this ihite, notwllh-
standing that In the some period
Because' its !cj vert
ing strength al
ways ha been and
always will be
the same. You cm
ploy the same
amount every
time, anJ secure
the same delightful
day. Try Calumet
anJ find out what
a big help it is.
; V i Yhi Rccrrd
Who Want Johs
" -. .
tor vote bervices
hipping corporations
have tuado large profits.
That la why the I'nlted States
... ... . i
wnu pnvno ownerKiiip oi-ieir-T
phono rompiiulea, bn. 70 pelr'ent
Of nil the telephone. In Ihe World,,
nrd all tht .roentrlc of Jurop
pui IHKeiuer, nun ihi,iii: vduii'i
'"P trus ninny., nnve-onw a
Htt'e ovr SO- per. eertt. . '.n.x.
I'uhlle' -mwiterHlilp swells, the
irtx burden with ni c.omejnt-
corrupt ion; u is a oiigni
tfVl Pfjrjte jsWorprl.o and lul-
imuvo: tr Btrs an cxamptp oi
.lipsnoo incompetence to tne
I'ness Arthur Leo, arrested (
Saturday night on the charge of j
operating au automobile while In-
tnxlritted, nppcara this morning
In police, court, he will lose 1100
ho put up as bond. Police Judge,
I.em I.. Garhngen slid yesterday.
Len fntled to nppcar In court yes
terdny and his bond forfeiture la i
scheduled for today. Al Garrls.
charged with vagrancy, was given
tiio usual alternative )100 and
60 dnys In jail or to leive town
He chofte to leavo. , 'T'
-' i!
PALACIUS, Texas. Oct. 10.-fi
The v.Hlnnt fight 'lor the-llfe i
of furl Dcrry. 16. kept allre 82'
hours,; by artificial respiration
'after beluR stricken with par a ly
sine, has failed. The hoy died
ot 2:15 p. m. today.
The cnuniy laughed Itself to
death when Charlie Murray wa.
"l.ost at the Front."
- ..'.'JN..T7
t . w z. . . ,- n t n i
English Archery
Revives As Snort
Revives As Sport
Obtains Support
LONDON, Oct. 10. UP) Arch
ery a . .port la a. popular In
.. England today a. It wa In tb
I time of Itobln Hood wbeo nne'i
jlire oriea depended upon the:
bow. , I
Women In particular are mak- i,la flight from far: to Bhang-
lug archery a favorite .port.jhnl, th. filer, hopped from le
i Many Mayfalr bare putlnuurget alrdome. Pari, at :40
their official alamp on the r.cre-ja. m. Thoy expected to roach
i allon by Including bow and ar- St. Louie. di.t.nce ef approxi-
row ahootinc In llegent'. park malely 2,600 miles, within li
or Kew Garden. In tbolr morn-' hour..
! Ing'. Itlnerarlea.
I The bow need In Egland today
!li about 4 feet blgh and tbe r-
irsw. 2. Incbe long. The .trlng.
are of .tout hemp. The archer
! uie. finger-tip. of leather to pro-.
Itot-t the finger, from the .trlng. i
The uae of quiver, la tbe proroga-j The Breguet plane la capable
live of women. Men carry their I of remaining In water a long
arrow.' lo long tin boxea. forced to land on the
t harle. II of England first put ocean. Iu fuel rownrolr tank,
archery ca a basl. of fa.hlonable ran amptM In a few eec
port. He and hi. Queen, Cather- nd- Tn machine ha. an anchor
Ine, were
good ahot. 8oeletle
sprang up to encourage tbe sport,
and although many of theo havej ; . . ,
there '" "'''; wK hVta KanV. Oe, 10.
many famou. archery club.. There ! Twcnty lh0u,and pupil, return-'.
I. "Ihe John OOaunta Bowmen jtd , ,h, pabUe Bna parochial
club." "the Wosdmen of Arden." i schools of Wichita today after an
nod "tbe Koyal Company of Scot-1 enforced vacation since Tuesday
land today la the Grand National , when the schools were closed be
Archery Society under whose if" of several caee of Infan
tules all championship meetings; "' P'ralysU. i
are held. . ' .. i by a Japanese. A bowmaa.of
British women har. always Tokv) raed Wlda ,n , lg5!
own auepia u me .pori. .....j
made distinguished records, anch
,ju Mrs. " I'ler. Ltlgh and Miss
now ley. The latter wu champlcn
j for ,j ymn ln aucceaslon. and
i did much to ppularlsa archery.
There has never been any pop-
ular-enthuslasm for archery In the
, I'nlted Slates. ' The oni'y club
that lasted any length of time was
!"lha United Bowmen of Pblladel.
uhla." founded In 1828 and dls
ban.led In 1859. While there
iT f9W devotee, of the sport
now' mich-
t m r aa Illl nam
e are atlll held.
Th. wcrld'a record for . the
greatest number cf "bulla" Is h-H
From thePi!6ss"6f".the
!' -!(, ' A
).t -Vv.V 'rj )
The Cheapest Way to Reacli the People
is Through Newspaper Circulation
French Aviators ! 2
Plan Sea Flicrht ;S
Dl'iUdoonfl Cote and Joiepn ve ,
Ilrli, Prnb aviators, pawed '
over Taog lera toolxbt an ronta
a Saint- I A la 4 In Ban.t.l mrltmrm
l.a . . ... . l
the South Atlantic Toetdar night.
In . Br.guet plane of the aaem
type uaed by Pelletler O'Olay In
After a abort reet, they planned
to atari on the 2,000-mile trana
Atlantie flight to Natal. Bratll.
Coate. and Le Brig flew over
langiera at a neigni or z.eva
feet. Their plane aeemed to be
functioning perfectly. '
Werenl It from orertarnlng.
hould It cranh at eca.
. ... -botM hou.
more than four a mlaata.
For Sale
Rod Locomotives
Meeting Government
Reasonably priced. Write or
wire for specifications and
. f.i i'
.' ' , I'.
Each Morning Comes
of which are
in Klamath
is No Substitute for It
You want SECURITY in every
real estate transaction.
Title Insurance furnishes absolute
. security.
I?ued by , . . . . , '. T', -
Through .
Wilson Abstract Co.
311 Main
Stop at the .
In the very center of the
tbea:rlral district right
down town, at Powell and
Ellis Sts.. San Francisco.
Haa beautifully decorated
rooms, comfortable beds
with Beauty Sleep mat
tresses. Moderate prices.
Ccme to San Francisco and a West Coast Theatre!
Try News Classified Ads for Results
Hu:r ti ft . i'
fnOH li." t Sii;
tuo .itnrni-; ..Iv.
'10 T'j
rrilin it t.1 iitr't
Complete .
' )
Bright and alluring .' . . be
fore the r great West Coast
Theatre . . . drawing, hold
ing you to the splendid pro-,
grains Inside, all is beauti
ful, enticing .V .. the crash
ing, soothing music . the
spirited entertainment ...
fT.:j'"-"ii: U
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