fX'VKMrilTY i. ,a . ruorvn, rt .. The Klamath Mews "THROW AWAY YOUR HAMMER-GET OUT YOUR HORN" The Klamath News Official Paper . County of Klamath TheKlamath News Official Paper County of Klamath" Vol. 4, No. 2:. Price Five Ccnta KLAMATH FALLS, ORE., TUESDAY, OCTOBER 11, 1927. (Every Morriing Except Monday) TM11TAM (Timi SI F(TDTTIm MOT fll TTTV, - Rebel Army Trapped By Federal Troops; Two Leaders Escape Mexican Government Claims Rebellion Now Suppressed; Reports , of Battle Incom I plete; American Mining Engineer Re- ported Kidnapped. MEXICO CITY. Oct. overwhelming victory for federals in Itie state o( Vcri l Xtux were followed tonight by an announcement from General Alvarez, President . t . i it i i i a ino moxiran reunion naa urnn luppraHcu, 1 The government's victory, Alvarez said, was in Aya ; hualco, where 3.000 federal soldiers Sunday afternoon I trapped 1,000 rebels and took 600 prisoners. ! General Arnulfi) (iiimi'i n ml llcrtnr Alnmiln. leaders of I lie relH'lllon. were il in have e cnne.l with only I 'in fi.ll.iweri. Itliirt of the Imllle were In I'Miiiplrte, Alvnri suld. hnl' there w.ru many rt.-al nid woiiihIkI i wan iilm.iid ri'lii'lt wer' killed and mi woundi'il. hnl t li - niMi.itly Uricirl.nn federal liadim fulled In report lln'lr own canur.ltles. ll'lMle t'iee Some desultory liRhtiiiR took place In-tore the in.ij.'r buttle, hut Ike remit wan mil d,Tllve en.Mil'h to mimi out the relnd linn. A rmnlt r.Ox-1 gri.tin m rrtH.rted defeated near Kniwraitra In the state of Vers frit, mark ing the flint viiRnRcmeut since lionies sna aiii.uh jimi.i i ; 1h.m th.iol..tl.mlt. limved to-' t.ird .Mlnautln. on tho cimm. to 1.1. In In Hie luo.int 'In". The snriirlee atln'k nf the hlg j d feiter.il ai-my frnmntr , (fm(i..i.el ni. I'ni , . . A . i "ni.iniUT anu Aineriiaii iinnwaaui , T.inl fir Tnlanf -..a .. .,. i . llelweea no snd' the opening Vi T 'Vrij lU' i.Wl.'.s ..'! th-ir ;iv.,..wcr,i' '; ''" PWm, t, ; a Mav Re Held In .,i :'" uepumton. "Tr. .r.or ';,",ocr"11" w ,lo,w- lueLl iJ . svi amf k . . ami Kdlmn Hedges, vounvl lor lnrlonl I niirl ,.. r..v,i ,..,. He... ,,l,rh- Pmiliry fancier, will A mec 1.1 .Ifl&Ml&K l L. 1 b ' - . ,. , . 1. . POI'.TI.ANII. Oct. in. HIM An aiempt will he made to have Iho lrl.il of Terry A. Talent, fed eral prohibition agent, on in In dictment chanting Involuntary manslaughter, transferred from Ihe Jackson county roans to the federal court here. W. K. Newell, (piny prohibition adnilul'trutor of this district said Monday. , Talent was Indicted In Midfuril fur lha filial shooting of Man ford Zlimmirleo, alleged hool- leeeer. and. according In reports here, Is nl 111m i t y f 2.0(10 ; houd. If the. United Stales Attorney. Cenernl Is persuaded to order trnnsfer it will be ihe first llniej Sunday, mixing acrniiaiics nn In seven years In this state that oratory, told Ills listeners that such a move has been mail". 'he meant, lo continue his single- , 'banded battle with hell nnlll hell TAX EQUALIZATION BOARD WILL PECIDE j tissdco DorTrCiTt lIMDbK.rKUIUIOi I . rihnl iinrUInn of the Klnmallt county hoard of tax enua l.a Ion , on many nne. lnn" ' ' ',rn; ' test ,, principally I ho P ro w f. Umber holder seeking a red tie- lion in ttinner tuxes, win ne iiinu' ut a meeting of Ihe board to morrow. W. T. I.eo, county asses sor, n member of llm hoard suld late yesterday. Tlinbermen seek a large re duction -35 per cent III tnxcH nnd appeared before tho hoard setting forth arguments support ing their claim. ! 4 - 1 : ! CAN MtKK HIM , lll'N," llHJirHKV MAVH 4 DKN'VKIl, Colo., Ocl. 10. M'I'I llearllig scar over 4)J his lefl eye as Ihe only vlsl- 4 bin reminder of his most recent encounter with Oene 4 4 Tuiiney, Jack Dempsey went Ihrnugh Denver Mnudny en roiilo in the .Pacific const. Dimpsey was nccompatiled by his wife, Kstelle Taylor. "Am I going to fight again? Cerlnlnly." said Dcmpscy, all in one lircnth. "Tminev niilboxed me but 4 1 I '" 4 wheri) honcsl-to-gonilncss fighting Is concerned I can iiinke him run lo cover, Dempsey will visit his .4 w ininny in nun i.i.ae , uj t then go on to I.ns Angeles for n rest before resuming Irnlhing, he anld. 10 fU.P.i Rcnarta of an CalW chief of staff, that i YanksMet ByGeorge Wives of Legionnairet Agog in Presence of English Royalty Ni Kcllh Junes - ; fulled I'ress Hlnff forrcpotident i ' l.t)NIM)N. Oct.. 10. The Ainer Irnn Rlon "0"od Will" dele- , .. ""'' i.i ' a.- rinK lo do what mid when. King and (Jueen met the Ainerl (Contlnue,! on psite cilil) Sunday Renews j Fight on Devil Cl.KVKI.ANI). O, Oct. Id. tt' PI Bex novels, bare-leggid then trlciil revues,. Trick" Imllrooiu dnnciiiir. anil nirtn roniriii wer ursid all In the snmo breath Uy Itllly Sunday, evangelist. In an address billed "for men only" liiitny. I auks for mercy. I "I'un't be like a moral I rani p. rirelng .mm l!n.r hl.llMf, for fI C he win turn tne nose on you. ta -vnneellal shouleil "If every ninn lived right no hoy would go . ,he gospel train-pay your ' j VOTES SOUGHT FOR CITY CANDIDATES MlmcoRrnphod ratlin nro at tho Htnmbor f rommrrro (or any oiim wl.-litriR vntn for tho rontvHt lUtlH In lli Alwiilrr KmiI ron ti'Mt nrncrnm hidd ovpr K(V nl j Portland Hiiturd;iy mid Siuuliiy evenings. This has been dono lo enconr- gn people lo volo nnd lo help t,e Klamath cnndliliiles win. -mo voles for Howard flrahani w10 rang SaluiiThy evening hid j be In Portlnnd by Inst night. ; j but tho voles for llnlh Akers ' HoMnwny who sang Sunday eve- j n,1R ,n m,t have In he nl KOW lnnti Wednesday noon. , - mARTflN PI. P. ADS NOT , .. UU1LII IU V""""1 In Iho arraignment of Clinrlesj Iliirton, nllas Chill ies lluchlor, held before V. H. Humes, Jus lien of Ihn penre, yesterday, Ihe defondnnt tileniled not gullly to the ehntgea or obluinlnH money hy fnUe p.oliiiscs. Ills pre liliilnary hearing Ina been set for Ocloher 21. T I Ilnrlon Is accused ot wrllllit checks' to the nmoiint nf till and having them milled when he did uot hare money la tho bank, I i.ii.iia.1. Filing Into I'.ui klniihnm il th a man- ' ' . .'Willis flench are broil, ire Five), . . .....i. -- .0I1 cnnrgi'S or mnrneri fc 'I t It.,.,- M r li, l.cvlnn com. ... i it... I. I ui.,1 fiii.iviii iiv lluvuril t .i -1 1 -.- f . . merit haeiianit.' ' fl.lllll.l 'RUM BIRD' CAN'T BE RESIDENT h.W VOICK, (M, I if. (IT) ft holm, I Ik patrol III" I like til ulilk)' Nirnljtlit mid orieii, arrived today on lln ir'v liner Hi, lit u u from Htmlli Airn'rU-n. klven thv hlp rcM.tierM rov mtI ihrlr rnrm wtll IUiiiIhi lH Iimmp In fluent KjmiiiMi In t'iljirdi with oldfuliionl Knitllxli. wlirii llm iiiirnj(il hliil'n opinio, of iho "hop and1 lit aboiii-rt. M IihiI hrm inuf tUti under n table rlolh, (lit yum wn. , Mpim by KdHnnl KulrrM, lliltd of flew. S4ulnfi fiimi'l llit1 bird In wniiTfrent1 ! In Tulam, I'i'i-u. Tin Mtl iit I I lie pro MJrlor linvlitK n tirlblo nruuntriii. Tin' piirroi had Ihtii U'U fltrro by mi A merit-nil Mil lor,' m Mh litirm-tloivi fur thi nli-tihollr diet In whirl. I li lt I nl wits tiriiiiomrd. The Spaniard couldn't afford to fi'isl rtiMiiftlvo .ililky to Hie bin), mi tried In palm off MMitt wine tin him. Tlir par rtrt runid horribly und hit iIk Ktnitiniil. State Marshals Forces For Big Lilliendahl Case MAVS I.ANDI.NI!. N. J.. O-l 10 - tt .P. I Scenes which thrill ,ed nonhern during the Jersey a year ago famous Illll.Mills trlnl at Somervllle will Ho re- In the quaint colonial jrniirt hoime of Ih.a xomhern :cw '"soy vlllace next month when j . , mi i t.i . n.i 1 nmu. MiuuMu.i, Shi to trial ng the for-1 Hut ihe,v,l"l""v "' h,R swamp, lane. r i. vi, ii i.mi wii.,11,.11 nvwav t hat Dr. Wlllhun I.llllcndahl. 72- enn Cafe at C:nn p. ni . Thura-year-old nircoile specialist, was duy. hot to death last Sept. li. Hi At this time a number nf the also will be named by Ihe state as the trysiing plure of the two nal. defendants, who are alleged lo e murdered the doctor for bis uon Inmirnnro money s: lhai thero would lie no obstacle In the wnv nf ihelr love. Throe men from Trenton are ro.dy to testify thut licit, h is the man they aaw racing from tho scuno of the killing In a blue coupe on Ihe night of Sept. 15. I I is tw- w- ' v," i -i ay -vyi! ' JT1- 7,7'!e. vid' 6 a . i i ' ''.' . a it j an i i in m . i I ', '.,. ' W.IHI a. A rl ' - I 'il iriii . . v yi'.vf su - - s m I III itl. I , ; f V; W MX; Vt I i ill il n -. ftv f J v tr.v.r ii Six Severely , Hurt as Autos Crash Head-on Klx popb are In a lorn I twm-j plti.I nuti oue mil a In In jnil A result of i head-on collision, which wtm'"'. ihe corner of .Cast Mailt and Applepiite mrtMfU lutf yoncrday evfnlnx. Thmp Injured wpw o Mr. Kent and a Mr. Vonchn, t-niployt-H of Ihft Houthcr'n raHflr, Kfftc nod JtNiii( K'-nnrdy, and (wo mn HhnMf nutnt'M could not lit ; Irarnrd.. Only ruin and lirult were miMiatiifd by all rxropt I tie tin-' known men. one , who.n had I.I. head injured and the other . f. ,r.JUn. ........ l the charge of drunk and U h driving . while; i.i in the ciiv'thig morninir in tail, trending an invo-lltatlnn and hrarng. According to police olflcnra the car driven by llinncl.l was coin (t'onli.iucil on I'nite Five) Health Work In Schools Opposed Cliarr.cs that .a cinder In th" eye was di:-.guniicd as "pluk eye" and a hrulie from a b-i!.Mtsll h.it ns "mumps" were here Monday at th Introduced hearing on ' mardnmua proceedings attacking compulsory examination of J'orl Innd achnel children. The cane was Instigated by Mrs. t'.irrle H. Williams, who claims tW hecauee she oh- , p.viminntlnn or lierl,.f : 1 1 1 and Balds In working to- u.venr.olil riaushter on account rrlher In the hnrterins and sell- f religious beliefs ihe gIN was ' ,., h,)tllP. Mrs. William In her wnr ,.Innlnfrt la the same, room . . nniltiniMt mio nun ip ntip .wns emnarrati-ing to nr rtsIHr. .. Credit Bureau Jo Thursday Eve tins, pt tho iloard of 1-i- of the liuainOHN Men ,Crvdif lliircnii will, he icld in nm1 ni ine ni-ivaie rAon e ai mis 1011- priuvi-ed changes In the credit services to the merchants will lw rilscunscd and d. finite steps to rtilne the collection percentage of Kliimaih Kails will be taken, Three new director aro lo be 'elected bv ihe old hoard at IhU meeting which Is the first to he held since Kichard Wcntharly J has Inkeu control and Ifctlve man- , ngement of the Klumnth Com- merrinl Service. l:ic. The Boomerang Chiloquin r i lasers ear. Verdict , .-., TLJ-t p-i:.- and Hi Gill Will Be Decided Soon Fate of Chief of Police Herbert Uald win, Chiloquin, luid Hi Gill, purported hnotloKger, lies aealed be- hJ1)d the countenances of 12 jurors. Who. after final ar- Rumenw are consummniea Medford federal court.' will decide whether theae two men are n""chack. in wagons or afoot. 1 u u - .and 47 entered on motorcycles. guilty of the charge of con-: Th9 Iolfll WM , i Kpirac)' to Violate the1 fed- ,hort of the 126 record. The I cral prohibition law. j day-to-day travel was much heav- A working agreement existed ' ,hon ' 192- bat ' ,a, he. ween !lll and llnldwln by " recession and an earlier of which the two conp!red to vend "' closing of the park the sea lutoxicntlng liquors In Vhlloquln. i,on " 41 " "hoiter than lat 'the government attempted to ycJr- laUlcatlon of tTie ,l.nw by Its evidence In court '" of automobile travel, there In Medtord vesterdav. according lunx distance advice to the The Klamath News, Major govcrument testimony came for the mont. part from the llpe of ('. Cornell aud If. : Krauk.. federal1 stool pleeons. Tell of -Buys" I Thee men 4old of alleged 1 "bars" from ;ill, of Indications n of whisky. They said that . i he anked (!ill about llaldwln. ; ; m n mi riKiii, vmi -m an , ni'Ued as answering, ' . . u. . . "he's my 'iimiTtnn'diif. ' Th undercover men relateif , of conveyance over and .acrosa; how c: 111 at the suggestion of streets and alleys of this city. . Baldwin .bad ijWljjiM ""'.Sd Ordering the city engineer to, Into Jusilceof"tre-'PMiV V. 3. r Hrophr-s oflc.,U, slfronje,.,,ltt " or. remove the pipe If, liquor which wcAlllI M1 ifclB to' thW Is attempted. .'' . Ihe undercover agents posing as ; This ordinance Is ' to prevent (Continual on pNte etgtrt) ' ; water from running across streeta Highway Oiling fln LVi.. U'inine LlOne r Or IT inier Oiling of The Dallcs-CaUfornla highway from the Junction of the IHuinond l.nks road north to . , Crescent, is completed and the . state thoroughfare is now in : 'good condition for winter. C. c. Secley. resident engineer of the slate highway department, an- nouncod yesterday, "IScsidcs patching," Mr. Seeley xald, "thirty-seven and one-half 1 miles of ror.d have been re-oiled.' 25417 Pe6PIe Used Klamath Park Entrance During I he x-anoir 1927 there was a total of 25.(6" automobile hearing d2,J54 rlsttora Into Crater like national park. It was announced by Colonel C. 0. Thomson, pnrk snperintendent. Kvery state In the union wu rep-' jmnented and II foreign oountrlon ', land territories. Of the total; ! travel K.038 automobiles with 31,147 people entered the Med-! ford entrance. The Klamath en-1 trance was next In popularity fin cara and 25.417 peo-; t ,h uianee of the travel being' night travel checked In at Anna' 104 automobiles k... U. 4 C f -fu.,M. 1 . 1 the north entrance. ' A total of 246 visitors entered wr no 'nj" '" " no real accldenta. Council To Stop ! Water Nuisance ! On City Streets' An ordinance was pished to thej second reading; at th meeting of. ;, he city council last night which. !.,..,, . diversion of snrlnc ; , water from ' natural sprngs into t pit,condult',jtr.ieVrt 'leiiiiK , ana alleys ana accumulating.: 'Anyone wishing to move spring. ! water must get the permission, of ,ue cuy .council, ana anyone v.o-; Mating this ordinance will be .fined 6100 or 60 days In Jail. A resolution was aaoptea ux-. ling the time and place for Oct. zt at a o trocg p. m. in tne. council chambers for tne Hearing of objections for the proposed assessment role for the improve-( ment of Lookout avenue from. tho north line of I'pham street to the south lii.o ot St. Francis, street. k Vacate Street ' , An orduiance' was passed to' the -second reading "to ' vacatel Heme avenue between Kast Main ! ami Owen streets. All the prop-' erty abutting this street..!, owned ' by the school district. Kleien building permits wera ; , granted by the council, aggrcgat-i . Ing 66.190. The council was pe-! t tttloned by eight signers to have , '. street Hrhts Installed at the cor-' ners of Wilfred and Delta streets; and Wilfred and Fulton streets. ' It was referred to the light-' I Ing committee. Councilman Dal- ' siger made a verbal request for ; llghta on Huron street, which was ( also reterreti to ine iignt enm- mlttee. The It It It Oarage asked! permission to hang an electric !.i gn nt 820 Klamath avenue which wns referred to Ihe build ing Inspector. ' Charge Against J. Stinson Filed rharitc nf asxnult with a dan i I a.trnu weapon wnn prrfprrod i yostorday afternoon hy Diatrtrt Attafnny V. M. Ouncan against ' i Junse Stinson. Tho chars- fol- j owh Stlnson'p allexed knife at-' 1 tack on John MeKinney. Stinson will bo hold In tho county Jill n -stria 1 1 Iner a maritltir nf thn pruinl t ' rriiiifl Inrv ' Stinson and MeKinney are both ' NoKroen. l ! FORTUNE IN BOOZE I SEIZED BY PROHIS KEY WEST. Fin., Oct. It). l'' I') Scotch liquors valued at ap-' I nrovininltilv S4IIH.fl0n were .elzntl by customs agents here today. The liquor, consisting of about 36.000 tiuarts, was In a car which j arrived on a ferry boat from i 'Havana nnd was Consigned to a: New York firm. The shipment j wa hilled as building materials. Medford Jury Frees Maidens Accused Of Burning Dormitory Verdict Returned After Deliberation of Two Hours; Case Attracts Wide Interest in Northwest States; Indian Girls Uncon cerned as Jury Gives Decision. Twelve dusky maiden Indian tribe were found not ting fine to a dormitory building In Klamath Agency last ' spring, by a Medfcrd federal court jury which deliberat ed two hours yesterday afternoon before bringing in its verdict. .v,-' . , . Ihis is according to a long distance communication to the Klamath News immediately following the render'-' ing of the verdict. Assassins Are Slain Precipitators of Balkan Crisis Trapped and Bombed to Death : 'tie Codowa, Audrey Baker, Wavs I Kiddle, Orpha Schonchin . and LOXUOK. Oct. 10. (VP ITwo casie Ball. Their ages. accord Macedonian assassins ot General ,,. , L u Arnold, superlnteml-Mh-hael Kovachevltch. whoso tllt of tne Klamath Indtau reser- ' uinrucr Vm,vi ...c uui . Jugoslav crisis, have been killed and others captured after an alt Vienna dispatch to ' the Dally Kxpre,. " . Surprised near the rlnlgarian frontier, the dispatch'' . 'the' fugitives refnsed to surrender to 8Q militlameh. Instead, they re-j treated' to1 'cave.' opened fire and nurled bombs at the soldiers, j Thcrallltia' flung hand grenades pi Believing that part uf tiiJ into the mouth of the cave.' kill- profits of George Remus oo(-1 Ing two men and wounding leaning operations are coacealeil another who, the dispatch adds. ' n a Lansing s;ifety deposit box. admitted that he and a eompan- (ieurge J. Connors, his attorney. Ion assassinated Kovachevltch. iCootinucd on faee llw-l Bank Duped By Jjyjo RoorVPr ' VjltVCl , j NEW YORK. Oct. 10. (I'P) j With the utmost simplicity, two robbers or one relieved 'two; Wall Street firms of $63,000 In J bonds Mondav. Two clerks for Ernst and Com- panv. members of the New Torlt ; stock exchange, handed over S3?.-: 000 in bunds to a man who suld he was a bank messenger. ' A s-ant half hour later em- ployes ot tho First National Cor opratton delivered 636.600 worth of bonds to a man who merely asked for what certificates he wanted, reading a list which cor- resnnnded to the First National ! package which was to have gone j to another, firm. In both Instance clerks who aave away the bonds gave meaner descriptions of the rob bers, so that police were at a loss to know whether one or two rhen were Involved. a . nirn nronr a or mJtTkZ.U UL1LADL ' English diplomats were per IN niFASE SEEN turbed because of the possibility POKTLANI). Oil. lP There was a marked decrease In ' the nuhiher of new cases of in-: fantile paralysis in the state last week, according to figures com-, piled by the State Hoard nt Health here Monday. Only IS cases were reported to the board. ( as compared with 3D the week . he fore. j Jackson. L,axe ann josepnine counties, which reported 20 cases week before last, dropped to five Inst week, the report shows, FAIR PREMIUM CASH AWAITS CLAIMANTS A number nf checks HelongliiA to those receiving premiums at the county fnir are still at thv office of Ihe county agrleuirurlst and have never been called or sent for. It Is requested that thoe who ,have never received their checks either call for them, or request that they he sent through the mall, daughter of the Klamath guilty of the charge of set- . ... With the stoicism of their race,, with the same expression less demeanor that has charact erized their attitude throughout the hard fought trial, the Iudian : girls listened to the verdict ev onerating them. They appeared almost unconcerned aa the JurV filed slowly bark liito the court room to make public It decision. The girls were Mary .John. M...fn 11 ,., - IIafmm fnwun ' ' .-- . Orthalie Cratn. Kva, Barney, Ad-: . die Weeks. Leo la Sconchin.' Hut-' i ' Tatinn. rangeit from 11 years to ',s ..rarK. T)w were represented ' ir-mitli,nrt iwi nre. , . '., . ' ' 'js.-f "''. Whiskey Profits . rn i T -liJUfll )l be0rgfc.KenillSY rs r i . 'tiLillf Sought das . ., . ., Jint "l.ANSIN'C. Mich., bet. 10. (U ; left for Cincinnati tonight in an effort to obtain a court order to examine the box. - ;t The money was believetr'-ny , Connors to -Have been secreted : I... VI .- 1, ,,, v- tin win ahrt, death by her husband. Tho hox wa Bairt , be Bed j0in,ij. by the millionaire bootlegger's former wife and Krnnklin Dodge of Liaising, former prohibition agent whose attentions to Mrs. Remus prompted the shooting, c : Mrs. Remus and Dodge, Can-, sa'rt- halted the safety box about three weeks before sho " hnt ",d took 8me bal,dC!, out ot " ' - ,. - ..' . ' "v. CDAMtCU ntPTATClD Ji nmjif ai-w ini un DENIES INTERVIEW- IN PAPER CORRECT MADRID.- Oct. 10. (U.P.I General Prlmo de Rivera. Spaalsh dictator, has denied an Interview in the London Sunday Ttme$, which q noted him as saying "Spain would be better off out of northern Africa. "I ut-rer saw an knallsh news paperman while I was In Moroc co." he told the United Presa , Monday, "nnd never made any such statement to anybody." : ; thut i country some day stronger than ntiglit get a Spain foothold opposite llliiraliar ami,, conceivably, could cut ' Kngland off from its empire In time of war. -.. r IXIM.W WAKItlortrt TO ' FK.IIT KKIKHAL AKMV PHOENIX. Aril!.. Oct. 1.1. I I'lM Between S500 and O 3000 Yaiiui Indian warriors are in the field in Sonora ready for battle with the .Mexican fcdernl troups. ac- cording lo a long distance telephone mesNage received here tonight by Andres G. (larcln. The Yanuls are ' commanded hy Generals Ma tns and .Morla, Hurcia's In- formnnt reported. w A general battle with tho federal forces Is expected lo break out momentarily, It wns usserted. ' ,