The Klamath news. (Klamath Falls, Or.) 1923-1942, September 25, 1927, Page 1, Image 1

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    The Klamath News
The Klamath News
, Official Paper
County of Klamath
Three Sections
14 Pages
Vol. 4. No. 270 Price Five Cents
(Every Morning Except Monday)
Fumes In
Silo Cost
Lives Of
3 Persons':
Farmer, His Wife and
Daughter Perish in
Attempting to Save
Life of Pigeon
DUENNAN. Colo.. Sept.
21, (IT) Three person
were Killed by . nuilitRo
funic; on the Kihviird V.
liiiiko farm near hero to-
niKliU followiiiK an'iavni'lj1'"' ''"""""''
to roar tie u pijr'' wtiun
fll into the iiilo.
Tile dead: KdwurJ. W. llui f..
4J; Mli'n Ktelit Jti'sle. T.1I1I0 IlucU,
1 1: Mrs. Edward Ilnrfcn. I J.'
Mil Ji'i1ii SUW Hit pigeon fuU
lnt; tho Hlln. S'ie Immediately
went In I" ru the I'll'
Cllini'M OVlTt'ttlllU her. Mr,
v. Klor-1
haw I It a
girl enter the nilo tl run
the, fiiri.ihoiiic for hctp.
Mint Oh imii"-
While his wile was. snmtnon- nri:i r. -Ins
iiddnluiial n I'l. Burke wi nl 1 1 wu ilv p
lliiu the xllo nn.l a overramH.
(t'olillMlleil ult IV):e hit)
Speeder Fatally
Crushes Workman
Waller Mi llwruili. 2S. employ
n by Iho l.iintm l.uiuher rom
irnny for the it two monihii.
rtlnl ill llxill hoHplUl lurt ntKht.
everal linnrK afier a rnllioml
rpeedir bud overlurneil allot the elliployca of Iho Morrlwey
111 ni e ramp, rrunhlnr bis rln-it ronipmiy wera near the
uml inlllitlus Internal Ininrlen. .ehiek. All Hint remained at. Ihe
Vvtrinnlly every tl.i in Iht mrfn'ii :'l miiKiiiliio wm n 'deeji. )ni;i.'(.d
li'iily wan hroki n. ohvuli linm etnt- I
ed. aeveral of the rnm luineiur
Iiik hla li:nK. That he lived fur
evernl hour followJiiK Iho eel
ilent la looked UIll a:i almost
',Th accident wan emmed when
an Iron bar fell from Die speeder
whhh Millw.-iuh wa rldinit.
dropplna on Ihe ralln In front of
'the iiiiichlne. When Ibe wheel
airnrk the bar the npeei.r
burled fnrni tho
irnck. ( alchlliK I
Millwraih henealh It.
The mnn and 111" wife and
dniiKbler Marnnret, aoln aurvlv
nra, came here from Knnuia CKy.
mid have been ithIiIIiih ut
l.nn'lil'fi rump, where he wen cm
liloyed. He la a member of the
.Mut.olilc (idt:e.
Horsewhipping Is
Included In Suit
'.f KANSAS Clly, Sept. 21.' tl'P)
A . hnrsewhlppluif In t'hlcago
and stibsefiueiit aimoyance al
leged tn have been Itudigntcd lit'
Mrs. C.enerU'Vo I). AUm of Chi
cngo. figures In her f 101). Oil
11 li. nil 1 Inn (it afferlluns salt fll.-d
ngnlnsl Mli:a Ida Murtlii of K1111
aaa Clly.
Miss Martin was Mild hy her
attorney, t'. Fuller Tucker, to !
In ii 'lonil hospital Mirroring from
a nervous breakdown as Iho re
sult "of experiences suffered the
Inst two month.'
Thn anlf brought by Mrs. Al
len, filed III circuit court here,
rhnrge Mtsk Martin obtained
"full and complete mnstory"
over tho mind of Colonel Kran-
t M All,.,. ntlr.9 Ihwlr flrwt
m.ellng In a Chicago restaurant. I "e irsrixaiionai nana ... n,,e..
Coloii. l Allen la 02 yenra ol.l ' f'ir.-r.l the Sheridan State
and hla wife 3S. lie Is part owner!"""' 'l'"" '''' .
of the Allen Paliil A Putty Work;, The hank waa tnken over by
of Chicago
Slid reputed to be
. .
POUTI.ANIl, Die., Sept. 21,
(AP) (esse tl. Sill, cameruninn
fur , Iho Mclro-tliildwyn-.Miiyer
News, mid Mra. Kill suffered
alight 4tijurlr yoalerdny tvhen
their auto was struck and upset
by another nr on tne Piiliniic
lilghw-ny five miles out of Spo
kane. Three 01 HUH' flngora
were cut anil Mrs. Sill suffered
an Injury to leg. The car
wns AnmnKOil. Mr. and Mrs. Hill
were back al their homo hero to
tiny. '
WINK tlttl.V I'l l'.
24. (API Tfra. Mlrlnni Jliirna
Horn, of Knns:ia City, lodny won
llio Nnllonnl Women's OolflnK
1 iliiiiiiplonshlii for Iho first lime
by defeating Miss Mailmen r
enit. Ilnworlli. N. J.. 5 up nnd
4 to play In the 36 hole llunla.
Biff Lakes Lumber.
Company Erecting
New Drying Kilns
Wink yesterday wan well un
derway iB 11 battery (it Hire"
. modern dry kllim now lining In
j stalled liy III" ills Lake lli
! ii n y nl lut ilanl on south
1 Mix 111 si reel.
Tliu "'WW' kilns, which lire to
i-itiupleti-d In llmo for use
when I lin HIr Lakes company
open tlx ilanl next spring, will
cost hImiiiI .T,.(iihi, Including tho
liltl'Sl type iiiilMiiint being In
stalled. Tlii Porter Construction com- j
pany N building Hi" kllua with 1
y. Hill Hunter uctlng an eiiki'j
liter m the project. Actual rout j
(it const ruction iilunn will lie
uluiiit 000. The Uirco kllm j
villi have n aggregate capacity
of liiu.ooil feet of (umber.
Tlin kllim ore of the North
0M l.r lyiw.iilmMurl.ii tht.j
hull! several riionlhn uo by the
in 1
Big Blast HOCKS J
Texas Towns;
litiRCKIl. T.xns, Sept. Jt- (L'
I') official of the Mnrrlssey
Torpedo company tonight were at-
ti mpilng to lea-n the cause of an
i-Milciniou of 1 quariH of
nil -.! w-nrll, tfthlt'lt fill knt tinlf
u ilnvn town unrly toilny.
The explosive won stored In
the rnnuiia eight miles west of
miniiN biilvrrcti Ilnr-
I FiT Hll.l till! nilKUIIIIO. It IH
I Ivllfviil. nnred thin litp from
MtriitM nnnwiKi.
Virtually every pane of glaan
1 In till t'lty ami Sniifoiil wai
' ii'iioriiil rhaltiTiM by the hlam.
I'nmim. 4 5 inll" away, re
porlid nhnrp tremor nml pie-tin-en
ere Jitrrud 011 willn by the
hlu t (10 iiillen away. 1
Thri'e Millre uinhtr.nni-OK wen
rtmheil tn the m.iKJiino, hut no
ciiuiiltli'M were illio-ovcreil. Non
OUriiiala of Iho torpedo com
pany have Indicated tho blurt
n.lsht have been aet olf.
Max Page Given
High Elks Post
Mux Tug-, prominent young at
torney of Snlein and 1031 eani-
manager lor nenaior v nan.
I.. .MciSary, wna mat nigni nil
tmlnieil illxlrlct ' ilepuiy grand
exnlied ruler for Iho aoiithem
1 11 1 Indict Ion of the atnle, by John
Mnlleyt grand exalted ruler, ne
riiidliig to a wire recalved by
Perry t. ).l.ap. vice president of
the Oregnn Htaln KIks soia-
I'ngia Is a past exalted ruler of
the Salem lodga of Klka and a
pist president of Ihe Oreijon
Slain Klka aAoiiitllon, and la
known 11s one of Iho youngest
official In Oregon Vlkdom.
The. Klamath Klks lodge, e-
eordlnr to Deljtp. supported Page
In his race with Jacg Mcixy.
gone, for the post to which lie
was appointed. Page endorsed
tho Lakovlew Klks lodge, which
wns recently granted n charter,
when ho wA slate president in
192B. Klntnnlli county Klka are
expected to wi Iconie Pago In the
near future, when ho will be
tho guest of Mr. nnd Mrs. Del.ap.
.PORTLAND, Sept. 24. (I'P)
Kroxen assets and falln'te of no
Initiation to consnlldntn with
a: neurnmiii, aiuin eiuiei iin. ii.i-
lOlll 01 oiiniis, 111111 was onci.iiuu
to he Insolvent. I.lqnldnllon pro-
ceding will started Immediately.
The hnnk had $170.0(10 asseta
wlih g'S.OOi) aitrpltls rnpllnl nnd
SS, 0110 anrplua. mid undivided
WASHINGTON, Sept. 21, (U.
P) -- 1 111 tiled lain replacementa arc
necessnry or tho government
merchant marine will ho "frlltor
ed away," Commissioner Tiller of
Iho shipping hoard declared to
day upon his celurn from on In
spection on the Pacific const.'
"Foreign comnnlllloir will
! drlvo the American marinn off
the seas, unless something la done
Inimedlalely In meet II," he said.
"There Is no iiilbhllng about It.
I Wo muiit huvo modorn rei'laeo
i nienta, and we must have (horn
' now."
New Bout
Promoter Opens Bal-j
lyhoo by Announc-
' ins: More Elimina-!
tion Contests y
CHICAGO, Sept. 24, (U:
P)Te Rirknrri todnv OD-'
d th LalyhoO for lli'
' . ..
1 riM h ui iu n inuiui'ivimiiii'
prize fiKht by announcing
; that Gene Tunney', next dc-
fenne of the heavy weight ,
crown would be against an ;
"TTlt whou '1 t0 ,e Re;!
lected through a series of
I elimination boutti.
The mun who made $1.40n,noO
1 by promoting flchta In which
I Jack l)cmpey engaged la tiow
alarted oil a program by which
lie hopea 10 make eren "more
dollara while Tunney weura the
Prefer e- Vork
l!Ii ka nl indicated New Vol k na
the logical aiene' for the next
rhaniplonxhlp flglil, experlally
allien that city hna been without
h a battle for three yearn. Hit
-h ta not ready, of rourfte. tu
eommlt hlmcelf on that angle.
Aa for tiene'a next opponent,
rtlekard aplkrd tho reports that
ho waa definitely planning a
third engagement between Tun
ney and liempaey liy telling the
lrnltei Prcxa he Intetided to con
duct a aarlea of elimination bouts
Ihla winter, the winner to meet
Tunney next aummer.
(Continued) on Tatte Two)
County Court To
Meet Commission
i Memhera ' of the Klamath !
jrotinly court. Including County'
I Judge V. It. t'.oddnrd and Com- i
j nilssinnera Biiriell Short and ,
Horace ininiap. win appear uc-
fore the suite highway com mis-
alon In Portland Tueaday to fur-1
titer Intereata of the Illy road. It I
was decided at a meeting of the
court Saturday. i
Hy It visit the court hopes to ,
get aomo concera action on the ;
riind nnd to aperd up tke high-
way commission machinery In (
order to have tho sector put .
Into shape before the winter
month. , I
At present the lily road at
1 PMBi
a aectnr aome eifrtit miles
j ttR, me one In controversy Is
J mtlo- more than passable, being
unstirfared. and In bad weather
1 tn0 roa virtually is Impassablp,
! i Is stated. Tho court. It was
J declared, will make every effort
t1 K0( n,e omniission to Improve
f.u-:n,e rort In the near future.
I CHICAOO. Sept. 21. (UP)
I Sixty per cent of all babies born
i from Clgnret smoking mothers
Idle befoi-e thev reach tho age of
I two, duo primarily to nicotine I
poisoning, Dr. Chunhroy I,. Ilnr-
her of l.n.nalng, Wlrlt., has told
the Amerlcnn Association for
Medico-Physical research.
Spenklng nt .tho association's
convention here, ho decried the
prolonged use of tobacco among
amnklng niolhor la alck," Pr.
llarher paid.
"It la poisoned nnd may die
within two weeks of birth. Tho
post mortem . shows degenera
tion of (he liver, heart and olher
organ. Sixty per cent of all
hahlea born of clgarnt-smoking
others dl before they are two
yenrs old."
Auslln Crawford, who Is be
lieved to lie In Klamath Knlls, Is
urged to aeport nt the police de
part men! to rec'elvo a death mos
aagrt sent hero last night from
Pendleton, where Crnwford's sis
ter died Saturday.
Tho police are holding Hit mes
sage, nnd meanwhile aro search
ing fimCrawfnrtl Willi whom rel
atives wish to get Into touch.
Anyon who knowa of Crawford's
whereabout Is rouuvsfed to noti
fy the police,
Fear Is, a Deadly Enemy to Humanity
The most pronounced case of imaginary
trouble comca from the city of Bend in the fol
lowing dUpatch: ; 1
' nrXI). Ore.. Pcpt. 24 (lTP Action calling for
the nunrantlnft of all persons entering Bend from
K la in u 1 h Kulla as a safeguard against the spread of
intantilf -paralysis and splaul meningitis there, waa
taken by thetity council In special session here thla
nflern-on. '
Guards were placed on The Pallex-Callfornis
high nt the south city limits of Uend, anl all auto
mobile ore being stopped. Persons coming to Bend
from Klamath FOalla and planning to live here will
be placed under auarantine for a period of two weeks.
All south approa-bes to the city will be guarded, and .
a close check will be made on all arrival over other
roads. '
Lumber camps soulh of Rend are to assist In
guarding against the spread of the disease, and nn '
one will be permitted to enter the campa from
Klumath Falls unless the quarantine ruling baa been
observed, . -r
Don't' the good people of Bend realize that
the imagination paints more horrors than the
world ever knew? i
Don't they realize that infantile paralysis has
only shown up in a few crises of illness in Klam
ath county I '
Don't they know that infantile paralysis is
liable to happen to any community; that it is re--corded
by many able physicians as a "jumping
disease"-!iable to strike in any locality
Don't they also know that deadly fear is the
worst enemy of mankind, and the dread they are
placing in the minds of their people 'only offers
fallow round for that disease, or some other, to
take hold ' .''"-
Whoever is in charge of affairs at Bend is
showing poor leadership by throwing such a'
scare into the public.
This talk of "staying out of Klamath Falls'
has grown beyond the endurance period, for
there-is nothing in Klamath Falls to keep anyone
aut, and there never has been a condition that
warranted any such statements.
The community was unfortunate in getting
in the Portland Oregonian and a number of other
newspapers by the spectacular talk of closing
the county fair and public places.
It at once grew to tremendous proportions,,
-and nil-the state hreV & til relative to Klaitiath
Falls' diseased condition. At the same time in
fantile paralysis was recorded in forty-two olher
states of the nation by the government health
bureau.. It had been hitting up and down this
coast in its usual jumping manner.
Very eminent physicians state that there is
no use raining from the disease, for it is its his
tory that when it comes, it just comes. Be that
as if may, there "was no occasion for all this spot
light talk about Klamah Falls being steeped in
disease, and the urge to keep people out of the
city was entirely uncalled for.
Our people sincerely hope that not a single
case will show up in Bend, for "it is a frightful
thing, but should there be cases in Bend it would
be unfair to credit the cause of them to Klamath
county. .
Right now the city of Medford has several
cases, according to reports, and schools are
closed. This city sympathizes with the neigh
boring city, but if they will trace their local
cases they' will at once understand that Klamath
Falls is not responsible. They also will find that
infantile paralysis just comes.
It all reminds us very much of the time when
we were all wearing masks for the flu. There
had not been a steamboat intq Nome, Alaska, for
several months, yet the people of Nome had the
flu, and many died from its effects.
Klamath Falls has been the butt of newspa
per publicity and word-of-mouth gossip relative
to diseases long enough. The worm is abut to
Booze Law Violators Caught In Dry
Net, Pay $1,600 In Fines Saturday
The biggest dny fur fines In
the history of tho Klamath Jus
tice court la on record for Satur
day when approximately $1.00
rolled Into the coffera of the
county nnd state from the poc
ket of prohibition lnw violators,
with many cases still pending.
Vnder cover of tho-rnln nnd
Ihe dnrkness Friday evening of
ficers of the law Including city.
county and federnl men, raided
the Hot Springs resort at Oleno
and arrested Chnrlle (Illlinorc.
John Doe, Jim Sharp, and L. M.
Myers. After hearings before the"
Justice of tho peace yesterday
morning Myers wns fined ISO on
an old complaint charging him
with possession of liquor, and
Sharp waa let out on 92S0 hull twas given flSOO hail, but Sanger f Mrs. Innman said she had re
whlch haa been forfeited for non-jnnil High are confined In the, reived three annanymou letters
appearance The rest were ro-; eniinly Jail and will appear beforo j demanding 11.000 rash under
leased. , . . . j Thomas, Monday.
t Fined S.100 I Mrs. llarel Nell, proprietor of
M. P. Crowder and Jane poeiihe Pelican," City pool hall, O. K.
wero nrrasted at Pellcun (ity for ladder and II. K. Goldsmith, two
possession of moonshine. Juno employes at tbe plnre, appeared
Do was released but Crowder I (Continued on I'nge Two)
was fined S500 which ho paid
and waa released.
The following were all arrested
for the snlo of liquor: Elsie
Stearns arrested at 421 Market
street, plead guilty and paid
1200 fine; Dorothy Hnya fined
J150: Whltoy Carey $250; Curl
Walters $25; Alvln Lee Rocoo,
(50; S. II. tanks 850; W. J.
Ilollln of Fort Klamath 150, and
C. A. Howell, released on 5,100
bond.' ,
Policeman Arrested
Herb Baldwin, chief of police
i at Chlloqulu, Sanger nnd High
appeared before Pert Thomas 11.
a. commission, yesterday on tho
charge of sale, possession and
conspiracy, of liquor.
WAtvinn Tc
By Court
Mother Who Asked
for Death or Liber
ty Is Granted Her
Sept. 24, (UP) Eluie Swee
tin, once convicted of the
murder of her husband,
Wilfred Sweetin, this after
noon was acquitted by a re
trial jury. . ,
Mrs. Sweetin went to the peni
tentiary on a 35 ytir sentence
after her first trial when the jury
found that' she. with the Kev.
Lawrence Hlglft. bad conspired
to murder her husband.
The Rev. Htght confessed to
the murder and named Mrs.
Sweetin as bis accomplice.
Contending that she was Inno
cent, she fought and finally auc
ceeded In obtaining; a new trial.
The new trial waa granted on
the grounds that she should no,
hare been tried with Hlght, but
should hare been given a separate
' Asked for Heath
. Previous to the final evidence
in the case today. Mrs. Sweetin
exclaimed to the Jury, "either
acquit me or give me death.
Don't 'send me back to the penl-
', tcntlary."
The Jury was visibly moved by
, the plea. After the outbreak. Mrs.
Sweetin walked to her seat and
i remained quiet during the judge's
1 Instructions and until the verdict
! re ad. "j. x ...
(Continued on Taite J-'lve)
New California
VaterPlan Out
SACRAMENTO, Sept. 24. (U
P) B. B. Meek, state director
of public works, late today an
nounced the new Mate co-ordinated
water program Will be sub
mitted to the state water com-
; mission shortly.
j The commission will leave here
October 17 on a seven day trip
along the Redwood highway to
Eureka and will cross the Trin
! Ity Basin to Redding, rom there
the party will go south, to the
site of the proposed Kenneth
j reservoir, selected as the first
i unit of water development.
I The Kenneth reservoir would
j be one of the largest dams of
jthe Sacramento system. Plans
j call for construction of a dam
j 420 feet high, having a capacity
jot retaining 2,900,000 acre feet
j of water, and coating approxi
mately JS0.000.000.
I Meek and a staff of engineers
j and technical experts will ac
! company the commission on th
tour of inspection.
The beginning of the week-end
work for the local offi-ers
I started last night, when Keith
'Ambrose, chief of police. Louts
Mueller, deputy sheriff, and L.
O. Shirley federal dry officer,
raided the home of Bud Hodges
at ISIS Earl street, and ar
rested Hodges and Walter Martin
charged with liquor law violation.
Part of a gallon of moonshine
whisky, a dozen' empty gallon
Jugs, and barrel of empty bot
tles were found. Roth men arc
confined to the city Jail to await
a hearing.
Pearl McCllnton 'was arrested
at '48 Main street nn rhnrge of
vagrancy and Is confined in Jail.
PORTLAND, Sept. 24. (UP)---Mrs.
R. P. Innman, wealthy
Portland widow who recently
caused tho arrest of Floyd Gloti
hach, chauffeur and former hus
band of Madame Mattcnauer, has
appealed to pollco for protection,
police revealed today.
threat of kidnaping and olhef
dire consequences. Police tare
checking with San FrancHco au
thorities on the possibility thnl
tho letters have a connection with
the Glottbach case.
Potato Show Will
Be Held November
8, 9,-10, Decision
Dates for the Klamath county
potato show which will this year
be more than twice-aa largo as
tbe first annual event In 1929,
were fixed definitely for Novem
ber t. and 10, at a meeting of
officials here Saturday afternoon.
Officials of the Klamath Potato
Grower association met with
members of tbe agricultural com
mittee of the chamber of com
merce to draft plana for the No
vember show and to line np com
mittees to carry out various
phases of the show.
Arrangements for tbe show
will be completed at another
meeting of the officials here Octo
ber 1. The budget for the show
this year Is SO per cent larger
than that for 192. an dtbe com
mittee hopes through Its increas
ed premium llss to attract ex
hibits from every section of the
Klamath basin.
Those at tbe meeting yester
day were J. W. Kerns, general
chairman of the show; John P.
Duke, McKibben, Henry Semon.
Rigbtmler John Turner U. K.
Reeder, Olen Kent. R. E. Geary, j
C. A. Henderson and Lynn P.
99 Persons Up On
Whisky Charges
INDIANAPOLIS; Ind.. Sept. 24.
d'P) Blamed for transporting
350.800 gallons of whiskey Into
this city during, the past four
years, 99 persons were indicted
here today by the federal grand
The indictments charge the de
fendants with conspiring to form
a "gigantic - whiskey running
Officers said the grand Jury
acted on evidence offered by Tony
Ferrecane. who la alleged to hare
admitted part leadership In the
ring. Ferrecane was not among
those indicted.
John Vallertlgart - was fjunte-
-mxhTcTJS: ml ihe grand Jury
was sold to have received Infor-
matlon that he operated stills,
conducted saloons, and held a
steamship agency at hla head
quarters. Others Indicted are Indianap
olis, Louisville and-Chicago per
sons. , . :
Martial Law May
Quell jCoal Fight
DES MOINES. Sept., 24. (UP)
An undercurrent of unrest per
meated the Iowa coal fields to
night while Governor John liar
mill awaited provocation for
martial law..
The ominous feeling followed
on the heels of an outbreak in
Appanoose county last - night,
when a mob of striking miners
were dispersed with tear bombs ;
thrown by sheriff's officers. ;
Governor Hammill said tonight
he- did not believe it will be
necessary to call ' out troopa to
handle the situation., but added: j
"I'm keeping the affair under '
close surveillance."
Last night's trouble In Ap
panoose county occurred when
the striking miners assembled as
pickets. The sheriff's forces
acted quickly and by resorting
to tear bombs took control.
CAVE CITY. Ky.. Sept.' 24. (U
P) Ghouls attempting to break
into Crystal Cave .here Friday
night and make away with the
metal casket containing the body
of Floyd Collins, cave explorer,
whose tragic death attracted
world-wide Interest, it was
learned today.
A wooden wall and a 14-lneh
wall of stone barring entrance
to the cave, were broken down
and the heavy casket moved aev -
oral Inches before the vandals
became frightened away or gave
up the Job because of the weight
of tho casket.
TEETH MAY NOT DIE ! meadow near here. A deed con-
I veylng the property to her from
RANPON. Ore.. Sept: 24. l'P) the Duke Farm company, Inc.,
The condition of Oris Fromnie, ; was filed Fridny. It Is valued ;
12-yenr-old Port Orford boyjat 2. 500,000.
whose left arm was bitten off ' -
by a circus lion Thursday, wns I POMONA, Calif. Queen Mary
slightly Improved tonight. HI its dead.
fever has dropped, and he has Queen Mery, a 1 5-year-old
survived tho shock of the mishap ! ostrich, seeking to escape from,
and the subsequent operation, j her shadow, broke from a pen at
. Tho youth Is In tho Bandon
hospital, having been rushed
here following loss of his arm.
He la resting fairly easy and has
a fair chance, although It Is tno
early to predict whether or not
he will recover, pr. K. V. Lcep,
of the Leep hospital horo, said.
Scored By
Official Charges Fla
grant Waste and
Inefficiency; Emu-,
lates Mitchell
(UP) The navy depart
ment has been stirred by
publication of an article in
this week's Saturday Even
ing Post by Rear Admiral T. -P.
Magruder, commandant
of the Philadelphia navy
yard, criticizing the Con
duct of the navy,' and
charging wasteful and. in
efficient methods.
Admiral MaCruder's outspoken
criticism's concerning a dry-land
fnary recalled a similar attack ,
which former Brigadier General
Mitchell made on that army two
years ago precipitating a bitter
fight, a court martial and bis
The navy department is Invest
igating the matter now. Rear
Admiral MaQrnder had not sub-
. (Continued on Page Six)
Klamath Farmer
Grows New Apple
Klamath connty has a Lntber .
Eurbank. . plant and pomologlral
Wliftrd. oCtlU OWlvUfcaj,-
" thM r.mrl nl"tlv KtncmsK nf -
,.,. hi. ,,rm -hlh
apple trees on his farm which
are bearing .seedless, fruit,
Kinsman, however, claims no
credit for the new type of apple
which he Is growing, stating that
seemingly it "Jnst happened," but
so far as fruit growers here know
the trees are the only species In
the ccuntry bearing seedless ap
ples". . Kinsman's apple trees are fur- -ther
unique in the fact that last
spring each tree bloomed threea
times before finally settling down
to grow Its seasonal crop. The
fruit borne by the trees Is of
excellent quality. It Is declared
by those who have sampled'it.
The Pine Grove rancher de
clares that it he can discover the
secret of hla backyard orchard
he'll set about to develop a seed-v '
less pomegranate.
Oddities in the
xDay's News
(foiled Press)
NEW YORK Seventeen year
old Jack Hartley of Brooklyn
was announced winner In the In
ternational Radio Set Building,
content tonight In the Radio
World's Fair, having triumphed
against the best radio engineer
of all nations.
Colonel Clarence D. Chamber
lin. famous trans-Atlantic and
endurance aviator presented the
boy with the world's champion
ship trophy and congrntalated
him on his 14-tube super heiro
dyne Bet.
. SO.MKRVI1.LE. N J. Fourteen
year old Porto Duke, the world's
richest child, has chosen to -retain
her homo and hcarthslde
oven though It may cut down
her Income from the rest of her
Inheritance. Her father, the lale
1 i&m B- Dllk- tobacco king,
I ava her the tholfe ,n ' ' .
She could accept it or let It go
I '"to the whole estate and tako
i her n"r8 ,n ,he "ettlement.
1 Small Miss Duke's home snd
hcarthslde consists of 3,000 acre
' ot wooded hills, farm land and
: the county fnlr here, and plunged
her head and long neck beneallt
a pile of wood. .
A splinter from a plank torn
Ihe big bird's throat and she tiled
before aid could be summoned.
With her running mate King
Ueorgo she was Valued al 15000,