! t h It u el tt ri t) U U A A (J ft pace eight- THURSDAY. SFPTEMRFR 22. 1027. run klamatu news Here's More On Harvest Tour V, In Klamath Basin Wednesday fwiliit J rrom re Owe) trailed through his puture and crossed Into lb adjoining field which U owned by Lawrence Isurke. v- Tttx Potato Acreage. Mr. liurke la a potato raiser. II baa 82 acre and knows bla business. Hia men were barren- lax nta crop of potatoea nnd ther era excellent ' produce more. It la Irrigate.! I and aure. ' Listen to thl: A. E. Street of Matin took up a homestead from ; the government aud lot possra-, Ion June 1 or tbia yr. Yeater- j oar everyone preaent aaw a tine farm producing alfalfa: and oats. Tbat baa been done In one brief season. It la almost unbetterable unless one aeea It. There la no aectlon of the aheep. Me la a breeder of Hamo. lL"'. '""N Mr. Street la only one of many. Little wonder It la tbat every unit tbe government throw open tor it it one ' every Mentioned for Wheeler's Tob 'National Guards v AW rwt a : ASKea 10 Appear payer. Tbe aame la true of Mr. ' Semon and many other. At Gene Hanunoad'a Tbe party drove on down to Gene Ilaamond'a ranch where they found Uene out with the hire aheep and take It from the crowd yesterday, they are aome aheep. Located In blue ' " J auuu : - - - e - u immetllaleir take un " " i uisser puuea oy touri - the aureat bet bone aeiirered tbe Netted Gem- """""u "Mry ior im :Each mcn f WBfn 0 lfalf to see mat a man wno Mowi, "-" In the Tule lake eounte. 1. potatoes in pllea It waa Terr plain 1 bfcdcrs market and command ,,aa k bow to raise potatoea can make ! "Pwarde of 150 a head. Mr. about , . ) i . L . i NinmAnil all,- In Ih. hi.-- . There la a atory which h-i. not ""P tor the reason that they "n Z1?" ,,,, been denied that Mr. Burke W than the fine woola. I - L"J7J! ' - bought 0 arret of land last!""')' produce more and bigger', shear a good jell valley and went un through ! Shasta View an irrigation project u. i uauijt ueaieciea ana on? : thai has (real merit. Entering . Langell valley the parly took the r. - . : . t " a ' itX ",; , .V. fev A , k rV , W7 KlnUhllia toil. Ilea will be put on the oritanliatloii of Klamtti Fll' new Natlohil tlnard pot tomorrow evening In the Legion building when the men will bo muatered In anil officer elected. Hut meanwhile a "number of men whone naiRea follow are urged to vUlt tbe Legion build ing onmtime Minlvi anytime during the daytime or evening--for their examination. National Guard officer will be in tbe hall to take rare of thl and It la Im portant that the examination be made today. Thoe anke.1 to appear are: Noble II. Cantor. C Letlie Green well. v. . lull. II. II. lUyea. Mllford W. llarlon. M. 1.. J.vhn aon. Italph Turner. lavl.l Vandenbnrg. II. V. Walte and V. 0. Wlrth: ! HARDEST FIGHT OF PIRATtS COMING UP r'OKIIKS KIKI.I). l-ITTSIil'ltC. Pa.. Krit. ri II I' I Tli rirato riiirciiehed Ihomiielve luitay toi their aland agnltul the Invasion of the New York tlltint In the crucial four-gume aerie, which n.ay ilinide the National league pennant race. liy heating the llohln. 4 to t. In the final game of Hie rle Ihe I'll ate Incri'imi'd Iheir lead over the (Hunt to linen and a halt game. The I'lratna-Gluul crltm begin Thtimilny. . I'lttalmrxh need eight vic tories In game to i I heir remaining Inili the pennant. Standard Dyers and Cleaner "Kur Better Appearance" (Murlraa Cleaning One-Day Hervlr) Ktpert P)eln . 1409 Esplanade St Thone 825 year and will pay for It with one j "! they crop of potatoea. Tbe nrire ilrT- wae f UOO. Hi potatoea go to a y Hia fucceaa In farming and Baa Franelaro house where they!tock raising la another outstand ing .r.. h.o.l. Ln . 'K-Umath r.,h p, ! "u. A nd. ,ne Leacue of America, .'ucceedlug the late Wayne B. Wheeler. Tj thelon"' uh to wonder If he dl.l " " ! - J .. . I u n nor ranch Where thev fun i. . i . i . i ...-. . . ... ., . . . . . . It In an ...... I i i I net n.-at - U. llammnn aWam .. . " u IB n. ri..liaiiuil, Ut'ilU HI IUD HUllilHl OURIU UK .-vaauTllie. It'un. -" m Ofie of there men may be named general counsel of the .ntl-3a!oon We are Intereetrd In the fellow who chewed 112 atlck of gum' r r. ae. w-n-n- ..u 1 .-v.hin. in 11.,?' Tlchnor busy with his bar- To the right Is James A. White, aupcrlntundntd of tho Ohlo.Antl r In year, gone by no one would (everything In the term of bu.l- ,TOt. HU alfalfa Is good ind he S,.ln League. ' have thought Klamath county ineaa. He baa a wonderful blue- also has a u , , lD j , , j would have notato cellars- Yea-! crass pasture near bla home and:. r terday the Karveet Tour aaw the'he knowa that the pasture brings! .,.. . .t "" ot Pioducta mide by having been permitted klcelUr recently built by Graf-i to him from 140 to 150 an acre ! lloDlwd' LIZ , "!,.i ",, ! George E. Anderson of Olene. J Klamath county Man Jackman on the O. C. each year. He guesses at nothing. weirwieel vh.. -..!Vk Mr. Anderson Is an old miner but ltnTal ,r""lpur- ' Evervthinc on the nlace muic i . . .. . i : i . . i ' I where he stuck It aftt-rward. In to see her agrtcul- .00 sacks. Thla firm ha, produce. If 4t does not he soon iZ .v n i. n.H ..,11 u . --" ( uicg rnce. isnuiru at t rater another cellar ot same capacity, j finds out why and remedies tbe Tmt tomaMow hl In S . ill : nrl , ,cl t. . " i L"" UV,n " h''r, 'rt"di,Jr i I tbe Burke ranch there 1. .(defect. On tho Hammond ranch hrouTnd " ,d he la-eer.s.n T. ,?h n """" t'0.? ?Tr " h "" h" hU",""t 1 rll.r with- . opacity of O00 j t. a field of potatoes of 40 acres .,07 " , ,,Z.i l T 1 1"Ck M bn WOri"" m''"r here are SO potato cellars witn land they look fine- DlgKing will h tn m,7lv L , lM or : '"""" admitted that he k. and in the entire county j begin early next month. i well nd there la nothing hn ' ts t i . a k.. . ..'j""1'" a Rood, long hunt. ! combined capacity ot 300 000 , u.n. ZJt . i. . bttt ; The ,Hp bout tek whether he got anv deer or not. 1 comoinea capacity ot 300,000 IMrtyAtMalln optimism around tbe oil camp. , when the caravan headed Into ; But . k . usually geta them and I " " i " l. n.Miiiniii r i in otriT memDer ex thia veaa h. .ill M..t hat ki. mtnni a.'"". rmi ij " ." ' w nua ma'.ra 10 . pressing 1110 greatest nlenaure The Klamath apud is now as : .,ae ine r.Ki mver P Uaooili to visit the Malln Cheese i "ore factory, wblch now to nationally tt Ja that Taklma the greatest known producer of excellent MIU mmMm aV tt's.li kbIab I V , , . . " " I cheese. John Ileber. the man- TteCOala !?T h.r fT1 "d ager. took the party Into the .nor...... prooaoiy oe cars raom, ,nd ,fter filling . """" -ppea , "'' everyone up with superior but- ijiuijear tor seea atone, idano termllk he explained the working e .or "" ,,( a cheeM factory to them. Uu.potato buyer of San Fran- . , el-v. fi.eram.ntn ann r-hl.-.J The MgllO factory 1 HOW turn are making reguUr vlslta to this ! lD out I Pounds of cheese ..,. , a day besides a heavy butter uww .v iui .ivia ... t Red tlover Deed ! Prod,lc"on- The cheese Is not al- ; Abyone who has ever been in lawtA to for ,ue re""on, ,hat Twin Falls. Idaho, knowa what I1""- from Sacramento and San 'rule of bringing In the limit. GLASSES Fret Eismjnej. Fitted and ,he wlic Giound in uur o(t Isctuty imil r iajtttj! prya.ti an-er. Broken Lenaea Replaced DR.GOBIE'S ?0 MAIN STetCIT ffr.vrf Qmitk Srtritt XL DOLLAR DAY Baiins Saturday, Sept. 24th '''w-i Truth in Advertising mmtmamg clover seed means to the grower, if yoa have witnessed a seed grower enter Twin Falls with his truck lightly loaded and trade tat seed tor a bag of gold, yon Francisco are at the door the mo ment the rheeee ran be marketed. They take the, prod net and beg for more. That- la the kind of a plant Joan.- Reber is running at ay-, have some conception of what kind of a money crop clover seed realy Is. ' When Professor Hyalop, of O. A. C. was in Klamth last fall h recommended the growing ot . clover seed. And Professor Hy rlop knows bla onlnns. to nse a newsboy's expression. .He told everyone who wonld listen that Oregon's fame aa a seed ducting section was waning MaliD. .- Eacb.year.' Improvemeat are made and tbe capacity Is be iLg increased, rapidly. , - - Served VI oc TManer '. The Malln ladle served a fine chicken dinner- to the visitors and loud were the' words of praise from the Klamath people for tbe meal. When all Jiad been served Bruce Il'anls, -chairman of tbe pro-j Klamath Falls Chamber of Com- thatmerce agrkultural . committee. tbe eastern aeed houses that once ' introduced .various speakers who looked to the Willamette valley ! made a pleasant hour for all. tor' clover aeed now penal ibed I With Pat Patterson at the seed from tbat locality because j piano tbe old song "Oregon. My tt la diseased. He said the higb , Oregon" was sung after which altitude of Klamath Basin In-1 Mayor Trout of Malin gave an aures good seed. address of welcome. He waa fol- Hrmon Took Advice - lowed by Major Clarence Cnder- i wood. Lead of the Klamath Henry Semon. a rancher superb listened to Hyalop and this year be planted 14 acres. Mr. Semon ' did aot "guess" It In he planted It right, just as be does every thing he undertakes. And he got- results. Yesterday Klamatb people stood In the. middle of a field of as fine clover as one ver saw. Mr. Semon was rutting It and tbe clover laid heavy on the ground with tremendous aeed crop, proving the wisdom of Professor Hyslop and giving testimony to the ability of the irsn who operates the ranch. Fonr tons to the acre will be been threshed the clover straw the yield. After the aeed has Is one-half as good aa alfalfa for feed, and the seed will bring all tbe way from 160 to $120 an acre. , A word should be said re garding Mr. Semon for he came to tbis valley from the Imperial valley of California. He farmed In both plaeea and his judgment la all in favor of the Klamath Basin If people want to succeed and are willing to work. Ijinrt That Pays In . the drive several ranches were pointed out wbcre the crop of one year had paid for the land. Robert Orem has a fine place, and hia land reuponded to his work In anrh a way thai It ins been a heavy dividend chamber. Other talks were maile by Representative Andy Collier. City Attorney Albert Scbaup. Captain O. C. Applegate, James Drlscoll, It. C Croeabeck. The closing talk was made by A. M. Thomas, editor of the Malln Progress.. In which he reviewed tbe growth of the Malin district and expressed pleasure at the mingling of the two communities. Among llomentead It ever the United States did a wlee thing in the way of reclama tion it was when It drained Tul Lake. Where water and marsh land formerly existed there are now many farms, and the -visitors yesterday saw with their own eyes the homesteads which are now being taken up by soldier boys and others in the famous Tule lake region. Is It a good farming country? Ask anyone who was on the trip and yon will be told that another Iowa lies down In Tule lakn. Yes, beter than Iowa ever van or ever could be for tho land will . , wwaai i rum in .uivt riuinn aaawsa ; I . v, l j Wears the Scar THE ANSWER ; Here Is the solution to the LETTER GOLF puttie on page 4 FlAlRlM JL A R.E. ..! JUL CITE William F. Mnllinka, who barked the plane Miss Doran In the Hole air race -from San Francisco to Hawaii, Is shown as he returned to Los Angeles after tragedy claimed Miss Mildred Doran and 'her two flying companions In the I Pacific. Malloska'a face carries deep lines that toll the story 'ot bs days and nights ot worry. We are proud to be the local dealers for the lar gest stove manufacturers in the state of Oregon, the MONTAG. Believing firmly in the promo tion of Oregon manufactured products without sacrificing quality. We belive that in selecting the Montag Stove. We are giving the people of Klam ath County the best stove buy on the market. Come in. Let us demonstrate to you the superior quali ties of the MONTAG. . J They Want Them OF COURSE! ' . The moment Hho set her oyo on a MONTAG her one arribi tion is to have one in her kitchen. And this in not nlonu because of the incomparable aimplLcity nnd beauty of desi?n. nllhot'ph of course ulic appreciate what that r fans in makinp her kitchen a more pleasant place to work but ha Knows mat every one of her fnentlH who own.s a MONTAG larly free from the worries of cookinjr. ih sintfii- And Mr, Man why, he'll just azree with the comment "It's r-Muiis mat count. - - ... EaHy to keep clean; durabUvnnd, most reasonably priced, no wonder" MONTAG Ranges have for more than forty years held a firm . lace in the hearts of tho women who cook on "The Choice of West ern Cooks." Wo- have resolved a shipment of MONTAG Ilnnges, and If you'll allow u the pleasure of showing iu through our Itnngo Department, whether you ore rendy to liny or not, we know that a .VCINTAC will ho your next Jittigo. The model llluktrntcd Is tho Montag Colonial Jr. htifret, a porcelain eunm nl, which can lie chosen Jn white, gray or Ranlono. Or you enn now have litis rnnge In porcelain enamel trim with mlHslon liimn. COLONIAL Ranges "Use Your Credit' "Use Your 'Credit1 "Use Your Credit' THE HOUSE OF QUALITY CLAUD H. DAVIS, Furniture McCarthy Bldg. Phone G81-W III I . ' ; , "I TS A , ,. . J. r' jl'J -a j i. -ih. , m I 11 1- 4 '