The Klamath news. (Klamath Falls, Or.) 1923-1942, September 22, 1927, Page 6, Image 6

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    I 1
5 -t
Health Board Is
Against Closure
West Pointer
irlil Act- I-tm Wrtrrn Collrr
l-.nnIIs at MflHary Acmlrniv,
(Contlnaeri from Pe Ot.e)
skould be regulated by the local
health authorities.
l!1 Schools
, "In every epidemic there I a
popular demand that the schools
b. Immediately closed. The cloa
liur tf schonli is a question not
til be llfhtly derided, for the
t Inure oC schools means a loss
la the community, and Is war
ranted only after due considera
tion and study. The popular
Idea that schools are great dis
tributors of disease Is not clearly
confirmed by careful observation
and study. The chief argument
for It is the Increase of scarlet
fever, diphtheria, measles, etc.,
durlnK the school year: but thU
fact Is by no means conclusive,
there is, of course, no question
that infection does take place
thronta association of children
in the schools; but the amount
of It as compared with Infections
tbroash association outside of
school has probably been exag
(rated. r A Itad liwttc
"It is, in any case, bad prac
tice to close schools and keep
them dosed for weeks without
any apparent benefit. Experience
has shown that closure longer
than the period of incubation
is of little value. The best au
thorities believe tho reduction
4 V J" S .w
j Oddities in the '
News of the . Day I
(Continued from Pur One) i
i fire department rot EiiKeno out
I by tearing the side out of Ku ,
gen's mother's llvlnu rooji.
! rU'NTINOTON. V. Va. IH-j
'cause his heart is on the right'
side Instead of tho left. w ill'am
Modern Girl Superior
of Old Fashioned Sister
an a
L, LX'2 f
;Gray. Is alive after
at suicide following
: quarrel.
Physicians at first believed
a bullet had pierced flray's heart
but evamination disclosed that
the organ vvs on ths richt slue
The bullet passed thrnnch his
left lung. He may recover.
West Point now numbers Leo
Rooney,- backfield ace and base
ball star for three rti at St.
Mary's college in Calif:rnia.
among its cadets. Rconcy just
of opportunities of ccntact In-! received his appointment to in
fection in the school and t- ?ful I cle Sam's institution, and is cer
medlcal inspection of school ' tai to be 'hear', of in mhletlc
children to detect Incipient case. I circles there during his stay,
rather than closure, are the most
effective ways of controllln
communicable diseases when epi
In Inef fccUve
"It Is sometimes astonishing
with what unanimity the closing
of Schools Is demanded by other
wise well-informed physicians.
The strongest argument against
closing schools is that such prac
tice does not
the amount of contact which
largely determines the progress
of l an epidemic. The children
Mayor Tells His j
S. jf f TT77 j 1 ' clenched
ide or Wrarfcrle kerchief
I'J I U'ninnAH fn tt wnu n nhnln Tt
i ' . ,' 'depicted Rudolph Valentino. In
! ISDIANAI'IM.ia lnd., Sept. 21. ,ne robes he wore in "The Sheik."
i lTI'l For the first time since ! wnen hu f Hcfcrinsc shadow tore
he wis indicted by the Marion ,n0 cf joung girls all
nmeriiiiv red nee - over tne-wona.
i oi viui.ilA me vu.r(iiL practice.
' act. Mnvcr John
, diaiiKpoils late yesterday gave his, clippings about Valentino, many;
'explanation of the $12.01)0 cam- ' ot tnem dated at tho time of'
The pocket- i
1 i ine gins ninanag on tne area
ta Derail, of In- r Bpr cVe no more oictures and !
Mttiola tt.atfr almnl. na iriMh atltt.
.. of .chonl In school. Tha;Pal,:n n In William H. : Ms dea,Q tesr year.
nnlv Mention Is; in rural dls-' Annitnge. Indianapolis contractor took a!90 disclosed that the girl
tricU with scattered population, I n j ffl ' ,.
.i. r Having denied the
... , .i,i -i I charge he accepted the donatl
f nrh KchooK mav ba a useful , ln fcr Promising Armi- Another tragic cross-section
procedure as an aid to effective , tae ,hree municipal appoint- : Witn many pieces needed to com
control measures required by reg-!me'us' tostitiea voaay ne ; plcte the rT, was revealed
nlation. bot there is no evidence 'f reason ...
that In cilien or towns the clos- K
iwas Miss Evelyn Vail. 19. ot
state's Brooklyn. -
1 - ISubic Abaniloneil
lng of schools has any effect in I
The mayor said he feared re
in .
room 16. Kerry, who makes his
home there, bad been asked by
the mother to care for the fables
for a few hours. The, mother
was Mrs. Paul J. steibei. wile
stopping an epidemic. Cn the ; la f" lue vro.erreu
.h h..H if f. .1.1. . donation from Armltage might re-
cedurea are adopted while the 1 sult ln tne Political boss, reputed o a trailing man. She pleaded
schools are kept open, an cffec-!coatrol'cr tne negro votenirn- : urgent business in New York and
tire control of an outbreak of di-i inS his large following against Kerry consented
acase may be had.
"At the beginning of an out- "
break, the schools may be closed . BoyS TnOUght Lost
los me periou ot lucuiisiion uau
then opened, hut careful guard
must be exercised to discover
new cases and a watch keot on
the return of convalescents. The'
pupils should be Inspected daily
and those showing signs of Illness j
be promptly sent home. All j
-suspicious cases' should be iso-'
laud, and quarantine regulations!
-should be strictly adhered to. If;
these measures are enforced the i
Hlste Board of Health sees no1
necessity for the closing of school ;
In an epidemic."
lUuvall lit the inayora-.y election, i All nisht he sat with the
children, one - au infant of 1
months, the other two yoars old.
Iln , rt,i In lnl thA Infnnl
Are Held in Jail i milk and pacified the older child
with candy.
For results ose News Cass Ads.
Three Portland boys, aged 12
to 15. missing since Monday and
at first feared drowned, turned
up last night at Vernonia.
Chief of Police Kelley of Ver
nonfn reported to local officers
that the boys were under arrest
there charged with thefts from
stores, residences andfillinK sta
tion, and wiih stealing a small
touring car. The boys paid thry
found the ear on the Seaside golf
She had disappeared somewhere
In New York. j
So Kerry turned the children j
j over to the police and the au-'
jthoritifB had another problem on j
. their hands.
j Xo vcr. rases j
No n'W cases of infantile par-
jalvsfs were reported atthe cf-
jfice of Dr. G. S. Newaom. rountyj
hnctlth officer, up until late this
j afternoon. i
' i
MONTREAL, Que. Three;
"minute-men" bank robbers made i
their appearanco here today,
i worked at top speed for 60 sec
onds and escaped fvom a branch '
of the Dank of Montreal with
$4,000. '
j The trio came in firing auto-;
. matlc pistols, drove the empniyei .
jtnto a vault, scooped the cur
rency into a suiV. and departed';
; in a stolen automobile. .
x n
i . i .2 '
i V at
. f
tt x .
. .Wi-i
I i -9 - ' v V-1 '
Lovelorn Girl is j
Suicide Victim
(Continued from. I'Atfr (ne
Ho cilled the proprietor and they j
broke Into room 17. j
Girl Kbum! Demi
The young woman lay oa the!
bed. When the room had been I
cleared of gas. confined by bits
paper and clothing siuffel la1
e crevices, thev took from her ;
I clenched hand a blue silk hand-'
Chilean Reds May
Return For a, Day
SANTIAtlO. t'allf.. Sept. SI.
I ( AI" 1 President Ibnnet, as an
: act i'f tnvrcjr ou the tuvanloii of
it'liileait Idepvnileace day. Is pvr
1 milling a group of I'hlleaii cum
itiiunlsla to return from their red
. paradise on the Island of Juan
1 Feruandes to ,a capitalistic civil
' tuition they now like better.
) The presldtni signed an execu
tive order pantonine 40 lirst
offense prisoners, among them
some communists sent several
, uiontha ago to Juan Kcrnaudca
j tho Inland on which was
I iter Melklrk, Scotch aeaman. was
supposed to have been the orig
inal of Hohinson t'rusoe.
Communists were sent to the
.Island, given all necessary equip
ment and food, and invited to
' rorm a communistic community
Jfur themselves and thereby at
; tain happiness.
The experiment failed -for tho
j communists.
Spokane Air Race
Finals Off Today
j Aihtlnucd from I'neei One)
Leo P. Flynjx and Dempsey Use Rowing Ma
chine in Training Grind
. ' Ttit
ij:.-.;t i-gi
Dave Bernie Finds Flap
per Most Perfect Girl
of All Ages
New York City When (hft
modern girl is weicm-d in tho bal
ance with her iatcr of a dotcn
she found wantinB body, semis nomc
years aco,
I'JllKtl kii I
The musician bas poured out his
soul, but ;hey mus. go back to
an cvcry-iiay world, walk sedate
ly down the nisle, act as thoug'.i
ihey have not bocif swept into
otiur worlds.
-i&zz with' Its free, un'uamp
ercd emotianalism, born for
dancing feet, cullirifr for the
wholesome exercise of brain tnd
more com-
moraily or spiritualty ?
Dave Bemie. emirent in the
modem music world, believes that
the scales not only balance, but
register a higher score for the
2irl of today. Adiiim: interest, to
his statement, and inviting horrid j
fied disavowal from the preach.miPP,vi
and Victorians, Bernio gives un-i"-" "Pir ju,t hat
p'.etily satisticd, healthicr-mindod
"The lyrics as well as the music
are free and unirammeled and
while a few years back it was not
considered 'laiiy liku' for n young
girl to faJitly suggest thut sno
i no mou-
I Searching purtie are scouring
tbn country In the vicinity of
Mt. I'owell, where tho plane wa
iieKirted to have crashed,
j .on Stt Kae Ktarf a
I Fept. 21, tl'I') -Two great
' plunes roared Into the west to
j ulgbt in tho first nnn-stnp trans
'continental race In l hi' history nf
' aviation.
.' A third plane. The Air King.
' piloted by Steve Luey. failed to
get Into the air, heavy-wlth luel.
' It rumbled to a Slop Just before
I tho "death gulch" at tho run
I way's end. tinnppcd a tall skid,
' bent Its rudder and was nppareit-
ly out of the race.
StiiLson Off llnil
' Tho Stlnson I let roller designed
I and piloted by Kilille 8tlnson and
with Kred Koehler. another !"
' troiter, as navigator, was away'
! first. It took the air at 2 p. tn.
! k. a. T.
liuko Schiller's Rtluson mono
plane Koyal Windsor, with Schil
ler at tho stick, left the lunway
at 2:11 p. m. K. . T.
! A prlte ot 110,000 awaits thu
. i first pilot to reach Spokane.
Washington, 3.200 miles away.
(Second prizo Is 15.000.
Bsrrlng bad weather or ma
i rhtne trouble It was estimated
i that the fliers would reach their
I desranatlon within 25 or SO
t ffours.
A-t ,Vre"(' 'i'c
Here's another ldea Intrt.iluced by l.n P. Klynn. Jack n-mpey'a
manager, to gni his i hnrse In shape for the es-chnmplon's coming
light with dene Toniiey. Flynn Is shown' hero advising Oempsey,
on tho rowing uiurhlne. at lila Lincoln Kl"ll training ramp, that a
Mi of sinnuoim eesrrlse on the niiulilm- will be a big help In de
veloping his arm und leg muscles.
KAN'S AS CITY. Mo.. Sept. 21.
d'l'l. The appointment nf
Dwlght V. Morrow as ambassa
dor to Mexico today drew the
lire of Senator James A. Heed,
democrat of Missouri.
Senator Keed referred to the
i appointment as "another move of
i Morgan and company, aready In
itereeied ln financing other for
jeign countries, to get Its finan
cial hooks on another country.",
"I suppose," said Heed, "that
the great oil Interests in
financial organisation (referring
to Morgan and company), which
Is now advocating thu cancella
tion of at least S'O per cent of
the foreign war debt, wag tho
financial agent of Kraure and
(real llriialn during 'the World
war " -
For results use News Class Ads.
will look with favor upon the up-
polnltnent of an ambassador who
so Well represents edpltullsttc in
terests that are undoubtedly In
volved In oil Investments.
""It will be rersleil this
A man eluded thirty policemen
In a department store. An argu
ment there for Women police.
Women always were the only
Mexico I ones Who could lnd anything In
department store.
Mussolini has been on the Jnh
several years now, and that old
.tower at 1'tsa husn't been
great t strulghtened yet!
PORTLAND. Ore.. Sept. 21. (Ji '1 The mother never returned. '
Goat Getters ;
r i lL. : ' ner mmu.
?o"r Vn s ItXof '"fc . 'Jf- Oon't Like U-Not Much'
. i r . could never have been popular-
"There is a refrcjhin frank-1 Ucd n few yctLTtt nfi0 S'o as
r.csi about the modern pent-ra-1 mzny irlg as ftsk for it an(
tion, ft lack of reprea.ion. that J'jing ,t when ciancinp. It's a littltj
dirertly due to th influence (lbit frttnk but cerUinly very popu
nicaem tnujic, he eluims. ; j,.
'Psycho-analyst, have proven 1 xh0 dancrrs have been allowM ,
that jazz far from iieinz an atfent? not only t0 lisU,n t0f but cxpri.
of cvil !3 a safety valve for bnjflI1C(J thc muslc. The girl who j
cvor-hiphiy civilized age. j b,.ril!, ovt.r a typewriter all day, i
"Music iUdf Jiis no inliibi-1 thc boy who aril; bond, havo ;
t'ons; our trcatc-t symphonies - pone hand-in-hand into n plorious
are a free e::nrtion of thc majur : world of riotous ihythm and
human enotions. Modern music, : hauntinp harmony. They are rc
jr.zz wiiiten fur dancTnp, poes a - frerhed, ahmt- all. they are ruippy.
. ta further in pnvvidinp a chz--i "Released of thi-ir represidns,
Pel for the release of those v.ho tnd every normal being ha them
have r.ot only wriltpa the music ' there has temptation to :mluIno
Lut ffir tho.ic who hear it. , ! them o4icrwi:-.e. S hrlievt
"O'.Tcrvc th'' avrrnffc audlenc?j that the modem pirl wih all her
. re n concert: the maioritv sit a-1 eurfure franhne.. is lovelier.
fe lativc, move hy what they : morally nri niritually, t'f.n hef
war, but ti;hl.lif pcdt unea?y. inhibited r.bter .f je .t.rday.M
Covered Wagon Babies' Form Organization
eit27 er 5fvcr twr
1 aar
A "--v-
lrsci:ndnnls of pioneer days In llui westward trek to Cnllfcrnia hnv
j ii Mt held their third rnniinl nieeilnK fit Hunfa Hons. Calif. , and elect
ed officers, whll" rit.Hi'.' name time the "Hons and MiiKhloi'fl of Cov
ered WnEon Halites." foiiuderl by Mrs. !ic.iiu Montnnu Kcliolx, Kanla
It'sa ibelowl, orfttirilzi'd nnd I'leclcd hor ns pri'Sldent. Tho upper
picture shows efffers of llm "Itnbles' " club fleft to rlKhl), Mrs.
M. C. Tnbris. Htnckton. vice-president: William K, Norrls, Kanta
Hosa, vice-president; Mrs. Kutn N. Hunt, l.ns Aniteles, necretary-iiTssuror-
Juili:e J. C. Needham, Moilvsto, prcsidoiil, Norrls Is the
father of Mrs.' tichulz. .
Enter: the baby!
Accompanied by his faithful stork, the
Bitner baby arrived this morning. , There was a
great deal of rushing around, but things have
quieted down now, and advice is pouring in!
Counselors, well-meaning and many, have
arisen: "I used this talcum and that soap,"
"those bottles are best," and "Blank's have the
best carriages." But behind these advices looms
the most practical, most modern and most eco-'
nomical coupselor of them all: advertising.
t Advertising v.-ill toil Mrs. Bitner not only
which talcum, vvhi.'N blankets, which carriages
are best, but it will ab: rjivc her nriny helpful
hints on keeping hep baby healthy :.-rd happy.
It will suggest toys for his busy lta: us, ohoes for
his scampering feet, clothes and foods for his
sturdy body, as well as books to set his eager
mind to work And, as the years go by, Mrs.
Bitner will keep young,, and look young too.
For advertising will help her solve one of the
greatest economic problems of her home buy
ing the best for .her family at the best prices.
Read the advertisements They carry a
wealth of dound advice to people
who are creating homes