The Klamath news. (Klamath Falls, Or.) 1923-1942, September 22, 1927, Page 5, Image 5

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PAfiE nvr
An Irishman, to be Sure, Will Win in National
in iin.i.v kv.ixm
A battlu f the "Fighting
That's what the National
league ruco hiiM simmered
down to nit far nit thu man
agers arc concerned.
For Huveral .yearn thcyi
1. ...... Ibah tnlltmr i,u H.t 4l.A !
Irish ruco was dying out
among the big league ball
)laycrs. That may bo true
an to tho player, but it
docsn t hold good for the '
Just lamp these good old
Celtic names of you have
your doubt an to the au
ccHtry of the four pilots who
lire now fighting it out to
the bitter end in the Nation
al league.
John J. McGraw presides
over the New York (limits,
Joseph McCarthy has "been
' doing the miracle Htuff for!
the Chicngo Cubs, Kobert'
O'Farrell is guiding the ties-,
tinies of tho St. Louis Car-)
dinnls, while Owen Hush in;
in charge of the Pittsburgh
' -
Tunney Picked as'
Winner of Fight;
('4iittlaMr frvim Page On)
.champion should succeed In de
' fending bin championship, j
When Hie roar of the crowd
. answera the raining of the Tie-!
lorn' nana., urn Tunney snouia
j be Hint victor. .
The popular support for Jack
; Dempsey, which mill waa Increas-1
lng 24 houra before the battle, ;
1 apparently la tuned upon sym-1
pathy, hysteria and suspicion. I
rather than on logic.
It seems unreaaonable to sup
poe that the Dempsey of today
ran defeat the man who battered
. him ao terribly at Philadelphia,
' a champion who has climbed to
the Kip by beating each opponent
hy Just the nucessary margin of
victory. . ,
Wllh all hla fine phyalcal con- !
dltlon. Jack la for from being
I the "Manama Mauler" of old. )
One cannot judge him beat by I
what he haa been doing In hie )
training at the race track at
Lincoln field. The fight with ;
Jai k ' Sharkey la a more logical 1
! ground for judging Dempsey's J
capabilities and Gene Tunney la
ranable of whipping the man who ;
mopped the big Lithuanian at J
f ankee atadlum tw'o months ago. ,
Kemeniber how Jim Corbett
; beat -the great .John-L. Sullivan.;
' Oumcee Increase
Aa the fight progresses on
j Thursday night to will the chats'- '
! plun'a chances Increase. Until at '
the end, whenever that cornea, 'it .
' ahould be Tunncy'a band which la '
rained. . I
' ('hlrago and Ita visitors, j
fcaught in flood-tide of byateria ;
. over the affair, talked mostly of1
Jack Denipeey. It baa been 10
for a week now. .
The arrival of aeorea of trains'
. Postmaster
Second A.ELF. Is
! Free With Kicks
(Continued from race tne)
f ' a, " jA, mixed up when they try to tell
, j which division fought there.
I-L : ' " ' -unit i. i.i
Then there la the question of
standing In line. They osed to
stand In Una for food at meal
time; now they are standing in
line for doughnut find to ob
tain ateamsblp and battle field
tickets and to get Into the con-j
ventlon halls.
I Hundreds are complaining
1 about hotel accommodations. The
harassed housing committee ex
plain that the rooms were re
served a year ago when the
franc waa low In value, and that
now the Legionnaires are paying .
more for uncomfortable rooms In i
hotels on the edge of the city '
than the boulevard palace are :
asking. .
. Merely Normal
But all that is just a remind
er that the A. E. P. Is getting
back to normal and Is fighting
the battle of Paris a thoroughly
aa it fought In the World War,
when the boys complained about
the food and Joked, about death.
The A. E. P. Is enjoying Itself
i ThM , nH.h nnttinalasm nil
of the California-Nevada League ' . ,,,- ,.
of Postmasters for in years, and V" T ,to tria toAxT Whf
in 24 yeara has missed only one Leglonnairs bounced a communiav
convention. onto a station platform from the
' I train.
ex-champ!on and disparaging in Dozens of Legionnaires have
their estlmatea of Tunney. 'tried vainly to break the beer-
iimii,,, unirf I drinking record established. In
So deeply In sympathy with
Dempsey'a attempt to regain his
crown Is this majority that men
i i r
lmmJ'' 1
Offering 'for Tour Approval
Breakfast 5C
Luncheon , 50c
Dinner 85c
These at Counter Only
Only the Best -Served .
Pcstmaster William H. Nichol
son of Hen Iximond, Calif., Is
the oldest In service in Califor
nia, and fifth in similar rank in
the L'nited States, in summer he
works hard to take care of $000
resort visitors, . but in winter
be serves a population of 400.
He haa served aa vice-president
You, too,
can have
and .
j 1 m sV MVJJsVVU9
and women are bettis:
of dollars.
August, 192C, by a Boston stu
ident lg.S seconds to ease down
!a huge five pint, glass fall of
i beer. ' '
mid O'Furrcll there you
have four names of which
any real Irishman would be
Since the opening of the
u.. 'r.r-.., rm uta nnui-' if an nnnulnr a nl.ivpr nit a trifle slowcrO act than
''"i0"- ..n v.... ...... r - . , i t - , ,r..,., p0u Lf from east, south and weat bring-
McC.raw. McCarthy. Hush t' the bench siKnalled Kiki Cuylcr. for the best in- either McGraw or Bush, but ng a
for every ball pilcned. ; icresis oi tne icam, toun wuin nc iwuu n" "f . among ino nation s ngni ians.
tv, r.mnn. mRnairor of nlentv of courairc. his mind he can be a stern Jut begun to tip the scales
the GianU dominates his' Bush is, like McGraw. aK- taskmaster. One neejl onlj r. Xmpsey"" talk j
team and he takes 'all re- jrressivo, never gives up, to refer to his asking of jUHl . ja(-k's supporters always
nionsibility for the manner und will make any number waivers on his star, Grover have talked, and they are loud!
season, thrse four manauers "'
' talkera. A majority are unrea-
wnicn every ffame is ot Slim in ma iuic-u, . sonable In their appraisal of the '
sia i i a i. i i. l t iiinr rryt t t niTrnar ninn t nrr : .
have made the 1927 race in Played. All ne uskr is mat.uie miK.iv iu. , ' " . a CI
the National league one 1 the individual players make he believes it will be help- as McCarthy hoped ne
never to be fo.otten. Yet!"" effort to carry out hi! Ml. Bush is a bundle of would. .
it is hh intt-resting fact that ; orders. If they fail, no word nerves, and whether on the , Bob O Farrell is the silent
the tactics employed by he. of censure ever comes the,ir coaching lines or bent, man of the quartet. He
rival strategists differ ma-, way. Jlcuraw nas me cour- mases nm nmt,, r u,,v u
age of his convictions. lie parent. nnu is incimeu iu "c u
tiio is willing to sir.nn pal on joe jicuuiny is uguici inui-ui
' defense find a vital soot and send
Perhaps, even, as waa hinted j Tunney down to sudden defeat,
confidentially by one of the j it does not seem logical, how
champion's most intimate friends ever, that such a fine defensive
at Lake Villa. Oetie will surprise fighter as Ccno will permit hlm
tvery one by meeting Jack's at- ,eif to be caught and crushed by
tack as savagely as it Is launched . t,e Dempney of today,
and slugging with Dempsey, bloc ( ,
for blow. . . j ne. i-m Koing to kiss you
More likely that that la the '. every time a star falls."
possibility that one or more of She (10 minutes later): "Ton
Dempsey 's crushing blows will i must he counting the lightning
break .through the champion's bugs."
To Ashland
To Metlfonl
To Peadletos
9.10 I
1J ss
Connections to all points
North ad East, .'
Cheapest Rates
Sacramento f 0.0r
San i-Tnnrifa o 11.00
Lou Asselrs 23.43
8 th and Klamath
Phone 326
.in his
i..i,n i Mrs-au-
' : i ' ti... hii iiuiirment. like McCraw and Bush, but . rivals.
Giaiits pl-iy the McGraw1 Owen Bush of the Pirates his method of handling his , men an admiration for him
system of baseball very of- the boss of his ball club, men is entirely different as manager that makes
ten to the style 'of each but in a somewhat different, than either. He has the fac them want to give their best
Pitch It has been stated manner. Bush mingles with glty of getting good results efforts without being con
and never denied that In : his men far more than Mc from players passed up by stantly pressed to do so.
most of the world series in Craw; he is. perhaps, a, other managers. He some- les. sir The 1927 race
u. r-:... irifln morfi lenient, but when how gives to his men a can- in the National league has
M Illt'll 1111! VflllllLn lltl.C 111- r r
gaged, as
of the more importa
games during the season
well as in many the pinch come he puts his; fidenco that under other become- a battle of the i
more important 'foot down. The word of , leaders many of them lack.', "Fighting Irish." May the
His benchingj .On the whole, he may be j best man win. .
Bush is law.
The Tougher They Look the Better Chance They Have for Plenty
Worn in the movies
. pi y tm
..... ... x Arllli-lils stretched over an honest-1 The movies are a new and wel-
llllll, tilrw urn -. j
Vi'ini. Ill
... . j iw, ' tn.enndness ring canvas.
portiiniiics aneiin .... ..... f (illhont Smith was all washed ! fjjre the hoys had never counted
fight racket. I movlo nlt;cn. The racket Is: flo out, pull
A busied lienk. sranopen iu. , ...,,, ,l. i ,h. nock, on nslr of mitts, try vour shot
Tst-tst-tst. , . .. i,.iin if nn fin irn i F.ucenc l V. B. Trice. Corvallls:
WII.L.Vnil F. A. Morton. -E
j F. West. Snn Francisco: V. Tlp-;i
ping. Seattle; J. M. Bitrt, Silem;
111. M. Jonas, ronlund: C. Stow-.'
ell Smith. San Francisco: Sam
'Kerr. Port rand; John B. Neigant.
j McMlnnville: C. Herb White, Fry
!& Co.. Portland: Charlee Beck-(
I with. Tortland; Thomas H. Sche
! ken. Concord; B. F. Lewis. 0. K.
! Harry. C. E. Johnson, Shell Oil:
! M. 0. Harkaway and wife. Vakl
I ma. -Wash.; Mr. and Mrs. Bdhert
ill. Howard, Portland; A. Horold.
i Sacramento; J. ncan Black and
j family. Palo -Alto, Cnllf.; J. M.
I Fnrnell. .Sacramento; U. . S.
! Thompson. D. Dennehy, San
frnnclsco: M. E. Smead. C. H.
Albert.. Portland: Mr. and Mrs.
' Sydney Clark, Mrs. .P. Druhl.
Berkeley: C. V. Meyers. C. M.
j Sims. Medford: Paul Smith. Shas
jtn 8prlngs; V. A. Patton, Coach
'elln. Calif.: O. E. Cray. J. V.
! Stanton. Shell Co.; Mr. and Mrs.
come life proservor that hereto- C. D. Tompkins. Santa Monica.
t alir. ; u. u. uusaani. seaiiie; a.
Ausdahl, Seattle: Harry Lewis.
General Cigar; L. V. Ixwery.
frey. Burns, Broad, Kennedy, 1 drag your haltered ears and your j C. C. Cleveland, Seattle-: C. A.
- ....I. ... . It'.ll II.J.IIb- I.I!, I U'aln.
jjacK Ann JUB iktiii-k, jiiiiu.y nil-
, gnnnon mid tno otner bocoihi
j rnteril.
hi.sied nose to this city. The ' Kelly, Itentling, cant.; J. weine
uglier you are tho more dough j Portland... . ' .
yc.u'll make. I AncADK M. Peterson, Lake-
j view: James Frlre, Ontario, Cal.-,
always find yourself lnughlng Ooorgo Hanner, (Irnnts Pass; Jas.
tatlllflowered ears?
Tlml's too bad.
lint Just a minute.
Kvon If you're a hnm In the
fight racket. Just a common or
garden variety of palnoka, you
mill have a -chance of copping
l.aly Fortune s milt. A4 iha PlnO TrnO ' wl,h lld not Bt ",m- ' "' I,""'k ,nd w""' Eul"'n,,: nin
It seems that several casting I VI lUC I JHCC Thnt Js CHMIltlaiiy Cantor. Xo,,nri'y n- Stono, Medford; JPack
direrlors In Hollywood,, tiring of I matter how funny he Is. he al-' Sleven and wife. Ashland: Joseph
the collared I or shirk type of t'pronrlnus comedy wllh ' waya pnllnts your sympathy for Keenan and wife, Los Angeles;
movie heroes, looked around 'r ,.,. cf melortmma. ho churacler ho por'travs. From Louis, Imrrls: Art T. Jla-s. Chll-
something more niasci.lino In , . pathos the very moment that you first "i A- B llalhawav and wife.
, American fa. lnl scenery. V v.. 1 of human n,v- " him " the mls-flt clerk yo i I'orUantl: Charles A. Brown,
Then it was Hint battered maps nnd a keen souse of human Py fenllns a hit sorrv ! Hoanhurg; T. K. Finn, Snn Fran-
were nt a premium. A general, elm log., nese are suem. " -, daughter, Williams. Minn.; Mrs.
vnn cn't heln Imitlilni st the I "'"""i Mr"- J- A. Whalen and
exotlus r.f cauliflowers, which did K'l Cantor has used In
not, strangely, nffoct the (lothnm I the creation of "Special Dellv-
Pncltlc : ery." his second starring Venn Portland: C. E. Indon, N. II.
cle for Paramount, which opens - - Bogue, San Francisco; Nlles
at tno I'ine rree inenire looay. i -'- Rcarls and wife
rIeriHi i.eiivory is a piciure i . ., . 1 -
it you will want to see. It Is
Cantor nt his best and If he folr
prod lire i market, began
Piiko of the typo of Ounl.oat
Smith. Jack Ilennult. Tom Ken- Funnier than the stage play j (n y w ,
... ti ....I...... U a.Aa 1. 1 avAnM ....Inn .vf "Klrl
n I'll v . ti.iii K.i i.iii.iii-T, rmnBi'i " u r. ,,,n m,,..-,, ,- ... .....
Horns Kill llrond men who. he-1 Boots" hut funnier still Is his
nn.lan .1 I.A l,,r,,,l III llmfl OP I "Snill'l.'ll DnltVCrV" With lt TO-'
ro-cwurrliig tlefentB, found their I mnnco and experiences of a rnok
enrnlng power lessenliig,anwnr-j le i-oslman. . Cantor Is Just na
ed the call. turnlly funny .anyhow, (live III in
Hollywood" hern mo Ihelr mercn.l such a role ns Kdille, the loiter
Did the Iden get over? Well, carrier ,nnd then lei him work
now. Jack Renault Is making out his own ideas, and tin Is a
more under llie Klelgn tunny nut. i ne inu'rosiiug tiling annul
lows through In his future pic
tures along tho linos established
In this one the screen has found
n new type of comedy nnd a new
ty.'0 nt comedian. . t
All modern farilltl-s In the
alleviation of human suffcr'ng
have been Installed at tho Klnm-
thu n' ho ever did under the sumo 1 lilm, though, la tho fact that you! gib Valley hosplta.
Berkeley; P.
Brlscoll," Southern Pacific; mil .
Bassos, llllt, Calif.; Splls Bninp,
Vnllejo, Calif.; H. A. Morley,
Dunsmulr; F. C. Pollnrd San
Frnnclsco;, IV R. B. Lucas and
family, Chlc.o, Cnllf.; I. K. Flemv
Ing and wire, Ashland: Don K.
Hughes, Metlfonl; Roy Quick and
wife. Karl Quirk and wife. Fort
Klamath; Chnrlhs Cotllngham, i
Chlrngo; Eddie Nayer, Seattle;
Harry Harrison, Oakland " .
ftl! ' II !ll"t- WIT lKi-t-.!i' llh
uii. .'i '
V'. Get '
Your Dollar's Worth
GRANDMOTHER reads the latest market prices
"Lands sakes alive!" she exclaims, "why when I was
young we didn't have to pay half so much." Yes, in
"the good old days" milk sold at five cents a quart,
potatoes at forty cents a, bushel, sugar twenty-five
pounds for a dollar, and so on. And, in "the good old
days" a laborer was paid a dollar or possibly a dollar
and a quarter. '.Biit who wants to go back to "the good
old days"? Not you not me. -: ; .
PRICES are higher now, but wages are higher too.
You pay more, but the goods you buy are 'of better
material, they are better made, they last longer. Even
foodstuffs are better. Inspection and extra care insure
their quality. ! , : J! JI1I1T Of Z3 -
THE DOLLAR can still buy a dollar's worth. Read
the advertising in the newspapers and you will find they
will help your dollars go a long way. Advertising tells
you where you can get full value for your money. The
young housewife of today shops even more intelligently
" than "grandma," for the advertisements are her guides,
they make her a competent judge of values.
Merchandise must be good or it couldn't &e
advertised. Read the advertisements
an get your dollar's worth. ...