.i 1 1 Uttmi THE KLAMATH NKWS TH U KSDAY, 'SKPTKMKKli 22, 1927'. PAGE THREI CITY BRIEFS DEATH RIDES IN TOY WAGON hnr company. Mr. Hniiiion has lot rcsliim-d hilt l'i tnhttiK b two or ll.icc iiioiiHih v.kiiIImi iIiiuhkIi i the I'Ht'irit' Northwest. Minx llc.ilielt Arrive In City Ml Jn Mriinnii arrived hi III illy yiolnrilky lunrnlnK mini I'UI'tlallll . Wllem fllio 1M hcell iwndlu Ih iiuiiniir ikhiiIIih. M m Joyce .pccii lo remain In t ,,,., ,.,.,.. K; Walk, ,)f Klamath Hi. U Willi her moth.T. i.,)tn w, iraiiHiirirtu burlnc. Mr. r.Mm llenneti. 11,1. winter. , , ,.,. y.,tl)11:i.. . Last yiir ii Mended the I'nt- . . . verslly or Uniton. , . , . .,, . , , lili.orie I llil A rtivnrro was , ..... tilled In ihe circuit i-uuvl yostcr- n.n.n.S rni-nna 1y Uy ar,n H,ro nffllnt,t Al bert II. Mmil.c nn Iho Krnumls of ir.nl trcnliucnt. nt Mm. J. II, IVtinlniilcin n( l.uk ! 1 1 will ln Klml lo know Unit her rendition In Improving ritiilil ly, nfler'a mihmttton to i minor nprutliin al Hi- Klu nml h Valley hospital. Mri. Kttyi Alcinniir. hnr itMor (mm I'lne Kldae, N laying In the illy wiih her. P , tnv- I'or Hun I'mm loco Mm Will Hrlinll.i.k loft In. ithrhl fur Hun FrnnrlHcn where jwhii,will spend sonic tlittit i-i.Joy-' Iiik lh nid-rli which b riMi iiMv opened fur flu n-amn In the bnv illy. ' It'lunm Tit Mihool lllll K.ty kiwi'lnll, son i'f .Mr. 11 ml Mr;. I). V Kuykitiilr.il, rem. mil In the I'lilvcrslty dl ;c:;i.n Tuesday where hp will re-muie his studio. I'll Ih lt It in icrolld year mi till? ruinjiiN, 1 l.cnvo To Attend ITijIiI Lust .Mon.l.iy su tliu dcmriurii ot i"lloc" llliKKKlt MI'I Fred Hrhul- I loi k In In' prm-iil al thli lilk i lii-nipM-y.Ttitiuey t '-.til In f'tiliaito. 4ilie.ll.lcd III tnl: place tot.lc.ht t.MU Ah l.cnvi' Mltta ;r:irn ! Aah. dni.nlil.-i of Mr. uml Mm.1 Vl-I.lnu Irimi Hr.il Mm A. I. All, li fl yiwlctuy mom-j Horn, mnn'anrl Iwn children ol lut (or llii' Inlvcrsliy of ore mm j Wl ,.u California. lire vIkIIIiik In whi.ro Mia will enter hnr nlir ,),,, rif n, n, ,mo r Mr. ur. Sllw. Ah Ih a m.rnml nrl j .vnk Blilmmin. Mr. Hi oii'i Kiutlt-ul. , uin Hit. ' j tYiim lllini- Mm. Ce ll Mi-- H.'Miium I'oiIiIimi Mn Clil iv- Ctni-kmi nf Ol.'iir. i ni V. .'Mum-1,.,. ,iiiicy Ii.ii. ri'Mimi il iH-r (- lay III KIiiiikiiii Fnlljt iloifiplim .j anion ,,i dm Klf at Amlrka aimo ynryrv rilP'.'ri' Inll.r ai-vi iul ,1 ,y .lurliiR whirl. UKNL.I UUm;1,W TO TALK. .V-AKKtlS l Trai lu-r In I Mi Liai-i-1 ,, (.nn. i nt hi-r horn Mnwinan, tirlmu.y i.-ai ln-r al 'with Hlni'ia Hunnm-m ' Sclmi,l. :n u il Hurl l'l'Si,i:T(IN. S" 'M LI. Ifl'i - In lln il.y fPHii rilny. ' j id inrni Hiuim Mr. anil Mr.i-, Turki-y r;riivr i of t Iir I'll :! ' Loyal Chrlfiy ri-lirni-il to llii'lr i Hoik ur-a iiri- nn-ot itiR lonlKlit Fnim ItftMi - Kd T Wlilirninl) ' i,i n cinlmniin yrai.-rilay. Mr. ! Mrn. '. IX II: ink irt tb' aa a tiinlinM vlillor In (In ! chrUiy linn hfi-.i aiii.nilHm ' IiIhIio l.irl.i'V ralr:i naaorlailnii illy Tiiculay from hla wtnf il,.,al il.iya on a hnnili.K trip anil;,,, ,nH1 u, ihi' lilnho plan of eo- K"nn. 1 i Mr, I'lirlmy luia hnon vNK Ink ivllh hrr imiilu.r In ih illy. Ihi ISiixliH" Willis K. Kl- ... nrlilun g. inHai-ili.it tmahima I Von. Ih.naiiM Mr. anil Mri. In lhi rliy yi'i-ii'i-ilay from hl ' a. j. Ill.-kmaii of lli.nanin with in..'- : i i --., lu- ?,'.' '.f?r rvwi,a i I ' - , i a - . wj - i;; gig". -TFa. F" ' ' , T' nw r i DEATHS. FILM CONCERN TO I SEEK CHARGE LIFT IHKIHTIXA HOOll T.OK AWJBI.fcS, K-pl. 21. IA. Funeral wrvlwa for th laic I'.l Ulamlaaal. of lhi Indictment fhrlKtlna. Huofl will bo lulil Ihli ,chrxlK l.oula II. Muyr. Metro niornliiK al li):3(l al Iho Kprnxue lOolflwyn-Mayer aniillo rxocutlvo. Itlver ciiiiri'li with Interment fol-'wllh wnnplfacy lo commit usury, lowlnn In the Whlvky Crnek rem-j will hr aouiihi Thorailay. tlso !U ctifry. ArraiiK'-mcnla nre under trirt altoriiry'a offlre aiino.tnccd. the illrecliou of the Earl Whit- Deputy Dlatrlri Attnrni-y Davla lock Funeral Home, Pine avenue -ailia ,ne a,.,on would be baaed at Hlxth. on ttt trround tlffit Invnutltrailon i ' proved c-oni-ly'lvely thai. Mayer I'MiltK.M'K M.W NKUSON , had acted without crimlnjl Intent Funeral aervlces for the late An partii-lpatlnp; In pool loana to Florence May Nelron 'were hslil Hie Julltin petroleum Corporation, from the Perl Mortuiry at Mid-, whrn M.-.yer learned lhat the lord Wednemlay ufternoon will1 I fi-ansuctlona wi'ro not lKftl h Hoy. E. I'. Lawrence, nfflclatlnit . n-,,1,, er..ni.lriR reatltiitlon. Uavlit Intermeni followed In the Med-. ,;,(,( ford city ' cemetery. An...-, ' ,.caied dlamlaaal men a were under l .e anpery.Mi.n )m. jof the .art" AU.lll.xk. Funeral (lar n(11,.tnlcnlM d of wh(.h ; llonie. . charged defendant with rei clv- InK more than the leeal rate of I'liOYII Mrfl.H.isE Kfll'I.K The many frlenda of Dr. and zatOI) Mr. .A. A. Houie will lie. Kriere.i . IntercM from the Julian organl- AT i THE UBERrt ;; .l ..'.;.';' . - A -"3ppy- Ricks'1 Story By PETER B. KYNE, ' ! called' t . "' '' " "More Pay, 7 Less Work" It's a comedy that starts with u smile, 'runs into a' seu of lauphs and ends with n riot of roars! . . Iimue at Si.r.iKui Itlvcr. I'linilucta Funeral Karl Whit lo k, ci.uuiy coroner. peut AVcl neMdny In Mcilforil whero he con ducted the funeral rervl.-ea of Finn ni-o May N.-lKon whu puhhciI away In Ihh'rlty laat Muii.lay. .X'liiltliiK In fii-anu Piinh Mlsi V.. Sti-wnri of ll.e off In. of Dun bar tt Duhhar it Bpcn.llt.n n'veral ilnya In litalii P.iax an the hnua liueat of ,MIa Auauaia Parker. Hie plana to return home Kunriay. . AM Norlrly To "lleefi The Lad le Aid at.i-lely nf the MfthodlH. EplarnpAl rtiurch will hold a meet 1. .a Thur-.iliiy nfternoon at l he home of Mm. L. K. Plielpn. Tli annual election of officers .will be held. I'lcnlr At ItiMk Creek Mr. and Mm. II. K. I'elti and di.iiKlilei llerlha. Mm. Jurk linmroik of Portland. Mr. ami S.i". Wall IniHliievK vlHllori In the city yea-; terilay. Al Home In I'oiilanil Word haa been received that Mr. and Mm. W. J. Klmmel. nee l.euori Tellord, will be H home lo their many friend at HUG Cralc Hoad. Hone Park, Portland, after Sep tember 25. Tlni couple v.-ere wed In Mc.lfnril, S. plenilier 10. M.irrli.KC I.I.H'IIM- A llrel.su lo wed w-tii procured by Cullle llul lcy and Jonephine Klollnrd In the office of thu county clerk Tuen day uftcrnnon. Tim Couple were wed by W. II. Ilarnna, Jualtce of the the ennlliK. operallvn ni.irkettiiK. Il Ih poinllile I lull the Ctnalilla Kiowi ih may bet "inn affiliated with It.ii Idaho Kroup. or cle per fect an nmnnlzatlun of their own. Turkey KrowlliK Ih beiuuilllK a reroBiilted farm iniluMry In the ac-ctlon. A Hin.ll:.r meellm; wi!l be held at lierii.iHloll tomnrrow t.lKlit. to learn that theit Infant win, i he K( v. Tie Vrles offlc!-itinK. I. loyd' .Velhasc Soule. pa-otert nway a. Towoy be'inK the funeral dl- ycaterday r.'ornlnit nt :5 from rector In i-Iiarce. apaam of 'the aloniach. Funeral . aervlre conducted bv the FteT. - . . . - rl . Ncihou F. Cole will be held today i :at the Congregational church in J, ! Little Shasta. Callo.riila. at 1 : ' o'clock. Funeral directions are -f :nnuer tne uireciton oi i. ' Tnw..r loi n! nnflertnker. ' '. Any Seat, Any Time, 20c For result une N'ewa Claa Ada; AT THE PINE TREE Officers of Law Hold Big Banquet F.nniF. r.ANTOR in i A illiri 1711 I MWi I V rI . V- AWf CHARLES U., MOMtOE Cbarlea lllchard . Monroe, the beloved Infant ran of .Mr. and Mra. J. Anxus Monroe panned to ; hla reward at the family rei.1- lenie. 1020 Applefrale avenue. In ! llii city at an early hour yes terday morninif. The little fel- fl. a -a... r inw W:ib lico-ti in l'ntaiHr. Iilano. 'a enforcement officers, memhoni of , January 1. 1S23. The cbllifa n- f the baiHC .gk 1; ' And do they have tl'OUtle ? Say, .lie Kouthcri. imirai Peace Of- ! main were prepareii ior uip- ficera 'OKKocltilion. were feted al ! ment i bain.iM't In the Wlllard Tne- taKer. day. nlKhi. at which, more flinn ; Idaho, accompanied by hla or- pu ron-'Ts were laid. rowine parema, iasi cveninB. in- . will he made In tM f In ! f . ' i -f The hilarious adventures rjf a Letter Garner, I v a Policeman ami a. Fireman, all in love with A bye7. a. Towey. under- V did you ever try to remove a porous plaster with n and forwtirded to Bolse.if - boXiniT doves' ' ' ' ' ' ' lluy Cordon, dittrict attorney ferment Thos. J. Christian (right) in jail at Los Angeles, of KoHtvui4;. presided ua toaat- master. Willi Jny I'ptnn. stale senator of 'Pel. d, anionK the prin cipal ic-:i1er:j. I'll hers whom (iordon enllid upon to fpeak. : were W. K. Newell. Newt Chaney. L. Arnold. F. E. Taylor, R. Mc- Monroe plot In the northern city. boxing gloves? Eddie Makes the Whole World Laugh! Lost in Mountains peace, at 7 o'clock In j W-tPi Parker Iteturii lloine ! ,!.''--; - ; -.'3? c hai'RPd with murder, and ' N-i. I- Mclleady, Hurt Hawkins jMrs. Walter Galloway i I "iajorrt.""0 ' JudK" circle) and her son Donald The linmiuut wna a quarterly! (rijrht, are without a tlUS-1 nieetlnc of t he association, and: i p . i , l,., me nexi win oc iiem ai Asnianu. band and father because of i KMcr,almiwut v..as prorlle(l hv !l lilljf ol jelly Ueans anil a . Elole M. Mclntyre and Iluth A. : toy wagon. Donald, it war ' iioiiowa' in vocal and piino ; ... I, , ... ,... x numiji'rs. auu uj nui ii.ui-Kuurii -i i said, traded his wagon to , an(. Naomi Christian (pictured ubove with ner mother) ior aAMfx cai.vin i,-r.nvi The funeral aervlios of Jara Calvin Lloyd win ho held tM V afternoon In the Ml. L.-.ke cc:nc- y lery. under strict quarantine res- ;' ulallon this afternoon at 230, 'J Vaeoh for "BABE COMES HOME" jj MIhn Miss Auunstu Parker returned to1 her home In (iranta Pas Wed- , nes.lay morning alter Iransuct-j Inn hiihlni'Hs In Die city Tuesday ' nvenliiK. Mis Parker Is principal t.'...... a..Ii.u.I ncl hau l.ern ' Wral and Mrs. Paul Kva-.ii en- penillnit the summer month In I Joyed a picnic nt Hock creek yes- n,n valley city with her parent, terdny evenlnit. ... . ; In CHy l-Yoin l-ort hlnu.i.ll. I Molora To Fori Kl.iir..n:i J 'ai.-e Pane of the Quality i Fred Peteron, couuiy si-bnoi , nou of Fori Klamath wero Inina- ! tiperlnicndept, niotored to Fin-; I eiin;: bnsltiesM In Iho city yeater- j Klamath yeater.lny where be day. They ruturned lo Hurl i spent Hie day IransactlnK bust- j Klamath yesterday evening. nes. PjtTrV e, Pnit rsons Pa i lit nhd Wall- ' . , . . I panrr Sture: now location. ' 115 Iho jelly beans. After tflei v 4!hHl ,.hone 1536. 22-6t bou lis were gone Portuld 1 ; j wanted his wagon back. Jt kStoC'i. UiI Hl.irrel followed, in which p)Damar.e estimated in eicesa ! the mothers of the children ! of ?10(i,uun was done by a fire became involved, according K,1"lh the bu-inesa dis-1 ,. . , . trict here early Wednesday. The' to police investigators, and fmiluental hotel and Hamm which reached a climax when Christian leaped upon the running board of the (Jalloway automobile and Dieted on highway shot Galloway. Christian j hinn (,"mP- Jrt n former Kentuckian. Ilros. furniture ttore ,were com- i pletely demolished. . Coifullle Ci.n-fcot tunnel com-i ilide near . Siibnill. Ti OiM-riiilons The three children of Mr. and Mr. F. W. Emerson of Chlloiiuin sub mitted to minor operation at the Klamath Valley hospital -yesterday mornlUK. At last reports they were iIoIiir nicely. Mr Emerson Is connected with the Standard Oil company nt ( iillii quill. Correction A mistake was finite, In the Hem In Wednesday mnrnlnK. News to the ufrect lint Walter llannon had resii;ned his position bl the Pelican May I. tun- McGJNNIS VISITED i LAKE ON LAST DAY j F. 8. MrOhmls, pnsHPnccr iraf fin dtr-wlor nf t!n SoutUcrn Pa rU whoMo hnadiiuart-nrn ur nt San Kranfittro, w.ih ono "f tl.e vlHltorn nt Crator I.alw oti til el-nHltiR day. Ho wan nroompn nied Uy A. 8. ' KuK.'nbaiiin, dtn trlot Hiiporintendpnt. Thuro wore nhout 25 k tics th at tho lako wlion tlin RonK nnund ed for t lie rltMltiR of tlin rurnson. Mcdinnls wan dotlKlitcd with tho laki nnd park. a. Koad Rights To Be Granted G. N. ji ,. . :ii.VN V..-.!-Wt- Oregon "U" Lopks For Stronger Eleven POHTLAND, Ore.. Sept. 21. (A. IVrm.KH.nn to rross M'vnral public hihwavH In Klamaili coun ty will Iim crnntod to tho (iro:tt Ndrthorn Itailway company and th Oronon Trunk Hull way, it wns lndtcitlod today following tho hoar-Inn of petitions from (hose linos boforo the pnhlic btv- I Iro ?ommU:don. I j Klnntrtth county has waived i jirotost.1 to the proposed cross , 5 lnc nnd then wore no other oh- j t Ipi'tloiin to bo considered. , I,osl In ilm -Casradcv mounlaiuR , The t;pc;it koN horn'- petition of l'nclflr northwest Kim o ; , , rontM.Ii()n Wiih its line now Sept. ft . nil ho jit! br.s boon nbun . .... w . A . denod for Honry Cramer ah.vo j biiildlnu from Pond to Junction tind uv K.'nv (lwlo...bn)h.ofWi'i the southern Pacific at Cas The pillion and im-uilicrs . of carto. The Oropon Trunk pro SiKtnn I'l Tan frati-rnity. Vni- i ponl -concerna a branch lino un der .ronstruetUfn from DoHfhuteB county lo the Southern Pacific junction at Chetimult In Klamath county. ' . LEARN TO. DANCE From a Known Teacher! Dorothy Baker School of Dancing ltnll Iloom ami Since Lesson Any Time- liy Appointment Main St. ! Phone I I 30 li isii Klamath Printing Company tor all mill nnd camp foims. . loosu lenf ,ytenis, billing, 'sheets ntiil office stationery. 522 Klamath" Ave. Phone 1282 I k JjMr f ! versliy of Oregon. lZ.rmmmmJjr I - '! Von will find Klamalh Valleyq 1 , "Nt w ,' ihlspital a modern commodious se-1 -"ci s f' -'v inline, up-iu-uaiu in an puit.ii.-u--. , i KftirTi.'ry fli Jf kAJ' ' f V I l"r"- For rcsull nao Noiva Class Ail. I WWI(M'"'ii'I' w- . sS ' , ! double action Saturday, Sept. 24th i sisr m. j M III - Truth in Advertising i n S5M "The' University nf . OreR:in fooihull team will be RflJ pi-r cent stronger this yeur," -la tho dbclnriillon of Captain JohnJj McKwan (rlRht), former West Point conch, nnd now gridiron mentor nt the Northwiwlern colIeKiv. Mi'F.wan -will have fourteen veterans, headed by'llcryl liodgun, caiitnln (left), around which to build a loam. t?ok ovier35Vears 25ouncej'for25 i WHY PAY WAR PRICES ? Our Government, TUedWUliQiu cf Penned More tUiiam PrcSerred Sbarclioldcirs . u - j . "" : DepedaMe Seirvnce to Ctsstomers PiivMeimdG $av SbDirclIiioMers , ''. Customers of The California Oregon Power Company : ' in homes and factories used 293,000,000 kilowatt hours of electrical energy last year. - -r More than 3,000 preferred shareholders receive dividends regularly by check every three months. The capital supplied -, by investors in the Company's preferred shares goes directly into permanent, useful public utility properties. ... The confidence bf our thousands of customers rests on their knowledge of the fact that dependable service is fur nished at reasonable rates. The investment confidence of more than 3,000 share . . holders is merited by the fact that divi dends always arrive regularly, by check, on the due date. ... A copy of this 16-page book, describ- ' ;, ing and illustrating the properties of The California Oregon Power Company, will i f be sent to you on request, together with V i'-'X complete information about investment , CAuroRNicv omCOH in the Company's preferred shares. The California Oregon Power, Company OFFICES. MwJford. Grants Pass. Roseburg. Klamath Falli -Oregon . Yreka. Dunsmulr-Califonjla ' . ' v