li-IS f i 'i 'i 3 t "i 15 PAOE TWO ybhihxayx ntn-us er; I At .Portland: li. H. k Portland ....... 2 " Los Ana-ell's ....... 4 I Couch. Kronen. Tomlln nnd Clwher; ; inner and Haniislt .' At Oakland: . Oakland It. H. K. h o .... l S 1 Sunserl and pent.tjr ! n K flu and Head; Schmidt. , At Hollywood: U. H. K. Hollywood 1-1 IS 0 Sun Francisco J S 4 ' llollerson and Acni-w; Griffin. Urlln. Clynn and Kexo. At Ssn Kranrisco: R. H. K. Missions 4 S 1 Sacramento , 5 li 1 LPlllette, Christian nnd Bald-in-,. Keatinir and Severeid. l National '. R. H. S 11. 11 H. c 9 H. li 1! Brooklyn :. . "S ' 5 1 I'KuphiirKh . 4 American n. 1 " It. 2 3 R. C S Detroit ew York .' Chicago lloston ... Cleveland Philadelphia OAKS .TURN TABLES ON SEATTLE REDMEN Fink. For Iempsoy: P. Flvnn. Rill Duffv. Jerrv l.uvadis '- SAX FRANCISCO. Sept. II. (f ,nd wnson. f) Oakland turned the tables ludlo 5 stations In National on Seattle today and blanked, the Rroadiastlnn rompany'a country Indiana 6 to 0.. Daglia held Seat- nookup. , tie to' Jive hits. . , Cwrdner let the Boaverx down HERE'S PHYSICAL Klin only eutm nua so acauervu lliat Portland did not score after the first and Los Angeles won to i. BarMns Hollerson who allowed San Franciwo only 9 soattered liits. Hollywood batted the ball all over the lot for IS bits and defeated the Seals 13 to 3. k Sacramento aboved over a Vlunlnj tally in the last bait of to ninth and defeated the Mis sions. & 4o 4. JWEBFOOTS TO PLAY LINFIELD SATURDAY UNIVERSITY OF OREGON". Jtufteue. Sept. 21. (Special. PovsibfUties of the Oregon foot fall team for this fall will be shown here Saturday when tho AVebfoot meet the Lin field col lege eleven fn the opening game 'vt the season. Oregon is con ded the advantage over the Lin- fjeld team, i , However, Captain .Tolm J.. Sic ;Kwan. Oregon coach., if not de- ' ftirous of running up a big wore. ffout exiwt to (e as many Web foot player at possible to seo 'how each reads under "fire. At present he has four complete teams nnd probably will uie ev- 4ery man on each eleven. The fir?t eleven. In practice 4Mwtinn, has consisted of Victor WteeI, Portland, and Howard 3lflndley, Eugene. ends; Beryl Iodpen. Athena, captain and Rob-,V-rt Keeney. Portland, guards; rGeorge Stadleman. The. Oallen. renter; Ira Clay Woodie; Nam pa. Idaho, quarter: George Rurnell, fVancouver, Wah.. and Arthur Whippet" Ord. Nampa. Idaho, halves; aud Cotter Could, Salem. rftiilKack. " The second aggregation prol fcbly will consist of Ted Pope, Portland, and ' Edaar SlauMn. "Sacramento, endn; Scott Warren. ' Chfco,, Cal., and Harry Wood. U'oriltiid, tackle; Hul Harden -Alarnh field, and Irving Flegel. "ortlaod. guards; Merrill Hagan. Portland, or Everett JIcCuk ban, Portland, . center; Charles tt'll 'Hams, Portland, quarter; Uoh rt Robinson. Portland, and Rof flle Coleman, Eugene. -hatveK; and jlaSalIe Colt. Hafne?, ftillhack. ? - In the first lineup. '.Stadleman and Handley Wans. Anything you wish to sell? Or buy? Tell all Klamath Falls' -about it In the economical, ef ficient way through a little j pi a as Ad In the Klamath News. ' Baseball plays a big part in Tunney's training, which , (explains why he s good nt the hit and nin Sou ewr eTA TEAcFiiAM, TivvukS TO f hB A : -m; U.&; iT : A ;:;" 'life lHCT" ' 1 Tlviuki to f hb 111-.-, ' ( i. a i -vn , r Tltj(lc-MAJ. ROT ' :.. .. r Fight Facts For Feverish Fandom C H IC.VOO, S! . 21. A V Salient fact of the Demusey-Tun-ney imgtliHitf Hpevtacle Thutud..y ' nihi : Principal- - - Jame J o h tene! Tunney of New Vrk. i year old and defendUm heavy 'weisht rhalnptoii: Wm. Harrison (Jack. Demost-) of Los Angeles,, til yrar olil, champion from 1919 to 192 and now the chal lenger. IMae - Soldier Kleld, on Chl- piiRo'i lake front. Time Approximately :.;u p. j in , Chicago daylight lime; pro- j lhuiimry houtu start at S'li p. m. Mau h Tea rounds to a !- J eisfon by two Judpes. the refree J to rntit a il.Thhnc ballot only in ' case the JmlKes disagree. Ulen-r tity of officials no revealed until. just before fishl. ' i , KMlmated attendance - i;0. 000. j Capacity lTu.S.'.O. j KMlmnted receipts $S.70,-i u: sellout would mean 3.2i0.-, Tunuey share Flat ituaran' tee of, i Hempsey'a share Klat cuaran-; tee of I4.(,00o. j Price of tickets S to 40, Promoter George L. tTex) j . UU karri of New York and Georite V. Gen of Chkano. Probable weiphts Tnney 191: 1 Dempsey Seconds ' For Tunnoy: Hilly COMPARISON FOR j tunney, dempsey i "71 CHICAGO. Sept. 21. IT Jack lempey will be six pound tearier than Gene when they en ter the riiiR Thursday nipht. bin Tunney will hSve the advantage of youth hetnis three years younR er. Here is 4 physical compirt son of Jthe champion and chal lenger as they will be lu Soldiers field: ' - M EASCREMKNTS TVXNF.Y DKMPSEY 29 . Aire 190 WeiKht ft.ln. Height 78 4 ' Reach 8 Wrist 1 ,1 tfc Forearm 1 4 Biceps 41 Cheat 1 8 14 4ilVt 44 Chest (Expanded! 41 34 Waist !:: 17 Neck 1G', 16 ." Calf 15 !i Ankle S GOOD WEATHER ON SLATE FOR FIGHT CHICAGO, Sept. 21. l'P- "Fair and cool" is the 1'nited i States weather bureau's special prediction for the Ttinney-Demp-ser flpht Thursday nfcht. While lowering were threatenliifr rain. Prof. Cox. af ter conKUltinc with his charts, said the proverbial Rickard luck would prevail and that clouds would not mar the heavyweight tattle. "The temperature .will be be tween ' 55 and 5S deitreMs,' he said, "with iieht winds." Since Soldier Field Is located almost on' the lake front heavy coats will not he out of place In mammoth stadium. Ilaker .Machinery arrives for r0-ton ball mill at Rabbit mine. Sufanville. . TtMA.f AtAtS if , vs .-. . ' ' - Yes, . , . . Here s . How Sportin About Thursday's CHICAC.O. Sept. 21 (Opin ions of 72 representative hoxinj; wriU'ls fathered by the Asso ciated Press on the outcome cf lThnrslay's havyweisht cham pionship revealed a utstaniial majority favoring C"ne Tunney, Out of this array of critical 32 talent. 2S expressed thomelveH. 19lias confident ot a Tunney victory,, ft.l in. j ; ; Have a Care, Gene! i ( Chant pion. iti Ktit I'slnu V'r. ni pair X '. '. . -. - t Thi rifM-sn't look so Rtjod for fliaiiiplon finn Tnnn"v. th; TinKir.g i blow to hi ftoniaih doliverfd by Ilifiy "ifiali.-rk. b it. in Tunin-V f. , firvf winkiui- at C-vlnr 'rMt. Our hand-omc heaiywefcht pi n. who will defend hi ti'ic acnlnxt Jack lu-m-i-ey within a few 1 fiai. -nioyed hi; f trf workout in hii ntw ou:rUMR on tabor Hay. I 2",d fans witnt.-Mxctl act font. A 6rcgAr (SAME, THURSDAY, Times Have Changed Scribes. Feel King Brawl Big- whil, 24 pi. ked J:uk Iictnpy to regain tiie title. Ten r.fus,Ml to ko ou record tine way or the other. While most of the expert con fined themselves to un unvar nished hoicu. the following re flects some of the m ire detailed viwii: Warr.-n ilrown. Chicago 4 ! A'mkut. Sparrii: Atole. iet Sfiimintc SEPTEMP.EK 22. 1027 . i v . .m A i vU and Ex-iiniuer: thfin when there nioiury Involved. It "I ran i pirk ! much loo utner- ; Jim iK.vl... Cb'veUtid Plain healer: "Tunne houll be a -I (g 1 fuvorlte but t will t;tk' a -iiaiu e on l)einp.e ." Hob Kdgr; n. NVw Y rk Ere nins World: ' l)rmpje b a I.iuh k mt In eiht roundn." Kd llrkrson. Grand Hapids Mil h i Herald: "I exnect to nee Tunney knock out Iemp$e ' by t iii eight b round " Her-' s-c Taylor. He Mohiex Kk.--"' t r and Tiilmnf: "I pick Tunney to win. pirh.ip:( by a knockout." Harry Itulli ,n, Detroit Free i'r- "l pick Ut-mp-'y. He Tot per cent better than lnt year aud -"i pr cent improved ' tiv.-r his (.Tin uii.dn-t Sharkey." Kd Hucli.t. Iirooklyn Kar.te 'Tunney figurt Tiecistvely but my tumpMon rurli that I would not be surpris ed to fee anything happen." Hype Igo New' York World: "On form. Tunney -might to be t n M to 1 favorite, but I string ; with I)empo'y. the long shot, nev-i-rthele.-!. I'm playing the ''hunch on the old gladiator."- BOXER FREED FROM CHARGE OF SLAYING A)A ANC.IOLKS. S.-pt. 21. (U IM JituieiH Campliell, prize fight er, and A. II. He Www, promot er. ' dn':'d.:y wre fred of mane Mltiimhli-r ( hai Ken growing tut of the d-nth nf Harold William during u boxing- e-chiidtlou S'p lemher 14. The charge. wre di'?mlsred by Municipal Jioliie llaird when he : (let lared there wa no criminal Intent In the blow toruck by Campbell, which caused William'. ' death. S.ilrm will hnlld a nw imin erator. touting about ST&.OOft. e-v r, I IOtJ'K.-r-!w, DU , jZH MAK42 A KITTY, rJ 'Pirates Resume Pennant March''.1 Il'lllted 1'ivssl The ptMiniiul march of ilio I'l- rtiS was lo.llllleii Wednesday :l the Nlltollill leniiue Irailelt. beat lilt" - liiAilns. 4 Id 2, and Lsliicd half a auiiie on the Cl.ihls and Cardinals li" wer Idle. 1 Willi 11 nine left to plav. the I'lrnles hold a lino iinrt a,' half i -un lead over both tin Ciauta nnd Cardinals. John Mlllua allowed the Hub Ina only five lilts and was uo ored on mull the eltlu. llabe Itlllll lilt III" fiMIl Inline ' run of Hjie season hi the nlmli ; iiinliiit of the Yaiikee-Tlser ame. i Ic.ivlni: hlin only four shy oi i Itliiit his lsirl record of 5(1 : Sam t Ctllion altowctl the clllv feven hits und lite won K In I. l.lsfiibrp. of the Staators. Iilstikcd the lllowsn, 0 tu 0. Tim Ited St'X beat the Whl'e Sox. :i to 2. A run In Hi ninth nave the. Indians a tl to win over Hi" j Athletics. No other names scheduled. OWLS CLUB Tfo GET ; REVENUE OF FIGHT; LINCOLN. Njb . S. pt. 21. If ; -' I The Ortler of Owls Club of (uiulia imlny was ordered by the; state boxing commission to so-1 cure the proceed entitled W. 1- Young" Strllillna it tlMritla j .mil Leo lilebel. Omaha t-ltv, for, their recent fliht In Oinnhu. The cluh, according to the com- j moncr's dei ttn. (an eni lt,y huch procvcdiliRs a. may be ium c- j sarv to secure the receipts from ( any third person who may linve them. Strllillna nnd llehel were lined lieu each for an allotted "framed" flehi tn Oniuhn. and officials hJd de laretl their purses would be turned t ver to chiirlty. MRS. TUNNEY TRIES I TO ESCAPE PUBLICi NKW YOHK, Sept. 21. s fl' : To eitcape tho public case, Mrs ) John Tunney. mother of (ienc ; LITTLE JOE OXX?v MACD. ... ... ss ll t. l ivv r -i rx mi 53C ra money CAN T BUY A BETTER OIL -than ' . P THE NEW NZEROLENE I THE MEW STANDARD OIL COMPANY OF CALIFORNIA Tiiiiney. ititliiy left uulftly lor several weeks trip, with her two .latikMei . Ill I he Atllioiitlto k ml Maine. Tom Tunney. liciie'a oniiaei- luiiilier who reeiiibles the ti m - itl.ii, ul be lit tile IIIIK-Hie 111 chlt-iiuti. First Hi clock shipped Mullieiir railroad MOTH PR Flcuher-i . Castori it cjiei:i!ly pre iKirerl fo relieve 'Infants in anus and CliiMicri nil apes of 'Constipation. Flatulency, Wind Giltc and Diarrhea: allavine Hill n ever Mi'" i ni menu i ti iv VtllUUlCll- V7 Fcverijltncis. ariing therefrom, ami, by regtilulim the Slomnh and Howels, aids tlie ajsmnlatioii of Food; givitij; leep. "n avoitl in'itatuitit, altvayt ltstk lor the lictulurt ol '.Mutrlv Harmless - No 0(-utr. I'liyiicuni ever) where recomititnd it CHIP OFF THE OLD BLOCK A t-o rtain .itiinll t()Y of tlti.-t lomiminily wnnt oil n FOl'Kl'M li liiiiir tf piilato'cft ami CUAVY t the dinner t;.lK tin other niiflit, nnd hlsi MOTH Kit Ki:i'K(" KI) him' for l'cinK so GRKK DY, am! told him hu wns a i-i;tiliir littlo I'lfl. The hoy'n FATHKIt. thinking ho dhould take a HAM) in the family DISCH'I.INK, spoke to his SON ami asked him if ho know what u LITTLE I'lG was. and we CLAIM that wan nilihinif it in. hut the TAULKS v.cro TL'RNKD when the young man REI'LIED that a PIC. i a HOG'S little My. x MORAI Our customers are greedy over these Fenway Choenlates and C'ovored Cherries. STAR DRUG STORE The Rexall Store I The New Zeriilene, a treat new oil, is now ready for you to u.e. , it ,. j It provides uiiMirasi,cd Inhriratiun fully nieelinc the ;dcinands if modern, :higli-sprcd .ciijines, nnd every, emeru'ency created by tod.iy'i coniplrx tralfic con ditions. It gives a new protection for your encine. It assures better service, crrater safety, fewer repaint. It is the product of 49 years of .Standard Oil rcfinine experience. For sale at all Standard Oil .Serv ice Stations and dealers. There 'i a correct grade of The New Zcrolcne for yftur car and every tar tnada. THE KLAMATH NEWS' COAL,, VOl NO COAL A T.MNNr F.rt CO. Phoiie - 100T CtaMirirU advertUtni a moi nlng p iprr proposition nv. Vmtv tba Nws. I :W j