WKIVEK8ITT Of OR i-IBUABT . CUQKKI, 0K FTP? The Klamath News Official Paper County of Klamath JiHE li MATH The Klamath Nsv.j; Official Paper. ,4 of. Klamath' Fall "THROW AWAY YOUR HAMMER GET OUT -YOUR HORN" Vol. 4, No. 25(5 Price hive Cents KLAMATH FALLS. OREGON, FRIDAY, SEPTEMBER 9, 1927 (Every Morning Except Monday) New: Murder Suspect On Way To Trial fl V I 111 riarry niu Leaves; Portland With His Father and. Officer i for. Illinois SEATTLE. Sept. 8. (UP) Accompanied by hiH fath er and t!i lot; Illinois law of ficials, Hurry II. Hill, held here mnro last Saturday in connection with tho murder (if liin elderly mother last ' month in' Streator, left on Thursday niKht for Ottawa, county sent of m Sallo coun ty, Illinois". Earlier In Ilia day. Hill mo I veil extradition and declared he wiin ready nml 'willing in return east ! nil stand irlnl nn n first id grcc j murder . barge. I Kin derUlnl. mil In right ni tradition cirnn lifter a confer-j . mo with IiIh father. Dr. II. (' I till, nf Chicago, ami his two. attorneys, v , : lilct Innocence ! "I mil ready In give niyseir ' ii." Hill unlit an In' hoarded ' thi trnlti. "I wnpl In slund Irliil niitl prnvo f'am Innocent,, ontl I'm Kind thin part In over." ) Al 7:30 tonight. Dr. Hill. as- slstaut main attorney Chester Jui'nlmi n nf Illinois. HherlH Floyd .Clnrk of La Hnlln county nml 11T police William Unlill renter, railed at the city Pi nil Hill was surrrnded lo ' n ' 1,1'ln was handcuffed In Sheriff! lark nml lnlun In His depot. I " (Continued on I'san Hit) Klamath Booth To Be In State .Fair Prank Knxtnn, county dub leader. Is arranging the exhibits nf members of boys" and blrls' clubs III Klumath county fur the Imotli which the clubs nre to hnve nl I lie stalo fair al Snlein. com mcuclng Snplemlier it. Kextnu Mild yesterday. Vlriunlly eviry prninet rnn dncled nnioiig tho boys nml glrli nf 'this county, by tho clnh leniler, wlll he represented In the booth, he stated, nulde from live stock, which cannot he taken to Salem without cnnslilernble ex pense. fanning, conking, homo milk ing, pntutoos and garden exhibits will fenluro in the booth, which wlll he In competition with simi lar dlnplnys from oilier enmities. In Ihn stnte. Knlrlna In th" linnlhs however.- lira Judged sep. arnlnly. anil prlics nwarded for inilivldiinl ucninllnhnieiil. mil Just nn bnoths ns a whole. Ken ton explained. t The dcinnnslinllon Iciim which figured III Ihn' county fair here, will make the. trip .with Mr. nml Mrs. .Hexlnn. who will be In charge n( the Iftioth. The team Is compnued nf l.nrnlnn llenslv nnd Helen Atchison, until of Merrill. Tho girls were trained In tho work by Mary McComb. The trip nnd hoolh nre fi nanced by Iho stoto fair' hoard, not the enmity, Sexton stnted. Prize Produce To Be Put In Booth Thn 'junction hoolh mnlntiiined I by the Klnmnlh County Chum bur nf Commerce, nt the Klamnth Kalls-Ashlond highway Intersoc ,tlon. Is to hnvo nn entirely new display of Kliiirnith's farm pro ducts. C A. Henderson, county agent, snld yesterday. Tim county agent will lenve here lodny with a load of prlie wlnnlng vegetables, grasses, pota toes, grains nnd other Klnmnlh produce which elicited much ad miration al the rerenl counly r fair, for the booth. Another lond, of produce lo complete the new display which has attracted no mnny outside farmers to this section from the Pacific lilghwny, will bo taken over Inter. Henderson snld. " The produce this yenr Is flnor. trail . m. i iinci'i. .it me 1. 1. inn last fall. Indicating the progress of Igrlntlliire hero in tho P""' twelve months, nnd ll'ls export ed to ctintlliuo to bring new sol- I . iters in ine im. iiiuun in n- Klamuth basin. , ' Off to Round the Globe "A Here you nave uu nnji-oH irnra the ..iiiid-th,..nrl.l mi.nn,.ln.ie K. Ilnx k I left I mid Kilwanl K. bef.re the man. Coolidge Finds Western Farmers Friendly To His Administration; I But Aspect May Change Suddenly ItAIMD CITY. H. D.. Sept. 8. tflM The rci-klcfK mlildte west aiiiinedly anti-f onllilgo in sen - llment lieeniise nf the president's veto of the Mi Nary-llaiigeii fnrin relief bill, has turned oil. to be, a friendly M"I. lhe chlvt rxru- tlve Iibm found. , When Mr. f'noliilao Mleled (he llliiik Hills nt the edge ot First G. N. Engine ; Plys Out of Bend " '. I1KNI). 8"pt. 8. It'l't first (Irest Northern lornmotlves and caboose to travel south from Hctid left today heading south over the Sliivlln lllxon Digging road which has been acquired by lhe (ireat Northern as a part nf Its southern extension. Krom now on lae - locomotive will ply hnck and forth over the logging Hue hauling supplies for truik laying which Is starting this week. The locomotive was manned by a full i rew nf Great Northern men and lest there lie any mis take .is to Its Identity, It bom the tircnt Northern iiiniintuln gout omhlnmincd on Its sides. The Clyde, track layer sent down from I'uget Sound is at the end nf the tlhcvllii-llixnn road anfl Is being pn'pnred for ac tion.. - . t : I) rise oil, Lorenz ! Are Elk Nominees i i Edwin E. Ilrlsroll und Otto It. j ltrenx were nominated last night , nl 'the regulnr meeting of the j Rlks for Esteemed Lecturing Knight of the Klnmnlh Vails lodge of Elks, lo fill out tho nr-i exi.lrrd term of H. 8. Mathews, I ho realgnod owing ,to the fact Hint ho is' moving to California. Drlsrol) is live son nf .lames II. I Drtscnll and a member nf Ihul law firm nt Mnnulug, Mcfullnrh - Drlsrnll, and IiretK Is a mem-1 berif the Lnreni Plumbing com-1 puny. Hnlh young hien nre prom- j Incut Elks nf the local Imlge. The dalo of the election is Thursday, October 6. I MYSTERIOUS BOMB j 4 Fails to explode! PORTLAND. Sept. 8. -(UP) j Police hendqunrters received a frantic cnll to Investigate nn nl-i leged homb outrage recently. Hurrying to n downtown street ' tney toiinti ino "nonin wnicn n few worried persons thought was nbout to cxplodn. Investigation disclosed that Ilia mysterious pnekngo contained throe empty whisky bottles. 'nlfflng of the sluff, Sergeant lllll Rtllns remarked "Well, I do.i'l blnnie you ror thinking Mist slurf would explodo.i If they were filled with whnt wns In them I would bo nfruld tnyaolf. unriinr i.r;ire. ."xrw r niiiininno. c.l ' 'ride of t..troii. Above. William Sehlen of Deir.ilt. the plliiu, Ju it ', ' . i 'lhe grain belt for Ills summer . vai-ailou belt, Ii was said he wn j trying lo soften the effect of his veto. lint In nearly three .mnnibs here, nntblng has erred to lead hi... to hnlleve the, wo-t hum any a i ..ii.i..i H'luperalnm. Loral polilliHl oliFprvi'rs. hnw ever, hellrv. this Is because the surfiirc has been sugar coated. for Mr. rnulidse'n' benefit. Thny predict that as soon as "; will rcturns to Washington there I bo an oulliurst which will .,. 1 '"" felt III the next Republican '""In.lUn.l i . ................ In this slate ror insfimw. the movement to further the caiidl- j dncy of- Krnuk l.owden. Illinois, is being held In olmyanie. Low- den workers hnvo been sent away and Inld to come back later. The talk on streets. In , ,T"';"' ' ... .,,. "i .. .. ....... far mnre ni'iiiplnlile to tho ad- inliilHtratlnn tlinn Lnwden who advocated the Mi Nnry-lluiiRi n j hill. . . ''''' tV v-' Sck t ck a 1 v V CI 41; TVwm o Tn 1 VVT HO All Utah Hit By Storm ' Flood Water Dam- age Property: No Rpl!ef Sn Prom a. thin al nnon. the Culi'ilimia a'tet OUdOUrSt , inlKhtfall. ; And like 10 yearn nao. there l .-re mnre to romo the (Vllir, SALT LAKE CITY, Utah.'"1" tiny am' ,,,e "rilln! '"r- I Vi.nt (T'l A u...n,l '""I1' """ on "". 'Or fcept. 8. (LI) A second .(Umax lhe ,.rPatrs, ,r()(1I1 ,Mp iBtorm was reported rapinp that ever niied t ' iimw. the ! in the flood-swept district mnlor l.eiathan. now fnrn ' f p,.:,. j r ,i l ,lhtd like a palace and painted ot Price and Castle Gate . ; lk(, , rmirt0lian wlll ,,.ave. Ltah. late today. , , AU ,irry m(.m)K.r, , ,he i Wlih no t-eaiuHloii In nlxht , Anierlraii I.ckIciu to the rnnvan I from Ihn fliHiil wnleni vhlrh fi:!- ' ,! I'arU. ' Ahont IS. 000 lowed a se loud burnt earlier In the 1 day. fear wan expremeit for the fnfety of nrrupaniii In 200 niitis j nmhllea niarnnned on a xr.inrh : n'r 1'rli e. i I'm orr liy I'lixxl The niomrtniH were cgniplflrty eut off froinnenrliy Iowuh by I Ufa of water front tho racing I I'lli e river. Willow creek and ciiimlt in the dlMirl.'t. ' N'o c.'iKiiiihli. (lav,. i..n m. (t ilitliiuel oil I'mui Sl I - . !!... "', rt f y , . OOflSOn Un IJlrflS m r rt a l on rapidly as legal obstacles win 10 UDCI1 &atUrOaViHrmit. tho county court will The opening nf deer season i '' projects within the next 10 Saturday uUfl launches tho sea-! days. von fur- grouse, ami along with j This Is according to Oenc Hen the dei-r hunters who will leave ry. county engineer, who has ibis evening to locate hunting , completed a number of surveys gronniK will go. the scatter-gun j for road work and who yesterday nlniriids seeking tbe birds. The told the News thaj the county pncaKnnt season Hoes not open 11111 II Oi-lobor 1. .Marion names., game mns-P'" pmjwt UI.Us-ii. . " " .L" 'I r"""" " : mi iiiriiiiKi.ui.1 no vauev. mil ,t -. - . in. ii l.llll are mil ni nirntiini the rmiKO of wlilrlt In unknown, TllO lino lillllr la fiinr nf ..n ,xm ' nM .,... hirna nv H , ,,ii i . ,'..-...; d-iys. In district No. i. comprising ' all counties In Oregon east of the Cascade mountain summit, only! two counties Klumath and Des - ...I,... I.A.. ...... i,,.i.-n v .,.-ii ..-.mull i mi 'it'ur.i. lie milieu, niu iiicaii- year on valley quail. Season while such action will facilitate opens October 15 nn these fnrjthe work once the bond Issue 1 Ii days. Chinese pheasant sea- is approved. If it should- fnil son will extend from October 17 toass the supremo court, the to October 21. , work will not hnve been In vnln. Duck season, the opening of he snld. which is n sign for general re-1 Moth the Lnngell and Itock " """ -c."'n. -iii .inn v.. i.iiii-i i, v.li-llllllti l 'through nnlll January 15. There i will be nn open season ot. sage lions or prairie, chickens until , 1II30. ' More Truth Than Poetry Leagionnaires Are Leaving For Big Meeting Overseas v KW VOHK. Sept. 8. (fl'l The YnnKUard nf the noennd A F.., P., piil to nea In nhip to 'day, more than 15,60 BtronK hiaili'il aKSln nftcr 14 yeim. (01 the raln-nwept . nhnrcllne Franre. All day Thurnday an 10 yearv i r.go. ahtp alipped from theii pli'ra and alld iiowly down the hay tho TuBcanln, In the dark- Ionia neHN fnllnwlnft nildnlirht; the An- nnd the DeCiraRHO In th ' I1'11" ' early mornlna: tTie Hey- . rrpreventaUves of the khaki Hwnrm of a dread .tisk will be on the gens before the week la 'out. earrlert by 14 ahlp?. County Court To Summon Road Bids evidencing earlier exprcaned fnith that the . atate MipremeJ . ni .i ... . j . j . At . i ,,n"d tmu nd ,d, ' ,nl" j tial plans to advance" the Im- , provemenl work on county roads probably call for bids on at least court plans to call ror bids on tnc latticel! Vnllev tnh and the Itock Ijingell Valley loh aad the Hock . ... . ' . ... tuw ones not mean inai con- . . ... . . . . - i irnni win lie nwnrncn inn tne i work started." Henry explained. "CnK ot (.n vn..il .Imnlv ha In llh ,h .. ,,. , ,. m..i, t n,. Hnn as possible, in readiness to pro- reed when the" bonds are ratl- fied." Contracts on the projects will , not lie awarded until the Issue la I.. . . rts jnn, are sur.acing projec,. lllllllll tllllf; IUU11 mtn U'lTllcil somo discussion relative to work this fall, as has the completion of the state line road, nil Im- i nVirtant county road projects. Two Boys Believed Lost In Forests Youths Thought to Bfe in Sheep Camp,i Now Being Sought! in Mountains I EEND. Sept. 8. (UP) Hope that the two youths o TheDalles,. Henry Cra mer and Guy Ferry, miss ing since Monday, had sought shelter in a sh'eep camp was virtually aban doned this afternoon. No direct word has yet been received from the caffip. but a heepman went in yesterday eve ning; with orders to send the pair out at once. (M Vn Unni t This camp in only nine miles ! from the base enmn of the search- JZ i f .1! a, em, but no word from the twoiunlDia had been received late today. With an airplane from Eugene acoutliig over the rueaed Three Sisters area and forest service' ( ontluucd on Page Seven) t S. P. Will Open New Office Here A new modern ticket office j equipped along metropolitan lines I will soon be opened here by the Southern Pacific company, at 513 Main. -former location of the J Houston Jester store, J. J. (Miller, district freight and pas - I w 'or the railway vJ"l. MnotmMl y .terd,y i I flt (nniiianv IS a a laaiuArl rk Engl, bnildlnr ad wo " i remoae ing toe Mum for tin. i now ticket office, which wlll also house the offices of J. J. .Miller, will start at once, the official said. The company plans to ex- pend between 83.000 nnd 85.000; for a post-graduate trip to Cnt in redecorating and equipping ' eago. New York, and Boston. the new office. i "We are taking bids on the fU Cri,!,-. ICgxf work now." Miller told the News! vIlj OCIIOUIS llUl yesterday, "and expect to have , the new office finished within 30 j days. The new office will offer travelers out nf Klnnimh Vnllu t im iniu'H .or tiesei purcnases anil i He i um uuereu' n. ....s c.y. u, service loo. , will be on a par with the new ' modern and fnllv ennlnnn.l ,. I flee.' A new front of plate class with considerable tiling will ndd to j the appearance of the offices. , ! World Flyers May ! Ro On T net T lei AC Jll LiUOl IjIM LONDON, Sept. 8. (VP) No word has been received from the round tho world nlrplano Pride of Detroit since William Brock and Edward Schlee took off In It from Rangoon. Ilurma. for llangkok, Siam. at 6:45 p. m. . Wednesday. - j Grave fear was entertained ! that the Amor lean flyer's trying lo bent the record for a globe circling trip, might hare met with an accident. The flight to Bangkok Is bu! 375 miles. Howovcr, tho flyers find snld thnt If they encountered had weather at Bangkok, they would continue to Hnmol, Indo-Chlna--a distance from Rangoon of more than 700 miles. It Is regarded as most Im probable, thnt so many hours could hnve passed newsless If the flyers had reached any point nlnng their routo to which clr UUnllon hns penetrated. If the flyers had made their usual speed, they should have reached n point even as far as Hnmol by 2 a. m. Thursdny. Assuming that owing to bad weather, they were unable lo avcrngo 60. miles net, they should hnvo nrrlved at 6 a. ni. JUDGE HAS BUSY DIVORCE SESSION Four divorces were grunted-in the circuit court yesterday otter an all day session. This Is the fifth divorce granted since court opened Inst Tuesday. The following were granted di vorces: Emma LaVerne Turner against Lynn Turner: Dotty Cut chen vn. Alva Lemy Cutrhen: Alice Morgan against C. F. Mor gan: and Helen Isenwee vs. .Al bert 1 Isenwee. Daredevil Levine ! M - 1 ' j Here's what well-drefmed aerial . daredevils are wearing thene day. Posed iY Chnrle A. Lerfne in !ari- flhort time lMfor hi8 en-; Rational first Dairy Standings r'.., Br P-fl J i The dairy report from the! ilk tests taken to Corvallls In ! August was announced yesterday bya Lee Craft, dairy Inspector. One . feature of this report is that n0 dairy attained Class A. The list of the dairies and the teats are as follows: Class A. none: -Class B. Lost i River. 93. A. Mnnera. 92.4. Clara 1 Coleman. 90.2: Class C.. Emll 1 Schlesel. 89.7. E. H. ' Johnson, i S9.J. Holllday ( pasteurized , -4.4;. si: rHum.. r.1 -fcl II ni-i- rinov V. Crntar I.nbo I i . oa.lei.r taedl. H.I- f.as. i. none Ciass G, Perfection Dairy iFord). 66.1. Dr. E. D. Lamb, head of dairy and food Inspection for Klamath couuty. Is leaving September 14 To Open Sept 12 The "city schools v.-ill not open llicir qoors on septemoer ii, ac- car(tiiig to an announcement d j p w , , , , following a meeting of the school board.- It is upon the advice of Dr. Newsom. county health officer, that the schools are remaining closed. He attended the meeting and advised the board not to iopen them, since this closure will ald ln checking the spread inrnntlle paralysis. of The date. of opening ws not definitely, decided by the board at last night's meeting, but will be announced Inter. Dolp Eliminates Portland Golfer DEL MONTE. Sept. 8. (UP) Don Moe, 17-year-old Portland youth, who sprang the surprise of the 1927 California Amateur Golf championship fight, was himself eliminated this afternoon by Frnnk Dolp. also of Portland, and Western Amateur champion In 1926. Dolp defented Moe 3 and 1. J. J. Mellugh ot Sun Francisco, runner up In last year's fight, turned the tables hern today when ho defeated H. Chandler Eagen ot McdfoTd, last year's champion, 2 nnd 1, In the third round of the 1927 championship fight. TRIO JAILED FOR FIGHT IN HOTEL Early Thursday morning three men were arrested at a t locnl j hotel for disturbing the peace nnd fighting. They were Jnmes Vnn Kern who plead guilty to the charge nnd paid his fine of 225; J. Rromfleld who was fined 820, and II. E. Boyle who was also drunk and wan fined 220 which ho Wns unable to pny. i Roliert Hennery, arrested on the rhnrge of vagrancy, loft town rather than pay a fine of I1C0 nnd a jail sontence of 60, days, when the police Judge. L, L. Gnghngen. extended him this alternative, "a"""al "a, l"'al ." esumatea tne Old Gory LEn"' m" "Colcould brany possibility bar. re U 0 1 lAirpla'ne As Lost Reported Sir John Carling VYI:iv Those. Missing in Ocean Flights:. Mo Word at All ' . ST. JOHNS, New Found land, Sept 8, (UP) The "Sir John Carling,". third airplane in eight days to pass into oblivion' over the ' ntianuc, la posted m mum- ing tonight along with "Old viiurjr ana si. Kapnaei. At 5:2S pw m. Thursday, the . Sir John Carllnn was 24 .konrs I out on its 24 hour flight from ' Harbor Grace, N. P., to London. England. At 2:21 p. m. the B0 hourn had elapsed during wbieb It had mained in the air. UhU Kept Baumlivjc ' T In despairing hone that a' ml- ..T7.,l" PP'e were pray- ot the Old Glory The Sir John p""" "" ' 'he Ue W Croy. utu, cujisnu, me suozrnon . air- port, is being kept brilliantly lighted all night tonight. , But officials on both sides of the Atlantic do not believe the plane, with Terrence Tully and James Heteaif. Canadian flyers, can reach England. . " Home Word On Others r . Other traas-AHantlc 'planes, " (Combined: oat race Fire) , Man, Crushed In ' Log Cham, Dies Perry Wilbur, 48, Is dead., and , Lester Rlnehart, 38. Is seriously injured, following an accident At-. -the sawmill of the Braymill Lam- ; ' ber company where the two were employed, eafly Thursday korn-'". i ing. ; . -i ' Wilbur died In a local hospital1' at 4 o'clock yesterday morning. six hours after be was Injured , when an assistant started the , cnatn on a log haul upon which i uuur aau niauDsn were worm ing. 1 The two men were drawn into" the heavy chain and crushed -between the chain and hull wheel. Wilbur's alte he was much larg er, than Rlnehart Is believed to have saved the smaller man from being crushed to death in the chain an It pulled the two men into the ..-wheel, WTTbur aavinej gone under the wheel first, : ( A coroner's Jury . called hf Deputy Coroner Joyaux yester day viewed the body and heard a rehearsal of the accident,' In order to be posted ln the event an Inquest Is called later. There was no inquest yesterday. " .The1 remains left the Towey Mortuary' tor Emmett, Idaho, for lnteraienr last night. . On the Jury were F. D. Mc Millan. H. M. Ackley, J. I. John-,, stone. S. R. Redkey, O. W. 8plker ; and L. J. Bean. ii Wilbur, who had been em ployed at the Braymill ocrapanV for the past 18 months. Is sur vived by his wife and four child ren.' FLAPPER FANNY SAYS A rose by any ether .. would cost leas. iftu.siw . eisrrn "! as:. I!