rMvensi rv of one . l.tllllAB? . euor.sn. on.: rm? Tr r ' - T T The Klamath News Official Paper County of Klamath JiHE J&LAMATH IIEWS "THROW AWAY YOUR HAMMER GET OUT YOUR HORN" ' Two Scctic'-b i Twelve Pcn Vol. 4, No. 250 Trice Five Cents KLAMATH FALLS, ORE., THURSDAY, SEPTEMBER 1, 1927 (Every Morning Except MotHtej) , RaAfckm t eUiern B 6 1 1 6 V 6 d ' V VI. .it Lost In 'Jungles cu: i i i. a .. uifj 1.U, waui thoritiet tO Think epa rv. 171 1 nai LSlSianCe r ly- er Mut Be on Land I only pnt-iloea grading above 90 -per cent, and the other encoin KINGSTON, Jumitciu, 1 pa,Fhig spuds grading hetworn Aug. 31. (U.P.) Discovery;" and 0 percent. " tniinv of n ono.tlav mistake . Th"? '.'"""" .. in the loir Of the Steamer ilKroKh indicated I illodfcrn, mi.-wlnu H I OcorKin-llio do Ja I ntor, may bo in iVouth American ii KrORh indicates that Paul Rriinaivlrk . aneiro nvi-:Rnn, Ollth Amei iciin nter or. i.. .tnt ... .lowing: -niiyera are iiinuer iwikln. n t.v afmil lit elt'llicit.t .,, i Hon. day. or week. away. He I -' - - may he lying dead or helplwaly ! Injured anil at the merry or pnl onnua replilea, wild anlmaU. , tavage ludlana and noxloua lev-; er, in the jungle. , Ktntt ItrfMirt U'roim j The Krogh'a log rporied aee. : Ing Itedfern III mile, ntf La- i;ualia. Veneriiela. Iat Thura- ! day. He could not have been there then. I w Checking up today found he. mauler bad niladaled i iho entry. It ahould have been Friday and Itedfern ahoiild have (l onllnued nn I'nge nc) - Cniin WnniC warranty deed waa filed In the says ne uanib colinty fl.,.k-, ,,.. Mllfl If flip rlVCfl! Thla renewa rumora that the Here', one rancher who doe. ' "' ll '" not capital!., on the ltl,hW f' mud hole-In fact, ho wanta It '""plate operation. In thla ter drled tip an he won-t have to nary. pull ao many car. out of the' F. Hill Hunter, pre.ldint of mud. . . j ........ . Thla man, believe hia atnry or not, I. Ijiwrenco llerlo, Tule lake homeataader, In thla city yeairrdny necking aome one with j authority to drain the mud hole: .... ... k. ...'i hitre m ,...n .nd .-Itaran for it. 1 n.. i..i. i. .t, t ,nNho Wheoler-Olmstead mill I Ht uimu iitiiv ' " . . ?,Z ..h , irri. l Lower Mam.th lake or Irrl- sat on aeepage. and la locnled about on the state lino, llerto rays II ought to he repaired, as nioxt of the rare attempting t Plow through the hole, get I nut. k-and ho-, the only around those parta out. Io pull 'em High way Crew Is Improving Road A rrt-w ot men, two blades, rnd a sprinkler truck hnvo been tit work on the Ashland-Klamath Fulla highway from Keno west for Iho past week under the dl- rot-ilon of C. C. Seoley, resident mule highway engineer, who re-j ports the rond to he greatly im proved. Ho snld thnt the worst sec tion Is eight miles wost of Keno where lumber has been hanuled over tho road, resulting in rut. i nnil bump., but the rest of the I rond la not in bad shape con-j sldnrlng the heavy amount of traffic which It has undergone this siimmor. , " Mathews Sent To New Company Post II. 8. Mnthews for tho nasi four yoara manager of tho Shell Oil company In Klamath Falls ha. been transferred from the local fhnnngerahtp to the man agership of the Ballhn. depot for alho anmn company at Snllnna, California. " Altohtigh 4ho ninny frlenda of "M.itty" ns he Is comnnly known in Klamath county by his friends, regret to soe him leave Klamath Falls, however, all re Juice In his promotion and wish for him ihe bust of anccoss. , Mnlhows ha. been vory active In local civic enterprlces in this community for Iho past four years, ns a memfier of tho Klnm nth Chamber of Commerce, mcm ' her-of tho committee that suc cessfully managed the Fourlh of July celebration, and In Amorl lean Legion circloa he was a member of tho Executive commit too, na well aa being a delegato to Ihe atnto convention, and he la now the Esteemed Lecturing Knight ot the Klamath Falls Elks. iCampaign Begun For Brands 0n K!am Iotato ! Slops toward giving tho Klnm-i lath potato the advertising It properly deserves to eventually place It among the moat poptttur ; hrunda In the nation, were taken by Iho comity auric til turn I agent, ('. A. Henderson. Wednesday 'when loiter of IiihI ruction were mailed In all grower and ship- ', pera In the county, on sack! 1 branding. I I The Instructions followed no! ,) p.rt f the Klamath county potato- grower.' a.socla-j ."on " '"'I'' ,n '1'P"" reno. i ,,u,n which requires Klamath I ; no",, rn maintain twoj distinct grades one containing wr7 "Klu.n h" or "Klamath County" or "Klamath Fall." loltario for EnRkn.l early on " ''..,n" . ' : , Kiiinifiin rn mr. t ire- i UcrordluK to iho ln.trur-! me wiict;iion nmn.-. , - ' . .... ... I . . ; nni.Mletl lliai no Doipio grnuuiK lea. than ? per cent I'nlt-! j ,,,, m.ndurd No. 1 -hull be I (t'ontluiinl on I'aan Klvr) j VV'olL-ora PllrrhnBP ; ported llkewlae tor the "Sir John y ainers i umiase ; (p.arllnil .. BIOIloplnn9. whlrh w, Valuable Timberi",,,ve iro . Lo1,"'1?1n- n,ri A transfer of 29 acrea of land1 lying north of the Wheeler-Olm-1 Intend Lumber company properly, m Walker, aon of T. B. t u-alker. and general manager of i ho Kc(t mV(,r Lumber company.! ny ,n(( cmrai pacific (Southern1 Pacific l railroad company waa' made known yealerday when a I W -w'U MOT""""- t ruction company, hold, the title to the Wheoler-ftlmstond I.u ni her company after foreclos. Ing on the defunct plant. Al thnt time Walker denied a renort mnae in tne l-oruano ; press thnt he planned to buy and manu- cturln cenior for the Walker , ,,k ,, Mo0. ' counties. i City Schools To Open 5 Days Late I Due to the fact that construe-1 event, for which good prises are j eight year, of the round-up are to clear the hoards In time for , one which waa to have been ta il Ion Jobs at three schools. M til" J tictnsr offered, are advised- to to be far exceeded. the dancing and pioneers' re-; proved under the road bond Issue, addition. Falrvlew and Fremont, register at Ihe labor temple.) Lakeview la gay with round-up union' at round-up hall. Dane-i t0 give the people access to their i will not he completed before Iho' Ninth and Oak. with R. W. 'colors, with the streets and shops ing begin. Friday evening, and Is i farm.." Henry declared x"The latter part of next week the city j achool hoard docltled at a meet-( Ing at Fremont school that the city schools will open Monday, September II. Instead of Septem ber 7, according to an announce ment made hy J. P. Wells, city school superintendent. An addition la being built to Mm, school, an oil burner . Is bo- Ing Installed at Falrvlew, and court Is being Inld on tho play j court at Fremont. ' ' The order applies to all city schools, aa well aa those upon which Improvements are under way, Well, atated. OLD GLORY RESTS A$ WIND IS BAD nOOSEVKLT FIELD, New York, Aug. 31. W) The evor faithful crowd of onlookers stood hy again today but the tnko off of the mnnoplnno Old Glory on I It. non-stop flight to Home was ! no more than a hnro possibility : In tho late aftornonn. The plane wn. fueled at the runway's top; food for the crow was aboard, a warm aim gnve evidence of pleasant condition, aloft, but the recalcitrant wind failed to veer from southwest to west,- the direction needed for take off. DEATH ENDS LONG FAST FOR HEALTH CANON CITY. Colo., Ana. 31. (U. P.) Death ended a volun tary six wooks' fast for Dr. C. II. Kellenherger, 67-yenr-old den tist, hero today. Renlltntlnn thnt he could not recover from a chronic Illness prompted Kellenherger to give up eating. Kellenherger wns born In Frankfort, Incl.) Ho never mar ried and aa far na Is known hern, hw ha. nn rolntlves to ahare the $40,000 estate he left. 19 pi n pc'i I' -ridneb ReadV TO T VM' Jr i ' H- - f opens here Saturday In con-1 X f I IT t Inectlon with the Klumaih county j If If V 1 X I fair and labor temple colebratlon. j X ;to ontlnue for three day.ook , sv ion a new note of in.ense inter- llTAI V !"t yesterday when J. J. Miller, II y Cl IkJ ly 1' member of the rodoo committee, ' T 'announced that Howard Tcgland, ' . of Both Shins D"I. a s-i. rlan tO rly tO tng-j Jiegiand'a entry In the rapidly Hammond, prcaldent. baa aaaur land from Canada ;' (trowing llata of roueo perform- eti the public that It will be by ... . ... era who have come here from all far the greateat ever held In Wait On Weather I Dart of the wt to "got In the ' KU-nath open, tomorrow morn- , money." followed the reglatry Kn at o'clock. Entrtea cloae """"" ' yeaterday of aeveral more well (hi evening on llreatock exhlblta, WINDSOR Ontario AuK.i",OWB robo- Hiving the Klawi- ),nd early Friday morning on all CONSTANTINOPLE, Tur 'h rodeo a line up of nallled : other exhlblta. Judging com-.. --. it n i xi 31. (U.P.) Two mono-,,, . ,h v .imiiar .. m vrid.r. key, Aug. 31, (U.P.) Neg- I)lane WCIC prepared to-! nieht to take Off from On-! Thtr.4r1. - iv n-oniintf. one - .-- from WilK'uiO -. the irom uomioit, inuti iu. . iNavigator ucon oi me nojai ; lliOHor uuornit n me i nuen r i.r(, lonlitht i ' fit t.i,t.i,i that hi. plane, for Wlndaor be-' will take off ,wrI.n 7 and 8 u. m. Thuraday. I unleiia advertte weather condl-, ,,, pr,r,Ilt The lindon ,nmmll, re. Both planes are 8tlnaon-I)e- trnltera similar to the "Pride: of Detroit." engaged in a round the world flight, and Ihe "Port ; of Brunswick" in whlrh Paul i Itedfern attempted to fly to Rio do Jnnolro. x The "Itoynl Windsor" planned i to follow the St. Lawrence to,' Northern Maine, when it will , head for St. Johns. New Found- ; lantl. It rnrrioR fa"ti guiinnn or I KDMoline. The "Itoynl Windnor' will be ' pllotm! by Duke S. hUI(r. Thll j (rontlniml on I'fltfc l-'lvr) ( i Loggers To Take nrrles ioa eallnns of Part In Contest A new feature for the Labor i Day celebration which la to he: Inuni-hed Friday for four glor-, ions iun-iiin-ii dnys under the ; sponsorship ot the local. Labor , Temple association, waa an - nnunced by ('. I). I.ong. celebrn- j Hon manager, yeatonlay In the; form of a log rolling contest. Tho contest, always a popular ' attraction In thla country of logs.! both for onlooker, and the : skilled ront.stnnta. will bo held . Vr Monday, the clos-; celebration. i All those wishing to enter the Grady, chnlrman of Ihe contest committee LOCHINVAta COMtS OUT OF THE WEST sit i V3 J SEPTEMBER. World Famous Rider Enters Lists of Klamath Rodeo; Big Wild West Show Promises The blgtlme roueo which I Imer world'a champion rider, had i "it1"" r",B Kiamath celebration In the went. , enty head of wild bucking IL,i Vhelr enal In a cowboy, ! ,., u. nine.H in nen. at the other fairground, where the rodeo la .'.he 1'ne of marcn, aa we t a. otn i in he ataired each afternoon. I er intereetipir featurea. On Won ...,. , , ,,.,.,. rf lth Alt trrl,.nla mnneeted the fair, rodeo and labor cele- b ,, 1 jnhllant yeaterday i ' " ' klm ifeatlrul. the greateat beyond a donbt ever atnged in anutnern Oregon. - Infantile paralyaia reported in aeveral part, of' the cliy. will not effect the celebration, offl- rlala declared yealerday. In a lelephone converatlon with lr. Frederick Strieker, of the .tale ; board ot neaitn. lasi mgni. luii'iBmint-m. Famous Cowgirl Will Feature In. -. Big Lakeview Roundup Three Days ltrena Trlcxey. world-famed cowgirl, with her atring of trick and raring home., will be a lea- ture of the Lakeview ronnd-up. : which open. Saturday. September hlch a herd of wild rangevhorsea I - Jageat, will judge farm crop ex- ; 2. fc.T a three-day show. MM. VOre leather for the flrat time. - . m ihlblu-kere, and Mary- McComb, 'Trlckey will arrive In Lakeview- fear steeds recalled that dim past jyllllgl iSlanQ 10 tfl.: Mely experienced la Jndg , Friday, and will appear at all record of Lakeview horses, ac-i fj j I lng at O. A. C. and tm Ames, ML. , 'h-ee performancea at this year . ishow. After romnletlng her en- micementi. " here.- Mr.. Trickey i Tin go in i-enoieion io taae iiuit.noraRa. sixteen omer noraea ; In the annual rodeo there. An aerial crrrua will Le a fea- tare of the second day of the round-up. in which a half doten plane, will participate. Three of the planes hare now been enter- ed for thla event and othera are opected to arrive this week. ; Wing walking, swinging ladders nnil parachute jumps are o the program of the avlatora. An unprecedented rush has marked the opening of the ticket sale. At noon yesterday two full sections of the grand aland h.d been sold out, and It appears , that all attendance records of the decornted. Cowboy, are arrlv- ; lug from the four corners ot the News Views - ( f' ti(5S . . . . " so tQ Draw Hundreds official ar:aed R. E Bradbury, member of the fair board, """ill f T no Interference will be made with V t T7 rC aCl plan, for lh bl(t Icatlral. i A CL V ' Vx "We hare Investigated the alt- , notion there." he aald, "and .find I'W JT J "jr T there la nothing to be alarmed I I I II -jr. about. There la. no epidemic. J J XX J LF and whatever -safeguarding U1 X ,,.rnel. a up to Dr. -Kewaome, i ronnty health officer.- Two parade, will figure In thejlect to obtain permission to .el.-M.tlon. One to be held V.!o performer, will ride. The In.liana In full regalia will be la uay Md Weat performer. will asaln march down Slain '!vt wiia me oiggeai paraoe ui Ih.. .deration that of the labor ri. e,mltiee. In which floate fruit, oraamutiona ana i.uiuct, lirn; win piay a po"' : rre fiteliena ahow. are now C,,,,e, for ,ne Prlae of De-; bei-.x et np for the four-day tr0t thelr monoplane, to leave I labor fete, and yesterday C. D. Thnraday aa scheduled, and It ia l)ne .nnnnrer. announced thejbeueved the delay will be ! audition of a SJippery Ci lch, that , avoided. " i truly we.ttrn feature offering un-, ,m ,Q8h Wah,T j mn.it-d ;.-iniiiue. lor ewer-, tatate. and camp grounda are fill-1 iag up. with early arrivals from afar. -., ( t in the tryouts Sunday, In i cording to those present. Old, Knm sincer famed ntv horse. haaL t.ls ounterpart " In 'fKeseJiour were selected In the trycut. to , take their place In the Lakeview i arepa. I In a huge outdoor arena, the , American Legion of Lakeview will stage two big boxing event.. the first to be given Saturday night and the second on Monday evening. Scrappers from all over the Pacific Northwest will ar pear on the program, and these lada with their training retinue terms a big proportion ot the pre-round-up crowd now awaiting I ' the opening day. These event, j are timed for t o'clock Saturday , ' and Monday evenings." In order : an event for each night of the . ahow. ID p r n r CCUrU ;p y g, j. g i . Failure to Get Permit to Land in Turkey Plunge Aviators Into Red Tape Sat-,,and on Turkiiih goilfthreat. tomSM to delay Wm. . Brock and fcdward i. Schlee, round the world flyers, and jeopardize their chances of lowering the recora. Normally, the delay rould be aeveral daya, but the offlclala. j anxious to cooperate with the ,' flyer., are trying to arrange fn-1 flyera, are trying to arrange fn-1 Brock and Schle)) srrlTed here ; i uwu uum ociKtsuv ttcc a ; six and a quarter hour flight. i "We hit rough weather." Brock said, "A heavy wind held u. hack continually." They, had left Belgrade at 4:45 a.'m.. Belgrade time an hour ,"hl T T kl h . i.,,. SlaYlftii plaino accompanied their'''' booths, will tAke the atten p .. f n-,,-1, mononlane as I . (Ckmtluuod oat Paure Five) IrCL DcllCr lVOiWI ' . , - - ... , . i nJchera - the ' jilller"l8land j h iBtrtni n.tw all but Isolated vy;uu iib nuu wm, ,- lowland, aurroundlng their fnrnl. are to be given a tempo- rarv road f ir use until ratlflea- ,0n of tne county road bonds makes it po.slble to put the Mil ler Island road iu proper shape. Thla I. according to dene Hen ry, county engineer, who stated Lth.ll & ...... ... , , case, to leave their cars ou one side ot the virtual marsh around ( the island, and1 either walk on nM horse, to continue on Into their ranches. -ym are nrevaalng now to start Vork on the Miller Island road. work will be of permanent na- ture, so far as grading Is con I cerned, ao that we can use the 1 same work when we are ready to proceed with Improvement auth , orlxed under the bond issue." I Land Settlement f Lists JT eriected I The land settlement listings which are designed' to play an ' Important part In attracting set- tiers to Klamath county, are now nearlng presentable shape. It was . learned at the chamber ot com. 'nierce Wednesday, when the Hat. were being filed. j The lists convey accurate In l formation on all farm lands for . sale In the county, and will be ' sent out to prospective settlers I by the chamber. This organlsa ; Hon, however, will not sell the land. Lynn Sabln, secretary, ex plained. The purpose of the list, and their distribution I. to put out alders In touch, with Klamath land, and to advise them a. to what they can find here In the way of farming facilities. An( accurate and efficient fil ing system is being arranged to t handle the listings. In each case tho listing la approved by a community . land settlement board, to vouch tor accuracy. RELIGIOUS RIOTS r f-tnnttit v&vwf fc SUHKinU ir4UlA ; ALLAHABAD. India, Aug.,31. tt'.P.) Serious religious riots i between Hindu, and Moslems have broken out at Barellley, capital of the I'nlted Provinces, and at Cntnpore. Casualties in the Barellley fight are unknown, but at Cam pore 60 casualties are reported In a pitched battle that I. de clared to have lasted all day. and i throughout the a4ktr- Foreign Shipping On Chinese Water May Be In Danger HONOLULU, Ang. 31. 1XP.) Foreign ahipplng on the Yangtae land Whangtoo In China la Im t periled by a blockade ordered 1 by Chlneae militarists, according j to dispatches recelred today by Hawaii Hochl Sha, . Japanese newapaper here. According to theae messages. the commander of the forte it Wooanng where the river, flow Into the ae a. haa ordered the blockade, declaring that, any merchant .hip attempting to pea. will do ao at the peril of crew and Teaael. Foreign power, are expected to proteat, toe dlapatrhea aald. . Wooaung la 15 rc.'ies from Shanghai. The forta are antl- d,m" to. olPPln i could be Inflicted unices aome of the foreign warnhips bow in the two rivers were ordered to protect merchant men flying for eign flaga. - . The renort. did not aav that auch order, were contemplated. Judges' List Is Earned For Fair Complete liat of Judge, for the Klamath county fa.rt which open. at the local fairground, tomor- row morning at o'clock for a Wg four-day run were annoonc- ed by the board of directors ye- terday. when It waa pointed out that the Hat comprise, name, of sums ui toe mast capaoie Juogep In the state. Frank Brown of Carlton, Ore., a popular Judge at the Pacific International ahow. will Judge beef cattle and .beep at the Klamath fair, while hog. and dairy cattle, as well as commun- "on R- O. Fowler of Medford B- Tucker, : Crook county atre Jurisdiction over all donteatlet.jtatrtewri culinary and "bouse'hold ai ts O. R.. Moeller. city, will offi ciate over the flower and shrub entries; jack Hales, city, over poultry, and F. C. Fehr of Mln. neapolls, famous expert on rab bits, will Judge the rabbit ex hibits. German Swimmer , wins jLaxe Kace TORONOT, Ontario, Aug. 31 (U.P. Ernest Vlerkotter- o Germany, won the 21-mile $50. 000 Lake Ontario marathon swim Wednesday, completing the distance in 11 hour, and 44 min utes. . ine .tatwart i tjerman. con querer of the English channel. was more than two miles ahead ot hi. nearest competitor. Vlerkotter, who has led most of the way, won first prlte of $30,000. A dozen swimmers. : all that remained ot the 239 j who plunged Into Lake Ontario j at 8:30 a. m eastern daylight i tiuiu, stilt whih iiiuvius tuwarus i the fini!,h "ne hen tbe tr"pa- ant German was lifted from the I cold water. BOX FACTORY MEN HELD FOR THEFT Ed Coates and Claire Cotter were arrested at the Ewanna Box company Tuesday evening, where they are employed, on the charge of stealing a sedan from Iyebandon, Ore., which also bore the license ot another car in tbe same city. A telephone message wa. re celred at 7 p. m. and at 9 p. m. the sheriff's office had the men in custody. Both young men claim they are innocent ot the charge. WINTER GARDEN TO OPEN FESTIVITIES The flrat formal dance of the fall and winter season, will be staged at the Winter Garden to night by Hnl Blackburn and His Hand. Tbe popular orchestra has taken over complete man agement of the Winter Garden, having moved In from Altamont and will stage dance, every Wednesday and Saturday nights, The first dance this evening will be In the nature of a car nival dance In keeping with tin Labor Day celebration spirit. There will be dance, there during the big celebration on Friday, Saturday Sunday and Monday. Sunday night will be the official Queen's ball spon sored by the Labor Day - com- tr.lUee. -. ' Princess Hops Off To Gross Atlantic; 0 v' -.tj ii, ' J- I ear-did ' W 01T1&. Casts her Lot WiOi Pilot of Plane, in Flight for Canada. LONDON, Aug. 31. (U., ' P.) A 63-year-old princess, with a new hat and a van- ity bag as the principal features of her - baggage, was headed ' out over the Atlantic tonight ad a '. pas- ' senger in a trans-Atlantic flight to Ottawa, Canada. She and Captain Leslie Ham ilton and Colonel F. F. Mlnchln. crew of the monoplane "St. Ra fael." were presumed to be hun dreds of miles from the British , Isles, . headed westward. ' Aa it passed tbe Calway head-' land, on the western Irish coast. the St. Rafael was headed into foggy weather,' weatbVr inch as other Atlantic plane have en countered. - . , , -.- Weather reports are that cloudy, bowery, partly foggy weather 1. to be expected off (Covrtlmfd owrfaae Five) ' ' ' ' Passengers Saved On Grounded Ship WRANQELL," Alaska. Auc.'tl.j (P) Weary and dam after h,ur- . rledly being put ashore ' In the1, , rnkyv darkness of a foray night. -the passenger., of. ItjsT disable " wmnmilntSkt4f wHtast.-a"Ctlar : lotte. which - struck - Vtchsefskl . Rock, 20 mile, from here, at the south entrance of trearherona Seymour Narrow., were brought here today by the eoaat and geodlc survey vessel Explorer. Tbe Charlotte, which was floated about midnight, was be ing towed here at the rate of '! two mile an. hour, by the fishing . tug . Kvlchak - of the Alaska i packer.' association, assisted by ,.. a fleet of Petersburg shrimp j, boats. The Charlotte went J ashore at 9:30 last night and ', her S O 8 calls brought a score of vessels to her aid. The damage to the Charlotte. ' waa undetermined, although 'tr was known that the outer skin was punctured, flooding the oil . tanks and engine room, putting I the engines out ot commission. v. " New Bank Opens To Public Tod$yf . a The Oregon Bank and Trust company at it. temporary bead quarter, at 806 Main street, ' open Its door, for business this.? morning. John O. Duke, president, Tleo. R. Llndley, vice-president 4tnd cashier, and" Miss Belda Crave),, stenographer, will be In the bank today. Officers of the bank are John O. Duke, president; George lU.i T.lnittttv vU.nrMM.iil nii ea.h.t ler, and C. A. Dunn, vlce-presU dent. Tbe board- of directors U.t a. follows: R. H. Hovey, " Dr. George II. Merryman, C. A. Duna. c Charles Drew. Wilson S. Wiley, George Llndley and Mr. Duke. ' FLAPPER FANNY SAYS Sf.S U SST Off 'Mr er an sovtct ic Sometimes It's mighty har to fire a toft answer. . , . ' - -rm -1 .r -