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About The Klamath news. (Klamath Falls, Or.) 1923-1942 | View Entire Issue (Aug. 26, 1927)
JHE KLAMATH 'NEWS- FRIDAY, AUGUST 20. 1027. PACE FIV OBSERVATIONS XIX nn i s o i : x r H v kt w 1 1 k u ETHEL if Hit ifttlf .-what w- CSc'- Goat Getters Alwiul all tluil U left of tlu family Hi'ilc L the gliinti. a Dinar: "Wily to Hint don li ihnrr unci wnuli m nil ilio II roe T" Waller; "You've ui Hi pints ho initially rata Irnin, air." Ima. "Any man who think ho unitamiind woiuuii I an Idiot." Krauk- "You fun novor plnnnn Ahem. Vuu treat 'cm rough anil I hoy luvo you; you luvo 'cm anil they treat you rough!" -o l.oilunr leliuklliav'lho 'iluorl: "How long ore ynu KOlim to be III Ihnt buthliilit" Mnn liimdo "Oh, ahriil live foot nine." i . ' , i 'fio you actually don't hine j uuyhoily In I ho world?" ' ( "Not a mil. Hut llntun: "t'voi not leller all nicked out to : hex In on II I do al.trl hnilna people," , o If wo worn the youim lml'- ' thnt am toilfylm alnt "KIiik" ' David' Immoral rondiii'l. we I would bo vrry luurh rinhurrniuod , to have hi idcliiro appear In th pa pur. I -o If there uro ninny J hid young people, ax there uwil Ai ha there are ton I lion many ; gOWl one. -o h i hard to mil t.hon a Scot- inan h hud loo much to drink ho la tight before he nturta. Why ha blue? Jonah waa down In tho ntnuili, hul ho rama out all rlKhl. ... . "Alili vhnt you mean hy play ing hit mi'trhra on do lev.ilk? Coma right wny In do atnrc and kluy mil cm " "Whnl kind o( coffee do you want. .Mr. Nulirlde?" "Oh. any kind that Itnna with trading atumpa." o Cora: ',' "Were there any mar rying mon at tho hoorh whon you cro'?" Dora: "Von, two mlnlMcr nnd a luntlee of the paare." o Mont girl walk homo no that they ran hurry and tall their flapper (rlonda nil about It! s HOW Inf. WlWItr? -OP A-VtM. ' it' ,, rcglali your Jungle Breath 1 CONVICTS USE SOAP TO AID IN GETAWAY "A ancrtit la that loll oiio portion at a you (Continued, from Pane Four) "ColiiK to . . . lot Ilia Inkea . . . down on u?" s "Yoa." "Waah ua away . , . overything away." i "If you bar a lona danitoroua plan, we'll bo dollRhtod to lake It." . Vlluk awlflly rebnndlod the ri ploalir In a nawapaper and atari- rd toward tha door. II turnod ' to Prontlmi. "Any way I ran not , ihroiiKb the wall? Don't want to ; climb over unleaa I hay to. Al nioat auro to be aoen." I "Thers'a a place. Old dralnane I aower. Barred up now. lint can ! , get through It you know how. ; atralxbt line from kitchen." j "Bettor come and. ahow me. , Save time." "All right. Want to Rot out' : aide anyway." The two men dia-, appaared Into the darkneaa. ElUe and Nunnally turned their black. aweatlnit facea an Inxtnnt to ' watch thoin ao, then allpntly re numcd their vlitll at tho window. I The bnttorlnn of tb loir rorom- J of my location, naked th younn mencea. Tne two oeionaera re-1 lady who waa alttinK next to mo. Inewed Ihelr fire. Once more the , "Doe Main parallel Klamath?" ballerina; ceaaed. j She aludlrd a momouand then ; To llo fontlnuod) I aald. "No, no. It runa tho aame j v()nk loMP. nl(, flncMt. . Hut way." ' ' ! wlion ilnnitor haa pnaaod, lrontlHa T -o 1 1, iiniiccounlably nilaaliiK. When i atrnngor wnnta you j to algn a contrnct. drtn't truat him yon .m tinA Klamath V.illey any farther tlinn you would hlnpltul a modern commortloua I runt a package of congrelonal . home, up-to-date In nil partlcii garrton iord. I lara. . which B time." fl it Ihinga are opprouivnly qnlot at homo, lot th huaband remark that ha. aaw Mra. Kwoeiruc Jonea In 'a Miinnlug new droaa, howod diamond garter huckloa. Ilnalneaa will pick up fonhwlth. Advantage. Oh, Ifa great to bo alcndor and tall. Even though one box further to fall: For a lung nuth la good tlotilng hoarding bonno food. Or for hanging up thlnga In the hull. o I waa riding on the mreet car the other riuy and not being auro (Conllnunl from lnar hii-) with a rope made of atrip of ranva and clothe torn to plccea. There waa no alarm and Deg fcller'a poaao and blondhonndft. were forced to Bearth to all potnta of tbe compam. , Ccorge Smith, charwd with grand Inrrouy. unil Kmll Biltri, of Cr-ntrnlla.Tn a diy raid abcut ,ton daya ago, were ulno rnnflnnd In the tank buimade no attempt to eacano. - '. Deputy Sheriff-Wynn aald Bai ley and Burke are denperate men. Did You Ever Stop to Think? tlr FIIMO II. W'AITR Hliawure, Oklaliotna ' John Oakley, Kdltnr of the Hherflnld IKuglandl Daily Tolo grnph. Hnya: THAT when you go Into a room full of' rattling, tlirieklng ma chinery, and try to make your aelf hoard aimply by ralalng your rolce, you aro attempt ing the impoaallile. You can ' not ahout down GO, 000 borne .. power. But If you alter the glaier of your yolco. Bend word out, bo to apeak. on a different wuvo-icngin, ; "you can make yountelf heard without effort, no matter how' hldeoualy tempeatuonB the aur- rounding hullabaloo may be. i THIS la an age of nola. Erery oue la shouting at the rory , toMi of their rolcea. Advcr- j linemen ta acream at one from mugailne. newapaper, hoarding , or Illuminated sign. And ao many of them Bay tha aame thing in tbe aame way that few atop tn take notice. Il , In the man who anya aome thlng different from ercryono : elae, and aarya It In a different . ay, who aeltea the ear and t-yt-R of tbe pasaerhy. ADVKRTI8INO. . I.IKE MCSIC. 1 I'AlXTINd OR THK DRAMA. ' IM BOTH AM AHT AND A, 1, KCIKNCB. !T HAS ITS OWN .TECHNIQUE. IT CAN BE l.EABNT Jl'ST AS ONB CAN I.KAHN TO PI.AY TUB PI ANO. BUT MERE TECIINI--. CAL PROFICIENCY IS NOT SUFFICIENT EITHER IN MUSIC Oil IN ADVERTISING. ! SOMETHING MORE IS; WANTED. IT IS THE PIAN-; .' 1ST WHO CAN PLAY AS NO OTHER PIANIST CAN' PI.AY. FOR WHOM THE QUEUES STAND PATIENTLY ALL, . .N1CI1T. IT IS THE ADVER-, '.TISER WHO HAYS WHAT NO ONE ELSE ILV8 THOUGHT OF. IN A WAY NONE OTHER . HAS EVER ENCOMPASSED.' WHO OUTS , STRAIGHT . ; THERE. IT IS N6T MERE ' NOVELTY THAT" IS WANTED. HUT A FRESH. VIVID AND BUOYANT IMAGINATION. WHERE Ifl THE MAN? FORTUNE3 AWAIT HIM! yon tell me who that horrible looking man la over there?" "AVhv o t ,in Thal'l mv brother." I PIANO CAHM RKKIKtSaXO VamUh rherka mnoverl tk ' A. K. DEAHON, PUo Iwaer Follonina; l'. "Ducicr." aald the woman to her neighbor at tha table, '.'ran "Oh, pardon," atammered the 710 Mala womin, all fluatered. "I onght' . - . ... lo have known It by tha resem blance." Pathfinder. rtOM 14tVW , For Bale old paper. Klamath Fewa. CHI at By J. Miller, Johansen Bros., Preservers ; 1 ' Arch Shown Exclusively Itrnl Diplomacy. Rulmniao: I ein see that your regular site three, tnadnm. At tho aame time, you will find foiira no ' comfortnblo Oinu 1 charged with firm degree aiwaull might almost recommend you lo for shooting Patrolman Rurgca.ii woar fives. Pearson's. . if 11 ma, lit""-'' mum i:i h u '-t-r-'r-M 1 DO YOU KNOW That tho Grcnnon Ranch Tracts arc thoroughly pro vided with irriRation and tlrainnRC ditches giving you ample water fur growing anything you may do sirc to grow. . DO YOU KNOW That the Grcnnon Ranch Traits comprise 80 acres of tho finest, most productive soil in Southern Oregon. Li I J0 YOU KNOW That you Kct City Privileges X Kinmnih J ii--wnt iko ty Water, Electricity and 1 chiioquin crcceiit ijiko xi such as Good Roads, City Telephone Service without paying City Taxes. DO YOU KNOW That If you want one of, those self-supporting tracts you should act now while the selection is good. , " 5f SEE ME " ,' L. CARTER "I Handle No Propasrty Bui My Own" 410 So. 5th St. Phone 544-R r "THIS IS A GREAT COUNTRY'' MM Mi 1Z TWO-DAY Mbnsfet: Clothing v . . s ' '-' Event ! FRIDAY and SATURDAY ONLY 2i FOR 1 Writer Brtskfatl AH th health value of whole wlieat in tempting, flaky form. And only fut mmutts from package to table 1 P OPU L A R EXCURSION! -TO- Crescent and Odell Lakes AUGUST 28 Greatly Reduced Round-Trip Fane 7i ii Chiioquin m i.v. k T il 'i I V Ar. ft Lv. I no It cent l-nko UM THAIX SCIIKDl I Cascade Huniinlt M.'J.t Ciuk-mIp Kiimmlt .I.IMI Cnacndo Hninmlt ul.'JO ,K 7tl0 A. M. BMO A. M. II i, VI ,. M. 111:05 A. M. 4:4 I. M. .BiOll I. M. t 1 . . it i IS beautiful Crescent Klaninlh Knlla 'roacont Ijike . 'rrarcnt lmk Caacnrto Huminlt 'nacndo Hnmmil 'rcacrnt ltko I,v. t'rewrnt Jiko Ar. Kinmnih Fnlla Spend the. day on Lake, Fithing, Boating, Swimming, Hiking A Wonderful opportunity for a picnic party. ' Southern Pacific Lines FOR FURTHER INFORMATION CALL , , J. J. MILLER, D. F. 0 P. A. S5 Jf HOPKA BLDG , EICHTH and MAIN PHONE 70 OR ANY AGENT .Vli.1 l'. m. h TilWl p. m. y it or Odell f h Two suits for the price of one, or a suit arid overcoat for price of one garment. One hudred suits and coats to select from. This is your chance to buy your fall clothes ' at less than wholesale cost. V If you can't use two suits or a suit and coat bring a friend and go 50-50. No exchanges. No alterations. Boys Suits Most of them with two pairs of pants Two suits for price of one. Get the Boys ready for school We can outfit them and save you money. BECK'S MAN'S STORE 517 Main 517 Main , ,i, :