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About The Klamath news. (Klamath Falls, Or.) 1923-1942 | View Entire Issue (Aug. 26, 1927)
a -5i !' TAGE FOUR The Khmath News; Published every morning except ' Monday by The Klamath News I lalllhln Company t 10S-1IJ . Bouth Fifth street,. Klamath j Falls, Oregon. j OfrMsl Paper of Clly of Klnm-j Mk Kails and Klamath County. I Kale Otterbcdn Cite Editor !-,-,- m --,,,',,;, SUBSCRIPTION HATK8 , EffecUve AprU IS, 1AST. Delivered by carrier, mo.... S .63 lMlIverrd by carrier, jear.... a.SO DaUTcrrd by atatl, year........ S.OO RaharrkntJoBa payable Id advance. ... . . Entered aa aerond clara matter at tb poatoftlce at Klamath Fall Orefon. November 15. 1JJ, Hinder act of March J. 1ST. , wm .ii ...wi...,...m Telephone . Member Audit Burraa cirraiatioa - ; CRUISING UPPER KLAM ti ATH LAKE ' Wq have seen the grand and . magnificent rjrairie Pr'rle , country of the middle west; j We have witnessed Color- : ado's: rough . and rugged ; . : -'.vv: 1 mountains - in u men beauty ; xir u n.,..o : . ia.vca "-,couniy, in lact, ne Knows, longer ao we oo,eo u..u-, Prentl out ot hu h0U8c. vilak!'""' " ' . of Utah teeming in wealth; , it : h. money 1-. be- wt, 7 scanned the beautiful stret-, cause he has seen the ran- to us and ee. what we have forja mM'M tower. lnknown;know now ,h... it Un t carrying; thes Of Idaho in her trans- blt br,n hlm n money, and No longer can we fted coo-iuai.kert be(,in ,Mnf, from ,e high voltage. , . , .. . : . he cannot fill the demand itrntment In Isolation, so we pur-; barrUa(U,d gate.' Nnnnally Is. The beaiegers- firing became . formation from desert to f ' . . rabbit- f..d v-ot SU". ,Te , ,...,. 'wcund,d- desultory. Vilak took advantage, iarden; - . ior ms raODltS as rood. .Not : But let us not cast aspersions the interval of Inaction to , We have hpen orw our ' 0nly H11 are the' want" i opon, '"""J day- , .1 NOW 11EC1X THE STORY stretch bis cramped muscles and . "IT.".- '--vied, but they are asked for ip,e,. ,'U" r0"!BI .mf,1 n,,PTP x-,IV- 1 !K"t cigarette. The match .put- Own Oregon, and very inch;. ' - and therefore were not called CHAPTER XXIV tered Into the water at hi. feet. I Cf her we love; we thought "0. -an rapclSC0. upon to atrlve and struggle. It, vilak turned bis blackened ,B ,ta.d t It philosophically, . . v i,- a we bad seen her beauties all, but AV were mistaken. ' " -- . IeSteraay our ex-i, , .. - . , , traordinary p-l-e a-sur e to cruise; the Upper Kiamath In Va rtt Vi a nartv rf friania A . r starting in the morning and t devoting the-entire day to travel bv launch over that! . .. , , exquisite and adorable jewel 5Jf nature's own creation.--- :t To : standi and , gaze in t : ji ... , , privilege to see , the . col- ors, the steep and rugged banksjb the almost indes c r i b a b 1 e something that makes Crater lake an out standing gem, but Crater lake must not take all the laurels, for right up against this city is a body of water which in itself is one oi-the nation's great at-, trnrrinn tracnons. In Upper Klamath lake IS combined beauty, pleasure c? ,'nrWesr -,il- ... gon viewed new roads with aus- lake 19 like the diamond on pirion. the lady.'s finger jastbeau-' Dr Robert Parker, delivering :f.,l ., TV,. address of welcome to the Tla- tiful to gaze upon. The ,ltlng OI(itlalBi tpoe ot tne pro. Upper. Klamath lake offers posa! a half century ago to build to all easy access, joyful " ,ra'1 frora I'oseburg to the t, .:.. I Coos Bay country. The proposal, boating,, exquisite scenery, he wa, ,,: several splendid resorts on.versally popular In the coast i the west, a View of E. H. : country People there feared Harriman's lodge, where ' the great railroad wizard , , f dreamed the dreams of in-' t'ustriat, development that are nqjvv; coming true. Yes. the Upper lake links all il... .:,u ...n i n these features with well till- ed farms, with 'fat and growing livestock, W i t h lumber to serve society in fact, Upper Klamath lake is in this state to speculate, at not only ornamental, but it'chamber ot commerce banquets is intensely useful eisewnere, as to wny Oregon i is inttnstiy useiui. Da, , Rone ahc(, a ln Takj a tip from us: When R commercial and Industrial way you want to enjoy a most "e'uhbors to the north and' i:ujr..i j... i ii aonth, and many explanations delightful day, turn back ; hav. 0n offereL Apbout lbt history' pages to the days best explanation we have heard when "Cap" Calkins ran the ,nat " indirectly by Dr. I , . . , , Parker in his historical discussion , Doais tra tne lake, ana roi- , )W CoM .llny wagon road. low hig lend. Take a ; The Oregon of a half century launch and plenty to eat. I0" dld I10t want commercial de-j r-...t si, i i i ii j , velopment. The people of that! Cruiselhatlakeallday. and!,,,,,, were onr mimm with, when you return at night what they bad. They loved their you will gay to yourself : ;",a"' M a- and ,helr -' ,.,, . . t'i "o" 'or It was sincere and deep, j how much greater is Mam- xhrT foarpI, ,he fonBe1Pnw of ath and her surroundings an Influx of outsiders. It will be than I have heretofore real- noted ,nat ,n hls recl,al of re"-t i.,,; . , , . , T'son for opposing a road fromi iaed; what a glorious day I KoH,mrg t0 coos nay, Dr. Par-1 have had as I looked into key put the question of cost, with : that great mirror covering ; uu.uuo acres and saw re- fleeted" the Klamath basin of the .futurei teeming with 'agriculture, and industry, the lake stood forth in that mirror the reflection of an- , ether Denver. 000 JUST A RABBIT YOU have heard of many A.,tr;a .i.KK.ti.J and others proposed fox I Klamath basin. You know ' ior many tndustlie.sltiat are mi.-roWnl and flourishing. Inf I vnn ronUv knnw ' .v u .u , f -I I anytmng atOUt trie rabbltT ( Your answer, no doubt, ! will be, "oh, I have heard i .of rabbits, but they don't! '""" "-- , amount to anything JUSt aideaertt and the savage tribes to fancv of some hobbiest " Narl vimJm Iki VW. exi ounuHV in tne iews . there will be a story on rab- j jjjts tnat wjj open your ; ... ... . - ...... - ! rabbit breeder who is mak- ing good, and there is no nearsay or ounK aoout nis i statements. When we tell that J. R. j . "HUM box is No. 254, first thought; of rabbits he had a ramb-1 t:- ,.; T bng vision of attempting i something new the nature i of which he knew scarcely anything about. today he is a firm be- liever in the rabbit as a "tnioney producer for this ..... . nis enterprise IS nouseai"-" an(J fc d, d t and i'mC"! "!f' e f ""na'nehd ; . "undeveloped while her neigh-, ,tnree - ientns acres Of ground. , bora were striving hungrily and . .,.. . . . 1 ue rauuit ousmess aoes not . . I !::?:rj6 , r ;. " "i , .uu. xv, KitK main in the edge of the city who , , , i. ... has a f ailt tmvn Tnl It will . . -. "--. s onu iiusicaidiii nave some words, and I snot i Knowledge OI the business : is needed, neither is there required great capital- in- ButneSunday-lBOOTS we are going to have Mr. i Stevenson tell you the story ! . . . - . i in his own words. 000 WHY OREGON" STOOD STILL i (Eugene Register) j The governor of Oregon and the members of the state high way commission have been mak-' ing an inspection trip over thej Roosevelt highway, and every where they have game they have! heard and seen evidence of the Breat ,n,ere,t in roi develop-! ment wbich ' "Parent in the! Oregon of today. Bntata ban-! quet which was tendered to them! jin Nortn b1" bey were told of tlm WDen the PeP' ' Ore- iui wouia scare away tne' game. They were uneasy lest the outside world "ship In pro- ' doi ts and thus destroy the local markets." They wei9 full of donbts as to the advisability of the plan because, they argued, ' the road when once built would "v io oe Kept, up ana me cost of upkeep mif:M proTe ,.,,. ly burdensome. And last, they wern a,rail "at taxes would be increaseq. It has been a popular pastime rpw1,ln taxation, last in the list. He was right in so placing It. i The people of that day were more concerned with the probability of! scaring the game away and en ticing In a lot of ontslders than with saddling themselves with country, and Ihey wanted to run 00 Jk' of ch"K,n ' , There are many who will scoff , thUl ,nde.-They win any ;lnat lt tt lha altitude of the i mossburk and the hlll-hllly. They will regard it aa something die graceful In Oregon' past; some 1 , thins that ought to be covered op nl kept way from the pub-, lie rate aa one conceals a skele-;n ton In hla closet. This news-' paper disagrees with tnem. f or thoae who are able to grasp tne prlnclplea Involved, there la aome-; ! "g ln ' tni peopl 01 r, .; escaped harm, due to the ahrewd - ' nesa of her cousin and protector. Hon M omethlnif outatand-! vil.AK. who masquerades aa her Ingly wonderful In . the way of, attorney under the name of da- h0- nd " "8,r- 11 .V1S. Vllak l a curloua mixture j ineira iru wt win It. It was exactly wnat mey, " " ;iin HI.- ineuu, ii.MpoO UIUI III one IHSUtlll I111U , their wav to Invite In.vniv an ..M..rl Amerirnn i......i.i . t.... i, . ..o.. others to ahare it. with the Pa-. aibllity that these incoming others mlrht change the country lrre-'he paraniy irom wnat ii was: no . had achieved contentment, and co,e?",lt b D' .uiua "" ! Those day are past. But we should like to point out that tbeyltho lnrcM ot flood,. .Messengers nassed because contentment end- d. We are no longer satisfied ,.!, ,ne well-troduen game trails: with streams that are; dcltes t0 pro0eed lo the house of mlug wi,h "sh nd ir"h '""! lone gaylohd i-rkntiss and lu"1 - . warn mm or tne aunger. i renuss seek .omething more, and this,. . ,, , forhi,i,t. something is to be gained only bv what we term coraraerviai u- relopment. We must have more ,om8, knowledge of the consplr money. and In order to have more ,-,.., h.r Nevertheless monev we must market our re-' sources. So we are setting about J the task of development. We are! S'ol . i. . . .t . . . j, . ,.. .t I -"i7 i did not have. V- no.un Uirh i UATUDD . t 1. ,1.. ...v,..,... . -m., ' aeiiing nn. DAUGHTER: Nonsense! We mm- B" that s as far as our hMarrel ever went. Judge. AND HER 'nrf'wcf i im TTnr, SALESMAN SAM 1 . I k,w t,.,. r, to show you au. eue V n usuun " rrr" VJ I ' ... r " n s v mill W rrUVCT eTeeUHr.ll SpiM.oor Boirte fAefHoos 4o fb. Aie tjeei 9ovK m soccesseuL wrswirV To pep up 9ap vpm viimKle ort ft-HeAW ottf of5 Steepin" PowoeRs' T7A v ( veA- but - Wat'er vie r$ JfiB V- WASHINGTON TUBBS II i.tTiw 1 - FRIDAY. AUGUST 2. 1927. t) t)C7 tC NEA Scrvc VO? THIS MAS IIAITENRn Attempts have been made on the life of KLISB MAKIIKUltY. American girl who owna and manages considerable property n,.ar the little town or POItTO hltDK, In went central Hratll. svrnl mysterious dentha have'r . . N." ho stammered occurred, but so far she nasi oi Anieriran mu vrirnmi ivuvn ana a amuem ni tnniinun.. im tries to persuade Ellse to leave! ,h(, c0try, leavniB him there cnemst to auve the mystery., ; rd the wound, the next moment : nue at first refuses, but after had torn a strip of cloth from tro-vearld orohaned nrohrCh.., n,i ni it i i, idnaiH-d. to be found again by fne ,UlIt vilak. and another at-, tempt la made on their tives, ana agrees. H,,r departure is prevented by ride through the countryside. warning the natives that the dam ; . . b , Then Vllak is man. a Eltse's. ii m m..ll u nn nemv fif and she suspects him of ay against Her. Nevertneieaa.' h ,. . ,i,i- .i, , sue agiees iui it is lu o wlrn hmi , .ed on the barbed wire which over- u , ' .,.. .,.' topped the wall. Vllak fired. Tho warn him. They learn that the flood warning is just a ruse io "rum un ni an iiiiain. : a;" "' ' chemist squeezed his shoulder affection-' melv "Hnrrf luck N'snnv " he ."Hard I uric, . Nanny," he . . . . snia eneerny Kiise." work ior you, He wudk his head back to hU.rartridKvs.' vhirh for wrurtiy Title and Decan tO reflontlle the . , . raie 0, nw airrauy rapm tire, - t.neer up. anny. .Needed an- other wounded man to keep me company. Yob with your arm and I with tho wrist I got the 'olher night will go around slnS; nitTir,vnn Ei C:3 BUDDIES eoovieo sows To eiMP-Nce am TtP P.R0ONO WORLD IH Trt- Itl A World Tour OF 3. 6UZl-LetA piH' CQtAPAMV ! WOW S 'fT, KVO? y 6 '. mm 1, !i - 1 tyfien Lucien Burmon v..ii . Inat with a grind-organ after wo net out of th la. Make, more that way than yuu do with chem- Istry." Kline bad hastened forward to . exntulno the wouhd Nuuually I tried to prevent her. "No Isn't . . anything jual : at-rtttrn ... A apuuter of steel 1 1 ...... er .. . splinter. Fix I myself . . . Need yon t the window." KUae did not heed him. Xhe , iruKCll at tlie noor, now in piacra covered wun an men or two or water from the apriiiK trlrkllnk . n u, corner. She round a clear , handnce. checklni: the flow of blood. The gray silk appeared like a ! proimhiy. he said. "About lime 1 great butterfly which had settled'"")' Ihougbt of It. They'll try to on his wispy arm. A bctl begun to ring In some far off part of th house. The dig bayed loudly, rreutlss' 'cadaverous body writh ed, his angular face contorted with fear, his eyes were the eyes of a trapped beasl. "The re gotten In . . .' ho panted, "llotttn In." Vilak shook his head. "Xo. ; : " . 1 can see too MM..11I.J. '""' - "' ,f rh .1,,,-irie wln.a ar.nind the ( A man's sllbouptte appear - lock U(i nn ua hurltoH wire which over, ; ,. Vlluk fired The , 1" .t.h ""', ""l! '..,.!! - - iioiw none or you are susceptinie c, against the window; a Jaguar to pneumonia, with all this wa-'howled far off In the Jungle, ter on the floor, fcvema to me, vilak took betel lie became i n.i. i ,i,. ii,. .,m , , . ... .- the past moDih." Hi sMlaahctl ovt-r to the box of nfalntt n ulr:,v l,iill.,t ln,l h..n .... put behind a heavy wooden chest. He fingered the bullets thought' fully. but "No use losing our heads the cold fact', has to be admitted tline'ro In. a pr.itty situation, E ' It's All ooosh tw poeuci-rv, rMRPLAMe Will 6PCl. TW I e05ir.H55 IK Z KPitAE f CP.PHe.LS'. MOU LefVRN r4AMieo.TiOH AM' I'LL Leo.RH PlLOTlMi-LTS GO TrN LUNCH" ', r -..:i- L S,U ItHJtL V. to rnc'. tjR6 ior ,no ) I runs . .hk,i feuiot TtMt, I THM'4 ALL. TIM5. I , 3 nrnrf,. - . . - ' Our ainuiunlllon'a running very, low. our eiiemv la superior In numbers, at loam four limes our- selves. I aliould ay, Judging by the rlflo bullets. At the most. 'even with no cluing" t turtti'a on , their purl ami wun evuryining In our favor, we can hold them off only two hour or au wntie; It will he morning before anyone 1 Icarus that the report of tho flood la fuloe and returua to I'orlo Ver- ! '' S we can expert no help inere. A oeouiuui juii , i It ft-rtly planned. IVrfertly llan - a""''1 - 1 "'" Irlenda oul- """IU He flicked tho nh from hla claaret. "If any of you have any i ldeaa, they'll be weUonie." Kliae and the old mnn looked at him and ahouk their heada. I'ren- "".Hift to tne ananowa. rney were l,nt " hl" ""d now ""not ercelved by the nilnckers: i ' 3 on tno iionaa. iiiik , his mist. A sound of chounlna ' roue up from the creek, followed .Theao Vllak nulled and. evponlnit ' I "on nller by the rumble of a' number of sticks of dynamite. : fulling tree. .... n,n,n snll ! Kllse glanced at Vllak itionlngly. "A battering l ii ea rn to. hreuk duwn the gnto. And nt the loss of a few men they'll un doubtedly do 11. fur most of them enn keep in the ahrltor of Hie wall." x A few moments later they heard the doll, muffled booming wood aguinst iron as a of, log struck the ga'e. They fired. The muffled thunder continued. In I short regular lutervnla. Ilka the! ,.,.,rl. of ...n, .11. ,11 " "" . "'" " ! r! 'l,,n practicing on the rulige. i 1'iie oi ciiriniiKes grew stliull- ''r' ''' man. despite his wounneu arm., nun resinned nr- Ing. III. nj Jammed. Vlliikihrough and come down on us. " " " The ptlnn ,u lhii vornr (tur.;'n,Io M amont ,,. ttKd softly the water rose an in- paper, for a detonator. "Illow up m, then trickled noisily over ,mrt of that retnlnlng wall I ,he stone door-sill. A brilliant : noticed diiuimlng that first fairly rccn caterpillar. Irritated by th. ,Br, UKe back of your house. acrid smoke of the guns, crawled ' o It with a pick if we have to. , 0f a crack In the rock, and . ,.ut the dyna mile's quicker. Onr began climbing the wall. Borne frenU outside said there was a frighlened. unseen nlghiblrd dash- flood. We ll give th.m one. Noth- .nn'mnra Hi cuuiempiauon, nis flmcvr mechanltully prewiliiff tli iriwr of his rifl.,; hln pvm h- ! came the dull, drejimlnc rvi of - ..i.n 1. 1 in no in c Tibetan , imnasary: the thin film like bird s luner eyelid crept slowly over the white eyeballs again. Suddenly be put down bis rifle, : "A nerfect idiot " he finh,i he hurried' to the olhor side of Wrong! 3 'OLLV, i, 'LL Pfa'.CHA OUR PLfM'LL rptise. ft lot of tictrtMertT'. Ml. MlMiHlt! UXXiOKi GREAT, ouo -fiMfcft. -. S'f ' - '" "'---M" U. PAT. Of THE KLAMATH NEWS the lower and began the low pluteuu hack IIbh house, "romp tely losing my Imagination. For Ihu aeeiuid limn in a week I've Ignored 'means of escape when It wan cry- ( ing to no useu. Any uuwunr or ; dynamite here, Prentiss?" )). (t li r whipped away from lh, wniow. The mark on Ilia forehead aa aulverim. "Kyna mite? . . . Not murh ... A little." i,, whiavprad feyerlnhly. "Ii"fl over . . . PlaallllK , , . ir wall. jnia fm-e waa flnmlna. "(lot n ( ,,! tlm , pin?" Vllak nodded quUkly. "Where , !( "Little abed few feel in k here . . ." I ',(it'a itet II. V Th. .-, ', ,1.. .i,,,,. keep- , lu , ,,( i,,Py iud returned 1 0 I M tO Wlr TOO 111 W H II I 0 I'll' -, examined them good all right. Not touched by dampness." Ho shot a glance toward the old mnn and the girl. "Klre ft aa you can. Iielny them. Time's the linporliiut thing now." The log boomed monotonously aguinst the gale. Ho took the piece of twlna In which one pack age had been wrapped and began rubbing It with the explosive to make a fuse. i "Whal'a your plan!' What's 'your plan?" 1'rentlss panted. "Not mine. Natures. Should L... -Ill, iiiouRiu " j tha apriug gurgling lh. m and fionklng our shoes all tne lime. IThe water up In those Utile lakes I n the high ground all around you la doing lis best to proas. Ing original. The Dutch did It all the time when the country was Invaded. Cut the dikes. If you remember." He tied tho sticks In series ot threes. "Not so sufa here. Taking chances. Long ehnncea. A lot ()f water up there. Don't know exactly how much. And we're only ten feet or ao higher than Uhe creek bed. Perfectly apt lo set us as well as the others. Hut i,. n,, nniw .v...... .., . The booming- of Hie log censed,' 10 tJ tOMS t om'.iVVT 6iT M A WILL IT? record! ac! jvftf HAD to oo FOR r MINV3T6. WTTLt FELLOW. OE, But SOU'Pfe . OMA6 , K.IOI J V nurvevlnn'porlmlply to allow Ilia attackers In of Pren-'re.t 1'rewtlaa slated at Vllak. half fearful, hall " "' (Continued mi ruue re STAGES lA-nf Klnmath Knlla H a III lexeept Nlinduyl for MKillllll. MI.IN Al. l t H H M. rl. I'rl. Mlllllll.l. MII.IS A 1 .11 ha ii:n Ml KANVIM.r: New IliHliiieil Itnlea now In erfii't. Terminal Stage Depot 111.1 Miiln Ml. lliiMie IMM GLASSES F)e Fx.rinrl. rMlrd ,h v.lj"-i loounJ in isii own Ijileiy w i"i )' MlWsl ryt. . Bioken Lensca RcpUceil DR. COBLE'S . 70 min atntsr Kc,.." 0" Many Klnnmth Falls peo pie are making tho Campbell Court Hotel Their Homo When in Portland, A plcjitiint place to livi1. in liciiuti ful fniri'Diintliiigit. An unsually good ilining room serv ice ami food. f Accessibility t o busiiifss center and riii'iijri-s. Eleventh and Main Sts. E. JEAN CAMPBELL, Owner ami Manager By Martin V5 MOU tltJL"J OUA.rt CIS , TA.Y 4 V.. WOS Out ) 1t?i.V A.H on 4 ,. J CAlt To VT " By Small By Crane v mr , L LOCK OlS fXR i . TWlHO UP'.'. WOel 'BOUT T.0M6 FOOT? I'M FtEVlM" I I BeTTER. L1Vt while nn the lower edge of more taxation. They liked I 1! M sra u t or. ciWTivwtssisvKtiMe. .