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About The Klamath news. (Klamath Falls, Or.) 1923-1942 | View Entire Issue (Aug. 26, 1927)
1 1 . . t ' 1 1 ! V - THU KLAMATH NKWS FRIDAY, AUGUST 2ti, 1027. U' PAGUm Will firpadcast, -From Low Point I ? T mv T O TT7 T7C I Miss Koente Ja: Leading Contest!" oil lupoly," acid Captain R He; nil, ...cnvrnmciit r. ho mi U.u nturt. an U bin limit.' "piKior. ;io oiuay odiiiiy rekukpout. 0., au-. III .la mac VVilIna ,Al'' l,,uni,,lln! o(t iarf Ul .J4IIIV& ? IIaU3jttre y,.trtay. rioin. w.. - ""'5. . ! goner, 4, daughter of Mr. and AUK. Zil. (L.r.f , tr ttir U'ltvnnM, .a ilmvn. . ireiur jono". i'erry ieney ,wte e(j bo aald. rjirtmi ir unia, rajiio irani- , , " ' " "7"' " tnn moor .Miieuraiiiin qnn ""e-jirpi six navy teasel oow In m m nn la lit lia I rfMl frnm ItiA i " " r ...... (Mr. unci Mm. Joe ooiiom oi mo urann i anyon. (.r ,,m , iM,urdiiy ivnriy in nopiemiur, live nnai uy train for-riifiiin will litwBMf.ih iiivhiilMMi. il,i ,.f 'wheru alio liuH ner1 tlio' Colorado River- at -learner In one of IheiThey are Wanning . In return Koenlg'. total count ! ..H,.f,VAr!l0 "'L.!!!'! . Tlia emmlUm Ncnonia) men, iny wwy or ir( (hand Canyon In '..t,.,! u-a. 14 aimi 1 .-. i .... . .heir l. r''" H m. '" P' ,,roito..,ourt w. of - ' - ' " ifMiLi rau nr.i .. l tow U.K. jotepni., lornaua; J IT . 1 . ' SpecUUiInc In, , 1 facial,' fraaroa Phone S30 Tor 'ApbolntnftnV Peorc B.auty Shop I. daughter Of Ittd (rtiiKTH. 1r. A. Y Ahi. tf ' ,yl !o (, Ml Th.-ImM Kocn- lh. (.arrheiin ,, !,. BK,rBPt- "'"uy (runted an .ppllcatlon for ! Wrlrlit of Mlll-.ond Mm. i. It. IVari.n. Thp) ,c . nl0 flr.t pUlon. ovrr br-thf, KOy-mni-nt to wat.h 'h appolr.tmtnt' of a commli- lur-iluy cVfiilnr jhavo liron throiiRh Villowmiui . ' ,n n, olhf:r i onl. Mnni yft-r- for ,frn Ulon to xralns tfto lanl'y of1' iln CriH. calif.. !nirk, uurl rblla In Or.gon rln-d 'uny. villi a lron U-ad of l5. " ZL''' ;J; ')VI1I.)'. onVt, jinder'J -r1ttit th. MWI-''mtar take and IHouioiul jikt. voiph i .' . '. ' ' 'death uihtftnee- ' ! Kxrry, t'lah. A porUMo rndln trunnnilttlnit capalilo of ind- InK both ti'ltphnno and iMmraph ltriiV(HlMln, rcpalrlnw nl Orron ! ini'ut, will bo part of the fTn,,or" B,,v'- inulpmrnt on on of th. rrafl. Ilalwria of (Hi .rxwdlUon. nn- . iomiohk j, ! Into th. Ind of-rf Ida lluli) IIuiikIiIit Hoiii A bnliy V(lni;n1y, nrond Hint iilKht duuiilil'T wiin lioni to Mr. mid with 12.!l.1ii. Minn lamb"rt Mm. V. K. Carior On Wndni wlny infiic Third Willi . 1 S.I M. ' rank.-d ai! dfr t hit iKacloralitp of-Major Iji ,:1""r 'torn Kiirnka, fiillf., li'in;til ilio KMinalli Vnll"V hrupltal. other oiiJeslni lino, hf IhnTnltml Kiaioa 0.h- J"-r..-.l a po-lllou nl I ho orre,'.'' ' ''fnllowa: ThHina , l loalral Survey, will be radioed I t,l"r ''P ' "'reel. I Itoiii Ijiiiki'iI nil.')- Mm. M. i.uVernn t:ma. from .he rnyoi. to a ...ohlln army I w-''- 'M"-l- to mnlio Fownl.f ahonpli. In I ho r!ty -mer. tAM.. A. Ucdnut, Allniny. ana !.. F. llOW AIHH'T VltTIMS? I rlffiU., Salem., will paa onjt' AHIRT.Y I'AI'K. N. J.. At!. Wllloa' a.inily apd ropprt It, find- 25.flaa-iHl- 'alttera. enm- ehw-! lo ,h "'rl- it. .1.1.1 i ...i ..I .V.';lliT rtinl'nvo luited . 4 jlott. .-" ;.. ,. V ...... ... i ' liv Cover'nnr Paiierson. ex- I ""' . . . . .. . mi it : radio 'truck idenliM m Navajo niiuro iinme nere Mountain, Arlkona. KIkM men will 'nerninpany Major l.uHn.' un '.xpedltlon. Hn''fnll eonatrurted lioata, alloiii JO feel fn lenxth and dfik- yeierdny from I.naKell Yallry. i. Holt uil lllllnefeit--W H l-lar.l- . ..... .. . mHM ft i AKnmnii mik'iii i mi rtt lav ine mrnemi .xpeouion. l. . . ... ,... thorn., nnilXkmntl ron. Iioheri j left "Vdnend.iy nvenlnk for UiMrw llluli-iliih. band lalloiliiif ai homo at (iri.nt lako after I ut I 4 - 1 . hi OT i OTO btUKtjIAII Sinn" jhair-ciililna .wh'-n Ue. .lipped 51 It. toni ll.nm Mr. Joe llnw-i FLIGHT TO BRAZIL i "'"O in tlx liuura. (Conltnurll troll iiiB He) can lake .1 few lemon from Ed 1 I'lr Friday, bnt .lt In expected (J.irdon, local burlier. le claimed J ' W'ruor. will xicnd Ue re-,. 'world champloinhlp for 1 P.' , ntU . sfter . U10 nanlty made public. ,. ; , ! Ice Cream Socid At Hrk Christian Church FRIDAY, AUGUST 26 : : r10th .nd Pine Sheets 1 t.i'KH) fiot'l'KK. . eiilier percolated ed over with tha .xrepilon of u; 0rf,,".r.0r,, K'ur,h iMe. 'h0ppli.R and vlalUnn wlH friend Hi.aT.ea. and Mldf anlnluU lo'ee j rouk(,(1 , 0ia-fa,hlrfned pot. uniall rnekplt. have Imnti liulll at Wllnilneinii, rallfnmla, for (he e xplorer. Who will no Into Iho Ciand Com yon to doerllio iho Vnlr wnndera Of" rhat nilirvel of nature. Tlio etplnrntloit parly will rink death, for the next open Ina of the canyon after leavlnu U'e" rerry I too mile down Ibn fnlorndn. The host will pmreed lo Vninn, AHtnna. Ihn trip to oeetipy finiu two lo litre, month' time. ndv. ... 'VUllled II. -re I'inronle. llolii Mf. arid Mr. Tom Clifford and- In Ihn rliy for aeveral riayH, . lc Mrrnw liut A innrrlace 11- he Ih forced to land In the Jim- j H un liiwt, self when cooked very, I :1 ' " "" I very Hlowly, never linllliie. Well r:illpHil. rriiHd wan IxjiimiI to John film-1 A lilkh-powered rifle, heavy '(wo ehlldren of Modford were , m"''" l,n" l.ol Jane Kklihorn. 1 oneii 11001 lor jiiokio i.iuii-: 'a.ln.u ai Hie home of Mr. and -".th of lleaily, Orciion. at the Iiik. nioannito net(lnf for pro-J Mr. Harry fiaylor Wednenlay I offtoi of the County clerk ym-ter- teetlon aalnt vonoinons Inseei. 1 enroulo to their homo after via- ' ll'y aflernoon. Hnd lever erum wero part of hi lilnu Crmer lull" and Diamond ' .... load. ' ' i,,, .1 'la-nvi' foe CiwM Mr. and MrH. . So heavy wa It burden that j 1 ''..' ' . '' ' fanl T. Jackson hnve left for ' llefern'a monoidane "Port oft I Kmart. HH.rt lop eoat for 1 id- nanonn. oreKon. to penii a nriinawlek" wiin it suij-norae- . lie. 115.00. at Orre tailor ahop. jWk" vacation. power WrlKbl mM6. failed to as- ' ... ,-end nl I he flrt nttctnDt. ( . ... iiirorre men .1 uivoree wa Half a m!ln1irrTi tlio beach, m... .i i, ,.i I filed III ll.n elrciall ciii.l veklor. . . H....I ..n.Mn , rl.n I i . .1 111 .,M III'. i.l I . 1 III,,! It I .-. " ' - - 1 1 ,1,. iita,,t! un in,,, 11 ! 1.1 v - , ?Farl left yeMterdny nintntwr for''"y by Ihirl Forester aenlnnt he crond atart w Kueresa-I t . Cui-b Service . In .cleaning "'.'hleken, or any ( other fowl, rub the tnlde tboroly' with a r half lemon . -atiiffinK It with dreaaini?. ' ; St NEW PINE CREEK , lly MItK. )N W.ll.l. V( H I - Now Corroaponilewt .,r. ,1. r un ElirM ,1Pr fr,n S3 Kr.n ..erry -n ...,. .- -P.'""in j ,.,,.0i ,, vlSltl.lK lit Iho home i Medford to vlalt her mother. Mr. ! Murtlu Koreme'r on Kround of : fi for. Ileforu who bad been iK. M. VIInn, for the week-ea.l. idt-verlfon. ' ' .crrliiK oftly, waa taken away " " ' - by friend. ' ., ' . . Ileliiini to l'.H,llloii Mr. Kiilh. Tlieri,' nol chance of -hi , . , .. . :ieieo, anil 1 vihiiiiik ai ine oome t , hi.tij m nm u , u.,inr . aeveml week at banta f rut and of nM M MllY ,., . Delap Vomer w o. luck .t her , KPtlU)K ,0 Km with hi ra,llno hl.-o. California, relumed to : I dntlr In the nflT, e of the rlrcnit i Use the tlependabh . jeow-ox film Kodak Film in the yellow bo;: tneir nome here lat Hunday. -Vlifllna; ai Hninmer -'llmne court after .pending: a few day j new from Ban KrnncUeo. Open .Mr. Folllett attended the 'Ho-,u u, ... ..., 1... .! at Lake o' the Wood. Mr. ! evenlnr bv iinnninlmelit. P.orlh.l mer eaon of the Teacher1 Col- ,tl)W' (lr'yi n, Sllmn,PI. .k Turner 1 filling th ioUloii of ! II. Jarvl... Nellie II. Coate. Hotel make thriet pierorM foryou every leae ul Mania Crm. Kho will '1. v.. r....,.iv ..., ., uu. 1 l.lnyd Pelan diirlne hi vacation. Wliianl HauiDlc I loom. Klamath 1 time. Ir nniform srxe4 and latirndc leach he Slate Line acbool aialn ,,nr wh h.r mn(,p, f.,,,,, j . . ! Fells. Adv. - assure you of steadily satisfactory till romluir term i McDowell, and pH klnK ptiim. Klnit Have l...kluerMr. and . . ; ncaativt. Mr. and Mr. Kenneth C. Mar-1 Mr. Chai l.w W. Klne of Tenant. l-'roin Merrtll Kred Mi'Kon- Stock up here with Kodak Film ler and Arthur K. Hllller wotor- M.Hor to llu.kt.tx rt-y Mounmln j California, are rejolclnu over the. dree of Merrill wa a Imslne ' tak ong an cxtta ! for unex. ed up from their homo In Oak-jyr ,,. yf Kred 'ofer mot- arrival Of a baby daushter horn ! vfjltor In tlio elty yesterday. nectad chance at the- Klamath Valley honplial ' WedneKclay. It.'turn to S.inta -Itarbnen ' '.MIi-. Kiither M.-Andrew retnrn-i -.lnbn 1 ed to Canta l!:iriur.i, California, ! ion.1. t autumn the earner nartorpd fo ifkwry monlnln of Iho week and are aiieau of !yp,pniy. They expected to re Mr. and Mr. P. II. Callaithcr. ;,-,,,., hi.h, Mr. Hllller I a brother of Mr. , . a l-.ive for fvl.HI I nk flallaaher' and ha been In poor rte n 1'H at Orre. Tailor ' Hawkln. ei of llert K. Haw-. Iclo Wednerday afternoon, after health for aonin lime and wna!f.,r men and women Kourlh I klh. left yoliTil Jy mnrnliiK for . apendlnK the eummer innuih ! n.lvlaed by hi doctor to try I hi Imr-aet. adv. lOdell lake where ho ha accept- vWtlnK with ' her rnrent. Mr. climate and aliunde. Mr. and ... led n ponltlon mil II chool openi!. I and Mr. MarMn MrAndrew. Mm. Hllller pnrrhaacd 180 acre I lriilillililnn of flier It.tiirn ! Ho 1 11 ludent nt the Orecon ! MIk McAmlrew bn Jieen li-arh- Exptrt finishing of land at the head of the lake o. Hl.lrlw, federal prohibition about three yenm aso. , iadmlnleiratnr for the aonihern Mr. Illoomer Mcfrary and two ; Oregon dtalrlet. tind T. A. Talent, li.-lce. Ihn MlKne Harrington. ! bit altant. havn returned to have gone lo Dig rteud Spring Klamath Fall. Shlrlev. aecom- In California for a few week pnnled by W. K. Newell, prohl-j "llls (rom H.1""0. Nevada, wliero Acrlenlnir.1l college. - . . ltlttce of IVAre Iteium- '.liidgn ltnriie. Justice of the p.-nce, r'tiirne.l Wednesday evo- Currins ifor Drugs Iiik hi l lip Houilivrn cliy for the pitHt t vro yoari4. '.'.; .hi:- i,;-;"' t-jj Tomorrow ., Night" OUR BIG CARNIVAL DANCE - - . Strpchlinc, 'Confetti, Horns, Everything for 'Everybody Free , Hal and. Blackburn 'tmd His Band ALTAM0NT 1 VI ft . . j 1 the Spirit W - 36y Scout -"s and the Name of f - Tfic rtivnrite Shti o( the Hoy t-ont. A ad lotbink youriaiiai' hnve bam built ia ktmoty wiUi fmm , Eselior Boy t.tmt 0hei Uft bn flk- kilr mpiwoTFjd by ymr vsaaiMtMak. ' A a.!, bVUova torn, boy, jrou v 4im4-( t Uk nu.ut lt you slip oa ptvir of Kurciator. Vm tin ww ttom wtetbtr vtM'arv'ar' i Vy Soat or ot, but irwy bojr IMoai rtotild vu tbtas to b Mmetlv 4nm4. Atltl taM yuu a)M tbm JOU'U M V Ihry wr nuula for yoa. Id JjWwW ..A .-HOUSTON & JESTER K.. foe little bo v.. No. S75 or eoy. N- lot . bor Uoatu' bttir'uil ,lr Imi. tWy "arolttt. No. 57t for . r- Io JTMvtlta' ( fli- tut l--r-s OKJkXti Boy bcouto' Jruai LuU ;1 is... N. S74 foe boy. 'o ' Writ far I..ig rtj, ; alijr for the benefit of Mr. Mr- Crnry' health. . On Tour Mr. and Mrs. J. R. Tim in and family of Falrfnx. Oklahoma, who are on an ex tended lonr of the west. iopped 1 . 11 ii .ai vrr bltion ndmlnlatrntor of the ainn. inf'Oregon. moioreil to Ihe-r.-Klon nr.- I.uther lemlng and young ) where Prexldent CooIIiIro Ib inn of Sanger. California, aro j .pending hi Mimntrr vacation, vtaltlag Hero with relative. They bearing nn Invitation for the arrived lnt Friday and expect prealdent to the Pendleton to return Tnertay. i Round-t'p. A baby hoy wn born. 10 Mr. ... and Mr. Andy Mackny at the Ice Ci.aoi According to Ijlkerlew honplnl lut tiiiturday 1 an annoifiieement made yexterday and both tnotber and baby are re-1 by memlicr of the church. Ih ported lo bo doing Incely. Con-1 Indies of the Kind Chrlatlan gratulntlnna are extended to thelrhitrrh will hold nn Ice cream young parent. 1 orlal thl evening at the church. Mr. and Mr. Wookey of Cairo 1 who hnve been visiting wyh Mr, j Leave for Sim Krnnrlsco Cray at the power plant returned j Mr. II. llrldgford of Pelican to their home lat Sunday. Mr, j City. In company with her Im Wohkey I Mr. Cray' daughter, 'band and a apeelnl nitrKO, left 0. II. Aldrtdge apent lent week I Wednesday evening for San In ort llidwell with hi on. Cocll, 1 FntnelKco for medical nttenlion. who I manager of Ihe power I Mra. llrldgford ha been seriously plant Ihero. While there ' Mr. I III at the family home for the Aldrldgn and Cecil mad. aome past ten day. Improvement on tlio plant. Henry Wendl nd Mike Wal lace returned Sunday afternoon from a motor trip to Portland. Oregon. While on the trip they visited many place of Interest. umong Ibem being Ihe penlten-' tlary where they were shown all the different Industrie In which tlio prisoner are ongaged. Mr. and Mrs. Jim Harry and family and Mr. Kvert Held and daughter ware over "from Atlel last Sunday lo visit with Mr. Amelia Taylor. THey returned Monday morning. tiliy MrKulio nf Paisley wn visiting ' with frlnutl and rolu lives hero Sunday and Monday of the pnt week. Mr. Martin 'HmimerHley waa visiting with her pnrntiia, Mr. and Mr.' T, K. Monefeo nt Willow Knneh Inst Saturday. Mr. Mflrgio Vlhrent who ha been1 In poor - liea.UU nearly nil summer la fenllbg much tmprov A n 1 1, IHMasnl Mllln nM.l M n. Iiiu ,.i..n.-iii iiiiiu mill in . vlnlllnv rllh .line bin '.Ina Vln. 1 cent 'at hi ranch. . .1 The moving plctur.i that will bo rtbnwh nt the Opera linuso next Raturdny lilKlil. August 27, VIII be "Thn Knehnuted Island." "drnndina" Fnllntt wn n pleas ' ant visitor In town Inst Sunday. She wn hrmiitlil up from AI liiras by hor ilauxhter and son-In-lAw, Mr. and Mr. K. Morrison, with whom hn In hinklng 'her homo now. She I planning bn spending till) Vlnter hi California and' will levo for there awn. 1 Here win 110 01. .iiutiiik 1111--1 p. T iTin turn' hero Ihn coining Saturday 1 JTr4'(j1 of iho I.Hki'vlfW round-up. MiJj-tf" r -fr for thp pant ffk. Ho unvn (hat 11 aw IiJh vuontlon i urtir, nml t lie work brgin.4. IMrk JHorKmi ni'companlcd him on his Journey. ; Motnr-i to MciUnnl -M. (',. Mnr doff motored to Mtvlford yoi;rtr day. on lnilncrf. I!q plans to iiMilrn homo today. Upturn fMrm lake o the WfM.H Tho MiitHcn Ksthrr Ventch and Motty Dnrlry who have bevn Mini-llim n vacation nt Lake o tht Woodn for iho past week, re I 1 11 mod WtMiii'Pdny vnliiK. ' 1 I- O h I o n Displiiy Itriuttful j drMsoe for all oerasionM. nil col- on. nly,-(, material.: and prices, t 5fi.T5 to JtS9.?3. No duplicate, ; v-. ; V(lt III! sealed in. vacuum AT THE LIBERTY TWO IHO KKATCPiKS! CHARLIE CHAPLIN In host comedy ho ever "Shoulder Arms" ... -AND-- l,FO MAI'.OMIV lnM' atliHnJ alor.v of Hie op. .t . runi- ' "Two Guh .of the Tumbleweed" Illg Time Kiitei'fnliitnent ut Umiilar Pi li e I ; 3? AT : ' THE PINETIIEE AMATEUR NITE! SPK( IAI, M MIlKliS J We premise yon a real sur prise In the special tlaiice fea tured by Mie. Jano and Hebo Thorno. The oilier sperlnltic of Klnmnth's youthful talent are out ..f the ordinary. ON TIIK SCIMsKX We have the last sbiiwlns of "White Flannels" with a notnMo raid headed hy LOUISE DRESSER TIiIh Is niie of the pictures that are a creillt to motion plrtunm irtid a il.-liuhl lo Uny niullcnco. 1. IIKWI fiORS TI0 irll.KH. I --"" 1 ! 1 ..i.Stt8MjejF.S;i 1 . . . K . T m 'W'.'an; f r v 6n SAikt ''P -A y . and N B. Drew, Men's Togs sAcuamknto. cm., a. n. l.tiltier tlnddl recently motor ed horo from ' Pliufter'f'tiy, 7 1 mlleg away. Iln brought a bird dog,; ' Which s' ha left ' when he starred back.' -Soon gfierward the dog -disappeared and finally turn- J . 1 4n.,na I'h . llniM. dcatl from klnrvatloa anfJ tlilrat. , J.ff 44.t.i....ttt.tttt The only tea whose flavor is completely protected - kept fresh and fragrant from tea garden to tea-table. Fire kinds of protection all exclusively Schilling for the true tea flavors' known only in the Orient : ( 1 ) Tarce-toasted - the only way to unmask rich hidden flavors of a tea leaf. (2) Then the leaves sealed ' in vacuum (like your coffee) but sealed HOT at their most moment. av -, a c 4 -v V '.I L-oJ i f (3)The world's only key-wind vlwuuh tin For tea - - witit -a Snirg Cover . . . to protect ;it even1 after ' you open it.! (4) Of the many grades of Orange Pekoe, only, the choicest, most fragrant are blended with Pekoe in Schil ling's. (5) Your grocer protects you - he returns your money instantly if you don't like Schil' ling's best. You keep the tea. Orange Pekoe At KLAMATH FALLS Stores cea lea bippers 'l-egularly selling ai: from 5c to 10c apiece While the supply lasts TOMORROW you will receive Schilling Iced Tea Sippers FREE with half-pound and pound tins of Schilling Tea. There are no strings to this 6ffer. Any of the stores listed below will supply you with Schilling Tea and Schilling Iced Tea Sippers FREE while the supply lasts. - ' 11 i . cAt these Stores: " llrailWj- l.akcry s lftn-icw (ilMK-eiy Hillside liroerry Hurrjr Cm h iicer Itnllait American t.rocery Kloiunlli Lumber .V llox Co. Lincoln firnm-y IVIIcnii liny l.unilier Co. IVHrnn City linker) People' (irocerj IMgjcly WlgRly Public Market . ...... Itivrnible tlrorery -Stone' Cawh Kfore, No. '4 Stone' Cnsli Htore, Xo. 10 Slone'a Cn.h Klore, o. 4'J The SiinM-t Grocery Stlth f'enlnry, -o. ,T7 , !!tli fentiiry, Aov 73 , , , SOIIi fentury,. Xo.,t Walter Xelson Wet Krtil Oroeery A Market M'hltaker Groceteria 'Pruitt Itro. ' Menl (leocery . Itomia Vtata fliiccery . Al'a Oroeery lHrk tlroeery -'.i , ' I. K. .Flnnell , -V ' Polk Oroeery ' ' ',' 'at ' L. . s ft) . .. v sv THESE GROCERS MONEY-BACK SCHILLING PRODUCTS.