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About The Klamath news. (Klamath Falls, Or.) 1923-1942 | View Entire Issue (Aug. 26, 1927)
FKIDAY, AUGUST 26, 1027. THF! KLAMATH NEWS Renault's Fight 1 Is Uninteresting NKW,; YORK, Aug. IS Jack Renault,' Canadian heavyweight. Tennis Stars Old and New R AVC V Hii' a an aiiitiL.t,;. n- lyi iwtii i win a a a mm g Jt i;- ,!j;7i''Ba"J e4Js ,won th dwlilin from' Art' rie- B Kuh of llaly tonight In Ivn uu 1 ; Interesting rounds. 3t. .Heuault, ' ont'tlme heavyweight: contender, apparently wa nut In Elgood vendition, for he slowed up' 5 alor the second round. Although S unable to knock out the com K v.? Hollywood Oaklsad ... ..4 ... ' R ..1 .. R .. : V 1 - ,vi To 35 Be Used This Portias! ; Harraatento j paratively unexperienced Italian. Renault connected with bim al most at will. .Renault's blowa lacked their old-time at earn. Vtaalos .1m .'Aattlas pAt TWO ina . At. Week" At V ' N ' i' ... At. HMttl ' 81 FrSnctsco . R M ...1 '7 1 1 . Jint tonal. Lratnie. . fMUarh ..- U tHosUhi Meadows and Cooch; ('field and 'Gibson. JTjunhey Delaying Trip to Chicago J I SPK'lXATOR. X. V.. A ttx. .35. 0 )--(tT) Oene Tunney, heavy- ; Chicago Philadelphia 'jjlpat aad Hartneit Swealaad and .Wilson. Pittsburgh . . Bottoa 1 I Iremer aad Goorh; lOenewlch. ' Goldsmith, ' Edwards R H 1 .' S S 10 Green-1 weight champion. ('will not go 40 'Chicago' until the time limit to rogue In Illinoia forrea him to do R H K ; so. It - waa announced at bis . i IS liranip today. 1 .01 Ij Meantime. TVmpaey la com ; Praett, J mandlng the attention of the box- , Inx fana In hla training at IJn- .,'". ! coin Fielda, while Tun nay la con- R H K tent to do bia conditioning In . S 14 1 ' comparative seclusion. .12 R. Smith. 6 !!! Mi:; . '. - I f -4 hi. i vvvVay. "it xif 11. land Urban. At tfae Tree . i.t ; ' Toulxht the youthful ttlent of p H E! Klamath Kalla "strut their sturt", 1 S . land from the line-up it looks like 1 1 'rear entertainment. There1 l a! Cincinnati IRrooalTB J. MIy, Kixey ana ousoiwim.jpwiju nanciiif. aci iiiui ituiiiu u tPlclntch: Vane and Deberry. credit to a TattdeTille'clrcuit. land each one of the young ar- I tlst offer a creditable perior al ! manre. On the screen Is the lat 1 1'ahdwlax 'of -White Flannels". 1 featuring I. o u I a e Dresner and . Hot-, Jason Robards. which Is how . i drawing' record crowds to the tRoctoa 1 Chicaxo 4 11 j Welter, lacFa,yden and "mas; Connally and cronse. 1 . ' , , I R H . Washington . ....:.5 iO rnrland 1 11' Pino Tree Theatre. " It Is fine. Ei warm, human photoplay, with J itl( spectacular tkrl lis. honest 0 comedy and excellent direction. i Zachary. JIarbe'rry.-Biirke and . Jason Tlobards Is cast as the l'Ruel; JIudlin, '.Buckeye ind .1- j young coal-miner who goeto col Jkawall. . . " ' j'lege and becomes a football star. l;'i1' .';'' ' ' life g'iTes In excellent.' forthright j j m, . , R jj. B , cbaracterltatioh. and shares lion- ! FklladdBUB '-U,..'. ,'.;..t 14 2 ora wlth 'lllss Bresser. who. . 'St. Louis '...'l S 1 'hia Polish mother, creates anoth- I Rommel and Cochrane: Ballou, jrf memorably forceful screen ! Vangilder and Schang. , character. ( v r-. rr ' Vlfgfia Browne Falre. playing """"" ' ' . . 0 tne Tillage bash- sllnger In a 7taursnt. Is a love ' ly and sympaittetlc heroine. Then i'Warner Richmond does a ' fine I bit of comedy as a ;rough-neck i miner. The picture, while written on! the theme of mother-lore, ha many exciting moments, as In the great .final scene of the mine disaster, the football sequence, or the earlier scenes In . the .mines. In the cast are George .Nichols, Brooks .Benedict." Rose .Blossom and Rosemary Cooper. . "White Flannels" is one of .the tery best melodramas of the screen. . t ' - v.- -. , , " . : . , . .. . - ' .... ' . v ; . "Utile -Poker Facte" lUten Wills and Gtorge Lolt. Jr., of Cliu-iffo, are all' the tali. In the tennis world these day. Hlen jilajvtl true to form In the Wfglmm.ii Cup ..atcUeji nt Forwt Hills, while Ujt diatliiRuished himself !y his surprise defeat of Rene La Costo. the French net aee. In the Meadow Club t urnameiit at outhutnpton. Long Island. At the Liberty I '"S'h t i 1 d e r 'Arnia." f harlie Chaplln'a classic ' comedy of the World" War. which created such a easatioa gerera! yeifs ago. 'haa taenv re-lMucd and' is now being shown at .the Liberty .Theatre. It t threatens to eren outdo jts lanmenae' jtqpuUrfty of the ,'prel jhts' showings. ; tharlle as a soldier is a sjfream.' And whenmade a pris oner ho la a riot. ' .;' -Jn addition, a quick action western picture. 'Two-Can of the Tnmbleweed" will be shown. Leo Maloney is one of .the half daxan or ao actora who Is able. to; aoperly portray the title role -In Tjrx-Cnii of the Tnmbleweed." TJbo character is pne famous throughout the west for his abil isy to oyiickly draw his pair of Sana a trick ' taught Maloney when he was only a boy by an ol2T frontiersman. ( fll range as It may seem, there are only three or four actors In the.1 motion picture profession who cta properly and quickly draw a alvhoo(er from 'heir holster as Hk days .gone by. , It is a knack which is rapidly dereloping into a,,rot art, and Maloney is the ear erery Western star . in thau profession. - In .'TwoC.nn of the Tumble-1 wVed" the story requires Maloney to .flemonstrate his qulck-on-the drqjr ability on sereral occas Irfns. He does It so quickly that rWD he.. earners seems to ml twq. action. ."Two-Gun of the Ttimbleweed" Is one of Maloney's hetit pictures and wlli be seen. to night a,t the .Liberty Theatre for last time . DEATHS IMMIOTHY MARIK lXiSI.ET. Funeral 'services for Dorothy Marie. Infant danghter of Mr. and Mrs. Otto H. Langsjct will be held thla ' afternoon at 2:30 o'clock at the F-arl Whltlock Fun eral Home with Rev. "Father A. F. Loeaer officiating. Friends are respectfully Inrlted to attend the graveside services to be held at Mt. Calvary cemetery commenc ing at .1 o'clock. MARTHA JAMISOX. Funeral services for the late Martha Jamison were held on Thursday afternoon at the Earl Whltlock Funeral Home with Rev. Frank ' Wemett. pastor of the First "Methodist church offici ating. Two selections were ren dered by Mrs. Kuth Akers Hollo way f accompanied by Mrs. M. tleiena "Joyaux. Pall bearers were Judge M. Hanks. Alva T). Hammond. Will ' Baldwin. J. Fred tioeller, Frank Ward and Fred Houston. Interment was made In Llnkvllle cemetery. FEATHER CONTENDER 9UTPQ1NTSR I YE R S 'KANSAS CITY., Aug. z5. fjV. ji Ke Tony ( anionerl. ' hrooklyn, !" qn.tendur, for the leatnerweignt j Adiplonsntp. ilecistvely . out pointed Joe .Rivers. Kansas City. ! ten-round bout here tonight. 't r canioneri weignea ana ajlvers I2 pounds. V LANGELL VALLEY U r (Bf JfRS. l.KVI McTWXALD) jH f Newa Correspondent VMrs. Wm. (ttncnit of the Dun-H-can ranch haa been 111 for ""v-jW nri days add was taken to Klam- atk Falls for medical treatment, in j..Mr. and Mrs. W. ' C. Detwller tl 1 Md amall daughter, Monte Mne, (m visitors at the John Turner ranch from their home at Oak-W land. California. -They expect 1 W-iocalC hero. P a Mr. Samuel M. Hurneii. jr., her mother. Mrs. Tom Tnrn ) are spending a week at the if. P. ?rohs ranch from their homes at . Mar'ysvllle, California. Thay are old residents of Langell Valley and Bonanta. f Little Audrey Howe fell from ear arid broke her arm. She ts taken to Ha I In to get medt fal aid as soon the brake was covered. T- : : . i t i f !" DRAMATIC v RECITAL ' . . . . 1 j i At The Library Auditorium Grace Hollister Higgins of the Cosmopolitan School V oi Dramatic Art Admission 25c and 50c 1 ' 8 P.M. i Star Drug Store -SPECIALS ; "f Harmony Bay Rum ' , , Biade. Liom. the finest imported distilled oil. 01 bay, full-.strength, lb ounces....49c ft Narcisse Cold Cream Face Powder Contains a small" amount of pure cold , cream and is extra ad herent. It does not contain white lead or other harmful adhesive.Reg. 50c; Special 39c Rexall Theatrical Cold " Cream It makes the skin smooth and helps to remove tan. sunburn and roughness of skin. One-half pound. ..39c ' Absorbent Cotton One pound. Reg. price, 75c. Sale pi ice 49c 4.4 4.4,4,4,4,44. ..;..,! 't""S''S"8"8"S"!' f-fPjl Talcums Regular price 25c Sale price 19c ill Puretest Apirin 24 tablets in a box and is true as pirin. 5 grains. Regular price, 25c. Sale Price .: 19c Maxixe Chocolate Covered Cherries One-Pound Box 49c "The Rexall Store" By Candidates in The Ncws-FJcrald's ,6;Q00 Prize Campaign Below appears the Final Vote Schedule to be used this week by candidates in The News and Herald's $5,000 prize campaign. Subscriptions turned in this week, up to the closing hour of the campaign, earns votes according to this schedule. , This schedule replaces the former schedule of regular votes in use up to August. 20. For convenience', the previous of issuing extra votes for $20 clubs is dis pensed this final week and all extra votes are given according to this schedule on the basis of 70,000 extra votes for $20 worth of new subscriptions. Be Sure to Use This Final Schedule for Entering Your Votes on Remittance Sheets This Week Be sure to mark your subscriptions properly "NEW" or "OLD." Uive com plete addre&s of subscripers. ' Check over your remittance sheets carefully and be sure proper amount is enclosed to cover subscriptions. . Final Vote Schedule Showing the tremendous vote, value of NEW subscriptions during the last week of the campaign (August 22nd to 27th 8 p. m.). This schedule is positively final and will not be changed. It is the only schedule ,that counts now, and supersedes all previous schedule, except that volos on OLD subscriptions are the same as they have been throughout the campaign. Votes on NEW subscriptions, as shown below, are figured as equivalent to 70,000 extra votes on a $20 combination, thus complying with the original announcement. Rates for News or Herald XKtt'S or 11 KIM I.I) Ily ni lcr In Klumacli Kiilla Votr Combination Rate for Both - Papers NKIVS .M Ity Carrier In kluliuUli .l-'ulU Voim - 'PRICK NRW OLD PtttCB Nl:w 01.11 Flvo .Vi'nr .. 15! 50 2?3.7:.n lfio.uiin pivo Yrars .,..lii5.ou SS7.i0D P.fiO.onn Hour Yrara .... id, oil ' ;ol.onn llu.iion four Yaars ... 52. (to lli.noo L'SO.HOu Thrt YarH .... lS.r.o J.IJOSn 70. into Thm Yn:ir . .. .Ili.ou aiil.r.o , IHil.uuo Two Ycara 1 .1.00 r,,iu 4.uoO Two Ycura 26. mi 2l.ituii llu.UOit One Year 0.50 ' 37.7i.o ,i:,,ouo ().. Yi-nr .. .. 1.1 no !ir..500 40,000 Six Monllia .... 3.60. 17.250 t.guo six .Mnnihn 7.o 3JI.5UO 15.000 New or Herald News and Herald Tly Mull Oulxiilr Kliimiilti Fa IN Hy Mull iillili Miimillll Full Voli-a X'nli'a Five Yoara Four Youth Three Ycara Txo Yeara .. On Year .. Six Month pnicK . $23.00 .. 20.00 .. 15.00 .. 10.00 .. 5.110 NEW 237.500 170.0110 1 12.500 70.000 29.500 13,625 OLD 150.000 100,000 60.000 3.-..00O 12.000 4,000 Hive Years Four Year . Thive Yrurs . J"n Ycurs ... One Year ..... Six Mnntha ... I'UICK . $50.00 .. 40.00 . 30 00 . 20.00 .. 1000 .. 5.50 XKW '515.000 30.000 265.000 160.000 70,000 31.250 (ll.l) 310.000 240,000 160.000 (10.0011 35,000 12,000 Official Judges Tli following j business men will act as the Offi cial Judge in The News' and , Herald's Great $6, 000 Prize .Campaign: Hon. T. B. Watters .Mcyur tit Cl!y of Klamalh Fal. Rev. J. Henry Thomas no N. nth hi. Erne. I M. Bubb Vlce-Prea. AmerUnn Xut'l. Hank. Read These Final Instruc tions carefully. As a matter of caution, and to gifard against the possibility of loss to candidates during these days of the campaign, final instructions are herewith append ed. AH candidates, especially those who live in ter ritory outside of Klamath Falls, should read and weigh every line carefuly: , I., All remittance, mall.d frrm now on t.hooll he mailed apeclal delivery to Insure iheir reaching in In time, if you live ntilxldn of Klamath Falla. nnd Intend to mall aolisrrln llona, lako the ire,aution to find nut what lime your poalofflc-e cloaca. 2. Yon nro allowed the tirlvllece of malllnK your miliarrlp tlona up to Satniday. Auaust 27, !l p. m. Thla Klvea you Hie opport unity to work up to the laat minute. In tending; you' unlMcrlpilotia hy mull, have them In your iioMtofflie -hefore Suturday, Aucust 27, 0 p. m. 3. All rftnllinnii-M rhould he rarefully nddreaed lo the Cnm palcn Hcparinienl. The Klnmath Newa and livening Iternld. Klnmnth Fall, fire. This will limine ahxnlule niruraey and will prevent any ltler from soina; aatrny lie Mire and lite Sperlal delivery atanip on all ninil. 4. Kxnmlne your vote hallotg cnrefully and aee thnt the ror rnrt nitinher of votes have heen Unut-d on i-anie. Pay rartlrular attention lo nullota I.-hih-iI on second paymenta, and ho auro that propnr reinltinnrc and votea have been credited. If the are any correctlona lo l,o made, notify the Caiii)aln Manager In peraon or in writing, and return the bnllnta for proper ror rectlon. The campaign department will not he reaponalliln for nerleal errom nolens notification la Rlrnn, whereupon rorrec. lion will lie mule. 5. Ilnder no'condlllon will votox lie transferred from ono candidate to another. This In an ahaolule rule 'anil will he strictly enforced. 6. Kvery snlmcrlptlon liirncd In will lie verified nnd no prizes will he awarded until this Is done. All voles secured on old Mthnerlptlons turned In as new will lie cancelled. "Switching" will only result In regret nnd disappointment, lis sure thai your suhscrlptlons arc marked correct ly. 7. Second payments must l.e marked as such nn the re mittance i:hcet. Also. put down the amount of tho first pay ment ao that proper voles may ho given. 8. All remittances sent Into the campaign office after Wed. nesday, August 21, should he either postal money rrdcrs, ex press money orders, certified cheeks, or drafts. Only hons fide subscriptions will he accepted. No auina of money will he ac cepted the names nf uhirrllior to he nipplled later. F.vory subscription iiiust he occoniiwnled hy . tho usual remittance aheets, properly filled out. ' i . AIISOI.I'TKI.V NO MONKY Wll.f, TK nKF('N'l)KI) ON RUBHCHIPTIONH PAID IN lll:RIN(l TIIIH f'AMI'AKIN. 10. Prompt acknowledgement will he made nf all subscrip tions nnd remittances received from candidates. If you do not receive, prompt acknowledgement of subserlpllons Snd ro mlltanees you eend In, he sure to notify the campaign manager Immediately. - ' Standing of Contestants DISTRICT NO. i C'oniprisoH -r11 (pin-itory, V'ihin , tha ' $ty of Klamalh Fulls, ShippinKton and Pelican City. Dorman, AVm. J ....,.... .....ftCO.'lOO Howard, Juanita '. 840,625 Vernon, Mrs. J. W 865,000 Moore, Vera 899,500 Hoskinif, Mra.'J. K 860,450 Foster, Mrs. Walter '. ...884,675 Martin, Mrs.' Jack, Pelican City 897,575 Kdmonds, Minn ..895,725 P.rur-hoii, Sophio :..890,250 Jones, Mis. Willmr , ". ...891,50 McKwin, Mario 896,575 Torrey, Mrs. II. I). .'. ! ...8p8,400 DISTRICT NO. 2 Comprises all territory oulsido .tho city limltfl of Klamath Fulls, Shippinfrton and Pelican City, Midj'riCf, Mildred, "Ai?oma 863,100 Bunch, Marian, Ft. Klamath ...627,875 Skecn, Meda K ......y.. .....769,450 Brown, Mrs. Arlnne, Morrill 880,725 Anderson, Mrs. Francis, Dorris, Calif ...857,875 Kolkur, Kamilla, Malin . 892,500 Dufort, Mrs. J. O., Chiloquin '. 809,775 Wait, Mrs. If. W., R. F. D. 894,700 Daniel, Mrs. C. M., Bonanza 897,000 Puckctt, Jessie, Keno .....855,250 Barry, Josephine, Lakeviow 899,750 Hanan, Louise, ralsley , 474,500 r ' ? V v-i