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About The Klamath news. (Klamath Falls, Or.) 1923-1942 | View Entire Issue (Aug. 25, 1927)
THE KLAMATH NBttt PA HE TWO THURSDAY.' AUGUST 2.". 1ft2T. YB1TRDAYX RESULTS &i l.i, w Ancfl'i . J .it 1 SS 1 P.attle Sau Krancwco HollWOOtl Oakland Von;it,.r !5 hinlnirs. VTlftVL l.KAC.VK rituuiirsh'jioston two aames jvortnonetl: to games ro and Saturday. First Came K. H. Cbitf J 1 0 'h!IaJoli'hi, - N 1 H I FatterieaWaae and Hart nrti: Fcrjtnson, Bush 'id J. S- nd Came Chicago 1'iiilaJelr-hia Ba'.triM Jone Vl ' Harrison jamsiy. ,- tuwcKirt) , V - , $. (j) WW'OOKK KZ--J ZJ BOM . StEI. Zj..'4' "'V. , R. H. E. ...1J ' J ; t T 1 ami-' C.on- BOBBY JONES rali: Swiviisnd. J. Scott, De .catur and J. Wilson. O'Donnell. 1 The Biic Tea of aniaicmr aolf. with cue pyceptton. !. tttrlvinv . fur -th hixhet h.uior. la amateur Knlf now at .Vlntkahdu. near Minneapolis, Minn. That ne exception ia Jase V. Swouer. former British airateur champion, whtw health will not permit his participation In the meet. lint all th rest i t the first. U-n Bit Ten circle are snre to Ite troubloaonta to Von Kltu and iolies. AMK.Klf.lX F.orion .. Chiaco K. llJt.TK v. K. H. 3 9 1 UanerK-s Ruffing and Hot-i , PrUle hi the . quality pX hi 'mantf; Blanhewhip aad Xroaae. comeditles ereatly outweiKha . r - erery, 4thiL. consideration. . .said Scores- R- H. E. Charlie rkaplin while . workinc Washinnon ol pcn the production of "Shoulder Cleveland -....... IX w Arma." conceded by critics to he Batteriea-Thurston. nraiiou. his irreateM comedy. This cy- At the Liberty At the Pine Tree Syd Wins Rijrht . .To Meet Mandell. v HliptiKI.YN. N t... An ' tlVI'l Syd Terrace. !'" ''' '" ; tin- llulilwclithi htmplonOilp. won tu noiHd il,lli0 Ho mi Hill .AMIrtw of IM-lrolt atli alter a hurtl Uittte The diMlliill m niip.'inilai'. mux of the tana Iwllei ihk Hm' Mcliiaw. plm hud foustil T. iuin nil Ills feci I" some of (If round, nt tial hud f irmd a draw. 1 : . , AlthoiiKli niiiioim! ir t lt- dc I Ion alves Tcrtaie the limine- '"'ii rd rlht lo meet Mnniinv Mand'-il for Ihe llilitwelcht . Iiumfh.i ship title ICKEYWALKER IS STILL A CHAMPION I'l.KVrll.ANO. Ohio. Ann. SI. ll' Mlfkey Uer, mid dleweluht i-hnituv rrtnlm-d hi title ioiiIrIh ! int inntuiiia W l son Yarlio. Cleveland nemo. In , 12 lounda.. The limit was V ilkn-'s firx ulipearauce lu the t'iited l"il siuve he defeuted Tummy M till -ami In London earlier In Hf year. ' ' Altlt.tKIWIKNT ITT oi l-'. I.MIKI'KNDKM'K. l',lllt . Ann S'.- ll'I'l ArralMllinent of XV. XX . and Mark Wntiraon. lii' : rouuty finani-iera Indiiled on a lti count of emliejslemi'ut In om- ycarltnes and western .-' twrs mviln with tho foilnre of live V I v.. i 'MM l' JT J r V. j WHI N VI R IIT.1 ,Mh , Tim liorn imXt) noli try In mhU i ,1, )oinlf ..t den Weill,,!? . the radiator r'imir ,,, lni.l to v n.ifi ."' ' l d"itor ymirsflf ,., "I . uio ll ...hi k, 1 K'r li lint riniii ,, . ' yoiiej rutin. " ; Xtcl.lliia i-hoH In -,ijJJ Wk'Uinntoii Radiator Wrldiiig Worln - 1'lwa, I- ' ki '.. -. at aro eurefed In tho natkiual amateur mee.1. Sill lit scckltiq the ti i lo and one wisbiux to retain ilie rmn. . i.eonfe ..Von Kim. of s Aak-vlea. ia tho ttttetioldiir. Ilubhv J' n-. Iltltlah apcu ihaiuiiloii. Is the lavo-itu to rictbrotie Vi-i Kim. Ir ho doui It will lo tho third time l-o has won , the title. Other nteml'era of the charmed IHJKTI.A.Vli, Ore.. Ant. H. i.tPI Cocltr weather was bUim- strtuii;: inediiiin - weiaht and wtlthty fed steers ateatly; ahu .'itv.V. un. U.mtvil. vculers "I'r lowiy; hulk heavy sleera Jill 0: lliiht yearlings 113 73; most A'an.iltyne and ,RuQ; llllerad ; clone of merriment has been re I.. Sea-ell. i '! 1 -issued and will be shown loday at the Liberty theatre. y i t Iir ,M- . "'' The second feature is a real " il , " r wst'r Picture, and lo Maloney F6iind tfi KtVer the two-nun hero of "Two-; E1, Run of the Tnsableweed"' Is pre- 'JXv'Mte Flannels. " featurins. Louise nreasor and 3i.-in floh- nr.l. n ... ill..' Vli.u T Dm.) ed "by dealers tor a slow ir. ive- aire; 1 a melodrJma tl'wolhw . Shoulder nlfBt ot fre,h frula ,Bd reBeia- love. ;loiher.ria-. -when Louise "r" , "'.'' ," ' Shiej. Keteipts, ;;.0(I0. F;it Irmlia openllia sl:lw; steady to !trons with Tuesday; early bulk native lambs moderately sorted fUOOiiilss; fPl ttp IO hanks and other business i-nti'i- pns' under their control, w.i postponed XX'ednesday uht'l Thursdat mm I -bpeeai' blei In the local wholesale mar ket today. Fresh Peaches., cu taloupe. watermelon and pears were received aua offered . In large quantities but buyers weut easy and seemed to huni for bar- 'IHCKDEGS. Wash.. Auit. 14. eentlnu sure-fire entertainment. ,-WiThe body of Mrs.! Bessie In .addition Chicle Hiram and his Bto, country store I on tonight, which makes a three dimension pro sram that Is said to be a win ner. . ... if mother of Harold iPetl Furiq, former university football star tod. lately Hocwiam.. hlith . school coacb. - was fonnd today in the Utile Hoo,ntarrt. She disappeared Sunday evening when she went fir7a-ws!la.bon;t.!20 ra'tn spent Tuesday search in K the woods north ' of - town".-" Ulood liounds traced her to the adae . 1. 1. . V. Id. U. S. FLAG FIRE0 N ftED SYMPATHY (ConilnutNl from Pae Oni) Klbrrta loaches are e8lfr. top ping nfouud $1 tn most nalrs. Uels 65's and 7's from .Cali fornia are now plentifully sup plied at 90c to $1.00 per box. To ma toe hare dropped 15c to-. 2ac. since fiood locals have start-i ed entering the market tn quan tity. Prltea range from BO ceuta' to 75 renin per l:ox. A sizeable Jot otj-rally grown Clapps Fav orite peain. veil graded and pack 1 awl in Annlo h-ij pri nnnicH at IS.SO per box and Wvinr rax u'"1 Dresser is the mother. take on an e'peeial Importance, for no . other screen artress of the day tau so autherttlrally portray the Material. The part which ho i plays In XX'hlte . Flannels" alves i her, an opportunity, to depict a different " type of mi.ther from those of her former pictures. It ; Is t-rohably the m st poUnant of all. from the fact that while meaning to do well hy her son. 'he la doliiK him an In lust Ire. I IV; best licit higher: bulk rune ers ellKtble f II.Goli IS 75; choU e westenis held above $1.1 Si; sheep strcne; packers belter arades, desirable wi-IkIiIs. fal native ewes. OOii J on. CHICAOO. Am. S4. (AIM No. Howard K. Perrin a Designs and Plans INDUSTRIAL AND COMMERCIAL BUILDINGS Ropkai IllAg. lboae CflU-J lia cvrf iyiiilsilt.-cil itcl l) ilr. mmhi; iiuh pluavc as ' tuiik a t-'Ukh" ami XX itu:ni tltr xx unl '. Mi the umr, llic iranmiuioo of hv un tacll be compiled with tlic j'ci J nt I'fiht. lor. ftulv, your vni. r I'l tr.f-vwiiiiicaliyi1illtim Point,, liaic! wish the iti iJ li;lil-liuunt!i. I .ii: Uiiuiu r telephone irri.c in met TO.IHHI i ttirs and t n in the I nurd Si jir , an J n.i In Lnljll.l Si Ot biul anil XX jlc, plarinillitini id people aiclim rtixh Id your iiiiii.c willi xprcil, turn tuny aiul t Itu it'tiiy. II k it, . ,gic TIIK l'A( II it; 1 I I I I'HONi: am i i I U.KAI'M compant 75. which only the Intervention of xnat, No. 1! He. Il.,ov4; fate could make rleht.' 2 nnri1- ' ' - Jasm Rbbarda playa the part! i0Tn- No- mixed, MPS; .Vo. of the son. at first a miner and Yellow- S1.12!il U. later a football champion at col-! '. 1 white. 4s-.4 5"c; Icee. Robards' performances are No 3 white 46 fi 4,ste. j darkness. faMins m and dwn fftTlT'K . ial day", next Sunday ia , all , Country dressed meats and parts of England with a central Poultry were quiet and about demonstration .. in . Trafalgar steady. an most grades this morn. Square. , i n Monday night's disturbances in an exlrema 28c top. . . .. -. k;neva. when windows of th. Extra and medium eggs are i .i t in n-i f u.t mw - . . . . ,. i r Ml Kill I F"S uniformly consistent and lutelli- hls Frank BrOska Is Uii exception. On the stage the champion rharlestoner. Mrs. Anne (ireen well. will defend her title Heavy buns were weaker '.' her challenger. Mls Frnn- IlllUIIII. hard white bluestem. Baart 11- ; 31; federaiii.n. soft white, west-, crn white, hard winter. Jl 59; : northern spring. 11.31: western red. $1 24. -Today's car receipts: XX'heat j 283: rats 2: hay 3. j PORTLAND. Aug. '2l.tffit-r futile and calves steady; reclpta Rye. No. 2. Its ' li c. Barley, so ri SSr. Timothy seed. 12 S5 )i 3 .to. Clover flS.r.ll 26.50. l-aril. $12.6'.. Itllis tii.;.". Hollies $1 :! -.'... Nfcvx- YORK. Aug. 24. (API Dried fruit and hi'i . steady. ; Hogs steady: recipts 1 no dl reel. j : Sheep and lambs, steady: ml nn.l t & i-a. vfnne of a certain Hen. filed n..-e ..""-" with me on the 3rd day of Ang- ea ana mucn otner amm.Ke f ' " , ' its!.. Is 27. I was dnlv authorized one. prompted the authorl-i S-arclty of receipts brought the ani euipowerc-d to execute ae- ties to augment the guards wher-'advance, which was sponsored by eorfliig to statnre. and which ever trouble was likely-to devel-i'he Independent dealer aide of saij lien was properly indorsed op. Notwithstanding this, feow-j the exchange membership, some hy H. A. lieuner. attorney for ever, a large crowd gathered be- f whom have felt the price thefAirae Motor Company, and fore tne American consulate last should be higher since two weeks I imediau-ly took, possession of ' nllsnt to protet against the ago. Cooperative Interest trad- on.i.Ohlsniol.ile touring aiitomo- deaIh of he (wo meD The ,nout,; ms on. the exchanae hold an T'e,,..r-avnK , f-li ZZl were Increased . when It became Clr, other hand any sudden rise Nun, 1,..;' I'll 5 CarNumheV'TT'T knwn that- detectives had ar-' in egg prices at this time Is tin- .ri .nh.rn.ihii. in .o. rested several men believed to Justified, since their receipts of i "' , nosiwaion at the present time, have been responsible for Mon- betterg rade eggs have not been . teP' sn,ep 1.1.10, Including I2&.I 1 will, on Tuesday, the 6th day day night's rioting. Shortly aft-; alarnflngly low. j direct. j of Scpteinber. 1327. at the hour er o'clock, however, a severe No change In butter prices was of Jy . :! o'clock A. Al.. sell at thunderstorm and a heavy rain j made. Storage holding were de- IiibJk- unction, at the Acme gen ,ne manifestants scurrying creased hy 14.0S7 pounds jres- XI n fcii r Company's garage, in u,r covj terday. Kliui.atli rails. Oregon, that rer-. .. , Hur v S- tig. PORTLAND. Qre.. Aug .ail. an..i.i.o, .- ..,e . escr.isr... An Amer,CIn fla(, w burned P. ) Butte steJ tllr.-t Hie same at paid A--m lne town hal1 in lhe cour"e of ptandirdn 4 2 r prim finstw M"!'ir 'dmpony ' aarnpe. demonntration by Saceo-Vanzetli i 41H: ftrf-tK S. Creamery prices. Tiwre iK n valid iit-n exi.utine"ynipathizerjf. One of the speak- print 5 above cub staiidnrdH; '-n v.iid Mitoinobilf, foe Jie -uni ers called for a boycott of Ameri-: buttprfat 42 f. o. b. Portland. A Sf'.'"i. lur : owing uadnstorf ge.:ran goods. t . 1 Milk steady; bids to the farni- tt Tli A. me Motor ffunpai.y.-1 a boycott of American wares r:- Milk, raw, 4 pernt. 2.2h ami I sliail s-11 the uid au'onio- u aUn Wn nested In Kin-!cwt. f.o h Portland. Jtulterfat 24. IA. wholesale ' l.-ili' t S'-fy !);i"-d tlr.g aid clain., on ai'I Uh day of August. JtritT K. HAWKINS. Sl--3iff f Klninmh Co;.n'v. Ore. iiv LOT IS C. .MI KiJ.KK, - :-Jepntv. Auif ::' - y,-pt. 1. siii;itii r"s xotick Xftficc i- lii-n by K'veti thai by vi-f'itt df a certain Iter,-filed v. -ii.. int.- nu the :ird day of Aug liV. I"7. I wa duly auth'Tized jid ' 'empower J to e. r jt ar. voniTi if) tatute, :.nd which ;aid ii n was properly inIor.-ed land by the executive of the trade union congress. In Amsterdam a stone was 2c. Current receipts 2:tc; fresh thrown through a window of mediums 2$: fresh standard first the American consulate but no 2'J. ditto extras 32. on was injured. f Poultry: Heavy tien down 1c; Condemn 1. S. , light hens down lc. Kfss 5 per- Although foreign newspapers cent eonunission: He-ivy hefts generally regret the executions! 21 ft 22; Unlit 2rn l't; springs and there Is strong cnndemiiH- 2t-; broilers I'Jft 20; pokin whlt tion by radical organs, the Mor- du-ks 1: colored nominal; ttir- Raapost of Berlin depredates the keys alive nominal criticism of the t'nited States. CUJCACd. Aur 24. (Ai'l -r ' Starting unchanged to down. 1 wheat later declined a tittle more, i Corn was slightly easier at the j start on failure of predicted frost , to materialize. Opening unchang- J ed to down, corn subsequent-' ly suffered a further drop. Oats; nli) wed in strength and provt-; tjlons were firm. The close was weak with; wheat at a net loss of U to oats declined to lc and pro-1 43 f.o.b. Portland. ( Tlslon varied from tc low n ' Kfjgs: Kxtras and melhinis tip l-rc gain. ' r Tift r CHICAGO. Aug. 24. (API Hogs KerelptH. 1.)0: hngs 1 210 pounds down tineTeti; bet-1 It coippares the executions with, thos-e cf the Cheka in Hussia,! saying that organization has exe cuted scores of persons when the tor nrades mostly steady to 10c higher; other weak to. a sha lower; practically no tnurket on ptg; heavier hogs" generally! vteady lo l"c higher; finished! . butchers 240-270 lbs. 25c up in Onions steady. Local 1,00 ft , snots; top $10. SO; bulk good to i .10. Potatoes steady, 1.25i 1.65. i choice 160-20(1 bs. $10.50'? 10. POHTLAM. Ore.. Aug. 24. ' 75. (AIM Wheat: It KM hard wljlu. Cattle R:eptji. 10.00). . Fed Now via - Klamath Falls I by W. II. A . llMin.r, a'l'urai-v lor "ame doubt existed as In ill"'. Acme Mfiior Coi.iany. n:id I jttiiK-Uat.'ly took p.issesnion of ne Snnle.;ik.-r touring uufomo .Motor Number C5J4r.8, Serliil Number . o57 'f, and I linvo hut the Ihe Kacco-Vanz.-tii case, world passed them by." Tho Lokal Anxeiger of Berlin upholds the American Judges. saving they acted In the belief said automobile In my pos- lny WHre -ng their duly. Children Cryfcr M'sei.m nt the present time. will, on Tuesday, the Oth day of S. pi cm her. ir.-7. at the hoer of i"n o'.-lo. k In the forenoon ' of s.u'il day, sell nt public' miction. nt the Acme .Motor ompany's Karate. In Klamath coti. that re r t a I n The oiornale D Italia of flome1 says that by executing Sacco and Vanzetti. the "Free democratic republic of the t'nited States.", proved that It did not hesitate! Falls, Ore- to carry out its sentences even nnton.ohile 1 agalost the protest of the entire nliorg di'scrlbed, sHld automobile rivlllxcd world. This horrl heii'lf loo cumbersome to move Me martyrdom Is unprecedented ;:ml Hence I um selling ine some nt 'said Acme llotor Company's ,'Tjicrn Is a valid lien existing i un mii.l aiilomobile, for the sum j of S IKS. so, for towing and- htor-' tirre. clue the Acme Motor font-1 I'ajiy. nn.l I shall sell the said 1 niiloinolule to satisfy said claim,, nrr" f.ald date. , .j Imtid this 24th day of August,1 1 'ii?. ' ' r! ' llfRT K. JIAWKINB. ,'! Piteriff of Klamath County, Ore. 1 'Hy I.OI'IS C. Mt.'ELLKH, I Deputy, i ASg 25 B.-pt.. 1. ,- ' -. . . . ; . . ; ... ! '' in the history of nations.' For results use News Class Ads. FRECKLES Get Rid ol These Ugly Spot SaJely and Surely and Have a Beautiful Complexion- With ' 1 OTHINE fooom.t vntcwrrm MONEY BACK It I r FA I u. SOLD tY BHUO MbTm-.k:- Flc tenet'. Castorii is especially prepared to relieve Infants in arms and ( Children all ages of Constipa tion, Flatulency, Wind Colic and Diarrhea; allaying Feverishnesi arising therefrom, and, by regulating the Stomach and - Rowels, aids the assimilation of Food; giving healthy tnd natural sleep. To avoid imitation!, always look for the signature of AMoTuffty ITarmtfia-No opiate. Fliyiicians every where recommend t -in lrain of the uvst der nro ! Cuicade Line between Culifor nia and the Pat iic Northwest j 1 Direct fccrvice without change .. of cars Ivr triivcier?kfrim KUmath I Fallt. The appointments and trrvicc of ncwttlcluxc train. ioutlicrn Pacific fine newCos- ! cuJ leave here ourhhuunJ at H a.m. arriving San l-'raociscoat V:25 p.m. NonlilxuinJ. leaves at j 6:20 a. m., arriinu Portland 4:05 I p.m. and ScjttleM5 p.m. An ! extra-fare trafn,tiritcla through- out, with the added service of barber, vulct and ladles' maid. . Shower-bath for men and for wofnen.' Tho nnw Wett Coatt to Sacra memo ami l.o Angelrt leaves at 3:50 a. 10. Northbound, it leaves ' at 0;45p.m.,arrivingPurtlandat I a. m. next day. No extra fare, ( yet comparable to the finest. j . In addition, through Pullman j leaves here daily at 4: 1 0 p.m., con . fleeting with the Orrgoniun ar riving San I'mncUcn ut 9:S0a. m Also, local train leaves 8 a. m.( j arrive Eugene 3:20 p.m. tor com nection arriving Portland7:40 j p.m. Southern .1.. .1. Ml I. IK H 20.1 llopka lllfllt. riiolio 7U0 . ' t More tlian 3030 Preferred Shareholders t!'j. IMi, e Dependable Service to Customers Dividends for Shareholders : ! hi, Customers of The California OrcRon Power Company in homes and fiictorics used 293,000,000 kilovAitt hours of electriail energy hist year. More than 3,000 preferred slmreholdcrs receive dividend regularly by check every three months. The capital supplied by investors in the Company', preferred shares coes directly into permanent, useful public utility properties. " The confidence of our thousands of customers Vwts'ori their knowledge of the fact that dependable service is fur nished at reasonable rates. The investment confidence of more than 3.000 share holders is merited by the fact that divi dends always arrive regularly, by check, on the tlue date. , A copy of this 16 pnge book, ejescrib liiRand illustrating the properties ctfThe Utliforma Oregon Power Company, will be sent to you on retiutst, together with complete information about investment in the Company's preferred shares. 1 CAUPnbMA nntf.ON Wiw f at I'SirAJtV The California Oregon Power Company omrrc. 'ford.Cfan,,Rosc,urgiKIi,mnth xreKa. Uuiiimuh'-Califoniia Oregon i Jiwf r "i 1 A i . 1 l(!' Iff A -ifcjl MC-. f. .