The Klamath news. (Klamath Falls, Or.) 1923-1942, August 25, 1927, Page 1, Image 1

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I-MVKH)l,Tr '
The Klamat
?The Klamath News
Two Sections
Ten Pages
Official Paper
County of Klamath
1. 4, No. 244 Price Five Cents
)yram Is
je eking
Aid F or
'lail Row
,1 mmmm
Lmident or
KM Lint) Plan tO
Make Meraer Fiff ht
I.. . merger rigni
,Wld in OCOPC
3 I
SEATTLE. Aug. 24-
(j.r.) Planning o nation-;
Jde fight ngaliiHt the con-!
. ,, i
Jidatlon of the Great
Art horn and Northern Pa-
lc railroad systems, aasocintion and win """"
. i , . strict regulation of the tract tO
. Ryram. picldent of the,h() ,d,DlMe of ,, ,nd imi ;
ago, Milwaukee & St.
"fctil road, was in Seattle j
Klay seeking aid to fight
1C plan.
.Ilyriim chanted that the merger
ia move to form a monopoly
Lllro,l ht..l... In llP.elfle
Vrallroad bulne In the Pacific
trthweiit. B
"'Thejwlll' throttle the develop-1
nt of tlitat Miction. Injure bunl-
h and shlrvnl up the Mllwau
h service If the consolldutlon f
Irs through," llyram said. !
o Wonls Miiirnl.
The railway executive did not I
Inco words In dentins- with Hie I
uiet railroad fll.t .Inc. the
of Jim 11111. Il titans to
file the communities along the j
trinrrn iranscoDtinenuii ime in- j
fa. fighting fore, whoso opinions
111 PA.luhA ihrAifvh thai hnarlnrfi i
the . C. C. In WlnnwapoHa
awtAhar 91 w tm ft Ilia nnirirallnn I
hilii,! NiMni nn " ' !
j Keek PorlluoiM'.lKraiice.
. 4 PORTLAND, Aug. i. (I'PI j nflor Templar returned ' from An extremely proaperous mid- tho occasion- of the American j On the other hand, -Jean The
i I Bock of lis opposition to uli- -fl.hlnit trin to lim mountain lake west, vulth nrospocu for the beet i Leglcn congress.: ' ; W.. haud, head ot the war cripples'
llitlon of the northern lines Is the
(fair Of the Chicago. Milwaukee
I St. Paul railroad to inter
rortiana. accoraina to some
Portland students of railroad af-
Tti' r .. .,. .i.
fl. . !! I'rvniiinill ill lliu '
- . ... .. ..... ..... . t
. v. m. at nt. r. line, iniunama
hn here Inst fall (hot hit !
,,pn. , ,
field some day.
' llyram is due te arrive here I
Friday and In his visit local !
4 (t ontUmed on Pom Nix) ;
: i
California Beef
'i boT a maT I j;cntcn, and It neems that until,
. I MOVing tO Market lned greater tl).
"if . the lake should be closed to fish-1
HperlMShlpmont. of fat cat-,
lie from the northern countle. ot
California have started and byi"nl ould Insure much bettor
the first of Soptomher will be ""hlng In a year or two."
i moving In good volume, according
: Tn ca"' M"ke""J Blast From Leaky
' 1 Buyers are active on all classes Pinn Poiioao 17ss.a
f good cattle and ttendy de- 1 IHC. vUSeS T ire
tjiand continues. Oood steors
inrrylng from 1110 to H0 CHICAOO, Aug. 21. p) An
Irelght are bringing H 85 f. o. b. explosion, attributed to gas from
ihlpplng point with good cows; leaking pipe, wrecked three
letting from M.OO to . 16.25. 1 "tores ln a one-story building In
Prices on heifers range f rom i Taylor atreet on the west tide
Itl.fiO to $7.00 f. 0. h. ihlpplng enrljr today, and flro then de
aolnt for top grades and good. I "troyed the structure.
Hght calves bring from 110.60 toj Firemen found no trace of a
fW.OO on the same basis. , hody In tho ruins although a man
i Sales of focdor cattlo are Ink- i In the neighborhood said Ahe
it on largo r proportions. Site-1 proprietor of a dry goods store
jhlo ' strings of Arlionsa have,
.. 'wen told to Cnltfornta buyers
IfiOO Ihreo-yenr-old steers going
lo Imperial Valley, and 2,000
' "trnrunga going to a nuyer in ne
t'tnh nnd Nevada slock cattle are
Iso moving to California buyers.
Iiss Hayes Leads
In Queen Contest
naephlne Hayes came Into the
lead In the nueon contest being
(conducted by the committee ln
rharga of the big labor colehrn-
jtlon yostordnyi according lo re
linrls last night, which showed
'Miss Hayes with a' total of 12,!)50
I Up until yoslerilny Ida Lam
Wt had bean lending tho run
br honors In the quean rnco,
jeld to decldo what girl shall
Inn over Klamath's gigantic
labor celebration, comity fair
itid rnden September 2 lo B.
falxn Ijimhorfs count last nlglitily lndnn, refused to rlso from the
gavo nr a mini ui jiiiuu ,unm.
i Other standings were as fol
lows: SThnlntn Knenlg, 10,000; Volmn
Intlnn, fi,500; La Verne Craven,
51, 00: nnd Carroll Cramer, 28B0.
-3 Ulna Jonscn yeslordny wlth
f jirow from the race, at did Ruth
fLlndtoy, i -
Draft Approval
Assures Leasing
" Of Grazing Area
Leasing of about 25,000 acres
j or rich pasture, land on Lower:
Klnmnlh Ink was definitely
assured Wednesday when It bo-1
cinie known bora that Washing- j
ton officials had approved a draft
nd a draft
ot the proponed lease,
cony wan transmitted
Whnnlar, chief clerk for
- "'WW1 ,HH" 1 HJ, U . W, I
t Thomas for the grating aseoclo,-
Milwau-U',,, J.
nounremont that the draft hid)
' ,""M, nn,0,"", biological snr-i
official In whose hands the!
'approval or rejection of the plant
lay, the grnslog association will ,
(sign the leaso and return It to:
'Washington, where It will be
mnao eneci.vB.
nmi execiilon of the lease,
tor whl,'h Klam,n "mtoc I
mon havo worked for month, will ;
uf, v., nf (
laud under the full control of;
isheep operotore alike
The lease l. drafted to give
!,, , wh(in ,.,,, ,
(Undoubtedly he made,
The. low-1
er lake eector ! now belnx lined
for pa.inre and ha. wintered
,l""l"", 01 h,,,' ,,r bUl,
, nigll,llt(on ,1Ildfr , d.flI1B Pon.
trolllim body wn noimlit to pro- j
vde rentrlctloua for the protec-
lion of the eheep niierator with J
ouly nmnll iianna,
...... n
Will KCCOmmend
Closing of Lakev
Karl J. Templar, following con-.
fr.renea with officials of the I
Klnmath Sportsmen's association,!
recommend ,, Harriet
. ... ,, ,
""" .
Anpn mountain, b clowd t0
i.lAf ' k-Iimh thn mumnrlikl Inn !
. i !
; convenes next Mondny night.
This was learned yesterday
! wlltl Kord tlat while Ihe "lake '
,i. ,..,in. -nh ihn .ml
too ,mall for good angling as yet. !
a kii.w nr, r... .i 1
the lake over the week-end. In-!
eluding one party from Tacoma,
A'anh., Templar stated, tut were
mostly dlaappolnted because of
lh f .J.
m(1Jl lMrm,b, p( ,rt. ,
qiiented lake.
"' w nothing over eight
Inches In the lake, and moat of
IhA nr. 'mn.h ...II.,
j Templar declared. "The fish are
, extremely wary and hard to
" . ,uw..r ih.. ..-.....
cmcn, ana it seems that until!
.... .. "
HPIoltment of angler, who
the hard trip Into ,. lake. I
had been asleep In the storo. A
grocer and the owner of a bak
ery In the building jald they could
not account for the blast.
Scores ot persons In the nelgh-
rhood were routed from tholr
beds and the fire spread to an
adjoining three-story building.
Another three-story building also
was tttttnagod. Many families
wore driven from their apurt
monts. Early theories that a dynamite
bomb sat by beer gangsters or
that a still had exploded were
abandoned when firemen found
no supporting evidence.
Aug. 24. (P) Captnln Frank T.
Courtney .made a futllo attempt
to hop off for tho Atorog on the
first stage of his flight across
the Atlantic this evening, but
his flying boat, The Whala, hnnvl
water In repeated attempts.
The Whale taxied a inllo and
a half again and again, but vain
ly and the captnln reluctantly
postponed the attempted hop-dff
tomorrow. He ordered 200 gal
lons ot gasoline to bo taken out
.of tho craft during the night In
order to lighten bar, '
U.S. Flag
Is Fired
In "Red"
fm (
Foreign Demonstra
tion Over Execution
of Sacco and Van
zetti are Unabated
NEW YORK, Aug. ,24.
(A. P.) Disturbances' at
London and Paris, a demon-1
stralion before the Amerl-I
can consulate at Geneva,'
and the bui nir of a'l Am-
i . " . i
crican fla.-r r.t Joharuies-
j burg. South Africa, were t
8ome ()f th(J developments'
In foreigncountrid8 as an
aftermath of the execution '
xj..-!,, cu j nW-
After a "me.iu.rlal n.eeiln" In'
Hyde Park, London, laat nlht, ;
the demonntrntora began toj
march. In defiance of police or-
",,r. m tne airection or.tno;
American embassy. The police'
Uh..j ,k. -.i.i. a
ons. bur reserves had lo be sum-!ru"on of Nlco,a Sacco nd Br'i Tne ""1t P"""1' at. Jnt homes of a dosen or more Chl
moned before the manlfealanta """ -Voniettl. appeared ln-Tvoted a motion asking the social- cag0 girls, whose names were
could, he dispersed. Forty nor-
sons, among loom four women
were Injured. ' 1
were Injured.
"Memorial l)
The 'nternntlonnl claas war
prUonorfl organisation t- maklns
It.'ontiniiPfl on I'.uzc Twol
Pinp Olltlftftk
VliUvUH lO
g UV.-- r.ith6 sovornmcnl on the -impossi-,
kJCCll 1UI 1 ill 1IICI f
I. ,
agricultural output in years, wns
the renort which Nate Oiterhnln
veteran member ot the Klamalli !
"'" " oee.i in
'"""""apolls attending a printers' ,
uuiruuuu, uruiiftiii, U H l K lO .
Klamath Kolla yesterday. ,
While on the trip Otterbeln '
visited In Mlddletown, Iowa, with I
old friends and relatives, and
went to Chicago to see Babe
Ruth knock out a home run
Instead he saw the king of swat
strike out and walk back to tho'The Southern Pacific
bench, Otterbeln said.
However ho was recompensed
''"""'"" "
vl"w 'he !r
h"" re,;nln
'" ..,-i,. ..........
h . , , t..i.
Prlnet of Wales
the northern.
route, in Canada. Among other!
' ' n,n a",n n'on' ""er,De
"',ed. .i'00"""' "r"'"'"
and at Lake Louise, returning
southward through
Sound country.
the Pllget
Sacco's Farewell Visit
i- -aaais"-"
! ,)Iinte Sar0
son e ft the
mother anil a mem iter ot ine aerense counaei, leaving imanemown j
prison, arter niiiaing sacco a oramauc isreweii. i.
French Radicals Turn Wrath Against
. t a. OL i D J.L
Amencan Legion, to onow oympatny
PARIS. Aug. 24. W) Frenrh ;
'radicals, aroused by the electro-
,'"nen lonB' ' . ulrn
"n ,na Ae"c,,n i :
The communist deputies Cach-,
! In. Marty and Doriot from 'their
cells In the Sante prison, where j
thwy Dre Irving aentence for
I ctiiuiuiiiiiBwi. n
j ten to Ihe president of tne 0am-,ers
en 10 hi lun.iuKui v,, .
her of deputies, advising hn of
their -Intention to interpfllote'
blllty of designating tne um oi.
September as a public holiday on
Would Itc C'linllengiv 'K
I "Pnoulur sentiment created by
the execution of the Innocent
worxmen . miu
they declare. "1. so profound that
me OrKanilHllon ui ui u i cjuuiiifi
during a period of mourning
I - '
Kl'lIKNK, Aug. H- (C P.)
.will spend about 1261.000 here.
: 'n the nc.-.r futurt In
Ina ai.litlonnl facilities at Its
- ... .
'terminal, according to word re-
. terminal, according to word i - -
r- r''K' supenn-
''"' ' "l
i '?'a" !.rP ,a ,m". ne I
! shop. $217,000; Irarl facilities, :
und storo
...I, .,
In a New Role .
4T i '
1 J
: ml
condemned Nicola Sacco. with Ms
i ...
,. ... . , .in the cellar of Jier big home, at
would with reason be' considered stI.eator iii ".
a challenge. '". .' . -
memoers ot tne city council,
, who are in the majority, to refuse
majority, 10 ruu
t3 vote' appropriations for a re-1
ception to the American Legion.
Won't Take Port. '
- - . I . i
01 ine imiepeauem iyar Teier- ;
, ----- suicioe oy arownmg in Late
ans association has announced hlaJMlcnl)tn wneB he lM)raedi
decision not to take port in the j Tuesday, about an hour after
'i" " "
vi ramuuii i "ra-
na vanseui.
association, w'hlle ' Boplrirltig- the
execution In a statement to the
: Paris edition of the Chicago Trib-j
'why It .hould change the attl -
i jmw . r a cm u o
' Americans. . i
rnD limlTC MCTAI !
.PORTLAND. Aug. 24. tlP i
" "' --""
the land office of the depart-
1 or the Interior, .has an
... , d ... h) d ;
-:" . k.l
.avmmine mr uiciuuutuR mo t
. . ..v, .. u,. i
of the "mystery white '
which his' caused so
much excitement In. southern Ore-
?l Twfn- ' , ' " ' !
' H.e. ,."'",red .!he "nd ",f1?e !
would do everything, possible in 1
"I- '
aiu.HK ureBon.ans lo uoierunuu ,
Jnst what the metal ronsists of.
25, 1927.
Seek Son
! Slight Trace Found of
j Youth Suspected as
1 Slayer of Mother;
j May. be Suicide ,
j CHICAGO,, Aug. 24.
f(U.P.) Almost a week
j after his mother had been
j murdered, Harry D. Hill,
i 21, the , shiekish former
IKnox college student, who
i has been charged with the
j crime, nonchalantly ' was
'cooking fudge with - hisi8 mtion project." the en
' , clneer stated, "and out of the
.' 8welene8rl- .'.
The police have learned this.
together with, the fact that Hill
had many girl friends. In their
I eJ'es' wno dlsoppeared follow-
g ncovery 0f m. eum hius
l body burled In a shallow grave
' nerir. !,' i.i.j .
1ted , "Ethel" or "Maliie.
: Evelyn.r: in one of young HIH'i
notebooks found by police since
-Evelyn.? In one ot young Hill's
the crime was unearthed Monday.
Kearrd Suicide.
Detectives thought Wednesday
inai run mignc -hits cominiiia
(Continued on Pace Six)
House Committee
Because the committee on ir-,
i r gallon and reclamation fom
(he of repreaent,,,Tes an.
. I
nounced In Portland yesterday ,
tnat it wui taxe a day or rest
following .two hard weeks' of.
travel over Washington .projects.
, , .i
will be a day late, or not until j
Saturday, it was learned from i
the Klamath county chamber otiunlt in Klamath county, an or-
commerce Wednesday.
w-. .v . .
u i"wiiiciii l
., ... .. ... . :
the Klamath visit came by wire.
and was followed by wires direct-
ed from the' taamber of com-1
nierce Z N J Slnno t, seeking
tZ7rm?tLn. - The clftrtlt oS
enl'l"nation. ' The confirmation
:m. received in United Pres. re-
u . ....
in vy mi rv i diii a in w j
last night.
The delay wl U mean virtually
no change lu the Klamath plans
for reception of the committee.
Representing the land settle-
, uivui (,-uaiuiKiee, LieBue nogert
W'H head a caravan of cars carry-
Ing representatives of the Klam
I nth county chamber of commerce
! to Crater lake early Saturday to
meet the committee t that point,
I following their arrival from Bend, j
. It is expected that the group i
will return at once to this sec
tlon for a surrey of the Klamath
project, one of the west's out
standinglrrigatlon enterprises, to
be followed hy a dinner at the
new Pelican cafe Saturday even
ing. , , ' ;
Everyone Interested In recla
mation la Invited to attend the
dinner, tickets for which are
now on sale at the chamber of
commerce. ' ' .
Japanese Sailors
Die in Collision
' MAIZCRU. Japan. Aug. 24,
(U.P.) One hundred and ten
i officers and seamen were missing
today after collisions between
j the destroyer Warnb and thu
light cruiser Jlntsu and the de-
; N'nka.
ond the cruiser
The Warnbl sunk.
The other
J vessels were damaged.
j"! There were two separate col
' ; llslogs. Ninety wero missing In
I the collision between the Warabl
nnd the Jlntsu, and It was
thought most ot the missing wero
aboard She destroyer which sank.
Twenty were missing after tha
collision between the Ashl and
the Nnka.
The vessels were returning di
the . Mnlxnru naval base after
maneuver. .
Tule Lake Lands
"The Klamath project and the
Tale lake bomeetead area con
atltute an agricultural bet as fine
a any I have ever een."
These were the words of J. F.
j Bergeech, Irrigation engineer here
since Monday conducting an In-
restlgatlon of the economic stabl-
my of the Tule lake lands for
the World War Veterans. State
Aid committee, when Interviewed
concerning the loan pntlook for
this area, last night.
While Bergeech was not in a
position to state his attitude in
the matter of loans for the ex
service men who populate most
of the Tule lake homesteads, due
to the fact that his report will
be made public only by the com
mittee for which he conducted
the investigation. It is generally
believed by those in touch with
the situation here that his rec
ommendations will be favorable.
"My work here has consisted
of endless Interviews with people
on the homesteads and with
agencies and officials most close
ly In touch with conditions on
mass of data which I have gath
ered here, I will make a full re
port to the state aid committee.
It is fully up to them of course,
as to what action will be taken
relative to pjaclng loans here."
Bergesch'a visit is the out
growth of a plea made before tne
committee by A. M. Thomas, sec
retary of the Klamath Irrigation
district, and others from this J
county, asking more leniency In
placing loans on the Tnle lake
lands. s , . :
While the committee ia known
i to have been unfavorable In the
ICemtJUMted cm Pace Six)
Glover is Named
Head of New Unit
The Klamath County Reserve
Officer's' Association upon the
call of Clarence H. Knowles. met
In the Slater, building tmat night
with Major C. A. Malour of the
Coast artillery . corps pre-
etfiKd f ohw M. Clov-
ter as the 'commanding officer
of "Battery D " and to take
"'" '
this contingent in
I Klamath county. '
uimri was a nifli ncutcuaui
ln the reKuiar ,rmy and Is a
reserve officer ot the same rink,
and under his direction the or-
6nllatlon national guard
- u for Ki.math j -
peeted to go forward rapidly.
Ltt,.t n,KhVt meting marks
the inception of the new military
1 VftnlSAtlnn which -hfla heen more
or leas in tne process ot torma-
(. f n-.P.t TMn
"on ,or eTerai years.
Major Malour who resides In
Ashland, began organixatlon of
ne national guard unit here
' he
been no vacancy for an additlon-l
al unit In Oregon until lately,
mnlH not nrnceen with Ih. nl.n.
'until last night.
The group will meet weekly ln
I the American legion building.
Stolen Machines
Two stolen cars were located
yesterday by the police depart-
taken yesterday morning is be-
ing searched for.
A car belonging to Alice Ed
wards of Mount Hebron, . Cali
fornia, which was parked In
front of the Arcade hotel, was
stolen but was recovered a short
time later parked on Twelfth
and Main streets.
Another car which no one
knows anything about nnd which
has been standing at 1121 Pine
street tor the last ten days was
hauled down to the city ' hall
to wait till It is claimed.
- A car bearing the license
203655 was stolen from ln front
of n local garage where it was
parked, yesterday morning. At
n late hour last night it had not
been recovered.
LAKE CAMP, Yellowstone
National Park, Aug. 24, (U.P.)
President Coolldge Temalned
out fishing In Yellowstone lake
until after dark tonight and did
not return home until after eight
p. m.
Some apprehension had been
expressed when the sun went
down and he had not appeared,
although he had been scheduled
to return at 6:20.
Newspapermen climbed Into a
speed boat and went out In
search of him, They found hi'
.launch and Its convoy oft shore
on Its homeward journey at eight
o'clock p. m.
Morning Except Monday)
Still Has;
Hope For
New Searches Orders
ed; Navy Vessels to
Continue 'Hunt by
-Crossing Ocean .
HONOLULU, Aug. 24..
(U.P.) Honolulu still : has
hopes of finding' some trace'
of the two missing airplanes, .
the Golden Eagle and the
Miss - Doran," and further
searches throughout the is?
land region : were ordered
Wednesday night. ;
. Three submarines f were di-'
patched out of Pearl harbor with
orders to. cruise as far as Mid
way island, searching the seas
thoroughly enroute, in the belief
that Jack Frost I and . Gordon
Scott, pilot and navigator of this
Golden Eagle, might have over
shot' their' goal and passed tha
. . Three Tugi Owt . ;
- Three navy tugs also left he
harbor vader orders to make an -
iBvesttgattoB along the . Isolated .
coast of eastern Oahu.
One ot the many rumors' that
have been bouylng np the hopeii
of the searchers, has been in the
farm of. dispatches .from Wail
uku. Island of Maui, which de
scribed persistent ; reports that
many persons of the Kaeleku
region' heard a plass, passing
over. Hans a week ago.
. They were, unable to aee the
plane oa account of rata. . .
.: Iaaattaw d by Rareoie
Sheriff Crowell of Mas! was
ser tntproeecir' y ' the r soune pfv
; these rumors and by the prelim
inary investigation made - by his
depnty at-Hans.-that he has or
ganized a ' searching .: party and
started ont to prove or disprove
the reports. . .
Navy Acrora Svs - f-
(U.P.) The navy's hunt for the
missing Dole race planes will
continue with the light cruiser
Omaha and a division - ot de
stroyers ' continuing the weat
from their present location In
' (Continued oa Page Six) ' lj
Fire Loss Light,
Yigil Unrelaxed
Despite the fact that Klamatf
woods are free from all signj
of forest fires, and that tire loss
to date hat been ' exceptionally
light, vigilance ot the Klamath
Forest Protective association In
the woods la unrelaxed, accord
ing to Duncan McLean, forester
for the association. ,
A close watch Is being kept oa
campers to guard against - care
lessness with tire In the woods,
and lookouts and rangers are con
stantly on watch tor Inception ot
Males; he stated, as the woods
are extremely dry and becoming
drier, .
Fire season in Klamath Falls
will continue for at least an- .
other six weeks, McLean stated,
with hazards depending largely
upon the weather and rise and
fall in humidity. The fall Tains,
not expected until mid-October,
will bring the season for alert
ness for foresters to a close.
ftf a. u a e.v nr
" RU MBMC. , '
There's to at e h I n g phonttv
when a man's line It busy every
time you call, ...
, , ... ...,, V
. ' . ' i r.' , ' ' ' 'i -