r 1 1 , i THE KLAMATH NEWS A. r v f- WEDNESDAY, AUGUST 24, 1927 PAGE FIVE -u. Two Cents a Word , Each Instrtion K Triepboa) TT - Two Cen ts a Word i Each insertion AD . CLASSIFIED AD RATES Two cent per word each time i la printed. Sam ad run on wetk 10 per cent rtlicoiiQt. .. Seme td run. .on month 10 per ceut discount. TELEPHONE 877 ' , Till! I1IO MAIIKRT PLACE FOR SALE, REAL ESTATE FOR HAI.K Modern foiir-roum houae. Terma. - 1321 WlUonl. 4-S7 Full HAI.K Choice Allamont hnll-ncre. l-ow price (or quirk ale. .Hi Onk, apt. .. !3-i8 POIl HAI.K tart H-room- mod em houae. Small payment end term. , 334 Lewie HI. . . ' 23-26 .KNTI.KMIOf OF TUB RENT PAYERS: If you went to buy a new 1-rooro home I went to meet you In person with price I nd terra. Apply - Fnetlrne fool Hall. , FOR BALE Modern four-room home In good -location, with - renew end linoleum. Phone '4J-J. " ' 1 FOR SALE On or the beet . business corner on Main 8t. ' Bee Mre. Null Oltorkeln. IF YOU WANT - To buy ft borne) eell home; buy lot; etll m lot; buy tome acreage; sell eome acreage, or rent a place: Bee !- MRS. NATB "OTTERBEIN. - REALTOR - t Phone 441 001 LlnoolnJ. ii 1. 1 A....UJ.I. -u-w l u- NOTk'H TO PROPERTY owv HUM WfHMK PHOPMtTY HAH lltiKN FOUND 1.I4III.K FOK "TMK 4'OHT F IMI'KOVINO - OKt'HAHIt -AVKNUK- fHM TIIK F..4.HT I.IKK -Ok KAHT MAIN HTRF.KT T TMH JUS"". TION WITH OH'IIARI WAV At IIAII-KKHT KAHT'OF .TIIK. :.T I.I.-.K tr- iit! 1IKM. HTKEK.T; mows - lll'lUF-,t-:Me..vi' l -rr :w. -t. . THAT-Til fcV WAVE TWENTY' n A T H rlUlM THK F1IWT IMTK FUHMfATION OF TIIIH NrTH': IS WHICH TO KILK AI'l'MOATION TO PAY THK I It AHMKHHMKNTH IN TkN KQl'AL, ANNUAL IN bTALLMKNTH. WHEREAS, the Common Coun cil of the City of Klamath Falla. Oregon, did by Ordinance No. 032 duly adopted on the 15th day of Auxuat, 1927, declare - the proportionate aaaenament on each lot, part of. lot. block, ploca or Tercel of acreage property found to. bo buDiifllod for a proportion ate eharo of tho cost of liuprov tnc Orchard Avenue from the eant line or Eaat Main Street to the Junction with Orchard Way at 113.2 feet eaat of the Kaat lino of Mitchell Htreet, all aa more fully and In detail ahown on the plana and apeclflcatlona of the City Engineer on file with the Police Judge of aald City, Tho property ao round benefit ed and liable and aaaeaaed aa aforesaid, la . all the property lying; adjacent to aald parte of aid atreeta, and la aa followa: That the docket of city llena haa been made up aa provided by j flection 108 of - the Charter of aald City, and below will Be rouna a Hat of Ihe namea of the owners ! whose property haa been eo aaeeaaed aa aforesaid, and against : which llena bavo been docketed, aa by said ordinance provided, together with the total amount no assessed agnlnat each specific 'i- owner and holder. Reference la -hereby, made to ' such lien- docket for a detailed ' deacrlptlon oC each lot, part of I , lot, piece or parcel . ot ncrcago property so assessed. . Further notlco Is hereby given 1 4o the respective owners of prop erty so assessed and hereinafter listed, that such assessment Is now duo and payable and will he " - delinquent from and after tho ox ' plrutlon or twenty days from tho (Into of tho first publication of this notlco which said first pub lication will be made Friday, the 19th day of August, 1927. Tho owners of proporty so ' assessed aa aforesaid must either ' pay In cash or mnko and tile with the Pollen Judge of tho said City on or before the lh day of September, 1927, their respective applications to pay such assess ments In ten equal annual Install 1 monis. f Following la tho description ot tho property. Mills Addition Block 110. Lot 398, F. Hill Hunter, 1224.47. H. 40' of lot 39T, F. Hill Hun ter, $48.53. . . N. 80' of lot 397, Fred C. Murphy. $177.94. Lot 398. L. D. Gass, $224.47. Lot 398. Anna t la McCnbo. 1224.48. Lot 400, Polo gather ft Helen Bather, $180.33. Lot 401, HJnr-r Chris-onsen, 1180.33. ' ' - Lot 402, tRobtrt. Choyn. 8I80.33. - ' Lot 403, Winnie Hoak, $180.33 : Mock Ill Lot 824. Frank R. Clark, '"ot 325, Chniloa W. Thomia, 1234.47. 1 . , Lot m, K. L. Rlggs, $224.48. ' y It 327, K. L. Hlgg", $234.46. , Lot 328. E. L. niW. $180.83. i ot 828, Ev B, nighlmlor, FOR SALE, REAL ESTATE 1100 cuah and 135 per monlli buy homo- lu Hot Springs ad dlllon. Hoe thle enep before ' I bo 25th. V. LOTS tin Muln. Crescent, Con gur and l'aclfic Terncc, very ' cheap. ' ; ' FOR . TRADE Chicken ranch. Improved, lltioo for car or lole, alo 1-0 acre Irrigated at ISU per acre, clone In: also onvhelf urre end lurgo mod 1 ern new 4-room bouae. FOR UF.NT J, I, and ' 4 room houaea and eome upartmenla from I JO to $.10 per mouth. Home furnished.- 2 HOTELS, apartment homo, rooming llouae, grocery store. JOJIN C. FRENCH CO. Realtor ' 130 South 7tb St.. .. Pboue 1430 FOR SALE OR TRADE FOR HAI.K Oil TRA1)K for lumher or building material. 1-ton Mack truck. eulppd for litmher or ik hauling. Karl F.-Autcnruth, Y r e k a, tallfcmlu. ' t 23-S4 FOR' FAI.B OR 'TRADE For larger car. tlood liodge road alnr. 334 I,wla Ht. 23-34 WILL SACRIFICE oqulty In new piano for cnah op ( trade for ' ii tr I s k i machine, household furnltirre.-etc. S block earn Ijwt Chunce Service Hlntlou . Polices Buy Road. 21-24 FOR HALR OR TRAI)I'--14-ocre Tench In Lan-cell Valley, under Irrigation. Inquire Sll .Alameda. Klamath Falla. Ore. . What have yout flft0.33. ... ., '. NH of lota 330 and 331. T. II. Maaaey. $116. Hit. HV. of lota 330 and 331,. F, L. Maiwey. 3213. . , ' Illock 112. Iit 340, Klamath Korporatlon, 224.47 Lot 341. William n. Lodge, 0224.47. Lot 342, $224.47. ' lAt 343 1224.46. Edward . E. Byere, W. F..- Gregory, Lot 344,. William E. Oregory. 1224.40 Lot 145, Mike Parayck and Ethel Parayck. 224.47. Lot 347, William Carlton Welle and Grace Welle. 1224.47 Ut .146. Klamath Korporatlon, $224.47. . - lllock 1 in. - Lot' 380, Will Nvubert and Mnrle L. Neuhert, $224.4 7. ; Lot- 881, Mike Parayck. and Ethel Parayck, $224.47. Lot 882. Pete Suther, 8324.46. Lot 383, Pele Bill her. $224.46. Lot 384, Lura & Ephrlam Cum mlnga. $224.46. Lot SKI".. Lura ft Ephrlam Cum mlnga, $224.46. Idt 386, Klamath Korporatlon, $224.47. - 1 . Lot 3S7, Jena M. & HeilYlf S. JeUHcn, (224.41. , lllock ISM. . ' 1 XmU 3. lavld 8. Ada M. Smiley. $224.40. Ixit 36S. Ktbel Gray, $224.40. Ixit 366, P. C. Eayrea, $2.24.40. Iot 367, Klamath Korporatlon, $224.40. Lot 368, Klamath Korporauon, 1224.40. .ot 389t 1224.46. G. W.' Nitscblem, Lot 370 II. T. Brown. $224.47. Lot 371, H. IX Brown, $224.47. Block 12. Lot 356 $224.40. Klamath KorporaUon. Lot 357, J.' If. scnneeDerger, $224.40. Lot 8(8, John Jackson, $224.40. Lot 350, Chas. & Lillian Shel- totli $284.40.- - .. ' -. v, Ixt 360, Klamath Korporatlon, $224.46. 1iH- .161. Klamath Korporatlon, $224.47. Iot 882, Klamath Korporatlon. 224.47. . - Lot 363, Klamathi Korporatlon, $224.47. . Block VM. ' (Roeubdlvislon of)-, Lot 1, Klamath Korporatlon, $223.23. : Irfit 3, Ola J. Oamma, $217.38. Lot 3 (part). William W. Lit tle, 356.67. Lot SI, Klamath Korporatlon, $216.42. Lot, 32, Klamath Korporatlon, $234.40, . Lot 88 (part), William W. Lit tle, $83.82. Thin -notlco la published by authority- l 4ho -Commou Coun cil pursuant to 800! ton 269 ot the Charter of said City. , Dated at Klamath Falls, Ore gon, tho 18th day of August, 1927. I, EM L. OAOHAOEN. . 1 Pollca Judge ot the City of Klamath Falls, Oregon. Aug. 19, 20. 21. S3. 24. DEATH LEAP FATAL. SALEM. Aug. 22. (UP)- wmitom tl. Jdlsa...a. patient at tho Oregon atnte hospital, died today from Injuries rocelved last week when he jumped from a table with suicidal Intent. " Deal with a..'. REALTOR FOR SALE FOR HA,I.K Houaehold, turril- iiire. nio Aiiim. h-au- DHHI)' IIKHT 48 tractor for gate 'Cheap;- been eoniploUily over hauled, and haa a new guaran tee If .Ititormied write II. Jlc . (ireevey, 4 82Vs Rodney Ave., , J'orlluud. Oro. . , . 24-3W FOR SALE Now City laundry stock. Inquire llox 132, Chllo qnln. Ore. 1 84-M FOR HALE Fanny wild plums, delivered at Klamuth Fulls. Oro., $2.15 per. crate. Ixryd's ' Cunh Store, Lakerlew, Ore gon. ' ' ' 248 FOR tALR (Jood eight-year old leuin of mares, weight 31 00, and gnod act harneas. Call 2417 Oretaurd. " 24-26 FOR SALE Heavy logging team and harneae, cheap. ' Apt. S. Vaplanade Apia. 23-27 FOR . SALK-T-Star . well drilling machinery. No. 36 tractor, complete with tools; also wells drilled ony place. Price on application. Vochatzer Itroa., Talent, Oregon, H.R. No. 1. COST ant. FOUND FOUND .Suveral bunche of keys at Woolworth's. Owner may have aamo by puylnjr tor this ad. 23 LOST Orilfln ' Pointer, light color, answers to name of Rags. Liberal reward. - 114 N. 7th St. Phone 787. ' 24-27 MISCELLANEOUS RAWLEIUHS GOOD HEALTH prod u eta. H. M. Metcalf, 420 Addiaoa, phone 1488-W. NOTICE OF MHKRIKF'M HALE IN -THE CIRCl'IT COURT OF THE STATE OF OREOON FOR KLAMATH COUNTY. Frank C. Tlramwcll, Superintend ent of slate bank! tor Oregon, ' Plaintiff. v. Frank B. Keater. Defendant.. By- virtue 'of an execution, judgment, decree and order of sale iaaued out of the above en titled jrt in the above entitled cause, to me directed and . tinted the 23rd day ot August, 1927, uon a 'jurhtment Tendered and entered In snld court uud cause on the 18th day of August, 1927, In t-iror of plaintiff and agniuie): defendant, for the sum of $$61.76 Dollars with interest thereon. at Ihe rate of 10 per annum from the 13th day of September, 1921. until l"d and tho further euro f $150.00 at torneys fees, and the costs of and upon this writ, command ing me to make sale ot the fol lowing doscrlbcd real, proporty. to-wit; .. I The west half of the south west quarter of section one; the southeast quarter of the south-i enet quarter c-f section two; the northeast quarter of the nortb eaat quarter of section eleven; the south halt of the southwest quarter ot section two; the north west quarter of the northwest quarter of section eleven,, all ot said, lands being In Township forty South of Kongo eleven E. .'W. M. 'In Oregon; Also a strip ot land ' thirty feet 1 in width -beginning at tho north east corner of the northwest quarter of the northeast quar ter of aeotlon eleven lownnhlp 40 south of range eleven East, tbeuce 56 deg. 40' W. 29 chains and 35 links to the county road.' suld line rep-resenting the center lino of said atrip, Lelug 15 feet OUR BOARDING , rSfVWttf'- VlBRA-fleitilj dHAt:'i3&tl 1 $m'Vimk fi w.w, nfo,s xwjr r-r,!eo -Ail cuff -M' -Y -TAklaA LADDER I i- S,tUfvJ CAisi BACK -trl LtvlATHAKi IMIO POCK W m 1 tSS MAIAEIWERIMCJ -TMAfi IT TAKES VOU fO PROV A ivuu Foo-f Pirff l- I COULP WlMK'TrlAI'l LAWIMS TOR A - -V j ' IVWAAJ lF - ..av-flv. T ' - . ... . -1 -ym' .1 1 X I -SM -w - - " ' vfw x ,cr--f "vif - ., FOR RENT- FOR. RENT Two houaea close In, on pavement. Cull 801 ; Lincoln cr phone 443. 24-3U FOR RENT Two room ufiart ' mi-nt. everjrthlji rurn.'nbcd, 120.00. - 420 Ewauna, next to . Firati street. - 21 FOR RENT Saddle and pack horsea and guide. - O. K. Barn. ' . 24-4i FOR - RENT One ten roomed and one twelve roomed houae, unfurnished. ,, Cull . 47.M. 24-26 FOR RENT Ch-an, cool sleeping robma. 838 Walnut; - 24-26 FOR KENT Front bedroom tu ' new modern house; connecting bath,' with garage.-Couple- pre ferred. 1817 Portland. 24-25 FOR RENT 5-room house with bath, range, linoleum, kitchen tal.lnot. $46.00. Phone 2C6w - - - 23-25 FOR RENT Furnished house , keeping rooma for men. Light, 'wood, water supplied. (II per 'month. 1321' So. 6th Ht,1. - FOR 'RENT- Three-room house, , unfurnished. . New and clean. ..Two blocks from California avenue, paving,- 10 minute walk from buaineaa center of town. Phone 205-W. 23-415 FOR R E N T Furnished Apt. 624 High St. 23-28 FOR RENT Furnished 5-rocm and bath apartment' with gar age. On the hill 4 blocks from Court House. $40.00. Phone 205-W. 23-25 FOR RENT .Furnished apart ments, garages, new building, just off Main street on Braad. Rex Arms, Phone 1116. FOR -RENTApartments. North Tenth street. 419 FOR RENT Cabins for white men. 724 Market. See Collins. , .'.. . .-- f -:. I 19-26 FOR RENT 2-room furnished apartment. 703 Krth. FOR RENT Twrf-roomed apart ment and bath. 534 High. - FOR RENT First-clan furnished apartment, steam heated. Mc Carthy apartment. 2 - Pine. Phone 800. 014'.f FIRST-CLASS apartment for rent.- All electricity fnrntahed , ' Evans Apt. Phone 621-M and 100. on each sldeiof said line, all In Klamath County, Oregon. Now Therefore, oy virtue of said execution,:, judgment and order ot sale and In compliance with the commands of said writ, I will on Thursday the 22ud day of September, 1927, at the hour f 10 o'clock A. M. at' the north front door of the county court house in -Klamath County. Ore gon, sell at public aactton- (sub ject to redemption) to the high eat bidder for cash, all the right, title and interest .which the within nnmed defendant had on the I7th day of September, 1919, the ditto of said mort gage, ir since that date had in and to the above described real property or any part thereof, to satisfy said execution, judg ment. Interest, costs and accru ing costs. - - ,. . BL'RT E. HAWKINS, Sheriff.. pt Klamath County, Oregon. By LOUIS C. MUELLER. ..-. Deputy. Dated this 23rd day of Aug. 1927 First nul'iicalion Aug. 24. 1927. 1-ant publication Sept. 21, 1927. Aug. 24, 31: Sept. 7, H. SI.. HOUSE -TAKtriaA LADDER Udi A RfeWOLVIW-. FORM. Vo(i've BEEii PASSES UP A LO-T, Of R1BB0US WiTrt, inner' cilniil? ' ferlilPPUP' I r'V 1 DIME A K0LE A HELP WANTED . WANTED A housekeeper. Phcne 6C5-R. . 1 ' . - - 24 WANTED SITUATIONS nuiuuLi.i-mm.-L. - I.W.I1.-L-U-J1 . W ANTED,' SITUATION Cook ; uud wife want job in logging : f,p."r-m'.uw'uL""uu:.i,h local recelnti. for ton grades ' abort job considered. Cook' la a steward also. Week or ten riava notice requlreu.- Address XXX,- care News. 23-25 WANTED Auto mechanic wants work. G, P. Ray, care L. Steams, Lewis St., R. F. q I! ' 23-25 WANTED WORK Man end wife want job on ranch. Have bad experience In- stock and grain - farming. W r t Bill Bower. ' Clilloquln, Oregon. - 19-26 WANTED. M-MiYMMWWl WANTED Two or three room ers snd bm criers. 1028 Jeffer- eon. ' - 5 24-30 '. BUSINESS CHANGES"; FOR SALE Grocery and fruit atore. Good business. -"Beat location'1 In- ' town. Inquire 'Nws.-- ' - - -'- ' 21-12t FOR SALE Pool room and light lunch, doing good business. Inquire Box 687, Chlloquln. " 1 - ' ' 20-12t FOR SALE Lease and furniture ot 1 2-room boarding bouse. Good location. 60S Plum St. , . 20-26 . MERRILL '' ' . -I . 'I t . - Br WTJLMA OFFIELD News Correspondent 'Miae Velm Ady of Klamath Falla spent the week-end wltb Miss Fayo Jlnnette. : -' '. v Mlxa Jane Ferguson was ,hos tess at a swimming party last Wednesday. Those present were: Misses Wlnnifred Dewey. Barbart Hunnicutt, Mona Faus, Leona Kldwell and Vern and Glen 'Hun nicutt, and Mr. and Mrs. Jo.' Dewey, Mrs. Hunnicutt, Mrs., Ferguson and the hostess, . "Warren Fruits lett last Satur day : for . San Jose, California, where he plans to spend two weeks visiting with Mends and relative..... He was accompanied by Mrs. J. A. Brown, who plans to visit with her daughter, Mrs. Ray Benight of Yuba City. On his return Mr. Frulu will be ac companied by hi wife and chil dren, who have been visiting lu California tor several weeks. Miss Lillian .Taylor and Paul Murray left Saturday for their home .In Santa Crux, California. They have been visiting with re latives for some time. Mr. and Mrs. Reggl V'oss and children returned to their borne In Redwood City, California, Thursday. Sir. and Mrs. Lester Turnbaugh and daughter, Alta and Miss Bee (Thursday at the home of Mrs. Hoffman spent Friday visiting ,T. A. Blake. Mra. Blnke was as wlth friends. , slated by Mesdames W. Walker, Mrs. L. E. Brown rind Mrs." R. J. S. Stevens. A. Frailer.' Th L. Daltnn spent Tuesday shop-1 following members were present: ping in Klamath Falls. Miss Florence McClay visited In Merrill Saturday evening. Miss;Anice Anderson. .J. W. Burns, McClay taught In tho grade school two year ago and has been re cently traveling in Hawaii. . . John Merritt ot Klamtth Falls spent tho wcok-ju4 at the E, F. Merritt homo. ' '. Tho Merrill Library Club held By Ahem 1 -1AVI6 OUT A V A WUI 1 im GRAND CAttNOMi fo'FPiJ'f-1ii.'6RE-i. ?GVPSlES!'tfc, OE Up tAMV Do Kyi OH CVC.V4V . -.CONCEDE hAi&ypK?-H H0LE'..- ff-Pirffs like VffcT; ' lCi'l iAi'it r ( CtS S 22 ace u at etr. PORTLAND, Ore., Aug. 2J. (VP) I Although dairy exchange quota- n0DS fot butter and eggs were . ,dn,..d ,od tha mar. Icet (one for both la very firm 'well below demand. Storage holdings were decreased yester-' day by 1 73 cases of eggs and 679 irjounds of buitcr. . Private and cooperative egg dealers are etui in aisagreement over grading and prices for wholesale extras. Price rang ing from one to three cents are quoted to retailers. ,.,''.' A movement to revise the grade specification for extras t.) a basis more agreeable to. all Jobbers is being handled through a. special committee which ex pected to report recommendations today. . - ' - Fresh fruit and vegetable moved in a normal manner In wholesale trading 'this morning Prlceg. generally unchanged and supplies were continued plentiful In most seasonable lines. ' Elberta peachea are becoming a little scarce and are expected to be ended soon. Their place in the trade la being taken by new peaches of the Lovel vari ety to sell a little cheaper than the Elbertas at from 90 cents to $ 1 per box. . There Is little movement In tbe potato trade with little local, digging reported. i . lrt new crop local onions are expected to start into the local market In earnest the first of next week for which advance quo tations estimate a range of from $1 to $1.10 lo the growers, j Country dressed meat were firm at unchanged . prices this morning with supplies of top stuff barely sufficient for the trade. Poultry demand Is steady at firm prices. Heavies still sell to the trade at. from 22 to 23 cents.' . Wheat " ' CHICAGO.' Aug. "23, (API Opening H to c higher, wheat later receded to below yester day'a finish. Commission houses bought September and Decem ber corn at the start on unfavor able weather, the marketing starting to Sc up and sub sequently sufcrlnga silkhC' set lack. Oata sympathized with wheat and corn. I'.-ovialons were any. - NEW YORK," Aug. 23,' (AP) Mixed - price movement , came . into the stock market for a while . today fololwjng au early resump-j tlon of tha upward , trend , in j which about 30 stocks, including! some of the dividend-paying rail-! reads, reached their best prices' of the year. For a time various stock in different groups ad- I their monthly business meeting Mesdames J. A. Dewey., W. Walk-, I er, R. L. Dalton, R. S. Adams, ' Ben Faus, J. B.. Kldwell, John Giumon, Clyde Barrows, W. C. Bailey, H. O. Cox, Sol Dewey, E. t F. Merritt. L. B. Brown. Johni Ratcllff. Visitors: Mesdames J. ; S. Wilson, Grant Skinucr, W. S. Ferguson, E. L. Farmer. N. E. i Woodhouso. New members: Mes-j dame M, L. Moore, B.. L, Hull and Misses' Allen Murray and Edna Merritt. . Book committee for tha following month Is Mes dames J. A. Dewey, R. L. Dalton, and W. Walker. Mrs. F. L. Tope and daughter, Kathryn. left Friday for Port land where they will spend the winter. Miss Pope plana to enter St. Helena Hall this winter. .... Mr. and Mrs. Elmer Anderson of Klamath Falls spent Saturday visiting with friends and re lative. ' Miss Miriam Offield spent the week-end with Mis Wlnnifred Offield of Klamath Falls. - Mrs. Grant Skinner of Bend Is visiting at the Adams ranch. Mrs. Skin ne Is Mr. Adams sis ter. Mr. and Mrs. Stanley Anderson and small son of Salt Lake City, Utah, are visiting here with Mrs. Anderson's parent, Mr. and Mrs. J. W. Taylor. .. Mr.' and Mr. Walter Kclley left Sunday for. their home In Oakland, California. Mr. and Mra. Kellcy were accompanied on their return home by Mr. and Mrs. Lester Offield who plan to visit In Oakland two weeks. Betty Burrls ot Malln Is visit ing at the Dalton home. Mr. and Mrs. Ray Pickett of Sprague River recently purchased the mercantile storo building owned by Baldwin Hardware com pany of Klamath Falls. Mr. and Mrs. Pickett plan to make thit. building into a twenty-room mod ern hotel. Funeral services were held for Ihe late Mrs. Stella Shuck last Thursday. . Miss Eleanor Challpell ot Con don la visiting at the homo of Mr, ouil Mrs, Waller -Robinson,- vanced and declined simultan eously until the weight of heavy offerings In the oil section ultim ately bore down on tho remaind er of the list. Pan AmArlr-An "R --,. 1 4H points and losses of 2 to'eicopt In the nortlienalum ree 1 points were sustained bv'tionaof North Dakota whoa; la I Houstcn Oil, Atlantic RefinliiK nd Genial Asphalt. Active realizing in Ooneral Mo-! - occurred In southeastern tors, a four-point drop In Pierce' 0' eastern Montana. In central Arrow Pfd. and losses or three''"": north central Montana the point In Woolworth and' Rem - iugton Randal also served to dis cencert the bullish, element for a time, but In the early after noon a number of specialties moved up to new peak price,-- The closing was steady. Sup- poTtlng orders brcnaht 1 in r point rally In Houston Oil and,tori"n to the Manitoba Free .; Yellow Truck Pfd., while other -.rteu out not at any aiarmins earlier weak industrials and spe-i16- Ttfe troat damage which claltle generally began to show ' occurred mainly on August af recuperatlre power, a United -'eeid the crop considerably ac etates Steel drew up to the 140 level In the last hour. Total aale approximated 1,900.000 shares. SAN FRANCISCO, ,Aug. 23 UP) ' oiler leghorn 1 to-154 ibj.' Broiler 33f24; fryer leghorns 2 lbs. 30Vi32; 2M to 2& ios. 262S: young roosters and pullets col ored. 314 to 4 pound 32633; leghorn hens 2V4 to J pounds 17 18: large colored liens, ranch, 2931.u- .... 1 . , , . WEEKLY WHEAT REVIEW. , WASHINGTON.. D. C FaVor- able weather in the spring wheat 8re. ' the Northwest and Cana- da with lack "of further frost damage and co 1 furtheri serious' developments ot black rust dur- lng the week ending August 20th caused an easier tone In' the wheat , market and checked the according to the weekly grain market review' ot the United ! States Bureau of Agricultural Economics. Larger xecipts ot 'corn and more liberal offerings of new crop oats lowered price for these grains slightly. - 1 1 ; Little further diraan lroto rrst is likely In United State ACCOUNTING Accounting' Auditing HOW ARD H. METCALF 119 South Fifth , v Bookkeeping Income Tax , " Sexvlc9 " . ADVERTISING Tha ALLAN W.flcCOMB Co. Direct-Mail Aivtrt'uini ktm U M cCom. Up. - MttltitTijAiBt-Priotir.c-LUfi r4M slaUi Stnat ti Paarw ItM ' BATHING THE SANITARY STEAM AND , . - SHOWEB BATHS . 'For-Your- Health"- Open every day It a. m. to 1$ midnight, except Monday. 1719 Main - Fmest Mineral Water In . the WoHd ' . i- Hot Springs , Natatorium Now Open from :00 a. m. ... to Midnight Tub Baths Swimming Tank Hot and Cold Showers For Private Partle Phone 199-W . 6pring and Esplanade ' CHURCHES 1 "Wo Speciallae In Helpfulnemi" FIRST METHODIST CHURCH Tenth and High St. -Snndayl Service: 11:00 a. m.: 7:80 p. m. Frank L. Wem-jtt, Minister Residence 1005 High St. DENTISTS DR. E. C. WISECARVER -Dentistry X-Rny Laboratory Phone 813 A Underwood Bids. Office Phono II Ml Mellinao Bid;. Re. Phone 1148 Klamath Falls Yuu mttal uiout ,"Doli ,Jtwn!" V'.. '...'...'.. -:' ' '' ; "-: ' -5" - hf Save y! -your Ji 1 spring . wheat . except alone; the Canadian, border .acco'dln to report on the rust "filiation by Dr. E. O. Stakman, o! the I ulted States Bureau of Plant Industry. Losses are leas than anlleloated nearly mature that little turtU- Little dam- !cro - " lat8r " while not now' Infected the rust la advancing Into thla territory. Cool weather favorable to the crop prevailed during the week.. ' . : ... , .. Stem , rust has increased ; to some extent on wheat In the Canadian prairie province acu cording to thla report but' the ex tent cannot be fully determined untfl ' threshing return are re ceived.. The frost ranged l in- tenalty from 'lght to ten degree. , having, ccured at 111 point at basaaicnewaa wiiu cne jjmlx'siuui at one point only - The average .was - 2-3 degrees. , One. hundred twehty-stx points tn Manitoba : reported 1-6' degree 'ot frost and-1,0 point In Albert 1-6 de gree with the average .In both of these provinces around 2 de grees. Cutting of wheat 1 ex pected to be general about 4he last week In August, and despite frost, ruit and storm damage a large harvest 1 expected If hot dry weather prevail during the next two week., , - ' For eaie---bid piP:.'.Cil1' Klamath Newa. ' . af f Tf F 1 HJ I I . nunn nun r a in i mai M taaMf. iiaUtxi. K4Hln4. TT BOW I " CLEANING & DYEING KLAMATH CLEANING ' ' DIE WORKS . Cleaning and Pressing ; "We Dyo to Live" 431 Main SU - Phone 40$ ' COLLECTIONS W collect honest, deal aay wher in the United State and Canada KLAMATH (MIMMKRCIAL . SEB1C -119 So. Fifth St. . Phone S3r Collections. Credit - Ratlnf Service " GARAGES IMPERIAL GARAGE ,'. ' '' 3rd and Main CTC Tires, Frest-o-Llte Bat teries and - 8TORAGE - The Garage Trat, Never Close HARRY OOEILER. Prop. HOTELS (. VALLEY HOTEL : ' A Brand Near Modem Hotel All Coot Room :t -., ., Special Rate 413 Pine BU .mPhoaa 1284 LODGES ' BUILDERS' EXCHANGE -meets even 2d and 4th Wed nesday ot tho month at 8:00 p. m. In Legion Hall.. ' " VETERA' F . FORUGM WARS Pelican Post 1881 Meets every second and TT, .1 .. n .1 .. .,..... a p. m., basment Court Houae VfiiiviNci J . WAi,r.-,Hi vow Phone 1256-W Fraternal Order of Eagles 167 Will meet every Frldav evening the Mouse Hall 7:30 p. tn. MINING ENGINEER HKMtV AL LA.NCASTKK , ' Mining; Engineer t American Conservatory of Ma United States Mineral Surveyor for the District ot Oregon Office: 204 West TP Bt.' ' P. O. Box 794, (Irani Pas, Or. PHYSICIANS PAl L M. E. CARMTKXS, M. D. I'honn 15IO Svclal attention- to worn en and children.' lis South Fifth St., corner Fifth and Main. Klamath Falls, Oregon AtfiJRBt-4 rnlU4W lad V-JrafCtT) Til )rJr i-vl4. Atfcfir