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About The Klamath news. (Klamath Falls, Or.) 1923-1942 | View Entire Issue (Aug. 24, 1927)
univbiihity or onis library E00BNB on4 The Ki am ath News "THROW AWAY YOUR HAMMER GET OUT YOUR HORN" The Klamath News' Official Paper County of Klamath The Klamath Nsp Official Papef o Klamath Falls (i J 3 :1 jrol. 4, No. 243 Price Five European adicals azz U.S. ustice k Rioting Occurs as Red I Sympathizers De- f ...... A vuiivo nmerica; Tourists Menaced. PARIS. Aug. 23. U.P.J - JUoting,' by Succo-Vunzetti lomonjfl-atora so loriout . XbtJt-police arc speculating ,vhethor it was intended as :'a'.; communist uprising, oc ji urrcd in the crowded xdowntown boulevards tonight.. iwo nunuieu and fifty rioters were arrested. Forty three policemen were injured, 11 of them so bad ly that they were taken to hospitals. Hundred . f civilian were hurlT In working-class district where lb mob of 15.000 communists gathered, street brnotiot were lorn up, newspaper stands were turned ovy and wagons were I aelaed They wers Intended to bo used If neceeaary tor barricades a li lbe recent Vienna riots. The romuiunlata and mounted repub lican guards and both mounted and foot police, openly clashed In the boulevards. ' Cabaret HuuulieU. ' The disturbance spread. Tbe front of Ilia famous Moulin llouge cabaret waa smashed, as were window of American automobiles. Innocent American tourists, won dirlng what It. was all about. Wtfre nisuHed. Cries of "down with Fuller" and "Down with the assassins of Bacro and Vamettl" served as rallying cries for 111 mob. There were several charges by guards and police In front of tbe United 1'rws office. ' - tiiuu-d Kniluia)'. Troops, republican guards, and police doclared to total too, were (CoMbmcd on l'ago His) Contract Is Let on Tennis Courts W. D.' Miller pany will build the new double tennis court In Mllf pnrk on Kust Main, a project which murks tho new era of playground ac tivity In Klamntb Knll. This was detidud at a apeclal meeting of tbe pork board, which wna hold Tuesday evening at Ilia city hall. , Miller's bid was 11157.00. OthiT bidder wero Porter Con struction rompnny, Phllllpscn nnd lluls. and C. H. Knowle. Tbo courts are to bo con structed on the park alto on Buat Main street, directly across from the Mill addition achool. Thoy are to be built of cement, colored red so there will he no glare, tld will bn aurroiinded by high fences of wire mesh. Tbls new construction will pro vide courts on both sides of town, and will allow more room for tennis players. The courts on South ltlveralde often cannot ac commodate tho crowds wishing to ploy. . ' Son Suspected as Slayer of Mother CHICAGO, Aug: 2S. (UP) Efforts to capture a youth whoso wealthy mother's body Va found burled In the cellar of Iter home, cre redoubled today a a coroner announced she hud been mur dered. Harry llllli 21. Is the youth, and Mrs. Ellrs HIM, the victim of killer bullet. No charge has boen filed against him, but young Hill, .11 has been determined, knew of tho shallow grave where his mother was hastily burlod. Tho autopsy of Or, I., D. Howe of LaKnllo county showed a bullet had entered Mrs. Hill's left ear. There was also a Jagged gash In her forehead but this may have been can sod In exhuming the body which was discovered by her estranged husband, Dr. H. C. Hill, and police nf Stroator, Illinois, where the Hill home Is located. Hho bad boen dead at least a week, . Cents Jensen Flies Low Tj . v .... " wf i . Till, nlcture. showlns Murtln Jcnnen's Aloha a It left the Oakland i.iu.,i (..... a u...,.l l,lu i.t ihu acroaa 'the ocean to Hawaii. He Is only a f" feel al-.ive the heads; 1 2.000 persona had authored, pla of tbe people wavlnit farewell from the of n hannar. Ji'iiaen ir,l reading "Sacco murdered," flew about forty feet above the water diirina the whole nurney. , .. ... murdered" 'were nosted Hi earth Inductor compass wouldn't work when he flew hUucr I anittl murdtred were posted than that, ao ho took a chance nn sudden m dives. qu:il! ami ' by a socialist newvpaper when flher dangera and flew "close ttf the water" word of the executisn was re South Sixth Street As Planned, Council and Citizens Say Ikiffercnres between 8 I x I h street property owners and the city council, arising over the pav ing of South Hlxth between Com mercial and Main, were Ironed out satisfactorily early yesterday afternoon when members of the council and' representative resi dents Inspected the scene of the proposed work. Till la according' to Mayor T. 11. Walters, who announced fol lowing the meeting on South Sixth street yesterday, that the contract for the work will be placed with Warren Construction company a previously planned and that the project will tarted In the near future. "Tho inspection lour over Hie section of the street in contro- 1 .... I ... I I ...l..ulnv . , .'nlu. mains, which It .. declared earlier, were lenklng to the det riment of tho old pivement on Hlxth. The water mains were found to be In good condition, Writ Plea Won't Make Kelley Free 8ALEM, Aug. 2.1 IUP Ar guments Iu the writ of habeas corpus proceeding involving Ellsworth Kelley, condemned convict, were concluded today but Judgo McMahon Indicated ho would not annotinco hla decision for several days.' Kelley and, James Wllloa were sentenced to die last Friday fol-. lowing conviction on murder I charges In connection with two prison guards who wero killed! during an escape attempt. 1 The proceedings In behutf of j Kelley, as argued by his attor-1 neys, were that his original com-1 mlttment was Illegal- nnd that ; ho had a right ;to try to escape. Wlllo' execution wa stayed uti-, til noxt KTlday pending on in sanity hearing. .Argument on a petition for a further slny pending an insanity examination will be heard before Judge Percy Kolloy of Albany to morrow or Thursday. . Elnal arguments nguiiist Kel ley' petition were mado today by Willis Moore, assistant attorney general of Oregon who declared that even If original committment was under an unconstitutional statute, Kelley could not expect release through habeas corpua on the murder charge. CHILDREN BURIED UNDER SAND HILL SANTA BARBARA, Calif., Aug. 2.1. (UP) One child was killed and six others narrowly escaped death when a sand bonk Inwhich they wero tunneling collopsod und burled them beneath tons of sand on the beach front here today. ' Allan, 11, wus dead whon his crushed "body wa dug from the wrecked sandhill. Tha others received minor bruises. Efforts of tho rescue squad of the fire department, who worked more than a hour over Herial's body, were unavailing. . Across Pacific ! T k TJ TTw ! K mmQ&Mu Nation f J I oltiiiiili. n whMi the fiver Mturletl t Paving to Proceed leaks having been repaired In i such a way as to Insure agulnat ! j deterioration of new paemnt ' ; from tlila aource. ' 1 ' While properly owners along , 'this stretch of Improvement had, stated, tbroueh Oscar Smith, as ' spokesman, Mundiy iiik'ht. thut jthoy believed tho paving uaaesa-; meiits were too high, they In- tlmnted thut the project would' 1 probably moot with their appro" - , val provided assurance was given In Die matter of water main protection. 'We believe the leuka in the water pipes have caused great Ideal of the damage to the prea- ne;em paveiueni, b:iumi uau aiuien. i "anil we want assurance tnat the leaks will uot continue, w heynew i pavement la laid." It la believed that the council """'i' ht will lake f'nal action In tho matter of approv-; lug the contract, to allow the iwork to swing into full tilt. ri. ... . ........ Itnl. ... .,.. I . . ,.. iiieii-iui oil fiiAiii. will Hie 1 I stretch of new hard surface from; Main straight through to the Southern I'nrltlc viaduct Spring, us Dunn & Baker at are now laying concrete pavement on the south sector of this Import - ant business thoroughfurc. r J Mas.wpaawiaw KLAMATH FALLS, ORE., Sympathy For Reds;!lelection I' i Q 1 11 t0 l" O 3 V. 1 V V . fi,ll ' ... . : merce rooms attended by an en-1 Few Disturbances' in' ,hu"""! n,up,of bu",nc"" B" r . , .a and representative county citi-; U. S. Cities Follow iIen. . Word of Execution of Sacco and Venzitt.i; NEW YORK, Aug. : 23 (A. P.) Announcement 0f the execution of Sacco and j Vanzetti was received quiet I . ... . , i i in public squares and ; be-; ! fore newspaper b u 1 1 e t i n j i i .i.. ! ::.. .ft... !w7"" m""' . .. ' la day of unceasing police t -diligence and general un-i ewne. I At mldnlKht in Union Square. ! New York, where police satlmated ; ceived, but the crowd dispersed mi Utly shortly thereafter. In flnxrnn crowds that filled the "Ei" before bulletin board re word of the executions in silence. KiM'p ( Ifiae Watch. . IMapatches from various citlear told of a day .'nf t.nrenilulng watchfulneria. with public- and i. ' Sacco, Vanzetti Parted in Death " """"" All:--. ffV)- Rncco and Vansotti. Inseparalile In life. 111, be separated In death by hundreds of miles. 'On the sunny slopes of fur away Ituly.. where he spent the only really happy years of his life, the ashes of llartolomeo ' Vansettl will lie in a non-con-j serrated grave In his little native j tuwn of Villa Siletta. facco a sue win oe ' nuttea in aiaasacnusoits. only a fcw "" from n drk ' prison where he spent his last i few months on earth and where 1 he was put to death by Massa-' rhllaetta law enrlv Tuesdav The body of the third man 1 to die In the electric chair at Charleston state prison. Ccles - lino Madeiras, was claimed Tues - day by an undertaker for his ' mother, und will be interred In . fow Hertford where she lives. His Dizzy Day WEDNESDAY, AUGUST l"we BneW . porale the Klamath Ccnnty Rodeo Association! final plans! i'ror the big wild went .how which 10 1,9 '""""a" to"ure during - n:rer:x.:0 ct oner meeting In the chamber of com-, That thV rodeo will be the bis-' Rent and beat ever staged . In j Klamatb. la the unanimous opln-! Ion of all those who are con-1 nected with the event this year.: and every member of the com I mlltee la entering Into the spirit oi ine oik anow in a mBDUfr ; which insures outstanding sue-. ces. Borne of the best rfdern and . cowooy siunt artisia in me west wm here to participate in the i contest, it was declared. I as many will muke tni stop on i their way from the Cheyenne tbow io Pendleton for the round- up In that city later the "",r- . .I" ,".."7, - ag Klamath 1 wn-prcfldent buckaroo. ! The dally program la to be put on by men skilled In the . arts of the glamorous rodeo a show - for which 'Klamath ognixed as a definite part of old West. Is particularly adapt ed. Those In charce will be D E. . n . .. .1 .. MAt, i v. .. , ...VAnuuci, "VII HID.ll niKUWIU stockman, who wltu.M. H. Bar-!lBW bour will run the arena, and L. E. Walker who is to manage I evenu. . . The programs, now being wlde-i,ne IV dialrlhnl.ri l .t,r.e. .K i,. ,.i . i .i. . Pest talent la the west, show an ntensely interesting Hhe of .r - enl" encompaaaing every I known to th cowboy of range ...k ... . 7 c vutitjr iai which is " to be the biggest ever southern Oregon, and: the gigantic labor celebration. f, he .rodeo Is qlng to help make j the September foatival the big - ;gest shpw on the Pacific coast j """ "" ' . L ' ' , ; V. . LOSt Lal(P Trart ! isr.iT , lrtTl . Will Make Park TT1H ITiaiVC 1 ail PORTLAND. Ore.. Aug. 2S. Aug. 23. CAP) A piece of land along! land along; the. east shore of Lea Lake, nec essary to government nlans for the recreational development of tbe vicinity, has been obtained for the national forest by Major John I. Guthrie, assistant dls- lift roresier. irora tne aeiwrt- c.en' of agriculture at Washing- lot. D. C. j Xhe federal government has . for year desired to acquire the property In order to have more, ready access to the Lost Lake re- rrcailcnat region. 24, 1927. jS P CI a 1 I Ek T H A 1 U V I JL J L . . Governor Names Time . . r1 When Voters Will ' ChoOSe SuCCeSSOr to Crumpacker. SALEM, Aug. 23, (U.P.) A special election will be held in Multnomah county October 18 to elect a sue- cessor to the late Maurice . i " Crumpacker, represent-. tive in congress from the j .v. J ,nn,.;nn.l itnVt i 1 1 ""'.. .'ZZ Z.' Z"1 ' Eal"m00- L1 "ZLJTl T7c. s j raZsotlBond ClOUd FlUlS directed to the sheriff of Mu',nomah county. The election date complies with . .... . . r. . -.. """ ""e minimom time m-'" "" " ' i their petitions with the secretary ' ,C'!of -state for certification to the . I county clerk I Tne governor's writ also took ! Into cntiHtdprattn a nrnvfainn nf ' which requires the" county clerk to close the registration books 30 days prior to the elec-i i'lon and copy tbe registration Into P" book and voters" 1UI. lt.,11. f.rtie. Itv . . , T i Reports circulated about the ; (Continued on l-.go 8U) ... , , ... ' m lir I 1 V'e' U" W dl 'l1. Umrk.nn, Ia.I X IF If 1U1U11I11 doll THERMOPOLI3. Wyo.. Aug. , ZZtXP-X-.Tvi -aU-ltlrt-nld --have--li-i!Tnrr-a rtvwler'MB. j and a third injured probably ,ornetimo anyway, pending wordldar, iat no reports were recerted fatally when a county automobile. ,he legality of the bond eleo , by' the radio stations on the coast. m which efficer. were bringing ;tlon. . . . . ; Had not Brwin and Eichwaldt two Pro-" down from the, . failed In ' tSir - trip of . mercy mountain, plunged 100 feet Into TkT T flQvorfl I started from the Oakland airport 8 nviae ne" hl,re ,ate 'o" iiNeW LaVa LaVemS llast Thnrlay, the search tor The The dMd: Shcr f F- B Mc" Pnnnrl in OrOO-nn Mi8 Doran and Golden Eagle r,rlane- of Hot Spricgs county. JfOUna m UregOniWoald n,Te en(led tonight- The Calvin T. Stephens, one of the r,rlsoners. ... ITnrier Sheriff F C.olrtfeMnw was reported, dying in a ncspuni here tonight. Officers had arested Stephens and his 16-year-old son at a mountain camp on a charge of stealing some Diangets. on me i return trip. McFarlane. who was i driving, lost control of the ma - .rhlne while neffnttnttnir n turn and the car shot .into a deep ravine. v0ung Stephens escaped with;tance. the cave onen uo and a I n,0r scratches. r ' Oil dll tlC IfllllUCl Baffles Police VP) EUGENE. Aug. 23. Lane .-county authorities today were wondering what to do wlth'east of Bend three years ago. M. K. Lake ot Golden, who has, admitted killing Bert Hubbs on a hunting trip July 31. It is one of the strangest homt c!(H, cases on record here, and. In j ft. full statement. Kodney Roach, deputy game wurdcn. and Frank Hojteia, deputy sheriff. Lake says his conscience Is not bothering htm and anyway it was Hubbs' time to die. The btatement tells how the pair were hunting deer out of season, being on opposite side of a canyon. Once he deer on the trail, thought he saw a deer, but Up He said that when he turned was Hubbs who had a pack on on the lights ot his car Sunday his back and It made him re-; evening In preparation for re semble' a deer. j turning to Klamath Falls, there A few minutes Lake called to 'were two deer, a doe and a Hubbs to stand still as he saw a: yearling buck standing In the deer, the statement said. He! yard about 50 feet from the shot and heard a bellow which I honse. The deer are ery bold ! sounded unlike a deer. Upon in vest I Rat Ion he found Hubbs dead.! COOLIDGE VIEWING YELLOWSTONE PARK OLD FAITHFUL INN, YEL LOWSTONE NATIONAL PARK, Ang. 23. (UP Five thousand' I cheering tourists greeted Presl-, dent Coolldgo ' when his 13-cnrj caravan arrived lute today atj this .famous show- spot, 7,.", DO. feet above sea level. In knickers and overalls, and! vnciitlon-'elothlng, the tourists met the president when he nr-i 'rived. The presidential suite ovcrlooks the geyser which wnaiiiig an American mine owner named Old Faithful because every! named Alexander, to Murra, Au 65 minutes It bolls Into such tvr-'gust 16, when they were fired rifle force It throws clouds of, on. Tho murine returned the water and steam 150 feet in the fire, dispersed the 30 bandits air, nnd killed two, the report said. (Every Colonel Biir William E. Kaaterwood. Jr., of i i Dalas. Tex., has won a colonelcy i on. the ataff of Governor Dsn, Hood , Moody by offering the I25-.000 orixe nrsMi. three-gtoD flight from the Texaf city to Hongkong, j - " r'.n TTIJ XU HU1U UV y A ....'. gamy o, ,ue i"-"""' - - - j uled to go Into the Mate supreme j court for settlement, the county's j road program has not been re- ; Larded. This U according to Connty i It,, torn Fr&A ' tta9 re R. Goddard. who i yesterday stated that the surveys for the various nnlt projects ln-l .... i . . .w- i I Mm i .;"t!.. A 1 ."" - ------ , 'aside for ns by the budget com- -h., .iin.! Lrf tA 'A on ,'d .ttpravo TKI wmtlH hiVn Wn ...m -i.0ik .h. rnA kh I re' Wa-me'Tf'fecVwe o7 there were certain market roadSland ita flotilla of dcMtrnvera and MfllW , tu, .onatruc.ed, L ...j4,a.,i- . .nmrh.i.. . ... . j t. LuI .1.1 .hina m ontlnn. W. I RRKn. Ane. 2. rf'PI Their ' .,..h!i.i.J kink hllrrf In u.! , gregate several miles, tnree neW i caverns of the lava river type. ; have been discovered, in tbe Des- I chutes basin, 28 miles west' of Rolyett. it is learned here from! ; M. II. t.llbert, who explored two :of the lava tunnels. I j The entrance to the largest otj '.h. ihNuv envorn. la . verv small. I no bigger than the opening to 8. covote den: but back a short dls - I hose chamber beautifully sculp - i tured by the action of the river; ot molten rocx wun-u sura 'coursed to an undiscovered destt- "Thu This Is the second group of ;cnves found in the Pend country ; in the past lew years. A wind cavern was found 12 miles soutn- T i Ti. J LOIS 01 UCCr 111 Sky Lake Region ; Deer are reported as being i Rupert Hauser, who with his very plentiful in the vicinity j brother Kenneth, operating- - a of Sky Lakes this year, accord-1 Hauser Brothers Construction ing to Leslie Peyton of Cherry ' company which has the Bend Creek Haven, who reports that! Chemault link In charge, , said lone ot to the the parties who went; lakes Sunday saw six - j this year since they ate air of the garden at Cherry JCreek Haven. Many people have voiced their intentions of hunting in this vl- j cinlty as soon as the season opens in September. ! MARINES AMBUSHED I IN REBEL COUNTRY WASHINGTON, Aug. 23. (UP) Belated reports of a ban dit ambush of American marines near Jicaro, Nicaragua, In which two bandits were killed and no 'murines were Injured were re ceived here today. The marines were arcompany- Morning Except Monday) N0thihg Seen To Enliven Sea Hunt Week's Search for. Missing Flyers Nil; Army Planes jHop Off to Scan Hills.' : SAN FRANCISCO, Aug. 23, (U.P.) Tonight,, week after the monoplane Golden Eagle and the bi plane Miss Doran disap- ,, . i unpcucuiuK banks of . fog which, was to prove the guardian of the fate of the brave flyers and the daring girl who made up their crews, the net re sult of a search into which the U. S, navy and the com- morea nt tha Ta!t; - "-"" "" cvcijr lecuume, was exact- . nothinir " """ ftot eTen tiny piece of an j-airplane wing, rndder or fusllage. not even a splotch of oil noon h,. sur.M . ,h, .-, had been discovered by the scores wi warsniD. airnianes. commar. ctoI Unm. .hlh -.. veraiaieni. search for over six days.;' m,. t,.v - a." bT.mL. .Z. tha In vtial' lll-.aUl ralt.- ai-t .w wi 1 b,"'tn, 'Zr i.nk. ..rni... .hi.K ITT-" "".rr'l"."-" ! ..H,n BtnaM ThnnH. , .1 1, ai, ... - s - w 11 a Tiionuir iSUOG 10 lnSpeCl . i T 1 pfki1w,i. .1011X030. JTrOjeCl . v PORTLAND, Aug. 23. (UP) Ralph Budd, president of tho rallwav wan in j Portland today, and after a short l conferee. with I. e. Oilman- I vint-nreaident. denarted for Bend ' i Rudri'a arrival was the signal for a rumor that he and William isprouie, presieent oi me aouinern - Pacific, who came here Monday, are about to agree on their dlf ferences over railroad develop ments In: central and southern OregoO; ;v : ..: ' . When questioned on the sub ject, both, officials declared thut It waa Just a coincidence and of no significance. , '. Budd departed fof Bend to- ! night wher4 ha will begin on inspection trip . of construc'.lon work on the Bend-Chamnult line. that between five and eight mile 0f the new roadbed Is ready for sleel and that track-laying will start as soon as the Tails are re ceived, probably soon after Sep tember 1. FLAPPER FANNY SAYS A kiss at nine my time. ' I mHj ! V y i '" ' Into u t pat orr 1 IIW T Wit MWVfCt, mc J