The Klamath news. (Klamath Falls, Or.) 1923-1942, August 16, 1927, Page 8, Image 8

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Labor Queens Get
Excellent Start
With a nnw entrant In tn
fare for qnenn of tba Labor Day
celebration sponsored hy the La
hor Tenipls association, Mtus
Thelma liattan, who joined the
queenly content Monday, mana-
era of the bin labor fete which
la combined with
Early In January. 1919, when I
i the enow lay foot-deep In the 1
the Klamath ! fields beyond the chateau and
county fair and rodeo for Sep-1 Ice of the Suite river had to be
tenner t, S, i and S, announced ( broken by the peasant maids
that the contest will be the best j when they tODk their herds ot
ever stated. cows down past the postof rice to .
Josephine Hays, candidate spon-l drink. several companies ot the
sored by the culinary alliance, j S. Medical Corps came to ,
was In the lesd Monday night ; Marao In Haute-Marne. France.,
with 7S50 votes; Thelma Kocnlg.! Detachments were billeted and.
rapenters1 union, played a close ! sraup. of a dosen or more
second with 7,000 rotes. ! soldiers, were assigned to quar-i
niher. .hn Trt-wt n,.ir, "dent stone house.
atandings last night, had amassed!0' EnM Clcrc, a patriarch of
votes as follows: Ida Lambert,:
the village.
Bitter cold It was, and the .
soldiers crava warmth. In the
high-walled yard behind the
house they discovered a huge -pile
of wood. In alx-foot lenghts. i
Very socn they bad a roaring,
fire In the high open grate.
Fugene Cierc, like all the other
villagers ot Marac, had but one
valuable possession his store ot
..Mil Willi ,imos niggardly, putting no
than two of the long,!
laundry workers union, S.000;
' I-aVorne Craven, 3.S75: Edna
Jenson, court house, 1.900; Car
roll Cramer, 1,000; Ruth Llnd
sey. First National bank, 1.000;
Adle Jenkins, musicians' pnlon,
1.000, end Cells . Carn In Piero
clni. 1.000,
Coolidge Praises
Dead Steel Man
RAl'in CITY. 8. !.. Aug. 11,
! (.VIM Hy Ulilmldlng Ilia ' best
I Ideals of coiuuictrs and industry,
K. II. Gary demonstrated that
"success Is attained In largest
measure through adherence to
the highest standards ot Ameri
can business," President Coolidge
declared ti'dav In a telegram of
sympathy to Mrs, Gary.
"I want to express to you."
It said, "my sympathy and the
scoje of personal regret which I
feel In the death ot Judite (lary.
lie stood foremost among these
who find In the great private
enterprises ot our country an op
portunity for public service as
well as a medium for tinanrtnl
profit. He upheld the bext Ideals
ot commerce and Industry ud
proved that success Is attained
In largest measure through ad
herence to the highest staudnrds
ot American business. Ills going
Is a great los to the nation."
jnnw resided here tmiro than the I V
luecessury In years. I.,
(Continued from I'ano One)
(or the tluio bo failed to hold
In li's resignation, Hihuupp
stated he did not wish the coun
cil to be encumbered with his
services It he had been, as al
leged In the I'tN'holt suit, holding
office In violation of the city
ItCfeUlcuCO I'oiitostcil
f The action grew out of the
nlli'PiiUin that Schuupp had lived
In this eily lens than two years
at the time ot his appotutment.
The charter specifies thut a city
attorney must have been a resi
dent of the city two years bo
tore the appointment,
Kxplajmtton for Mayor Walters'
net, advanced by astute politic
ians. Is that Schnupp lacked only
a few weeks of the required two
j years' residence when appointed
jelly attorney. That, It was
pnl in i'l out. occurred several
I mouths ukii. so that 8 haupp has
vviiui rr..,.i ti... u-iil
.... ii,. n.,..i...iiv Mi,u I., ,i. Hchaupii, could not be as-
curtained Munduy uight.
Itlii- Is lluik
A. 1 Klie, city building In
spector' lias returned to his du
ties following a two week's va
cation which ha spent lu south
ern California.
Big kids, skinny kids, tall kids. ,hiB t(,, 0n the blaze of the
short kids, fat kids, all turned hearth at one time and pushing
out to give a royal . reception i cti ,iong. Inch by Inch, as the;
yesterday - to the famous Pled (itme died down.
Piper, who wm a dUtlngutohedj or hM, Mlnertd.j
"u" "T 'against hU old age when he would
s'i KM,th JLll .kP. C".ri to th. for
E00 children visited the store to ! . , ..
receive the gifts from the Pled ." ; ...... J
Th; Pled Viper of 'story book!1"1 ,0. W.l ! telr. 'm years old. who had once
fame never even In the city ot j iT K,' , ,hi. " , bldy ' Kugene Cierc.
... , , the pleasant of Marac who died
profligate and unheard-of . man-j o , broken h wnen ,he
nex. caud him deep concern.; An)erlc,n bnrn(,a his
tie proiesieu. i ue buiuu-ib
laughed him away.
"We'll pay for your wood,
Ilamelin had such a following
as this Pied Piper ot yesterday.
As announced in the News last
week, the Pied Piper appeared at
the Houston ft Jester shoe store
at 4 o'clock where he found
gathered all the Klamath kiddles
that the store could hold.
Tired and happy the Pled Piper
watched the hundreds ot kiddies
, life's store of firewood.
TTinre epterT-wirr
Granpa." they told him. i.c jen i ciivbis
Eugene Cierc saw an officer.) FOR BOOZE MIXUP
That officer, who had alept rather ,
cold himself the night before,' MFDFORD, Aug. 15. (p)
file oast him urrtnr him to come told, him to out in a claim for Fred Docde. 22: William Anrfer-
egain to Klamath Falls as soon 'damages snd it would be honored, son, 20. and Bert Anient, el. alii
as be can. . .1 But Eugene Cierc didn't want of Grants Pass, received jail sen-
; money. His store or nrewooa tences and fines this morning:
was his treasure. It was laid in Justice of the Peace Taylor's
up against his declining years. ; court on liquor possession
Ha argued farther. But the pile charges. The trij were arrested
dwindled, day by day. In a few 'at the Savage Rapids Community
weeks the store was half gone.' club dance Saturday nisht by
tLrA.cromla'nd. T-' ' G. nd
I nia woou. n uum a ww ue aaiu wvaoiDSS VI 11119 couuiy. i wo
! dead. j quarts and a pint of moonshine
(Along in March the outfits, were found after the arrest. Ac
moved out. A bill for firewood cording to the authorities, the
was OK'd by the commanding youths are former offenders,
officer. They were taken to the county
Not long ago . an American Jail to serve their sentences.
' went back to Ma'-ac he first! :
(Goatlancd front Page One)
plane experts are not optimistic
regarding the chances of an early
Prospects Bleak.
Lindbergh, Byrd and Chamber
lln encountered fog and rain.
'Westward, all through the year.
.inri. .1.. .rtr.' .im.t .1.! American to visit the plactf since For results use News Class Ads.
Ways blowing' between 25 and1
40 miles an hour and reducing
. their speed correspondingly.
Before the start of the German
planes, Germany's foremost me
teorologist told the Vol ted Press
that only 13 out of 100 summer
season days were as favorable
for a westward flight.
At Dessau, where the Bremmen
landed undamaged after its bat
tle with the weather, there is al
ready general talk of another at
tempt. Pilots ot the Bremmen
. and Its sister ship, Europa, and;
officials of the Junker company
are to center soon to decide
. whether and when they shall try
again. Officials believe another
attempt will be made.
Euro pa Damaged.
- Physically the Bremmen is
ready for It. All it needs Is j
more tooa ana tuei. i ne europa
did not come off so lightly. In
landing at Bremmen Sunday
night, the plane wis very bsdly
damaged and the engine shaken.
The landing ended hours of
mingled hopes and anxiety
throughout Germany. The
Bremmen has last been reported
over Dublin, heading southwest
ward. Weather reports becsme
steadily more pessimistic. This
morning there came various re
ports that the Bremmen had been
seen on the homeward path.
(Ity Mils. I.KVI McDON'ALD)
News Correspondent
.. Mr. Budd Hall and sister, Mrs.
Almeda Hawn ot Sacramento,
California, motored to the Mc
Donald ranch to spend the day
Thursday from their home at
Merrill. They returned the same
evening. .,
Shorty Ilufand has been visit
ing his father, D. K. RuUnd,
caretaker ot the Illinois Lumber
company, for a few days.
B. F. Anderson made a busi
ness trip around the valley Thurs
day, returning to the Merrill dis
trict the same day.
Mrs. Ed Duncan left for Med-1
ford Friday morning on business
for the Duncan brothers' ranch in
this section, where sho will visit
for several days.
' Mrs. Levi McDonald and Mrs.
Fred Hilton motored to Klamath
,Fslls Wednesday.
; Mr.. Hancock, owner of the old
Langell ranch was a business
caller at the McDonald ranch
Thursday afternoon.
Mr. and Mrs. H. J. Tleknor
pent the wexk-end on the upper!
lake fishing from . their large ;
rancn in mis section.
Mr. and Mrs. William Fordney
of Lore la have sold their store
and are planning to give the new
owner possession soon.
The most valuable
I. ..-..-LI
The Real South American Chinchilla; In
niy way connected with the so-called chin
chilla rabbit. There are only two captive
herds of the Real Chinchilla in existence.
The Real Chinchilla Is native to South America and
Is practically extinct. It took six years with a band
of experienced trappers to capture twelve animals. There
are less than 125 Real Chinchillas In captivity In the
world. One of th only two herds is in Oreson.
Their fur is the most sought ader, the most expensive,
and by far the most beautiful In the world. 1'etts l.ring
from 10t to 1250 each. Wraps of Koal Chinchilla re
tail for MO. 000 to $80,000.
This animal Is the easiest of all animals to raise. They
are vegetearlans. Three Chinchilla consume no more
food than one chicken. Can he raised In small space.
No disease or parasite Is known lo them auj limy live
to he .'10 to 35 years of uKe.
They breed three times a year, producing one to four
pups to a litter. The young breed wiien three to four
months old.
A money making opportunity
Remarkable success has been achieved during the hint
eight years In the breeding of Chinchillas. Today there
Is no fur bearing animal In captivity that can rival the
Heal Chinchilla as a money maker.
three people own all the Real Chinchillas in existence
in captivity. It can be easily seen that the world sup
ply must come from us. When yuii flirure the low cost
of feed and care, the rapid increase lu herds, und th'i
high market price of pelts, you can readily understand
why new fortunes will be made in this-new Industry.
A real opportiinoty Is open to you,. If you will
only Investlj-ate tlx past' and future of tills ' '
rnro animal. Write today for tho complete
information. Kign and mail the coupon Ik-Iov:
The Ileal Houth American Kur Fnnw, Inc.,
511 Morgan, Portland, Ore,
Gentlemen: Please send me full Information In accord
ance with the subject checked below. It Is exjn-essly
understood that this rciiuest places me under no uhliga
llon whatever.
Story ot the Americanization of the Chinchilla.
Business possibilities of the Chinchilla.
Very truly yours.
Town J..'..!..'..;.!..'.....'
Mull Address ... ,
need fragrance
The only tea
whose flavor WiVaCUUm .
is completely prateetcd - kept fresh and traprant
from tea-garden to tea table. Fire kinds of prof i tion
all exclusively Schilling fur the true tea flavors
known only in the Orient: (1) 7i'cr-toasted - the
. only way to unmask rich hidden flavors of a tea leaf.
(2) Then tKe leaves sealed in vacuum (like your coffee)
.... but seated f f
HOT at its most " - "
(J) The world's only
key-wind vacuum tin
to protect it even
r aromatic moment.
Don't 'M
Let . , h1
Infection ' v
Your '''
Health " ' VI 'r.
V .
Examination Free
Open Evenings
X-Ray , Service
IWlUlry With a Written 1
jugarmsn Bldg. (th A Muln
X liny F.tamlnatlons ;
Open Kvrnliiua :
Come and
Get 'Em
Down on the Tracks in Front
of S. P. Station.
Peaches Peaches . Peaches
Box and a half for the price of one
box; $1.08 to $1.50.
The finest peaches that ever
hit Klamath.
We'll be on the ground from ,"
8 a. m. until 8 p. m.
tat tea ... with a Snug Cover
after you open it. (4) Of the many grades ot Urange
Pekoe, only the choicest, most fragrant, are blended
with Pekoe in Schilling's. (J) Vonr grocer protects
you he returns your money instatuly if you don't
like SchiUing's best.
You keep the tea. OjH!f7g5
Your money back if 'you don't like
Schilling's best
Also Green MTca f Japan)
We Can Meet Any
Mail Order Prices
We htvo k full utofk of
trliHl fixture for rtmmrrltil
and rtdoutUi ,iiir,Km. htm'l
ct unplip fur tli new build'
fnic beforo w huvo Unti ti
clidiite tu Cituro on them.
"IHI.Ii IHTI.KIt, 1'r.ijv."
I'liuno 171 Till & hluniHlh
How to Protect
Some unrecorded deed, an error In the record.,
the appearance of lomt hitherto unknown claim
ant may crop up omrlime and cloud the title tu
property you own. I'rotrct yourKlf auut the
cxpciiM ot lltiistlon ilirousti
Issiicii through ui by the
Title and Trust Company
When It guarantees any tide It will pay all rv.
prnMs of drfrndlng II in court, and tncaieof lou
will rcimbunc the holder ot lu title Insurance.
Only One Payment and the
Sit MAIM . 1'IIONK 100 it1!
Potato Diggers
are light draft diggers. Full length s'.aggered
rod link elevator.
The long, sloping front end gives a minimum
of vine trouble. '
Ask Anyone Who Has Used One
We also have the THOMPSON hand and pow
er potato graders, shaker and endless chain
Baskets. Scoops and Forks
6th & Klamath Phone 0
Our Laundry Service Is Second To None In Oregon.
Get The New City Laundry Habit. j
Spic and Span
for Fall!
The return of cooler days re
news activities vacations have
interrupted. And, of course,
the need for clothes is empha
sized. ..But rather than buy a
new w a r d r o b c, have your
clothes given an added span
of life by our Dry Cleaning
process. y
Looking New
In a manner most pleasing,
we new the original appear
ance of your clothes. Spots
are removed, colors are bright
ened up, and shapeliness is
restored And the moat deli
cate fabrics come back un
manned. Gall Phone No. 154
'for our driver. You'll find
the service and charges en
:ire!y to your liking.
The New Gity Laundry
Phone 154 '
t- t