The Klamath news. (Klamath Falls, Or.) 1923-1942, August 16, 1927, Page 1, Image 1

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    IT T -'w,sa"fflorflS T
The Klamath News
Official Vupcr
County of Klamath'
The nhn'Ji r;:T b
! i Official Vt?zt''X
of KWtH Falb
V()1- 4, No. 230 Price Five Cents
(Every Morning Except MoncLr?)
But Gets
Job Back
Mayor Reappoint City
Attorney and Coun
cil Concurs Unani-
mously in Action
Ostensibly the reaction to
ii ituit filed In circuit court
recently by Flunk Pucholt
in which Iih petitioned re
moval of A. W.' Schaupp mm
eity attorney on technical
(.'rounds, Mayor Tom B.
Walters Monday night per
petrated a coup d'etat dur
ing city council meeting by
reappointing to city alter
ncyahip A. W. Schaupp
following tho latter offi
cial's resignation.
First action, whli'h enme with
tutprise thai rlertrlflrd (he
spectator In the cuunrll cham
ber, occurred when Srhnupp ten
dered his wrlllrii resignation to
till) city rounrll. Without
quevt,r In the tenor ( the coun-
rllmaiilr tncln. tho ' realgn illon i
was turmai.y acrcpira.
Then Mayor Walters released
Ills own private thunderbolt .by i
statin In an eveu voire that he
therewith re-appolnted tiehaupp
aa city attorney, aulijert to the
council's approval. Thla rime at
once, unanimously, and Schaupp,
within a few minutea after he
had resigned his pout
city's legal advisor, agalu look
up his advisory duties.
Jewts Follow
Consldernble Jcnllng at I he al
iasluu'. ...... . . . , ,
i." "'.7""'. ". "Tr'-JL1" "r"4
as to how It seems to be out of
office, and whether or not hla
Hilary" rould bo legally cat down
(Cum In uel on r-'g" elijlii)
Initial Steel On
G. N. September 1
The first link In the ribbon or
steel which ultimately will con
nect Klamath Falls with He nil
and provide rail competition in
the Klamath bsiln. will probably
lie put In place September 1.
according to Kenneth lluun-r or
Hie Huuser Brothers Const ruction
niiipuny. tn this city from the
si-eno of construction work on
the tierat Northern extension, j
Munduy night. !
. All grading Is progressing In
highly satisfactory shape, with
I, ho ii l 200 men and from 400 to
"TitlO tennis scattered along the
mrlous sub-contracted units of
ft.the project, all engaged In com-
plating grudei preparatory to the
laying or steol, It waa atuted. I
Despite the fact that steel will j
undoubtedly be on Uib first
stretch of the grado by the first I
of Hie mouth, grading will con-1
tlntie until mid-November, Mauser
sulci, as pluns are to follow up the
grading crews with stoel, ns rap
idly as possible.
The cmlro. line between the end
of the Khevlln-lllxon logging rail
road and Chtmiatilt, where the
Great Northern will connect with
the Southern Pacific, la humming
with activity, some of which Is
apparent from the highwuy skirt
ing the line of survey.
Fire Fighters
Holding Flames
PORTLAND, Aug. 15. (IP)
It was assumed loilny that
fighters working to keep down
fires In the national forest re-
serve of Oregon and Wnshhtgton
wero lioillins muir wwu Hi
tails for ntlltlonul men can
nm.i l
lliti district office here over the
Weather conditions todny wore"o pnsalng of Its most Important
described as only fulr. Humidity
was slightly miller normal with
modorute temperature. That
m Aims, it was explained, thut
hero la no great hnr.nrd rromJey rrom the nation's strongest
now rlros nnd yet conditions ore
not overly good tot extinguishing
existing blnxes.
Major John D. Gutltrle of the
Portland office til Ilia roresl ser
vice, told tho United Press toduy
that ho was certain Hint Ilros
tiro not spreading or more meji
would have bean railed out and
pn such requests wore recolved.
John D., Jr., Home
Few photos ever tuken of John
I). Rockefeller. Jr., reveal so.
latrfklnr a n.t.nilil..ii.A In lila !
if iher at ,,a one. made upon his
return to ew l tin on the s. H.
Majestic from a volute tu France.
Pulmotor Fails i
To Save Youth
Ail efforts of Klamath Fulls
firemen to save the life of 7.
' Hlrhard Stephenson, son
oi .nr. ana Mr, ueorge mepnen-i
Ron. 7 26 I'ltim. through uu of
1 1 ho flro deimrtmpnt pulmotor, i
iuiii-u muaur, sou iiiu iuu sue
umMnl, to. jinaiJliiint which he
had been suffering.
The pulmotor was rushed to
the hospital when the boy began
sinking and doctors saw In the
npplinuce a Inst hope to keep'
life In th little body while thcr!Tl,e "craft-carrlBr I-angloy and
fought for a few hours more to
save him.
Kfrorts or the firemen to resus
citate the boy were rullle. how
ever, as he virtually breathed his
Inst before the apparatus bad
an opportunity to (unction.
Water Committee I c. D.Ka
Olitl IS 113 1 IUUV.
KI'OKANK. Waih.. Aug. 15. ;
(,T Eighteen members or the
national hotisa of representatives, t
neurly all of them members of
'the committee on reclamation
j and Irrigation, began their ln-j
spectlon of the Columbia 'basin .
project today with a trip to Sana
Point, liluho. to board a boat for
n cruise on Lake Pf nd d'Orelllo.
They gathered Itere yesterday
and spent tho day Informally,
Some of them are ncrompanlcd
by members or their- families,
After inspecting Hie proposed
source or water supply for the
I project today, tho party will
j return here tonight for a han
qut'ns the guests or tho 8o
I kune chamber or commerce.
Elbert Gary Dies
j At Age of Eighty
I NEW VOUK, Aug. 15. (U.P.)
! Judge I'.lbert II. Gary. 80,
lihnirmun ot the board or dlree
I tors or tho I'nltod Stales Steel
i corpora Hon, died today, and aa
when a reigning monarch pusses.
I word or his death waa kept from
I the world 'or hours, to prevent
In panic.
Judge Gary died In his Firth
avenue home at 3:40 a. in. of
I chronic myocarditis luriamatlon
it-.n., tl.nns
"v "-"V-
Not until nearly eleven a. m
did the stock exchnnge learn of
Indlvldunl factor.
' Ily-tlien a seeming miracle had
been arranged. A combination In
action of untold millions of mon-
bnnkers, was ready.
Instead of panic, instead ot
tremulous fluctuation, steol olid
lis ' ncconipnnylng leader held
stonily (lien actually rose as
though the death of Its domlnnnt
figure for a quarter of a century
mennt no nioro than the scalding
of a pudtlltir, heat In the flaming
maw of some steel mill,
P lanes
I by a number of growers whoj
Two Ai'mKins Forced ' potato riy Ut spring.
?ir,n,P rorcea ( ,ur AUKU.t dlKging riy .hip-,
to Abandon PI ant 'mem ua n puritabie,
(.. !...., J i I southern markets existing In late,
tor Westward nop;Alllllut H early Kpiiuir.
Across Atlantic T,e "i""1 wl" 3 ,outh ,n rH
frlgerator cara. well-iced to ln-j
' (sure Bale delivery In the heat of j
. ,., ,. . - iaummcr, and the flrat ahlpmeut .
UIvbSAU, Germany, Aug. j W probably be made early j
15, '(U.P.) Fog, rain and I next week; Henderson stated.
or ;i v, i i i I "Thla has never been tried In!
Klamath county. Hcnderaon de
beaton the second attempt lctarej, "but I aee no reason why
to tro.w the .V. !:intk' by air- It should not be successful, and
plane from east to xvo.l and I
ruined Mci'ioiiM (binbt regard
ing tho chitr.ciM of finy avia
tor to make the, flight at
an early date.
Two (ierman Junker mono-
plnnrs atarted out frouP leanau i
Sunday afternoon.
fin. ..t
planes, tho Europe, turned back.
beaten Sunday night.
The other, the Hrenimen, r-
turned to Dessau at 4:24 p. m. 1
today after iZ hcurs 4u mlnutcs:and may run as high as SO. Tbosei
In the air. i
4'uuldu't llurk Wind.
Hoth planes started In perfect '
running order. Each harnessed
bower euual to that of 31U horses
and neither was able successfully
io buck the elements that con
stituted almost a typk-al sum
mer's day over the North sea and
the north Atlantic.
Itemembering liiat the first at-
tempt was thai or tne rrenen-
mun Vtintr.HMwr mil ffili whn
never have been heard from
(t'ontlnui-d on page eight)
1 1 C IlAcfrnVPre
To Aid Aviators
IE i ft,
Seveu destroyors will die In line
01 main 10 renuer any enier-
gency assistance to the Dole prize j
. . '
Honolulu filers who take off from
tle Oakland alruort tomorrow. ;
ine iirrraii-iPHuer Arvomuun " thi4.ii.rh th Kuurd rail UK and.. ... . " --ne luture oi your our is awur-
will be held In readiness. ""-"- " " ' " " ,De o'ern racnic n.s re- g ,he past month, and waa the ld and ,
venture to say that when
Rear Admiral Washington.: blng ,urmMl enro,lla-; served XSO aeats ranging In price most threatening. It was sign-1 1 come bark next year. If I so
commandant of the lath naval dropped to the ground 10 feet;from 120, 125. $30. 40.;ed "black hand Boston," was , snap6 my pan!1- i wl)l tiud atln
district at San Francisco, notified below. 'A fight fan wishing to attend the i printed' in ink and indicated thf f)ne buildings, even greater
the navy department that the; Morris and Curie, enroute. evl- big bout then has only to signify writer was Illiterate or seeking ; business activity and new indus
riestroyers Ilaxelwood. Myer and dently. to the beach, were killed,; his intention and a round-trip to appear so. ! tries."
Sumner would be stationed 100. probably Instantly early yester- raln and pullman ticket will be I It said: "Georgie leave the I ' . , '. .
200 and 400 miles rospectU'ely day morning when their car, : arranged and his seat reserved ; state at once. Or your life will earr",oaa yf or nl nd
from San Francisco Hay, while! driven by Morris, leaped from for him in any spot In the house, j go and you will get this." A j '. '
four riestrovers. headed hv the'the highway 100 feet east or
McDontiuKh which sailed from
iiugoinii! (or Seattle on Salur-:east
day, are expected to be about
midway on the flight across by
,he tlnle the air derby starts..
New Marketing
Plan for Spuds
To Be Tried Out
I An Innovation-In-the market
,' In of Klamath potatoes and .
'one which, according 10 ' A.j
I Henderson, county gent. will J
prore extremely prolltable If,
' successful Is to Iih carried out
I within a few days when the Unit
of several carloads of spud are
i shipped south on Ice.
. The plan Is being consummated
."; ' ZT.XiSZ
(liable turn to our potato Indus
try here. These early potatoes
will . undoubtedly encounter a
! atrong market In the aoth, and
ilf the venture works out satla
i factorily thla year It will prob
1 ably be developed Into major pro-
portions next eeaaoa
Ordinarily the flrat
ahlpped from here
leave about
October 1. Henderson pointed out.
i How many early cars will leave
here could not be learned. Hen-
derson stated It might be 15 cars
who planted .early for the reef-
er" shipments, will likely start
digging this week. . '
Highway Wrecks
LOSl IjIVcS Ol U,l
iitirtlluac automobile
death for three men over Sun-
(rack at4
'' ol,e on ,he r,c6
the 12-mlle corners.- th other
two on the Hlllsboro highway.
I The dead: Lloyd Krohn. 18.
auto-racing driver of Seattle.
Artie L. Morris,
Peter Curie. 26.
Si, Portland.
, - 1. .... ... .UkI.. D
r.. of Elks' two-day pro-1
. . i,.H Ktur.i
snm ot f" ., , V I
ateeDly-banked turn as he heasi
into the home stretch, torolne ..wndT ...... .
Hock Creek bridge, two miles,
of Hillsboro. and came to
a slop against tne trestle or ine
'aciflc line at the bot-ltn
Queering the Act
:ix;v;r - - I
V' A N ' -v
! ft:
I .... l. - i
"King Ben" Purnell, leader
fied In the rolonv'a defense against
dissolve It. The large picture
I prime, before the state investigation of his acts began: inset ahows
him as he looks today.
worn down
Special Train is
uomg 10 r ignis
i If you want to see the Demp-,
sey-Tunney fight and have the
' necessary cash, all one need do
is let J. J. Miller of the South.
, t v .
! nuurs anu ue 11 nx inn un. A
P-I1 ln ha; been arranged
for ana v.:
Jtave San Francisco
Rnl.mllI. nn
j Two tickets have been takenlcrune drawing of a pistol fol-;
up by Klamath business men and
; it is expected that before Septem-i
oer 19in a number more will oe
the market for accommoda -
i tions.
of the House of David sect, testi
the state of Michigan's attempt
shows him as he looked In his
by worry and illness.
Woman Judge is
tow to liet uut
1 . - -
; (CP.) Threatened with death
unless rha leaves tho state .
i .a.L r- t,i,w
v.....u. "',
trate, wai guarded by deputy
- -.....
. sherffs Monday nght while
' arch wis urn;, m ay for the au-
thor of a "black Land" note.
! ' e " . f8 106 .ini one
' lowed. ' j
After the signature, the post-
, script warning: "ion cannot
, escape, , was added.
Bodies of Wreck
Vlpfltnc I YsotaHi
v vvAailh3 UWttiVU
H1LLSBOKO. Aug. 15. (fP)'llne crOM Oregon. .
Apparently dead for several a letter addressed to cham
hours. the bodies of A. L. Morris bers of commerce and other
and Porter Curie. Portland, were groups, the commission says that
found in the wreckage of a light Interest must be shown If such a
automobile near here Sunday.
The car had plunged Into a
fill near the Kock Creek bridge.
Cause of the accident has not
: been determined but It is thonght
in.? uiMf-uuie iMuuseu u-um a lo -
foot embankment and crashed
into a tresset along' the road.
The skulls of both men were
lighting ions
The proposed new ornamental
lighting, system for Main and
South Sixth streets cameup ror
discussion once more at the city
council meeting last night, when
two new plans were talked ror the
I style lights to be Installed.
V One or the proposals for the
new system, advocated eight lights
tn tho hlnrfc ntt Mnln n,t at
lights to the block on Sixth, while
the other set forth ideas for few-
!r nhi fr, -iho Mmv
The rirat nlan was accorded
major approval and It was point-
ed out that the council previously
favored the eight-light system ror
Main. Finn! decision will be, the eight members ot the Mac
made at a later'date. Donald family who were sleeping
The fire enalne was called to'
703 North Ninth street about
8:30 last night to extinguish al"" responsible for saving the
small blase on the garage which i"ve" ' Bt let three , member
: started after hot ashes had been,01 ,ne wacuonaia tamtiy.
i thrown Into a box behind the ga -
rage. I solve the mystery of the ex-
Ileyond scorching the side of plosion. It was at first thought
the building there was no dam- leaking gas may have been re
age. 1 I sponsible. .
! Injured Infant
Lies Near Death
Following Crash
( Hovering between life and
death, the tiny Infant belonging
te Mr. and Mrs. Mervln Isaacs,
perhaps fatally Injure when It
was thrown from an automobile
on The Dalles-California highway
late Saturday night aa two cars
j craahed together, waa taken to
i ita home near C'hlloquln Monday
j where the battle for life contln
. ues.
I This Is according to word at
: the sheriff's office Monday. The
; Infant, which was started for a
local hospital In a passerby's car
! a few minutea after cara driven
! by Alvln Jackson and Wirt Doo
i son had collided, according to
i Information given Sheriff Burt
Hawkins and Deputy Sheriff L.
1 C. Mueller, waa taken Instead to
Pelican City, where It received
medical treatment.
The two Klamath officers, ac
companied by Dr. O. S. Newsom.
county health officer, were called
to the scene of the accident Sat
urday evening, when Dobson'
turned the lighter machine drive
by Jackson and In which the
Isaacs were riding. ' completely
over. The infant was catapulted
from Ibthe overturned automobile
and seriously injured, although
none of the other oecnpanta sus
tained more than painful braise
and cuts.
Reports on the accident and the
condition- c.f th baby reaching
the sheriffs office Monday, stat-
ed the infant la far from being
out of danger.
Klamath Praised
By New York Man
. Klamath Kails was highly com
plimented on Its substantial
growth during the past II
months by George O. Heye. New
York City ' capitalist, who with
his wife s'nd a party arrived here
last night from the south. .
"I keenly anticipated a return
this year in the course ot my
trip over the United States, to
1 your thriving eltn" Hey told
! the press upon bis, arrival here
I Monday. "Here about thla time
! fT 1 Impressed by the
it Is now, in all lines locally.
. Having committed myself to
t . "Having committee, myseu to
,ne prediction that the growth
would continue, and still con-
ttnue. then. I naturally am gra ti
, fled to learn that I waa right.
Ask Support For
Railroad Project
SALEM. Aug. 15. (UP) The
public service commission of Ore
gon Is seeking the support of vari
ous civic organisations in a fight
for an east and west railroad
' Hue Is to receive the favorable
attention of the Interstate Com
merce commission.
"Whether we win or lose this
case depends to a large extent
jupon suppport given ua oy tne
several communities and civic
j organisations of this state," the
j communication says in ''urging
that petitions In behalf ot the
lease be filed.
Man Killed in
Futile Search
MONTREAL, Quebec. Aug. 15.
j I Pi Five persons were killed
land six Injured by flames, smoke
and debris from an explosion
wbfch blasted Its way through a
wall and ignited an apartment
1 """
I ,odjr'
Vanxenso Collette. J5, lost his
life while searching for hla wife
fr children Who had S-
Kaped. ; v
i Smoke entering the second
! story Hat asphyxiated four ot
Mrs,.James MacDonald escaped
' discovered exhausted on
Rn adjoining roof. Neighbors
! Firemen today were trying to i
9 Planes
, , - t .
Lined Up
For Racs
To Hawaii
Airmen Ready (or LI?
Pacific Flight;. First
Pilot .Will Start at
Noon : 1
, .. . , i.t '
uaauuiu ah uort- tit-
fornia, Aug. 15, (U.P.)-r
xt: IMA. 1 . '
viiuts awiiv airpjunes are
awaiting the signal which
will send them flashing
away Tuesday on the ''race
of the century" a grind of
2,408 miles to Honolulu for
the James Dole prizes." !,, ,
Lined no in a great seml-clrcl
at the east end of the Oakland
Airport's runway, just as they
were on the eve of the day- set
originally for the' hop-off,
multi-powered racers were get. ng
their final inspection Monday
Confidence for the s'art 'Has
echoed In reports from th Varl
oua camps. Postponement of the
flight from last Friday to Tues
day has erred to move' away
many of the troubles and much
ot the tension that developed
last week. v :. t t-
Pass An Teats. "
All ot the pilots bar paaaed
their flying and navigation toata ,
and the atmosphere at the field,
charged with blttermeas ' last
week, has cleared perceptibly. '
Captain Erwtn of Dallas, Tex.,,
was the last to qualify. -' With
his navigator, .Ivan EtchwaMt,
Erwin flew hi "Dafla ' Spirit"
over the course with precision' and
speed. ' He will be 1b ninth sosi-,
Uon at tb atart,. , i --
The race tw arot aa exact
time basis and the first to reach'
Wheeler Field. Island of Oahn,
will win tk. S9C AAA flH, k.I.a
(Oaatlaned aa Page Six)
Oklahoma brouo n
Pay Good Visit
' t' -
When Oklahoma does adythlkc
she does it well, and doe -it tttf.
That is Oklahoma' repatattad
and she demonstrated yesterday .
to Klamath Falls people .last
she live up to that re pn tat km.
William Holden. manager., of
the chamber of commerce of. Tl
aa. Merritt J. Glass, capitalist ot
Talsa aad president ot the state
realty board, A. H, Roger,'p4esi
dent of the Tulsa realty bdaM.
G. Kenneth Miller, of the Tnlaa
World and Toby La Force of Tulsa
Tribune, were the leading fadlJsrs
in the excursion part ot 7.a
Added to. the Oklahoma erwd
wa sa delegation ot realtora frons
Washington, D. C, numberingi V.
Thev had all been to the national
real estate mens convention at
Seattle and were, on their wy
south. , 1 1
At a .luncheon In thef Jhdw
Pelican cafe speeches were mad
b the Tlsitors telling at their .
land, of oil, and farming and.
these were responded to by Ttast-v
master T. P. Henderson, Ed.
Pike of Pelican Bay, C. A. 'Hen
derson, county farm agent, who
told the visitors of Klamath bas
in lumber and farming. It was
a very good-natured contest tell-
IUB, Ul I CDU II -TB VI sua w V suwassi
mon wealths. . . , ,, '
lew'! a (
ss css is ws
mt stv vsst
Wie wtw lansbs first haa ftptf
- Sfe . .
i' '
. ' .Mi
Qiier at iu miwci ay. '