,iMaW 4 VW .-,'( -it u " 4-e,ijp . .r T ;y uesHay; a tibial 1027, i tHE KLAMATH NEWS -1.: ' I rf-r-r Two Cents a Word Each Insertion Talrpboae S77 TxwCe;:trx a Wcrd Each Interi' Tg WANT AB PAGE CLASSIFIED AD RATES Two cents per word each Mm il In printed. Home ad run one week 10 pr uont dlacouul. Hum ait ran on month SO per cuul discount. TELEPHONE 877 TIIK I1KJ MARKJCT 1-LACK. rOR SALE, REAL ESTATE KCHt HALE IaAb fmin $160 tip. , Modern homes, as low aa 1 1 bu .(VJ)'lllUl down. CAIt ACCEPTED as flrat pay ment 'mi cloio In bom. I.A ORANOK, home to trad for property hero. noOMINO house, good location, only 1110U. WELL PAYINO grocery, 12600 malt riulred. OUT OK TOWN bakery. Worlh looking ovor. O. B. HAE, REALTOR 214 Kji.i Main Phone 108 FOR HALE $3160. New fonr room house, bath, breakfast ' nook, laundry, range, linoleum. - tulll-tna and garage. $1100 to loan company, car and cnah ' for bnlanca. Owner, 62S Low VI HI. FOR SALE Modern tour-roo-n bouse In good location, with rani and linoleum. Pboue 4S6-J. FOR BALE One of the boat business corners on Main S:. Re Mra. Nate Qlterbetn. if you want To buy a home; aell a home; buy a lot; aell a lot; buy noma acreage; aell aorae acreage, or rent a place: Bee MRS. NATE OTTERBEI.V. REALTOR Phone Hi 001 Lincoln Hl'MMONH KOIt l'UH.ICATION foully No. Slot IN TUB CIRCUIT COURT OK TIIK STATE OK ORKOON, FOR KLAMATH COUNTY. Mary K. OLoughlln. Italntlff, va. ilonfri-,1 II. Oarcutte, Merlon I). Thrift. Martha K. Oarouilee: ...the uuknown helra of the fore going partlea. It any are de epened, and all other peraona or partlc unknown claiming any right, tide, eatate, lien or Interval In the real property dn acrlucd In the complaint Jn thla cauae, lfndauta. - IN THE NAME OF THE 8TATH1 tF ORKOON: To the above named defendants: You and) each of you are hereby re uttered to appear and answer the complaint filed against you In the above entitled ault, on or he fore Tueaday, August 23, 1027, v that being the last day of the tlmo preacrlhed In tha order tor publication of thla summons. And If you tall so to answer or appear, for waut thereof, plain tiff will apply to the Court for the relief prayed for 4n her com plaint, to-wlt: Kor judgment and ilecroo that you have no estate, til lo. claim, Hon or Intercat In, to or upon the -following describ ed real property, to-wlt: Situate In Klamath County. Oregon. Lot IT (rod 1. of block 30. and Lots 10. 20 and , 21, of lllocki 38, oT Hot Springs I Addition to 'the City of "Klam ath Kails. - i And for further dec roe that you be forcvor enjolnod and de barred from asserting any claim whatever to said premises ad verso to plaintiff, for ptalntlU'k coats and disburse moots Incurred , lu this ault, and for such othir and further relief an to the Court may scorn equitable. Thin nammons la - published onco a week for four successive weeks In the Klamath Nowa. a dally newapaper printed, pub lished and of general circulation In Klumath County. Orogon, by order of the Hon. A. L, Loavltt, Judgo of the above Court, en tered on July 23. 1027. The data of first publication of this aunt mens U July 20, 1027. R. C. OROESRECK. Attorney for Plaintiff, Address: American National Rank nuMdlng, Klamath Kails, Oregon. Jy2S.A.2-0-16-23. Hl.MMONS KOR PUBLICATION Equity No. lilKW I IN TUB CIRCUIT COURT OK TUB RTATB OK OREGON . FOR KLAMATH COUNTY. The First National Dank "of Kla math Falls. Oregon, a Corpora tion, Plaintiff. va. (inorgn W. Fox and Viola D. Kox, Defendants. TO: OEOROB W. FOX AND VIOLA I). FOX, DEFEND ANTS: IN TUB NAM13 OK THE STATE OK ORSOON, You, and each of you. are hereby required lo appear -and anawer the com plaint filed against yon In the nuove entitled ault, on or before the 30th day of August,. 1927, lhat being tho last day of the time prescribed In the Order for Publication of thla Summons, and If you fall "o to appear and an awer, plaintiff will apply to the f Court tor the relief prayed tor 1 in lt complaint, to-wlt: Kor juUumont agalntt jow and each .-,tia-f' FOR SALE, REAL ESTATE LET YOUR VIKION UK Yolll (II'IOB-FOR THREE IiAYb ONLY, AN OPPORTUNITY. $2500. terms, buy 38 aires land iitn r luwn; hub ml lo river frontage. Suitable fur musk rain, nil. bit, chickens, truck farming or lirk eite. Poor-room noun furnlahrd; nw. than Dtxon'e addition. Less COSt. KOU RKNT Three and fiur- room houses. A HEAUTIKl'L building lot fac ing Conger Ave., vary cheap tn r mi. HOTEL, grocery aloro, rooming lion, apartment bouse, lu uulro JOHN C. FRENCH, CO., REALTOR 130 Ho. 71 li Hi. Phone 1410 FOR SALE OR TRADE FOR SALE OR TRAHE 164 ucre ranch In I-angell Valley, under Irrlnntlon. Inquire (It Alameda. Klamnlh Falls, Ore. What have ru? MISCELLANEOUS nOAItll AND ROOM, 135.00 and $40.00 per month. 352 North loth Ht. Mra. (Irnre Rape. EXCELLENT table board. fl.VO per day. Itoouia 1( doslred. 508 Plum Ht. RAWLEKill.S OOOI HKAJ.TH prortucta. II. M. Metralf, 4 30 Aridlaon. phone 14K8-W. of you for thn anm of 2300.00. tngelhtfr with Intercat thorecu at he rale of rlislit per .'lit 18) por annum Irjm December 8. H30; for the further eum of $3.14, together with lutereit thereon from July 27. 1127. at the rate of eight per cent (X); tor the furtl'er mini of $75.00 as renaonr lib aitorney'H faca to be allowed he'i'ln. and l.t Ita coala land illli.ii"eiueii'H- hirurreil by plaintiff In ItiU mue. and for a decree Unit the following deacrlb el premlaoa, to-wli: Hiluate In Klnm.ith County. Oregon. Lot tine II). Hlock Nine (U). .Virth Klam-ith Kalla Aiblltlon to Klamalh Fulls, Kla muth County. Ori-gon. be aolil In the manner provided l.y law and that the pmceeda of aurh auto lie applied lo the aalla fnction of the auma aoovo incn loned. aa aeeurlty for the par- ; ineni of whli h a:iid premUea e-vro Imoilgaged to plaintiff; and timt I thu dvlcndiinia, and cai'li of tht'in, and. nil pemona clali.llun by or under them or eiihitr of thum, be debarred of all light, title or lutarvat In and tj aald ptemlecs, except right of atatu tery redemption, and for sucn other and further relief oi to the Court may seem cqultnblo. This aummona la published once a week for four weeka by order of the Honorable A. 1 Leavltt, Judge of the above en titled Court, duly entered on July 30, 1927. The date of the first publication of' thla aummona la August 2. 1927. R. C. OROESRECK. - Attorney for Plaintiff. Address: The American Hank Ttldg, ' Klamath Falla. Oregon. A.2-9-1C-23-30. Motor to Crater Lake The Misses ('Mover. Ruth, and Mar guerite Llndacy, accompanied by Lloyd Illgdon and llnbe Green, motored to Crator Lake Sunday here they apent the day. OUR BOARDING V0BLIC OVVICIAU, tViL0RE,l; Blfi GAME Htltt-TEH, AmD BACHELOR or ARTS. B6I16 T0BceO-t0-rMri MEUIAL-rA4'IC'' A OF VlASHIItSS DI5teS!- A DEPLORABLE aSXk6Z.,J I BV-3i3Ve!--VERILVBtlS'TER I SllAkif FORGET -WIS JRAS-tlC-lrJEAlMeU-rf; JO, FOR SALE . HET OK NEW fandango auto aval rovnrs, cheap, fur Pack aril lm. See L. Kliifcuford, Empire Hotel. ' KOIt BALK tlmall Mcnloe Way. - range. 1.T46 9-21 FOR BALE At a sacrifice, din ing table, buffet, six dining iliulra with leather lean. 435 ft. Snd Ht. ' FOR BALK ('heap. Hewing ma chine, wiiahlnx mafhlno, wring er, waitress, carpet awecper, crib ami mattress, curlalna, rlc. Apply fi33 N. 9th St. or I'hnne 470-W. . . 7 KOR SALE New "household fur niture. Inquire at Arcade Apia., Mm. I, H. Fleming, 7-01 FOR HALE lleautlful Kantian kittens: also two valuable mothers. Will treed free. Ileanm. haven't room. Dr. Nor rvall. Itonaata. Ore. FOR' UAI.K Alfalfa hay: 200 tnua at $9,00. 1). C. 'Alexander, llox 780, Klamath Fa IK A3tf ORKAT RANOE bargaln-Hnve three extraordinary wooil and coal rangna at quick aatq price. Must be sold at onre. Come and see them. W. E. Flxum. . 21 .Main Bt. ' 3-Ct FOR BALE- Cheap. 12S Ford Tudor sednn. In good conxlltlon. Two new tires. 8m It at K12 ' 1 1 vlilon. FOR RALE Vlctrola cotuofe. it records, f00. Homo good New .eaisnd Red ttabblta. Phone S23-W. FOR HALE flood aecond-hand outside door, tiaed only few montba, 1 42 Bo. " RlreraJde. Phone 102J, or call at 618 11th Bt. FOR SALE Remington typewrit er, good condition, only $30 raah. 210 Wllllla lildg., Phone 227. NOTICE OK HALK OK HEAL PROPERTY KOIt OKLIX- . OCEXT IMPROVEMENT A-HI-JSMMENT. Ry virtue of a Warrant Isatted by tho Police Judge of the City of Klamath Falls. Oregon, dated the 16th day of July. A. I).. 1927. and to mo directed, i notice la hereby given that I hsive levied upon the followlng-daicrlbed real property, to-wlt: Lot . Illock 20. Original Town Addition to the City of Klamath Falls. Oregon, taken and levied upon the property of Ernestine K. Ileldrich. In eatiafiartlon of a certain paving Ilea created and docketed by the City of Klamath Fulls, Oregon, for a proportionate 'share of tho cost of Improving Tenth Improvement Unit, which said lien Is docketed In Volume 3 of the Rond Lien Docket of said city at page 23 thereof on the dato of July 8, A. D., 1919, In tho sum of 1772.78. Notice Is also hereby given that the underlined will, on the 19th dax of August A. I).. 1927. at tho hour of 10 o clock a. la. of aald day, at the front door of tho City Hnll In said City, sell at public auction to the highest bidder for rash In liimd, the aforementioned and described real property, or ao much thereof aa may be necessary to satisfy tho abovo Hen In the sum of $772.78, together with Interest thereon at the rate of 6 per cent per annum trom the 8th day of July. A. D.. 1919. and togelbor with the costs and diaburaements Of aalu hereunder. KEITH K. AMRROSE. Chief of Pollen of the City of Klamath Falla, Oregon. Jy20-26;A2-t-lt. HOUSE AuL I loiovd lABoiit PlfrlES, PO-fS AlV PAiS OP TOR , OF -W NOli 50 'EM .. bo we CAW UEA-Rll HOvJ' j A J a A. A A JXtUx CT. v. ? nJe-iZ 5v aytataWtaMOaaMtaaMt,.' .. -- riMi4$ai -PlVrnfr FOR RENT FOR RENT 1-room furnished , apartment on .avbmcnt. Porch, ground floor, light and wator furnlhhed. t'tti of balh, phone and tulw. $1 00 per month. Inqulra 001 Alameda, vhouc 2'J-J. FOR RENT Unfurnlahod. three-! room bo ii no 10 mlnuioa walk Trom 6th and Main. 2 blocks from California avenne paving. Clean and in good condition, -phone 2US-W. 17.60. K$R ItENT Furnished, 2-room brum), large back porch; In side toilet. Near depot on gra veled street, (17.50. Phone 20r,-V. lOR RENT Funilabed. B-room and bath upper apartment on hill 4 blocks from court houae. electric atore, garage and woodshed, pavement. Phone 200 W. $4S.ft FOR RENT Throe-room furnish' ed apartment. 624 High Ht -6t" FOR KENT Housekeeping rooms, dcuble and alnglo; ren annable. Liberty rooms. 110 South Third. Phone 1405. KOR RENT Two-room, apart ments, furnished; water, lights and fuel. 142 Bo. Riverside. Phone 192-J. 6-lt' FOR RENT Room aultable for two. Board If doalred. 123 Sir. Riverside 7-3t FOR RENT Rooms, Fifth. at 235 N. FOR RENT FurtiUhed apart- ment. Inquire 733 Ma!p, or the proper auu-grade. laying 4 635 N. Ninth. foot concrete sidewalk on each i.'f.n ii i-v r :...ii.iin jn. i. -V.i. i. i,7i,: irnatee. I oof 'Loom Lake- trustees I.o.u.r. Lodge, Lake- "OR RENT Fursiabed apart ment. St. Francis. 628 Oak. - FOR RENT Two-roomed apart-J mem ana eata. men. FOR RENT Apartments. 419 No. lenin sireei. Foil RENT Sleenlna- room, two blocka from new high aehool. . ,i Rath. 1125 East strteL Kbone 1037-W. KOR RENT Sleeping room for gentlemen onl;, one or two. Absolute privacy. Adjoining bath. 615 Conger avenue, prone 599 after 6 o'clock. ' KOR RENT Klrat-clasa furnished apartment, ateam heated. Mc Carthy apartments. 620 Pine. Phone 800. 014tt FIRST-CLASS apartment ' for rent. All electricity furnltbed. Evans Apis. Phone 621-M and 200. i NOTICE IXVITIXQ BIDS KOR ' HTREET IMPROVEMENT IX UNIT XO. 78. Pursuant to Ordinance No. 930 ot the City of Klamath Falls. Oregon, notice la hereby given that blda will be received by the Police Judge of said City at his office in the City Hall; up to and Including Monday, the 22nd day of August, 1927. at eight o'clock P. M., for making the proposed Improvement ot Look out Avenue from tho north line of Ipham Street to the south lino of Bt. Krancia Street. In cluding intersections, known as Improvement Unit No 73. Bald improvement ahall consist of paring aald portions ot said Street with Type "A" Warren- ite-Bltulithlc Pavement, or Type A Aaphaltic concrete pavement, or with Vibrolithlc pavement C By Ahem -'S'vJAeil-RATTLt lei -To 'EM, BfffH OF Voti ARB CHALKEP : KlfCHEU POLICE Trf REST -TlMt WERE HEEEj AH MRS. FRAUKLIM S CsOW'-TO TAKE IT ' VlrteRE'S- V0UR CrttVALRV uliW KAaki-Voil' a eetiER pish VJASUERTrlAki HUSBAWf , CORK ARM "FLO Alt J "'Si, f'3 Ham at err. Vala'TtMW-JW V Varf?-t HELP WANTED WANTKI) Woman to wash on ranch. Apply Francis J. Bowne, Hcnauia. WANTED SITUATIONS MAN with Korilaon wanla work. mowing attachments. Box 12G. . WANTED WANTED One or two good heavy logging trucks Immed iately. Phone or write Crane Creek Lumber -Co., Lakovlew, Oregon. WANTED Shipping grader. In quire Wheeler-Olmatead yards, or call 1106-R, evenings. LOST LOST Two 110 bills, Sunday night. Keep one, return other. Standard Cleaners Driver. LOST ladles' brown seal pock ethook, containing about lght dclara In silver. Finder keep munev but return pocketbook to News office. Pocketbook ' was lost on 7th street between Walntit and Oak. S-lt. LObT Lsdy'a bine leather hand bag. Finder 'please call An chor Hotel. Reward. 7-2t .LOST Eliiln watch jconogramed C. D. O. Moose leatuer strap fob. Return to 73S Main Bt. Reward. Inohiu t ! Ir-U nr Mrllh CcmMit 'concrete pavement 6 inches thick. Said improvement In either event !to Include grading the street to side of said sreet. building con- oy saio oraiDancB provioea, cret "ew na urr roc 1 f rat tlaru. n .1 ,ip wwk Walla 'hTe needed, laying any aanl- ..-- nn nnimii uuiiuiuf. u, aewera needed, putting In aide- walta. drain pipe and headers where necessary, constructing combination concrete curb and Ruuor oa las V? " the scuth line ot Fulton street and special single curb north of same; laying an appropriate nam ...5TV. " ... mav Kfiuiu oi Mium huh oi r ui- way south of south line ton Street and crushed rock mac- j adorn north ot same, all as more fully shown In detail on the plans, specifications and estim ates filed with the Police Jndge In the above unit, and to which reference 1a hereby made. - Bald Imurovement will be lei In one contract and bids, will be received for eadr kind of pare meut specified aoove. and will be opened for consideration by the Common Council on tfce zznd day of August. 1937, at the hour u e u CIIH R I . Hlimrtn ..ill be required to submit bids on blanks prepared br the City En gineer, and bids will not be con sidered unlesa so submitted. Blanka for Lids may be obtained at the office of the City Engin eer in the City Hall. The succesful bidder win be required to give bond In a sum to be fixed by .tne Common Council for the faithful perform ance ot the contract to be en tered" into for making said Im provement. Each bid must bo ac companied by a check certified by some responsible bank ror five (6) per rent ot the amount bid, aa a guarantee that tho suc- eAaafnl Jtlriftar will enter Into contract with tho City tor the making ot . such Improvement within ten (10) days from tho date jf making auch award. The Common Council reserves the right to reject any and all bids, and to make such Improve ment on behalf ot the City. Dated at Klamath Falls. Ore gon, this Sth day ot August, 1927. - i - LEM L. C.AOHAOEN. . , ' ? i Police Judgo, Aug.7-18-lne. j NOTICE OK HEARIXO OF FIN AL ACCOIXT IN THE COUNTY COURT OF THK STATE ..OF OREGON, FOR KLAMATH COUNTY. In tho Matter ot rhe Estate ot Charles R. Slophcnson, De ceased. 1 NOTICE IS HEREBY CIVF.N, that Augusta Emma Stephenson, the administratrix ot the estate ot Charles R, Stephenson, deceas ed, has rendered her final ac count and filed her petition tor final settlement and discharge, and that Friday, the 9th dn of -September. 1927, at four o'clock, p. m.. at the Court Cbambora ot the County Court In tho Court House, at Klamath Falls. Oregon, has been appoint ed for tho hearing ot her said Final Account and petition for order of discharge, as such ad ministratrix, at which time and place any person Intereated 10 said estate may appear and file his exceptions In writing, rand show cause, it any he has, why said final account ahould not be approved and allowed, and the estate settled, and the adminis tratrix discharged. AUOUSTA EMMA STEPHEN SON, Administratrix. A.9-16-23-30-S-6. , , r ,0V leet ot tiy. is teei oi r0i s, was a buslnoss visitor In town Block 16. Dayton H. Bussey, yesterday from his 'home at$308.69.. ' lleatty ( West 20 feet, of East 36 feet ' , . . , . , - lot Lot 3, Block 16, Isabella O. laDtAl with FilEALTOR NOTICE TO PROPERTY OW.V- y.llH WHOHK PROI'KKTT H.tM HKKN XtUXD UAKI.K KOI1 THE "HT OF IMPIlO'INU MT.- WHITNEY HTRKKT EX TKNKl.Ml KROM THK NORTH KUI.Y LINK OK SEVENTH HTRECT TO THK MOl'THEK I.Y 1.1 XE K IUWE. ix.x,ri IXO THE I.VTEKHRITIUN AT KIOHTH HTIIKKT, WHICH IS XOWX AH IMPROVED EXT JXIT NO. 01, THAT TIIEY HAVE TWENTY DAVH YKOH THE KIHHT DATE IK Pl'B S.lt'ATION OK THIS NOTItTE IX WHICH TO KILE APPI.I CATIOX TO PAY THF.IK AH rtHMEXT IX TEN KQt.U, A.V.M'.VL I.NHT.UXMENTH, WHEREAS, the Common Coun cil of the city of Klamath Falls, Oregon, did by Ordinance No. 929 duly adopted on the lat day of August. 1927. declare the proportionate assessment on each lot, part of lot, block or par rel of acreage property found to he benefited, for a proportion ate abare t the cost of Improv ing Mt. Whitney St., extending from the northerly line of Sev enth street to the southerly line of Rose Street, Including the in tersection at Eighth Btreet, all as more folly and In detail shown ?n ' the plans and specifications of the City Engineer on file with the Police Judge of said City. The propVrty ao found bene fited and liable and assessed as aforesaid, ia all the property lying adjacent to aald part of aald streets, and la as follows: That ibe docket of city liens boa been made up aa provided by Section 268 of the Charter of aald City, and below will be found a liat of the names of the owners whose property hss been so as sessed as aforesaid, and against which liens have been docketed. together , with the total amount so assessed against each specific t.nM.. - . neierence is Bereiy made to ,nch 1(en i6cket for , deuiled ideserlptlon of each lot. part of 1 1 hiu-k r nt 'pmpny so aasesced. Parther .attns 1. heretiv eiv.n . - z -- " V, erty ao asseaaed and hereinafter listed, that auch aaaesament la 'now due and payable, and will : . . . ., . . . . the esnlralfnn of twenty dan from the date of the first pub-! llcatlon of this notice, which I aald first publication will :. be 1 made Thursday, the 4th day of 1 Aucust, 1927. The owners of property ao as sessed as aforesaid must either pay i in cash tor make aat file with th Police Judge of, the malA rllw nl Kfn I .. 9r.tti. da- . August. 1927. their re- :BI0,tiv .nnliration. to sueh iauessments in ten equal annual Installments. Following Is the description ot , the properly: j First Ailftltion to tlie City of Klamnth Fall", Oregon Lot 2, Block 6. II. E. Hanger, $66.51. Lot 3, Block 6, A. M. Melby. $66.51. Lot 4, Block 6, William X. Brotherton. 966.51. -Lot 5. Block 6. L. W. & Eliza beth Handen, $66.M. . Lot 6. Block 6, Nettle Moore Gorges, $545.51. Lot 7, Block 6,. Nettle Moore' Cerges, $518.88. - ' 1.i,t a Rtni-fe g VetttA Mnnre iGerges. $4 20.63. Lot 9. Block 6. Nettie Moore Oerges, 82S1.80. My. 55 feet Lot 1, and my. ib feet of Ely. IS feet of Lot 2, Block. 7. A. Westman. 644.78. Sir. 55 feet ot Lot 1 and Sly. 55 foot ot Ely. 13 feet or Lot 2, Block 7, Conrad Olson. $44.78. Wly. 34 feet of Lot 2 and Ely. 6 feet of Lot 3. Block 7. Oscar and Uilga Olson, $51.18. Wly. 46 feet of Lot 3. Block 7, A, Westmsq, t68.85. Lot 4, Block 7, Wlllela T. Stewart, $56.61. . Lot 5. Block 7. Wlllela T. Stewart, $66.61. Lot . Block 7, David w. John son, $420.63. ! Lot 7, Block 7, David W. Johnson, $420.63. Lot 8. Block 7. David W. John son, $483.07. Lot s, Block 7, David w. jonn- son. $545.61. Lot 10. tUOCK i. jxiviu vv. Johnson, $545.61. Lot 1, Block 15. First State & Savings Bank. $545.61. Lot 2, Block 15, William R. A Ella Canton; $648.61 Lot 3. Block 15, Joseph Ran dolph Barr. $483.07. . Lot 4, Block IS, C. A.' Marino, $420.63. v Lot 6. Block 16. Heirs ot Fred Westerfeld. $420.03. Lot I, Block 16, First SUte A Savings Bank, $66.61. . . . Lot 7, Block 15, First State A Savings Bank, $66.61. Lot t, Block 16, First State A Savings Bank. $66.51. Lot 9. Block 16. First State A Savings Bank, $66.51. Lot 10, Block 15, Gertrude Meisner, $66.61. , Nly. 60 feet of Lot 1 A Nly. 60 foet of Ely. 18 feet of Lot 2. Block 16, Edgar II. A Alice Law rence, $386.20.-'- ' Nwly. 60 tost ot Wlr. Jl feot Of Lot 2, A Nwly. 60 feet ot Ely. 16 feot ot Lot 3. Block 16, John Callahan, $275.87. ' Sely. 60 feet ot Lot 1 A the oeiy. vv reel or ixn e. es oeiy. Sargent, $186.84. ' '. Wly. 16 foet of Lot . Block 16. Erlck A Nellie-, Johnson, $187.87. .. r " Lot 4. Block 14, Eric It A Net tle Johnson. $ S4K.S1, Lot 6, Block 16, Krkk A Net- 'a T,'laa4m..u.!f ti'f''W-4. IMHWiV.a lie Johnson. $545.61. . . Lot . illuck 10. Arthur II. I Wirtx. $6 U. Lot 7; Block 16. Arthur . If. i Wirtx, $4.61. j I Weal ( feet of Lot , Block 1. Arthur II. Wlrts 120.48. i East 20 foot of West 81 feet or ixii a, macs ia, rraucie t-av-, enica. c,ev. East 1C tiet of Lot 8, Illock 16, M. P. Lavenlck, $20.48. North H Lots and 10. Block 16. Francis Lavenlck. 866. 61. South 'A Lots and 10, Block 16. M. P. Lavenlck. 866.51. Thla notice la published by au thority of the Common Council, pursuant to Section 269 of the Charier of aaid City. Dated at Klamath Falls, Ore gon, the : 4th day of August, 1927. LEM L. OAGHAOEN, . Police Judge of the City of Klamath Falla, Oregon. A4-6-0-7-8. NOTICE OK BOND BALE Sealed proposals will be received- br the Common Council ot tha City of Klamath Falls, for the purchase of. street and sewer improvement bonds aggre gating $162,183.20 authorised by. Ordinances Noa. 017, 918, 019, 920, 921, 922 and 915 of the City ot Klamath Falla, for the construction and Improve ment ot Units situate in Klamath Falls, Oregon, as follows: ' .Improvement Unit Mo. 66. Im ir jmprove - provement Unit No. 68 ment Unit No. 69, Improvement t:alt No. 61, Improvement Unit No. 62, Improvement Unit No. 63,. and Improvement Unit No. 64. all as more fullv appears on the 'phtns and specifications' on tils with -the Police Jndge In the matter of the Improvement ot the aforesaid anita. Proposals - to - purchase aald bonds will be received by- the un dersigned up to and Including the ACCOUNTING Accounting ? , Auditing HOWARD H.MkTC.VLF . .- .119 South Fifth ' Bookkeeping Income Tax Bervlcs ADVERTISING Tha ALLAN W. McCOMB Co. Dirr1-MU Advertising tlut L. M cCaxa. II f. . Mvliitrtphiar-Pnntiartttm 4(4 Mala Stmt n Pkaae IMS BATHING THE SANITARY STEAM AND 8HOWKR BATHS "For Tour Health" " Open every day 11 a. m. to 12 midnight, except Monday. 1719 Main . Puaest Mineral Water In .. the World Hot Springs Natatoriom Now Open from T:00 a. an. to. Midnight Tub Baths Swimming Tank Hot and Cold Showers For Private Partlea Phone 199-W . Spring and Esplanade '. CHURCHES "We Specialize In Helplnlneaia" Knurr methodist church Tenth and High Sts. Itandayl Services: ll:0O a. m.i 7:30 p. ma Frank L. Wemett, Minister Residence 1005 High St. CLEANING & DYEING KLAMATH CLEANING A DYE WORKS - Cleaning and Pressing "We Dyo to Live" , 431 Main St. Phone 408 DENTISTS DR. E. G. WISECARVER Dent IstryiX-Ray Laboratory Phone (45 Underwood Bldg. Office Phone 1 tdl Melhaao Rldg. He. I'hoan 1 148 Klametll Kalle For sale - eld papers. &lnnikth Nowa, Call at :'lt I'l-'lWI fl for Save yj yWurMJ iih day of August. 1927, at:he hour of o'clock D. as.. If, aald day. and opened at regular meeflnc of tha Common Council Immediately thereafter' aald bonds ahall Tie dieted Jute ' . hit. and shall be ' Issued In smoiint f taaa oe auiaul da ten yaara after date of payments of Hi entire bead- op tional at any coupon polac 4te on and after one year. Said bead will bear Interest at tha tat of not to exceed six per cent aer annum, payable eeml-annttall ea January and July 1st of sch year,, principal and Interest pay able at the office of tha Treasur er of the Cty pf Klamath Falls. Oregon,, or at the of Ilea of thn Kiscal . Agency of the , State of Oregon la. New .York city. New York. .... All proposals must be up con-' dlttonsl and accompanied : by a certified check tar five 'per at ot the proposal. ; i . , The Common Council reserves l he right to reject any sad all bids. .- . LEU L. 0A0HA0EN, Police Judge ot Klamath Falls, Oregon. " ' . B? order of the Common CoBO ell. dated Thursday, July 7, 1937. ' :.'.' Jy8-Alne v -:,;) '-.,V :- . , " . . ' , "' Jitn.;..-- ' 'Bids will be recerred' p to and not . later than 4 o'clecls p. m. Monday, August 15. 1Z7. ad. idreed (he nderalne4 -tor .lB, city of Klamath KalU., Ore- gon. on one two-passenger auto mot lie equipped with demount able Tims, speedometer, electric lights, self-starter, three speeds forward, one speed reverse, 'slid- ilng gear transmission type, all In Ilrst claas condition, at a pnoe not In excess ot $1,000.00. CITT OF KLAMATH FALLS, . . LEX L. OAOHAQJEN. , Police Jodra. A-4-H-lnt v.--.;...i -j . COLLECTIONS We collect honest debla Say wbers ia ths United , States : end-Canada -' - -' KLAMATH . CUMMKRCIAL . tVEBVKX 11 So. Fifth St. Pneew 989 Collections) credit Rating Service :- ' . . ;. GAJRAGES mncmAi. oajuob 3rd and MaU CTC . Tires, Prest-o-Llte Bat teries . and STORAGB. The Oars ge That Never Closes HARRY COELLER. Prop. HOTELS '.. VAIXET HOTt : "! A Brand New Modern Hotel All Coo) Rooana , ,. ... Hpecial lUtea . ';J-' 415 Fine St., . Phone 1294 HOUSE CLEANING House and Window Cleaning By experienced man, 7 year In Portland. -MIL BISSU? Phone 486-J-3 .. . LODGES BUILDERS' EXCHANOK t meets every 2d and dth tfad nesday of the mohth at g:00 p. In. In Legion Halt. ' VETERANS OK KOKUiiJi - WARS Pejlcaa Poet 1SOT . Meets every second and fourth Wednesday evenings, g p. m baament Court House. VERNE J. WALKER. Com. Phone 1256-W v Fraternal Order of - Kan tee Will meet every Friday . evening the Moose .Hail 7:30 p. m. MINING ENGINEER HENRY M. bANCAnI . Mining , Knglnecr American Oooeervatory - ef ma United States Mineral Snrveyor for tha .District of Oregon Otficet 204 West T St. .; . P. O. Bex 791, Oranta Pass. Or. MUSIC imcrlran Conservatory of Huale Band and- Orchestra Inslrs - ment taught. - , Classes In , . ' Harmonr and Arraaging. . 3rd Floor. Winters Building PAINTERS .1 Kok the Ld:! ' ASK FOR THE UNIO CARD F. R. OLDS-J. H. KIKE' R. L. ORKBN L. B. HORN C. H. KlNO.tall CARPENTER.-' . ' QUALITY PAINT SHOF Firrlptor MWMetpT Bt ti. V. 1 - "' ' .1