CNIVBW3ITT OK OHS vj LIBRARY ZVjjEjtH. or.c The Klamath The Klamath i News Official Paper County of Klamath The Kbsith UzZ3 Official Papcf ' of Klamath' Falls ' "THROW AWAY YOUR HAMMER-GET OUT YOUR HORN" Vol- 4, No. 230 Price Five Cents KLAMATH FALLS, OREGON, TUESDAY, AUGUST 9, 1927. (Every Morning Except Monday) ws Work To Begin On Big Mill Shortly Weyerhaeuser General Manager Says Con struction Will Be gin Shortly. Whilo ho refused to set a definilo dntu for com mencement of construction on thu hugo mill which the Weyerhaeuser Timber com pany in to build in Klamath Falls, George S. Long, gen- ml manager for the cum pany, stated here Sunday ntKht that work will etart in the nenr future. ' "Construct leu of the mill l asaurcd." Long told reporters, during a brief Interview In this 1y, "rml while I do not wish to ,1e committed to any definite statement of time, I cap as My ny the work will tnrt In the future." . Will Talk Noun ln slated lo re.the first of Its ever to l.e,, o ' urn In almut two weeks, whenj.uged In southern Oregon will fMnn lart ho will public such of he 0Ccur In Lakevlew Friday. Auk- , ,.,, ,Bd companon. ,.,,.,. rt.m,ny. plan, re at re to tht.u, ,j. when buyer, and breed- ;A fnil 10 l)llk. iii-iii, an win wo umm'mo iiuui wu"" iuuiviiu. in ftlmul (wo WffrJtn I cxHcl l I'O able to make a formal an nouncement on various port, of the Wcyerhaenaer plana for a Klamath Falls mill.' he said, "but I have nothing to make kuown Just now." Plana 1'urhangcd The Weyerhauaer offlrlul told tho preaa. however, that the rom .'(t'unilnued on Pngn General to Rest by Rough Riders;,,,." WASHINGTON. Aug. 1. IU. P.) rull military honors, Bniiv nlled since the Interment of the I'nknown Soldier, will mark the burial of Mnjor Ocnrrul Leon ard Wood Tuesday In Arlington cemetery. Wood will be laid lo rest he. sido bis fallen "rough riders." Tho funeral cortege will leave l'nk-n station at nine a. m. and march llirough Washington lo (he natlonul cemetery. In the procession will In Ihu army bund, a squadron ot eav i.lry. a battery ot urtlllury oud a battalion ot engluctni. One nt Cvurrul Wood's horses will fol low riderless behind the funeral ri.lcsrn. with the saddle allrrups reversed. 'Oregon Banks Win One Leg of Fight " PORTLAND. Aug. 8. l'P Oregon's national banks today won tho first step In their suit l.i prevent the collodion of a lux on their capital stock. Federul Judgo Iluun overruled a motion of dismissal on a do murrer filed for Multnomah by the deputy district attorney. The(o national nnnsa, wnose sun in sponsored by tho Oregon Bank er' association, contend that competitors In Iho money-lending biirineas either pay no tax or less tux than tho tnx on capital stock paid by the banks. It waa argued on the demurrer I nnr inn onnss compiaini " not sufficiently definite and that tho banks could not seek an In junction because they had not tendered payment bn (ho tax. Judge Bean gave until tho first ' week In September to answer. ,. Blasts Are Cause of Heavy Damage CTICA. N. Y., Aug. 8, (AP) Ibimnge estimated at 8300,000 was caused hero today when two explosions shook several city Itself objectionable," the corn blocks nnd endangered scores of i mission order declared, "the Uvea. ! failure clearly to nnnouncn tho Tbroo dwellings were dostroyed aud a scoro of other buildings In tho Itnllon quarter wero dam - nwd. About SO persons wore .lightly Injured. Both explosions occurring within two hours ot each other nnd In the sumo soc tlon of tho city, wero promodltnt ed and caused by a secret chemi cal, Acting Chief Jus. J. Dono van of tbo tiro departmout, de Carol Mourns AT 0i il- UC the rir.St away J- ntlay lniln the chief cities of the world. Forbidden by authorities to stage"'K lll " lu - i -1 " , rT I t t ,, . . , tlc race across the Pacific U't"c officials and public build-; ,ny demonstration within the'tion required for national ;" f""1 , V wn Forbidden, he raid, to return to 'C race across ine 1 atmc (n were' rltv. Ihe owd m.rcheI through ,f(tv 0.i? ? IhuhureM for the obsequies. Car- ! for the Dole pn.e. in.u.r special guard while In . no,. do vincennc carrying red 8 y' , : ,he Pted T ' ol. renunciatory crown prince cf; Crltten won the coveted No. 1 ...I,.- r,.iri,.. ,ir, nrncsiitlcn. ..... j . q -i.. I The program outlined uy . Kasterwood. Jr. Itoumunla. enters the ltoumanlin church In arts for III. late fath-, p,rtl, ,ated In by the 15 entrants rdlnand. Carol s son.lor ,helr reure.entatlves. A wide i er. King Ferdinand, t arol s son.ior (heir representatives. A wide i Mlrhael, succeeded lenlliiniul. I(V ?om lln la 1?irci llolfi llPrP A j . , TT. ,i . ...... I ble rule of blot. Jed rams. ' 'orti I ruin uiiiarum. .rui huh irnR(tn win umiif,- iu wnnwi " uipiy 01 siurs. auu auu mvn holdings. -cording to ...- This Is tloi. from the office of C. A Henderson, county agent. Men " ' day. where a number of Klnm-i a.n ancpn..-.. u.-eU..-u llueh Sn'roat Pendleton, sec-i rrlarv .if tit OffluD Wool Crow ers will attend the sale It wns "'re.t to "drtvb!r.rcepme m buying with motives of upbuild ing their flocks. In view. A. l.lndgren, livestock field ior O.A.C., will alio lie on hand to anslst with conduct of the ram sale. Tho rams, lo bo sold al auc tion, will bo dispensed In lots of fire. 10 and 25. Any stock nut so!d Friday, will be auction ed tho following day. State Game Body Shortof Money PORTLAND. Aug. 8. ( TP) Faced with a deficit of 18,00Q the stntn gnmn coinmlssion, meet ing hero today, wns forced In turn down several projects til various parts of tho stute. An example of Iho commis sion's poor financial state was brought out . when the request of the state hoard of health asking fur an appropriation of. $2,800 lo carry on for a period of 18 months Hie analysis of the Wlllnmette Hint is being made 111 connection with iho antl-potlu-tlon movement started Inst year, ulso was refused. ' A report to the commission cnneurnlng woter pollution In Klamath county stnted that the; Impure water in Kuwina Inkej near Klamath Fulls Is causing Iho destruction ot fish. Htnte Warden Clifford was Instructed rite tho city officials at Klamath Fulls and suggest that the city do something in. the way! of hotter disposal of tho sewng. of tho city. Crooked ctcek, In Klamtth county, which has been closed I to fishing, was ordered reopened. I y tT rArM IvAN 1 rUUL ttVl ON RADIO TUNES WASHINGTON. Aug. 8, (pi Ilndlo . hrnadcnstlna stations which transmit phonograph music ' after, August 21 must announce I with ench tnuchlno roeord the fact that mechanical music Is be ing . sent nut, tinder a general order of tho federal radio coni nilsslon today. ' t "While the broadcasting ot music through the agency ot me chnnlcal reproduction Is not In (nature of such broadcasting is I In some Instances working what! 1 Is In effect n fraud upon tho ; listening public PORTLAND, Aug. 8. (UP)-! Fifteen engineering licenses wore granted by the state board of engineers' examiners, it was an- nnunrod today. Those who got j licenses Ineliiilod, William Walo, j Klnnjath. Falls. GriffenS IU.S. May 7, w. . MENACE ENTIRE WORLDLy , t , i Wins r irst rrr., Jd u i 1 a 1 1 Pm m I Demonstration in nenau or ' ' : , Nicola flacco and Uartnlomen Q ( 1 T 1 iVanzetll heightened In liilen-lty (4 V X i M. Vjovi-r Ihn week-end in Hi United ,,IHtnte, Europs ,l1 S""11' Amerl-, A 1 , m nd even wider efforts were I QliP- I ITT Iplanned. X SyllYV Vll; i..i.... in vw York Younz Veteran Air.!." X.ZTZ ui'r.wV"ub;.;.,d.7n.ghti man GrinS as He'""lc ,halr ' Charleston. Mass., Draws Lucky Num ber;Tune Up Planes SAN FRANCISCO. Auk. 8. (U.P.) The luck of the draw has gone to Lieut. Ben nett Criffen, and the young veteran piloting hi huge monoplane "Oklahoma" will position Monday al a drawing ,,.n appeared on the flyer's face j ne iju ,1,, ,a in)r piece of ! pafer which eutltled him to the itvnntnicv of bcliis first Iu thelitis tomorrow by the eoclallnt par-. ',lr un ,hc luBK ocean Jump. liiHl.inrtf H.'con.l Mutit. Nurnmn Cinddurd. who .... ... ... on(j una airport, w.iu i.ouunru una ; ausru ana; kin, 'o ; l,Uut Kfniiolh Haw n,(nutr inter. L?' . .. wi. ' ... ....v. ......, ,.. ,,v ,,.,, a, ' ,w0-minute Intenals: N- Auggle Pcddl.r: No. 6 Will F.rwln: No. Alexander : No. 7 Major I.. Irvlug; James L.- (Irlffln: No. -1 Art Cnobln: No. 10 Koberl Fow- ler; No. 11 Jlartlu Jouson: No. a rntuv ij. c.ara; .-vo, 13 ueo. (('oiitltiunl ou l'mrr Two) FIGHT BIG BLAZE IM l AUATU tunnnc i. iu.nniniu vv VJJU& ' SAN FRANCISCO. Aug. 8. Ml Reports received by the die-; trlct office ot the 5'nlted States forest service slated that 120 men were fighting a forest fire started yesterday on the Chimney jkey fired one shot which entered Rock mountain. In the Klamath j Rogers- stomach and emerged national preserve. Lightning vas:from his back. believed responsible for tho blato. Thus injured, tho robbor com - Ninety-five men were f Ichtlne fires In the Cednr camp nnd Crescent peak polnts of the Happy camp district. These fires were starlod by lightning two weeks ago and have burned over 6,000 acres ot tlAiber. My! r ;i . , - . . ' . . i I .?!L I i '-eMb I ' y S ' -! !- 1 LV... SA r r V i-- I I. .4i..l.i.l I ' (II) mnrvAr l'rr-w Demonstration In behalf of I era from Ihelr employment . to- nexi inursuay morning sou in ( other parts of the world aympa- Ihlzcrg of the two Internationally ' miunn ruuicaiB luniiimru pill... ( ' um-u tn;"""lK ,..,..., j for further demonstrations up tojutands where Sacco-Vanzettl ym- the final hour. patnizera had been substituted Demonstration. ' wore ataged for tpeakera to Wiom permits had ; yonlonlny In Pari. London. , Munich and In Hc.ton and In ; No aerloua disorder occurred al-! though aome anosta were made, Increaaed police lgllance n,.i.t w. eat.bll.hed : were thrown about fulled fitates rpreentatlvcs and American ,,.v propertv in New York the Police Com- mlsnioner prohibited paradc-s but xald he would permit a mass meet Robber Fatally , Wounded in Duel POitTI.AN'1). Aug. 8. (I'PI Arintir KOgers. Jl. ItJ'eionu. w.. -.s in a aying conui.ion .n . , hospital here with , bullet wo.d was in a dying conumon in a , inroiiKn mo nuuumvii BU rM this ,own between i;: to Wli OM" !u - I. ft McCln.kpv. fllA at- Klnl Irnnnor. from lh Hr- tendant. 1 Brandishing a revolver. Iloger. 'entered the filling station jnst a the attendant wits closing lur the night. He rorced Met lusKcy ' down-and scood the s.. f"m he cash reglstc J At that moment an automobile oroe iuio ine biu.iou a.iu cur-.( i Ing detection, the robber pocketed ' . m his revolver and walked out tho!., door. """ v i seized an automatic and gave i chase. In front of the station he ! ordered the robber to put up his hands. Instead, the mall whlp-iM,M ' ned out his sun and fired four 1 shots, one of which struck Mc-:the Cluskey on tho elbow. MrClus-!"nd ! mandcered a passing automobile ! at tho point of His gun and Inter forced the driver out of the rar. I He was found later by the poliro a mile away almost unconscious. J Hospital attendants said he hus little chance for recovery. Aren't We Progressing? s$ U v TTlm "O 'SKSJ 1'; ' - 'ty. In I'nlon 8quare. arranged for the I. W. W. and the 8acco-Van- me l. . w. ana ine cco-tin- kiii ' e m r g e a e y committee.) 14 l-f - ft Meanwhile. Commissioner Warren ! I V I I I H 1 I U said Iho mobilization of 14.0U0 j - M. V V M- M. policemen on gurnd throughout the cty and at large number ofjl - v r public building and In subwayji .fill SH lS and elevated line stations would ; X U1U VI U "until further notice,' and that the hunt for thoiie re- ou1d go on with unabated rigor., rruin a.a iu wn iuuumuu yw-1 pie milled excitedly about Itoatou common yesterday when police j been liwued. One man waa re.teu lor .o ooey p.ncej ' Slgnorlna I.ugla Vantcttl. ter of one of the condemned men. Waa chief figure In a den.on.ira- i.. -...,. . i. p.h. ,ere ordeerd destroyed because leT were considered Insulting to I .u- the I'nited States. Demonstration. Several thousanJ Sacco-Van- (Continued on ljce SU) 'Many Hurt When TWlSter StrikeS X niSlCl OilllVCS WEST BERLIN. N. J., Aug. j n'PI lor. th.n zo persons , inJorcd too made homeleas. ,BdapproratttelvlM ftjee done by a amall cyclone "a v- m- loa,snl- State troopers from the Ber-, : lin barracks were rushed to the ) scene and gave first aid to the ; " ,"L " T ... 'for theBomele . The twister lasted about 20 aooui zu minute, tesriirg houses, flattening frame dwell Ings. bursting open doors, smash- j lng windows and blowing down! . t.iML n. . .vill. RIILK tlUKl iu FALL Til ROAH ! PORTLAND. Aug. 8. P) Edith Llnd. 83, Injured Sunday when her horse fell on pavoment crossing the Gates at Buckley avenue, was re i ponea improved in condition and eonaclous today. She is the .daughter of C. A. Llnd of Lenox ;road. and was riding with ftve other members of the Whip and Spur Club when the accident oc- ctirrcu. I A passing autolst assisted her to the hospital where she re- f niained unconscious until this , morning. 1 ""SHC. ! - - Secretary , of Navy to Talk Additional Armament to Meet Great Britain. . i tiAl IU Ull, o. u. Aug. r-(g. (U.P.) United Press j ,earns from ministration -!OUrce8 here that republican pnrty leaders are reconcil- L, t' ,u f h.nlH. tu " '"" " Creat Dr.i,"in ,t.'h!1 e,"H, 'crcnce dlC"!d 'ncv hw Jn Increase the discrepancy between ner nary auu mat wi j try, it was said. j Wilbur Mfcta Cooll.lge. : .... 4- -v mAnAr. i. U.l-At. XI fan Thnrnfi. jarred'borUy blwe.gbt of loads which are to be I .... i ., tn allowed to Bo over toe paTea i5S.r!a?i? Mg the future naval building contcmplatcd a . ... ... . . l. .. rr...... . conference. j - ,.-,. Proaram. 1 The nresent-Amerlcan nrogram , fncrMe .he nrogram for build- I", elght tiol JCOOO-ton" : cruisers, so that probably twelve more cruisers would be built. mnro rrtilun wni. 1,1 hnhuilt. It is made plain by authorities ' here that this country has no 1....." ' . . " " . petltlve naV.l building rare with Gfet Britain or any other coun- . made' cleat sure adequate naval protection. Wilbur Is expected to remain j for sev ral days. Secretary of i .1 . I t .. ; . ....... , . . here Tuesday to talk about the proposal t. place the administra- t proposal n place the I "on ot in. i-nnippiuo isianos un der his department rather than permit It to cc::nue under the war department. Six Injured in Gas Tank Blast I V0 UlOOl, SAN DIEGO. Cal., Aug. 8. (A. P ) Five persons are in hospl - tuls as the result of an explosion today of acetylene gas that wrecked tho plant of the Pacific Acetylene company at Thirtieth and Main streets and a collision ; between a fire engine and an 'automobile as tho firemen were . .... o . ... t naQ 8lrUCK. Tho explosion, resulting from un- Tne strike today brought con known causes, demolished the gas 1 jncting claims as to its effect, plant, doing damage estimated at strike leaders claim more than 36,000. So great was the force 2.000 are Idle but a survey by of the blast that a 9-Inch brick ! Thomas Annear. chairman of the I wall wns thrown out, ploces of the roof were hurled 100 feet 'Into the air and windows in near - by houses .wero shattered. ! Raymond Hoist, an employe of ! Tho state's plea for an injunc the plant, and his ten-year-old i tlon will be bnsed on the Colo son, Halton, wore standing In the i rndo industrial law which re- Irear of the building when the quires workers to give 30 days' jexploslon came, tho former sus- notice -before calling a strike, talnlng severe lacerations and' : i.".i,e. W.V 'J?.' Tu nVhe:SEEK REGULATION latter having his left arm torn I , ..-.. . loff. , Several firemen were injur-j PROPERTY LINES led. . i Lovers Will Die on Murder Count FRANKLIN. La.. An s (CP) Ada Bonner LoHoeuf and' Dr. Thomas E. Drcher, lovers for I years. tonight were given the death penalty for the murder of!oral instances where houses were the woman's husband. Jnmea t. built out of line with other Uoeuf. Louisiana nubile utilities officials. Jim Bcedlci silent trapper of the bayous and thickets, was glv- en a life sentence by tho Jury which returned the verdict after lun hour. --; I sirs, iiccdio, tne trapper s wlto, ana inomer. oi seven cnnuren, iat i.uu.uui muu . mm. v,.. collapsed when the verdict waspany of Portland, wero given the read. She was carried through sewer Improvement bonds for the packed alslol from tho court room i city at council meeting Monday into the sheriff offlre whero a doctor was summoned to attend her. j Lelloetif wns killed Hie night iof July 1. His body, riddled with buckshot, lashed o it would slnk and weighted down with tlunnl l-nnk and tne f irst -u-rallrond angle iron, , wns found lntlonnl bnnk of this city. George Lako Poulard by tlllgator. hunters H. Burr. Conrad, nnd Boon, Ini-.. on July ... Mrs. , LcBoeut was and Mlythe, Witter ft Co.,; of !,-.are.jstctl tho f0ll05.lus.rtav,: Is the Air Safe? &t pus. 1 . i rA,- r ,"jgr?srj"a "I want to demonstrate that ,'flaHon , ,"y,, . 1homll,on. of Dallaf . Te" V0"!! woman pilot entered in me umu CtHUlC to Ban lJUlll.ll IU UO.ll Damaging Loads "me t council ny ;nlght, and passed to second read- ing. ' U Peclfle tnat 8il;,1 re to De "" ou trcot- Blving the maximum of the Ioad which may raB" 0Ter- lnml I"r":u .. .Uo statej , that e not ;" - m ..u ....j This ordinance was" drawn up :' " v ?nJe,"ga.,ln , .ot Jl .treets. which ahowed the wear hich they received as a result . I ot too (heavy loads passing over ' tm. nrl movement waa made ! dltlon. StilTA If) if PC HjHlfl tJ . . " - in ATinPrc' StrilfP "1 CJIIUVC nt.-N-vi.n. Colo.. Aus. 8. ; ( UP)state authorities have ' .ke sU.n ,0 hnH ,hc four-day sympathetic strike Instituted by southern Colorado coal miners to :ay in protest to the execution of -iro md Vanzetti. Asslsta..: pitorney generals ..nh r,rr -d 0.., Friedrlcks i lefi this afternoon for Wausen- Ullr , ask the court ,or Bn in. : j,inct.on against the strikers, , w w leaders estlmate'd 1600 mg had waiited out in the Ruprsan,, county district but I made n0 iaimg for Iis' Animas outv. Colorado Fuel and Iron company officials, however, said out 400 Las Animas miners j industrial commission, set the number at 1,000. No violence 1 has been reported at any of the 17 affected mines. I An ordinance esiai,itsning a I property line in blocks was dis cussed at council meeting Mon day plght. and A. W. Schaupp. city attorney, was authorized to ' find out If such an ordinance could be established. Mayor Watters, with some of 'he councilman, have been In- spectlng the city, and found sev. , houses in the block. He stated 1 this spoils the appearance of the block, and that there should be seme rule governing it. l r-tKi-'CD KI 'PUR ILAINU CUINLtKIN 1 f UTC CfTll'k O RDNn? , kl A l .1 I night on their bid of B 14 per cent interest on )ij,i.j.ij. i. jsamo company was given me pav- 'ing bonds In July. i Other firms bidding on these .bonds were: The American Na- .Portland. :::.'.: HOpe For L if els Lost To Radicals Judge Dismisses Mo i tion for New Trial; ' Date Set for Execu tion Two Days Off. BOSTON, Aug. 8. (U. P.) With the time set for their execution less than 55 hours away, another, " last desperate hope of escaping rthe electric chair vanished for ' Sacco and Vanzetti today. In the same Dedham court room where he presided at their trial, more than six years ago. -Judge Webster Thayer, after a three-hour hearing,' dismissed ..a motion for a new trial on the ground e had na Jurisdiction. Troops Guard Court. Liberally armed state troopers and police officers guarded the crowded-courtroom as the rase was brought back to the scene of Its original hearing. . 1 Judge. Thayer reserved decision on two ' other motions one for revocation ' Of' sentence and the other tor stay of execution. He announced ha would consider whether he had Jurisdiction to consider these .motions and hand down his decision either tonight or tomorrow. . Adverse action by. Judge Thar . (Continued on Pace Three) . ' Beatings, Booze : - Figure in Court -Lssault'aud oaltery-lei wKh " possession of liquor charges la . the . Justice court Monday when two" cases of the former and two of the latter were brought befora Judge Barnes. V. Byron Swede waa arrested on charges of assault and battery. Mrs. D. J. Smith of Chiloquin , was accused ot assaulting and beating Daniel W. Anderson of Pine Ridge. The case waa dla- ; missed. Kenneth McNeaiy and- Fred Babcock were brought in from Merrill on charges of possession ot liquor. They were let ont on !.!!. Jerry Choctoot of Beatty pleaded guilty to the charge ot possession of intoxicating liquor. He was fined 850 and costs for being drunk, on a public high way. ... ' . Incendiary Fires Fought on Umpqua ROSEBURG. Aug. 8(4-1 Vr") Twenty forest fires of incendiary origin kept fire fightlnjd tcews busy all day Sunday on Stout " creek, a tributary of the, south Umpqua river. . . The fires, which wero In a small radius, were discovered, shortly after they had been set. They had been started In an area which was burned over last year, and thought to have been with the intention of enlarging the burned-over ground. -- Rewards of several hundred dollars have been posted by tho county and fire patrol and ef forts are being made to appre hend the parties responsible for the blazes. . FLAPPER FANNY SAYS Your1 fare Iw -no1 longer your fortune when tt'a ovvrflmwn fVS : IXyi , .. I 'if .: KI.U.I MT.Off. wt tv wt acBvrct. we ' '