The Klamath news. (Klamath Falls, Or.) 1923-1942, July 29, 1927, Page 1, Image 1

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    LIUKARY ,,,,,.,, omc
Klamath Hew
U 1 rr
The Klamath News
The Ilh i:;
Official Paper
of. . Klamath' Ftlb
Official Paper
County of Klamath
Vol. 4, No. 221 Pi-ice Five Cents
(Every Morning Except IIc '
U. S. Will
Build Six
New War
Step Signalize Huge
Naval Construction
Program Despite
Geneva Talk.
(U.!.) The United Statca
hu.s been made a gesture
opening an extensive naval
construction program by'
announcing thnt contractu i
have been aiirned for the
construction of nix new 10,
000-ton cruisers.
The contracts wore signed
weeks ago, but apparently an
noumcinent was held up unlll It j
appeared th Gonava njval limit
Hon ryinferc'nce between the t'nlt-'
it States, Great Rrltaln and Ja
pan wnulil end In a disagree-1
KuuiW for th crulaere were ni
tbnrldd by the laat conircaa,
but only a amall part of the ,
money neceaaary for their con
atrucllnn waa appropriated. i
However, the conlrocta call for.
three of the ahlpa to be com
pleted within throe ycera and
a fourth wlltaln three years and
nine months
Pour of Iho cruisers will. bea hijack motive, only to discover!
constructed by private firms. The (that the men ho aoiiRht wore Hie,
other two will be built at gov-badge of the law, was related I
.nd M.r. Island.!
n- . r
i aiiiiirniu.
The Ihren private slilphiilldlng;
companies awared rout racta -the
llnllilfhem corpnrailim, Iho;
American Ilrown Ilovorl fclbctrV
corporation and tho. Newportjtho roots of a fallen forest mon-
News 'shlnbullrilng and drydork :
rompanv have joined lo organ-'
Ito the murine engineering cor-lot
norntlon with offices at Phllndcl-I
phla by which the construction, i irunsporianon io tins ruy, ine
Involving more than 140.000,000 officers wrecked all apparatus ex
wlll he co-ordinated. cepl two barrels of mish. leaving
The cruisers will coat approxl- these to lead the moonshiner to
.ii tin ton 000 each. The , aiiapect hllarklng motives.
ICoutlnue.1 on I'nBO Klve)
. . . 'the owner of the stljl, only lo
M.J l XU AAni iliear from a camper at tho edge
idnight Wedding 0f the lake of how the moon-s1-j.
..-i:.A 1TM shiner tore through the woods
Midnight may not be the most
I rnnvenlcnt linur tor a mai-riiiac.
j J hul that dork time was chosen
'.I i. ne ttnrnfnn of Plna Ridge
and Olive McClung of Chlloquln
to be united In matrimony
Tw.i linpnrtnnt things were
lucking a liconao and a Justice
-J tin i-aoav i Int'rt
i Dolnp, clerk of the circuit court.
a -
lu response to a request over)
k-. tn Hi.
. ,w. h
i 1 . liof.n. fr.P tl,n
9 t tat l nlnhl
( on lilt', nriiiirniinr
License In hand, the young
.X. (. I.. I...II. r,t II...
' '1, J'uare Harnos. whom they found
;fi1 j i .... II. ........
'1 dawn In slumber. Ho waa arous-
cd. appreciated the humor of the I anil moat- attractive electric din-1
' hour, and married them In dtte;play In this section of the stntol
form, making his 40th marriage , and la hound to attract much!
' "
eretneny since tho first of tho
liKsat's, Hn lil ho was
of tho olciuros one sees or tne
iinxlnus crKiplo pleading with tne
, Justin of tliif peace wno la buck-
lug his night-capped hend
un upper story wlndoij'
News Announces
Staff Addition
I similar slse and design and is to
' Kverylmdy connected with the De located nt Med ford.
Klnmnth News smoked quality J other division and district off
clgnrs and nto oindy lust night, UrM Rnl .lectrlc appliajjee stores
nnd one linotype operator mndn wm carry a smaller sign of n
copy Into type lo the music of hnrtinntnl tvne. One of theso
unseen golden hnrpTi all because
m tne innn oi a nun uauy ""'int the now Copco Electric store
to Mr. nnd Mrs. W. A. Wngnor, ,n rhllonuln.
Wn.n.r hnlne Iho onorntnr
who assumed the role of proud
mnlo pnrent,
Tho Infant, destined to become,
according to Bill. second Henry
Nuah, printer nf printers, weighed
seven nnd a quarter pounds when
born In a local hmipltal. Mrs.
Wagoner Is reported to be In ex
cellent hiinlih.
"John Howard" Is Iho name to
be homo by the latest edition to
tho News family, nnd he comes
Into Iho world amidst
l.n.i vt.hna nf Bvnrvbodv on tho'snfrored the burns when he ro-
Newa staff, from printer's devil
to the boss, .
Indian Oil Man i
I pa ?f
I mW . A. II
r- :
' -La
(icorg. r.,h..o. pU-.ured here denied here Thursday by !
wild hi. .on at Olllo. lire.. Ia;thc K,,eaker of the house of
tho first Indian In that Htnla. I
and poaallily In the I nlled Btntea. ;
to own and opernte hi. owu au-'
inmo'.ille aervlr Million. j
, ... ...
'Mnnnclimn. tfl..
if luuiiauiiici jui
for Destroyers
. of Still, Quiets
How an Ir.ile tnnonahlner, pis
tul In bind, rushed madly through j
the forests seeking a trio or men 1
j Wno hail yrtkrA his fine big!
I... i. i 1
still with what ho believed waa
Thursday bv local officers. .
t. f..ieri ..rh,h.i.on off.. I
.err.. .. w. niiirit-y .imi icu?
Talent, accompanied by Loula !
! Mueller, deputy "''"riff. Wedncs-j
,n located the. .object ol lont i
'search' cleverly 'hidden behind
aler.. about 2U miles north of
Klamath Fulls on the wcat ahore
I'pper Klamath lako.
After lnndlng up the still for!h.
i Thursday they roturned lo find j
.rn0,I0r' BWfckl5!h7.?",wiHiftion hy flro of one-story
dais who bad smashed his kettle
0ml tubes. When he learned
t inter, upon aigniing ine own-era,
who had perpetrated the dirty
. work, bo decided lo let well
' ennugji ulone.
ItCopco Sign Adds
m mm I lllinilll I If III
A .-Mli'nme .ilillllnn In the elec-
trie mnmiimtlnn of the ritVa
' n.filn himlnosa unction in the'1 U " "ro
. .nlnnrllrl nntf ttlftrf rl( lpn 111 lit
"P" '"" ...... ,
Installed by Tho CnHfornla-Orc-i'inTsiy
n n IW.r ..mi.nnv nt IIIA Mm
er of Koiffth nnd Main alreets.
TI,. .l I. f th. Inrirn.l
,Tho now sign la one of the largest
' -
favorable comment from tourists
nnd ont-of-tnwn visitors. ,The
'sign Is 24 feel in height and Is
iiiuminnteii ny nunnrena oi tignis.
, the nigh speea itasning uoroer
i alone containing ins snescis,
Although new signs are being
! installed throughout tho entire
'system as a port of a property-
wide Identification program, Iho
'Klamath Falls sign la one of the
I two lnrgest signs In Iho terri
tory. The other large sign Is of!
Lgna has nlrendy been lhslalled:n turm
til'vn Tnl. ll'PIrintn
John Slratih. veler'un member of.nre not complying with Its pro-
the University of Oregon faculty, visions cannot bo successfully
was today suffering from sevore I prosecuted, according to a state
burns on his face, the result of I ment by C. A. Oram, stale labor
a spray of scalding water from ! commissioner.
I tho radiator nf nn automobile.
Strtiuh, who wns In Rend lo-
day, accompanied by Mrs. Straiib.
moved Iho ndlntor cap' from hlr
As False
Longworth Says Did
Not Snub Late Ore -
gOn Representative?
C .,. p J
OayS raper crreu.
LOS ANOEI.KS. Julv 28.
(U.P.) Charges made edi- ;
nonutiy uy lotunnu news-
nunnin thut uhn uu i .nrr- i
! Worth and mcmberB of his '
I -.... u-. ,u. i...
taiKy miti iicmicu wic ;
iMaurice trumpacker, Ore-
gon c6glWman, alighting-1
Jily prior to hit, leap to elf
HAuriMinfin in C JTronnia.
Lex l.a.ifr Uii 1 n at in..Hn
l" " ouujr.
,,. tJ.. ,
Kjafmenla credited to Port-.
''' Papers Intimating the Long-
i worth party hud negli-ctod t'rum-1
packer and failed to observe!
conventional courtcal! weref
branded by l-ongworth as ridicu
lous, untrue and without basis, t
Truo frumpneker did not at-!
lend dinner with ua Ihnt nliiht. '
hut ho waa Invited and expected, i
We were unable al the time to '
understand why he foiled to put!
1 appearance
..,,.. ". , ' j
iier wnen we were in lor men
he wua In the hnspltnt we called
lliere. Attendants Informed ua
thnt he waa not In a aerlous con
dition. Thrcugh attendant we
!uu,"n' '"r?" "". we
"H" oul-0, v"
,in a ii n mi ill -iinnni iirm cetfinir
. tn n,.h -Ith ... .
r.t,,,n ,fc., h''i.
,, f Crumnackor a ad Puh,n the Roosevelt Highway
ja,nn. io his death I " 'rulldly 'possible, naming
... ..H i ..'lhat It was even getting more
..,.,. ,,.. ,fc. ,
lunnliln ta attend the funeral ser
vices hut Important engagements
snld Longworth. "II"1 he completed between Aatorla
a funeral committee.
Longworth left tonlisht for Soni
Fireworks Bomb-
n . vam I
WTa iVV r1Mr.'
.B I M ZM m aval
aUa.1 n. v ajjl.
(P An explosion today caused
! wooden biiildlnK composinK the
Santore company fireworks fac -
lory ot 17th street and Liberty
I Check up nfter the explosion
laccoiinled for all employees, none
;of whom were Injured. A boy
"1 j.I"'.
' .
i hallnfA Ihla hni nnv nnnnnp nn
with the fire
A fireworks bomb landed on a
adjoining the factory and
Two horses were
burned to death. The fire waa
. . . .
shoukih .inner control
' " 1IUII1U A S.U
.t r 1 ooy, u, la operuiing a iivcry
Stage HltS Lakep""lo here, and deaplte the com-T
0 , nntltlon of tlit uhtntiltouH truckt
Pl.l rVnriM! Vah . Jnlv SR.
' .
(H)0po,.B0 nttman of North
Rend wns drowned and four'
passengers had a narrow ocnpo
. trom ,,, when, an milomobllo
aR0 drivn by Plltman plunged
,rnnl , he Sunset highway into;
: ,ko Keccbelus,
northwest ot
Ellensburg. The machine dived
over a 20-foot embankment Into
14 feet of water.
Plttmnn succeeded In bringing
one of the passengers, a woman,
to tho surface, and then was
drowned hlmaclf. The other
three passengers, a man, woman
nnd boy were rescued uninjured.
A witness declared that tho
singe was traveling at a high
rate ot speed and failed to mako
inocrflM WAr.C I AW
vnuuvn iinw. mn
oat.ipu .I,,: sa Mtpi
Ore- i.. I. nnt
.nfnren.hla .nil .mslnvsri who
Oram said he based his opin
ion on recent rulings ot the
United Slates supremo court hold
ing Invalid slmllnr laws enacted
tn other states and In
Iho Dls-
trlct ot Columbia,
qties are destroyed "Mother"
AND . 100,000 KILLED AS J. Z, .
LONDON, July 28.
One hundred thousand
j were wiped out In au earthquake
occurred last May 22 c(,ngre.on Including the moth
remote province of Kansu.'er ,aperor nd many children
China, according to Iho tint do-
lolled report of what may rank
la, one cf the greate-it disasters
of history,
teinrmnh and other- -ommnnlia-
Hon aervlce, the wrecked city of
Knnait Province bat been the
.ene of indescribable suffering
(or two months, unknown to the
world (Midi reported by the' Wcat
Minister Gazette Shanghai cor-'
'Pndent a. contained ' w-,
Three Vllln.,..
iiuHiinn hm ir viiar nr inn
Apotollc 8teyl mlanlon at Uanglday. May 22. laat, KatheJerome i
how. wrote that the cltle. of Klrd. the "padre of the rain..
, an. rhow sl.(n nrt Kulang
were del roved Inatantaneoualy.
! leaat 10.oo. he ald, were,
.1 wl. 7-:
. . . .t.
. :
mnwlnr mnnnlnln ' '
"""".. . . ..
"' '111
?h- In .b-
Cff Vl'nn'f -
Oldie U UIl I Ucl ..
T O DJ Af..r I
IirJiL..-. 14.i:M. '
ii imiiii iixiiiiiiii
POUTl.ANH. July 2K. P)
Oregon will not be able to get
larger federa
aid appropriations
for Its
highwaya because there i
.. .jjiiiA..! m
: get.
I nlted States Senator
Charles L. McNurv of Oregon. !
loin niemDera U 1 inw nuvKivu
highway association. He de-1
clared the various stales will lie:
fortunate to continue getting a
...,,.. . ,, PMd, -
nnw helne cr.nled. -
..inn..; . uluu...ut, . -
, Duierr declared tbe state was
than might be termed its share.
iiy tnis inn, ns aaiu, ino rumi
and Newport and from Heeds
port vto the California line.
. . , ' il.J,V. ,k.
the contracts for Improving the
lot this fall
: highway from Newport to Wald-
non ami ironi i..,n...T ...
1 : r-
n.-LI.I.L II v. IX .
ocveniy muoii 01 worn win u
. . a ,a.
, ti nawfl nil OH IflA linnaPTnil niKIlWHV.
" --
j after the work now under con
! Is completed, it was saia.
I HIS Will CUM BOint? jw.avw,vww
Including bridges, or M.000.000;
without them. It Is hoped to
complete the work within four j
! complete tne worn wiinin murjof ,, centr powers that
j ypn.r- , , ' . ' j the state unit and tell the federal
, ' -"
' alronger every year, is being
j '
i""i'i ...ei.-.j.
' em .tale, .re again., it and iti01""" cou'? cn. "ou8e !
a ..-.
"J as.n - ...
: 'le to keep thn highway
;assisianro going
T tet CI 1
" 1 - - 1 '
n 1 XT' ;dn ln part 10 ,oe
family Ot Nine.hta hhVn':fhe"!
l!?""1. 'h."". 'nT.!'-r'ha.
. .. .,
1 o nri mnlnr rnra ho x narninr .
1 ' ' " "' " "
living for his mother and her
nine children.
Tle youth Is Ren Studna,
of Mrs. Mary Studna. who owns
tho business. She Is the wld-1
owed motier o( ix. children, nine
of whom arc at home.
Fifteen sleek, well fed horses
and an equal number of wagons'i
comprise the stable's equipment. I
The horses and wagons are rent-1
ed by tho day to the hucksters oovernor Patterson has Indicated ster driven by U Greenwell,
who ply the streets in the resl-tnnt ne wm taka 'no action. : Wednesday night, a mile and a
dentin! districts', selling fruits f- Many letters received hero call , half aouth of this city. - The anl
and vegetables. ' . attention to the life sentence-re- i mal was killed Instantly. It is
The Studna family has a mo-; reived by the three notorious j believed to have been blinded by
nnpoly on the livery business In D'Atttrmont brothers, who con-i lights on the car.
Kansas City, a nephew of Mrs, : f eased to the deliberate and cold-
RtudnaVs also operating a stable
died last March, a few
months after he built this build-;;
IU.000 on the place, so Mammal
and I didn't dare quit business.
M 1,1 hrnihera have lohs. so I
staved here. Mamma onens tnei" -
place at f o'clock in the morn -
Ings. and I slay here nnd take
care of things
ons come In.".
ttntll the wag -
NEW YORK, July 26. ((Pl)
And now Llndberg Is Iho Insplr -
ntlon for a play, "The Solltalro
Mnn," the entlro action of which
Is In an airplane. It. Is lo bo
producod shortly.
Iject misery, living In huts
out fond and clotblng. '
The quake accurred al Slslang
,4, id... mnM mnA rirttam nt Ihd
were burled In the tollapse or
the chursjh.
Priests attempted to rescue the
living while the earth yet way-i
to the dying who could be reach-
ed. ..:. !
Not a. alnitle building wa left,
Intact in the ancient city and:
every houae contained dead and j
dying. j
Padre Told "f Disaster. I
HAATA t LAK. 1 BUI.. July o-j
IITI II ICIIUIllll. ,U v......
quake on the ael.mpgraph at the
i nivomiiv or nania einra. nun-
expreeaed at that time Ma oeiiet i
that the dlaturbance centereo sempie fllcrnerBon anuiiicj,
In aome remote part of the '".ranking officers', of her or-j
V 't .n aru-
j, iriAl.A rlam." I
... ... .v..
OB 1 1, l II npr It ICliril ML tuav Lliuc .
- Y. T w..
learn ,h. p.rticur.r. .nd the ex-
l-,tlni of the dlaturbance."
'ITriTOa T PiKTllP OT !
I U TgCS l-Cttg UC "1 .
Clnfno in UnlH
Otdlvo W liwu j
Tk.-.,n T nurmalrare
-aasswis iiAniiiani.ia,iifti -wm. owe.. .
MACKINAC, Mich.. Julr 28 ;8he maintained ahe bad always
,VP)Organixatlon of a house! acted In. a "Christian-like man-
of governors that-would be rajner to a.r.. ru ...
effect a "league of states ot ane , m .nmhit eiceaatve reaerai
legislation was nrgeO upon me
nations governors Tuesday night
. iv.-. n niiehie. .of
iiy uuidiiiui . .
Ritchie, thrice chief executive j
of ".Maryland
Free State," and '
" "7 ' " Mm.reIr!
- rreivelT !
u" iss.. ...- - .
resents jeaermi mni.n.i
.r--ned Derauasively for bis sog-j
fcr the lasi
iannUal conference. ,
-,, on, ,h.t the annual
.,fc.,. mrernora were
nie. Me referred to i
all very
he gotIll ffiatllres ana ,he value'the foreca'tle- In .other words
of awapplng Ideas.
But ha reminded the executives
that the only time they had ever
" " , ,v.
met for business outside of the
gatherings was twice j
,. ,mmont hv
white house manifesto and gassed
. . v,
'no about enforcem?nt w the ol-
fitea1 act,
., of tne fed.
; . ...
their duties are." he said, "why
la It not imncrtant In this era
government what their rights
:re, ,
1 . "I have an Idea." Ritchie said
that, if we went at It courage
we could create a house
v.rnnr. that woul
i powerful part In the non-partisan
. ui kui 3 iiui b turn euiim
nAlltle.1 nr. nf the nation." f
i - .
The increasing ceniransaiion
Dl r,ul""" weaaening ot ire,
laiaie. K.icnio .u. .UUuu.y.. , ,
laone wrong or ien in minim nun
done wrong or
i .
' iTInntr XkaOafalr 14 lov
I lllafalll W L innTTsTfa. JA I
m A Wk
I PrlTIS TOf Pair
n JL iJai n1SlSsUawaia.7 I
,,,., iw 90 ivi. v.nvldeer In tlie vicinity of Shore
' . ' . ' . ', ' ,.a ,hAm.lAcres, but It Is getting pretty
'," ,.,. .... . jamM willos
i ."j Vii.J..h u-.ii... .nnvieiui
prison breakers and murderers,
i ..,enred tn hans August IS.
Tne palr took: a pirt In the
penitentiary delivery In which
Bards were, shot to death.
! blooded slaying of four defence-
I less men.
PORTLAND, July 28. IP)
y Aorne.v Mrmu .mmy riuru
'that the portion of the two-story
I building at Hroadway and Wash-,
; Ington streets which survived a,
collapse Saturday would nave to
1 . ...... J-...
Erection of a modern 8-story
' fireproof structure on the site
, has been tinder consideration
j cording to representatives of tho j Snndino has made two unsuc -
Honeymant eslnto, owner of the'eesaful attempts .to ambush
'building, - . i . 'Major Floyd's column.
Is Ruling
Of Peers
, - ll'll
1 emple kJirectors Will
Oust Mrs. Kennedy
'As Purser in Light
House Service.
LOS ANGELES,' July 28.
TJ p ) Mrfl
Minnie Ken-
way, one-ume nr8l :
ine a us lciiiuiv . uuk. i
wa8 wal the plank be-j
. , AJ .
" - -r . ------
The board Of truStCW Of IH6
Four-Sauare GosDei. newly cnriii-1
- I
tened Fonr-Sooare-Gospel Light-1,
house Service. Mt behind locked
loom to decide the exact fate of I
the senior member of the team ;
that built Anselu temple to a .
valuation of ll.DOO.OOO.. j
members of the
!. a .. .h. ,,f.n
" " " ."-other" bad I aald
!. .. . ti..
I dissenting member waa "mother."
The 11. Mrs. Mcrnrrson among
them, agreed mat Mrs. nenneoy
'waa to walk the. plank, that her;
, luuiiinn in ih. new service which I
, - (
requires nary costumes and navy
ranking was not to be the me
as In the old. A difference ot
opinion existed over the dlsposl-
tlon of "mother." i
Way of RrtnovaL.
; T . i
AHerBatives auggesteii ny mem-
',1!,CJ?,,.?S'J-,V4"W tacMtoai.iMir vytmn
I MtHred. -V; J- .. .. i ago, left Southwestern univeraffy,
; 1- That "OiotherV relinquish IWtnfleld. Kans., July 10. in buses
her position on the bridge of the.
craft and take, up a position-in ;
(Continued on Page Five)
Whisky, Perfume i
Found on Tailor
, J tents and tnslae their own beds.
lth a boftle of whiskey la 'and as, 'further conservation . of
one pocket and a bottle of per-: ba;.-oso space, sleep on. air mat
fume In the other, A. W. Mc-j tresses. Urpc-ises . of, the trip
Clutrheon, a tailor, who has been ' are $550. which includes the
working here, was arrested yes-! ( ont IiiihmI on l'agc .
terday . afternoon for drunken-1
ness.- ' ,
Ha vi. nut In the cltv 1all to
calm his hilarity and to await j
a hearing- berore Police Judge
His presence In the cell creat-
concert for he soon
V n .1 sail lha ttrlanHM 1 ( n A4 tin In
" an me prisoners nnea up in
: " ' " T,hr.nn
iof thctr "Ices.
' ;
, .
m nrOflT I lfI117PnS I
, Ijlirea llllO VyllYiV". Nesmlth. the senator s per
I. Mueller. ot Shor, Acres.
complanncd to game authorl-
tnoidecr , his
' lettuce
"They're eaten out my
bed and now they are
feasting on my carrots," Mueller
' ., . , - j . ....
IUIII iliailUll DanirjB, UtriUiy BISIC
game warden, yeaterddy. -
"It. la not uncommon to find
close to the city when they are!
! out on the highways less thnn a !
' nille and one-hulf from the bright
ugnis, was names sole rejoin- iw "e .uiivru um m.i me uibuu
der. . - . , " gnlshed visit will be arranged
Rarnes referred to a deer which by Nesmith. The fall opening
dashed Into the side ot a rood-! of the chamber's forum will be
MANAGUA, Nicaragua,
28. IJP) Major Floyd's column;
of , marines and constabulary '"
slowly following General
uiuu a,8 .uri-i-a. urn-
Hon from alrplnnes Indicates,
The planes bombed some of San-
(linos rear guard, scoring direct
hits and killing or wounding a
...... Tha mnln hula nf QnH.
i dlno's troops was not seen hy tho
i planes, having evidently been de-(
ac-iplnyed. ..
Flying Farmer .
- i'k
r fV? 'J
ton tWe had fce - ..-
(nrr farmpr." w i ' Jnk - vn
h.r. . h..
- -
r.nrh urar Spokline. Wa.h.. with
the aid of hi. plane. He also la
active In promotion of the New
York-Spokane air derby And other
Spokane aerial events this fall.
Bus University
Is Newest Plan .
For Education
WLNFIELD, Kins., July 28, (U
P) Some students prefer get-
" -""
ins foreign countries as members
..ti... .. ,.
u. i a riimuus viiifeisiij, dui
group of 4 is directing Its at-
to seeing America first
. . .
"J on me "omnibus
College", tour through 22 states
and two Canadian provinces..
' tour, gaining in popularity
and motor cars. Dr. William H.
Goldsmith, director of tbe unl-
.verslty on wheels, and head of
I the biology department ot South'
western university, said that he
had more applications for the
j 5.500 mile , trip than he could
possibly handle.
'The students pitch t'acir own
iU. S. Senator to
flump tn Knmiith
I United States Senator Chas. L.
j McNarV. Oregon's senior senator.
I will be in Klamath Falls, and
Klamath county, to loolover the
nnorla txf Iho rrtiinipv nnrl tnnor
needs of the country, and meet
the citizens of this community
ana couniy ior inree aays. ius
latter nart
of August, or tbe flrsjint,, statement he warned that the
wr, according to Linn ol nndllatry will face a seriotts4,
of Seplember,
sonat-frlend. and representative
In Klamath Fa... .ast night.
The senator has requested
Nesmlth to arrange for his visit.
Nesmlth stated that ln handling
the senator's Itinerary for Klsm-
nth, that Clarence H. Underwood
i ....m.. , .kA V).mnth rn...
I yi wmnn ua int. luaminu vuuuij
I Chamber of Commerce, (would
preside at a community meet-
ling at which Senator1 McNary will
speak and meet the cltlxens, and
that Senator McNary will bo the
guest during his stay here of
, Underwood and himself. Details
September 7 and It Is the plan
of President Underwood to have
Senator McNary as the principle
speaker at that time.
Mr. McNary has not been in
Klumslh county since September,
1924. W. W. McNealy, Perry
O. nel.ap. John M. Clover. Roy
F. Dnrbin and Representative
A. M. Collier will assist Nesmlth
ln the entertainment fnr Senator
Six vagrants were brought be-
fore police judge Lent Gaghagen
yesterday morning, who had been
! nlnk-J ... .1... .t.. -. , I A I . I.
i In the city limits.
The Judge gave them their
icholce of a Jail sentence or leav
jlng town Immediately with a
promise to stay out of this part
jot the .country..- They loft town.
Many E';;
As Rot -Sinks
Big Lab
Storm Hits Excurcm
Vessel Loaded W.lh-
t r
rassengers; . ,
lieved Dead. -'
. . i.
CHICAGO July 2. (U
P.) The exearsietta gtMuner
T. -i . - s I '
ravonre capsizaw. , us a
atutiu uit ajeiaw . jamaasusn
lat Thursday. The lives of ,
30 paumengers are believed
to haT been lot.
Tweslty are kaewnr ssd! ' The .
6oat, a two-decked, gaaottn' saw -glne
drlveo craft, ' waa ' plying
between Lincoln park and the '
Municipal pier when the' storm '
struck.. ' " ' .
Captain Arthur Olsan eaUmate.
that he had 15 paaaengers am
board,' most of 'then woman, and .'
children. ' Seventeen ' bodies had ,
been recovered at 7:0 o'esock t
and 2 were missing. " i V .-,
An effort "was beiagsaadotw) ;
raise me nnic. itescueni esu-
show between 25 and 30 dead. "
- Btorm 'Cataae QairUy. .'K .
, Tbe . storm ' developed ' wt(i
great suddeness aad fury. .It
came toward the close of a awelt-'
enng aay max xouna laoanuuM
of women and' children in . th
park, on the beaches or aboard ;
small bosts In hopes of escaping .
the stlfllag 'beat.
The Favorite took on Its load
at the municipal 'pier, a great -'
dock that extends a mile ont Into .
lithe lake, add U the Hera for
thousands during-the hot summer
tt was. headed tor that l hjsala .
shoreline. The yacht " Doris, a ,
power boat, picked ap SO ot the '
excurslohiats. Coast guard cut
ters, tugs,, tire boats " and other
craii lmmeaiaieiy steamea to tne
Seven ot the victims were Uk
(Oontianed on Pace Five)
Oil Supply Said ;
To Be Threatened
DEL MONTEj Calif., July 28.-
(UP) The" future supply of
oil In' California Is being threat- :
ened by California producers who :
ship huge quantities of thalr .;
products to the east and abroad'
for sale at price below the east
of production E. W. Uarland.'
president ot 'the Marland Oil ,
company ot Ponka City, Ok.a.f
declared here today.
- Marland has been in the state"-
for sometime but previously had .
refused to' be interviewed. lav.
shortage unless tt gets away frora
the "present made race fr vol-,
tins production.", . , . ' .,..
Small boys slaying with match
es started a fire against the side .
of residence on Rose street yes- i
terday afternoon. " i
The small blase was extinguish- .
ed before the tire department j
arrived on the scene. i
There .was nodamage. .
I I V ii ' ' 'r
A If I" '
' '. '
" etertsvsiassiiiiyas-a. I.
Htrect car chivalry la ) -tax j
ing.joke. ,(
' '