TTTR KLAMATn NEW3 ' Tucuday, July 10, 1927. Page Seyffl TwoCents a Word, Each Inurtlon TeUpboa BTT TwoCents a Word ; -V Each Itutrtion im WANT AD PAG 1 M. M i CLASSIFIED AD RATES I i. Tl! .nlt wori M prlntsd. , Stmt ad rna on Mk 10 dls- oount, BoJj od 'un mi month 10 dts- TELEPHONE 877 THK UIO MARKET PLACN : FOR SALE REAL ESTATE XOU 8AI.K-Hnliblt ranch. 260 purebred rabbits, hutches mid all equipment;, 2 acre liest ol, (ad ditional s.n.use f desired ) House, berry bushes.' diwp 9-lni h woll, (soft water). Kjiellent Im-a-Hon for service station, imriculii 1 for i-neh." Aply Are Itnhbliry. '-t-mllo frnm IVIIinn Cliy on. liulles-Cellfi-riila highway, or Ilox 595. H)ll HALL New house and two m-raa. una mil north of Pelican City, ). Roasnkrsnii. Toil HAI.K New house on 01 BO font lot, two bedrooms, sawing room, living room. breakfast room, kitchen, buih, fall cement basement, furnace. Cull 790-W or 740 California avenue. Foil HALE Inuome real estate In Clilloouln. Pays ovr S on In vestment - Adilrvaa. . Ciilioquln. . Hot :ut . foil 8A1.K tina of lha baat busi ness rornera on Mala Bt, 8a Mm. Nat Oltarbaln. FOR SAUK Karm. The old : An kany ranch now on th market. Can ba purchased In tracts of 10 acres up. Thla la flue poialo and garden land. It carries permsu rnl, paid-up -water right, and rloaa enough for those working In town. Koa II. A. Olds. 1!0 Ho. Tlh. Phono 909. or at Hotel Wll lard. fOIl HAKE I louaf . tup-room and bath, Just complete.!, strictly mod rn, full basement and garage Wonderful view: priced reason bly and cany trrina. Inquire 2032 Karl Ht. FOR HAI.K Modern 4 room house In good locution, wliii rang and ' linoleum, I'lion 420-J. A MAN built a home just as h wanted It, Jul a hero he wanted II. and he built it right, but be aold It for buinea reason. It la on an aire o( 'ho recently opened I.ake Hhore (Isrdena, and la splendidly lorried. - Il ls a 3 room ahlngled bungalow, modern In all renportn. with a fireplace and large screcnpd-ln fionl porch. Ilullt In 120. Thla aplrndld lan can be pur ehaaad for 13.150. 0fl0 down, paymenla of 40 per month. Can bo bandied with a soldier s loan. MRS. NATE OTTERflEIS; ' 101 Lincoln t. Phone 443 1 Vnr Kala Old oanara. Call at i Klamath Nswa Members Of The Klamath Realty Board Mrs. Nate Otterbein 901 Lincoln' BU I'hone 4 43 W. M. Monteliut Honor Building Phone 181 rhe Walton Wright Co. 1033 Main Bt. ; Phon 1144 ! Geo. J. Walton H. S. Wright (8AI.E8FORCK) L. -11. Wright Chilcote & Smith 727 Main Kt. Phone 08 : E. M. Chilcote I D M. Smith (bALCSFORCK) Walter Sears Carl It.' Be-Jbo I 1 Klamath Investment Co. 410 Main Ht. Phone 4S8 C. B. Montellu ' The Klamath" Develop ,, ment Co. Main & Broad St. ' rhono 1 . T P. Hendorson (SALE3FOPCE) 0. J. Nord -Fred W. Hllmatt -Steve Sabo, Jr. B. O, Nord Selak & Tracy 609 So. Sixth St. Phone 060 8. A. RelaR A. J. Tracy Watters Sc. Barnhisel 626V Mnln St. Phone 008 T. B. Watter Howard Barnhlnel M. L. Johnson 406 Main Bt. Phone 205-W (8ALEJKORCE) ...x. K. W. Oearjr , por sale real estate ROOMING IIOI MK 30 rooms; I esse 2135 vr month; iluso In. BOMB GOOD PIECES of acreugo, clou) In; vary reasonable. ItAN'CII 120 acres. 4 miles from (own lo trade fur rlty proporty. foil HKNT 3 and 4 room bc-usr. HOTEL SO room, cheap. RESIDENCE II LOCK FOR TRADE, for acreage or rancli. 1 AND 4 ROOM houses rlos.-t In, for aalo from 11200 and up. JOHN ( FRENCH CO., REALTOR 130 Bo. Tlh Bl. Phone 1430 KOTICl: 1)1 ItoNO SALE , Sealed prnpnaala will ba received by lha Cumiwjn Council of tha City of Klamath Kails, for Ilia purchase of street and newer Improvament bonda aKrctln $I03,1HJ.2 au thorlird by J)rdlnanraa Noa. S 17, I, !!. ;u. D2I. 22 and 1G of tha City of Klamath Falla. for tha nonatructlon aud linprorptnant of t'nlla altuata In Klamath Falla, OraKoa. aa followa: Improvement I'nlt No. B4, Im provenipnt Unit No. DK, lmprovs niPht I'nlt No. (B, lmprovrment Unit No. 01, Impmvamunl Unit No. 02, Imprnvpmant t'nlt No. 01, and Improvement Unit No. 04, all aa more fully apprara on tha plani and perlfkaliona on file with the Pol lea JucIko In th matter of tha Im provement of the aforeaald Unlta. Frnpoaala to purchaaa aald Londa will be rerolvad by the underalxned up to and Including tha nth duy of Auauat, 1027, at the hour of 8 o'clock, p. m., of aald day, and opened at a regular meeting of th Common Council Immediately there after; aald bonda ahall ba dated July 1, 1927, and ahall ba laauad In amount, of 1500,00 each and due ten ynara after data of iaaue, pay men la of the entire bond optional at any coupon paying date on and after one year. Said bond will I bear lutereat at the rale of not to Oxcted aix por cent per annum, pay able apml-annunlly on January and July lt of each year, principal and 'interent payable at the office of the Trraaurpr of the City of Klamath Kalla. Oregon, or at tho orfire of I he Klin ul Aaenry of tho State of On-gon In New York City, Now York. All prnpoanla tnuat be uncondi tional and accompanied by a certi fied check fur fivo per cent of lui propoaul. Tho Common Council rrarrvea the right to rpjpct any and nil bld. I, KM 1.. IIAOHAUKM,' 1'ollce Judge of Klamath Falla, Orpgon. Hy order of tho Common Council. datPd Thuraduy, July 7, 1927. Jy.0-A.--lno. a 1 ... - aUU. 11 yon buuw VI eaiuw "WW tlona. call phone 0S4. All Informa- ''Inn will Imi atrictly ennfldan'.tal. John C. French Co. 130 So. Herrnth St. Phone 73 J. C. Richter Co. Eleventh ft Oak St. Phone 858 J. C. Itlrhter Wishard Realty Co. 128 So. Seventh St. Phone 800 ' A. L. Wishard Abstract of Title Co. of Southern Oregon 818 Main St. . Phone 2-W 3. F. Mcfluir . ' - C. T. Price Ward & Dale 204 Williams Bldg. Phono P4 Jool T. Ward " " " R. C. Dale 1 McNealy & Savidge 1020 Mnln St. Phone 274-W Wilson Abstract Co. 311' Main St. Phono 160 Arthur WUnon A. A. Bellman Co. 120 NO. Seventh St, Phone 158 h. H ilellman. . . . . 0. A." MrCnrlhy (SAI ESFORCE) J. K. Hoiking ' ' Tri-State Realty Mrs.' E. B Yaden Clny McDonald 1134 Main St, . . - ' Phnno 1050 O. E. Rae 218 E, Main St. Phone 888-W. Reynolds & Reed . 1080 Main pHt. Phone 1096 Frank Reynold . . J. fl. Reed., .w - FOR SALE AUTOMOBILES KOIt HAI.U Wbllb Cbevrolot bug, good mochunlml condition, five good lire. $125. Call at Apt. 2, HI. Framla Apia., 028 Oak Bl., aflpr p. rn. FOR SALE FOR HAI.K Cheap. Hloel folding ramp bed. Uordon, 142 Ho. Itirer aide. Phone IK2J. FOIl HAI.I0 Kemlngtoa typewrite, good condition, only fO caah. 210 YVIIllta llldg. Fhone 227. FOK BAMC Hmall rooming houae, leaaa and furniture. I'hone 04C-W FOIl HAI.K Haled hay at Jackaon liroa., Merrill road. $2V per ton. FOR BALE Cabbage and lettuce flanta. 11.00 per 100. R.'l, Dog 303. FOR SALE OR TRADE FOR BALK OR TRADE 11400 equity In a aervlce atatlon, alore and . ramp ground. ' Addreaa F. Marwtck,- Central Point. Ore. TO EXCHANGE FOR TRADE On atr and lot for' cattle. Route 1, Box 31V. MISCELLANEOUS FOR DALTON ADDINO MACHINE Bale and aervlce. George D. Knox, Valley Hotel. Phon 1234. 1'IANO TUN1NO and repair guar anteed. Beat local reference and money kept at home. A. E.'Dea ana. Phone 14 W. 71a Main BL LA CiltAMlK WAK.MKH tA GRANDE, July 18. (API La Grande waa 10 degree! warmer yesterday than any other day this year. The official thermometer reading gave a maximum of 89 above, the first 90 degree mark since last summer. NOTICE FOR PUBLICATION No. 01290O Department of the Interior, 0. 8. Land Office at Lakevltw, Or. April 22. 1:'.. IIOTICE I hereby given that Ros so It. Largent, whose post office .ddros is Midland, Oregon, did, on th 24th day of March, 1927, 'II In thl ofrice Sworn Statement id" AptillCini:KW.--t1290, to purchase the 8E14NWH aid V4 NK4 (SB14NWU and SljNEM) Sec-Ion 12, Township 2B 8., ;aoge 9E.. Willamelle Meridian, and the timber thereon, under the provisions of the act of Jun 3. 1878, and acta amendatory, known 1 the "Timber and Slone Law," at such villus might be fixed 11 appralsemtnt, and that, pursuant lo such application, th land and timber thetetn have been appralaed tt 1860.00, the timber eatlmated 400M. board test at 92.00 per M. and the land 900.00: that aald ap plicant will offer final proof In tupport of hie application and sworn statement on - the 28th day of July, 1927, before Bert C. Thomas, V. 8. ' Commissioner, at Klamath Falls, Oregon. Any person Is at liberty to pro test this purchase before entry, or Initiate a conteat at any tlm be fore patent issues, by filing a cor roborated affidavit in thla office. Oteglog fact which would defeat 'he entry. . F. P. LIGHT. Retiater IR Jt 99 OUR BOARDING HOUSE LV-MW. AtAVMR.FRArtKLlA'. i AkPl ARE' IV ... f.. .1..,..... HW& WORLD K&ALLW 1$,-. -10-WlMK-TrlA-t VilE MEE-fBV CrlAriCE lA-frll5 3IS6UIS AeiK MAKEUP "-ft- ' FOR RENT FOK KKNT Two roomed apart moui and balh. dli High, . FOIl HENT-r-HlecpIng ronma: men only; location dolrablc, phone j 012. ;KOIl RKNT Furniahed cabin. 12J 80. Klveraldo; FOR RENT Modern rurnlabed -apartment: alec two front office rooma. Apply 710 Main, Winter bldg. - FOR RENT Furtilnhcd apartment. Inquire 031 N. tb. or 733 Muln. FOIl , RENT Five-room, modern house, good location: party muat buy furniture. 625 N. 8tb Bt, 'Oil RENT Three-room furnlabed cottage. 103 Pine. THREE OFFICES In new Melhaae block, Auguit lat; separately If dealred. Oppoalt court houae. Mr. L. B. Hague, 210 Wllllta Bldg.. Phone 227. FOR RKNT Apartmetna. 41 N. I Tenth at. - I. FOR RKNT L'nfurniahed five room modern- bonae, newly renovated. Johnaon; 830.00 a month. Terms on lease. II. F, Sackett, phone G2-J. FOR RENT Very modern three room houae and garage. In Hot Spring Addition, $40 per month. Inquire Dunham Auto Co. FOR RENT Two-room furnished apartment. Inquire at 703 N. 9th St. FOR RENT Three-room cottage, partly furnished, garage. Water paid. 2110 8. 0th St. Key at 129 Division St. 3tp. FOR RENT Sleeping room, two blocks from new high , school. Bath. 1126 East Street. Phone 1037-W. FOR RENT Furnished room. 1125 .Main St. FURNISHED apartments, garages, 935.00 and up. New building. Just off Main on Broad street. Rex Arms. Phone 1116. , FOR RENT Sleeping room foriLOST License No. 1-736-422. 1927 gentlemen only, one or two. Ab solute privacy. Adjoining bath. 615 Conaor ave., phone 699 after 8 o'clock. FOR RENT First elas furnished apartment, steam heated. Mo- Capvky ApaxuaMtav- - Pin pnon 800 uuu FIRST CLASS' apartment tor rent All electricity furniahed, Evan Apt. Phon S21-M and 100. NOT1CK OF FINAL ACCOXT NOTICE I hereby-aAven that the undersigned -admmlslrator with the will annexed of the estate of Richard Manderofui Hotallng. de cerned, has- (lied bia final account In tbe connly court of the Stat of Oregon - for Klamath county, and that Friday, tha 5th day of August, 1927, at the hour of 2:00 o'clock In the afternoon of said day and the court room of aald court baa been appointed as the time and place for tbe hearing of objections thereto and the settlement thereof. Dated and first published June 28, 1927. D. V. KCYKENDALL. Administrator with the will aunexed. J.28-Jy.S-l2-l9-26. - ; ;w For Sal Old paper. - Call at Klamath New. 3ES'PASSIA' -THROlitSrt 5K4 CAeiOXAWrWV SrlAVJlei'-TgLC'M I ..Ju.," ' -r.lV Klimm If IIA1H LAW 14 A 1 V 1 Ml . It 'X: CIRCUS.' - KNtO WILU -ftlFM'f I IHlUkf iiBiV!-il' IS POIli'. ' 'g MAJOR'S PALy 'ARSlvje'' r?, HELP WANTED WANTED Live-wire salesman; muat have car. Bee Mr. Fugato, 224 So. 7th Ht. TYPISTS WANTED for manuacrlpt and acenarlo work, apare time only, big pay. Standard Manu acript Bureau, 28 A'. W. 4th Bt., Miami, Fla. 8ALKNMKN--$100 weekly eaally made taking orders for two atapl auto arceaaorlea. Main or aide , line. Big commlaalon. Write for particuUira and earn plea to Sale Manager, Box 280. Spencer. Iowa DHY LU.MIIKR HANDLERS. , In quire Wheeler-Olmstead Yards, Pelican City. . WANTED Girl for general house work. .716 Jefferson. ' 1 WANTED SITUATIONS WANTED Experienced stenograph er and bookkeeper desire perma nent position. Local references. Write box 70, car News. lS-3t WANTED Practical nursing to do. Experienced lo confinement cue. Call 1107-W. WANTED WANTED- Have cash for small automobile of any kind but Ford. 424 N. lltb. WILL BUY hogs, weaning pigs. shoats, sow and dairy cowa; alao beef, herd rows, calves, or year ' lings. Write full particular Oter. 413 High St., Klamath Falls, Phone 012. MARRIED COUPI.B or lady to share home with lady living alone. Inquire Walton 'ft Wright. LOST LOST Rat tall spaniel pup. Brown female; three months eld; black ribbon around neck. Reward. W. W. McNealy, 1920 Main, phone 274-R. LOST Boy Scout outfit, army and red and green checked .blankets, acoul uniform, etc. Reward. Call Newa office. California, and tall light, between Klamath Falla and Midland. Re ward. Macdoel Hotel. Macdoel. Cal. LOST Elks tooth. No. 1247 en- raved on back. Finder please re- r "turn" to-News, or Phoue-8.-Re- ward. BEES GET REVENGE . ON FAST DRIVERS . SPOKANE. Wash.. July 18 (AP) The bee get revenge when a speeding motorist slaughters them with his car. That Is the claim of Walter IIo gan. chief of detective here, who aay he deducts the speed of a mo torist from the force with which flying insects are smashed against an automobile. Sherlock Holmes of today can take a tip . from the bees, the' detective says. . In driving through rural districts, bees colliding with motor car wind shields will bound off, merely stun ned. If the driver is proceeding at 25 miles an hour or less, the de tective says, r " At 40 miles or more tho Insect will be crushed against the wind shield, Hogan .avers. By Ahem iloul. Mo -Trl' "TEAM 2 BROIUTH MAJOR KP ME wvii-res 'EM-To CAMP J. CAK WHtM IH BlTtS - v IJii m 73 QT1CB ' f' - FIXI.SO TWE TIME AND PLACE FOR HEAHINd OF OBJECTIONH TO THK PROPOSED ASSESH- "r.ii 1 nuu, njuc a.ku KlLKD.Ing deacrllad boundaries, to-witt BY TUB COMMON COUNCIL IN THE MATTER OP TUB IM PROVEMENT OF SIXTH STREET FROM THE WEST LINE OF COMMERCIAL STREET. EX- j 1 mi'ui, iu TrtB w Kb line ' OF THE RAILROAD PROPERTY OR RIOHT-OF-WAY OF THE SOUTHERN PACIFIC COMPANY, KNOWN AS IMPROVEMENT UNIT NO. 68. NOTICE Is herajiy given by the undersigned, Lem L, Gaghagen. Pol ice. Judg of th City of Klamath 1 Falla, Oregcn, pursuant to a resolu tion of the Common Council of the City of Klamath Falla, Oregon, adopted on the 12th day of July, 1027, fixing the time and place for the hearing of objection to the proposed assessment roll, made and filed by tha Common Council in the matter of the Improvement of Sixth Street from the west line of Com-j atraight line, to a point oa tha merelal Street, extended, to the west least line of Commercial Street, dl line of the railroad rigbt-of-way of Itant 194.25 feet north of th north the Southern Pacific company, line of Sixth Street: theme weater known as Improvement Unit No. 96, ly to a point on th west lia of and approving the assessment roll Commercial Street, distant 167,41 heretofore filed herein. The pro-1 posed assessment roll aa tha same appear on file herein, shows a de scription of he property assessed, the name of the owner and the amount assessed and levied upon each lot, block., piece or parcel of acreage property as provided by the city charter and the Council- haa fixed Monday.- the 1st day of Au gust, 1927, at the hour of eight o'clock p. m . at the council cham bers in the City of Klamath Falls. Oregon, said date being a regular meeting of the Common Conncil, as the time and place for hearing ob jection to auch proposed assess ment roll and to the individual property assessment therein set forth, and will proceed to asses the proportionate share and part of the cost of auch improvement in accordance with the benefit accrued upon each lot, part of lot, block or acreage property a therein set forth. THEREFORE, you and each of ACCOUNTING Accounting - " T -Audltlaf Howard H, Metcalf ' .-' ' -119 South Fifth Bookkeeping In com Tax Servic ADVERTISING gi Th ALLAN W. McCOMB Ca. id Dirtet-Maii Adwrtiiinm y abuiT L. M ion, if c. j U Btaia SUMt si Ftaa 1M p , BATHING THE SANITARY STEAM AND . SHOWER . BATHS ' "For Your Health" Open every day 11 a. m. to 12 midnight, except Monday. . 1719 Main CHURCHES 'We SpecUliie la Helpfalae' FIRST METHODIST CHUKCB Tsntk and High Sta. Haaday Servsreai -11:00 a. aa.r 7:80 p. as. - Frnk L. Wemett. Minister Residence 1009 High Bt. CLEANING AND DYEING KLAMATH CLHAJnHQ Jk DM WORKS - Cleaning k Prta . 'We Dy to 11m" 421 Main 8L Phon 499 COLLECTIONS W Collect Honest Dhta Any wher in th United BUta snd .Canada ' 9TJLAMATR : OOMMBRCUL 8BRVICB '.!-, 11 80. Fifth 8t, : Phon III Collections, Credit Rating Ssrvlca DENTISTS DR. K. Q. WI8BCABTBB Deatlatry X-Ray Iboratorf Phon 141 - TJndsrwood ' Bldg. Office Phone listr Melhaso Bldto. Rat, rboae 1149 . Klamath Falls you and. all poraoni, firm of cr- Iporaliona owning property or who may be Intoreated in any lot, part ; of lot, block or acreage property lylng and being within the follow-: Beginning at the most northerly corner of Lot 10, Block 100 Klaaw lath Addtion to the Cltr ol JCItn- lath Falla. Oreaon: thence aoutb- westerly 130.25 feet along the alley In aald Block 10 reot; tnence aoum- easterly along a line which Is paral lel to and distant 1J z feet irom the south Una of Sixth Street t th west' line of th Southern Pa cific railroad main Ha - right-of-way; thence northerly along J4 right-of-way line to a point 40 feet north of the southeast corner of Lot 22. Block 19, Second Railroad Addi tion; thence weterly 180' feet to a point on each Una of Spring Street which la 40 feet north of th south west corner of said lot 22; throe northwesterly to a point oa the west line of Spring Street whlcw Is 44.23 feet north of the south corner of Lot 11. Bioek 18, Second 1 R. R. Addition: thsnce westerly oa feet north of the north Jim 01 ixta ;f treat: thence west a 1.5 i featf. thence south - 101.34 feet to - tne north line of Sixth '-Street; thnc southerly to the point of beginning. . Anr oersoa. firm or orporaJoi whose property may be affected by 'aald Improvement may appear and ! object to such assessment aa showa by said proposed assessment roll at any tlm prior to tha hoar of eight o'clock p. ra., on th lat day of Aa- gnat. 1927, -and you ara iurxner notified that unless such objection re tiled in writing oa or before said date, that said assessment will be adopted and allocated to mo various piece or parcel of real property a shown by said proposed, assessment roll on file herein- Dated at Klamath Falls,- OrtgOQ, thl 14th day of July, 1827. . .... LEM L. GAGHAGEN', , . , , Police Judg. Jy.19-22-26. For results us New Claa Ad. GARAGES T UipU&lAL UAiUai 3rd and Mala -CTO Tlx Prest-O-Llt Battarks 8TORAGB -"Th Oarage that Nat CToaM" HAJIRT OQgLLBR. Prop. HOTELS VALLEr UATEL Braad How Fllu pioC - Rooma With Bath. All Rooma with Lavatory. Vary Mooerat Phon 1334. ' ' HOUSE CLEANING HOUS1I Jk WINDOW CLKAKYRU Br experienced man! t roar t . . Portlaa4 .--'. MR. BTJBSm . Phoaa 499-J-S . LODGES . . BCILDaTSaV TfTHAafflgl,- ; Bta Try lad aad 4tk Wd aeaday of th Moata at . p. go. la Lagloa Ball. . - . VKTKRAN8 OF FOBKKHf W, PaUcaa Foot laM . - Mssts very eond aad fourth Wednesday evening. (. P. aL, basement Court Hons. ' 1 VERNB J. WALKER, Phon 1150-W Fratmal Ovder .. i- of Eagle . Will meet every Friday svenlng la the Moos Hall at 7:30 p. m. V MINING ENGINEER HENRY M. LANCASTER ' Mining Engineer 1 United State Mineral Surveyor for the District of Oregon Office: 204 West F. Bt Grant Pass, Ore., P.O. Box, 794 MUSIC Aaaertcaa Ooaaervatory of Maaa Band aad Orchestra Inatrmataiai UughL 11 ' Claaae in . i t. Harmony aad Arraagmfv -trd Floor . Wlntara Bldf. PAINTERS FOR TUB HKST ; ASK FOR THE UNION CARD F. R. OLDS J, H. FIKE8 R. U GREEN U B. 8HEHORN C. H. KING MR. CARPENTER QUALITY PAINT SHOP Employ Members of 1 V. 197S Classified adTartmtag tn 111 KLAMATH NEWS pay big dlvt- dvuds. Uso tbcra fur profit.