rVKKKITV (IK OI!L .11 LIBRARY ' FUGSNB. wT j ' " " t me Klamath 1 The Klamath News Official Paper County of Klamath Three Sections 14 Pages J 'THROW AWAY YOUR HAMMER-GET OUT YOUR HORN" i Vol. 4, No. 211 Price Five Centa KLAMATH FALLS, OREGON, SUNDAY, JULY 17, 1927. (Every Morning Except Monday)' I EW: 1 i 5 it 5 r. 1 Spanish War Vets Conclave To Open Members From All Parts of State Arriving for 19th Annual Encamp ment in This City A p r o f u r 1 o n of find throughout the business dis trict Saturday, gave thin city a patriotic atmosphere iitul pre saged the opening here today of the 19th Annual Kncamp ment of the United Spanish War Veterans, for which dele jrntejt from all part of the state began arriving yester day. The fountuy convention nf the Kpniili), war vetorunn ortlilully opeim lliU morning m K o'clock wiih ri'iiNliMllun nf tklctnlen ul the Wlllurd hotel. H.moii 1 unit Main. liealo,u.irt"rn for thr vlaltors. The general reception m tho Wlllard will ho ntngotl I ilia evening at 8 iti'dnik following Hi, arrival of a rnoi.il miln from Portland, bcar litjs iiiiii dun luO mcmom M the oril-r from that city. .Momlu.. 'n preliminary session will open ul m. when the ruivei- I Ion In "culled Jo order by Drpnvt jim'IH t'oiiiiiiunrirr Robert A. Sawyer, with iipp.liitnieiil of committees to folio .v closely. Iterepl loti Mini llnlt. The opening session w!U he called lo 01 Irr ly II. V. llallilnny, chair man of thu executive committee, tilth uttilri nscn it wclrome mid re npoun n Inter. Tile Monday after noon ioniuvo begins at I o'clock. Tho crowning event cf tho d.iy w-IU Imi t in iiimual reception iin.l b.ill, (CuiilliiuiHI on Page Hr i Sportsmen to Hold Important Session All numbers of tho Klamath Sportsmen's unor!utton arc nr,tod In turn Hit for tho organisation's regular inn:lti2 In t!io chamber of commerce roora MnnJuy evening, un Important business of ninro than county-whir scope, In to dp pre sented for discussion. Anionic other things, adoption of tho now pnposed sportsman's badge lo h" worn by npnrtnmen dur Iiik t hp hunllnii season, for the pro tect Ion of runihcr anil hntili r alike, will bo considered. 1'IiIh move In one that lian boon taken up by the Stall iportsmen's unsocial ton, and union rognr.llng It will ho token at tho next regular meeting of Hint body, on tic ncrnnd Kildiiy In December, 1927, and ac tion 1 roiiucmod by all Ural a.o lullonH boforo tlint tlmo. Th i-opy of tho ntw rotmtltullon of tho Htalo SporlKnnn'a aorlailon, hoionftor lo ba known n tho Oregon Cumo Prolortlv HHfioclutlon. will bo up hi'toro this mtotlni;, und In of In toroHt t) all nirniliom. Magazine Manager Boosts Lake Here - C'linrlon A. Hnwloy, ninnaRor of Hut I'arlflc Hpnrinmnn. 8nn Krnn-' olitoo, who apont cvorl duya In tho K In inn 1 1) oounlrr 1hi wtik, will xort li Ih Intlnonco to tllvrt traffic Into Hhttnond lako from t'lillfornlii. vln KNmnth' Kails, ho doclnred upon hla visit here. i "llown outh everyone lold me 'tho bent tjihI Into tlf) lake, hoc fnino liu apread fnrthor noti i.a limn Klnmath reni:lenta reallae wna by way x)f Modford," Huwley atated. "Hut now that I hnvo both ronda, I find that tho Klnmath enlrnno l much tho bent, and I Intend lo talk nliout It." Iluwlpy In mnklnn nn exlenalve lour of, northern California and noli I hern Oregon outdoor attrac tion. Ill connecllDn with I'm mnRi alnn ho reprrienta and it la likely that Homo lamia In I ho neor fu'iiro will carry niil.lcs on the thli'gi lin Hit v In OresJit, na lh mnmigor iwaa nlhualaallf ahouf thin annrta inen'a inrn.llBe, I.nler the Pacific Sportatnan will Ihhiio a weekly .bulletin carrying r porta I fit front Mi g to unglgra mid huutera, In nil accllonn of Itx lorrl lory, lluwloy atatctl. Heads Convention of War Veterans I II. W. IUTIII VVV. II. XV. Ilntlilaiiy, rlir. ilialrninn iif llif rvrritllVf coiiiinlttfN In rlinrge f llio Smtiliii IVnr 'rfer I una rotivenlloli tipciiliitf In ttila jrliy Mmiilny. Ilntlilaiiy aerveil hi Culm mill the illlpplnra with lut I unit Itnl Infiililr). j U.S. Marshal May j Have Difficulty i Arresting Indians Wella Here lo Take Araon Suipectt lo Portland for ! Trial; Says Indian Maidi i Have Scattered IIimaux- a arm Imllrtmrnt liehl to Ii'kiiI form In every way ecrrt mm rti-y anil the prewa In Hirer illi lienilileil hl nilnalon to the Klnnirtlli ntunli'V. ('. O. WrlU, ilepnly riiltr,! Mntea niar alinl, farra tlM iroaprrt of rounil lug up 12 Inillnn nuililrna with a park horar anil nn Inillnn iiuiilr', Hint ottklnl IiiiIiiuiIihI here Sal urtlny wbrn lir nrrlird In Ihla rlty rnrnntr to the Klnntntli rra rrvnllnn to nerve wiirrnnta on the sliia rliarxiil Willi liiimlng llio Afreiiry ilormltory Innt Mnrrh. When approached an to hla mla alcn here, MurHhnll Wella a.lmltted ho vil on hla way to arrest the Indian girls, declaring the prena had already ruirled nioro than enough on tie auhjert to ault him. "I'n Juat born Infirmed by I.. 1). Arnold;, reiiervntlon att)erUilentlent, Hint tho Indian girls whom 1 am aeeklng have read of my enming In l'ortlun I. Modtnrd ali i Klumnth Knlla nctarnpapera, and have acat lered to tho -lour wiiidn." till V. S. officer uancrted fooling)'. "I'm nut to avrve warrunta -If 1 (Cniillniiei! on I'nge Five) Police Get Booze After Long Vigil An all-night vigil hy police found I Ita reward early Saturday with the urrent of K. Weatfnll and a carload nf bonded whlnkey, aald to ha onr ot the biggest hatila made here. Wfaifnll's car waa found In a locnl garagn, and upon discovering Ita lluuor cargo, police wutrhed all tilRULr'rl'Iny 'or tho owner. .who, II la purported, turned nut to be Weat fnll. Kxpprta4lnclnro the liquor, brand ed IIIII & Hill. Kentucky, la the real tuff, and not tho concoction pt bootlegger. There were ISA qttnrta In the haul, w-nrth a lnrge aunt. It la believed tho linnxo wna brought In from Snn Frnnclaro. rhnfgca of possession will Jie In atituted agalnat Westfall. police atated. Whether ornot . hla big new aednn will he confiscated could not be lenrned. CAUSE OF ROW TOLD BY NOTED PREACHER POItTLAND. July It. (UP) T.lio natural opposition of two typea of extromiata hna cnitaed dlaaenalon In religious circles. Dr. Clovla O. Chnppnll, noted prenchor of Mem phis, told the United Presa to night. ' "There nln't no hell," la the ver- ! aiou of tho moilornlat, Dr. Chap- poll aald. Too which tho funda mentalists reply, "The hell there ain't." ' Dr. Chappell recommended filial prenchera ae Iho eommon aenae viewpoint. HK8 10IMES, la. July 10..(AP Ilnrry llltimenthnl of Chicago, a former buck prlvnte, woe elected national prealdent of the votorana of Iho Hnlnl-oW division today at the nnmiiil reunion hern.. llltimenthnl, nn attorney, nerved In the 14Hth floltt artillery. mm nf Ex-Chief Sent To Pen Over Slaying Conspirator Against Life of Newspaper Pub lisher, Sentenced; De nies His Guilt CANTON, Ohio. July 15. (AP) Saranu Lengel, de posed Canton, chief of police, must spend the rest of his life behind the walls of Ohio pen itentinry for his part in the conspiracy to murder Don R. Jfellett, publisher of the Can ton Daily News, one year ajjo today. ; Thin wan the verdict returned late t lilny by a Jury of seven women and rlvo men who hud delllier.n. i the ra. -haired former chiefs fate for more than, four bourn. ' t 'rowil Kuril,!. An excited crowd milled abcul. the rnrrldora of the conrt hiuse throughout the oftern'ion waiting for word from tht Jury. Among the spectators In tha rourthouie wan a little group of ntehibera of the mum publlnhrr'a family. They In clined Mm. Plarenre K. Mellett'. the aldnw and Iter e'lllJren. the oldent cf whom In but 11. I.engell, who looka 7S. althnuth ho In .inly 59. tottered on bin nea an tho verlct waa read. Hla win Irani, and daughter, Daisy, rushed Into bin arnm and w (pt. "Unddy, ladilr, you .didn't do It!" Daisy, it pretty young ae'iool tencta or, almutrtt lo her father. "llefore (iod. 1 didn't," lite form er pollro rhlef aald. An l.eng'll wa.. ushered toward Hie county Jail adjoining the co'irt bouno he walked pant Ju Ige Frank tievenger'a bench and rwlth hla eyca facing the Jail anld: "I did not dn It. I am Iniiicont. There la no Justice." Hefennc 'rnunnol filed a molitu for a new trial whirh wax taken under advisement. Lengell waa convicted eai'ly un mi evidence of Floyd M. Struitoit lierser. farmer detective and fa.'or lt4 policeman ct Lengell when the latter wan chief. Strcltenberger. ' sentenced to life, confeaned afer his conviction and Implicated l.en gell an ono of tho conspirator?. I-engel wna l':e fifth t be In dicted an a Mellett murder conspira tor. Patrick Kugene McDrmott. the "tiger man." Hen Riidger, the "pay-off man." Lenin Maxer, the "go-bet ween" for Streitenhcrger and Lengell, and Streitenberger and Lengell have all b??n convict ?d. i Will Oppose Cut in License Fees ! I1KND. July It. (IP) The central Oregon highway association wilt oppoae the move recently put I under wny to cut state auto li cense fees and wlla work to k"ep such a menaure off the ballot. It was decided here at & meeting ot the annoclntloh today. The meeting waa attended by all mombera of the atate highway com mission. The motion putting tho associa tion cn re.onl agalnat a reduction j In tho license fee wna Introduced br Stute Senator Jay H. Upton, fol lowing dbicusaion of plana tor the Central Oregon highway between lloml and nurna. Ford's LibtJsriT Amicably Settled CHICAGO. Jtilr.lt. (UP) Tho million-dollar libel null which grew out of Henry Kord'a attack on the j Jewa, through artlrlen In the DenT ! born Independent, han been nettled. Annin Snplro, prominent Jewish attorney ywho Instituted the ault, today announced that Ford htv I mnao a maniy anil neceni. reirac j Hon of the articles" thla retraction looming recently when Ford .an nounced ho wna aorry for the artl clea which )i:l been mrltten by suh-c 'lltorn and that the ault waa eloscd. Saplro aald he hud requented no money and had received- none. T'.ie Dearborn Independent will make a public retraction In the next la' attc. Other Issues Involved In tho settlement were not mado public. MUSICIAN HAS DOG WHO THINKS; FINDS WAY.TO HOSPITAL Kl'RKKA, Calif., July It. (UP) To thoaa skeptics who hold that , dogs ran Hot 'think here la the tale ef Joe Andres honnd. j Shortly after Andre, a musician,: and hla hound fame to JCureka twj I months ago, tho dog developed ln- Itestlnal dlalcmpar. Andre aent the ! dog to Dr. E. C. Morris' veterinary , I hospital where under expert rarej t:e animal recovered after a' few j days. - Some two weeks after that , the doz ran a splinter In Its forefoot auj l'i-te;d of g:lng home 1 Its, master ran two miles on three legs to the hospital and eloquently held , i up the paw for !lr. Morris' inspec-1 i "on- Terrific Heat in East Brings Week TV I m 11 a mn UeaUljlOU 10 W Ten More Victims Added to Rapidly Crowing List Sat urday) No Relief 'in Sight at This Time XKW YOltK. inly 10. (J j Ten more llnllli'a . were raunrfl tiMlny by Hie brat I but has baked IIm eaXi-i a atntra for llir ' pant , rivr ilavx, brinirlng thr total . ilratha alurr Hir lirnt wave br- ann to more than 70. j Four of todiD'e deaths were In .Now- Y?rk City, taa were ln Phlla , delplila and there wan one each In I Newark. N. J.. Annonla, Conn., Buf fulo and Woonsacket, II. I. i lonnneu warm weatliar waa pre dlctrl for tomorrow and tho swel . lering public derivej less comfort I from the we.ilhrr man's "probable Inhoaers" than It did two days ago i when the same prdir.ttu failed M1, T-1 ,M l kiaterlallxe. Tempimtures hov-j . " r.SZ"? . lered clone to 0 degrees, and ln KANSAS CITY. July lt-P mnnv necllon. ! N Tv nOiA y-lndor aw -pt the aouth I th- imn.r..'i.r. temperiilnre was somewhat I lower than veslnritnv. th hnmlfiit ,111 ii. ui 7 Hon an unbearable as before. I Itoflchea HUil I ;i 1 artm wapa i .. . . . , . 'pre ujiiircien in m rrnvnnn nvA, inn t over the j week-end an : thronged ull they have not been summer and ronces- i I I io mnn i. ,c.. some of the losi entailed by the belated iwarm season. jor The heat deaths by sections the past five days follows: Greater New York. 45; New Jer sey. 16; Pennsylvania, 16: Upper New York, 13; Massachusetts, u; New Hampshire, land. 1. i; Kspodeos is- ' Oregon "Fruit Crop Light This Season POltTLANb. July 16 ipi general survey of the fruit crop 1 l1,Tl9' 8 f"ner living a mile north of Oregon -lui'mten that, while: of herc- k",od ttb-ut 4 o'clock ! production nviv not be as lorje!"1'" afternoon when atruck by fl Ithia year as in ,'ormer yeam. hl-lier I (Continued on Page Six) prices will - douli:tess off 't t'ti decrease. A shortage of apples Is reported from practlcallv all atawn, includ ing Oregon, with the exception of Idaho. The five western ntrten i that pack In boxes are entima'ed to have 31.H7.0OO boxea as compared with 42.fi76.O00 last year. For the!gaturd , bccorae efrectl , , United States as a whole, the com- ... .j ! menial apple production Is set at ztl.l7S.ooo barrels. The produe-: Hon of apples In Oregon this year Is estlmafed at 4.655.000 boxes. decrease In yield of 2V22.000 boxes from last year. . ' . The pear crop in Oregon la estl - mated at 1,128.000 bush-Is. In laze, j.uio,uuo Diisneis wero gilJwn. The report from the coun - I try at large Indicates a correspond' . Ing (decrease In production. Tlie prune crop wlll be lnTg?r than was expected earlier In the season. It Is now Indicated. A niriy gona maraei in aniicipHiea ai though there la some uncertainty as (to what prices iwill be paid. I NEW WEDDING RITE:) CUTS HONORv OBEY BERKELEY, Calif.. Jnly ,ITt T., J W.. , . ..w .u.v, wur ot tne marriage ceremony la rr-. victim of a onvore beating on the tlttced to "love" alone In the '-w(,onspq,IPn(.,, of a iiauur raid. wedding ritual of the Cosmic so-1 jamea Burgees, local police ser clety" of Bcrkeley. The Cosmic I grant. In tha wounded man. Amos ceremony was used for the first tlm I Kmn, whose plnce was raided, has . In the marrlhge nf Mlsa Merdnlne , admitted that he shot Burgess by! Keeler and Richard Jlcinturo. , The ceremony, wrltton by the bride's father, Charles Keeler. poet and founder of tho Cosmic society religion, nlarea every emphasis on love and asks the parties to the ceremonies only to unite their llvs and "share whatovcr fato you Jointly fashion and create out of tho potentialities ot the future," 200 Hnmp'sPanishWarVcts tUU lUUiet Auxiliary Leader Destroyed: By Storm In Kansas! Tornado Cuts Path Thru Small Town, ' Killing ' Two Persons; Strikes' Edge of City KANSAS CITY, July 16, J (AP) At least two persons! were killed when a tornado j struck the little town of South! i Pnrlr k una oAvarol f mitoo ' , southwest of here. neaMer,. riam, Kans., late today. More than 100 persons were reported injured and about swept throuffh the i storm town, Two hundred of the 260 homes in the town were demolished, most of the othera damaged. j " Prrrnlrd by Rain. I The tornado van preceded by a ' i gale and heavy rain and JuBt as the! ntormw- seemed about to subside, i the twister swooped down cn the ,town. Physicians from '- Kansas ; City. Mo.. Kansas . City. Kan., a8Jawnee and il?rr.am, Kan.', were! , sent to the scena to aid the In-. lJured. Physicians were assisted b I firemen and policemen sent from I ' Kansaa City, Kaa. I cdtB Kansas. City late toda: unroofing houses, breaking down I I trees and blowing away rarazs! oo-ri. simultaneously came a re- i nnrt fhflt Snilll. Palr Van n 9 .w - " ! miles aouth or Kansas Cltv. K.m. 1 nun uri-n airucK uy a lorna'JO anil (that one family was trapped U the i wreck of a hmie. A ahower of deb- ris fell In a residence .xectlon on tile south side here. ' J. C. Graves, storekeeper, oies mile east of South Pa.-K, declared persons whs came to ht fore said the town -was badly damaaed with aeveral persons injured and some pissibly dead. " . . ' r r rtetitlnir anil nnn.nl w n; I I to the town from Kansaa City. Kan., i to aid persons in the damaged area I and fight possible tires. I YOUTH IS KIIJ.Kn. ItURLIN'GAMB, Kan., July 16- ot sen j ilO'Pt Llyod Davis. 14, son Jenson Resigns as n ; Klamath Engineer! t The resignation ot Joseph Jenson h. .ho ) ,, 1 1 1 1. .... . , I ,,,,,. ,h. ,ii , i nJV,h '6, h r,n5. "n'i '? ' Lt J ' j "t P , " pr,Va worg oere. Jensen s Successor, has not be?n n!meA bllt ..lth haif , million lol - lar, to bt u,ed on roart work verc gooI1 the court wlll probahiy (m !ln ,nonlm.nl on. K. U. Henry, lormer wssisinnt ci-.y engineer in tae uootinra aaministra- Hon; and C. T. Darley, city engineer In the a.tldrd administration have been named as likely successors j Liquor Raid Row Sends Two to Bed ,'.,,, . , , , , ' CKNTRALlA. Wash., July 1. ! (Ul'l Two men were confined to !a honnltal hero tonight, one wound- . .. , )n tae tnce ana tnn otner met Occident when handing hint his gun unit Hint other members of the i raiding party then bent him up. Harness, according o Kllla. mls- understood his action in reaching for tho gnn mid In the struggle t-'ie weapon was dlnchnrjsrd. Tho condition of both . men Is nerlotis. No liquor wns found at Kllla's plnce. T li , v; i t ... KDV. M. PARR. rliiA M- f'urr- lnrtlitn,l .l..n... : men! nrmlilrot of the auiilUrr .1. i iiarOiu nl I'nltl Knnl.h ti - "" - .'iparta of the "pita.. There J rlljr. Smith SayS StOir' ol Plane trash 1 Rotten Falsehood Knl Denies Having Wrecked Ship The "t IKMtofflce. the Pal ! on Purpose; " Aviatora to ace of ,n" "4 the editorial otf- Make Tour of Hawaiian Isl ands Before Returning HO.NOI.ll.r, Jnly 16. (IP) Xrtva rilspntrhex to the rffrrt that he had parposrly wrrrkrd hla monoplnnr In the hiawr bunhra of Molokal IslamI, con stitute an untvaxrantetl rotten falarhoo.1" Krnrat Hmitli ,lr- ' rlrn-rd today lo thr Vnttrd Prm.. j 'Smith expressed appreciation-to the United Press for Its accurate j stories ot hta dramatic trans-Paclflc flight. "AnV news service that said 1. 1 purposely trl..i ti smash my plane In landing, is guilty of an unwar ranted, rotten ' falsehood," he-said. Smith, pilot ot the City of Oak land, crashed with ills na-vigatcr Emory Bronte into a Kl.-.we bush on the edge of the island yesterday, successfully ending the first civilian trnns-Pucific flight. Smith and Bronte vttnt to Wheel er Fleli today to spend the week end as guests ot Jhe a: my air ser vice. Previously thoy called on Governor Wallace, R. .Farrlngton. The civilian fivers decided tji-Ijht j to pay a flying visit to all the la ,., ln in mid-Pacific Polynesia be-. 1. 1 .1 .1 1 v unwBn They will be taken as passengers In a seaplane to the island ot Ha waii where they will view the (Continued on Page Six) Governor Expected In Klamath Today Governor I. L. Patterson la ex- j perted to be one ot a group of'statj officials who will arrive In Klamath I Falls todnv from Lakevlew. follow- runs luuuy i rum Jtin My Th ffrnnn Inclliri Ion tour. ; The group Includes the state highway commission. H. B. Van-1 Duier, Robert Sawyer and C. E. ! Gates, and Judge William Duby o ; A number of other state officials : . r in tne party, wan rumorea here yesterday. In addition to the i the Spanish War Veterans conven- ; Hon In this city. , ' iv ,. --. n , t YOUTHS JAILED FOR STEALING COP'S CAR 1 PENDLETON. July 16. (UP) Nll,hini Rowland and Clarence Brgfr9 Portland youths, were held , the county jaii hcr0 umght onaVg-ed i with : stealing a car from he sheriff. The car was found near Richland. badly damaged. It In said that , car In Salem and il,n,a 11 Itvhn In Pemllnton he mot Brlggs and the pair, It Is . .,,. .sifr. . frm d(,nutv who ,.,, hnlng for ,he ; Ki OWltJIH llldl-lllliv. . APARTMENT HOUSE OWNER IS RELEASED PORTLAND. Ore., -July 16, (AP) Fred Hurtwick, 52, rooming houso proprietor.wlio shot and killed Dan iel P. Htthley last Tuesday night when the latter broke Into hla house with a threat to kill him, waa re leased from custody today, after the grand Jury had returned a not true I bill against him. I The coroner's- Jury previously had I exonerated Hartwlrk. finding he had shot Hunley In self-defense. I Bloodshed And Riots Unabated In Vienna General Strike Order In- effective! Communi cation Cut Off; Rail , Traffic Paralyzed VIENNA, July 16, (AP) Rioting in Vienna had not ceased this afternoon. For many hours the Doliae ' and n-.imnkc nA aH..n.l-j "u nuuxijicu in vinoiu were some desperate encoun ters, and although the author- ' i ities last night made public casualties numbering 12 dead and 100 wounded, the general blief is that they exceed 120, with more than 1000 wounded. I several - qie nard . Bewa- ices ot several "die hard1 papers nesent a scene of wreckage. tales of gruesome brutality are re-; I counted everywhere; Of how mobs (stormed the police stations aad' i ana Kicked otflrl.l. .,n they were covered with blood, and' burned the official dnenm.n,. i. -lis rumnrei ,h i. ' the troop, aided with, the riota The aoclai democrata hare Issued' a manifest , declaring: t ' . . - "We do not want collision ML tween the workmen and the' sol. Therefore, comrades, no demonstra- tlMis. but silent, dignified ano) a (Continnrd urn rage Klre) . Hardened Criminal : Enraged at Courts I SAN FrtANCISCO, . July It. ' tf't tnra-aea because all . the" "coppers'," Judges and modern laws , have gone "soft" ani a "hardened" criminal like himself could not stay in Jail, Claude Smith has turned' against modern Justice. .. Smith wsb booked in the Jail h?re on a charge of being drank. Awake fr;m a heavy a! umber ' on a prison cot, he was told to go home. "What?" he heatedly demajdc.l. "Yon going to let a hardened ' criminal like me get away?"' His face turn-i red and he plunged into an oration. "There'a not a hard law nowa days. Everyone In Jail these days 1 Is petted and coddled, fed prepared food and then given llgit sentences, It's Jnugh to make the old-time two-gunmen turn over In their graves In disgust. . ' 'My name is not Smith. I Just got that name from a theatre pro- ' gram. I'm the man" who held un Henry Miller, the cattle king of the San Joaquin valley in '.he old days. I held him bp In the bills back Los Banos. He had - StOO and 1 asked me to loan him. $30 of thn money to buy food. I did and ten years later we met and ho offered to give me back that twenty' .' "I am known throughout the state as a bad man n road agent. 1 demand a court appearance." But police, after heaiinj- hla told him to "run along and stay sober." ' , FLAPPER FANNY SAYS: The difference between marriage and mirage la hi the spelling. ' 7 y& - V c$j ' , v ' 4 ' - i nrru.MTw mtai av wi anaviet, e. i