Pagg Bight Saturday, 2", 1927. TI1R KLAMATH NEW3 Auditorium Row is Many Expected to !Boy Scout Drive Bonanza Folk Meet : Settled by Court! Watch Well Start May Last Longer To Talk Measures Baaley. The opinion tod iu ' Written, bf Justice) Bell, and con 'eorred in by nil eHier Jastlce. Th title of tba can u th ' tUto on relation ot eral Van Winkle, Darld M. Gra ham, J. H. Koke and R. A. Mc Cnlljr against George A. GUmore, Ttlty recorder of Eugene, appeKant. TSe aalt was Instituted to enjoin .(Major) from placing on tbe ballot aa Inltiatire meaanre to repeal that part ot the city charter auth;rii ' lag tbe Issuance and aale of bond aggregating f SOt.OOO for the eon atrnctlon and maintenance of a public municipal auditorium, on or yswljaeeot to the Unte rally ot Ore ' con cam put. : The question at Issue na ( wavidvr me recorder naa a lenai right to place the measure -apeotal ballot, or irtether It t await m reru'ar election. After quotlnj the law S BAI.KM, June 14. P) The En- Several hundred persons are ex- InUlratlons erero rritfay tnai in j A largo crowd aamereii ai 1110 .gene sndilorlnm b id measure will P0''' lo P"ee Sunday at the order to attain the goal of MOTS , "onaum community hull friuay 1M1 . ,v. h,,,, ffc. Southern Oregon Oil company's lo- ,.,,, u ,.,! to carry on Hoy "'k" ,,,r n 0IK' ',lr,,", mi .appear on be city ballot at threa mllu, ,outh,t of llo. u B,1, ,c'" 00 i urea a.oail.ig on ll.o .W.I dec pedal election of June it. by au-j ,t whcn ,m, w;, Scout work In Maroatu county , ,,, Jll1() , thority ot tbe atate supreme court.: be ataned. cout council, the present drive tor niacnaalon ruulercn on the various l an opinion handed down today,! According to an announcement by fullu ,or ,h ovement will iiocei- jmj,,,,,,,!. , r,,frrm to thu 'reversing the lower court for Une'J. E. Loreman. In charge of opera-j continued Into next week, p,,,,,,,,, ,,,, lu KUinuih county 'eounty. where it heard by J.d., ' '- ?--'- . & tr.'?X fT.IL I""" ". will be served free, beginning at 1'WM !""rd)' ,,d ,n d.plte ,, , bv .kera of tlio o'clock noon, to all who are pre.-!"1 l"eraMy of many who know I ,M, w iiouanan romniuu ent. "Ererone Is invited to com!"18 rla lo ,he comm,in"!r ot ,he Ity rvelileni. wl.o railed the wi ll! bring their friends." Mr. Lore-'Bu coul work' " wl b" slon lo becoiuo more familiar with Attorney Gen- man stated. "The machinery Is all ' uuoru " uul " ".the measure- m place, ana ne two Doners were , , , rrai ituvrn ot ninauia, mucin- stesmed sp todsv. whll ln nmlttee ot l-a eJ , chslrmau for the evening. "A two and one-ounrter Inch bu'B'" mn ,U'Tot," w,r!,' ' Among thase who .poke oil the LnTZ ,.hou ,h' rt"-.T"h! impending ballot wore J. O. w ' nn iDK Bucws. uinvr wiihuiiii.'vb The , M.nM(l .4 i u t r i I . f.,r ,r ; funds for the movement. The drive is being l-d by J. A. ' Gordon aa head of the general Rillir PAKAne f.Of I committee, assisted by J. J. Miller! t'eiiml Ion Milk Mrs. l.orvna I ciiiiiu, riirvi."iuiu( inn nruitliuil 1 '.Milk company as drmonstrstor at1 the SOtli rcntiiry atoro during the ' ! puit two weeks, will rtuillno ln'r 1 ef furls to ('hllmiitlti for a weik. ; ; Mrs. Suillli Is Italurliig No-Kkk j ; timyolttltll&C, lllftllOllUtl'lltlllK IH'W proii'Ssea, na wcl) us Ilia luliuill Jirj i product. i ! The pardonable pride nt Klam ath Valloy lloapllal Is the e(tl ' clent avrvlce reudered humanity through a well equipped inalllu ; M.n , FANCY DRESSED POULTRY R. I. Red Fryers, lb 38c White Leghorn Fryers, lb 29c Light Hens, lb 25c BRATTON'S "The busy little store" Phono 942 201 E. Main from Los Angeles. A ll-ln.-h will be used in spudding In. bit and stem, when the tools working, weigh 4SO0 pounds." Pasteur Treatment and W. K. Lamm. Iwth of whom ': in the! aker, A. M. Thoman. Ilruce lvtinis and sevoral Uonjusa rtldcnls. Chnrlcs llrannln. ot the Anaoclated I'rtM bureau ot Portland, was nmong those who attended the com munity conclave from outside points. An entertaining proKram ot rvud- h " .. . ; InR" na musical numbers, on ,iocai ooy acoui umi. A whlch ,ho R, R w. Anderson, n Mrs. Clemens, another victim ot the rabid doe which bit three ' on a other persons Wednesday, Is now i must i oeing treated by a local phsiclan. ' M. M. uoneison. msii carrier, is : applii2 being treated here, as is Mrs.! effort will be made today to reach ! ...j.. tne goal oeiore closing uusineas hours mark the eud of the week, but If the workers are uusuccesa- ablltiy j Rueck and Mrs. proficient muslcluna, given. nnd Mrs. Fred ltorotliy Eyerj. appeared, wua :, In the case, the opinion says: I Bratton and Mr. Jordon, all mad -, "In view ot the above we think 'dog victims. It la the duty ot tbe city recorder Rabiea virus Is the Injection being 'to place the proncsei Initiative ! used, and Is administered easily In . measure upon A'be 11 lot for con- the home. j alderation ' at tbe special election.) An attending phrskian declared! although the common council did j that dog need not be killed when1 ' not call It fir sn.-b purpose. The j rabid, but if vaccinated, can be j ' rigbt ot the people to 'vote upjn saved. Vaccination on a dog is' -this measure should not be thwart- guaranteed to hold for at least a year, and in practically every case , lasts longer. "It should be a law," he said, "tiat every licensed dog be vaccin-! ..At f.- ra .1'.. . tlm. ! II. i , cense Is renewed. If this were to j be done, rabies could be entirely who will wipd out." iui in mis. tney wm con.iuue uieir j Quttn,ltK,f of excellent Ice cream, work Into the coming week. It was I ka ,,, cofte ., .,, cfowd ,u,edj home In talna aplrita, following a " . ; successful session. KA1U.KS ATTKNTIOX! Ule initiation and luncheou sun- For Sale Old paper. Call at dav at 10 a. m. Klamath N W by technical construction." Celebration Queen To Be Picked Soon . The Goddess of Liberty, have the honor ot ruling ov-r Klamath's Fourth of July celebra-' ' tkm July z, 3 and 4. will be se lected by a committee ot judges ; . next Monday evening at tbe Pine j - Tree theatre. It was announced Kri-1 day, morning by tbe celebration j ' committee In charge of the contest. 1 Judge will not be named until after tbe contestants have taken the 1 ratage at the theatre. In order that Bo favoritism can be shown. Tbe eaadidatcs. together with tbe organisations they represent are aa follows: LeLalne West. D. A. R. . Margaret Olds, Rotary clnb. ' , Alisa Massey. Kiwanla club. Bulb Llndsey, Lion club. .May Posplsil. Central Labor ' council. . . Bernlce Hector, Business and Professional Women' club. Nora Sparks, Veterans ot Foreign War. ' Ruth . Cornish, American Legion. 8tate Board Meeting? . A meeting of the State Board ot the Daughter ot the American Rev olution will be held In Albany on Tbniday, June 30. according to announcement made here today. Installation Ends Vets' Encampment SALEM. Juno 24. (JPi With over 200 ot the remaining 700 Civil war veterans in Uie state present, the 1927 encampment closed here last night with the Installation ot Major H. S. LIKsgsr, Portland, as department commander. Major Llllagar was ele-ted ove. Clayton B. Zeek ot Bandon by a 72 to 40 rote. For seven consec utive years he has been commander of tie Ben Butler post In Portland. J. J. Newmeyer. Salem, waa nam ed senior vice commander; Royal Taylor, Summer post, Portlani. Junior vice commander; Dr. James Lisle, Salem, chaplain; M. Daugh ert'T. 8pringfield. delegate at large; and William L-man. Medford; Chas. True. Shorewood. R. C. Markee and T. Bruelette. Portland, delegates to the national encampment In July. Joint installation of officers In Ladles of the G. A. R. and the Woman's Relict Corps was also 'held last night lo connecti:n with tho closing ot the encampment. Gigantic Sale of Jewelry Starts This Morning GUS DUNN JEWELRY STORE 60S Main Street Between the Two Stage Offices TURKEY DINNER We are offering our patrons turkey dinner on Sunday from 5:30 to 8:00 o'clock $1-00 LINKHAVEN 560 Confer Arenue Phone 762 The Upstairs Shop Over Moe's PRE-FOURTH OF JULY SALE ON STRAW HATS ; .At Remarkably Reduced Prices. No matter whether you are spending your vaca tion in the woods, at the beach or in the city we have the Hat to suit your taste and style. fv Visit Klamath's Most Modern Grocery Store Cantaloupes Large Size 3 for 25c Watermelons Per Pound 4c Half Gallon Jars Per Dozen $1.00 Large Fancy Dill Pickles Five for 10c FRYERS, Pound OC HENS, ,wwL Pound 35 EXTRA SPECIAL Two Post Toastics, OQ One Post Bran for 7C REGULAR 75c CQ CHERRIES, BROOM for....JS Pound 20c White King Soap SPECIAL 1 large pck. White King 10 Bar White King Soap 5 cakes Mission Bell Soao Additional 10 Bars White King Soap Free $1.29 Amaizo Corn Starch 3 Pkgs. 25c Amaizo Gloss Starch 3 Pkgs. 25c AMAIZO COM 10 Bars P&G Soap and One Pound Crisco .... 65. Public Market Phone 169 6th Street at Walnut Parking Space for Every Car Today's Bargain Specials AT Klamath Klothing Konipany Look over this list of Special Bargains Ladies' Khaki Riding Breeches-Values to 350 TODAY 89c THE PAIR Men's Blue Bib Overalls Full cut 89c the pair Men's Blue Bib Overalls n 1 f 1 Men's Tan or Black Work Sox. Regular 25c value Today 7 pairs for $1 Men's Fancy Dress Sox a 50c value today 3 pairs for $1 Men's Fancy Dress Sox Men's Athletic Union Suits 85c Three for 2.50 Men's full cut Work Shirts Two pockets genuine Chambray 69c Three for $2 Men's 1.50 Knit Union Suits Today 95c Men's 8-in. Scout Shoes a $4.50 value today 3.45 Men's Cutter Chippewa Shoes Regular values to $10 Men's Athletic Union Suits Today 6.85 25 pairs Men's Leather 'Work Gloves odds and ends but all good makes values up to $2.50 Today 69c Three pairs for 2 Outfit at this store for your July celebrations Outing Trips the largest and finest stocks of Men's wear in southern Oregon est Ik rr ft KlAMATHKLOTfllWG tEADINO CLOTHIERS OJ1JCE 1801 341 3C r