The Klamath news. (Klamath Falls, Or.) 1923-1942, June 25, 1927, Page 1, Image 1

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The J
Dally irtni) Uloi rlhullon for th,
tiiuutu sliding Alurrli 91, lilt
The Khsith
: Official Paper '
of Klamath Falls
Hi-nbor Audit tlursau
Vol. 4, No. 1J3 Price Five Cents
(Every Morning Except Monday)
Jury Out
15 Hours
Finds Way
Is Guilty
Sheepman is Again Con
victed on Manslaught
er; Case Almost Hope
less, but Jurors Stick
After more than 15 huura
of deliberation, a tired and
sleepy jury, in whoc hand
rented the fate of George
Frank Way, Prlneville sheep
man, on trial for the aecond i
time for the reputed killinir of
Timothy Murphy, returned a
verdict of guilty of niaimlauuh
1er lit l : 15 n. m.. Saturday.
Almost an hour before tho vcr
(Hit was bruimhl In ilia Jury was
ready Mi jtlvo up tho raso. and sig
nified this desire la Clrrull Judgo
J. t'. Campbell through lit forte
nun. ln lohl I hi- court Uio case
was utterly hopeless. I
1'nwlllltig that Ihe ro-trlul of tho
fheeninnn should o lor naught,
Judgu Campbell Instructed I lie fore
man to ri'turn In Ihe Jury room and
wroslle whll-j lonit-r with the ml
tlcuro In an attempt to reach a i
rt"flulte ronrluiiliin an to III KUlIt
or lnnorvui-c of tlm aheepman. At
tlmt time llio vote stood ten to two
fur verdlrt of guilty, i
The Jury remained In session.1
and after another hour's wall, the
roiirt ml Jon runt to hour llii oui
101110 of the Jnrora' battle Satur
iluy morning. Scarcely hait llio
1 1 nil court allarhes anil the Judge
Inft thv roiirlroom. whim tlm IS
Jiiruri, ready fur anything hut
morn argument, filed hark Into ihn
Jury box anil through their fore
man declared thv verdict which may
bring to Way another amitotic, of
IT, yenra In thv state pi'iiluiutlary.
Tlir Jury went out at 10:20 Frl
ilay morning, following a strategic
mora by I ha defense counsel. N. tl.
Wallace, through whlrh Horace
Manning, special prnsccnlor, loat
hla opportunity for a Ionic and
lirohatily effective final, argument
for tho atnte.
Wallace effected hla roup tl'rourt
by wutvlng final argument, thua
automallcally culling Maunluic out
of an opportunity to giro the Jury
onii flunl plen for a verdict of
General opinion of those who had
followed the trial through all lla
Hlugea, van that tho . Jury would
nut bn able to agroo upon Way'a
fate, ao ninny wore the angles and
lonpholea In tho cane
Heiitunco will he pronounced I III"
morning by Judge, f'ninphell. , on I'aKo l our) :
Filmdom Stirred
T.. Cl OIK
. HOLLYWOOD. June 21. (U.P. )
Hollywood, the world'a grealeat
rumor center, wne exceeding lla own
uaual output Friday night, specu
lation hinged on whether the high
priced stars of the film colony were
going to accept Hilary rut of from
ten to 15 percent, announced by the
motion picture producera assocla
Hon. In ninny rases, It wan predicted,
atara would not be naked to auhmll
In the gnnural -slashing of Incomes.
Open rebellion la expected from a
great many of the film celebrities,
humble submission from others.
I.uto Friday night only one com
pany had officially nuked the play
ers to Join In the revision of sal
arles. Warner llrothera Issued a
atiitemniit saying all employes hail
ngreed to taao from ten to 2S pur
cent leas pay In llm new step to
"stabilise the motion picture."
Good for 2000 Votes
, rivaar rntert
As a t nnilliliile In The Klniniith Tails News null Herald
Aiilnniobllo nml Prise Caniiuii(ii
Hlreet anil Mo
Town or t'lly Ilf. No
' 8lKneil !
Address .'. -
10,000 Extra Votes
If you enter ilililug first six weeks of the rninpiilKii. Only one
nomination blank crcilltcil to rncti canillale. Von ran enter
youraolf or noinlniito liny other person,
j Knraged because the D'Aiitremnnts
I wrro let off with life aeutenrea for
I the murder of four men from thai
suction, local cltlxeua expressed
their feelings by hanging the boys
In effigy.
Koniellme during llio night, three
dummies were mule and labeled.
Kay, (toy and Hugh. The dummies
Iheu were "strung up" on a prin
cipal atreet and were still swinging
In the wind today.
Ackley Brothers
To Start Sawing
Lumber in July
Lumber Plant Here to Be Re
opened After Two Year of
Inactivity; May Use Two
Following- neiirly two )rarn of
llinctltlly, tin Ackley llrolliers
lumber plant In llil cl'y will
resume oMrafioii early In July,
It viaa tunile known by Hint firm
I'rliUiv, when ilnna fur reoHH
liilC the IuiiiImt mill were pro
an-stliia- favorably.
The lumber concern has an
amnio supply of loga on hand now
for a good run, It waa alated by
II. M. Ackley. who with J. 8. Ark
ley owna the mill, and no woods
npvratlona will be carried on this
The plant has a dully cut ca
pacity of about 60.U0U feet, aud
when operation la resumed, will
manufacture standard gradea aud
slses of lumber, the owners said.
One full shift, aud possibly two
shifts, will be maintained when the
mill la opened next month the
management elated. Final decision
as to whether Iwo ahtfta will be
operated, will not be made until
early In July, when plans have
reached a more mature atage.
Many Students in
Bible Study Exam
HALKM. June J4. (41 Returns
from esamlnutluua in Bible study,
conducted In Ihe standard high
schools of Oregon lsy , show
thai 77 students received passing
grades In the Did Testament test,
whllo 111 failed. In the New Tes
tament test, 11.1 students passed
and 104 failed. The returns are
being distributed by ('. A. How
ard, elate superintendent of
Ida Maniulen and Kdward Under,
liolll of Junction City, ejeh made
n grade of 100 per rent in the
New Testament.
The examination Is uniform
throughout the slate, and la offer
ed in liny standard high school
making application for Ihe ques
tions. Sixty-five schools Rave the
test. The questions are based on
the course of study complied by
tho stale superintendent, and stu
dents mny earn one-half credit by
making a passing grade In either
the Old or the New Testament.
Ily passing both they earn one of
the U units required for gradua
tion, from a standard high school.
Hungry Prisoners
Coming Out to Eat
LAN'KIC. Knn.. June SI. (fp)
Tho 23R mutinous miners who have
In erf striking against prison au
thority In the suite penitentiary
mine. 720 feet below ground for
more Ihun three days, reached an
ur.rci'ment with authorities at 4:I0
o'clock this after noun and began
coining out of tho mlno. -
The agreement was reached, fol
lowing n conversation- between Dr.
Chnrlis S. 1 1 ii rriiuin, ehnlrmiin of
tho prison board, nnd the lender of
the mutlneors.
Dr. Huffman culled the strike
leuiler on the mlno telephone at
.1:00 o'clock. After a lengthy con
versation It was announced the
men were coming to tho aurface.
Gn Navies
Delegates from U. S. and
Great Britain Gain
Headway in Private
CKNKVA, June 24, (UP)
The United States and Great
Britain Friday moved toward
an agreement on naval ditt
armament. Moth W. C. Uridjfenien. head
of the Uiitidh delegation to
tho three-power conference,
ii lid JIujh S. Cib.son, directing
American efforts for disarma
ment, announced that private
j discussions had lirought the
. two delegations nearer accord.
; llrldgeman said only Iwo serious
divergencies of opinion exist, those
; hinging on the two British prop
oslt Ions :
I First, to limit the slie of all
j categories of ships: and, aecond,
'to extend the llfo of capital ships.
' That strong sentiment for the
United Stales to build to the limit
of Hie ratio permitted by the eon
I frrenco exists within the American
'delegation was shown In a stato
I menl by Admiral Hillary T. Jon?'.
' prominent member of the American
I group.
Wauls 1. H. Increase
Asked whether the Vnlled Staloa
would build to the ratio limit in
the. i vein the conference closed ! when other theatre help arrived for 1 Tney re now at " Oiego. com- ( nQ g(.nera conference of farm lead-' wal1- Hugh had the engineer cover
with Ihe llrlilsh navy bigger than j the matinee and found them. j P'otlng tests and preparations for , Contloned oa Pag Fonr) i Dy the ,ide at the engine.
Hie rnitoit HUtcs. he n-pled:
, , uini 'v
iiimiii me i-nitea Htaies govern-
uient.'" .
Kormntion of committees of ex-!
porta to study limitation of cruls-
era. destroyers und submarines was
deeldcd on at today's meeting, of
Ihe executive committee of the
f naval conference. The committee
j uIpo chose W. C. llrldgeman.' Urlt
ilsh delegate, and first lord of the
' llrltlsh admiralty, as lla chalrmaV
t It wja announced In a communique
Issued ufler the meeting.
Ill II Ml Hrhemr
The conference committee oo
(Continued on Pago Two)
Milk Cans Shield
Rancher in Fight
DKNVKH. Colo.. June 21. (U.P.)
With u pile of empty milk cans
us his only means of protection.
Chr(a Aichele. aged B7. ranch
owner, held a aqund of Denver po
lleeini n and n posso of 100 depu
ties nnd rani hers ut bay for mo'e
than a n hour today before he wat
riuully shot to drnth.
j Airhole Is the suspe led slayer
'of Nevll I.ohr. lined 2T. who was
I shot and killed near the Aichele
i ranch early thla week. Iihr was
cmnlovcd by Aichele. and the two
I hud mmrreled violently sometime
ago. The employe left the ranch.
laud a few days Inter relumed to
collect hi. wages. I.ale that night
a passerby found his body nt the
Initio of a road near the Aichele
ranch. .
n-i. ..m...... i......i.i n. ai..i,..i
....... ... . ' ' -
iiiivii nun iiiui . iiinipnim
trouble with the killer suspect. Ar
rlv'rp ,it t!i farm house, they were
greeted by a volley of bullets from
Airhole revolver. When ho was
finally killed they found ho had
barricaded himself with two riflos
and three revolvers for defense, and
,ns well n quantity of. ammunition.
SHANGHAI. Juno 24. (A. P.) ' staled In a communication from, SAI.EM jne jj, (U.P.I DIs
Tho launching of a drive on Peking , Frank Sexton. Klamath county club ! barment proceedings against Paul
by southern Chinese forces is he-(leader, received here yesterday. ! ix,rn,t,er. Marshfleld attorney, for
lleved here to bo aignallied by In his communication Sexton aald j nprly o Portland, were filed with
military advices to the Nanking na-! Ihut a highly instructive and en" : the supreme court here today by the
tlonalist government saying troops t tertalning two weeks were nearing (.oos fount. bar association.
or Marshal reng vn-iisinug. nun-
tary commander of the radical na-
tlonalist government ot Hankow,
have crossed Ihe Yellow (Hoang
Ho) river In east Ronon province.
They are entering Chlhll prov
ince, In which Peking Is sllimted
and which . Is held by Chang,. Tao
l.ln, genernllssmo.
The ti'nolis nf flenernl Clilnna
Kai-Shek, military leader of the
Nanking (mndorate) National gov
eminent are forming smith of the
Hhantting border.
flllCAflO.i June 24. (TP) Bud
Taylor, of "ierre lluule, Ind., re
tained the (world's bantamweight;
niplotashlp by battling Tony Can-!
erl, Ills 'persistent challenger,!
Into submission In ten furious'
lounds tonight. j
As a crowd of . 15.000, who paid I
fiS.OOv to aee the return battle
of the Iwo leading l-anlamwelghta.
looked on. Bud, recugnlted as cham
plon In IS stales, made a pulp c(;
Tony's fure and the loser's body
K. tvulr.,l Ceil
t'onzonerl won but two rounds.
while Taylor took six. the other two
being even. - The Judges did not
hesltula In awarding Bud the de
cision, ft was the aecond fight be
tween thla pair.
j i 1 'mm i
VandalS bind Men I
And Wreck CoStly
. j . ?
theatre Interior
Screen and Orean Smashed
With Crowuar; Believed to
Be Result of Labor Dispute
In Seattle.
HDATTI.K., June 21. (!'.
P.) Kollowlnfc a brutal attack
Uniii Iwo Jnullors ullo were at
work in the Florence tlientre here
iturViK the early iiMimlnK liouni.
two vnmlnlM loilay bounil and
UnKicetl their vlctlina anil then
ilclllH-mlelv ilrnmliolicil I lie costly
' Interior of the new show house.
.IkllMT luiDlie.
. ... ;
ttiest re Interior,
iMmages to the
and equipment
In the projection!
Is rstiixalcd at more than:
IS. 000 and waa the work of leas
than three hours, the Janitors, who
wtinessed the vandalism, said.
The Janliora were mopping the
theatre floor When the two Van-
dais entered. Without parley th-1
two men tied Ihe workers .,
threw them Into ihe orchestra pit.
, where they lay until after noon
The theatre smien wns then
r iniinwi to nuowns -aua- inw-evpi"
organ keyboard wrecked with a
crowbar. Several thousand feet of
film was later destroyed with acid.
j after the vandala had done all the
damage possible with their bare
on the first floor of the show
house. .
A hundred dollars In cash was
taken from a box in the projection
room, where It had been left the
night before by the ticket seller.
Police believe the affair is an out
growth of recent labor troubles.
Veteran U. 0. Dean
in Klamath
John Stratib, veteran dean of men
of the I'nlversity of Oregon, hon
ored Klnninth Kails with his pres-
enio yesterday afternoon, when ho;
stopped for a brief rest on hla way j
to Kugene from Lakevlew. j
Dean Stranb and Professor At-,
wood, of tho Oregon Agricultural
college were traveling together, and
had been in I.nkevliw to pass on
Ihe Daly students, who will be ad -
milted to the Iwo Institutions next
fail. '
Thero are eighteen alndents this
cur wuu mi. m unicin
generosity of Dr. Daly, eleven rfr ,ne I0(l ticket men who wlllit:nnnn:A- AJmWo
! whom will attend the University
of Oregon und seven to enter O.
I A. V, The two eduealora were par -
i ilrulurly pleased with the showing
of the applicants thla year, and
! feel Hint their respective instltn -
i lions will gain In having the young
i , i t
i men onn women as memoers oi
their caniDiis groups.'. Slraith. who''
I Is m arl so veara old. stated.
- -
Club Members of
f"t i -w-w m J!,wo nour' ot u,c,r l""e
LOUIlty IlOme 100aV!'rl,lt' nml devote their cars to
; tho gliosis, are asked to leave their
Tho fifty-five club members nnd nnmes nt the chamber of commerce
leaders who have been at the Ore-1 '"day.
gon Agricultural college for the;
past two weeks, enrolled In a spec-
lai summer coinno mr
club members, will arrive
home today at 3:65 p. m.. It was
an ena. mo ou;- oho sum
Klamath and Lake rotintiea who loft
" . ' ,,'Z, ...,i.. i, ii,.'
cars, have benefited greatly by the ;
course Sexton sta ed and a. well .
hnve hud a fine time on tho atnte .
college campus.
"Fortunately there have been no
mlshnps and no Illness of Import -
ance. in our delegation." he said,
I "anil tho hoys and glrla are ready
to return homo nnd practlso the more with friends. Part of her
pointers gained from their study J tlmo there will be devoted to busl
nniler specialist hero." ness.
Army Men
To Startlr?:
Over Sea
mm m k 1
1 nrtC. 1 T all S-r SClllC
Flight Scheduled for ,
Near Future? TwO
Pilots Race for Honors
KJl mice iiikiils ucinccii
Honolulu and California are
PecW to get underway next
week. Developments Friday
indicated that Lieut. Lester
Maitland and Lieut. Albert
Hagenberger would get away
th(J ,ong ocean f,jght ear,ie.
)h..n hn .ntieinnfoH
The are scheduled to ar
jrive here from San Diego Sat-
i urday and may hop off any
time after conferring with Bri
gadier General Patt, who is
due in this City from the east.itrallon of hU dut,... Wood's
Sunday. physclan had privately 'expressed the:
Ernie Smith, air mall pilot, who
1 .
Is encountering dirricultiea in his
. . . Oakland, is
, .,., .. ,
. , . .'. ,!
. .w.
Unl..l.. C-l.l.. l.1l t K. I
. . k.i ,'h. ,ini , ,i, ,h
. . . . h,rH11. ,,
; . x.. i
Jne ,wo "rmT .uauiana
ira nwmiiro, imim
i authority of the war department to
attempt the flight from Oakland.
I meir nig rcascr piane, oui
r - . . . ' . r. "
'"sui unui juiy is or imr.
I In lUce
I It Is not unlikely that Smith and I
Grace, the one bound for Hawaii I
I and the other firing toward the I
j mainland, may be In tie air over
! the Pacific at the same time. Grace
I win fly alone, while Smith will be
accompanied by a navigator, Capt.
C. H. Carter.
SAN DIEGO. June J4. (U.P)
Lieut.- ..rester J. Maitla-nd and Al
( Continued on Page Two)
More Cars Needed
For Visitors Here
More ears are needed to extend
tho ticket sellers or various rail-
roads In the northwest, who will
visit hern for two hours Sunday,
the courtesy of a brief drive about
the city, I.ynn Sabln, executive seo -
j rotary ot the chamber of commerce,
announced Friday.
j "Many have offered cars for the
,wo hours or less during which
jthey will be needed." Sabln said,
..),, W(! gtm mnst have several
. more auloa to accommouaie nuw
. i,u 1,-ro"
AM from , conr.egy feature.;
! (no .,, held by theae men.!
j preiie utlTeg o raUroads In dl-l
t contact with tourlsta, makea It
!, nlore lnportallt that they 1
. , ,vt. .,.
t "liouni oe aciiiuiiiti-u v.ij
, ,mA i,j , Th,
.,' , ,!
1 . . "'
i 11 a. m., null win iviiirn iiuiui u
Ihe Cascade line at 11 a. m.
j Those who will give less than
i A WVCD M A V t n?F
Dormltxer Is now In the Coos
. .nn,W lull BV.IllB, MMIIllllmBnl
to the smte prison under sentence
J obtaining
pretenses. I
(lolnif to Honttle Miss lless
1 nrearcllffe. city, will leave here
! Monday for Seattle, Wash., where
she expects to spend
week or
j June z. (U.p.) Loaded with fuel
. aud perched at the end of Its run
I way, the Fokker monoplane "Am
erica" has no Immediate prospects
; for starling for Paris. Commander
I KlcUard K. Byrd waa handed un
favorable weather reports, deaclb-
J Ing storms and alrong wlnda over
i ew rounaiaou: ana far out to aea.
I "If I were alone, I might start,"
said Byrd. "But I hava the re
sponsibility of rliree men, and also
siniuniuiiiiy 01 i.iree m
the benefit of aviation to consider.
y, ,1':"s " lhat ",e Tr"
first time the weather man say go.
we'll go.
Political Aspects
In Coolidge Camp
Acquire New Light
President Through With Tax
Cut Problem; Won't Call
Farm Leaders In; Has Not
Decided on Session.
R.tPID 'ITV, June 24, (U.P.)
Icwplle the condition of hla
health, Governor (aeuerul Leonard
Wood of the Philippine. Islands
w VI return to Ills post, probably
in HeuteiiiU'r. 'it waa officially
announced at the summer while
bouse here today.
President Coolidge is entirely sat-
' Inflavrf wflh npnfanil Wnml'i nHnilnin-'
oP""on mat ne win oe suiucienur
. r ..n riA ,n rtir-n It him n ru turn
t ' the. fall. He is suffering from
t two broken ribs and la not fully
recovered from a serious operation.
I It developed at the newspaper
i conference today that Chairman Wil-
liam it. Oreen. of the house ways I
land means committee has beer.)
lihar,Ml wlfh nMimnalhlHIV nf itra.
,n - . Bew bn for , reduction and
President Coolidge intends to have
nothing further to aay about It:
That the president Intends to have
MasteTtJblf ere
i. nVlnoinas llntt awns 4rs
iMtiaiv& Vviti3 .vr '
Play Tourney Here
Koy Moe and Don Moe. two, steps and told Hugh.-who had the
master links craftsmen from Port-1 engineer, to hurry up, we had to
land. Tod Gardner, a veteran golf j get out of t'.ere. He said some
profesalonal from Eugene, and Wm. I thing about bomplng off the en
J. Wade, professional of the Reames j gineer. I heard shots, and then
Golf Club, will play an eighteen j we all ran to our secret hiding
hole exhibition match July 3. start-' place, about three' miles northeast
lng at 9 o'clock in the morning. ' of the tunnel." .- .
Roy and Don are on the four man The confessions of Hugh and Ray
team from Alderwood country club are as follows: v
in Portland, and with the help of j "I, Hugh De Autremont, being
Frank Dolp and Vincent Dolp won desirous of telling the facts of my
Victoria. B. C. thla year, against I connection with the holdup ot
the strongest field that has ever i Southern Pacific train number thhv
competed in that annnal event. i teen October II. 1923. hereby make
Tod Gardner and Wm. Wade have i the following statement freely and
spent many years at the royal and
j ancient game and are customers for
old man par to atop.
j The course will be opened to
j 'every one from anywhere to witness
i the play which will be played In
Ifhe best foursome that haa ever 1
. Jjeen in action on the Reames golf
This golf tournament Is put on
i through the golf committee of the
j Klamath Falls 4th of July celebra-
j tlon committee.
iJ.lIiaiU.ICl XMJIIU13
TntPrPt Plirrhjl
', ...; .. ,,. .
, V. rl"" 1. .
K' C' to,1,n, Portland financier
and timberman. admitted here to-
I day that he had purchased the
Interest of
J. A. Ityerly in the
Ostrander Railroad and Timber com-
. tmanv sari sl.n In tliA Qllvan T alra
!ra,,road and Timber company.
i Collins, It Is understood, already
was a stockholder In both concerns
, owning a large block of the Ostrand-'
; ,to,.k. ( No details ns to the valua-
' on of lhe ,t0,,K transferred could
'. be obtained.
! The Ostrander concern has vast
j holdings In the Pacific northwest
as In other sections of the 4'nlted
Good for 20.000 Extra Votes
During first six weeks of campaign only
Return (his coupon to the Campaign MnniMtyi The Klam
ath Falls New nml IlrrnUI, with your ftrat nubnrr.ptto pay
ment, plther oM or new. ut thrro month) or longer, and yon
will rwelvo 2O,00tt votes In nildlttim to the vote almweil en
I ho regular vote nrhedule, providing you art during the llret
nix wvA-kn nt the rniiipnlgn.
Name of Huhscrlber
Addrenn .' - ......
rnndldute'ii Xante ...
IHntrli't Xo Amount One. 9 (old or new)
Thin rnupon, n renin (milled hy tho nomination blank -ami
your first "ubsri titloii, nlll uluit ou during the flrnt mix
weeks or the campaign with .fJ.WM votes Pl.l'H the regular
votes on the subscript Ion, as shown in schedule. , Only on
of these blanks will be credited to each candidate.
Story Of
Told By
Ray, Roy and Hugh
De Autremont Release
Signed Confession Cot"
ering Crime Events
MEDFORD. June 24, (AP)
Setting at rest the rumors
that a fourth man was impli
cated in the quadruple kill- '
ing of four trainmen in the
Siskiyou tunnel dynamiting
perpetrated by the d'Autre.
mont brothers, Charles Riddi
ford, Spokane; Washington,
chief postal inspector for the
Northwest district, released
the signed confessions of Ray,
(Roy and Hugh, sentenced to
I life imprisonment. V i'
. Th ,...,. r u.k a W..
... ....
TkoT cg
te pagelI eu ,hB kwo
M tQ ,,. tBe
I . .
being a rambling discussion of pre
4e.tlI1,tloll. mcidenta of the Hot-
hood of the trio and his Tlews on
the causes that prompted the out
lawry. The confession of Roy, on the
- """" """ t i
The tunnel waa fnll of smoke
i d we were panicky. We could
not uncouple tne mall ear.' TH
fireman was standing with his hands
in the air and his face towards the
i ..n8 came oack trom the mall-.-
' (-ar aaa W, we can t get ts asair '
car loose. We talked orer what
to do and decided to kill the fire
man f hit Tilm lwln wlfh IK
I Rnv (Tipn plimhsMl nn that n r4n
jot my own accord without being;
I coerced into doing so, knowing the
(same may be used against me:-
"In the summer or the first ot
I September, 1923, Ray Roy and my-
j self purchased an automobile In
(Continued on rage Five)
Grasshopper War v
To Last 10 Days
"While the menace to crops has
greatly abated, the war on graaa
hoppers In the Tule district, will
continue for Mother 10 days ' at
, least." County Agent C. A. Hen
derson stated Friday following one
of his dally trips to the scene ot
the fight to control the destruc
tive insects. - . y ':
Five thousand pounds of poisoned
mash daily are being spread over
infested areas, Henderson said. The
Quantity of poison used has not
diminished to any extent, due to
the fact that while many ranchers
hare finished their poslonlng op
erations, others are discovering egg
beds on their places and take op
the work.
"Probably not more than. 500 nr
600 acres of grain will have, been
ruined by the hopper by the tlmo
they are controlled for this year,"
the county agent said. . '.'