The Klamath news. (Klamath Falls, Or.) 1923-1942, June 18, 1927, Page 5, Image 5

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Saturday, June ' 18, 1927.
P-V Tb
U. S. Prohi Whip 4
In New Hand Now
WAhiiiwiton. Julia JT, (U.P.I
KeJiTni prohibition uforrt-mrnt
, virtually hn passvd lulu now hands.
Although (lenoral Lincoln C. An
draw docs not luava offlca until
August I, ho In oil in Indefinite
la. of a Wont nd Hnyuiour Low
limn, fiirmur llutuanl gotrurnur u(
Now York, nowly appoliitod assistant
asrratary of Ilia trassury. In chant
nf prohlblilon aiiforccmcnl, la oc
cupying the dry I'sar'a rhalr.
At tlio treasury department II
waa atatt'd today that II la not
known If Andrawa wlJJ raliirn ba
fora lha lima aat for raatmatlon to
o laka plapa1. '
Qulotly and unobtrusively ha lf
Washington! Thuraday night for
vacation In Vvrmont, . a dvpar.turc
quite In contraat to the blare of
puhllcllly which greetad hlin wban
he aasumrd office two yeara ao.
It also waa elated at the treasury
that l.ownian waa not hare In an
official rapacity, but he la occi'py
Im Andrewa' offlro looking jvo"
tlio official oi'iniiiiinV'iloua and
planning to rciunln here until Aug
uat 1.
' No epoctaciilur ihangita In pro
hibition ran bo vip.rled from taw
man. Ho far he haa refused to
elate hla pollvlaa, earing It would
be Immature and too far In advance.
Hut It can be aeon that ha plana to
operate on a bualneaa baala and aa
llioffenalvely aa possible.
(nwtinnrd tram Iae Oae)
bench with unseeing area. A few
feet away aut the father of the
alaln youuc woman. A arm'a length
from I ho vehement special prosecu
tor aat the aged defendant with
aihlnjc-llkj auuntenance. Now and
then a Juror dubbed hla oyea with
a bit of oambrlc. The eon eat with
hla fare In hla handa llatenlog to
lha worda which were dvatlned to
aend hla father to the penitentiary.
Knrtlra Uara trickled down the
eheorka of spectslora- hore and there
about the droning court room. -A
vivid picture of unreatralned
ii-mivr ana iitiii nairru Mere im-iur-Hi
by Prosecutor Manning aa he
aketched the aordld atory of a tur
bulent home life which found a
tragic end In the aluylng of Albrrl'a
wife. Ho went back to nearly ser
en yoara ago when the eon of the
aged defenduut took the happy farm
er girl home aa hla bride.
, Harsh Treatment
. Only two wtuika lulur, ho ruvluw
d from the teatlinony, the fatnei-In-law
slapped the face of the bride.
Then, yeu.-fiw-jMMte -he -brought
the Jurors down to Hint faleful
night laat March when a l-illnt fir
ed by the aged man crashed Into
her body, bringing death a . few
daya later, llor entire married Ufa,
he . charged, had been punctuated
with abuae and with threata from
tlio llpa of the no and father-In
Asks t ' kllon
It made no difference, he told
the Jury, whether or not the bullet
had been mem I for her. There
waa murder In the old man'a heart
that r.lclit In Malln. he declared,
and the atato, he declared, would
not be aat let led with anything leaa
than a murder conviction.
W. A. YVIeat, and ray King, de
fense counsel, argued that tho gun
had been dlarhurgcd by accident
during a scuffle between tho do
pendant and hla aon, Albert, ajid
Jack Sullivan. Tho fallier-ln-luw.
they Mended, had not wanted to
, kill or mnlm the yrung woman, and
Ihey urncd, vainly, for hla acquit
tal, v
(CiintlmiiMl from I'age One)
Iglnally objected to becauae the
government withhold tho right to
abut off water In tho main canal
when water uacra became delinquent
with their rcpaynienta. this rlauac
haa virtually; lout, ll, ffecllvem.s
through tho wllllnguoaa of tho gov
ernment to accept the payments
aeml-annuully Inatead of annually
at tho first of tho yoar. . (
The amended contract wl'l f,lve
tho wnlor users 4V, Inatead of SO
yeura In which to ropny construc
tion charges oiv tho, project, and
will thus grjiaflyj relieve (lie burden
of heavy construction nd mainten
ance payments now borne by tho
water users, It ' waa pointed out
Xrlday. , . . . J ,
Job's Pnnjclitcra liiKlnllntlon -Installation
of new 'off Iron of lob's
Daughters took pWo Thursday eve
ning at the Masonic temple heturo
a large gathering ot relatives, I
friends, and -members of the Ucthel
rhapter. Miss Atlsa Manncy. trot br
ing honored queen, waa presented J
with a beautiful past Queen's Jewel.
Mlaa Uessle llumer Is now honored ,
queen. Mrs. Jllunche lletcbel,, re
tiring guardian was presented with
a past guardian's -.J.a w o 1.' Mrs.
Walter West Is taking her place as
guardian. The now officers will
I uke charge of their first meeting
on Thursday, evening, September 1. :
Vll lug I'arents -Mr. nnd Mrs.
William Turner ot Merrill are en
Joying visit from tholr daughter,
Mrs, Carl 'Darks and two children
who live at Santa Rosa, California.
HT. IMl'lM hTIMfOIMI, t lll llt'll
llev, J, Henry Thomas
llh at Jofferson
Church phone HOW. Iloma phone
2 1 Olt. 11:00 a. ni., celebration of
Holy Communion. A aperlol In
vitation la extended to all com
municants lo be present at this serv
ice when tho llread of Hla will be
broken. Tho rector will reaume hla
Sunday duties. There will be no
church arhool or any other services.
Christian Mrlvnre Horkly
Tvnlh anil Washington
Sunday achool, 1:4 3 a. m.
Sunday aervlre, ll;UU a. m.
Wedueaday evenlug meeting at t.
Subject for the morning aervlee:
"la the Universe. Including Man.
Evolved by Atomic P;rce?"
Free reading room and free lend
ing library open from I SO to 4:30
p. in. on Tueaday, Thuraday. and Sat
urday, The public Is cordially In
vited to attend the aervlces and uae
the reading room.
Ion liulliernn Church.
101 High Ntm-t .
U. W. Hoffman, I'aator'
;Ju a. m., Sunday achool.
10:30 a. m.. Morning service. Her
man, "He that dwellath In love
dwelleth In Ood, and Clod In him."
There will be no evening aervlcea.
IiuuianiM-l llattlst iliurcu.
Uth and High.
It. It. Mulholland, pastor.
An address by Itev. Ilex Morton
ot Unflold college on "The Measure
of a Man," at the morning avrvlca.
Evening Theme: "Where Are the
Dead?" la anyone at present In
heaven or belli
lllblo achool at 1:45 a.m. Young
People at 7 p. m.
Vacation lllblo achwl daily, ex
cept Suturdny, from lo 11.
Everybody ulwuy welcome,
e e
First Christian Church
Truth and I'lue
V. K. Alllecn, I'aator
Sunday morning at :I5 the Flrat
I'hrlatlan church orchestra will open
the lllblo achool aervlcea with a
number of selections. This orches
tra will aoon be one of the heal mu
sical organliatlona In the city.
The l.ord's Supper at 11 a.m.
The newly organised chorua, under
the direction of Woater Clark of Eu
gene, will render the music at both
services, morning and evening. At
11:30 a.m. the pustor will use aa
hla subject, "What Are Wo Hero
Christian Endeavor at 7 p. m.
Evening aervlcea begin with an
enthusiastic "sing," led by Clark
and bis choir at g p. m. The ser
mm aubjeet following will be "la
There a HollT"
The Solvation Army
OIO Walnut Hirer
Enalgn and Mrs. II. It. Ilrlgga, Offi
cers lj charge ,
Young People's Demonstration
Saturday, p. m. -
Program: "An Auction Sole of
Children". The Pearly liates. Ad
mlaaljn tree.
Sunday Holiness meeting. 11 a.
ni. Company meeting for children.
t p. ni. Young People's Legion,
:St p. m.
Sunday evening: Special music
by the young people. Subject for
the meeting: "Good Hoys Who Ito
canie Croat Men," by Ensign -Urlggs.
First Methods Church.
Fremont 8chool Auditorium.
Frank l. Wemrlt, Minister.
Children's Day exercises occur on
Sunday morning at :4S. Classes
from the primary and Intermediate
deportments will furnish tho pro
gram. Tho children nro bringing a
silver offering for the cause of
Christian Education.
At 1 1 o'clock parents will present
tholr children In dedication by bap
tism. The paster will receive per
sons Into membership on confession
of faith and by transfer, and will
speak on the question: "What Ed
ucation Is Christian?"
There will be no preaching serv
ice at night. Members of the con
gregation aro planning to attend an
opon air meeting conducted by Dr.
Oernnrd at Fort Klamath. Cars
will luave the corner ot Tenth and
High atroota at 4:30 p. m. ,
FHESN'O, Calif., Juno 17. (U P.)
Construction work will start soon
on the 11-mlle road from tho Au
berry to Shaver Lake highway Into
Dinky Creek, one ot the state's best
fishing streams.
The board, ot supervisors has au
thorised $15,312 for the construc
tion work, which probably will bo
finished by tho mid of summer.
Child's Endowment
Given to Charity
NEW YORK, June 17. A check
for 1100.000 has been given to the
Lonox Hill Neighborhood associa
tion by Mr. ami Mrs. Itlchurd Penn
Smith of East Wllllston, L. I.,
whose eight-year-old daughter Carol
died three weeka ago. Public an
nouncement of tho gift waa niado
the ollrvr duy. The money will go
to the association's general fund,
but a aubalanllal part of It will be
uaed to malntiln the Cnlted Com
munity house at lit East Sixty
Third street aa a recreation center
for the children of the crowded dis
trict east of Third avenue.
When Carol was born In Kit
she received the 1100,000 aa an
endowment from her parenta and
her grandmother, Mrs. K. II. Har
rltnan. In a letter accompanying
the gift. Mr. and Mss. Smith asked
the Neighborhood association to re
gard It not as a memorial or gift
from them, but from Carol herself.
In whose name the money had been
placed originally.
llefore the somewhat unexpected
gift, the directors of the Neighbor
hood association had been planning
lo dispose of the community house
property and center all their ef
forts on a new settlement house In
JSaal Seventieth atreet.
Redwood Marathon
Duel Between Two
COOLlDCiE (iltOVE. Calif., June
17. (U.P.) The ltedwood high
way Indian marathon haa develop
ed for the time being Into a duel
between Mad Hull of the Kayruk
tribe, and Mcllka, f J-ycar-old Zunl
The two racers woro loping along
j northward tonight toward Csrbers
j vllle, 313 miles from the point on
I San Francisco bay from which tho
1 480-mile race started Tuesday.
I Mad null waa In the lead, determ
i Incd to wear out his older rival be
1 fore atopplng for rest. Mellka has
shown unexpected speed and en
durance and during the day cut
consistently Into Mad Hull's load.
Cbochee. another Zunl. la keep
ing close to Mellka, with Jamon,
the favorlto, far behind and Buf
fering from blistered feet. Jamon
U not yet considered out of the
rare and hla trainer. Mike Kirk,
declared tho Zunl all will flnlab
ahead of the Kayruks, several of
whom weakened perceptibly Fri
day. Anything yon wish to sell? Or to
buy? Tell all Klamath Falls about
It In the economical, efflcleut way
through aula Klamath Newa
riBBSllfed Ad
((outlawed from Page One)
attraction oaih aflaruoou of the
celebration. Mt. Shasta hue on of
the fastest bush league teams, in
northern California and promises
to furnish plenty of competition for
the league-leading Pelicans. Some
base circling and throwing events
for the ball (.layera will precede
each game. ' 1 !
Harry Poole reported that Inter
est In tbe Uoddesa of Liberty con
tent la Increasing. Five young wom
en have already been entered by
various civic organisations and it
is certain that three others will fc
entered. Prlxaa of ISO for the Cod
dess rfnd 125' each for Mlsa Justice
and Mies Columbia will be g'ven.
; u .--.-rr. .j. ir.. j . .
Attorney Arrested
On Money Charges'
' COQl'ILLK. June 17, tUP.I
Paul Dormltser, a former Portland
attornoy, waa on trial here again
today In circuit court on charges
of embestlement following hla con
viction by a Jury yesterday of ob
taining money under fnlaerelensea.
Dormltser In the charge on which
ho waa convicted yesterday, was
accused of Issuing wurthleaa checks
and the embexzlement indictment
grew out of the alleged Illegal ap
propriation ot 1100 of a client's
money In North Bend.
Dormltser Is arguing hla own
case before Judge J. II. Stevenson
of Portland, who Is occupying the
circuit court bench here.
3: Theatre
- Kenneth Harlan and Anna Q. Nilsson
. in a dramatic iale of crooks and spooks
The greatest western picture ever filmed
, ' )A"r -'2 !ri
Ye: assist ssliavara Uiat V eet artuiis-esalli aX..y6,i
eve mm a km OS MIc salt talk. annnr tmimnaiio ,i uullu. ,. -
yet UWy do air gaed coavlncieg Vvrinout ifUerrufHioa ou Imiuc.
' - - - . . l tri.KXi
-' ':,. i.lil U
Fay Jash Ariel'
Save Money;::.?
At The Liberty
Saturday Only Pete Morrison in
A-thrilling story of the oil fields
Coming Sunday Monte Blue in
"The Black Diamond Express"
,l tTION HAI.K OF t'llll.KltKN
Saturday H P. M.
Young l"ele's Peinonntrntlon
Adding Machines &
Cash Registers
Dalton Adding Machine
Company Salet St
George D. Knox,
Klamath Falls. Or. -Valley
Whitaker's Groceteria
Most In Value Best In Quality
Your pay check will go a great deal further in buying your groceries if you
do not load it down on things you can't eat Credit, Clerk and Deliveries
are a big cost to you. At the Groceteria you do not pay for such-
Swift's Hams, half or whole, Q
porlb U
Ehman Olives,
1 gal
6-lb. pail
Swift's Jewel Shorten
. ing, 8 lbs
Solid Pack Tomatoes,'
1 gallon.
Libby's Apple Butter,
1 gallon
Buy your Canning Sugar now, 100 lbs.
Soda Crackers, plain or 5 C
.salted. 3-lb. box ijs3
Fruit Jars, cheap
1 dozen quarts
Best Blue Rose Rice,
10 lbs ;
Fruit Jars, '
1 dozen pints
1 1
Large Oval Sardines,
- . 2 cans for
Our fruits and vegetables are the best the market affords
Fancy Bananas cheap, 3 lbs. , .
Whitaker's Groceteria
127-129 Sixth Street ' V '
at -P,
r.t :r.q-f.
-rOur prices are right '
Our goods are right
js: bne.
; oa j.:oit
Our system of mer- ;&
chandising is right. ,':l
6-lb. can - ,
(75c Aluminum Shaker FTee)-- '". r
25 lbs.
3-lb. pkg.
49-lb. sack - -
24-lb. sack Z
l f..
49.1b. sack .........
24-lb. sack ..........
1 lb. -
:....t a'v.
nBiMRE MARMALADE Tea Garden O s"V o4i
Large tin -
Each .
Medium size
BLOCK SALT About 50 lb.
S2.3Q ;;
: .. .. :....t aV
... v.,ts -4 jA'
Saturday Specials
100-lb. sack :
(1 sack to a customer)
1-lb. package ...
Small size
IVORY SOAP Medium bars,
2 bars
Reg. 25c size; package
15 c
19 c
t. . I
10 bars
''.Z : 39crl
Northwest Piggly Wiggly Co.
'407 Main - . i' ;,