IV t Four Thursday, Juno 16. 1027. THE KT.AMATH NEWS t V i V A t Klamath New8ch ness. ' FafXJa' mi? KontM. unpt UnLa to TV Klamath Nswi Pub- t 101-111 8ouU r. lift attest. aOaauth FatU, Oracoa. I laar far tk CUf KUak- i WaUm aa4 Klaaaatsi Coaaty (An OTTKRBKI.f TK KDoaouuir -CUT Editor JMeeitistas; Maaac. Ktatauraoif rates aMecth Aartt IS, 1M7. bt cantor. aaoath . .as by trrJfr Tr- t"5il,nan strives to make a profit br Mil B.00 ' AM ewvbsortatsoae Pajabia la AdTaaoe V anr ; tared aa second class matter A at the BMtotnc at Klamath ralla. Orafoa. Noma bar IS, 1111, sader " March i. 1I7. yatefho 971 r AadM Banaa at CarcmUUoa IT COULDN'T BE OTHERWISE 1:, V We are happy and a bit re , lieved to know that the direc--I tors of the Southern Oregon baseball league have dropped their plan to oust the Klamath Falls baseball club from the 5 league and replace Klamath witi - some team which they , might be able to defeat We agree that they have just cause for wanting to give , the Pelican j the gate, the axe, the air,- or any other demise as might suit- their . fancy. For the (Pelicans, . it seems, are a bit too rude. They are a cold hearted lot, it would appear, '$ for they have failed thus far ' durivg the baseball season to , permit the Medford, Ashland t or Grants Pass teams to win a stogie game against them. ? .This is rank treason; from i the valley point of view per- haps. Around the stoves all j .1 last winter they recounted the tales of last season and pro mised ' themselves how they X would trim the- wings of the A, arrogant Pelicans when anoth J, er baseball year tolled 'round. ' ; Bat the Pelicans drat them upset the applecart With a -. brand of baseball seldom seen J. in these parts, they stepped out and winged their way to the -uppermost rung of the league ladder. And there they art perched today, and there they will remain perched, we predict, until fluttering leaves of autumn signal the close of the baseball season. 1 Klamath, however, will re main in the league, and the boys will be out there on the diamond fighting aH the hard er because of this attempt to ostracize them. And Klamath fans should start now to pull for the team more than they ever did before. The team de serves united support. Let's give it to them. A NEW DAY IS HERE -There hangs over the desk ' of the manager of a Klamath industry a little frame in which is the following legend: 'Another day is here. Help ... - it - j V ud w meet me i uggcu Iceland. V quirements with cheerful! 11 ' holdings in the path of a faces! Give us the patience to M! 1 V!e, Po, nd 11 . ,, Kound Mountain fields are routes V serve faithfully and Well; and1 that must be trarersed to carry at tlight loan to US sound and j he" timbers and supplies into the V undisturbed sleep, that we: ' . .. . i Recently Halbert granted a rlght- may serve better tomorrow. i of-way to the Southern California ' It Sounds like a prayer, and ! Edison company to construct a . V it is. But not to the good God'f?"'! 'ine hl,piac.!: vheB ..... .the work was completed the home-; ' alone; it Strikes the eye Of -steadcr signed an agreement where-1 Vthe beholder. It touches a new b the power company pays a bonus 'jnote in his being. It gives him j """""d9 ,5 Umt gat"l a new angle on the manager; Exploiters of the new oil fields V and the establishment over : are attempting to solve the oroblem 1 which he has charge. It puts!0' f r.pp"e' at ""I the man on the outside of the desk rail into a mood to do business quickly, generously and fairly. It is, also, a con stant reminder to the manager himself that hesits there not , so much to be served, as to , serve. Jt is a text that both customer and employe can take to heart It Is in the lastj analysis the platform upon thnt firm 'docs busi- And it in a Rood prayer and good platform, for SERVICE is the keynote of modern busi ness. "He profits most who serves best," wrote Paul Harris, of Chicago, some seventeen years ago and men in every country the world over are at this time aligned by the thousand un der the banner which bears that legend. To be sure, every business Profit is the badge of service. Dollars are the insignia of suc cess. They, in this day and generation, are garnered by those who give to the public the best service. "Caveat emp tor," the one-time slogan of the trade world, has become so obsolete that millions do not even know what it means. Everywhere industries have come to the understanding that fair play means better business, and aa a general rule they are living up to the text. The man who sits behind the manager's desk has these things constantly before him. He knows that between men, as between classes of men, anger works madness in the brain and puU poison on the tongue. He knows that bitter ness of thought and action are a weak man's argument. The weapon of the avenger has no place in his life. He strives to be a constructive force in the community. He must be a doer, as well as a thinker. A mere desire to serve gets him no where. - He actually must serve. Carnegie, Schwab, Edi son, Wanamaker all their names suggest action. The de man of business is to keep ahead of competition to do something and do it first and profitably. After all, this is only another form of service giving the public something better than the other fellow is offering and at a smaller price, where possible. KID CUPID LOSING GROUND IN SOUTH LOS ANGELES, June 15. (CP) "Kid Cupid" la groggy from the blows of "Battling Divorce" in the local matrimonial arena. Statistics compiled by County Clerk L. E. Lampion reveal that divorce complaints filed in Los An- gelea county arerage thirty a day. DlTorca decrees are granted In all but abont two per cent of the cases, the records disclose. Since March, 19U. S3. 848 cases hare been filed and the lust eleven months haa witnessed legal attempts to dissolve 8,863 marriages. Superior Judge J. W. Summer field's court la the "one-man Reno" where 10 cases form an arerage day's grist. Larry Doyle, court aec retary, said that three of four cases daily are continued for lack of evi dence. Acts recited as constituting men tal cruelty ranged from cold break fasts to colder affections. One hus band rece'.!- u-tified that bis wife allowed blm but seren kisses an nually. RANCHER PREFERS LIVESTOCK TO OIL BAKEItSFIELD. Cal.. June 15.' . (CP) D. M. Halbert. homesteader.' I doesn't bellere In oil development . ' """ '"" For results use News Class Ads. F.RECKLES Cet Rid of These Ugly Spot Safely and Surely and Have Beautiful Complexion With OTHINE MONEY SAOC IF IT fails. JoLOtYDeuq Tariff Commission Calls Cherry Meet WASHINGTON. June 15. (ViM A I'nlted SKitra lurlff commission haa given notice of public hearing Juno 11 on the cherry tariff which haa kmc been a manor of concern to cherry srowers of tho Pacific coast, bwiun of rutlnira by cus touta ortk-lala and roun redurint the protection on maraschino chor rlra far below what they hud ex pected to receive under the Kordiiey McCumbcr art. Tho commission notified all those Interested that they may proven! evidence aa to illfference In cost of production In thia and other coun tries and all facta pertinent uuder the law with respect to cherries la their natural stale, aulphured or In brine. KfcSOIATIOM OV 1XTKXTIOX WASHINGTON 8TRKKT. SIXTH STKEKT AND K1KTII STREET. The City Engineer, pursuant to resolution of the Common Council heretofore adopted, having on the 10th day of May. 193T. filed plans, specifications and estimates of the cost of ImproTlug Washington street from the southwesterly line of Sixth street to the northeasterly line of Fifth street, the same being Improvement Cult No. 72. and the Council having taken the same un der advisement and finding said plans, specifications and estimates aatisfactory; BE IT HEREBY RESOLVED that' said plans, specifications and estimates for the Improvement of the aald portions of said streets, being the specifcatons and estniatee attached to the plaus and estimates tiled herein on May Swth. 192?. be and the aamo are hereby approved; and BE IT FURTHER RESOLVED, that the Common Council hereby declares Its Intention to Improve said portions of said atreels with cement concrete or vibrolithic pave ment Inches thick, at an estimated cost of S3.337.lt, or typo "A" war-renite-Bithulithlc pavement at an estimated cost of $3,337.26. or type "B" warrenite-blthulithlc pave ment, or type "A" asphaltlc concrete pavement at aa estimated cost of $3. S32.SC. said Improvement in event to include the grading of aaid streets to the proper subgrade. constructing a concrete gutter on the lower aide and a concrete curb and gutter on the upper sldo to confine the pavement and the drain age, laying an appropriate hard surface pavement on the roadway and constructing a four-foot con crete walk and concrete steps on the northwesterly side of said jtrcet. The pavement roadway and the gutter are to occupy a width of 21 feet next to the southeasterly side of the street. The drainage of storm water will be handled by means of an Invert, nnl to the southeasterly gutter slab. Any parts of sanitary sewers found nec essary- for rervlngr tbo' 'property will be put In, all in accordance with 'the plans, and specifications on file with the Police Judge. BE IT FURTHER RESOLVED that the property lying and being within the boundaries hereinafter described shall be, and the same la hereby declared to be benefited. to-wit: Beginning at the most westerly corner of blork 46, First Addition to Klamath Falls. Oregon, thence down Fifth street to a point 110 ft. below the southerly line of Wah ington street at the alley In block SO. thence northeasterly rarallel to High street to the southerly line of Sixth street, thence along the southerly line of Sixth street to the most northerly corner of ssid block 4C. thence westerly along the southerly line of Jefferson street to the place of beginning. ! BE IT FURTHER RESOLVED! that the property hereby declared to be benefited and assessed for ! the aforesaid Improvement consists 1 of all of that portion of blocks it and SI. First Addition to Klam ath Falls. Oregon, lying within the boundaries heretofore described. BE IT FURTHER RESOLVED Howard R. Perrin Designs and Plans INDUSTRIAL AND COMMERCIAL BUILDINGS S09 Bopka B16g. Phone 200-4 4 Your Most Precious Possessions Your teeth are more precious than jewels, for jewels can be re covered if lost. ; ;;., ' Don't risk losing ' your own good teeth. Come In and let me examine them fur you. An examination costs yon nothing'. DR.' PEAT "IkMilUtry Willi a WHttrn fHfiranl4e" SuKarmin IUcIk. 6th it Main X-Kajr KxamlnatluDs Oven KTcnlnn that MoliitnythaUlth day of July. 11)37, at the hour ol eight o'clock l. M. at Hie Council Chambers In the City Hall of Klamath Falls. Oregon, be filed as the lime and place for hrarlug of objections and remonstrancce agulnst said pro posed Improvement: and I1K IT FURTHER RESOLVED, that the Police Judge be. and he la hereby directed to cause notice of sold hearing to be published aa by charier provided. STATE OK OltKflOV. ' County of Klamath. City of Klamath Kails. as. I. Lens L. Gachngcu, Police Judge of tho Cily of KUmath Kalis. Oregon, do hereby certify that ibo foregoing la a duly enrolled copy of a resolution adopted by the Com mon Council at Its regular meeting held on Mondav, June 13, 1037. and of thu .whole of said resolu tion. LEM L. tJAOHAOEN. i . Police Judge. Approved by the Mayor, June 13. I27. T. B. WAITERS, Mayor. j ji-;.iiiic. DAUGHTERS OF WEST TO MEET JUNE 20TH MODESTO. Cal.. June 15. (UP The forty-first grand parlor. Na tive Daughters of the liolden Weal, will open a six-day convention here Monday with delegates from all parta of California present. A pilgrimage to old Tuolumne county, the heart of the Mother Lode country, made famoua by the pen of Brest liarte. will be made Tuesday. Installation of new officers will be held Thursday. At The THE DAUE DEVIL THRILL CREATOR Charles Hutchison lu a melodrama of dnshhia; Anirrlcati pluck antlil dangerous surrounding HUTCH OF A fine NKUS KKKI, ami balnnrnl iJ- siy Chamberlin, Levine i (Jet New Reception1 KltlEliRICIlHHAFKN'. llermany. June Id, A. P.) Motoring from Itaden linden to Karlsruhe, the American trans-AlUulir aviatois. Clarence Chanriierllu and Charles Levine, made the trip to Frlediicli sharen this morning In Oermaii passenger plane, arriving nt Dili a. m. They found the city gaily decorat ed; and were cheered by thousauds of enthusiastic Swublnns aa they alighted nt the Loeweuthnl alrdome. A reception committee luclmUug Dr. Hugo Eckcitor. aeppellu builder, escorted them to the Doruler air plane factory and later to the sep pelln works. At the teppelln works they were especially Interested In the t.Z-117. now under construction, which Dr. Eckener yesterday announced would attempt a flight around the world In 1928. SEATTLE. June 12. U'l't Im ports and exports between the Unit ed States and China for the first quarter of 1927 amounted to 1S0, 143.000, according to figures com plied by the Seattle office of the bureau of foreign and domestic commerce. First laa PAINTING ami Iprr llitnuiitfr L B. SHEHORN Phono 701 11-J.t Main Liberty THE U. S. A. CDMKUY mil ml out tt well pruarnm. VACATION r. TIME No matter where or how you plan on spending your vacation We have The Sport Equipment You Need The following lakes are open now for fishing: LAKE OF THE WOODS ODELL LAKE CRESCENT LAKE EAST LAKE DIAMOND LAKE Klamath County Crooked River closed ; Fish Lake and Maidu closed to April 15, 1929 ; Odell Creek from Odell to Davis Lake closed; Spencer Creek closed; Klamath River closed for a distance of 4,000 feet below'and 2,000 feet above Spencer Creek; Link River closed for a dis tance of 200 feet below the dam owned by California Oregon Power Co. "If Its Canvas Mil GUN STORE Barney Chambers) Between 6th and 7t t on Main Klamath Falls, Oregon I SUa. TRUlyY A SWEEPING SPECTACLE! Fola Negri in - "HOTEL IMPERIAL" A tempestuous drama played against the sweeping spectacle of the World War. Romance behind the lines with the fate of armies and a girl's love depending on the sacrifice of her reputation. How does she choose? Special musical numbers by the finest orchestra in any theatre of its size in the state. Wo Now Have COUNTY MAPS Maps are scaled 1 inch to mile making MAP 9 feet by 6 feet The county wall map mounted on rolIeK $25. Special prices on Ownership Colored Maps. WILSON ABSTRACT 'CO.; 311 - We Have It" THE Theatre Main St. yHiai 1 IS XT ATi f